F4 £ €♦ Vol. XXVII TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JUNE 15. 1H1B. | t .5 o PER YEAR. Seghers Wood Co., 410, 18th St., North Portland, Oregon, wants to ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. trade their A-t Woodyard for Cilla- I have orders for a great number ¡nook property. ♦ of calves and am n°w buying all 1 can get. When you have a calf Governor \\ ithyconib*- has refused for sale its money in your pocket to »educe the tint of $.150 0b imposed to call me up. Am able to pay and Ol 1. B. I urney, the county officials will pay fancy Prices for Durham | rciusing to recommend it. Bulls, Red Poll Bulls. Durham, For good security and 8 per cent in­ Member Federal Reserve Bank. Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. terest, party wants to borrow $400 Can also use chickens. — Both ¡for one year. Address “B" care of Phcnes.Smith, THE CALF MAN. ■ the Headlight office. • , For Rent—14 room house, barn and OFFICERS : chicken house with two acres of land. A small farm in city limits for $18 of applying the croceeds of the sale B. C. LAMB, President. per month. Apply to F. R. Beals. » to the discharge of the judgment held by plaintiffs. W. J. RIECHEKS, Cashier. Mrs. Albert Plank and Miss Alle- Mesdames T had Robison, R. T. gra Mason returned Friday from \ ice President. HOLDEN, j. c beattie, where they had been visiting Boats and C. W. Miller, and Miss Theresa Gaylord returned to the city for seveial weeks. I. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier. on Sundav from attending the Grand Three room furnished apartment. Chapter of the Eastern Star, which Water and electric lights, ground >vas held tn Portland last week. Miss floor at 510 per month. Inquire at Gaylord was honored by being elect­ 9th Street and 6th Avenue East. * ed one of the Grand Chapter officers, A. \V. B vnn . P eter H eisse . c. J. E dwards . For sale cheap, lot in Brighton who is to fill the position cf Grand Adah. Beach, Ore., in block 81, lot No. 2 W. J. R iechers . B C. L and . J. C. Hoi dex . for $200.00, $25.00 down, $10.00 per Th? editor and Mrs. Baker returned month. Write Peter Damis, St.Helens acme on Tuiiday. having attended Oregon. J 6 the wedding of Miss Sadie Banfield,. A. W. Shoemaker, traveling pas­ laughter of Mr. and Mrs M. C. Ban- Careful Attention Given to all Banking senger and freight agent of the Mis­ .'itld on FcrUattd Heights on Monday souri Pacific Ry., and St.Louis, Iron .venirg. They are old friends cf the Business Placed in Our Hands. Mountain and’ Southern Rv., was in editor. Miss Fredericka Travis and Gould Travis came in from Eugene to No man can hide money and keep OTHERS from the city on Wednesday. spend the summer with their grand j lowing it. 1 here is always something in his actions Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON 1 have anentirely new U. S. Cream parents. at gives him away,” Sepcrator, 450 pounds capacity, never «M»ooQ>9oo90oooG?>oooooooooo«aosoooo»9eoo90o9eooooooeoc Mr. Sol Baum recently called on been used. \\ ill sacrifice samefor one- Our strong vaults will keep your money safe. half original cost. See Smith the Calf the management of the Gem Theatre — in the interest of the Blue Bird Feat­ Besides this, MEN of known financial RESPON­ Man. ure photo plays. We are informed SIBILITY are behind our bank. Protect your valuable papers from chat Mr. Partridge made arrange­ the unexpected fire by renting one of ments fcr these great productions, I Make OUR bank YOUR bank. our safe deposit boxes. Only one and will have the first one here cn dollar per year. Tillamook County the night of July 4th. This company We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. Bank. • produces some of the best feature shown 0:1 the screen and the 4 0 acre dairy ranch, bottom land. plays liltamook theatre goers will appre­ ! cleared, one mile from Tillamook ciate the of the management in ' Creamery. To be sold at a bargain. procuring effort THE OLD RELIABLE. them. Will keep 18 cows. Enquire at the District Attorney T. H. Goyne and Headlight office. Attorney General Brswn has advised For Sale, Cheap, lot in Brighton the Ccunty Court that it can expend 9OOOOOOOOOOGOOGOGCQOSCQQCCOQCGC<9<&äO&&9OeoOQ&^0G099&S Beach, Oregon, in Block 81, lot No. 410.IJ00 cn the Bayocean road pro­ 2, for $250.00 casn, Write Peter vided a bid is not put in to complete Mrs. R. G. Sumerlin and daughter, Damis, P. O. Box 501, St. Helens, the work for 515,000. As the budget Miss Zella, left on Tuesday to visit Oregon. * provided 510,000 for the work on friends in Coos County. » Having taken charge of the auto­ that road, it will have to be expend- Your Free Sample of Briquets is mobile department of Case’s Garage, 011 that toad and it is thought that : now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co’s, 1 solicit your patronage in the future the court can expend the other * Wise and Massey, Dentists. office.—Better C. Lamb. as in the past and will guarantee sat $5,000 on the Bayocean road or on hard surfacing. Should the Bayocean Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. For Sale, ten good milch cows. For isfaction. Frank H. Devine. FLAG DAY IN TILLAMOOK. people fail to come through it is ■ information phone Walter Cason, United States auto tires at King & ' Cloyd Dawson returned from Eu­ thought probably that the court will ♦ gene, where he took the B. A. degree use the 55,000 for hard surfacing, but B°y Scouts of America Gave A Pro­ tnith Co. He * I Blaine, Oregon. at the State University. He will con­ it is to the interest to the taxpayers If you have had teeth treated and gram at Guild Hall. Sunday chicken dinners at Bayside tinue his studies in the fall, taking that it be expended on the Bayocean lun. Bayocean. * , they still ache try the Wise & Massey the law course. road, for it will make that much more painless method for relief. Flag Day was observed in Tilla­ Bring in your prescriptions, Tilla- I money to be raised in the next mook on Wednesday, the National Don ’ t forget those busted castings. Wc yd Sawed — Call E. W. Knight nook Drug Co. * emblem being conspicuously display­ on the Mutual phone. Prompt service Can be welded for half. Goods sent budget. ed on business houses and public Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co., and careful work. * Expert eye examination is buildings. There was a large attend­ by parcel post and express promptly 'illamook Oregon. * 1 The Tiliamook Meat Co. is paying returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, “^3/ absolutely necessary to de­ ance at the Guild Hall to hear a pro­ termine the proper kind of glasses to gram given by Troop No. 1 of Tilla­ For all kinds of auto accessories, » 7c. per pound for live fat hogs up to Oregon. • use. - Selecting them by any other mook, which was highly interesting :e — King & - Smith Co. 225 pounds. * Glen Taylor, son of Editor Taylor, method may result in permanent in­ and appreciated: The program was as Dressmaking, Mrs. Marie Wade, Wanted a work horse, communicate of the Cloverdale Courier, has gone jury to your sight. When Dr. Turner follows: * ornci 9th and Stillwell. with W. C. Smith mile back of W. to Astoria to work on the Astorian prescribes glasses, it is with absolute Introduction, J. E. Vouel Scoutmaster , Glen learned to operate a linotype certainty that they are the best, are Reading President’s Proclamation Wise & Massy, dentists. Do net do B. Elliott’s cn Kilchis river. at this office, and being a reliable the only kind suited to your eyes. If F.rrold Haltom, President. • » bat ■ they cannot guarantee. House to rent, 4 rooms and pantry. young man wc wish him success. you do not need glasses, he most Reading Governor's Proclamation, ' positively will hot recommend them. W. A. Burdick, of Gardner, is I Rent reasonable. Apply, 