T illamook Arthur. The vote in Portland showed that the church people had become disgusted with him, for E. V. Little­ First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 field, whom Hutton was supporting Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 for congress, was hopelessly defeat­ ed. Business and Professional cards one month....................................... 1.00 The automobile craze is hard to c -Is per line each insertion... 05 deal with, especially when people buy them and have not the income to Di play advertisements, an inch meet the monthly running expense. one month..................................... 50 One bad feature is buying machines All Resolutions of Condolence on the installment plan. There are .and Lodge Notices, per line . 05 cases in Tillamook where persons have bought machines and not paid vs, lost, s rayed or stolen their taxes and who owe large etc. minimum rate, not ex­ amounts at local stores. That is not ceeding five 11'lCS ..................... .2* right. Of course, some presons will say, well,, it's none of our business, but it docs look as if the auto craze rates of subscription have reached that stage when credit (S.rictly in Advance.) should be refused those who want to One Year............................................ $1.50 buy merchandise when they have ar-nth ................................... .75 failed to pay their taxes and owe Three Mentii*...................................... 50 store bills. But the automobile craze have become so prevalent that this littie snap shot may not cut niuc.i figure upon those who have the craze, THÈ T1LLAMAAK HEADLIGHT. but it should on those who loan mon­ ey or take notes on machines. ADVERTISING RATES Legal Advertisements. headlight , june wise would be a saving. It is by far the most important highway into this section of the county, and we wish our citizens could see it in that way. They will do so eventually, but in the meantime this section of the country will lose many opportunities of ob taining new industries. 8, lòie. showing be made but the number of buyers of breeding M ock from outside By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. the state would be wonderfully in- BEAVER NEWS ITEMS. AGRICULTURAL NOTES Several machine loads of picnicers spent Sunday in Beaver, which is a pretty good sign of summer. Well, we knew that it couldn’t rain for ever. W. E. Wilson and wife have return­ ed from Portland after a visit of sev­ eral days with their son, R. E. Wilson They took their grand daughter, Jean, with them. Francis Welsh and family spent Sunday with friends at Blaine. A large contracting firm of Port­ land, Oregon, passed through Beaver Sunday on their way to Garibaldi beach to clear a townsite. Robert Forkner, formerly of Bea­ ver. has returned after a short ab­ sence. , F. B. McKinley made a business trip to Tillamook Monday. Ed. Creecy has returned to work for Jenck Bros. Mrs. Charley Johnson is visiting at Nehalem. Charles Wait passed through Bea­ ver Monday with a band of goats which he was taking up to his home­ stead on Farmer Creek. J. W. Leslie was a Cloverdale visit­ or Monday. R. E. Wilson went to Tillamook Tuesday afternoon and missed the stage. Looks bad Bob. Miss Katie Zucrfluch is visiting F. W. Berger and family. Ollie Woods made a flying trip to Tillamook Monday afternoon. Miss Annie Johnson and her broth­ er, Clark, were in Beaver Saturday afternoon. They had been working on the family lot in the cemetery. Mrs. j. W. Leslie, Mrs. Golds­ worthy and Mary Woods were Tilla­ mook visitors Tuesday afternoon. Pete Erdt has gone to Bay City to work in the logging camp. Jersey Men Attention. "There arc approximately one hun­ There will be picnic meeting of the dred and seventy five thousand cows Tillamook Jersey Cattle Club at the used for dairy purposes in Oregon, farm home of Mr. \\ illiam \\ illiams, one hundred and ninety thousand in Tillamook, Oregon, on ednesday, Washington, four hundred and sev­ June 14. Several important matters of enty thousand in California and one business are to be taken up and an hundred thousand in Idaho. Every Democrats and Protectionists. interesting program is being arrang­ one of these cows should be bred to ed. All wlio are interested in Jersey The durk that was hatched by a cattle are invited to come. I here pure-bred dairy bulls from tested . chicken did not feel more bewildered will be a roll call of members each to dams. Mr. Breeder, you ewe it to yourself, and out of place when it wadded into answer with some interesting current to your breed, and to the dairy in­ the sunlight than do those Demo­ event in the Jersey world. Come cratic statesmen at Washington who promptly