Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, January 11, 1917, Image 5

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Wins Over All Competitors,
ed over
at ii>
esults of Tests conducted by Government and State officials on 108 Farms in Jefferson County, N.Y
where Milking Machines are used show Sharpies Milker to be Fastest and Most Efficient Milker
in the world. This bulletin shows the results of Actual Experiences of dairy farmers and every
farmer who milks cows should have his attention directed to it. It answers the questions
that he probably has in mind concerning different Milkers.
J U3
No. o f C o w s
Milked Per H oui
Per Unit
M inutes Re ­
quired to Milk
1OO Lbs. Per Unil
Lbs. o fM iik
Per M inute.
A verage No. of
M inutes.
No. M achines.
Vc call your attention to Bulletin piled by Government and State of-
». 7, published in November, 1916, nctals as a result of investigation of
at Watertown, N. Y., by E. F. Rob­ the use of milking machines on over
ertson, Agricultural Agent of the U. ruO i\ew lork dairy farms.
"It would appear that the mechan­
S. Department of Agriculture. This
108 Machines (Single Unit Basis).
bulletin is a tabulated report of tests ical milker is designed to take the
conducted by Government and State place of hand milking almost as
Jficials on 108 farms in Jefferson the grain binder has taken the place
county, N. Y.,
where milking of the hand harvesting of grane.
jmchines are used, and shows the Within the past ten years the farm
?» .
OCtual experience of dairy farmers:
For several years past we have rassing proportions. The man labor
been telling of the Sharpies Milker
Sharp e9
80.0 7.5
—telling in a conservative way of the whole farm organization. It is
97.1 7.5
Ù«* many points of superiority of well known that hand milking and
58 9
111.1 6.5
this Milker over any other milking long hours have been some of the
Visible............ 18 51
84.0 6.8
Uebler............ 4
machine manufactured in the world reasons why laborers shun the farm
126.5 6.0
—and we have known whereof we and why some farm boys take up
Mehring F.P. 11
spoke. When we have stated that the other lines of work."—Bulletin No. 7
— —■
-■ -
The milker does eliminate the long
Sha rples Milker would milk more
Hand Milking 51
cows per hour than any other milker hours necessary for hand milking
*Doable units reduced to single unit basis
we have known that it would do it and theattendant drudgery and labor.
The milking machine has proven
on account of many tests that we
According to the above table the Sharpies ¿Milker will milk
have subjected it to in competition its right to first consideration in
100 pounds of milk on the average farm in 80 minutes—
with other machines. We have been the economy of dairying.
using a single unit. This is 4 minutes faster than the Visible,
The question, then, in the minds
just as positive that it was the most
which stands in second place and it is 17.1 minutes faster
efficient milker
being used by of practical dairy farmers is: Which
than the Hinman or the Uebler, 31.1 minutes faster than the
American farmers, and that the milking machine will prove the most
Empire, and 46.5 minutes faster than the B-L-K. These
“Upward Squeeze” feature of the efficient in my barn? Which milker
B figures are absolute proof that the Sharpies ¿Maker is the
teat cup would eliminate any danger will milk my cows in the shortest
fastest ¿Milker in the world.
As one man easily handles
of injury to udder and teats that time without in any way injuring
¿Milker at once, the
might be incurred with the use of the cows or curtailing the milk
average farmer would
Other milking machines that could flow? The Sharpies Milker. There
milk 22 to 30 cows per hour with this ¿Milker—more than
nôt possess this patented feature. is only one answer to such a ques­
with any other milking machine.
W. have also known and told you I tion from a practical dairyman, as
of the fact that the Sharpies Milk­ has been proven.
Bulletin No. 7 says: “The above
er could be adjusted to meet the re­
quirements for milking each individ­ table is intended to show the com­ duce in a given time.”
and valuable factor for consideration
ual cow, whether she is a hard or parative efficiency between the dif­
The figures in the table as shown in the dairy but the speed of milking
ferent milking machines, and with from this Bulletin prove that the also has a decided influence on the
eas v milker.
V. now have the statement of the I hand milking, on the basis of the Sharpies Milker will
milk 1.25 production of the cows in the herd.
U. S. Department of Agriculture to time it takes a single unit to produce pounds of milk per minute more All dairymen know—and it has been
back up these claims that we have 100 pounds of milk and the number than any other milker can average. proven in official tests—that the
mldc for the Sharpies Milker. We of cows milked per hour. The assum­ And it is the speed of the milker that cow’s milk production is increased
ncc l only quote from the Bulletin ption is here taken that the efficien­ determines its efficiency.
when she is milked rapidly. A rapid
just published; there could hardly cy of a milking machine is measur­ Faster Milking Means More Milk
hand milker will get many pounds
be Wronger evidence that that com- ed by the amount of milk it will pro-
Not only is time a very important more milk from his cows than a slow
milker could do and the increase is
directly proportionate to the speed
of the milker, other factors being
As the Sharpies Milker has been
proven the most rapid Milker—either
machine or hand—it is easily seen
why it has been possible to increase
the milk production of many herds
by the intelligent use of the Milker,
‘The time required to produce
milk as indicated in the above table
includes the customary time requir­
ed to start the engine, place the teat
cups on the cows, change the units
from cow to cow and care for the
milk in the usual manner."
