Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, September 14, 1916, Image 2

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advertising rates .
scheme to fool the people. It depends *
how the spirit moves the tauri
court where
wucrc . , n
the road money is to be
I expended , j I
and which member has the
__ biggest , <
gall and pull. Don’t worry, Dick, I
don't worry, the second road district
has been bled to help the third road
district the past few years, and we
won't stand lor that any longer.
------ o
Some Democrats contend that free
trade did not hurt business and that
the tariff does not cut any figure. By
placing lumber on the free list, every
timber company in the county was
dr . w. A. WISH
severely hit and the valuation of the
ie the Mamej Dr. Wise who
timber was decreased. That is what
practiced dentistry in Tilla­
Is a College Graduate In
mook County a few years
free trade did to the timber in this
and owners of
Dentistry, registered in Ore­
ago. aud will be pleased to
county. And if anyone wants an illus­
gon, and has bad several
again wait on those who
years experience, and has
tration what it did to the sawmill in­
desire his professional ser­
come to Tillamook Countv
dustry, the big sawmill at Wheeler,
to make it kit future home.
which was erected at a large cost,
was closed down after the free trade
We have Dental Offices in Tillamook. Bay City, Bar View and
We believe it. One of our citizens law went into effect and remained
Cloverdale, and are equipped to do all kinds of Dental
It appears that the present popula­ made the remark that if the Bayocean idle since, and will do so in the fu­
tion of Tillamook entitles the city to road project was in Commissioner ture if the Democratic free trade
Work as good as it can be done anywhere.
I Owens’ road district the road would party is returned to power.
a free mail delivery.
------ o------
I have been completed last year, for he I
----- o-.......
Republicans in all parts of the
In building cement roads in Tilla­ I would not have allowed tlie‘‘knock-1
mook city and county it seems that I ers” to interfere with road work in I county are cordially invited to attend
br. Wive lias had thirty years experience in plate work
we are paying too big a price for I his district. It might be a good idea the meeting Saturday at the Court
Dr. Massey guarantees'all his work and can l.e consulted at
and guaaó.tee» what he »ays.
Call u» by Telephone.
Ito swap the commissioner from the I House and join the Hughes club,
material to the cement trust.
I south part of the county and have I Ladies are also invited to attend and
Everybody in Tillamook is getting I him operate the second road district. I take part. The snap shot man is in
tired of poke noses and poke nose I We are hearty in favor of that.
I the political fight for the purpose of
I getting the Republicans together and
methods by poke nose people who re­
Some of the Bayocean property I rolling up a big majority in Tilla-
side in Portland who want to run
I owners were in town this week look- I mook County for the G. O. P.. If you
Tillamook county.
As a result of Democratic free trade I ing over their assessmets. They are I are a live Republican booster and op- «
we believe the timber in Tillamook I not objecting to the heavy assess- I posed to Democratic free trade,
county depreciated in value and this I inent placed upon property with no I turn out on Saturday and show where
is a good argument that the assess­ I road and a way out, but they do ob- I you stand. We need your presence,
ment on timber should be lowered.
Iject to the glaring discrimination I help, advice and assistance tn this
I against that place and depriving them I Republican get together rally. Rah!
The verv bei-t tout latest in modern dentistry.
Oh, no, there’s nothing wrong with I of a road which the County Court I Rah! Rah! for Hughes and the Tilla-
been brought to the highest
No more falling plates.
If you are having
cement pavement and it is contended knows they are justly entitled to, but mook County Hughes Club.
When Plates or Bridge
plate trenb'e i et Dr. Wise's advice as to
teeth on this bridge are in­
what should la- done ami the cost of doing
that it is the cheapest pavement, did Bayocean a rank injustice when it I
------ o------
terchangeable at will with­
We can extract your teeth abso­
Yes. What about that concre'i pavc- deprived it of the money it was en-I it may surprise some of the people
out removing from
Work is Ordered.
lutely without pain—free where plate or
m outh.
menl which started to go to pitces titled to.
r work is ordered.
I of this county to know that 746
•p.t 2nd Avenue East?
