TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JUNE 1, 1016. AGRICULTURAL NOTES. BEAVER NEWS ITEMS. Electric Sparke. J. J Hill, “Empire Builder" is Dead. By R. C. Jones County Agriculturist. 1 : — o - - Death of Mrs. Creecy—Two Acci­ St. Paul, May 29.—James J. Hill Swat the Scrub. There’s no fool like an old fool who dents Near Beaver. aBcd 78 years, railroad builder who “The Calf’s Lament.” Mr and Mrs. Hiram Smith, of marries a young fool. Rich Chicago man left his fortune probably more than any other one Ah! woe is me! Ah! woe is me! guider Creek, were Beaver visitors t to his lawyer; probably figured that man has aided in the upbuilding of They have treated me right down Monday. the great Northwest, died here today shabby; F. B McKinley, Roy Braden and he would get it anyway. The cause of it all you can plainly see Manning Hearn were in Tillamook a The divorce court judge plays short following an illness caused by intes­ tinal catarrh of several years' stand­ They gave me a scrub for a daddy. • short while Sunday looking at part ot stop in the matrimonial field. ing, but only of recent severity. —Horn & Hoof. the Luti place which Mr. Braden is Speaking of preparedness, congress The "empire builder" and financier, The first requirement for a good thinking of buying. is always prepared to talk things his wealth is rated in the hundreds Fred Gilbert took charge of the over. dairy animal is to be well born. Many of millions—became gravely ill only of our Tillamook county dairymen do hotel here last week and Sunday Perhaps a bad man from Egypt is several days ago and operations of served a chicken dinner that, we hear not realize this fact as yet. Some arc managing Germany's submarine pol- Friday and Saturday failed to check using a big red scrub bull because was worth attending. icy. the infection which had resulted and lhe many friends of Mrs. Lydia there is a market for a big red calf to Here is I Mr. Hill gradually lost strength, los­ the beef men.. They hold the little two Creecy were shocked to hear of her like a man learns to sing the ing consciousness late last night and or three dollars extra that they get death Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Creecy seillaise." remaining in a state of coma until life for these calves so close to their eye lias been ill just a week from a stroke passed at 9 30 o’clock this morning. that they cannot see the much larger of paralysis. She was sixty-eight All the members of Mr. Hill’s im­ returns to be gained by the raising of years old and had lived in Tillamook Notice to Contractors. mediate family, with the exception of a few "Bred for Production” heifers. I County for the last 24 years. The Mrs. M. Beard, of New York, a Two heifers raised from a registered burial took place at Blaine under the were at the bedside when Notice is hereby given, that the daughter, "Bred for Production” bull will re auspices of the Rebecca Lodge. A turn to the dairyman many time« arg? cr?wd attended. Five children County Court of Tillamook County, the end came. ; survive her, four of whom were with Oregon, will receive bids for the con­ I Notice. struction of an eighty foot wood few red steer calves. Dairying is our | While driving last ----- o------ business, not production of inferior Drebert met with a week Mrs. Fritz bridge, across the Little Nestucca After this date, March 30, 1916, we beef steer calves, 'l he well bred dairy The horse became serious accident, river, the same being Bridge No. 3, the undersigned, physicians and sur­ heifer can reasonably be expected to backed over a grade, frightened and I and located in , Sec. 25, Township 5 geons, members of and forming The near the Farmer South, Range to West of W. M. produce 300 pounds of butter fat, the place. Tillamook County Medical Society, Bids are to be filed not later than scrub heifer will do well if she pro­ Mrs. Henry Smith......................... had the inisfor- ■ Saturday, the 10th day of June, 1916, have agreed to send statements of ac­ duces 200 pound putter fat. The ex­ tune to meet with an accident Sun- | count every thirty days to all cur pa­ tra product from the two heifers will day when her team ran away, throw­ at 10 o’clock A. M. and must be ac­ trons and hope that all will endeavor companied by a certified check equal amount to 200 pounds fat at 35c, or ing her and her babv out of the rig. to pay same promptly or call and ar­ $75.00. This is equivalent to 20 steer Luckily 110 damage was done aside to 5 per cent of the amount of the bid range for payment. and made payable to the County To the poor will be given every calves at $3.50 each. But you do not from a severe shaking up. have to kill all the calves as there is Manning Hearn, Albert Clark and ¡.Clerk of Tillamook County, Oregon. consideration, but the fellows who Plans and specifications for the never pay, especially these who "o a good demand for all the well bred Ollie Woods attended the dance at ' bridge may be seen on file at the from one physician to another with­ dairy heifers. Cloverdale Sunday night. There is a law in the state prevent­ R. E. Wilson has put a new fence office of the County Clerk, and a out paying their bills will be dealt ing the turning on the range of a around his place. He says it is to keep