at 10 o’clock and bring the dustry of your state to do official are trying to patch up some sort of a whole family and a basket of lunch. testing. ________ _ tariff measure calling it by its proper Does it Pay to Buy Registered Dairy egg law is invalid . name. Cows? We are told that they have agreed upon the provisions of the tariff Coni- This is a question which nearly Supreme Court Holds Statute is Dis­ criminatory. mission bill, 1 and ' ' incidentally ' ' that every dairy man asks himself some Salem, Or., June 6 —The Supreme Representative Claude Kitchin, the time during his career. Can a man ".......................... leader, who has hitherto not been with limited means buy a small Court today, in an opinion by Justice conspicious for leading has been foundation herd and expect to come Bean, declared unconstitutional and authorized to confer with President out better than he would with grades? void section 6 of chapter 272 of the Wilson regarding the dyestuff situa­ The following story, clipped f Dm the 1915 session laws, which required tion. to nii-icasi. increase uh the ; piv* pro- DUllC Butte Miner, Vi of the and Oregon firms selling or using im­ *•**••» The * «.X, plan is LV tut production tective tariff on dyestuffs, but to fix j increase of one foundation cow at the ported eggs in their products to ad­ a definite time for operation. Montana Experiment Station answers vertise such sale or use in their places What a fix they are in, to be sure. I this question. It is the story of a of business. The decision was render­ Editorial Snap Shots. No matter how much we may dis- As Representative Bailey, of their registered Holstein cow, Nora Koni- ed in the case of the State of Oregon agree wilh Socialism, the fact stands ; Mon- against I. C. Jacobson, appellant, and '.e naval battle last week proved out that the Socialists of Germany own party, so aptle said, they have i gen Ño. 64489, bonghi by the constitutes a reversal of the judgment ........ tana College about _____ 7 years ago. ag what we have always thought about ' have the right idea of bringing about spent the greater part of their lives .. 'Li u b .ill ships, that they are peace. This is what Gustav Noske, a in “yellin«' their heads off” about the 1 “In the seven years she has been in of Circuit Judge Gantcnbein, of Mult­ iniquities of a protective tariff, and . the college herd' she has produced nomah County. . , , huge floating coffins. Socialist, said in the Reichstag: now they are forced to accept it. We i over 80,000 pounds of milk and twice The law was fathered in the last "There is no disposition among the all live and learn—except certain 1 her own weight in butter fat, besides Legislature bv Dana Allen, Represen­ fl will uc noticed that auite a num- German people to hazard the lives : of our citizens are going into of further hundreds of thousands for types of Democratic politicians.— leaving a lirte of descendants num­ tative from Marion County, and was bering 18 heifers and 10 bulls, every­ aimed specifically to restrict the sale bankrupt y. This appears to be one fantastic plans of conquest. The peo­ Philadelphia Inquirer. one a healthy, vigorous productive of Chinese eggs. a . .4 beating the creditors, but it is ple at the front and at home want no Statute is Defined. animal. After the War Dumping. a oishon st method of paying off more bloodshed. The masses reject Holding against the contention of A kind faced old black and white one's honest debts. Business men the thought of continuing the war un­ 64489. She I cow is Nora Königen, No. council for the state that the act in Even British manufacturers arc need sonic protection from that class til peoples are bled white. That would looks and acts for all the world like was a proper exercise ot the 1 persons. be a crime. Humanity needs a per­ manifesting a fear of the after-the- many another cow in tlyi college herd question police power of the state Justice Bean war dump of German-made goods at manent understanding.” yet she stands at the head of the line, declared that the real purpose of the Someone, one of these fine days. Every fair minded person must ad­ prices that will demorialize home in­ statute was to counteract the customs will see the need of a modern movie mit that no good can come in pro­ dustrialism. The theory is that Ger­ queen of them all. Nora Königen, duty act of Congress admitting eggs theatre building, and then invest longing the war, for it will simply be man industries, which produce an im­ tbs. Butter tbs Milk without duty, and was discriminatory .iicaij in it. 1 he city needs it, for a continuation of the useless loss of mense volume of export trade, have, Fat The court points out that imported Of Commercial Club Furnishings. frame buildings in a congested dis­ life and bloodshed. Yet it seems that since the blockade of German com­ 10,103.6 3043 eggs are subject to the Federal pure trict tire none too safe to do business this must go on indefinitely until merce occasioned by the war. been At 5 years 350.' 