Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, June 15, 1916, Image 4

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Bills Allowed by Coort.
Road District No. I.
E. A. Worthington ............ . .
Wm. Barker ......................
Felix Kebbe ......................
Emil Ross ..........................
A. E. Rittenhouse .............. ..
Geo. Hartzel ...................... . ..
Albert Mills ........................
Ernest Kebbe .....................
Sam Tomlinson ..................
Fred Zaddach .....................
R. Kennedy ........................
Geo. Knight ........................
A. E. Worthington ............ .
Scot Linkhart......................
Paul Wobtke .............. ..
Matt Olson ..........................
1 H Hick*
D. S Boyakin....................
Oregon Box & Mtg Co. . .
Jacob Karnin ......................
Frank Burch
John Kennedy ....................
Jack Wood ..........................
Aug. Ludtke ........................
R. E Myers .......................
A. S. Tilden ........................
Chas Clark
Alva Finley .......................
Wm. Hartzel ......................
C. W. Cnmmings
Oliver Wood .......................
Joe Duncan ............. ...........
Bert Comstock ...................
Oral Barnes .........................
Lew Kenney ........................
Albert Easom ......................
A. D. Lorn men ....................
C. E. Easom ........................
Charley Kasom ...................
Warren Easom ....................
Paul Barce ...........................
Roscoe Barker ......................
Elmer Easom ........................
R 1. McMullen ...................
S. R. Verinilyea ....................
Lester Bowman ....................
Beverly Daniels ...................
E. A. Blackmore ..................
Warren Easom ....................
Albert Easom ....
Edgar Batzner
M. F. Bowman ...
Walter Thompson
Raymond Norris .
Michell Honicky .
Ed. Elvoid ............
Fred Hill .............
Steve Scovill ........
Delmer Scovell ..
Hurshel Scovell ..
O. A. White ........
Dick Bartrow ...
Wm. Crawford ..
R. J. Larsen ........
Ralph Robison . .
Mitchell Horcemy
John Anderson .
Aug. Sandberg . ..
C. Haybarker ....
Frank Alvoid ....
Fritz Reust ..........
A. Cummings ....
Felix Kebbe ........
E. A. Alvoid ........
Cleve Allen ..........
J. A. Cummings . .
F. J. Darcy ..........
Harry Maynard . .
Wm. White ..........
V. O. Mendenhall
H. Van Dolah ....
<.'. Lauderback . . .
Wm. Petteys ‘.
B. F. Wilkins ........
W m. Hartzell . . .
C. W. Crimmins ..
Roscoe Barker . . .
Frank Barnes ........
Oral Barnes ..........
Geo. Wilks ............
Jack Lesley ............
Richard Meyers .
C. E. Allen .............
S. G. Reed ..............
Gilman Nun ..........
W. F. Cain .............
Jas Murdock ..........
Bert Comstock . . .
Fred Kebbe Sr.......
Nelson \ Co...........
Thomas Fuller . ...
Wm. Beamish . . . .
Grant Marshall ...
Harry Mitchell
Sam Johnson ........
Frank Crane ..........
Frank Mitchell
Joe Swaha .............
Nels Nelson ..........
Jas Powell ............
Fred Pulcipher ...
T. A. Lewis ..........
Tom Berry ............
Milo Beamon ........
John Paquet ..........
Martin Ripley ........
Clark Smith ..........
Albert Smith ..........
F. Buckl.cs ..............
F. Crane Jr..............
L. L. Smith ..........
Valentine Stoker ..
Arthur Thompson .
Mark Hobson ........
Walter Morgan
Robert Ford ..........
M. Newhiter ..........
H. Newhirter..........
Ernest Crown ........
Frank Crown ........................
c. \\ . Ross ............................. .
E. II. Wood ...........................
M B Shafer ..........................
A. H. Scloth ..........................
S. E. Thompson ....................
E H. Best ..............................
Mrs Harry Crane ................
A. Zuerchcr ............................
Wm. D. Shafer........................
