TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 4. 1917, Little Nestucca Controversy. time upon the call of the president. UNITED CHARITIES ----- o-—- Article X. Quorum. —o Hebo, Orc. Dec. 24, 1916. Seven members shall be required to rganization Formed with Rev. J. E. constitute a quorum for the transac­ To the Editor of the Headlight: Youel its President. Will you be kind enough to allow tion of business as the board of direc­ me space in yctur valuable paper for ------0 tors. ■ On Friday evening a new organiza­ my second and last letter on the Article XI. Amendments tion was formed in this city, the delc- Highway controversy? It TOBACCO IS PREPARED This constitution may be amended State ■;atcs meeting in the rooms of the should have been told at the budget FCR SMOKERS UNDERTHE by a two thirds vote of the members ■commercial Club. It is to be known PROCESS DISCOVERED IN of the board of directors at any regu­ meeting, but there was so much con­ ■is the United Charities of Tillamook fusion, and not being much used to MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO lar meeting,, providing notice of such ■md its object is to bestow charity speaking in public, 1 was afraid to try PRODUCE THE MOST DE­ proposed amendment be given in ■ystcmatically and whenever needed ! it. But 1 don't consider 1 have lost LIGHTFUL AND WHOLE­ writing at the meeting at least one ■ nd to assist those out of employment anything, as I w ill get it before more SOME TOBACCO FDRCIG- month previous. I After adopting the constitution, people through the county papers. I fTE AND PIPE SMOKERS. ihll ..ntiiLM: J' I il noticed Mr. Beals shook a great deal ■which is given below, the mectnig de- The East Likes Coast Cheese. himself, and he an old veteran at the ■cided to elect its first officers instead business, but we will give him a regu- ■cf waiting until next week. I President—Rev. J. E. Youel, pastor In a recent issue of the Pacific lar chi’l before we get through. Chas. McKillip and myself were ■of the Presbyterian Church. Dairy Review mention was made of ■ Vice-President—Rev. F. Van Clar- the fact for the first time in the his­ chosen as delegates to find, if we ■enbeck, pastor of the Catholic church. tory of the dairy business on the Pa­ could, who was responsible for the I Secretary—Mrs. Fred Burton, of cific Coast cheese made in California choosing of the Little Nestucca as the ^■he Women’s Civic Improvement and Oregon was shipped to New State Highway into Tillamook Coun­ unless ■League. York market. Naturally such an un­ ty and what could be done to have it I Treasurer—Thad Robison, of the dertaking aroused interest, not only changed. The first thing we did was ■Commercial Club. here but in the East where it was re­ to go before the County Court. They P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the ceived and we are pleased to publish denied having any thing to do with it. The Constitution. goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by The Judge thought it would be a the following editorial comment by Article 1. Name. a patented process that removes bite and parch! The name of the organization shall the New York Produce Review on good thing while we had the state to You can smoke it long and hard without a come­ •1 e The United Charities of Tillamook the impression that our coast cheese help, and he thought those beaches back I Prince Albert has always been sold without needed a road. He said they could do created in the New York market: Article 11. Object. coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality 1 nothing toward having it changed, The first straight carloads of cheese The object of this organization »hall be to bestow charity whenever produced in the Pacific coast states and recommended us to the State En­ Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette trans-continental gineer, and he said the department ■ ceded; and to give assistance, so far to complete the enjoymentl And that flavor and fragrance and ■s possible, to those out of employ­ journey to the Atlantic seaboard ar­ state engineer was at Dolph and we coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just might see him. So wc went up there. ment, in the measure in which co-op- rived on this market last week. Small answers the universal demand for tobacco «ration may be had from employers sample lots have arrived during the He, too, said he had nothing to do without bite, parch or kick-back! last few weeks and last year an ex­ with it, but thought it was selected as of labor. a military road. He wouldn ’ t commit perimental shipment of California Article III. Membership. Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder ffi Membership in this organization cheese reached New York via the himself any farther on account of be­ Prine* Albert it ••/Iy stated by Henry Watterson in ■ he president, or in event of his ab­ may not be many years before the far one member of our County Court the Louisville Courier-Journal, as fol- suggested that they include the Little lows: sence the vice-president, and if both western product will be as familiar a Ncstaucca road, the Yamhill County i "The Courier-Journal has said that should be absent then any other ksight on our markets as Wisconsin Court said, "Gentlemen, we came here Ilo Democrat can be a Prohibitionist, cheese. It is not so many years ago ■nember of the executive committee, the point on the paper which is to receive the to talk business with you; but if that I In other words no Democratic can be L ould have power to extend such re­ that a Wisconsin cheese was a curi- ready is what you want to do we are for church and state — for legislation type impression is stationary at the instant the lief recommended by the committee. osity in New York. to go home.” Our County Court in restraint of freedom of the press, type hits. The carriage does not bob up and o K ases discovered which demand great backed down. The district was form­ or of religious worship—for sump­ Str aid than is possible or expedient The : Workingmen Will Pay. down when the shift is made to v rite capitals. ed, the contract was let to J. H. Hicks tuary laws—for the abridgement of ■ or this organization to relieve, con­ and the road graded to intersect the personal liberty. No Democrat can Why? sidering its limited treasury, e. g., The wi ■ar will prove a blessing to the Three Rivers road at the foot of the think that man may be recreated [medicinal, hospital, or special nurse old world in that its industrial army mountain this side of Dolph. good by Act of Assembly. As no Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. [service, or apparent permanent sup­ of the future will be trained and dis- Now our petition reads: "Without Democrat believes that prohibition bort, proper attention should be given ciplined as never before. New' indus- the knowledge or consent of the tax­ prohibits. On the contrary prohibition The only movement of the carriage is back and to the extent of bringing about the trial forces have been developed. payers of Tillamook County the State promotes hypocricy, corrupts politics forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— reference of such cases to the County omen never will surrender the in­ Highway Commission, on the request and makes a mockery of law pre­ and this does not take place while the print is being Court with information acquired. dustrial position the war has given of three members of the Yamhill cisely as Protection robs the many to made. There is no lifting of the carriage. Section 3. Finance committee. It them. The output will be big and County Court, made verbally, Feb. 9, I enrich the few.” shall consist of three persons. It shall cheap. And Europe will send it to the 1916, did entertain a proposition to j There you have Democratic doc- This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­ be its duty to devise ways and means United States to pay its debts and to change the road running through Mc­ ■ trine as set forth by one of its oldest, writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right for providing for and maintaining the get back the huge hoard of gold ■ we Minnville to Tillamook on account of ,, ablest and most authoritative cx- place. treasury of the organization. Chiefly, have secured from it in exchange for excessive grades.” I pounders. Open saloons for the unre­ the treasury shall be maintained the munitions, army supplies and On April 24, 1916, the State High-1 stricted creation of drunkards; open through voluntary gifts of the people other materials we have furnished at way Commission adopted as a state ' ports for unrestricted competitive im­ Aik for fìemonstration through the benevolent channels of high prices in these days of travail road, the route from the Sour Grass ' ports and the creation of paupers the churches, or other organizations, abroad, ft cannot help hurting the down the Little Nestucca. [among American wage earners. Free or by voluntary gifts and subscrip­ American workingman. The flood of Now what brought about that 1 trade and free rum. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. ® goods cannot be stopped except by change of heart between 1914 and tions of individuals. Hom. Of««. ...a F.«.ry> SYRACUSE. N. Y. tariff laws of a protective character. 1916? I will leave that for you to Found a Sure Thing. Article IX. Meetings. Even President Wilson admitted that, The meeting of the board of direc­ answer. At the bottom of the map B. Wixon, Farmers Mills, tors shall be held on the first Tues­ but he did not act to prevent disaster. where it says, “the peopjle of Tilla­ used Chamberlain's Tablets His anti-dumpir.g law will not prove mook demanded the Little Nestucca day night of each month, at eight s for disorders of the stomach liver and says, "Chamberlain ' [o'clock, in the City Hall of Tillamook. effective. The American workingman I road to be adopted,” I want to say lets are the best I have cv r used.' [ this, that if a few person arc the Special meeting may be held any will pay. P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking ! OU may live to be 110 and never Y feel old enough to vote, but it’s cer­ tain-sure you’ll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! ¡» ringe A lbert t THE PRICE Ä THE COST is miles is cents Printing Point Does Not Bob Up and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter 306 O k st., Portland, Ore A IS