12,298.5 food and drug act, and that the 191» in. Most every live town have a mod­ I physical exhaustion brings the waring heaping up an immense surplusage At 6 years In order to dispose of surplus fur­ 446.7 statute makes a sale of food articles, nishings, the new club is offering the 14,905.7 of goods for export in every avail- I At 7 years ern movie theatre building, so should nations to their senses. 3680 13.072.0 not meeting the standard set tor following items for sale. able warehouse. This stock, the Brit- ( At 8 years Tillamook. 15.4730 447-4 them, a penal offense. The section is ish manufacturers argue will be of- i At 9 years Scan the list—Note the prices— Two little incidents occurred the fcred at prices that standard wage■ At 10 years 405-2 14.368.4 declared beyond the power of state Check the items wanted. This takes the cake. A person was past week chat plainly show that the Königen, (daughter) Montana legislation and void. making arrangements to go through ladies of this city appreciate what the industries in Great Britain cannot I 7 Set nickle Silver knives and 316.1 2 years 9.6917 meet. the bankruptcy court, which is a new newspapers forks, per set ........................... $1.50 are doing . . „ for the __ com­ 488.7 3 years 14.7334 The theory is not only reasonable, v. ay to get out of paying one’s honest munity. A delegation of ladies called 1.00 SHARKS. 18 Rogers Knives for ............. PORTLAND MONEY 14,615.0 4 years 455-8 debts. In buying the necessary blanks on the editor and expressed their re­ but probable states the pending situ­ .45 9 Odd forks ........ ....................... 16,541.0 5 years 501.3 he wanted to have them charged and grets that the editor had contributed ation with exactitude. If it is needful the Work- 12 1-6 set Nickle Silver Soup How the Bankers Fleece Conigen (daught« Gallatin r) the store keeper to share with the his mite toward a worthy object. The for British manufacturers to be pro- J 50 spoons, per set ing Class, 296' 2 years 7.754-0 creditors. This creditor we notice had ladies thought that as the newspapers tected against the threatening after- of District Silver Tea 1 1-3 Set nickle in the court A jury ... ... - -- _ 10,091.0 350./ 3 years the-war dump of German wares, how J no assets. Next, please. .35 spoons, per set were giving so much free space to much more needful is it that America ' 14,476.6 4 years 494-4 Judge Dayton in Portland on Tues­ ------ o------ 26 Set. No. 900 tea spoons day placed a judicial stamp of disap ­ boost everything they took in hand, producers should be protected. The 5 years 13, 8099 455-5 Land values in Tillamook, especial­ that the editor should not have been .15 proval upon loan shark methods when per set ............. Nora Königen (Daughter) ly dairy farms, have been altogether called upon on this occasion. Another average wage scale in American fac- ' 12,140.9 2 years 348.7 it awarded E. D. Barker judgment of 1 Set nickle Silver table spoons too high and it is safe to say that a delegation of ladies came to this of­ tories not only ranges higher than in .65 per set .......................................... 372.2 $97.40 in his suit to collect $103.40 3 years 12,259.3 whole lot of the inflated valuations fice with a small job of printing, and Germany, but higher than in Great paid in “commissioners” on loans 8 Nickle silver table spoons for .75 Blackburn Montana Konigan have dropped out of them the past before they left they said that they Britain. The wage cost, of course, j 1 Set Rogers Silver table spoons from Ashley & Rumelin, bankers. (grand-daughter) year. Those who bought high priced appreciated what the newspapers had j goes into the cost of goods. The ' 1.00 For 11 years Barker paid 10 pcr for ................................................ 2 years 10,524.0 294.1 land with little money had a hard done for them in the good cause they I pending danger is not simply refer­ 35 ccnt on money on mdney borrowed 11 steel knives, and 17 forks for Blackburn Gallatin Königen time the past winter, for interest, were engaged in, and for that reason 1 able to competition with low-wage ( .35 from the bankers, technically as 16 odd plates ................................. (grand-daughter) taxes and lijiy took the lion's share of they brought their work to this office i products, but to the probable flood- , .10 336.6 “commission” for the negotiation of 4 odd cups .................................... 