»1.50 PER YEAR. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. J t \E 8 Ilev. Ed. Gittins, of the M E. Church, left on Monday for Salem ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. w'-U1 h*s lighter graduates at the I have orders for a great number \\ i!lamette University. of calves and am n«w buying all For rent, 6 room house all modern, I can get. When you have a calf dose in to business center at corner for sale tts money in your pocket of Stiilweil Ave and 4th Street. In- to call me up. Am able to pay and quire of M. R. Hanenkratt. * will pay fancy Prices for Durham Durham, Bulls. Red Poll Bulls, ~ 48 acre dairy farm and cheese fac­ Member Federal Reserve Bank. Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. tory in Lincoln County for sale. For Can also use chickens.—Both particulars address Wm. Crispien, Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN. Rose Lodge, Oregon. * Rev. and Mrs. N. W Phelps, left OFFICERS : for Pennsylvania on Wednesday morning where Mr. Phelps will be boro. W hile in Portland he will con­ B. C. LAMB, President. fer with Attorneys Teal, Minor & engaged in evangelistic work. * Winfree, who were the attorneys who W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier. For exchange, 85 acres joining passed on the validity of the Bay City Ashland for stocked dairy ranch. Full . charter and proceedings for those J. C. HOLDEN, \ ice-I’iesidcnt. particulars in first letter. Address R. who bought the bonds. The injunc­ F.D. No. 1, Box. 76, Ashland, Ore. * tion suit tiled by the United Railway I. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier. For Sale, 80 acres timber land, Sec. Company against Bay City will be taken up before Judge Bagley on 8, 1 p. 3, S„ R. to W., Tillamook DIRECTORS : County, Oregon. Make me an offer. Friday morning, and Mr. Callahan J. K. l-.shcEnan, Altoona, Iowa. * will represent the city. A. W Bt xx. P eter B eisel . C. J. E dwards . On Thursday night, June 15, the I Having bought the Tillamook Iron management of the Gem Theatre, I B C. L amb . \V. J. Ki EC HE RS. \\ orks from A. K. Case all business announces a feature far out of the J. C. H oi den . from Sept. 1st will be transacted by ordinary in, “The Bondman ’’ taken H. Sander. • from Hall Caine’s novel, “The Bond- man.’’ It is very seldom the privilege Seghers Wood Co., 410, 18th St., of such an offering is given to a Careful Attention Given to all Banking North Portland, Oregon, wants to community of this size. With Wil­ trade their A-t Woodyard for Tilla­ liam Farnuin playing the star part, Q **»•&*• Business Placed in Our Hands. mook property. * gives absolute assurance of a strong No man can hide and keep OTHERS from and pleasing play. Remember the date Mrs. Billings left on Wednesday to Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON knowing it. lhere *S always something; in bis actions attend the Rose Festival in Portland and don’t fail to see this picture- of that gives him away.” and the W. R. C. annual encampment the Canadian Northwest. at Eugene next week. The Coroner Dr. Wendt was called Our strong vaults will keep your money safe. to Manzanita on Monday, having For good security and 8 per cent in ­ Besides this, MEN of known financial RESPON­ terest, party wants to borrow $400 been notified that a man had been -r I SIBILITY are behind our bank. for one year. Address “B” care of drowned there. The man’s name was John A. Allen, who was care taker of i the Headlight office. * the Manzanita club house, and was Make OUR bank YOUR bank. To those who wish to get better Leo Morrison returned Friday from drowned in outlet of Classic Ridge South Bend, w here he had been call­ Lake. Evidently the man had com­ We pay 4 per cent interest on Savings Deposit. KODAK this season, we have made ed on account of the sickness of his mitted suicide, and this was confirm­ father who is still critically ill. ed by finding a note in the club rooms arrangements whereby we can take For Rent—14 room house, barn and stating that he intended drowning himself at the place where the body chicken house with two acres of land. in a few good old style machines THE OLD RELIABLE. A small farm in city limits for $18 was found. It is thought that he was about 65 years old. per month. Apply to F. R. Beals. » in trade on new ones. A petition was sent to Governor. Three