J H. Thompson ....................
valentine Stoker ....................
John Langley ..........................
Fred Paquet ............................
Geo. Benson . ..........................
•C. W. Abraham ....................
Frank Stmeby ........................
L. L. Smith .............................
H. W. Klein ..........................
Win. Chisholm ........................
Chas Robitsch ........................
Leslie Barber ..........................
S, Scovell ................................
J. J. Spencer ...........................
G. F. Dougherty......................
A Arstill
Johnson and Illingsworth
Nehalem Saw Mill ................
Alex McNair ..........................
C. II Woolfe .........................
Tohl A Anderson ..................
R H. Cady Co.........................
Brighton Mill Co....................
Leslie Barber ..........................
C. W Ross ..............................
Geo. W. Phelps.........................
Wm D. Shafer ......................
F. P. Hobson ..........................
Nelson A Co.............................
•5 00 S. C. Woods ........
22.30 R. B. McClay ........
By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist.
1223 75 Lee Lyster ............
----- o------
R. Lyster ...............
Tillamook Bull Increasing in Value.
Total .............................. 39.157.49 Booth Dunham ....
Every official record made by the
Road District No. 2.
Chas Baker ............
62.50 Geo. M. Donald ...
5 00 Fred Dunham ........
dam, grand-dam or any near relative
1.25 Blake Thompson . .
5.00 Ted Lyster .............
of a registered dairy bull adds value
51.25 Chas. Garlic ..........
7.50 Gene Hester ..........
to that bull by enlarging his produc­
126.20 O. Noble ................
11.00 Roy Blanchard ....
tion pedigree.
52.50 Victor Stewart ...
3.75 John imlah .............
I The following information was re­
51.85 J. Cross ..................
5.62 A. Learned ..............
ceived, lately, from Hollywood Farm,
55.30 W. M. Dorr ............
Washington, regarding the dam and
2.50 L. Manfield ............
108 80 C. S. Wells ..............
15.00 Chas Murphy .........
sire of Holstein bull belonging to J.
103.15 Rob Wilson ..........
10.00 Frank Nelson ..........
J. Rupp.
96.87 Tory Haugan
27.81 O. E. Mattoon ....
j Artis Htngrcveld De Koi 3rd’s
. .
61.90 Marion Darby .
20 00 Lloyd Kellow ..........
Girl, the dam of the bull, finished her
37.50 Abe Simmons ........
5 00 Geo Kellow ............
yearly record on May 21st. She pro­
35 00 C. Haugen .............
18 75 Fritz Drebert ..........
duced 20 752.5 Its. of milk contain­
35.00 Ed Jacoby ..............
5.00 R. E. Welsh ............
ing 907.8 tbs. butter.
35.00 > Tory Haugan
38.81 Roy Measor ............
The sire of the bull has 24 sisters
26.00 Alwin Blum
48 00 W. Edson ..................
whose average records as junior 2 2
.45 John Blum ............
22 50 H. Altenberger ....
year olds is 18.12 tbs. butter in ”
227 29 John Graf . . ....
21.25 F. T. Bennett ..........
days. One of these sisters, Hollywood
37.50 Herny Simmons ...
22 50 H. V. Welsh ............
Pauline Fay ne, holds the highest jun­
35 00 Elix Walker ............
22.50 John Borba ............
ior 2 year old record in the North­
40.00 H. G. Parsons ........
42.50 Henry Davis ..........
west tor 7 years, 23.51 tbs. butter,
Right at this season is the very best time to buy beds—
45.00 John Proctor ...........
75 00 C. N. Gilmore ........
average test 4.05 per cent. Another
when our stock is full and complete for your selection.
30 95 Frank Stratton ....
40.62 E. Straw ..................
sister, Hollywood Vale Fayne made
12 50 John Zurflueh ..........
Above, for example, we show* one of the beautiful new
33 75 E. Borba ..................
milk and 846 tbs butter in
I . 21,600
r . tbs
__ ____
19.35 Fred Blum .............
80 00 Fred Hollett ............