2nd Avenue- Thad Robison, Jr. | Miss May Filkins, daughter of Mr. Dr. T urner will be at Jenkens Jewelry Origin of Flag Day ... Archie Pye. I siting at the Dawson home. j West near First street. and Mrs. Charles Filkins, died on store and Saturday, June 23- Special ... R. C. Jones, Ass. Scout­ Ford Extras—King & Smith have I Try those 25c dinners at the Ram Monday and the funeral services were 24, at Friday Cloverdale June 19-20; at Beav­ master. I Ided a line of auto acces ries. * J sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for held on Tuesday. The deceased was er, June 21. Remember the date. Be­ History ot song "Star Spangled Ban­ 14 years of age and ’ the cause of * ware of those going from house to Wise and Massy examine the teeth, merly of the Spanish Kitchen. ner" .......................... Roy Olson. , death was tuberculosis. ' ------- * hcuse claiming to be Dr. Turner’s Song, Star Spangled Banner.. Every Obituary. »e advice and ' estimates, FREE. For Rent—Store Building now oc­ We have made special arrange- agents. They are frauds and you will one. For Sale—250 goats in good condi- cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety Ken- meats with the Telephone Co., to be humbugged. Be sure and call and Story of origin of the flag James S. Thomas was bom ii. •tt. E. A. Gwinn, Dallas, Oregon. * store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd. let him show you that new invisible noth Murphy. Racine County, Wis., Aug. 31, 1851. our office, directly with connect you double vision glass for reading and Dr. Wise will work by appointment T he Flag ................... Herbert Jones Mrs. Geo. Vandersee left Sunday to At the age oi twenty he moved wi ' IT those who want him personally.* i join her husband at Cosmopolis in case you wish any of our GOOI close work and distant vision, all in Facts regarding the flag, Leslie Gray. nis parents to Rcputdic, County’, I--.- one, which looks like a single pair, Meaning of the Flag ....... Claud Bal! COAL. Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W Judge Conder and wife returned to i where they will reside ir. the future. * t he American Hag .. Carlile Stran-' sas, where he was united in marriage yet answeis tlw purpose ot two. with Mary Raymond, March »county on Saturday from Ashland See Wise and Massy, the up-to-date Mr. and Mrs. H'. C. Hanson and ahan. ib 16. to this union seven cluldicu "I he Flag Goes by ” \ou choose your doctor. Choose us I dentists, ..ho have located perman­ daughter accompanied by N. Hanson ....... Roy Olson were bom .'•.rtliur S. of t ill-' oct- Relieve-Myers. rhe Flag Salute, .. ........... Everyone Mrs. Arthur lippin, oi liiiamovx; I your druggist—Tillamook Drug ently in Tillamook, Bay City and Bar and Miss Lucille Rowe, left Monday’ View. * to attend the commencement exer­ Song, America ... ......... Everyone. M., of Garnett Kansas; Chestei cises at Monmouth and will visit re­ Last Saturday, June the 10th, Floyd Address ................ J. !.. Henderson. John For Sale — Registered Holstein Bull Af. of Tillamook, Lulu M. of Tilla­ Kcliutv «nd ana Miss Nora A. Myers, E. F. Ingram, of the Firestone Tire latives and friends at Buena Vesta, Old Glory in the Spanish War .. R mook and Mrs. Earl Strong, of Hills­ Doui of Deaver, were united in mar- • Rubber Co., was in the city Tues- calf, a fine anihial well marked $30.00 Corvallis, Albany and Salem. Watson. Write • B. B. Goff, Forest Grove, boro Oregon, and Lester M., v.bc riage at the Christian Church Par- Old W. Glory T. in the War of the Rebel ­ Margucrita Snow in_"A Corner in sonage, Rev. Van. Winkle officiating. Oregon. J*- died in infancy. Mr. Thomas moved lion ................... . C. E. Reynolds Miss Hazel Prince, of Salem, sister ” at the Gem Theatre Satur- Geo. Kcllow and Oscar Myers, oi to Tillamook in 1911, where he has Wc use only the purest drugs ob­ Cotton, Mrs. Geo. Winslow, is