charge of $1.00 will be made for those with accordingly and their names rc- scrub bull. The beef men inforce this those insid ■ in and those outside out. taken from the office of the Clerk, ! ported to the society for reference Signed: Tillamook County Medical While in Tillamook last week Mrs. which amount will be remitted to the law by castrating every scrub bull . Society. they find running at large. The man McKinley bought five of Elmer successful bidder. The County Court reserves the Boals. with the well bred dairy sir would be Hoag s prize winning chickens. We justified in doing the same thing to think she is going to start into the right to reject any and all bids. the neighbor’s scrub bull that breaks business as she boasts of eighty-five Dated this 2sth day of May, 1916. J. C. Holden. County Clerk, chickens, two ducks and two import­ through the fence. By K. Mills, deputy Now is the time to see to it that the ed white doves, and the season has calves you raise next spring have no just began. Rev. Bragg and family left Mon­ cause to lament. Give them a chance bv making them well born, then day to attend conference in Portland For you a Rose with good care and feeding you can from there they will go to Philomath to visit their daughter who is attend­ expect something from them. In Portland Grows. ing college there. The motto of every Tillamook Summer must be close for the county dairyman should be “Swat the campers are beginning to come. Four Scrub.” young men from Salem came in last Bull of World’s Rec°rd Breeding in Saturday and left today. the County. F. B. McKinley is working on a big The Pacific Coast has again pro­ timber deal near Beaver. Gus Choppard and family were vis­ duced a world’s record milk cow, this time from the Puget Sound country. iting at Hebo Sunday. Ray Walls, Tillamook manager of Lutscke Vale Cornucopia owned by Wm. Bishop has produced 31334.2 the Pacific States Telephone Co., I Tuesday, June 6th a business trip to Beaver this pounds of milk in a year, containing made week. Crowning of Rose Festival Queen at 8 p.m. 1000 pounds butter. This is nearly 16 Harry Pritchard, traveling salesman tons of milk and amounts to an av­ Wednesday, June 7th erage of a to gallon can of milk a for Marshall Wells Hardware Co., Grand Pageant of School Children 9:45 a m. was in Beaver this week. day every day in the year. This pro­ The fishermen report poor luck fly National Dedication of Columbia River Highway 2 p.m. duction of milk is equal to about 6 fishing on account of so much cold Thursday, June 9th average Tillamook County cows. F. rain and snow in the mountains keep­ Annual Floral Pageant at 2 p.m. R. Beals is the proud possessor of a ing the streams so cold. yearling grandson of this great cow. Friday, June 9th Mr. Measor made a trip to Tilla­ This youngster is a good individual mook- this week after a load of freight Military, Fraternal and Civic Pageant 10 a.m. and his use in a herd should increase for R. E. Wilson. He took a load of Chinese Baby Show and Parade 3:30 p.m. its milk production materially. chittem bark in with him. Costume Parade, Mardi Gras featuring in evening Yes ! There will be a Rose for You at the Portland Rose Festival, June 7, 8, 9, 1916. The Raddish and Cabbage Maggot. The screening of seed beds of rad- ishes and cabbages has come into quite general use throughout the county and is very effective in pro- tecting the seedlings. Many are hav- ing trouble after the plants arc trans­ planted. To them the following sug­ gestion from Prof. A. G. B. Piquet may be of help. "The maggot may be controlled by the "poison bait spray” which is designed to destroy the fly that lays the maggot eggs. This spray consists of one gallon of water, one pint of black New Orleans molasses, and about 5 granes of sodium arsen­ ite. The latter is dissolved in boiling water and the malasses added and thoroly mixed. The poison bait is then sprayed in coarse draps about the field or, in the absence of a spray outfit, it can be applied with a whisk broom. No attempt is made to cover the plants, but rather to place large drops where the fly will readily feed on them and die before lying the eggs. Applied once a week or twice during rainy time the ravages of the maggot will be largely controlled.” Get after the Potatoe Field Now Many inquiries have been coming in regarding the combating of potato blight, Instructions for this were printed some time ago but are of enough importance to stand repeat- ing. When about six inches high the vines should be sprayed with Bor­ deaux Mixture and thereafter every ten days until six or eight applica­ tions have been made. If you wait until the blight can be seen it is too late to do much good. The Bordeaux Mixture is made as follows: Slack 5 lbs. quick lime and make up to 25 gallons with water. Dissolve 5 pounds blue stone (copper sulfate) in 25 gallons of water. Keep the two solutions separate until ready for use, then mix in equal parts stirring them briskly. The stock solution will keep indefinitely, but after mixing it should be used im­ mediately. Apply with a spray outfit that will throw a fine mist and be careful to thoroughly cover the fo­ liage, especially that near the ground. If insects appear to be bothering the vines also, a little Paris Green