T1LLÂM00K HEADLIGHT, JUNE 15,- 1916. - Sales Commence Friday, June 16th Sales Commence Friday, June 16th Double Stamps All Day. Double Stamps All Day. Golden Opportunities Announced by Golden Cards. Are you prepared for the warm weather? Have you secured all the necessary light weight apparrel that makes the hot weather bearable? We have been prepared for some time and owing to the back­ ward nature of the season our stocks of seasonable Merchandise are heavier than they should be at this time of the year. For this reason, and be­ cause we have to pay for the merchandise irrespec­ tive of weather or other conditions we are sacrific­ ing profits, and even cost prices on some lines, in order to reduce the stock to the required propor tions. Come Early I In the Mornings if possible Come early and secure the cream of these offerings. Buy now for present and future needB—you will never regret it—rather will you thank us for giving you this wonderful opportunity for securing reliable goods at savings on actual pre-war prices. {-Actual $5 and $6 DRESS SHOES FOR MEN, $3.35 Women’s Spring and Summer 1916 SUITS, COATS, DRESSES AND MILLINERY Sacrificed to Effect an Entire Clearance this ^y\donth. Had the weather this year been as seasonable as could be expected there would have been no necessity for sacrificing our superb stocks of Suits, Coats, Dresses and Millinery, but owing to the excessive number of garments on hand it becomes expedient to adopt drastic measures to effect the desired clearance. We were prepared for a seasonable Spring and Summer's trade. Prepare yourself for the future by taking advantage of these great big savings on new merchandise. SENSATIONAL WASH GOODS BARGAINS A sal - of W ash Goods in the face of vancing market is an event every woman should take advantage of by buying for present and future use. Not only have we underpriced the colored v ish fabrics bought for this season’s trade but the staple and fancy white fabrics as well. You will find bargains in every corner of the Drygoods Department. Actual to $15 Coats now • Actual to $20 Coats now - Actual to $25 Silk Coats - Actual to $19.50 Suits now - Actual tc $22.50 Suitsnow - Actual to $20.00 Dresses - {Actual to 29c. Values NEW WASH GOODS, 19c. Striped and figured Flaxons and Voiles, white and colored Sport and Beach Cloths, Fgvptissucs, Crepes and Middy Cloths in 27. 32 anil 36 inch width- Actual values to 21>c. yard. 1 (1 PREPAREDNESS SALES ...................... luC. C $6.98 $10.85 $17.65 $10.85 $17.65 $14.75 Florsheim Shoes in Tan, Tan and Kid Com­ binations, Patent and Gunmetal Button. Balmoral and Blucher Styles. Some have cushion soles Actual $5.00 and $6.00 Shoes PREPAREDNESS SALES . ^ylctual $4.75 to $8.00 HIGH TOP AND WORK SHOES FOR MEN $3.35 6, 8, 12, and 14 inch top work shoes for Men in such brands as Napa Tan, Chippewa, Peters, and Stetson Kellogg. Whilst there are not coni- píete size selections in every style there arc all izes in the lot. There are shoes that actually sell from $4.75 to $**.00 and they arc shown in both Black and Tan PREPAREDNESS SALES {-Actual $3.50 DRESS SHOES FOR WOMEN $1.85 Actual to 39c. Values in NEW WASH GOODS, 29c. Novelty \ iides of all kinds and colorings. Dot­ ted Swiss Waistings, Floral and Stripe Crepes, Beach Suitings, Floral Organdies and Embroider­ ed \ oilcs in 27, 36 and 40 inch widths. Actual v.iliK s to :*t»c. yard. PREPAREDNESS SALES .......................... ¿“C. To $6.00 Values in c Actual to $1.50 Stilish {J/VIillinerv, Silk Waists, Lingerie Waists, $2.98 1916 Models only—made in our own workrooms—sty­ lish, becoming and alto­ gether desirable creations. To $7.75 Values in zJ/Vlillinery {JModels, $3.68 79c. Limited quantity only — better come early—wonder­ ful values—white only. Exclusive creations from our own workrooms—chic in style for daintily and prettily trimmed. Button and Blucher Dress Shoes with Cuban and common-sense heels in patent with mat or cloth tops, gunmetal with cloth tops, vici kid, and gunmetal A remarkable selection of extraordinary bargains. Actual$3.5O values? All sizes in the lot PREPAREDNESS SALES .............. {-Actual $4 to $6 {Actual to 50c. Values in NEW WASH GOODS. 