Single Unit Excells the Double Unit
As to the comparative efficiency of
the single unit and double unit com­
binations, Bulletin No. 7 explains
very clearly as to why the Sharpies
Milker is the most efficient Milker
in the world as follows:
“From results of the tests it is pos­
sible to compare the different com­
binations of operators and units. The
three factors of greatest importance
are: Number of operators, number
of units and time required to pro­
duce IVU pounds of milk. Claims are
made that double unit machines are
more efficient
single unit
machines, and vice versa, depending
on the point of view of the salesman
In this data the writer appreciates
that in some instances the number of
observations arc too few to give
most valuable averages, and yet the
results of the different comparisons
seem to be fairly consistent. This
table will answer the following ques­
1. “Which is more efficient, one
man operating two single milkers or
one man operating one double unita
milker? The single unit milkers pro-
duce 100 pounds of milk in nine-
tenths of a minute quicker than the
double unit.
2. "Which is more efficient, two
men operating four single units or
two men operating two double unit
machines? The two men operating
four single unit machines produce
100 pounds of milk in 22.2 minutes,
while two men operating two double
unit machines produce 100 pounds
of milk in 30.7 minutes, a difference
of 8.5 minutes in favor of the single
unit combination.
3. “Which is the most efficient, one
man operating four single units or
one man operating two double units?
With 4 single units one operator
produces 100 pounds of milk in 27.1
minutes, while the double units one
operator produces 100 pounds of
milk in 32.4 minutes, a difference of
5.3 minutes in favor of the single
unit outfit. This might be accounted
for by the fact that in the case of the
double unit combination not all cows
milk out clean at the same time,
hence one unit of the double unit
machine would not be doing its full
The Sharpies Milker (one unit)
averaged 80 minutes in milking 100
pounds of milk in the New York test
reported in Bulletin No. 7. This is
17.1 minutes faster than the Hin-
man, 31.1 minutes faster than the
Empire, 4 minutes faster than the
Visible, 17,1 minutes faster than the
Uebler, 46,5 minutes faster than the
B-L-K, and 7.7 minutes faster than
the Mehring. The Sharpies Milker
is also faster than any other milking
machine in the world that may not
be listed in this contest.
The Sharpies Milker is the fastest
and most efficient Milker in the
| No otic wlio lias experience only with the machine he owns or operates can be a competent judge as to which is the best machine on the market. However, the
lest made by the U.S. Government and the State Officials of the State of New York with 108 machines should be evidence for desirous buyers to decide which
$li lachine is most likely to do their work. Do not accept the words of dishonest agents who are reckless with the truth and juggle the figures.
I. E. HARTLINE WAS LEGALLY in the corporate limits oi Bay Lily , not only the intention to make Bay |
1LECTED MAYOR OF BAY CITY two of the requirements of the char- j City his home, but in addition there­
ter are met, and there remains only . to the actual fact necessary to carry
ley Overruled Demurrer to be determined the legal effects of I 1 mat into effect.
in Ousting Proceedings.
the paragraphs oi the answer as to ! In the answer not only the pur­
------ o------
the habitation of the defendant, as it pose of obtaining the domicile in
___uit Judge Geo. R. Bagley has was conceded that the provisions, of Bay City is alleged, but it is also al­
ecitKd that H. E. Hartline was legal- tlie charter are valid, and that the de­
leged that the domicile in Portland
r eiteted Mayor of Bay City in the tenuant must have the qualiiications
had been abandoned; and, moreover,
ustei proceedings to deprive Hart- therein prescribed in order to hold in conjunction with the purpose and
ne of the office.
me office of Mayor, 7 he provisions intention of domiciling in Bay City it
was started by the State of ot the charter that the defendant is set forth that all of his property
>regr n upon the information of Dis- "shall have resided within the cor-
was removed thereto. There is but
ietlftttorney 7'. H. Goync. The com- porate limits of Bay City for one year
one logical conclusion. The words
laint alleged that on the first Mon- prior to election” means something
used in the charter mean domicile.
