TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 4. 1917- to their present economic condition, tions of the middleman. Well, some, FACTS GLEANED IN JAPAN Federal Land Loans. and therefore satisfied and contented, body has to be the goat, and the re­ establish a bureau of juvenile and ADVERTISING RATES. • 1 - while the white race was bred and sionsibility can no longer be un- parental relations, the chairman of Legal Advertisement*. Reports have been circulated that An American Business Man Who educated to different tastes, food leaded on the "infamous Payne- KePt his Ey e s Open to Industna 1 First Insertion per line ........... $ .10 the bureau is to receive a salary ot the Federal Land Banks will only be raiment and economic conditions, and Aldrich Tariff law. Conditions. $3,600 per year and the other mem ­ OS allowed to loan a limited amount of , Each subsequent insertion, line. that that race is essentially different. bers $2,500 per year, with salaries money and that only a small propor­ Business and Professional cards Jesse E. La Dow, secretary of the Men 5» Ct*;. Women, IS Cts. a Day. Although some election figures are 1.00 for other persons. The other bill is to tion of those applying for federal one month................................. Ma field l ire and Rubber Co., ¿of As another example. 1 called at the still being disputed in a number of Locals per line each insertion... OS establish a state public school for loans will be abie to obtain them. Ohio, sent this interesting letter from Government woolen factory. 1 he congressional districts, the returns homeless, neglected, abandoned and This appears to be the impression of Display advertisements, an inch Japan when on a business trip to that manager received me with courtesy. slow that the fourth estate will hold and Lodge Notices, per line . •OS dependent children. For this school an some of our citizens who have form­ I country: He said the factory made clothing it> own in the makeup of the next annual appropriation of $75,000 is ed associations in Tillamook County. All Resolutions of Condolence 1 he first port of landing in Japan one month................................ •5° wanted. Although these bills have Some newspapers, which have been for all Americans crossing the Pacific for Japanese soldiers (uniforms); cingrcss. Fifty members of both that they employed one thousand peo­ licuses of congress have had past ex. some good and commendable features circulating these reports are misin­ they will add more taxation ard more formed. We will re-produce an edi­ Ocean is at Yokohama. This city has ple, over seven hundred of which perience in the newspaper field or THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. office holders to be fed at the la <- torial which appeared in the Spokes­ a population of about 4 00,000 Jap­ were female. The males got an stfl continue their activities as editor F. C. BAKER, Publisher. payers’ expense. It seems to us, in- man Review for the information of anese and 7,000 foreigners, has an average of 25 cents per day; the aid owner. Eight members of the stead of creating more bureaus and those in Tillamook County who have unrivalled position of excellence of I women got 12 cents per day. I hey seiate and forty-two representative! port and harbor, and is the foremost worked two shifts of 12 hours each. make up this list. Editorial Snap Shots. commissions, they should be cut formed associations. It says: The foregoing are fair examples of I down and the taxpayers given a rest, “An erroneous impression is extant commercial export and import point Wear a smile and don’t be a knock­ The tax limitation of 6 per cent is a that a stock limit of $750,000 and a in japan. It has developed in sixty factory conditions. In America every The Port of Bandon has practically er or grouchy individual during this good thing in one way, it will send to mortgage loaning capacity of »15,- years from a fishing village of one employee at similar employment gets decided upon the construction of a the waste paper basket a whole lot of 000,000 is put upon each of the 12 hundred cottages to its present irtrpor- ten times as much. My estimate, bas­ suction dredge to cost between $30,. year. loan banks. ... As ... matter bills like the above. federal farm !»»>. ___ of , 1 tance. Its exports of raw silks exceed ed on facts observed, is that Japanese 00( and $4 0,000, to be used solely It was exceedingly appropriate that fact there is practically no limitation all others. One-third of the world's labor is paid an average of only for maintaining a 12 foot channe a good soaking rain should welcome “Germany will have to consider in of law upon the amount of stock and consumption of silk and two-thirds of per cent of that of the same labor in between Bandon and the city of Co good earnest the possibility of a con­ the volume of loans that may be is- that of the United States is from America, and this is a liberal estimate the new year. quille. The Bandon port is advised the flict. Should Germany, Austria, Italy, sued and made by one of these banks. Japan. Within the radius of one hun- for the side of the gap. Government will approve such 1 New year resolutions are in order. France and Russia jointly decide up­ When the Japanese product is about channel, and the survey which wai The volume of business that they con­ ! dren miles much qf the raw silk is Here is one for the State Legislature: on radically solving the American duct will be restricted only by the de­ i cultivated and trimmed back each to enter the channel of American made two months ago is expected to “Swat the Commission*.” question, England will also be one of mand of farmers for loans and the •' season, so it brings forth young fresh trade, should it not be met with a be adopted for the work. It is 2( tile party, rend there will be rich ' leaves that stand about as high as The prospects for peace does 1 not spoils; the forty-five States and the market for the bonds they will issue raspberry bushes; then the crop of charge against it which would equa miles between Bandon and Coquillt look very bright. It is to be hoped, . six territories would afford abundant to obtain more money to put out on new young silk worms is turned loose the difference between the price paid by the Coquille river. mortgage security. its labor going into the product and however, that some plan can be de­ ' r arma- sacrifice of co'>>Pinsation lor the costly “The $750,000 stock issue of the to feed upon them. Joke ¿s Played on Pastor. that paid to American labor for the i vised to stop the terrible — 1 ■- ■ > ---------- ...:n ___ | meats. 1 he Powers will not be at a Spokane bank, for example, is only Cheaply Made Garments. i same product? If so, then American human life. loss to partition the United States the starting minimum. First it will be These worms are the machines that labor would have a safety valve of t Rev. J. K. Hawkins pastor of thel and treat it as a territory of colonisa- ' God has provided to convert these Protection which it ought to be en­ Methodist church in Oregon.City, re-’.A offered to the public, and such por ­ The New Year's issue of the Ore- a gonian is another splendid booster’s ion.”—Ustdeutscht Rundschau. Vien- tion as may not be bought by individ­ ■ certain kind of leaves into silken titled to at the hands of the Ameri­ ceived a big stag-handle corkscrew^ ' na, Dec. 30, 1912. ual subscribers will be taken up by threads for the use of men to skein can Congress. This charge is easy o for Christmas. The corkscrew was® edition that will help to bring new set-, instead of dividing up the "rich the government. and to convert into yarn and then in­ arrive at and could be solved by the accompanied by a note which read;® into Ore- tiers and new enterprises spoils' in the United States, the “Then the stock issue will automat­ to cloth to be made into garments cost department of most anyone of “Ycu will probably have more use for /1 gon. We must all take our hats off to whole of the European powers men­ ically increase under the requirement and other uses. Silk may be semi-ani­ the thousand of manufactories in this than I will after the first of the!■ the Oregonian when it comes to tioned in the abovew paragraph are of the law that each farmer taking out mal and vegetable, cotton being pure­ America, and if the United States year." Signed “A Prohibition Friend." - boosting the state. now engaged in the most horrible war a loan shall also purchase stock to ly vegetable, while wool and furs are should find any difficulty in its solu- The present was carefully packed® Governor Withycombc made a wise in the history of the world because the extent of 5 per cent of his mort­ purely animal. We visited parts of the tion, just let its agents (known as in a silk lined box. It is of a practical'., selection in appointing Attorney Wal­ the "mailed list” of Germany, assist­ gage. An endless chain is thus set in silk producing sections, and also statesmen) get the cost department pattern and eventually has seen some® ing ........ .« _________ lace McCamant to .... the Supreme bench ed by Austria, started in to divide up motion—more mortgages, more stock, factories where silks arc made into of one of them to aid in its solution. usage. The gift inspired the pastor® and we cangratulate the governor and the "rich spoils’’ of Belgiam, France, more stock, increased authority to textiles and garments, and purchased with a new text and the sermon the Should Favor American Labor. Mf. McCamant. Those who are | , England and other countries. And if lend more money and sell more some made up wares for personal use, This charge should slightly favor next Sunday evening was a discussion x r. McCamant acquainted with Mr. ------ . ' know , , they succeed there is not much doubt bonds. The systeqi, in fact has capac-! believing they were pure silk fiber, American labor. It is commonly .call­ of “Corkscrews.” id as a justice of I when the proper lime comes they will fully 75 mort- j We found in the factories that he will make good 01 1 ity to absorb the entire farm ed a Protective tariff. This charge is I ' attempt to divide up the "rich spoils” gage business of the United States, I per cent female employes working on the Supreme Court. strictly a business one, and biased and Bad Habits. ' of the United states. —o ■ — ■ ■ provided all the farm borrowers shifts of 11 and 12 hours per day. partisan politics should not enter in­ We hope the report is not true, but I should choose to do business with it The males were paid an average of to its consideration. Businessmen, Those who breakfast at eight./; there are those who believe that the I As a result ol ttie County Court de­ in lieu of dealing with the private 24 cents per day and the females a 1 _ , at twelve and statesmen should be delegated to o’clock or later, lunch parting from the usual method of dredging on Tillamook Bay last year ix are almost certain® certain fraction over 14 cents per day, and handle it, used to and experienced in have dinner at six mortgage companies. is money thrown away. It is generally making up the road fund, the tax­ "When the farm loan board was in they were contented. On further in­ the great manufacturing industry of to be troubled with indigestion. They!