Simmons Steel Beds as advertised in the Ladies' Home Journal
45 65 Pearl Walker ..........
12.50 W. L. Hudson
I We need more stock of this kind in
and Saturday Evening Post. Come in and let us show you the
55.60 Paul Pearson ..........
7 50 Lewis Myers
the county.
10 00 Ciciro Proctor ........
16.25 Arthur Foster
full line.
Save Your Rennets.
2 50 B. E. Turner ............
They are the famous light weight, electrically welded steel
9.06 Frank Foster
9.35 C. E. Walker ............
22.50 J. Lewallen ..................
which you have been reading. There is not a nut or a
late in ail the cheese localities of this
6.85 Lewis Wing ............
7.50 Claude Lewallen ....
the whole bed to rattle loose. And the finishes are
59.05 Ed. Fishbockcr ....
7.50 Fred Lewallen ............
net and the consequent rise in the
85.00 A. E. Holden ..........
16 50 C. M. Lane ..................
49.25 Ben Darby ................
price of th« extract.
18 75 J. H. Hicks ................
The quality of our merchandise is the best that human i skill
21.25 A. E. Holden ..........
We have always depended, almost
18.75 W. A. Williams ........
qan produce; our enormous buying power lowers
ing genuity ...
4 4 25 C. M. Hinkle............
10 00 Edward F. Carter ....
the price to the point where they cannot fail to interest even
35.00 G. Vaughn ...............
for our supply. This supply is now cut
17.50 Clem Hurlimen ..........
48.00 F. Blaser ...................
the most experienced buyers. Let us prove to you that we can
10 00 Mrs. H. M. Farmer . .
I , out.
72 80 A.
12 50 W. H. Turner..............
Are The Tillamook Factories Going
and do sell you the greatest home furnishing values at prices
11.75 T. Darby
6 25 Frank Foster ..............
To Run Out of Rennet on Ac­
no other concern can equal.
20.00 Roy Wallon
5 00 Ray Blanchard ............
count of This War?
38.00 Jack Edgar
25 00 Myron Blanchard ....
44 25
28.50 R. E. Welsh ..............
W. Thurman .......
4th stomachs of young calves. The
51.25 C.
12 50 Joe Hollett ..................
M. Reust ...................
calf should be a few' days old and fed
17.50 August
12.50 Wm. Gould..................
Waldovogcl .
nothing but pure milk. When the calf
2.50 J. F. McKinney
100.00 Albert Boon ................
is killed the fourth or true stomach
6.05 N. J. Dye .............
110.00 Jenck Bros ..................
should be removed. This is the last
«TO 1 Q. Pangborn ..............
102.50 E. G. Anderson ..........
stomach, the one that empties into
52.50 W. R. Robedce ..........
Joe Mapes ..................
the small intestines. It is the stomach
51.25 Joe Steiiinassel ..........
often contains the milk curd.
75 00 Jenck Bros ..................
Henry Nelson ..........
Remove it carefully by cutting where
66 00 R. E. Wilson & Co. ...
Frank Dye ..................
it joins the next stomach, called the
28.12 Howard Cooper Co. ..
Gordon Hare ............
book and squeze out the contents
53.75 A. C. Denel .................
Frank Powers ............
' Then cut off the thick muscular part of
37.50 Orval Kellow ..............
Walter Severance .. .
. the neck (not over 2 inches) and slit
5.92 Frank Taylor ..............
A. J. Nails ..................
open so that it will lay flat.
2.50 Chas Cruthers ..............
A. Williams ..............
The best part of the rennet is the
51.00 Howard Cooper Co. ..
C. Dye ........................
end where it joins the book, so be
40.00 Frank Taylor ..............
R. Martin ..................
sure not to loose any part of it, if you
42.50 D. W. Gilbert & Sons
R. Deelcr ..................
want the top price. Do not wash the
11.87 D. W. Gilbert & Sons .
Matt Weber ..............
inside with water.
17.50 J. L. Burke ....................
Paul Edgar ................
