TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MAY 25. 1916. proposed improvements may be filed intention to Improve with the undersigned, City Recorder, Streets in Tillamook City, Oregon. within 20 days from said date. ------ o------ | state Done by order of the Common to an all whom Council of Tillamook Citv as set J , a speedy cessation of this bloodiest The rural rural credits credits measure measure to to be be | ru . |c^ an.j j regulations provided is hereby given, 10 The it may concern, that the Common ru but c subject . . " to the provisions forth in said resolution and notice. j war of the centuries. They say that placed on the ballot by the committee under by itself, Council of Tillamook City, °reg . Dated this May 2nd, 1916. It is said that dancing makes gi Is’ Germany began it when she was appointed by the Saicm conference I herein contained. deem it expedient to improve the Ira C. Smith, irrigation and rural feci lai^u, u. ili?» aldU ouiu liui ICC ready, and as she forced them naked on drainage, The provisions of the constitution street» hereinafter described and did CiXdJii iiidKcu ircCKics. vuclors are oi and unprepared into it, they will close credits has been advanced to the pre­ I and laws of Oregon in conflict with on the 2nd day ot May, 1916, adopt a City Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon. tiiu opHiiuii uul Hanging on me ¡rout it when they are ready. The peace liminary stage ready for publication, this amendment are hereby repealed Resolution and Notice therefor, which gait jiuuuccs rucuHidliSin. A lew lover, who saw no justification for lhe committee to frame trie measure ! insofar as they conflict herewith. 1 he said Resolution and Notice is 1 4MV4C opinione like mese and the girls the war which has given murderous is C. E. Spence, master of the State I provisions of this amendment shall be words letters and figures as follows, Notice of Intention to Improve v. out nave any iun leit mem.—x uìk barbarism the place that civilization Grange; J. D. Brown, president Ore­ I self-executing, and shall take effect Streets in Tillamook City, Oregon. gon Farmers' Union, and I. H. Bur ­ was supposed to have on earth, will county ooserver. I and be in operation 60 days after its ------ o------ Oregon State I approval and adoption by the people Resolution and Notice of Intention to sec no icason lor its continuance if chard, cx-president Improve Certain Street in Tilla­ Hie United States Navy League one of the beligcrents is willing to Federation of Labor. Dr. Hector Notice is hereby given, to all whom ! of Oregon mook City, Oregon. lias siieu ziLiiry Ford for libel, if talk peace. But the sort of peace that Macpherson, who has been working it may concern, that the Common Be it Resolved, That the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, inuias Keep up Henry w.ll soon be­ we would have if hostilities were to with the committee in drafting the Notice of Referee's Sale. come such a conspicuous ligure in tue cease today, would be merely an arm­ measure, has been authorized to sub­ Council ot Tillamook City. ^re8°n, deem it expedient to improve the ------o------ tile nanon that ins follow mg, gener- ed truce which would last just long mit the following draft of the pro­ In the Circuit Court of the State oí deems it expedient, and hereby de­ streets hereinafter described, and did, clares its intention to 'n’Pr0Ve ",e on the 2nd day of May, 1916, adopt a ally regarded as a joks, will assunie enough for the other beligcrents to posed measure. Oregon, for lillamook County. Notwithstanding the limitations following street in Tillamook City, Resolution and Notice therefor, which prupoi nous so 1 jrunUable, that po- make better and surer preparations V irginie Roy Marelau, I vonne contained in section 7, artie'e H of liticai i-u-i-.s Wl.l regard it as any- for another war. Oregon, to-wit: f said Resolution and Notice is in Gervais, Fernando Gervais, Zel- inasmuch as the dominant nations this constitution, the credit of the ia Primeau Caron and 1 heo- I tin ng bui a joke.—Hemizer. Fifth Street, from the center o words letters and figures as follows, Sixth Avenue East, Easterly and Last to-wit: of the old world have engaged 111 this state may be loaned and indebtedness phil Caron her husband, Ernes­ to the East boundary of I illamook A plan on ft to bond Lane coun­ I itanic struggle, the only assurance incurred to an amount not exceeding tine Primeau Berthelot and J. Resolution and Notice of Intention to ty lor ? 700, UDO to pave ttie best road we can have that the ensuing peace 2 per cent of the assessed valuation F. Berthelet her husband, James City, in the following manner: Improve Certain streets in Tilla­ in the upper Willamette valley, 'leu shall be lasting lies in the utter ex­ of all the property in the state for J. Polan, Mary Polan Dore and By establishing the grade of sanl mook City, Oregon. years from now, or perhaps even five, haustion and defeat of one of the bel­ the purpose of providing funds to be J. A. Dore her husband, streets’ Be it Resolved, That the Common By grading said streets to the proper mis might be highly advisable, but it ligerents. Who would stop the war loaned upon the security of farm plaintiffs. Council of l illamook City, Oregon, is not now. 1 here are too many other now, would be merely laying the em­ lands within the state, subject to the sub-grade; ( vs. deems it expedient, and hereby de­ needs that ought to be met first, bor bers for another world-wide confi­ limitations herein contained. By rolling the roadway thcreoi; Valentine Roy Desrochers and lhe governor, secretary of state By laying on said street a concrete clares its intention to improve the instance, it that amount of money is gration. From the abhorrance they G. Desrochers her husband, l‘o- roadway, 30 feet in width, 6 inches following streets in said city, to-wit: to be spent, it would be much wiser have of war, and the bitter know­ and state treasurer shall constitute melia Roy Kavanagh and