room furnished apartment. Withycombe asking him to release | ------------- -------------------------------- V; ater and electric lights, ground Kodak Cleaning and Repairing. B. Turney, who has a fine hanging i , floor at $10 per month. Inquire at T. First class dress making by Mrs. 9th Street and 6th Avenue East * over him for exposing obscene pic- ! turcs. As the Governor is exceedingly1 Thos Hoy, corner 5th and Park To-night (Thursday) at the Gem careful about paroling prisoners and 1 Streets, Tillamook Oregon. * Theatre Theda Bara in “Gold and the remitting fines, it is not likely that he j Wise & Massy, dentists, do painless Woman” Miss Bara appears in this will do so in this case, for he has . * extracting free where plates or bridge Fox feature play, as a Mexican ad- made a rule that he will do this only Wise and Massey, Dentists. work is ordered. • ♦ ! venturess. Don’t miss it. on the recommendation of the judge Misses Harriett Gaylord and II-j Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. * who tried the case, the district at­ The annual encampment of the G. torney and the sheriff. As the officials be held at «t United States auto tires at King & vaine are attending the Rose Festival A. R. ami W. R. C. ~ will ..................... this week. I Eugene on June 14, 15 and 16, and.k reftise to make a recommendation, Smith Co. ' * delegation will gd from this there is no way out for Turneyibuq'»« Postmaster P. W. Todd left Wed­ good Sunday chicken dinners at Bayside pay the fine or go to jail. city. nesday to attend the Postmasters’ Inn, Bayocean. ♦ A large delegation of settlers, are in Convention in Portland. I have anentirely new U. S. Crpam Bring in your prescriptions, Tilla­ the city today from Hebo, and this Separator, 450 pounds capacity, never Mixed program al Star Theatre mook Drug Co. * afternoon appeared before the County Saturday night only. Western drama been used. Will sacrifice samefor one- Court in behalf of the Three Rivers ■ half original cost. See Smith the Calf Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co., and comedy. Children’s High Chairs - - $1.25 road. They contend that the $6,000 Man. Tillamook Oregon. * appropriated for the road from Hebo Your Free Sample of Briquets is Children ’ s Rockers, Red and Golden Oak 90c. ? Protect your valuable papers from to the new Sour Grass road is not For all kinds of auto accessories. now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co's, the unexpected fire by renting one of being expended there and they are Steel Baby Cribs ... $5.00 * office.—B etterC. Lamb. see King & Smith Co. our safe deposit boxes. Only one demanding that the County Court ex­ If you have had teeth treated ami dollar per year. Tillamook County pend the money on that road. They Wade, Dressmaking, Mrs. Marie they still ache try the Wise & Massey | Bank. » * claim that the Three River road has Corner gth and Stillwell. painless method for relief. * | a good grade and it needs to be grav­ 40 acre dairy ranch, bottom land, Saturday Only. .'.'Saturday Only. Wise & Massy, dentists. Do not do eled. They also appear to be opposed- k< Ed Gilbert fame in on Monday from * cleared, one mile from Tillamook what they cannot guarantee. to the proposed Little Ncltucca road ' English Breakfast Tables, Beaver on his way to attend the Creamery. To be sold at a bargain. which they claim makes an addttjon ’ Mrs. Morris Schnal is in Portland Masonic Grand Lodge at Albany. : Will keep IS cows. Enquire at the of ten miles in the route iuto this ( Round or Square. attending the Rose Festival. :.. Headlight office. Mrs. F. R. Beals is in Salem this county and will cost over $100,000. Merril Smith and wife are in Port­ week attending the Willamette Uni- . Having taken charge of the auto­ Expert eye examination is 1 versity commencement exercises. land taking in the Rose Festival. mobile department of Case's Garage, Mme. Petrova in “The Soul Market’ 1 solicit your patronage in the future '- n 35? absolutely necessary to de­ Ford Extras—King & Smith have a1 added a line of auto acces ries. * at the Gem Theatre Saturday and as in the past and will guarantee sat­ termine the proper kind of glasses to use. Selecting them by any other isfaction, Frank H. Devine. ! Sunday. (Metro picture.) Wise and Massy examine the teeth, method may result in permanent in- Get your lime rock or Sulphur I jury give advice and estimates, FREE. ♦ j Wcxl Sawed—Call E. W. Knight to your sight. When Dr. Turner Spray at Tillamook Feed Co. We also ' on the Mutual phone, Prompt service : prescribes glasses, it is with absolute For Sale—250 goats in good condi­ and careful work. ♦ have the International Stock - - — Food - certainty that they are the best, arc tion. E. A. Gwinn, Dallas, Oregon. * | The Tiliamook Meat Co. is paying Remedie.s sold on ' "money back" the only kind suited to your eyes. If guarantee. Dr. Wise will work by appointment you do net need glasses, he most «or those who want him personally.