Stretch the rennet well and salt
17.50 G. M. Kistic ................
Frank Landoit ........
heavily on both sides right away,
I H .Edgar ....................
7.50 Chas Lundquist ......
then leave a day or two to drain, in a
2 50 J. M .Baker ..................
Frank Hediger ..........
cool place. There must be plenty of
1015.45 Clarence Hushbeck ...
Feldshau and Jackson
salt left on both sides.
29.25 Ernest Kirby ................
F. C. Knowles ..........
Keep the salted rennets in a cellar
226.16 Rutgers ..........................
A. F. Coats Lbr. Co. .
or other cool place until shipped, to
3.26 Cloverdale Mer. Co. ..
'A. F. Coats Lbr. Co. .
prevent spoiling, and pack in tubs or
1 Chas Wooley .
boxes. Be sure to have the rennets
Tillamok Iron Works
Total ................. ........... »5,798.«3 drained off well before shipping, so
General Fund.
Electric Store .
they will not leak brine in transit,
8.00 and please reduce
72.77 Dwight Edmunds ............
Frank Devine .
the shipping
7.00 weight as much as possible.
2.20 Mrs. N. E. Robedce..........
Nancy Wilson .
217.50 J. F. Jones .........................
Solon Shiffpian
Do not ship too much extra salt.
See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere
173.53 s. M. Wendt ......................
Tillamook City
Where only a few rennets are got­
1.00 ten each week, the best way to do,
39.88 J. C, Bewley ......................
U. S. Steel Products Co.
9.42 after salting and draining for a 1
27.00 P. Jacob .............................
Bales & Erskine ............
34.82 couple of days, is to hang them up to ,
100 00 R. H. Coshun ....................
W. B. .Alderman ..........
2 59 air dry. Be sure to have a good circu- •
25.00 Bushong & Co....................
Matt Weber ..................
14.80 i lation of the air, and, at all times, do
3.25 Frank Devine ....................
Mrs. Phillips ..................
17 85 I not fail to have plenty of salt on
61.15 R. L. Shreve ......................
Joe Delsman .................
3.50 I both sides V.
6 00 Geo. Bean ............................
Tillamook Water Co. ..
of ...V
the ......................
rennet. After drying
20.10 I they will keep for almost any length
3.00 C. A. Dunn ..........................
W. B. Alderman ............
4 97 I of time, and can be shipped in a bag
40.00 The Swender Blue Print Co.
Tillamook Iron Works
1 20 ; or box.
P. A. Devine ............................
Total ............................. $4,123.84 Conover & Condit..................
Blown rennets command a little
5 95 higher price and are prepared as fol­
Geo. W. Phelps ......................
Road District No. 8.
7.00 lows: 1 he rennet stomach should be
Wm. Hudson . .
18.75 R. W. Watson ........................
6.25 turned inside out and any particles of
Arthur Edmunds
25.32 Crystal Laundry Co................
2 10 . food shaken or picked oif. Do not
Leo Norton ....
2 00 I w ash. Tie up one end of the stomach
S. W. Shaver ................
47 50 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co...............
30.00 I and blow up like a bladder. Hang in
E. E. Parker .................
33.12 P E. Jewell ..............................
28 25 | a cool place, away from flies to dry.
Earl Paul
46 62 Marie Katnm ..........................
5 60 i Be sure to keep them in a cool and
and other Southern Pacific Stations in Tillamook
Chas. Murphty ..............
61.03 Berns Bros ................................
20.00 dry place.
25 32 L. S. Hushbeck ......................
Gilbert Blake ................
County. They save considerable money.
12.00 i Prices quoted by one firm are from
Chas Cruthers ................
23 43 H. M. Farmer ........................
5 25 13 to 15 cents per rennet, but with
Jeff Fleck .....................
5 00 E. T. Haltom ............................
7.14 the present shortage much higher
; Wm. (¡lick .................
10.00 D. S. Boyakin ..........................
27 26 prices are expected. The cheese' au­
Tone Brooten ................