------ o------
I voters at the primary election voted
------ o------
Whatever may be said about the old for a person for district attorney who
Champ Clark, speaker of the house, convention system of nominating par- has a prison record in Wisconsin,
when questioned about the Maine ty candidates, it is well not to forget I This goes to prove how easily the
election, replied: “We got hell licked that under the Oregon System the voters can be deceived in taking up I
out of us and that is about all there is dear people of 1 illatnook county at I wjjh a stranger whom they know I does not alter the fact that it has
to it." And the Democrats will get the last primary election came near I nothing about and vote to place him I been done under duress, that the
hell knocked out of them in Novem­ nominating a person for prosecuting I ;n a responsible position in preference great government of the United
attorney who had a prison record. to a person who has lived in this I States has raised the white flag with­
------ o------
Wasn’t that rotten? It would have I county most of his life and with al out even a show of rcsistence.
Business men who do not advertise been considered so if a convention I gOO<j c]ean character. That was howl
in the home newspaper should be the had voted for an ex-convict to pros-1 745 voters in Tillamook County, re-1
How Free Lumber Hurts.
last to complain about mail order ecutc criminal cases in this county. I Cordcd their votes, but it is safe to I
most of them win Teel like
houses. It is advertising by the mail This little incident gives the Oregon
While the lumber industry of Ore-
| kicking themselves for doing so now I
order houses that is taking the busi­ System another had jolt.
I gon and Washington has been pros­
that the lime light has been turned I trated during the greater part of the
ness from merchants who fail to ad­
We would suggest that the Bros, on the past records of the individual I
Brightest, Clearest and
tttending the M. E. Church get to- who wanted to be district attorney I Wilson administration—for lack of a
A blind man can see that it is a getlier anti raise enough money be­ for this county.
Wilson surrender on the free tolls
hold up game to delay bulding the tween them to complete the side walk
question—Canada has been reaping
road to Bayocean to start an agita­ improvement on that side of the
All the fire wardens have been with-,
This article has no superior for Laundry
tion to have the route changed after street opposite the church, for we are drawn, but if the east wind which the harvest.
warrant it to trive entire satisfaction. It is cheaper than
Twenty million dollars a year is the
expending $16,000 of the taxpayers’ sure they all see the need of it and commenced this morning continues
Indigo, and does not spot or streak, the clothes. By its
money with only three miles more to re anxious to contribute their share for several days it will cause some un­ amount presented to Canada by the
use that peculiar whiteness of the clothes i
build to complete the present pro­ if the expense. It may be hard to easiness. Tillamook county has been Democratic party through the lumber
aisc money these Democratic times, exceedingly fortunate in not having
which cannot be attained by atty other article.
but those who attend the M. E. any timber destroyed this year, and
We noticed a paragraph in one of Church have some civic pride, a,,Y-1 ij is to be hoped that everybody will I
shows that for the eleven months per­
our exchanges where an editor, on way, and we are sure they will not take proper precautions while the I iod
ending May 31, 1916, the free
account of the high price of paper, procrastinate any longer but get to- cast wind prevails, for when once I
imports of sawed lumber from Can­
Manufacturing Pharmacists,
says he will have to cut out his meat gctlier and gel busy
a fire gets started under present I ada totaled 1,080,360,000 feet valued
bill and live on two vegetable meals
weather conditions there is no telling I at $20,107,172—an increase of $5,-
Bro. Trombley almost dropped out what damage t ,»
«... do. ..
a day. Gee, that would be a terrible
it will
It is fortunate I
punishment to inflict on the snap of sight into his shoes when he heard I t|lat campers have all cleared out of 000,000 over the preceding year.
These figures do not include shin­
shot man.
that the people of Marne had re- I t)le county, and this is one danger
------ o
I pudiated the free trade Democratic I eliminated but it behoves everybody gles, etc. Shingle imports alone for
That’s going some when Clacka-1 party and their fusy-pussy president. to |,e careful with fire and on the the same period totaled in value $3,-
mas county is laying pavement at 50c. I The slogan “He kept us out of war" ]ook out to prevent its spreading, for 256,124.
