TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JULY 13. 1916 BAYOCEAN ROAD AGAIN. county < court should procure the ser- IATA nr I lllfVJO vices of 1 a thoroughly competent en-' I [I I X IIs- IfilhjslA t r, ,1 .. ♦ o r m • r» t, le “mnoli too much ” Beals, R. VV. Watson and others. R. B. Driscoll County Judge A. M. Hare stat­ N. E. Myers ed that, without a road, the property I. ec Doty owners of Bayocean, who payed E. Mills between $7,000 and $8,000 annually R. L. Shreve in taxes, should be reduced one half. Ben Utter and carry around a load He was satisfied that Bayocean Leslie Harrison Ju cf v.-atcr and a cold. ✓ should have a road, from a moral Geo. Ethel T ower’a Fish Ercr. .1 standpoint, hut there was a legal E. J. Claussen phase that lie was not able to decide. L. R. Maine I ontmissioncr McKimens was in fav­ Paul Werner or of giving Bayocean a road. W. C. l eague John Dougal who represents part of Robert Thomas the timber owners, raised an objec­ Carl Shultson tion to spending the $15,000 on the Geo. J. Peterson rheds every drop. Bayocean road ami wanted it expend­ Elmer Allen Easy fitting and ed on hard surfacing. A discussion J. W. Jennings, jr. strong at every then look place as to the action of the bon Simmons point Reflex Edges budget meeting in voting that if the Peter Bosnian stop every drop Potter Realty Co. did not come Verb Stanley from running in through with their offer to complete F. M. Goukl at the front. » the road for $15,000 the whole Ray B. Walls amount should be expended in hard J. W. Maddux Protector llat, 7* cents surfacing. It was stated that work on F. B. Hyder Satisfaction Cucrar.txd the Bayocean road had been stopped Perry DcLillies V Send for catalog • ,r on account of the rock used for rip­ W. ). Hill taping going to pieces as soon as it A. C. Everson A. J. TOWER GO. cattie in contact with the air. Not- N. J. Myers S>S BOSTON riT;/ J withstanding that the meeting was John E. Yoncl called for the purpose of discussing J. R. Callahan the Bay ocean road, Mr. Dougal did L. E. Dick not have the good manners to con­ E. L. Plog fine himself to that subject, but toot­ S. S. Johnson Glen Oliver ed his ow n horn as to what he had done in this and other counties. As he Rollic W. Watson seemed to impress it upon the meet­ Manuel Thomas ing that he represented all the timber Thotnas Keyes men, the president called the atten­ R. B. Hays Leo Morrison tion of the meeting to the fact that some of the other large timber own­ Donald A. Hare ers were opposed to having the mon­ W. Thomas Coates ey used for hard surfacing and want­ Vernon Blanchard ed it expended on the Bayocean road. Herbert Stani Every person present, with the ex­ A F. Wallace ception of Mr. Dougal, who is not a Erick Gulstrom taxpayer and does not contribute a E. T. Haltom cent himself to road and other im­ Thos Coates provements in the county, were in E. P. Webster favor of expending the ntonev appro­ H. T Botts priated on the Bayocean road. John Leland Henderson ; John Zumstein These were the resolutions passed II. A. Van Winkle at the meeting: ( Floyd Watson - 4 "Resolved, that the Tillamook Com­ Frank Maxwell mercial Club endorse the petition pro­ Howard Latnar posed by the Bayoccan Lot Buyers' Oscar G. Swenson 1—1914 Ford, » snap . $325 09 Protective Association for presenta­ W. G. Daley tion to the County Court of Tilla­ Geo Bean 1 —Buie Delivery Truck 125.00 mook County in reference to the H. B Millis Bayocean road adopted July $th, F. E. Shaw- 1—1913 Ford Body ... 