5.32 R. H. Cady .............................
19 55 thorities of this county arc seriously
Harry Brooten ............
8 12 Tillamook Feed Co................
22 20 considering the manufacturing of
Clarence Hushback . . .
5.32 i H. Mason A Co....................
12.50 their own rennet extract. If they do
1 Forest Ayer
50.75 I Tillamook Herald ..................
58.00 : this, it will create a market right here
1 1 Charlan .......................
4 37
Use these low round trip tickets on your next out­
5 00 I
home and keep more of our money
69 00 L. L. Hoy ................................
i 1 E Cochran ..................
13.50 I al
here. Save the rennets.
ing or fishing trip in Tillamook Countv. You
j. B. Gillam ...................
20 00
55 00
1 A. A. Lane ................
18 75 | T. E. Epplett ..........................
Turn W«eds Into Money.
spend a week end at many pointsalong the
1 James Imlah ...................
55 00
Our common weed, fox-glove, is the
1. Davis .........................
52 50 Coast Power Co......................
31 01 same as the drug Gigitails which is
i Virgel Kellow ................. ....
91.25 Pac. Tel. and Tel Co............. 113.35 used extensively as a heart stimulant.
Roy Brink .....................
15.00 Geo. R.fl McKimcns ............ 104.50 In Europe the plant is cultivated and
Your local agent will be pleased to give you more
T. J. McKnight ..............
55.00 F. L. Owens ............................ 108 81 sold for this purpose. At present the
Victor Lane ................... ... 100 62 A. M. Hare .......................... 175 85 European supply is cut off and the
complete information or write
John Lorance .............. ... 100.00 Geo. II Williams ....................
2.30 market is good for this drug.
Geo. 1. Smith ..........................
Fred Naegcli ............
........ 53.75 I , ! C.
The leaves should be gathered from
Johnson ........................ 262 60
JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent
J. D. Pearson .................
85 00 I B. A.
83 33 plants in bloom and dried in the
L. Beals ..............................
Joe Aufdcrmauer ............
61.25 P. W.
10 00 shade. They should be stirred fre­
Portland, Oregon.
Todd ............................
1 C. E Lane ..................
9125 T ,E. Ashley ............................
5.00 quently so that they will dry evenly
C. I.. Cornell...............
77 50 E. W. Stanley ........................
6 20 and not get musty. Do not save the ,
| V erne Kellow
33.75 Frank Taylor ..........................
11.00 leaves from plants not in bloom as
E. R. Burns ...
28.75 Woods Terry ..........................
1 00 they do not contain enough of the
J. D. Wilson ...................
6.25 Winters N Hill........................
30.95 drug to make it worth while. If you
Fred Lewallen ..............
2 50 Catholic Parish ......................
10.00 include these in your shipment it
Claude Lewallen ............
5,00 H. Crenshaw ............................
4 10 i w'ould probably spoil the market for
C. M. Lane .....................
5.00 Mrs. Ethel Hays ....................
10.00 you in the future.
G. Blister .
. . .
2 50 Mrs. Geo. Willett ..................
10 00
Here is a chance to turn this troub- 1
Lester Edwards ............
80.00 F. W. Talbott ........................
11.75 lesomc weed into money. Set the boys
Walter Affolter ..............
30 00 Geo. W. Phelps ......................
50 and girls at it and at the same time
10 00 Tillamook Headlight............ 496 95 rid your pasture of it.
Ros* Chilcott .................
35 00 Royal Chop House ................
L'lysis Edwards .............
1 have inquired from several drug
Wm. Ward .....................
5.00 L. S. Hushbeck ......................
6 50 manufacturing houses as to market
5.00 E. W. Stanley ..........................
Fred Scherzinger ..........
5.90 possibilities
and quotatiois.
5.00 J. C. Holden ......................... 273.33 should have these in a few days. Or-
Lee Aiiolter
27 50 Glass & Prudhotnme Co. ...
Fred Affolter .................