Canadian mills are large users of
a yard attd it is costing 1 illamook I acted as a boomerang. Our respected I it is a matter of regret with most
county $14,000 to $15,000 a mile fori Bro. had better reconcile himself to Tillamook people to see timber des­ Chinese and Hindu labor. By remov­
cement pavement. The cement com-1 the fact that Hughes is going to I troped by fire. Let everybody do their ing the duty on lumber, the Demo­
crats have compelled Oregon manu­
bine does not control the price of I weep the country next November, I |evel best to prevent it.
to compete with cheap
material used in Clackamas county, I mil the dairy, timber, fishing and*
oriental labor or close up until such
but it does the price of cement.
I other industries of Tillamook County
The snap shot man is not complain­ time as this government shall see fit
------ o------
I will not be subject to free trade ab- ing, but the civic improvement effort
Onc of our citizens on receipt of I surdities when the G. O. P. gets in this city did not make the progress to give them a tariff that will enable
them to pay a living wage to white
the Maine election returns, joking ask-J back into power,
it should have done. The ladies who labor. It is a well known fact that
cd the snap shot man when he was I
did considerable work are to be
going to move the postofficc. No I Suppose, for argument, that a road commended, and the- should have re­ most of them closed up.
doubt the Maine election did give I to Bayocean was built via Netarts, ceived better support. But this should
the mule stamp lickers a bad , jolt I that won’t stop the demand for a road not discourage them in their good
The Dairymen and the Tariff
Monday, for it was a pretty good I on the south side of Tillamook bay, work in the future. We hope that next
----- o-----
omen that the Republicans are going I for the future development of Tilla- year the ladies of this city will mal^e
has but one Normal School. This school
During the fiscal year ending June
’ i" out.
I mook bay will necessitate a road be- renewed effort to increase the mem­ |
to turn the “rascals'
la located at Monmouth. Excellent as is the work
I ing built there. Every disinterested bership of the Civic Improvement 30. 1913, with the Republican tariff
of this school it is utterly unable to Bupply but a
And there’s no candidate for coro- I person who knows anything about League and bring about many neces­ law in operation, Canada sent us
small part of the need for trained teachers for the
ner, now that Dr. Wendt has left thf I Tillamook bay knows that the best sary improvements. There is a great $1,166,500 worth of butter, cheese,
county. This is an important office, I part of the bay is on the south side, deal to be done before Tillamook cream and milk, fresh and condensed,
Of more than 6,000 school teachers in the public schools
for the next county coroner will be I and furnishes the best locations for Citv can compare with other well and for the privilege of selling these
of Oregon, but 13 per cent have been trained for their
profession of teaching In Normal Schools.
called upon to hold an inquest upon I saw mills on account of being pro­ kept, beautiful towns in Oregon, but products in the American market,
It Is a well established fact that our one Normal
Bro. Trombley and the other Dem- I tectcd from the south west storms by united effort this can be brought she paid a nice little bit into the
School cannot supply the needs of the entire state.
ocratic brethern. Don’t all speak at I that sweep other parts of the bay in about. The poulation of the city is federal treasury in the shape of cus­
is why we ask for your work and vote for the
once for this very important job of | winter,
about 2,500 and in a few years it will toms revenue. Then the Democratic
proposed Eastern Oregon State Normal School at
------ o - ■ ■
burying the free trade party.
be double that amount. Let’s all get
Pendleton, Oregon.
The cement trust in Portland is be­ together and make Tillamook an ideal and cream on the free list, making a
------ o------
President Wilson played politics ing probed by Federal officials. It city and a live progressive business 60 per cent cut in the duty on butter
[and about a 50 per cent reduction in
when he pandered to unionism and should have been done long ago, for center.
Eight counties In the Willamette Valley have employed
the duty on cheese. That law took ef-
forced through Congress the eight it is the cement combine that have
------ o------
during the past five years. 203 teachers who have gradu­
from the Monmouth Normal as ajainst 39 Monmouth
hour law which he knew was uncon­ knocked the different kinds of pave­
Rev. Van Winkle, who was pastor
Normal School graduates for the eight leading counties
stitutional. If anybody ever humilat- ment. And it is the high cost of of the Christian Church believed in tations of these four products up to
•f Eastern Oregon.
ed Congress and caused people to cement that is responsible for the printer’s ink. for it helped make a the fiscal year ending June 30, 1914.