ay h November a general municipal more than mere residence, as a man
1 he allegations of the answer if true,
lect|< n was called for the purpose may have several residents at the
and for the purpose of the demurrer
|^|i* .Acting city officials, and that H. same time, but it was never intended
attacking the same must be taken as
---- firtlinc, the candidate for the of-
to mctyi as a qualification for office, true would establish that on the date
ce C Mayor, received the greatest actual physical presence within the
of the election the defendant was
umBer of legal votes cast, and the corporate limits of the city for three
domiciled in Bay City and that he had
g board issued a certificate hundred and sixty-five days immed­
f wva
therein been domiciled for more than
f diction to the defendant. The lat-
iately prior to the date of election, one year prior to the date of election,
:r th reupon qualified by taking and tor such construction would, in all
and in consequence is qualified to
*ibing the oath of office. 7'he probability if enforced, prevent the
hold the office of mayor of Bay City.
[aint also alleged
that the city from ever having its complement
The demurrer was overruled by
^^Jdant is not and never has been of officers necessary to carry on and
Judge Bagley.
the office of Mayor of conduct its municipal affairs. “Reside'
- v
aWpty> and was not eligible to the has been construed to mean “a settled Bids Wanted on Hauling Cheese and
the time of his election, in abode," and shall have resided” and
On Wood.
iat pe had not at the time of his “reside” means practically the same
on as mayor or at the time of thing. Guided by the interpretations
rhe Clover Leaf Creamery Com­
ittempting to qualify as such, thus set out and turning to the allega­ pany wishes to receive bids on wood
d within the corporate limits of tions of the answ er as to residence, it as follows, up to seventy
cords of .
,ity for a: l.ast one year prior
appears that more than one year prior spruce body or hemlock wood de- |
livered in 16 inch lengl hs in com-
iere| . That notwithstanding his
to the date of the election of the de­ pany’s shed, wood to h e in suitable I
bility, on the 1st of December
fendant lie moved all of his belong­ sizes to use in cheese factoi iry, and to 1
irpcd and intruded into the of-
ings to Bay City and there took up be delivered one half June 1st, 1917, 1
f Mayor, and has ever since
his abode; that the buisines. in which and the balance by Septei..„ er 15,
1917, and to be piled in ricks in said
fully and unlawfully held and
he was engaged required his absence shed. Company will receive bids
sed the same, and threatened to
.rom Bay City at long intervals; that less than the full ,
>d * Iculd unless rcstained, ousted
Als ., company will receive bids on
when absent he registered at hotels
de (eluded by the court continue to
as from Bay City; that Bay City was hauling cheese I . 7 illamook, dock I
and unlawfully hold and exers his postoffice address; that when his* and railroad, for the 1917 season, and
on hauling box shooks from 7 illa-
ic same. The plaintiff wanted
business required or permitted he re­ mook City to factorj y and
__ ‘ on hauling '
efendant adjudged guilty of
turned to Bay City; that he claimed supplies from Tillamook City ' to fac- ,
urpt Ition.
it as his home and residence; that he tory. Company reserves the right to
re Bagley contend, d that there
left Portland with the purpose of reject any and all bids. Leave bids at
ing [in the answer definite allega-
the office of Carl Habcrlach, Sec.,
abandoning Portland as his residence 1 illamook. Oregon, on or before
OPS t Ihat the defendant, at the time
and with the purpose of making Bay January 20th. 1917, at noon.
eEction. was an elector of the
Clover Leaf Creamery Co.
City his domicile. And here we have I
ate bf Oregon and freeholder with-
Christian Church.
Bible school, 10 a.in.
Communion and sermon, 11 a.m.
I heme: "Elements in the Church at
Corinth which were Occasions of
i hanksgiving.” '1 bird in series on 1st
Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p.m.
Evangelistic services, 7:30 p.tn.
lheme: “The Great invitation and
the Great Salvation.”
A welcome is extended to all.
C. C. Curtis Min’
Ai ine ¿cucii
of a match.
All the convenien­
ce« of ga« — better
cooking an
Bakes, broils, roasts
toasts. More efficient
than your wood or coal
stove, and costs less to
operate. Your cooking
is better, too, because
you have heat-control
like a gas stove.
oil cpMffr
Pearl OU
i Aw
The New PerLction
gives a clean, cdo. .•>»,
soot? s flam® bee a 12".' of
the long blue chimneys.
Cuts out thu drud? ry of
wood or ccal.
your kitchen C9ol,
1,2,3 ai.d 4-burner 8
ovens separate.
cab.net models with Fire*
le-. . C
king Ovens.
Ask yt ir dealer today
Standard Oil Co
cs, of
City on
st is a strong prcai
ilh a broad experi.
work and promises
unusual opportunity
g and spiritual uplift.
s not known just how long the
nv will continue, but there will
be preaching every evening, running
over into next week.