t Vol. XXVII TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME. THE SAFE INVESTMENT I I am in the market at all times for I your baby calves—Smith “The Calf i Man,”—^Both Phones. | Wheeler Lumber Co. vs. Oregon Fisheries Co., is a suit filed in the circuit court to recover the sum of $218,41 for merchandise etc., furnish- ' | ed the defendant. »t.50 PER YEAR afternoon of each month. The hostess served a dain,y lunch. The next meet- ing will be at the home of Mrs. Ralph Bacon. Ex-County Commissioner McKimens left last week for Kansas to visit relatives. I am again in the market for calves, I will trade my ten acre ranch in will buy anything you have to sell P. River Side, California, for Tillamook ■ C. Bosma—Both phones, one block City property, one and one half miles 1 west °f depot on Third Street. from town. See Geo. Hamlin the FOUNDED upon, tltttl compelled to observe the re­ The Fairview Birthday Club will house mover. * quirements of the Government, included the new ' meet at the home of Mrs. Robert Federal Reserve System with its protection and ad­ Now is the time to look after your Stillwell, Jan. 31, 1917. She will be vantages The First National Bank represents the Fire Insurance on all your property, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Mapes ideal type of depository for the funds of firm, house­ It will surprise you how cheaply you If you are convinced that the investment Mrs. John Naegeli. hold and individual. can get a 3 or 5 year policy.—Rollie voh are about to make is a solid, unshrink­ State Senator T. B. Handley, after I W. Watson. Savings, Time and Checking departments, as well its able one and feel certain that it will not cause Safe Deposit Boxes are available here for everyone's Protect your valuable papers from | hearing the decision oi dairymen not you future doubt or anxiety of mind, make it. use. Directors-- I the unexpected fire by renting one of i to change the time of holding circuit P. Hursel, C. J. Edwards. J. C. Holden. .4. W. Bunn. our safe deposit boxes, Only one , court, will allow If not so convinced, jf4.it your money iti one John Morgan, B. C. Lamb, W. J. Riechers. dollar per year. Tillamook County I committee. of our Time Certificates of Deposit which * I I Bank. The annual meeting of the Tilla­ I draw 4 per cent interest. It will be safe, you John Theiler vs. John Graf is a suit mook Cow Testing Association will will not have uo trouble collecting your inter­ filed in the circuit court to obtain be held at the court house, Saturday, est^ and it will put a gfentle pressure upon possession of certain property which January 27, where matters will be dis­ the plaintiff claims, with damages cussed pertaining to the association you to add to it whenever you possibly can. ¿igainst the defendant for $250.00. and the election of officers for the en­ * For Sale—One Faultless and one suing year will take place. All dairy­ Domestic Science Department Offers Farley, Smith, J. S. Lamar, Shreve, Course. McNair, Plank, R. C. Jones, Botts, New Herdules stump puller aud men are invited to attend. Conover, Hays, Winslow, Schelling, equipments in good order. Price $80 Lena Nadine Lightfoot, born Oct. $1.00- WILL DO TO START -$1.00 The Domestic Science Department Geo. Sanders, Hadley, Walls and each with equipment. J. D. Tompkins, 13, 1914, aged 2 years, 3 months and Henderson’s Fed Barn Sheridan, 3 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. of the High School offers a course in Crenshaw. Oregon. 2 Ernest Lightfoot, died on the morn- Household Cookery to the town Evening Rook Party. Rosenberg Bros, have opened a ing of January 18, 1917. Funeral ladies who may wish to enroll in such Assets over $45O,O()O,tM). a course. The first meeting of the large feed store on 2nd Avenue East service was conducted by Mrs. Dora On Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. near the saw mill and will carry a Y ou ng, of Beaver the text being “A clasf will be on Wednesday evening, E. Bales and Mr. and Mrs Carl Jan. 31, at 7 o ’ clock. A fee of one dol ­ large line of all kinds of Otay, feed, Little Child Shall Lead them.' .” Inter- lar will be charged to cover the cost Haberlach entertained at the home of I flour, grass seeds at the very lowest ment was in the Hebo cemetery. X of materials. Those wishing to enroll the former, in this city, when rook prices. Special prices on hay and B m . the hearty applause given the should be at the high school building was the feature of the evening. Mrs. For Sale—New modern residence, feed in car lots. * I located in best residence district. For performers at the Star theatre on Fri- promptly, as the class is limited to J. C. Holden and Carl Schultz were I have a number of store buildings, day and Saturday nights, when the , sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * sixteen and those coining first will the highest scorers, their scores be­ « American manure spreader for sale. houses and office rooms to rent. Also Dramatic Club offered the funny be enrolled. ing the same and in drawing for the W. A. Wise, dentist. I Will sell cheap, as it is too heavy for can give desirable ground lease in comedy “The Soldier’s Sweetheart,” first place Mr. Schultz won the prize. The class is plac'd in the evening Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * various parts of the city desirable to I my team, for cash. T. McCormack. * everyone enjoyed the play immensely in order to accommodate those who Fred Poorman carried off the “Catch : almost any needs. See me also for For Sale, Shaved Shingles, —See I ’ ..................... • ......... line of city property on payments to suit and on every turn a wish was ex­ may wish the work but whose after­ Up” prize. A dainty lunch was served W. A. Williams carries a full Shrode. . * pressed that the club would give noons are occupied. I Flash Lights and batteries. It will pay your income.