During the psst five years the attendance of students
from nine Willamette Valley counties was 877 students
lose confidence in the way the eight high cost of cement pavement in success of his work in this city. We totaled 12,341,093, a 100 per cent
as agslnst 91 students from nine of the leading countiss
hour law was railroaded through this county. It may not be generally admired the Rev. gentlemen’s efforts increase and a niggardly sum receiv­
of Eastern Oregon.
known, but the person in charge of in giving plenty of publicity to church ed as revenue. During the fiscal year
Congress, it is President Wilson.
Owing to the crowded condition of our one_______
die mile of road that the county is work and we are glad to know that 1915 Canada sent us 13,270,000
st Monmouth and also the distance and expense of
As a matter of economy the Water .luilding with the money that Bay­ he appreciated the advertising ob­ worth of these dairy products, or an
attending, students frotn Eastern Oregon are com­
Commissioner should be under the ocean was deprived of, is partly paid tained in the Headlight, and before increase over the Republican year of
pelled to go to neighboring states to secure their
training as teachers.
management and control of the ci»y •iy the cement trust and the count). leaving he expressed his thanks to nearly 200 per cent, on which we re­
t ouncil. Taxes are high enough in Great combination that.
the editor. He liked people to know
only COSTS 4 CENTS PER $1,000
this city without having to maintain
what he was doing and he used the these Canadian importers displace
two organizations and two paid offi­
If Bro. Owens can’t hypnotize that newspapers, wit* good success. Some good American products but the
annual maintenance coct of tne proposed State
Normal School in Eastern Oregon amounts to but one
cials to do one man’s work. Cut it 13000.00 left over from the appro­ of the merchants of this city and revenue lost thereby has to be made
zsth of a mill or 4 cents on a thousand dollars of taxable
out gentlemen and help run the city priation of two years ago for the Bay­ county should take a tumble to them up by international taxation. Do the
property. Isn’t It worth this to have your children trained
to become useful snd productive citizens?
affairs as economically as possible.
ocean road he will have lost his cun­ selves, for there are merchants in this farmers of the countrv favor this
ning. What’s the use Frank, of appro­ city who have plenty of good goods policy?—Lebanon Criterian.
There is a great increase in the sale priating money for road improve­ for sale, but nobody outside of their
of alcohol at Nehalem the past few ments and then keeping it in the bank store knows anything about it. The
Among those who strongly endorse the establish
The Best Treatment f°r a Bum.
months. It must be that our Nehalem to look at when there is so much need snap shot man has been in the news­
ment of the proposed Eastern Oregon Normal School
If for no other reason. Chamber­
are Governor Withycombe, J. H. Ackerman, Presi­
friends are taking alcohol baths—or of road improvements?
_____ _
we paper business a long number of
bathing their insides with the stuff, I believe the County Court did Bay- years, and his observations are that lain’s Salve should be kept in every
dent of the Monmouth State Normal; W. J. Kerr,
and it may be necessary for the grand I ocean and this road district a shabby the business men who advertise are household on account of its great
President of the Oregon Agricultural College; P. L.
Campbell, President of the State University; Robert
jury to investigate, for there is a I trick in diverting the money that the most successful and do the largest value in the treatment of burns. It
C. French, former President of the Weston Normal,
strong impression that some individ-1 Bayocean was justly entitled to, why amount of business. Every business allays the pain almost instantly, and
and practically all of the leading educators cf the
mils are getting too many alcohol I not make another "pull" and have the man should devote a few dollars unless the injury is a severe one heals
State. J. A. Churchill. Superintendent of Public In­
baths or inward bathings.
| $3000.00 used for the benefit of the every month to advertise what they the part without leaving a scar. This
struction, voices the sentiments of those who are
south part of the county?
have to sell for we know that adver­ salve is also unequaled for chapped
most familiar with the need of more adequate Normal
hands, sore nipples and diseases of
The County Court is to be com­
tising pays and pays well.
facil'tfes when he says:
the skin. Price 25c. For sale by
mended for re-districting the three I It is about time that the resident
"Oregon’» greatest need for its rursl echoole Ie the
Lamars Drug Store.
road districts, giving each road dis-1 taxpayers who are interested in the
teacher who has had full preparst.on to do her work.