9,623.4 ing of American markets with accu- At 2 years the profits. 30 The snap shot man feels grateful to > mulated products that will be offered 378.2 the loans from a security company, 3, 10 inch bake dishes................. 3 years 10,868.4 ------ o------ .01 the ladies for their kind consideration I Königen Steinser, (grand-daughter) but in effect nothing more than in­ 118 butter chips, each................. Only one marriage license was is- even though these are only two little below the actual cost of production. 10 2 Oval * dishes ........................... First six months 6,049.9 180.5 terest. . . , , sued in Tillamook County in May. incidents, but it shows that the ladies —Baltimore American. 25 The first money obtained from tlic 1 Large platter ......................... It is left to the reader to judge as to is a poor showing. It may be .65 1 appreciate our efforts and know who whether Nora Königen was a good money lenders by Barker was in 1905, 1 set tea cups and saucers ... that the high cost of living has some­ are their best friends when they Free-Trade vs. Dyestuffs. investment. The sum of $175 was paid I when his baby, then 2 years old, took 3 set coffee cups and saucers thing to do with it, for it takes al­ want publicity and someone to help .75 per set .......................................... for her when less than 5 years old sick. He borrowed $20 on a commis- most double the amount of money to boost any worthy cause they under­ Oh yes, we can make dyestuffs if 25 and $125 for her calf, a total invest­ j sion of 10 per cent, to cover the in­ 13 set berry dishes, per set . . . . k ep house that it used to. And the take. The snap shot man doffs his They’ll give us half a chance, 25 10 set : oat meal dishes, per set terest for one month. ment of $300. The total amount of Democrats made a pledge that thev hat to the ladies. We can be independent of 65 milk produced from this cow and her i Barker has been in the power of the 12 set soup dishes, per set........ Would reduce the cost of living, but Both Germany and France. .65 dcccndants is in round numbers 243,- . money lenders since, until his verdict 12 set 8 in. plates, per set........ like all promises made by that party, However much one may disagree We can do every kind of stunt 000 pounds; at 5 cents per quart ! Tuesday, which was for an amount 16 set ; salt and pepper shakes it failed to do so. .05 with Theodore Roosevelt, his deep ' In this great U. S. A., per set .......................................... equals a gross return of $2,830.20. large enough to allow him to pay off sense of patriotism appeals to the But we’ve got to have assurance The bulls have all been sold when a I the latest note for $80 and interest, 54 glass tumblers, each ............ .2% It plainly shows that quite a num­ hearts of the people. His outspoken That stunts we do will pay. and him the entanglements 1 punch bowl and 10 glasses . . 1 50 few weeks old for $100 each, amount........ - - free — — --- from ------- , ber of our leading citizens have im- opposition to hyphenated organiga-, What’s the use of making dyestuffs j ing to $1,000. The heifers still in the of the,bankingfirm. On the^ original 1 table cloth 12 yds, per yd . . 25 plicid confidence in Tillamook City lions is what is making him so popu­ At great cost and expense, .02 ' herd are valued at $4,000, making a loan of $20 Barker has paid the bank- 31 napkins, each ......................... becoming a large town, for a large lar to-day. He declared in a recent : And then, when the war is over, .05 1 ers more than $500 and the principal, 3 large bake pans each............... ' total gross return of $7,830. amount of money is going into new speech that this country is not going Have all our trade go hence? 05 which paying $8 a 18, 3 qt. granite pans................. I The cost of keep, V.W ’ includes ‘ on . which he has. been 1 business buildings. Give the city a to be turned into a "polyglot board­ Return again to foreign lands 04 , amounts to a considerable sum; yet, ' month interest, had increased to $80. 6 granite pie pans ................... .. deep channel to the bay and nothing ing house” and that "it is our purpose .50 Beneath our free trade bill. items of expense haye i The first date covered in the pres- 2 wash boilers, each ................... after these in stop it from becoming the cen- this fall to elect an Amersican presi- And shut down all the dyestuff plants j been 10 allowed, there is still left a ' ent suit is December 20. 