in on a and Sunday nights. This is a Beaver were present to witness the Song, “Red White and Blue” Every­ made his home till his death on June tainable to enter into your_ prescrip­ day Ht. one. picture vi the tenament districts, ceremony. The young couple are to I 13, 1916. tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook Bay City Troop, No. 1, B. S. of A. » and will be of interest to every man, make their home at Beaver, where Mr. Thomas united with the United Gooseberries for sale, 40c. per gal­ Drug Co. hiked and biked over for the event woman and child.. Remember the they have many friends who wish Hrcthcrn Church in 1879, to which li. Mrs. E. E. Trout, East of Tilla- under the leadership of Prof. Nyman, he has been loyal and faithful to the For rent, 6 room house all modern, dates and don't fail to see it. them well._____________ Assistant Scoutmaster. The surprise day of his death. Distance nor age- close in to business center at corner R. M Watson, formerly owner of of the evening for the local scouts King & Smith Company can supply of Stiilw-eil Ave : nd 4lh Street. In- kept him away from God's house and Porter-Engdahl. Seaside Signal, but for the past occurred when R. C. Jones sprung the the nearer the end the more he en­ *• with all kinds of extra equipment quire of M. R. Hanenkratt. * the ----- o ----- four years proprietor of the Ilwaco "Special ” in the form of a beautiful r Fords. * James A. Porter, of Brighton, and j by 8 wool flag the gift of the Tilla­ joyed the way. He was a kind and Miss Beatrice Gaylord and Miss Tribune, at Ilwaco. Wn., has sold his Jitney Service: Auto .'or hire at all Ruth Holmes, who have been attend­ printing plant and good will to J. I’. Miss Juanita Engdahl, of Wheeler, mook men to the boy scouts. This is tender husband, a loving father and were united in marriage at the the beginning of great things in this a noble Christian. He leaves a wife, *»• Phone 53J Day—154J night ing the U. of O. at Eugene, have re­ Kelly of Raymond, Wn. Mr. Watson Christian six children and nine grand children, Church parsonage last will move to his cranberry ranch. turned home. ______________ * Slyter. ♦ the church and a host of friends to Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, the line. 48 acre dairy tartn and cheese fac­ Marathon Lodge, No. 89, K. of P., ring ceremony was used, which was miss him.______________ Lioyd Edwards, who attended the tory Notice to Wat«r Users. in Lincoln County for sale. For will visit Nehalem Lodge Saturday- performed by Rev. H. A. Van Winkle ”c8e at Newberg is home for the particulars address \\ m. Crispien, evening, June 17th. The trip will be pastor Notice of School Meeting. of the Christian Church. ■mer. for sprinkling are from o to made by automobiles and all who can Rose Lodge, Oregon. Mr. Porter is a native of Oregon $ Hours a.m. and from 5 to 9 p.m.. The annual school meeting of For Rent—Resturant with complete For exchange, 35 acres joining possibly do so should attend. There and at the present time an employe Water will be shut off where this school district No. 9, will meet “«res. Addresr Happy Camp, Ne- Ashland for stocked dairy ranch. Full will be work in the Third Rank. The of the Brighton Mills Co. Mrs. Por­ rule is violated. Monday, June 19, at the High School >**, Oregon. * particulars in first letter. Address P. Nehalem boys know how to entertain ter taught the primary department of Season rate 12.00. so a good time is assured. at 1 p.m. the Wheeler schools last year, and F.D. No. 1, Box. 76, Ashland, Ore. * John Aschim, Supt. A mixed program of high class E. J. Claussen, Clctk. has been chosen for the same position The annual meeting of the school I Mion pictures at the Star Theatre, For Sale, 80 acres timber land. Sec. for the coming year. district will take place on Monday 1 •urday night only. Sunday at the Methodist Church. Insulted. 