or arsenic added to the spray will get them. There are two insects which commonly attack the potatoe vines. One is the Colorado Potato Beetle which, so far as I know, has not been found in this county. The other is the Flea-Beetle, a small dark colored jumping beetle that riddles the leaves with holes. The blight is entirely independent from any insect attacks, as it is caused by a small fungus plant growth on the same order as bread mold, but the attacks of the insects usually occur about the same time. Bordeaux acts as a repellent to the insecfi'^nl if a little arsenic is added, will kill them. "It’s Awful Like Ye.” Sandy had been photographed and as he was looking intently . at - - his - “pic- ter" Tam McHhersan came c lam McPhersan along. ’What that ye hiv theer?” he asked. "My photograph,” replied Sandy, showing it proudly. “Whit d'ye think o’ it?” “Mon it’s fine,” exclaimed Tam in great admiration. "It’s just like ye. tae. An’ whit micht the like o’ they cost?” “I dinna ken,” “Mon” said Sandy. “I hinna peyd yet.” "Mon” said lam,, more firmly than ever, "it’s awful like ye!” Many other attractions not mentioned above. LOW ROUND TRIP FARES will be on sale from all Southern Pacific Stations, Roseburg and North, June 4th to 9th inclusive, return limit June 12th. From stations South of Roseburg in Oregon and Klamath Falls Branch, June 4th to 8th inclusive. Return limit June 17. For further information ask local agent or write John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon. Southern Pacific Lines Matey’s Holiday. "Alloa, Maty! And wher orf to? Not out o’ work I ’opes? Thus one jovial frequenter of gutter addressed a friend he had seen for weeks. "Nah, I’m not out o’ work. I’m gaged at present at a domino factory.’ "Wot branch?” pursued the inter- rogater. “D’you make the boxes or the dominoes or what, Matty?” “I make the spots on ’em.” “An’ w’y ain’t you makin spots on ’em terday, then?” ’ Why,” replied the other, "I’ve got a ’oliday terday. They are making double blanks.” Entered the Ministry. Dr. Elijah E. Hoss, the Methodist bishop, said at a dinner in Muskogee; “'lhe Methodist minister is noted all over the world for his love of chicken. "Once, when I was stationed in Knoxville, 1 wanted a pair of chick­ ens for our Sunday dinner, and called on a suburban farmer’s whose fame as a chicken raiser remarkable. “There had been a Methodist con- fercnce in Knoxville that week, and when I told the farmer’s wife the na­ ture of my errand she shook her head ‘I'm sorry Dr. Hoss,” she said “but all my chickens have already entered the ministry.” Does it Pay to Advertise? ------o The little daughter had been pray­ ing each evening at bedtime for a baby sister. The other morning her mother, reading the paper, exclaimed: ”1 see Mrs. Smith has a little dau­ ghter." "How do you know’ that,” asked the child. “I read it in the paper,” answered the mother. "Read it to me,” said the daughter. The mother read, "Born, on March —, to Mr. and Mrs. ------ Smith a daughter." The child thought a moment, then said: “I know what I’m going to do. Assh4ant Secretary of the free trade going to stop praying and begin treasury Peters says the free trade ad­ vertising.” ________ _____ ministration at Washington does not want an unwarranted surplus, and CALF HIDES WANTED. from the mushroom manner in which the treasury deficit grows under his GRANT THAYER WILL PAY party management, we are inclined ta believe him. 18 CENTS FOR CALF HIDES. Printing Point Does Not In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter the point on the paper which is to receive the type impression is stationary at the instant the type hits. The carriage does not bob up and down when the shift is made to v rite capitals. Why? Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. The only movement of the carriage Is back and forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— and this does not take place while the print is being made. There is no lifting of the carriage. This is one reason why L C. Smith & Bros, type­ writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right place. / Aik for Ctmonitration L. C. Smith & Bro«. Typewriter Co, Ho— OffU. SYRACUSE. N. Y. 3061 Oîk st., Portland, Ore JE Notice of Intention to Improve proposed improvements may be filed Streets 1:1 Tidatncok City, Oregon. with the undersigned, City Recorder, within 20 days from said date. Notice is hereby given, to all whom Dune by order of the Common it may concern, that the l_ommuii Council ot Tillamook City as set Council ui Iillamook Lily, Oicguii, forth in said resolution and notice. deem it cxpedicils to improve the Dated this May "nd, 1916. streets hereinailcr described, and did, Ira C. Smith, on the 2nd day of May, 1916, adopt a City Recorder of Tillamook City, Resolution and Notice therefor, which Oregon. j . said Resolution and Notice is in words letters and figures as follows, Notice ol Intention to Improve to-wit: Streets in Tillamook City, Oregon. Resolution and Notice of Intention to ------ o ■ - Improve Certain Street in Tilla­ mook City, Oregon. Notice is hereby given, to all whom Be it Resolved, That the Common it may concern, that the Common Council of 1 illainook . v-iiy, City, Oregon, Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, detms