8 08 dinarlv the dried leaves bring from
18 75 I. C. Holden ............................
John Affolter .................
58.54 10 to 12 cents per pound.
38 50 H.
M. 1). Sandidgc .............
Crenshaw .......................... 283.33
28.75 Glass A Prudhomtne Co.
litn Sutton ....................
23 75 W. S. Buel ............................. 165.20 Deafness Cannot Be Cured
Walter Affolter .............
15 00 Jurors & Witnesses at May
Oscar Laggart ................
| by local application, a* they cannot reach
the deceaaetl portion of the ear There is
Robt Cutler
804 60 only
term .....................................
one way to cure deafuea«, and that is
31 25 Judges and Clerks of election 617 80 by constitution
Harold Brandt................
remedies l*cafness is caused
36 25 R. L. Shreve ............................ 493.64 by an Inflamed condition of the mucous
G. W Ramsey................
• lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this
54.00 Smith Elliott...........................
U. S. Edwards
9 00 tnb- is Inflamed you have a rambling sound
John Fleck
.......... . 120.00 T. E. Epplett .........................
36.00 or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely
68.12 i las. Williams .........
Peter Jenck ...................
25 00 closed Dea’rtes» is the result, and unless
the in lammattor can be taken out and thia
70 00 ! Dr. J. E. Shearer ............. . ..
lohn Jenck
35.00 tutx
restored to it*
normal« condition,
57.50 Coroners Inquest .................
Harry Broton
42.10 hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine
37.50 1 Mutual Telephone Co.............
Jim Biggs
14.70 cases out of ten are caused by. Catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed coudi-
37.50 Deputy Sheriffs ......................
Martin Jenck...............
93 00 i lion
of the mucous surfaces.
Tom Brooten.................
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
(caused by catarrh) that
U. Edwards
Total ............................. 44,050.32 I cannot of be l>ealncss
cured by Hall’s' Catarrh Cure.
5 00
Lester Edward* ..............
Me*celaneoui Ro*d Fund.
Send for circular*, tree.
3 00 Kink A Snrith Co...................
U. S. Edwards . ............
F J. CHKNKY * CO., Toledo, Ohio
Bold by Druggists, 75c
8 75 R. E. Wilson .........................
Emery Brant ..................
Take Hair* Family Pills for constipation.
2.5Q Tillamook Bay Con. Co. ...
Harold Brant ................
97 12
■ v
5 3 00 R L. Shreve ........................
A A Imlah ........................
Albert Clark ....................
1 50
Pac. Tel & Tel Co.................
A Favor.
At Home.
I Maude—"What makes you think
2.50 Fcenev A Bremmer Co.........
Will Clark
1 25 King A Smith Co...................
his intentions are serious?”
94 38
Robt Waymire ..................
20.00 Feeney X Bremer Co...........
Ross Chilcott ..................
49 «0 sergeant)—But, sir, 1 have bad eye­ v Firv Son,h«™er—Where you in
Mabel—“When he first began to
29 38 Oregon Bldg. Record ........
New 1 ork long enough to feel at I call he used to talk about the books
9 50 sight and can’t see any distance.
lohn Creecy ......................
28 76 Long Sr Co. ..........................
Roy Braden.....................
I like to read.”
15 00 A. T. Dolan ..........................
279.80 we will put you in the very front, Second Southerner—Ye«, sir; -whs '
Will Clark ........................
Maude—"And now?”
45« 67 trench, where you will have a good
Mr. Dvke ............................
Tillamook Bav Con. Co. ..
12.50 City Trans. Co......................
rars with a lady standing ani nor
10.34 view.”
Jas Sperry ........ ...............
Mabel—“Now he talks about th«
even thinking about it.
things he likes to eat.”
W. D. Wood ............
Wheeler Lbr. Co ...
Frank Rotondo ........
I This Isthe Time
To Buy Beds !
Jones-Knudson Fur. Co,
flüEX. McNñlR & CO
Kitehen Ranges and
Heating Stoves.