8, Tp. 3. S„ R. 10 W., Tillamook afternoon. Mrs. Everson is the school I Their present home will be at County Clerk J. C. Hold'en and County, Oregon. Make me an offer. director whose time expires, and she , Brighton. _______ Sunday school 10 o'clock, W. E. The large one—You look as if you * is a candidate for re-election. For ; •nly have gone to Roseburg for a J. K. Eshelman, Altoona, Iowa. Noyes Supt. Five minute sermon to had just stepped out of a fashion *rt vacation. Swastika Club. clerk wc understand there are three ' Having bought the Tillamook Iron school by pastor by the pastor 10 45. book. ----- o----- ®ave you prescriptions to be filled? Works from A. K. Case all business candidates in the field, viz, Mrs W il-I Morning worship 11 o’clock. Theme T he small one How dare you sir! Mrs. Swastika Club met with The lett, S. A. Broadliead and Ira Smith. any prescription.—Tilla from Sept. 1st will be transacted by of sermon hy did Christ Ascend 1 am a respectable lady. Harrison. The afternoon was Erwin I "* Drug Co. * Edmund J Lystcr. who was killed • spent JH.„. very pleasantly with fancy on High’” Class meeting 12m. W. H. Sander. r the logging camp, carried insur-1 work and a gucsstr.g game. "What a M. Heaston leader. *“«A Massy, dentists, do painless Evening dcvotioi I Epworth Leag­ Get your lime rock or Sulphur ance in the National Life Ins Cc. for 1 A itch Suggests," Mrs Botts carried icttng free where plates or bridge 7 ;15. ! is ordered. * Spray at Tillamook Feed Co. We also $100. This was taken out Friday | off the first prize, and Mrs. Miller the ue Evening service for congregation 8 Ornamental Hre Places have'the International Stock Food previous to his death or the follow ­ consolation. The hostess invited the ^•rney E. J. Claussen, returned Remedies sold on “money back ing Wednesday. C. E. Cisstll repre­ guests to the dining room when o’clock, theme of sermon, "The Unlit of Urick or Stone ‘uesday from attending the Secret '.hat None but Christ Cculd sented the company and the money dainty refreshments were served. guarantee. All Fire Places absolutely 4C Grand Lodge. Reveal." Come, and welcome to v.a» paid to the deceased's sister, Mrs. Van V, inkle was the guest for guaranteed not to smoke Louisa Lyster, yesterday. the afternoon. The club will be en­ these services. Edward Gittins, Pastor. or money refunded. tertained by Mrs. Haltom in June. D. L. Shrode, Geogre Williams and Urick ¡Fork of all kinds Christian Chut ch. Charles Kunze vs Maude Sharp, P. I. c I done on short notice. U. B. Church. — — -O — — - Sharp. C. E. Hadley and Nevada We m'akc specialty of UAMAR’S VARIETY STORE, Hadley is a suit filed ;n 'he circuit 1 "A Wayside Conversion" will be Hear the Waymires at the I nited the morninv theme at the Christian I court to quiet title to certain prop’rty rep’ (ring smoking Fire which requires defendants to set forth Brethern Church both Sunday morn­ Church n<-xt Sunday a-d I "brom Places. ing and evening, June 18th. Sunday Prison to Prime Minister” will be the what right, title or interest they re­ schocl 10 am. Preaching 11 a.m. evening subject. spectively hold and that Maude Sliarp Ovr services were well attended be decreed to be the owner of sa:J Y F C. E. 7 p.m. Evening service 8 real property and the same is subject o’clock. Al! are invited to come and last Sunday and we cordially invite ‘ Drop in and Liook Around the public to hear the above themes to the lien of plaintiffs’ judgment, and biing your friends. TILLAMOOK. ILL. R. G. Sumerlin, pastor. next Sunday. I that the sine be sold for the purpose I THIS MAN HID HIS MONET W A //OLE IN THE GROUND’ITIS GONE — THE PRUDENT MAR ’ ’PUTS HIS IN THE SANK Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. MOVE to I.OO.F. BLD., THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $30,000.00 BIG DANCE Fairview Grange Hall Saturday, June 17,1916 For Benefit of Fairview Base ball Team RALPH E WARREN, ........ 2