it expedient, and hereby de- deem it expedient to improve the clares its intention to improve the streets hereinafter described, and did, following street in Tillamook City, on the 2nd day of May, 1916, adopt a Oregon, to-wit; Resolution and Notice therefor, which Fifth Street, from the center of said Resolution and Notice is in Sixth Avenue East, Easterly and East words letters and figures as follows, to the East boundary of Tillamook to-wit: City, in the following manner: Resolution and Notice of Intention to By establishing the grade of said Improve Certain streets in Tilla­ streets; mook City, Oregon. By grading said streets to the proper Be it Resolved, That the Common sub-grade; Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, By rolling the roadway thereof; it expedient, and hereby de­ By laying on sai l street a concrete deems its intention to improve the roadway, 39 feet in width, 6 inches clares following streets in said city, to-wit: in thickness at the sides and 7 inches Fifth Street, from lhe East line of in thickness at the center. Second Avenue Fast, East to the By constructing along each side of center of Sixth Avenue East, and said roadway a concrete curb; Third Avenue East, from the South By constructing concrete headers line to Fourth Street to the North By building concrete catch basins line of Fifth Street, in the following and laying drain pipe, together with manner! inlets and making provisions for the By establishing the grades of said accessary surface drainage of said streets: street, with all the appurtenances By grading said streets to the prop­ thereto, and er sub grade; By laying and constructing a sewer By rolling the roadway thereof; along said street from the flush tank By laying on said streets a concrete near the West side of Pa'rk Street roadway, 01) feet m width, 6 inches East to a point 30 feet West of the in thickness at the sides and 7 inches East boundary of Tillamook City. in thickness in the center. All of the said improvements to be By constructing along each side of made in accordance with the charter, said roadway a concrete curb: resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ By building concrete catch basins mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ and laying drain pipe, together with ance with the plans, specifications inlets and making provisions for the and the estimates of work therefor, necessary surface drainage of said and probable cost thereof, made streets with all the appurtenances and prepared by the City Engineer thereto, and of Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed By laying and constructing con- in the office of the Recorder of said Crete headers, Tillamook City, Oregon, on April 8ih All of the said improvements to be 1916, ami all of said improvements made in accordance with the plans to be made at the expense of the and specifications and the estimate property, and all thereof adjacent of the work therefor, and the thereto and especially benefitted by probable cost thereof, made and said improvements, and within the prepared by City Engineer the limits of the assessment district es­ of Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed tablished and defined by this resolu­ in the office of the Recorder of said tion. Tillamook City, Oregon, on April 8th Be it further resolved that the plans, 1916, and all of said improvements specifications and estimates for the to be made at the expense of the proposed improvements so made and property, and all thereof adjacent prepared by the said City Engineer thereto and especially benefitted by and filed as aforesaid (the estimate of said improvements, and within the the probable cost being the sum of limits of the assessment district es­ $11,916.11), be and the same are tablished and defined by this resolu­ hereby approved. tion. That the boundaries of the assess­ Be it further resolved that the plans, ment district to be benefitted by said specifications and estimates for the improvements and assessed therefor proposed improvements so made and be, and the same arc hereby establish­ prepared by the said City Engineer ed as follows: and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of Beginning at a point in the West the probable total cost of said im­ boundary of Block 34, Thayer’s Ad­ provements as made and prepared by dition to Tillamook City, 167 feet the Citv Engineer being the sum of North of the Southwest corner of $9,168.52,) be and the same are said block, and running thence South­ hereby approved. easterly in a direct line to intersect a That the boundaries of the assess­ line 195 feet North of the South side ment district to be benefitted by said of said Block 34 at a point 190 feet improvements and assessed therefor East of the West lino of said Block be. and the same arc hereby establish­ 34; thence East along said line in ed as follows: said Block 34 and the center line of Beginning at the intersection of the Blocks 3 and 4 of A. A. Miller’s Ad­ center of the West line of Block 7 of dition to Tillamook, and Blocks 4, 5, Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook (now and 6, of Park Addition to Tillamook Tillamook City) with the East lien of ■ City to the boundary line of said Till­ .Second Avenue East, and running