* ’ 7c. per pound for live fat hogs tip to j Stated Convocation of Johnson positively will not recommend them. 225 pounds. * Chapter, No. 24, R. a . M., will be Dr. Turner will be at Jenkens Jewelry You choose your doctor. Choose us Friday and Saturday, June 23- as your druggist—Tillamook Drug I . Wanted a work horse, communicate held Friday evening, June Sth, All store 24; at Cloverdale June 19*20; at Beav­ Co. * ■ with W. C. Smith % mile back of W. Royal Arch Masons arc requested to er, June 21. Remember the date. Be­ be present. By order of H. P.—Carl King & Smith Company can supply B. Elliott's on Kilchis river. ware of those going from house to Haberlach, Secretary. you with all kinds of extra equipment House to rent, 4 rooms and pantry. 1 Don’t forget those busted castings. house claiming to be Dr. Turner’s agents. They are frauds and you will for Fords. * Rent reasonable. Apply, 2nd Avenue, i — * 1 Can be welded for half. Goods sent be humbugged. Be sure and call and Attorney E. J. Claussen is attend­ West near First street. by parcel post and express promptly let him show you that new invisible ing the Masonic Grand lodge at Editor Taylor, of the Cloverdale double vision glass for reading and Albany. Courier, left on Thursday on a busi- returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, close work and distant vision, all in Oregon. one, which looks like a single pair, Several persons have requested Mrs. ness trip to Portland. * George Willett to be a candidate for A. H. Harris and family left for ' W e have made special arrange- yet answers the purpose of two. school clerk. Portland this morning in their auto ments with the Telephone Co., to THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN Jitney Service: Auto .'or hire at all to attend the Rose Carnival. connect you directly with our office, Another Fatal Accident at .Burton’s Logging Camp. Try those 25c dinners at the Ram- in case you wish any of our GOOD hours. Phone 53J Day—154J n'ght THE COUNTY. ------o—— sey “Good Eats.’* M. A. Olson for­ COAL, Lamb-Sclirader Co., Call 28W Lee Slytcr. Another fatal accident occurred at * See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere M ts . Groat and daughters are in, merly of the Spanish Kitchen. W. M. Brown, L. Neely, Ernest Burton's logging camp near Hobson- Portland this week taking in the For Rent—Store Building now oc­ Hill and G. F. Thomas vs. J. A. Jen­ ville on Wednesday, when the lower Rose Festival. cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety sen, F. A. Rowe and R. H. Cady is a part of the body of Edward Lyster For Rent—Reeturant with complete store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd. suit filed in the circuit court which wai mashed together. He was work­ fixtures. Address Happy Camp, Ne­ prays for a judgment against the de­ ing at the shute, and although no one Quite a large number of persons City Wins Suit. was a witness to the acciaent it is tarts, Oregon. from this county are attending the fendants for 4123.00, $125.60, $127.- thought that he slipped and fell in­ 80 and $20.15. The claims are for the Have you prescriptions to be filled? Rose Festival in Portland this week. I Judge G. R. Bagley rendered a de­ to the shute. When he was seen last manufacture of shingle bolts. We can fill any prescription.