—Rollie W. Watson. and the guests had a most pleasant Dr. W. A. Wise will return about you to look over his stock when in more plays like it. Sometime in the evening’s enjoyment. 'Those invited I A meeting is called for next Wed- February 1st. * I need. Death of Ernest Baker. were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poorman, ' nesday evening, Jan. 31, of the future it is the intention of the club Evangelists Lewis and Mathews to offer “The Convict’s Daughter.” ------ o------ Mr. and Mrs. Aiderman, Mr. and Mrs. A. Noglarc Auto Lens at W. South Prairie Federal Loan Associa­ will begin a series of meetings in the Ernest W. Baker who has been a Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Conover, Mr. Williams. tion at the school house at that place '•.Ata recent meeting of the stock­ Nazarene Church, February 9th to i at 8 o’clock. All those interested in holders of the First National Bank of resident of this city for a number of and Mrs. J. S. Lamar, Mr. and Mrs. Shop to rent, next to my office.— 26th. I the loan association are requested to Tillamook, the following officers years died at his home on January 20. Thad Robison, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. T. H. Goyne. New subscribers to the Mutual Tel­ be present. WC1C CWVlvU. IvSIUtlll, B. X^. ¡were elected; J President, C. J-jatnu, Lamb; I he deceased,liad byn suffering from Holden, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hill, Dr. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, ephone Co., Peter Becker, Peter vice president, J. C. Holden; cashier tuberculosis, which was the cause of and Mrs. Jack Olson, Roy Hcnkle, County Judge A. M. Hare and the | his death. T he funeral services were Miss Hcnkle, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard, Cloverdale, Ore. Bosma, Joe Emmenegger and John | other members of the county court I W. J. Riechers; assistant cashier, I. E. i held on Tuesday afternoon, conduct­ Fitzpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Williams, Mr. For Furnished Rooms at reasonable with ex-County Clerk Holden, will Keldson; directors, P. Heisel, C. J. ed by Rev. J. E. Youel, pastor of the and Mrs. R. T. Boats, Mr. and Mrs. R. price. See Mrs. E. Plank. *2 Edwards, J. C. Holden, A. W. Bunn, Money to loan on farm lands, from i leave for McMinnville the end of the Presbyterian church, and the mept- C. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Ammer, Mr. John Morgan, B. C. Lamb and W. J. For close prices on Alfalfa hay, and $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate week to have a settlement with bers of the K. P. lodge of which he and Mrs. C. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. of interest. We want your business. dairy food—for cash, see Shrode. * See Everson. lamhill County Court over the Sour Riechers. The annual report showed was a member. * G. Burge, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. an increase of 35 per cent in business Ernest Winship Baker was born on Christensen, Mr. and Mrs. Coal—Right Coal— Blacksmith O. A. Krebs and family i went to, Grass Road. F. C. ! over last year. April 1 2, 1 879, at Victoria, III., and i Baker, Mr. and Mrs. C. Schultz and Right Prices.—Lamb Schrader Co. * Colfax, Wash., on Friday, on i account' Francis Buckles and Albert Smith The funeral of Mrs. Dess Marble passed out of this life at 9:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Schultz. I have three Cycle Incubators for of the death of Mrs. Krebs ’ brother were arrested for violating the fish Eberman, aged 27 years, who died at Jan. 20, 1917, having attained the age law, and each were fined $50.00, but who died suddenly. * sale. See Smith “The Calf Man.” her home in Portland January 13 of of 37 years, 9 months and 8 days. He Obituary of Frank Long. Robert Leonard and sister Mrs. owing to the fact that the defendants pneumonia, was held from the home, Watchtower rooms—per. night 25 vil- was the son of G. L. and I.anra Baker were not aware that they were ------ o------ Fannie Lee, received the sad news of cents, $1.00 per week. Rates by the 127 East 28th street north, Monday. die former still living at the age of sus- lating the fish law the justice Frank Long, Sr., died on January the death of their father and they left month. Mrs. Eberman had lived there for the 75 at Astoria. pended the fine. 16, 1917, at his home in this city at on Monday for Edison, Neb. past six years, and was employed at Three brothers survive. Dryder and the age of 65 years, 7 months and 7 Will pay you to see Everson for a Senator Chamberlain Tuesday pro- the time of her death as a milliner at Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Eastman came Elmer Baker, of Tillamook, and days, after an illness of several weeks. safe investment in city property or • from Boise, Idaho, on Sunday and posed amendments to the rivers and the Wonder Millinery shop. Besides Archie Baker last known was in the farm lands. i He was born in Green County Penn., will locate here. Mrs. Eastman is a harbors bill appropriating $8000 for her husband she is survived by a five U. S. navy; one sister Mrs. Ray Grif­ The 1916 tax rolls have been turn- April 9th, 1851; was married to Cath­ I Tillamook Bay and authorizing sur ­ sister of A. F. Gardner. year old daughter, Mrs. E. Marble, a fith of Rose Lodge, Oregon. ed over to Sheriff Campbell syid erine Robins at Gilmorc, Itabella veys, looking to new projects, for sister, Mrs. Minnie Vint, and three Fie was married to Florence M. County, Mich., in 1877, and moved to A. F. Coats of the A. F. Coats taxes can now be paid. Yaquina Bay, Coquille River, Tilla­ brothers, Earl, Guy and Lynn Marble Biggs, Dec. 25th, 1901, in Tillamook Lumber Co., came in on Wednesday mook Bay, Nehalem River and Ho- all of Portland. Mrs. Eberman was County. Four children have beer, born Oregon with his family in 1891, Jiv- Bring your County Warrants to on business in connection with, the , ing at Bay City for 13 years. He quarton Slough. Ray & Co.’s store and get 100 cents buried in Rose City Cemetery. Mrs. to this union all of whom survive (Jia saw mill. leaves a wife and four children: Irene on the dollar in trade. * District Attorney T. H. Goyne Eberman moved from Tillamook to M. Iryine W., Una F. and Fima I.. Brasington, of Gilmore, Mich.; Mrs. Rowe left on Wednesday 1 Mrs. I. C. The family residence has beer. i in Magnuson, of Brighton, Ore.; Frank leaves this week for Portland and Portland about three years ago. For Sale, six lots in Tillamook City to visit her daughter, Mrs. L. E. Tillamook and vicinity all the 16 Jr., and Harry Long, of Tillamook, Salem where he will attend a meet- j for $1,100.00 cash. Call or address Hammer, at McMinnville and friends Wallan-Hammond. years, where the husband and wife Oregon. A daughter, Mrs. Wm. ing of the — the attorneys on | ---- district -------- Mrs. C. N. Drew. * in Portland. have labored together to make the Campbell preceded him to the better i Monday. Mrs. Goyne is accompany- ; J. C. Larkin vs. Augusta M. Wallin L. B. McFarland vs. S. G. Reed is a ing him and they will spend Saturday . living for the little family. About two land some years ago. He also leaves is a suit filed in the circuit court to A very pretty, though quiet wed- suit filed in the circuit court to recov- and Sunday in Eugene visiting at the years ago the disease which proved sixteen grand children and one great recover $344.00. ding was solemnized on Sunday, Jan. er $500.00, which the plaintiff claims home of their daughter, Mrs. Ruther­ 21, 1917, when Augusta M. Wallan fatal to his life took hold of him, and grand child. Wcod Sawed—Call E. W. Knight is owing him for labor. he, with his faithful wife, and children ford. 1 was united in marriage to Raymond on the Mutual phone, Prompt service Presbyterian Announcement have patiently born and fought but James Arrance was arrested on a Jaunita Porter vs. James A. Porter W. Hammond, at the home of the and careful work. ------ o------ charge of stealing four boxes of is a divorce case filed in the circuit bride on South Prairie, Rev D. L. had to submit. "Red Letter Day" will be observed Why not be insured in the best fire Mr. Baker has been a member of blasting powder, and Justice Stanley court. These parties were married in Shrode officiating. insurance company, it costs no more. the K. P. for 11 years and of the next Sunday, and will be marked by fined him $15.00 and costs. The ceremony was witnessed by a June of last year and the complaint the attendance and variation of pro­ Sec Everson. United Artisans for 10 years. just received a alleges cruel and inhuman treatment few friends and relatives of the con­ W. A. Williams gram in all the services, beginning at The infant child of W. F. Holding clothing. You on the part of the defendant soon tracting parties. Mrs. Rose Wilkes 10 n.m. in the Sunday School. “Put­ died early this morning, aged eight complete line of Afternoon Parties. after the marriage. The plaintiff is a acted as bridesmaid and Lander Dar­ should inspect hi* ting On the Whole Armor of God and months. o ------ teacher in the public school at by attended the groom, while the of anything in th. Standing Against thr Wiles of the Mason and M rs. Mrs. Homer There will be a dance on Saturday bride's father, Mr. F. P. Humpke, of Devil.” is the subject of the sermon Don't forget those busted castings. Wheeler. Joe Franklin entertained a number of night at the Farmer's Union Hall at Manzanita, sang to the accompani­ at 11, and in the evening at 7:30 the Can be weM**d for halt Goods sent T he Brighton Mills Company has ment of the guitar, “When the Old their lady friends two afternoons this South Prairie. service will he especially attractive to by parcel t -t an• • ir