1913, when a 2 ladles and small sieve for . . . l 1 of commerce. That, probably, is dend and not a viceroy of the Ger­ Each fact'ry and each mill? n wide margin of profit. This is the loan for $60 was obtained. He said 1, 3 burner alcohol stove.......... 2 00 why there arc so many new buildings man Emperor." He also said that he ' We can make dyestuffs here of course kind ow cow that will put the farmer he signed a note for $60 and received 15 1 lot coat and hat hooks for ... being erected, but the risk of doing was as much opposed to an English- Hold aces in the game. , on the road to proseprity and will $54-_________________ 1 tin funnel and 1 one gallon -1" 'ss in frame buildings may also American alliance 15 as a German- But we’ve got to have protection | cause him to remark that the cow, coffee pot for ........................... »oiuc ligure. Notice to Contractors. 25 American alliance or any other hyph­ Before we start the same. ; the cream and the creamery check 5 long curtain polls, wood for. ------ o- — enated alliance. He was for the Unit­ Then the plants, will keep on working 1 will soon pulverize the mortgage on .50 41 folding chairs, each ............... vcral of the eounty editors— ed State of America and that only. i And we'll wear colored socks. Notice is hereby given, that the 24 leather cushions 14x75 in. ----- — k , the c farm be * heck!1 ’liouibky, Taylor and Rankin—made That is good gospel to preach, espec­ Business booms when we’ve protec­ County Court of Tillamook County, each .............................................. 5 00 1 Dees it Pay to do Official Testing? Oregon, will receive bids for the con­ ' viusclves exceedingly ridiculous ially to those who left Germany ~ to tion. 1 wash stand .................................. 1 00 I last week Neither of them had the avoid militarism and the horrors of The breeders of pure bred dairy struction of an eighty foot wood 1 set wicker furniture 3 pieces 7 50 And dies when free trade knocks. ; to investigate and give an ac­ war, which most of them know they —Jack Wiley. » cattle in this county are increasing bridge, across the Little Nestucca 1 high revolving desk cheir ... 1 50 count why a number of voters drop- would have to participate in if they and many are now at the point of river, the same being Bridge No. 3, 1 large mission chair ................. 1 50 ed \\ nt. Marx and suddenly boosted remained in that country, We think deciling whether it pays to do offi­ and located in Sec. 25, Township 5 1 roller top desk........................... 2 00 . H. Goync, fur dis.rict attorney, on that naturalized citizens from the Larger Postal Deposits. 2 50 i cial testing. The 1 he following letter from South, Range to West of W. M. 1 desk ............................................ 1 ' u»y 01 election, but they publish- countries now at war have much to, 25 ■ Prof. R. R. Graves, of the O. A. C. 1 Bids are to be filed not later than 1 potted palm ................................ t a denial. That is a funny way of be grateful for that they came to this Larger postal savings deposits will Dairy Department, explains why it Saturday, the 10th day of June, 1916, 1 2 50 large palm .................................. . 1 luwspapci', for they put the country, but we are sorry to say that now be accepted at the post office. at 10 o’clock A. M. and must be ac­ 1 stand, oak .................................... 75 , le tin' horse, suruly they there are those amongst them who This is made possible by an important pays. "The official tests have become al­ companied by a certified check equal 1 rug 8x10% ....................... .. ■ • • 1 50 u .1 be getting in 'he goat” class. 10 have shown a decided anti-American amendment of the Postal Savings Act most a necessity to breeders of pure­ to 5 per cent of the amount of the bid 1 cuspidoor .................................... spirit since the war commenced and it just approved by President Wilson. A bred animals in order to dispose of and made payable to the County 1 large round oak card table., 2 50 i> every indication of an ex- is no wonder that men like Roosevelt postal savings depositor may now their stock at good prices. The man Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon. 3 oak tables, suitable for lunch Lwdingiy large automobile run into take the lead in denouncing it. have an account amounting to $1,000 who is buying good breeding stock Plans and specifications for the 2 50 ia.. ok this summer. Last year the upon which interest will be paid. For­ today wants production bchond it bridge may be seen on file at the 7 cards or ice cream, each .... 1 00 folding card tables, each .... l.t.r at San Francisco was the attrac- merly $500 was the maximum amount Those who advocated the iniprovc- he could have to his credit. This en­ anil is willing to pay for it. A record office of the County Clerk, and a Í 2 bevel plate mirrors, each ... 