—Tilla­ cision in the case of David Curtis, he was standing on a log at the end See Wise and Missy, the up-to-date ’ Nellie Curtis, Mrs. J. Curtis, Jennie mook Drug Co. * dentists, who have located pcrrr.an- . R. Y. Blalnck, left on Monday for | of the shute, and two large logs com- McGhee, A|ina Billings, C. A. Mc­ Heppner where he will attend tljc I ing down soon after he was ciushed Miss Esther Paul is attending the ently in Tillamook, Bay City and Bar middle Ghee, administrator and W. G. Oregon Baptist Association J to death between them, the lower part rose carnival and visiting friends in View. * | from June 7th to 10th. From Hep­ ' of the body from the waist down be­ Dwight vs Tillamook City. This was Portland this week. a case to quiet title to real property James Goyne and wife, brother of pner he will go to Silver Lake to at­ ing mashed together. Dr. Boats and in Maple Grove to Tillamook, and the Born, on Saturday, to the wife of District Attorney Goyne, left for tend the Eastern California and Dr. Wendt, the coroner were notified, decision is in favor of the city, the Victor Huagen, a son, and to the their home at Hazelton, Penn., on , Southern Oregon Association from but the latter being out of town, Jus­ property owners having to pay for June 14th to 18th. He will return tice of the Peace Stanley accompan­ wife of Roy Mapes, a son. Tuesday. the street and other improvements. about June 21st. ied by Sheriff Crenshaw went to the The County Court is in session this We use only the purest drugs ob­ Attorney H T. Botts represented the week, it being the regular monthly tainable to enter into your prescrip­ Elder and Mrs. I. G Knight, of scene of the accident to make an in- city and Attorneys Claussen I vestigation, but Mr. Stanley did not Harrisburg, Ore., arc here visiting meeting of the court. tions. Bring them to us—Tillamo >k Marx the property owners. I think it desirable to hold an inquest their daughter Mrs. W. L. Joliffe and , * , For Sale, Cheap, lot in Brighton Drug Co. family before going to British The body was brought to this city. Beach, Oregon, in Block 81, lot No. Rev. R. G. Sumerlin was reappoint- ‘ Guiana, S. A„ in answer to a call : The deceased was a brother of T. W. 3, for $250.00 cash, Write Peter ed to the United Brethern Church by j from the Foreign Mission Board of | Lyster, of South Prairie, and was un­ Damis, P. O. Box 501, St. Helens, Bishop Bell at the annual conference Washington, D. C., to go to that field married. He was a fine appearing Ornamenta/ Pire Placet Oregon. * of that church. as missionaries. They expect to sail ’ young man 35 years of age, and was Iiullt ot lirici or Stane from New York the last part of this greatly liked by his fellow workmen. All Pire l’Iacesahtolutely month. gnaranteed not to smoie Garibaldi Property Sold. at ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. On Sunday morning last, Alder or money refunded. ------O---- ------ «----- Camp, No. 219, W. O. W„ met at Urlclt Work of all hindi their hall and from there went to the j C., A. _ Johnson has ____ disposed of his Near the City and Admirably Suited donc on short notice. I. O. O. F. cemetery, and with ap­ Garibaldi property which include« for Acreage Property propriate ceremonies, deposited floral 100 acre« at the mouth of the Miami H-’e malte spaclalty of For «ale, 21 acres ot I‘nd, 3 blcel-.« emblems of rememberance on the river. It was sold to the Whitney Co., East of depot. Has frame house, rep'ir.n:; smoking Pire S . ■ their 'leer. in' mb' r and the consideration was 115,000 woodshed and barn Placet. buried there. In the afternoon they O be company will take possession of This -roperty is admirably situated | went to the Vaughn cemetery and <0 acres of the property at once and and suited for acreage property. J r, 1 nt red the ones buried there. the remainder tn the fall. It is report­ Will be sold on time with «mall • t J Attorney J R Callahan, who is city ed that the property was bought for payment down and balance on time r attorney for Bay City, 1'ft on Tues- millin'? purposes and that a large taw at 6 per cent. Apply at the Headlight □ TILLAMOOK, ORE.. office for particulars. i_- rniii,, for Portland and Hill»- mill wiU be erected there. ffl/5 MAN H/D H/5 MONEE /NA HOLE IN THE GROUND-IT/S GONE- | THE PRUDENT MAN"PUTS H/S/N THF 5 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Capital and Surplus, $30,000.00 BANK Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. C. I. CLOUGH, EW- L I SPECIAL I | f è $2.25 | $2.25 Ammer Furniture Co. flLiEX. MeftfllR & CO generad hardcuare Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. J 13^/v UftMAR’S VARIETY STORE, MOVE to I.O-O.F. BLD., 11 RALPH E WARREN, Drop in and book Around ” E>^V> 1 *» MV1 i i * *