15.00 1916.” Otto W. Tappnteyer "Resolved, that it is the sense of Thad Robison this meeting of the Tillamook Com­ J E. Keldson mercial I'ltib, with the representatives Geo W. Hoskins of the BayoCcan Lot Buyers' Protec­ lra C. Smith tive Association, hdd in Tillamook, Robert A Leonard Oregon, July 8th *"1916, that th« L, Bristow AT CHAUTAUQUA s. Don’t Get Wet Reflex Slicker $3.00 EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY At All Grocers Automobiles Good Values in Used Cars See ROSENBERG At Tillamook Garage. New Butterick Patterns for ^ugust now on Sale at Pattern Counter. Time to Buy the Family's Needs in Beach, Outing, Sport and Vacation Wear. Summer Wash Fabrics, 29c. For Values to 5Cc. Get Union Suited in Munsingwear absolutely no excuse for being /^rAIIERE is abso I uncomfortably y uuderclothed when you “*■ can keep cool this summer in garments made in the satisfactory Munsingwear way. Munsingwear undergarments are perfect in every detail of manufacture, they are offered at popular prices in many different light weight knitted fabrics of fine quality, and in perfect fitting sizes for every woman, miss and child. Ladies’ Munsingwear Union Suits, 60c. Fine, bleached, form fitting knitted summer Union Suits—low necks, sleeveless—tight fitting and loose knees—no buttons. Per Suit................................................. 60c. Extra Sizes ..... 75c. Many other styles and weaves at prices. 65c., 89c., 95c., $1.00, $1.10, $1.75. Children’s Munsingwear Union Suits, 60c. Reg. Reg. Reg. Reg. to 39c. values to 59c. values to 75c. values to 93c. Values I1OW . . now • now now Ladies' Tailored Millinery and Sports Hats At Greatly Reduced Prices. Actual 75c. AutoCaps now- 19c. Actual to Actual to White and bleached Union Suits for children in garments with drop seats or closed crotch, sleeveless or with short sleeves, full open fronts or half open. All sizes. Per Garment . Ladies' New Ivory Sole Rubber Heel I—I ERE’S a sale of desir­ able Wash Fabrics to help you add to your store of summer dresses at a re­ markable saving. Included in the offer there are plain and fancy white Voiles, striped, fig­ ured atid noveltv colored Voiles, Beach Suitings in self colors and stripes, new Military Voiles, Sa- bran Embroideries, and dainty floral and floral and stripe crepes. Altogether a most re­ ma-keblc offer of desira­ ble weaves for making up dresses for street, after­ noon, outing, vacation or Beach wear. Actual values to 50c. Per yard for only . ‘ Other values on Sale : — Actual to Actual Actual and Shoes & Oxfords QUR stocks of these most popular styles of foot­ wear have been augmen­ ted by a recent express shipment of newer and more up-to-date models. Come to the store and see them—you will not be im­ portuned to buy if you do not care to do so—it will give us pleasure to simply show them and giye you a fitting. Brief descriptions of the new models follow : — —7 inch Top English Shoes in Pnter.t and Gunmetal with white Ivory Soles and Rubber Heels. Widths B to J aa E. Per pair — Ladies' English Shoes in White Buck, White Buck trimmed with tan, and white Canvas. All have white Ivory Soles and Rubber C/4 p, (PE Heels. Prices ... ▼ ■ --Ladies' White Oxfords and Patent Leather, one strap pump, with white Ivory Soles and Rubber JO a. <1*4 Heels. Prices tO u Summer Comfort Underwea for E verybody. OME men like the form fitting knitted gar­ ments, others prefer the loose fitting woven atheletic Union Suits. Whatever ‘V°u ^re^er y°u can now buy them with the cJ/Wuns/ngiyear label—the guarantee of per­ fection in lit and finish—attached to each gar­ ment. S Munsingwear Atheletic Union Suits in all Sizes for zJAfen at Prices frem $1.00 to $2.00 ¿Munsingwear Knitted Form Fitting Summer Union Suits in all Sizes Bathing Suits and all Accessories For ¿Men, Women and Children. Ladies Bathing Shoes, per pair. 33c. Bathing Caps, several styles from 25c. Avrad s Swimming Wings, per pair 25c. Ladies' Knit Bathing Suits from $2.75 Men's Bnthing Suits from 85c. to $3.50 Boys' Bathing Trunks, per pair 25c. Boys' Bathing Suits from -75c. to 11.50 $1.00 to $2250. Bargains in Footwear For Every ¿Member of the Family. To $2.00 Baby Shoes for...................... To $2.75 Misses' Shoes for ............. lo $3.50 Ladies' Dress Shoes for . Ladies Mary Jane Pumps, Special lobi.OH Ladies' Dress Shoes for •• To $3.00 Boys Shoes for................... To $3.50 Bova’ Shoes for.................. To $6.00 Men's Dress Shoes for - ■ Subscribers’ August Delineators are nowhere. Please call for your copy. 89< $1.3 $l.fc $2.4 $2.f $1.8 $2.1 $3.8 I I