39c- 36 inch Gabardine, Poplin, Pique, I __ 7 " Redford Cord and Beach Suitings, Seed Voiles Fancy Voiles, W bite \ oiles in Plaid, Splash and other novelty effects, and a host of other spring and summer 1916 Wash Dress Fabrics at a great saving price. Actual values to 5Oc. yard PREPAREDNESS SALES .................... 39c. ^-Actual to 69c. Values in NEW WASH GOODS, 49c. Plain and Striped Palm Beach Suitings 36 inches wide. White Gabardine Pcsant, Striped Tub Silks 3G inches wide, Candy Striped Voile Fspange, and 36 inch Novelty Pongees in W hite, l eaf green, French Blue, and Battleship Grey. \< tual values to 6»c. yard JQ PREPAREDNESS SALES ...................... ‘ijC. Actual 75c. Values in TUB SILK WAISTINGS AND SILK MARQUISSETTES, 59c. 36 inch Silk Marquissettes in a large selection of colorings and designs, Tub Silks in various pat­ terns, Hural Silk Crepes in white grounds. 40 inch Indra Silks in lovely shades with pretty floral and stripe designs and Silk Striped Violes Black. Navy and Pastel shades. Actual ESS SALES 59c. DRESS SHOES FOR WOMEN $2.95 A Business Expediency Are these Preparedness Sales of MEN’S SUITS, HATS, SHIRTS and BOYS’ SUITS, etc. A most extraordinary offering of smart up-to- date footwear for W omen. Black and Brown Suede, and Tan and Gunmetal Button Shoes with 8 inch tops; I.acc Shoes with Gunmetal and Pat ent \ amps and Cloth Tops; cloth and mat tops in button st vies; W bite Buck Shoes and Black Velvet shoes in Button styles—Cuban, Louis Cuban and commonsense heels. Actual $4.00 to $6.00 values An PREPAREDNESS SALES ................ Y“» Arc you prepared against the inevitable increases in the prices of practically every commodity of men’s attire? If not, here is vour opportunity to cover your­ self in more wryj than one and at a great big saving. Actual $22.50 to $27.50 HART SCHAFFNER AND MARX GOOD CLOTHES FOR MEN Actual 31.75 to $3.75 MISSES’ SHOES, $1.35 $20.65. A selection of these famous suits, comprising every wanted size in weaves that are both stylish and desira­ ble. and colors that are guaranteed absolutely fast and reliable. Better come in today and get the cream of the selection. These values cannot be duplicated today, but the stock must be reduced, hence the sacrifice. BOYS’ SUITS Actual to $3.00 Values in WITH LONG PANTS, MEN’S HATS, $1.00. 85c. A line of Roys’ Long Pants Suits Odds and ends of various lines that in sizes to fit ages 12 to 16 years. At this unheard of price you will have were originally priced up to 13.00. to hurrv <100 1 here may be a hat amongst this lot PREPAREDNESS SALES ’Pi-vU that would suit equally as well as any high priced hat. Come in and try one Actual to $18.00 MEN’S and YOUNG MEN S PREPAREDNESS SALES 1916 SUIT MODELS. Actual $1 25 $13.85. Smart stylish and snappy suits for MEN’S SHIRTS. men and youngmen in fabrics emi­ 79c. nently desirable for present and later wear This is an opportunity every Men's Golf Shirts with starched or man should take advantage of, and french cuffs. Light grounds with light prepare for the inevitable increasing and fancv stripes—every one a de­ advances on yarn-woven and dyed sirable pattern. All sites in the selec­ JQ ml"ics | 9 Qt ts PREPAREDNESS SALES PREPARFDNESS SALES • 85c. Button and lace shoes in Black or Tan, also E. C. Skuffers in Patent Button and Blucher styles Actual $1.7.» to $2 75 values A splendid selection to choose from PREPAREDNESS SALES {-Actual to $3.00 BOYS’DRESS AND WORK SHOES, $1.85 Copyright Hart Sduffnrv Tan button, and gunmetal button and lace dress Shoes, and heavy calf work shoes for boys in all sizes from 8 to 2 <*1 Qt PREPAREDNESS SALES ................. ipl.OJ Sizes 2Ci to 5 y IB PREPAREDNESS SALES .............. $Z-1V Z. Actual to $2 Men's B.V.D. UNDERWEAR. 39c. Values to $1.50, BABY SHOES. 89c. \ ici Kid, patent and gunmetal shoes with or without heels, in button and lace styles, PREPAREDNESS SALES .... sizes 89c.