1 50 l. and this year the beaches will I 25 of the prices at which animals were charge of $1.00 will be made for those Hoquarton Slough did so bc- v the auto travel. It should be a largement of postal savings facilities sold at five leading sales in an East- • taken from the office of the Clerk, 3 O-Ceder mop ........................... 05 paper files, each ....................... 1 cause they knew it would be a great ■d year for the beach resorts in will be very gratifying to thousands ern state shows that 187 non-record which amount will be remitted to the 6 25 electric light shades, each ... dis county, and beach property is ( benefit to this section of Tillamook of depositors who have already reach­ cows placed at auction brought an successful bidder. 1 lot el ctric wire, colored 1 county. There arc those who oppose iable to be more active than it was ed the old $500 limit and are anxious average of $288 per head. At these The County Court reserves the globes, sockets for ................. 3.50 i-.t year. Tillamook county can ( this improvement, because of addi- to entrust more of their savings to same sales 171 cows with practically right to reject any and all bids. 1 > lional taxation. We must admit that pool table with fixtures and ast 01 niativ pretty beaches, and we Uncle Sam. Another feature of the .’.he same breeding but possessing of­ Dated this 2tth day of May, 1916. cues complete with balls for 75.00 do tmt know where auto parties can , this is a reasonable objection, but we amendment that will avoid further ficial records brought $465 a head, J. C. Holden, County Clerk, 1 time stamp for billiard hall., 1.00 e . iy themselves much better in the . contend that every resident settler, embarrassment to the public and to making a difference of $177 a head in By K. Mills, deputy1 4 nickle match and ash trays property owner and industry would not season than in Tillamook county, postol officials is the doing away with favor of the cows with official back­ 15 each .............................................. tiood roads, cool atmosphere and I be benefited by this improvement, the limit on the amount that could be ing. One hundred and eighty-four 1 cash register ........................... 50 00 Notice to Creditors. pl nd',1 «c, ncry can be obtained in 1 One class more than another to be accepted from a depositor monthly. h tifers, whose dams had no official I 1 8 foot counter show case ... 8 00 benefited would be the dairymen. Under the old law only $too could be ----- o---- ¡1 parts of the county. 1 8 foot counter ........................... 2 50 They have been up against an unfor-- deposited in a calendar month. The records, sold at an average price of In _____________________________ the District Court of the United $2X> per head while 133 heifers whose 1 outfit back bar or lockers . . • 5 00 Bay City is not only placed in a , tunate circumstance the past two amendment abolishes this restriction. da ns possessed official records, sold States, for the District of Oregon. 10 > pn licamcnt on account of Judge . years in the high price of hay and While the Postal Savings System at an average price of $341 per head, In the matter of F. \V. Berger, 1 lot wood clothes pins ...... 2 large window shades 72 in Bagley's decision that the _ amended feed, but a large amount of this ad­ has already proved a signal success as making $134 per head in favor of heif­ bankrupt, No. 3800 in bankruptcy. wide each .................................. city charter is void, but a decision ditional expense could and would is shown by the fact that more than ers from dams with official receafnrss (caused by vat arrhi that how this fellow did toot his horn, hut large amount of money, considering case cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure • ■» iwt owned by these 475 breeders work consists of hunting for Villa of England and those of the he is just as much a violator of the the great benefit it will be to every­ Send for circulars free , -were placed on official test what a one hour, hunting for water five dent of the United States?” F J. CHKNKY * CO . Toledo, Ohio. law as the bootlegger or saloon keep­ body. Until such time as this improve- , ‘ showing Oregon would make in the hours, and the rest of the time hunt­ spoke up Ufuzzi promptly. "King, he er when he undertook to valify and ment is made a whole lot of money I Sold by Druggists, Take Hall's Family fills <«i co »ilipallon J dairy world. Not only would a great ing for lost American aviators.” injure the character of “I’»l” Mc- will be paid out for hay that othcr- got steady job.” \ A » «