TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT.'JANUARY 18. 1917. NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: WHEREAS, the State Board of Fish and Gaine Commissioners of the State of Oregon (as well as its pred­ ecessors, the Board of Fish Commis­ sioners) has propagated and stocked, and is propagating and stocking the waters of 1 illainook Bay and its trib­ utaries, in 1 illainook County, State ot Oregon, with salmon and other lood fish, and ,, WHEREzYS, said 1 illainook Hay and its tributaries are frequented by salmon and other food fish, and lor the purpose oi protecting the same, the Stale Board of I'lsh and Ganic Commissioners has decided to close a tributary to said 1 illainook Bay, known as Hoquarton Slough and Us tributaries, above a point oil said Hoquarton Slough North 47 degrees 31 minutes West 2,013.7 feet from the section corner common to Sec­ tions 23, 24, 25 and 26 of Township 1 South, Range 10 West of the W ill- ametle Meridian, I his point on said Hoquarton Slough being more partic­ ularly de-igiiatcd by posts erected by the Master Fish Warden warning the public; ami also another tributary, of said I illainook Bay, know n as lilla- mook River, and its tributaries, above a point 100 feet below the mouth of Trask River, all being in Tillamook County, Slate of Oregon, to prevent fishing therein by any means what­ ever for .salmon and other food fish, during the periods of time herein- aiter specified; NOW THEREFORE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by said State Board of Fish ami Game Commis­ sioners, that said tributary of Tilla­ mook Bay known as Hoquarton Slough, and its tributaries, above a point on said Hoquarton Slough North 47 degrees 31 minutes West 2,013.7 feet from tile section corner eoiiimoli to Sections 23, 24. 25, ami 26 of Township 1 South Range 10 West oi the Willamette Meridian. This point on Hoquarton Slough be­ ing more particularly designated by posts erected by the Master Fish Wardell warning the public, are and each of them is hereby closed to fish­ ing of any kind for salmon and other food fish, from ami after January 29, 1917, until said tributary of Tilla­ mook Bay, known as Hoquarton Slough, and its tributaries, above a point on said Hoquarton Slough North 47 degrees 31 minutes West 2,013.7 feet from the Section corner common to Sections 23, 24, 25 and 26 of Township 1 South Range 10 West of the Willamette Meridian, is, or are open again to salmon and other food fish fishing herein prohibited, as provided for under Section 5316 of Lord's Oregon Laws; ami that said tributary of Tillamook Bay, known as 'Tillamook River, and its tributaries, above a point 100 feet below the lowermost portion of the meuth of 'Trask River, are and each of them is hereby closed to fishing of any kind lor salmon and other food fish, from and after January 29, 1917, until said tributary of 'Tillamook Bay, known as Tillamook River, and its tributaries above a point 100 feet below the lowermost portion of the mouth of Trask River, is or are open again to salmon and other food fish fishing herein prohibited, as provided for tinder Section 5316 of Lord's Oregon Laws. And it is and shall be unlawful to fish for, or take or catch any salmon and other food fish in any of said waters during the said periods of time above specified. Any and all persons whomsoever so fishing in violation of this notice will be prosecuted as by law provided. Dated at Portland, Oregon, .................... this 18th day of December, A. I)., 1916. S'TA'TI BOARD Ob’ FISH AN GAMF (. l iM MISSION IRS, By Janie . W ithvconibe. By I. N. Fleischncr, By F M. Warren. By Marion Jack, Bv t . F. Stone. ALL WRONG. • ------ o----- The Mistake is made by Many Tilla tnook Citizens. Look for the cause of backache. I o be cured you must know the cause. It it's weak kidneys \ on must set the kidneys working right. A resident of McMinnville shows you how. Frank Grant, 433 Lafayette Ave., McMinnville, Orc, says: "Doan’s Kidney I'ills are the only medicine that does me any good whenever my back feels lame and stiff. Heavy lift­ ing and exposure gels my kidneys out of fix once in a while. I can hardly lift anything, and