amook City; thence South along the thence East to the center of said East Boundary line of Tillamook City Block 7; thence North to the North to the center line North and South of line of said Block 7; thence East Block 7, l'ark Addition aforesaid; along the North line of said Blot k thence West along said center line, 7, and of Block 8, in said Addition, through blocks 7, 8, and 9, of st.iil to the center of the North line of said Park Addition, and Blocks 5 and 6 Block 8; thence South to the center of A. A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla­ of said Block 8; thence East along mook, and Block 37 of Thayer’s Ad­ the center line of Blocks 8, 18 and 35 dition to the West line of said Block of Thayer's Addition to Tillamook 37; thence North to the place of be- City to the East line of said Block ginning. 35; thence South to the center line of That said assessment district Block 36 in Thayer's Addition; be and is hereby designated as “Lo­ thence West, following the center cal Improvement District No. 5,” and line of Blocks 76, 19, 10 and 9, in the property and all thereof included Thayer's various Additions to Tilla­ within said Local Improvement Di. mook City, Oregon, to the East line trict No. 5 is the following: of Second Avenue East; thence In Thayer's Addition to Tillamook North along said East line to place of . City, Oregon, the following: beginning. ! All that part of Block 34 lying That said assessment district shall 'South of a line running from a point be and is hereby designated as “Lo­ in the West line of said Block, 1C7 cal Improvement District No. 6,” and feet North oí the Southwest corner of the property and all thereof included said Block, and run ling thence South within said Local Improvement Dis­ easterly to intersect a line 105 feet trict No. 6, is the following: North of the South side of said Block In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook at a point 100 feet East of the West City, Oregon, the following: line of said Block, and running Lots 2, 3, and4, in Block 7; thence East to the East side of said Lots 4, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block f>; Block 34; and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in Lots 1, and 2, in Block 9; Block 37. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 10; In A. A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla­ Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 18; mook, now Tillamook City: Lots 1, 2, 3, and ♦, in Block 19; Lots 12 to 22 inclusive in block Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 35; and Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, ¡n Block 36. Lots 1 to 11 inclusive in Block 5; Be It further resolved, that the City and, Recorder be and lie is hereby instruct­ Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 6. ed to cause this resolution and notice In Park Addition to Tillamook City: to be published for three consecutive * 7, * and 8, in Block 4 ; Lots 5, 6, publications in the City official news­ Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 5; paper and that the City Engi­ Lots 5, 6, and7, in Block 6; neer be, and he is hereby directed to Lots 2 3, and 4, in Block 7; cause to be conspicuously posted at , Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Rlock 8, and each end of the line of the contem­ Lots 1, 2. 3, and 4, in Block 9. plated improvements a copy of this Be it further resolved, that the City Resolution and Notice, within three Recorder be and he is h'reby instruct­ days from the date of the first pub­ ed to cause this resolution and notice lication of such notice. The said pub­ to be published for three consecutive lished Resolution and notice, and the publications in the city official new s- posted Resolution and Notice, to paper and that the City Engi* also contain all the matters with ref­ rieer be. and he is hereby directed to erence to said proposed improvements cause to be conspicuously potted at that arc required by the charter and each end of the line r.f the contem- ordinances, and resolutions of Tilla­ nlated improvements a copy of this mook City, Oregon, and all pct sons Resolution and Notice, within three concerned are notified to govern days from the date from the first pttb- themselves accordingly. ' lication of «itch notice The said pub I All persons concerned are hereby lishe-1 Resolution and Notice, and the further notified that the first publi­ posted Resolution and Notice, to also cation of this notice is made on the contain all of the matters with refer­ 12th dav of May, 1916, and that oh ence to said proposed improvements jeclions and remonstrances to the that are required by the charter and proposed improvements tnav be filed ordinances and resolutions of ' Tilla- vi:h th'1 undersigned, Citv Recorder, 1 mook Citv, Oregon, and all persons ! within 20 days from said dal • concerned are notified to govern Done by order of the Common themselves accordingly. AH persons concerned are hereby Council of Tillamook Citv as set and notice. further notified that the first ptibli- forth in said resolution 2nd, 1918. cation of this notice is made on the Dated this May * Ira C. Smith, 12th dav of May, 191«. and that ob­ City Recorder of Tillamook City, jections and rciuunstrances to the Oregon.