| do not allow time for one meal to ? known for whose benefit the channel payers of Tillamok, Wheeler, Bay Spokane this feature of the law was vestigation we learned the garments America, and not theorists who have digest before taking another. Not less V City and Nehalem, will have to “dig was broached by an inquirer, and Herbert were made in numerous small places, their ideas from bocks and unreliable than live hours should elapse between ,L up” $8,245.36 more taxes this year, will meals. If you are troubled with indi- “ Quick, one of the commissioners, and then most of the exquisit em­ of the Port of Bay City 1 1 he County Court, as we pointed out promptly said: “If the law had put a broidery was done by hand in various theory sources alone. And it should gestion correct your habits and take that last week, had made the road levy limitation of $750,000 stock and $15- Japanese homes by the women. A not be looked at wholly in the light Chamberlain's Tablets, and you may® was of revenue producing for the govern­ reasonable hope for a quick recovery. only 4.4 mills taking the balance to 000,000 mortgage loans on each of Kimono, for instance, we attempted ment. This should be an element, but These tablets strengthen the stomach® There is every indication that 1 illa- make up $180,000 out of the general the 12 banks I would declined ap­ to analyze to the consumer on Fifth an incidental one. It would be a rev­ and enable it to perform its functions mook County will enjoy another fund. Following is the amounts each pointment to the board, for I should Avenue. First cost in Japan $8; tariff, enue producer, which is important, naturally. For sale by Lamars Drug prospéra* year. With the prospects of of the four incorporated cities will have felt that the plan offered too $<; resale to jobber at $1$; resale by and should it provide a greater rev­ Store. obtaining another railroad, and the have to pay towards the county road slight an opportunity for me to be of jobber to retailer, $19; and sale to enue than its former proportionate dairying and lumbering industries as­ fund in addition to road levies in real service to the farmers of the Uni­ consumer, $30. share, this could be easily managed in sured of good prices with a big auto­ those cities: ted Slates.” Other members of the Fr°m a Practical Man's Viewpoint many ways. mobile travel into the county the Tillamook ....... . ............... 15,480.55 board concurred in Mr. Quick's opin­ We visited mills and factories of Organized labor of American inter­ coming summer, business should be Wheeler ........................... 465.27 ion. various kinds to observe economical ests itself much in the limitation of brisk the coming year. 2,053.92 Bay City ........................... "The sysaem is comprehensive conditions from an American manu­ hours of labor and the rates of wages ------ o------ 245.62 Nehalem ........................... enough to take care of every farmer facturer's viewpoint. Among the There was a good deal of truth in Why has it not and does it not in­ who may want a long time loan at a largest class ot factories are the cot­ the remark of one of the ladies of this 18,246.36 terest itself in the taxation of the pro­ Total city. She said Germany was respon­ There is some question in our mind low interest rate, provided he has the ton spinning mills where cotton ducts of foreign countries made by sible for the killing and wounding of whether this is a wise move, for it land security to warrant the making fabrics are made. We found several the cheapest labor, entering into the millions of men, and failing to accom­ forms a bad precedent in transfering of a loan. There is excellent reason at Tokyo and more at Asaka. We in­ channels of 9merican trade and com­ •'.» plish what she started out to do, now money from the general fund to the to believe that in a few years its stance one as an example for all, merce without the adequate tax to wants a few men to get together in a County road fund. We are well business will be measured in billion that of the Kanegafuchi Spinniug Co., balance up the difference to a point to come and enjoy a 1 % round table conference and stop the aware that in making each incor­ phrases rather than in terms of mil- Tokyo. Having been introduced by that American labor is paid? Has or­ few weeks of her lions.” the Tourist Bureau, our call as ex­ ganized labor overlooked this import­ blood shed and horrible massacres. porated city a road district Is ----- «■---- pected by the manager, who spoke ant fact? Is it asleep at the switch? glorious sunshine. Carnegie’s Vanshing Millions. We have rereived a number cf let- hardly fair, for they should contribute English. We were received at the An Opening for American Statesmen. something towards the county road tors from persons who own lots in door by a smiling maid, who acted as The quick and com­ ■ I offer the suggestion to wl.