when 1 get down it is difficult for me to straighten up. After I have taken Doan's Kidney Pills for a few days, my back feels strong as ever." Price 50c., at alt dealers. Don't simply ask lor a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same as Mr. Grant uses Foster Milburn to., Props, Buffalo, N. V. MERCHANT'S WIFE ADVISES TILLAMOOK WOMEN. "I had stomach trouble so bad 1 Could cat nothing but toast, fruit, and hot water. Everything else soured ami formed gas. Dieting did no good. I was miserable until I tried buck­ thorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler i-ka. ONE SPOON I I I benetitted me INSTANTLY.” Be­ cause au L i i ka empties BOTH large and ■.mall intestine, il relieves ANY < ASF. constipation, sour stomach or I'-»» oid prevents appendicitis. It has QI It K IS I action of anything we e ver sold. I S. Lamar, druggist. Chamberlain'« C^ugh Remedy Moat Effectual. ■■■ o "I have taken a great many bottles of ( hamberlain's Cough remedy and every time it has cured me. I have f><• x-ntanu neuicine is taken Hall’s Catarrh Medicine is taken Dalton. Gertrude R Davis. John F. 1010 Board of Trade Building. Port­ H (. hilds deceased, and all persons internally and acts throuc-h the ift th« bast wat land, Oregon. Davis, C. T Diamond, Antone Don- havmg claims against said estate arc Blood Bl—d on the the Mucous Mucous Gutiuces Surfaces of of ine the w«athar togs ati. Mereta Donavan, Kate Dolan, Attorneys for Plaintiff. therefore notified and required to pre- System. Send fortestimonials. tree, otherwise known as Mrs. Kate Date of first publication Ian. 4, 1917. sent the same, duly verified, to said I ' * evor iiwantad - CO. - P- J- C HENEY A Toledo, O. Dolan. John S Drew, J H. Fox, D Date of last publication Feb. 15. 1917 administrator , at the Law Office of Sold by all druggists, 78c. D Tourcray, otherwise known as H. T. Botts, in the City of Tillamook, I Hall's Family Pills for conatipa-> Mrs D D. Tourcray, A. Nettie in Tillamook County. State of Ore­ tion. Biidgeman. F P. Galbraith, Rob- The Habit of Taking Cold. gon. within six months from the date ert (.otter, W illiam R. Gibson. Cora of the first publication of this notice, M GoodicV. Patrick J, Grogan, With many people taking cold i* a which said date of first publication of St°mach Trouble Cured. ( harles M Hally, George A. Hanlv, habit, but fortunately one that is ea«- this notice is December 21, 1916. Iconic Hart, otherwise known as, ilv broken. Take a cold sponge bath If you have any trouble with your R. C. Rraden Administrator of Mrs. Jennie Hart. Ida S. Haskins,: every morning when you first get out the Estate of Cecelia H. Childs, stomach you should take Chamber­ PROTECTOR HAT« Olai Hauge, W. S. Havford. of bed—not ice cold, but a temper­ Hayford. deceased, and also of the part­ lain's Tablets. Mr. J. P, Klote, of Thomas lohns, Albert E. lohnson. ature of about 90 degree* F Abo Doalor» ovorywkKW nership Estate of Childs 4 Edina, Mo., says: “I have used a great Nellie lohnston, William J*. Joyce, sleep with your window up Do this Our 80 A yoar. Braden. Cecelia H. Childs and Miles Kelly, Margamt C. Keenan. and you will seldom take cold When F. L. Braden partners, Cecelia many different medicines for stomach Arthur Kennedy. Gustave Kunze, you do take cold take Chamberlain'« trouble, but find Chamberlain's Tab­ U. Childs deceased. Andrew Laidlaw. Chester Lehman. (. ough Remedy and get rid of it •« Orville Lvnch, Elizabeth McCarthy, quickly as possible. For «ah by lat­ M. T. Botts and B. A. Kliks, lets more beneficial than any other rem.dy I have used.” For sale by I. G, McCrary, T. H. McManus. ini rs Drug Store. Attorneys for Administrator. lamari Drug Store Summons. ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man NATIONAL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORB From Asphalt-Base ZEROLENE AeSianJard Oil lor Motor Cars DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Oregon AÜEX. MeKAIR & CO. GENERAL HARDGUARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere, We us C. I. CLOUGH CO MARIE L. HOLDEN Teacher of Piano. B rave the wind //ÀL m » th» FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER