T1LLÂM0ÔK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 15. 1916. Some Smiles. A young Scotchman arrived in New York and secured work in a garage. He was set the firstiday to greasing the wheels on motor trucks. In a re­ markably short time he reported his first job done. "Do you mean to say," demanded the foreman, "that you have greased all four wheels already?” “Weei, naw,” replied Sandy, "only the two front ones.’ ’ “And why not the back ones, too?' asked the foreman. "Wee), so lang as the front ones are all reet, the two hind ones have to foller." * * • The English landlady of a boarding house always made a point of asking departing guests to write something in her visitors’ book. She was very proud of it—of some of the people whose names were in the volume and the nice tlJngs they said. “But there’s one thing I can’1 understand,” the women confided to a friend, “and that is what an American put in the book after stopping here. People always smile when they read it.” “What was it?” asked the other. “He wrote only the words, “Quoth the raven.” » » » Notice to Stockholder!. ‘»K is free trade. j The adjourned annual meeting of Frte trade tav. ■ 1 . t’le Tillamook Hotel Company will make uu for th? ? loine 'udustry to the stockholders of the Tillamook ioreign industrv ?vr,*Cnt 11 ^ands ‘° Hotel Co. will be held on Thursday, ■uch an un A r r ? y u”0' reverse ->une 22nd- 1916 =“ 5 P-n>- 'he Til>: an un-American un American scheme, am(jok HqU>) liIlamo^k üregon. E. J. Claussen, Sec. hi'cvr“™ tO non of ne Gyroscope- Gun that is guaran To Exchange. 8ueh‘»° ’'‘ m ! 6’80° bullcls a niinme. uch a rapidly demolishing deadly °Ugl,J tO Prove almost is Residence, San Diego, good income •atal as fret trade. also sixty acre farm Yuma Valley for stock ranch near cost.—Address P.O. ’‘ would seem to be good horse Box 7 Gadsden, Ariz. r‘alliie ,hat protection for ■yhrerKa'' workers gives work and Notice. wages at home, and that free trade urns American workers out of work This is to notify the public that on P»‘s a fax mortgage on their the 22nd of May 1 bought the office jinail possible incomes. equipment and good will of Dr. Dan­ ----- o----- Let the slogan of every voter in iels, and will continue the office and practice of Chiropractic in nty name. he corning national election be- Dr. C. W. Miller. -peedy repeal of the Underwood Tar- ,f ,‘aY’ afndthe enactment in its place Xm tanff.I?w ,hat will restore the For Sale. ----- o----- * iX7f war, the mighty British fleet being policy has lapsed or that you meant RIGHT PRICES. All lessons given at Studio. work all the week for $3.00 if he he chief. Germany sends us more wants to, but I’m a union man, and 1 han $100,000 worth of shi^.ments a to get insured but delayed doing so, County Representative lor the won’t touch it.” nonth. If the soldiers were back at Wiley B. Allen Co.»’ line of high there is consternation. If you do not * » » vork, and the British fleet, were at grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos want to be taken unawares, the oniy etc. For fully half an hour they had >eace, and the tariff were left as it is, lingered over their parting, Then at .vhere would our home market be? plan is to insure at once. Don’t put it last Cuthbert, rose to go. off until some other time, do it now. J_ I T. B uj im The “ nonpartisan ” racket is being Gwendo- “So soon, dear?” sighed A A . Cheer up! Get to work averworked in behalf of the Wilson line sadly. "Couldn't you stay just a Let us write you a policy today. in a F ish B rand ATTOIcNE » -A I LAW. administration. First w-c had the non­ little longer?" Complete Set of Ab«tn«ct Book* iu Cuthbert shook his manly head in partisan tariff commission project, ntended to furnish an alibi for the resigned decision. Office. "I must go darling,” he replied, administration on the Undcrw-ood Taxes l'aid for Nou Residents. tariff law. Now Ambassador Morgcn- "though 1 would give ten years of my » :hau, a partisan adherent of the pres­ T illamook B lock , life to stay another hour with you!” U “But,” she presisted, "why have ent administration, is promoting a Tillamook .... Ore; “nonpartisan” league to promote the you to go so early tonight,” Both Phones. of President Wilson for re ­ candidacy Strong, easy fitting, ‘Because sweetest girl.” he explain­ PHONE US. CALL ON US. WRITE US. light, and water­ ed sadly, "it’s our union meeting to­ election. proof. absolutely. night, and if I don’t turn up I shall TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE. T. BO ALS, M.D., President Wilson professes to be be fined.” Reflex Edges stop * * * for “America First,” yet when Con­ water from run­ ningin at the front. A little girl about six years old was gress had an opportunity to vote on PHYSICIAN AND SUXGEt visiting friends. In the conversation 1 measure that would insure the es- Black. Yellow or Olive.khaki. Surgeon S.P. Co. lOWEßis ablishment and development of dye ­ one of them remarked: Protector Hat, 75 cents "I hear you have a new little sister” rtuffs industry in this country and Satisfaction Guaranteed (i. O. O. F. Bldg ) “Yes” answered the little girl, “just thus make us independent of Ger­ A.J.TOWER CO. many in that respect, Wilson uttered a.s Tillamook .... Oregon. two weeks old.” BOSTON "Did you want it to be a little girl?” not one word in its behalf. The Dem­ “No I w’anted it to be a boy,” she ocrats defeated the measure, follow­ EBSTER HOLMES, replied, " but it came while I was at ing the theory of President Wilson , that a protective tariff is an economic school.” error. “ America First ” indeed. • * * ATTORNEY AT LAW Difficult Attitude. COMMERCIAL BUILDIN« , Senator Broussard of Louisiana, is "How do you stand on prepared- one Democrat who does not hesitate Good Values in Used ncss?' ’ * FIRST STREET. “Well,” replier Senator Sorgum, to declare his advocacy of a protec­ Cars TILLAMOOK "the citizens out my way are thor- tive tariff. He gave an interview a OREGON oughly patriotic, and at the same time few days ago in which he predicted that there will be a revision of the passenger Overland, Rebuilt 1 have always been regarded as the and painted like new ............$450.00 great champion of economy. As ne? Brag of. City Recorder, of Tillamook MOTHERS OF OREGON. “Will yes luk at thot!” exclaimed QR. L. I.. HOY, City, Oregon. Albany, Oregon. —"At one time I “r*. O’Toole in just indignation. wax weak and ‘Washin' and ironin’ done.” Sure, nervous; bad P H V SICIA N AN 0 SU R G E< )N •he ain’t wan bit better than Oi am.. headache and C. HAWK. Oi’ve got me washin' and ironin’ done backache; liver T11.1. A MOOK B LOCK, too, but yez don't see me hangin’ out was sluggish, and I no shingles bragging about it.” Tillamook, Oregon. I was troubled ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. I Ti’lamook, • • Oregon with constipation. ■ I needed a tonic Orrgoc —a constitutional Bay City EAT VIERECK’S builder. A friend told me about Dr. : BREAD, ATTORNEY Pierce’s Golden J E. REEDY, D.V M., Medical Discov- “ Oregon Flower, 1 ' a Hard Wheat Patent. AND I took it and it built me right illamook bakery COUNSEL» OR. a 1-1.A A . VETERINARY. up. gave me new strength, put my “Yamhill Family Blend,” Hard & Valley Wheat. liver in good shape, and helped me T illamook BK"-’., “Morning Star,” Select Valley Wheat. in every way.”— M ro . E llen D odele , Both Phones. TillHiuook . . Oreguu- 1118 E. 2nd Street. ROOM NO. 3M. Orcgou i I ilia mook • At All Grocers. à Have Your House Wiring Done by FIRE I FIRE ! A Rainy Day Need Not Be Dull Reflex Slicker $3.00 FIRE I ! ! FIRE INSURANCE ROLLIE W. WATSON The Insurance Man.” Automobiles A4 me touch of a match. What Ails You r NEW PERFECTION oil cppK-ffrovE KING & SMITH CO ALEX McNAIR CO. w T YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY, Made in Oregon Hom 1 J I