-'m it Andrew Carnegie will leave the though she were the head of a recep­ Ba>ocean, thanking the editor for the fund. This county some years ago seemed to get along fairly well when smallest fortune of any modern tion committee, and were motioned may concern that each member of fight he made to give that section a fortable way is via road. We appreciate their kind thanks the county and the cities divided the American Croesus—probably $1,000- to a seat in an outer office of tHe the ways and means committee make a tour of inspection and investigation Portland “ Th« City but we only advocated that which road fund. Other counties are doing 000,000 less than John D. Rockefel­ great factory. Presently the manager was just and right, and what we con­ what the County Court did in this ler, $1,000,000,000 less than Frick, ‘appeared by another door, and bow- to Japan and China during vacation of Roses ” and the county. and less too, than was left by Morgan . ing low, presented his card. During of Congress. It will furnish informa­ sider a benefit to Tillamook. The tion first hand of great value to each famous beach resort* have not developed as Some of the business men are in Hill, Harriman, the Harknesses, Rus­ I our conversation the maid brought us rapidly as we thought they wonld. hearty accord with our suggestion sell Sage, Hetty Green or John Jocob , tea, which was sipped as la Japan. member. This comm'ttee is the great­ I hey w ill do *0 from now on and that something should be dne to cur­ Astor. Carnegie has given away$325,- Cigarettes were offered. This mill est of finance committees, and its members ought not to be influenced h< lp to pay some of the taxes. tail the number of subscription lists 000,000, and has, I am told, less than operates 3,000 employes and 80,000 by partisanship bias on matters af­ $30,000,000 left — a statement that spindles and 300 looms. The em­ fecting both American people and Henry Crenshaw and J. C. Holden that the business men are called upon will cause astonishment. Three daily trains ployees consist of 2,300 women, to subscribe to. This w ould be & most retired from public office the first of 8 Carnegie's original investment in 1,500 of which, the factory rooms government finances. It cannot help easy matter to deal with if the busi- leaving Portland at but to result in much benefit. All the year anil the people of Tillamook steel making was $250,000. In 27 and boards. The factory works two Americans are good partisans at owe them a vote of thanks for the ex­ ness men would take the time once a years he sold the Carnegie Steel com­ shifts of eleven hours each day. The 8:20 A. M. cellent manner in which they have month and attend the Commercial pany to Morgan's steel corporation 1 men get an average of 30 cents per home, but when in a foreign country severed the people. Both made splen­ Club meetings. We feel like "roast- for $300,000,000 in bonds, nearly day, and the women who are "found” they are inclined to take the broader 3:50 P. M did records for themselves, as well as ing” some of our business men at $100,000,000 in preferred stock and i.e., boarded and roomed, get net 10 view which recognizes nationality be­ say $1.00 a month to support a com- verdict will then be; "The man who mostly a coarser weave which meets ernment of the United States can and should send its financiers there. The dies thus rich dies disgraced. ” national force will bring about the 1 mercial chib, and a town that lacks the wants and financial mean* of the ' ingcars. Dilling cars Elsewhere he has recorded: I | great majority of Japanese. This reasonable expenses of the trip should German world-empire of the future. a live-wide-awake Commercial Club on all trains. Should this idea become the public is not making much progress and would as soon leave to my son a ; fabric is also in great demand in j be born by the government, and the opinion ol our entire nation, and don’t amount to much. It is no trouble curse as the almighty dollar.” China and India, where the product of j visit ought to be incognito for the Carnegie has no son, only one the mills of Japan is gradually and j best results. It could be made, if on should the power of the empire be be- ­ ' to head off the advertising schemes Ask local agent or write for come equivalent to the power of the ' and subscriptions lists if the business daughter born in 1897. She will not surely getting the trade away from | the reasonable basis that if one was German*, wherever they be, then we men would get together more often be one of the world's richest heiress­ America and England. As to thealat- 1 spending his own money, I estimate, information shall not need to be anxious about ter, the war is giving Japan its great for about $1,200—$500 for transpor­ .......... .. ...... and discuss these matters. This little es. Carnegie, relatively speaking, will opportunity. This great industry is j tation and $700 for the side trips and ■ in future, then no such defeat will be ! snap shot is not intended to hurt the recorded against that suffered by I feelings of anybody but every once die poor. He is now 81 and feeble. one of the few that has developed in 1 expenditures. Such a junket should John M. Scott. pan Germanism in South Africa."—! in a while business men grow indif­ Japan, within the last quarter of a ! really be made a qualification to I General Passenger Agent. membership on that committee, and Vnvcrfalschtc Deutsche Wortc. ferent, and this is to create new life . Portland. Ore. Don’t forget those busted castings. « century. In talking with these Jap­ the government and the people would anese manufacturers they smiled with and energy in our city affairs. People Cao be welded for half. Goods sent like" to «•* I«»»«» —--- 1-- satisfaction that the white rate could be well repaid for the small expendi­ by parcel post and express promptly not compete in cheap labor. They 1 ture. returned. Hiner 4 Reed, Tillamook, reasoned that for twenty centuries : Oregon. • the Japanese had been distinct and ’ President Wilson says the high were thoroughly bred and educated 1 price of flour is due not to the high price of wheat, but to the machina- California Invites You Shasta Route San Francisco Southern Pacific 1