Such preparation can beat come through Normal School
trict about the same valuation of pro-1 present road project to Bayocean
The White Flag.
perty. It was a wise and sensible I hold an indignation meeting and
----- o- ■
"I trust that the votera of the atate v/lll assist In raising
change, and will put a stop to the I protest against an outsider, w ho is
etandard of our echoola by establishing a State Nor­
The passage of the eight-hour bill
School at Pendleton. The location Is central, the In­
bickering of one road district receiv- I not a resident of the county and pays is the most pusillanimous act in the
of the people of Pendleton In education moot excel­
ing more road money than the other, I no taxes, “knocking” the Bavocean | history of the American Congress.
lent. and the large number of pupils in the public schools
and wilt justly equalize the road fund I road. Who’s running
will give ample opportunity to student, to get the amount
of tgachlng practice required in a standard normal school.’•
in future.
| county anyway, a paid agitator or the \\ e are unable to recall a single in­
Candidate For
stance when the legislative body of
All the above educators insist tha a Standard
representatives of the people? We the I nited States Government so
Normal School must be located in a town of 5000
Tillamook City will be the railroad earnestly appeal to every Tillamook- abjectly surrendered its right of de­
or more population and having enough grade pupils
terminal as soon as a road is built to et to stand back of the movement to liberation as it has done in this case.
for teaching practice.
Bayocean. Wc will ask any fair mind­ "swat" the "knocker” and poke-nose Urged to immediate action by a
ed person if it is business sense to methods of interfering with the af­ frightened executive it has rushed
make visitors, after they arrive here, fairs of the county.
•r ,*0,2n,R VES
No- 308 y°u will help to give to th«
through legislation of the most rad­
travel eighteen miles to reach Bay­
school ch.dron of Oregon the same »rvmt'cei enjoyed
ical and revolutionary character, leg­
by the echool children of our ne.chScr nn ?t^:ex.
W. R Robedec wants the snap shot islation that is probably if not cer­
A capable, efficient resident
ocean, when they con do so by the
Vote YES for No. 30S
hay route in one third of the distance man to go after the County Court for tainly unconstitutional, without the payer who will perform the duties of
and time? The business men ought to
Eastern Oregon State Normal School Commit»,
slightest effort having been made to
priated two years ago for a bridge at weigh its justice or injustice, without his office without prejudice or dis­
wake up to the situation.
Sy J. H. Gwinn, Secy., Pendleton, Ore.
Woods. Now. Dick, don’t get too the least consideration of its possible
crimination, and without assistant at
here is one way to reduce taxation fresh when you come to town, for consequences. It is probably true that
(Pald advertisement)
X that is to avoid cgtstlv road pro- you ought to know by this time that by this act a public calamity has an additional cost to Tillamook
Y W e believe this should be done, j the budget system is just a little been temporarily averted, but that County.—(Adv.)
i but somehow it is hard to do, for so
I many new projects keep bobbing up.
Wc arc in favor, however, of a re­
duction in taxation, and completing
Each subsequent insertion, line,
■05 present road projects as soon as pos­
business and Professional cards
sible and placing as much money as
one month....................................... 1.00 possible in hard surfacing the main
road through the county.
Locals per line each insertion...
Pisplay advertisements, an inch
Business men of this city have been
one month.....................................
•50 hard hit this year for
for this and that, and we believe they
All Resolutions of Condolence
should be given a rest. Some under­
and Lodge Notices, per line .
■05 standing should be arrived at so that
Notices, lost, strayed or stolen
others should share in the good work
etc., minimum rate, not ex­
of helping those in distress and con­
ceeding five lines .....................
.2' tributing to good causes. Business
men have packed the load for a good
many years without complaint, so
THE TILLAMAAK HEADLIGHT. why not give the dairymen and
others a chance to contribute a little
to charitable and other causes.
Legal Advertisements,
first Insertion per ljqe ...........
Bar View Tent City
Editorial Snap Shots
What we Cannot Guarantee, We Do Not Do.
I \