John Fifth Street, from the East line of in thickness at the sides and ‘ inches to spend it on a system of gravel or ledge they have of its deadly cost, the state land board which is hereby Doe Kavanagh, her husband, crushed lock market roads leading comes the determination of some na­ authorized and directed to issue bonds Marie LeFebvre Faubert and in thickness at the center. . Second Avenue East, East to the By constructing along each side ot center of Sixth Avenue East, and out from the centers. Roads of this tion to continue this struggle until in in the name of the state to be known John Doe Faubert her husband, Third Avenue East, from the South said roadway a concrete curb; character can be built at comparative­ the complete defeat of their enemies as Oregon Farm Credit Bonds in an Louis Primeau and Jane Doe By constructing concrete headers line to Fourth Street to the North ly small expense and if properly shall be a realization of a lasting amount not to exceed 2 per cent of Primeau his wife, Hormisdas the assessed valuation of all the prop­ By building concrete catch basins line of Fifth Street, in the following maintained they give splendid ser­ peace. Roy and Jane Doe Roy his wife and laying drain pipe, together with manner. vice. If they are kept free from ruts Why should the allies accept any erty in the state, and to dispose of Joseph Roy and Jane Doe Roy By establishing the grades of said inlets and making provisions for the and chuck-holes tiiey can be traveled proposals of peace made by their op­ said bonds and place the proceeds in his wife, Lamentia Roy Daouts _ ' necessary surface drainage ot said streets; at any season of the year with coin- ponents’ Has the nation so audac­ the state treasury in a fund to be and J. B. Daouts her husband, By grading said streets to the prop­ street, with all the appurtenances iort.—Oregon Register, Eugene. iously rushed into this mad war and known as the “Rural Credit Loan Romeo Gervais, Gilberte Ger­ er sub grade; that was so ready and eager to un­ I Fund.” thereto, and vais, Rene Gervais, Eugene Roy By rolling the roadway thereof; Said bonds shall be issued in de­ By laying and constructing a sewer Au attorney who is so jealous of sheath the sword against the whole Victor Roy and Yvonne Roy, By laying on said streets a concrete nominations of $25, $100 $500, along said street from the flush tank world, won the right to say when the progress of young law students Defendants. roadway, oO feet in width. 6 inches that he insists that only men of his hostilitits shall cease or power to $1000 and $10,000, and in series of Notice is hereby given, that by vir- near the West side of Park Street in thickness at the sides and 7 inches particular cast should pass upon the dictate the terms of peace? Germany $100,000 or multiples thereof, drawn tue of a decree of partition and order East to a point 30 feet West of the in thickness in the center. qualifications of applicants for ad­ ci.tered the war at the very zenith of to mature in not more than 36 years. of sale entered in the above entitled East boundary of Tillamook City. By constructing along each side of All of the said improvements to be mission to the bar, an attorney who her splendid strength and marvelous They shall bear interest at the rate of cause on the 3rd day of May, 1916, said roadway a concrete curb; exacts from the rising young lawyers preparedness. She swept omniously I , 4 per cent per annum and shall be ex­ and of an execution issued in pursu­ made in accordance with the charter, By building concrete catch basins qualifications that he himself at no bat never dangerously through Bel­ empt from all taxes levied by the ance thereof and to the undersigned resolutions and ordinances of 1 illa- and laying drain pipe, together with lime ever possessed, an attorney who, gium and into France and into Rus­ state of Oregon, or any of its sub­ directed, commanding sale to be made mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ inlets and making provisions for the in addressing a body of pupils at a sia and through Siberia, and the i divisions. of the real property hereinafter des­ ance with the plans, specifications The state land board shall loan the cribed for the purpose of making par­ and the estimates of work therefor, necessary surface drainage of said hi h school on Lincoln, is compelled speed of her movements and the won­ to r ■ ’ his ' ' oration from a blue tablet, derful force and mobility of her mag- moneys in the Farm Credit Loan tition of said real property among I and probable cost thereof, made streets with all the appurtenances thereto, and i> certainly a very narrow person, nificient fighting machine surprised Fund to owners of farm lands in Ore­ the parties of said cause, the under­ and prepared by the City Engineer By laying and constructing con- Jacks the milk of human kindness, but did not daze her unprepared op­ gon, on notes secured by first mort­ signed referee will, on Friday the of Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed Crete headers. in the office of the Recorder of said gages or deeds of trust of such farm ponents. Then she spoke with not and h ninth day of June, 1916, at the hour no charity. Such a person All of the said improvements to be Should read the following: ‘llow wilt exaggerated disdain of France’s "en­ lands, in amounts which shall not ex­ of 10 o’clock a.m. at the court house Tillamook City, Oregon, on April 8th made in accordance with the plans 1916, and all of said improvements ceed 50 per cent of the appraised val ­ feebled force of boys," o f Russia ’ s thou cry to thy brother, let me pull door in Tillamook City, Oregon, sell and specifications and the estimate on 1 tile I... mote out of thine eye; and, unarmed hordes of peasents, ’ and of uation of such lands, nor the average at public auction to the highest bid­ to be made at the expense of the therefor, and the of the work property, and all thereof adjacent assessed valuation for the three pre ­ Great . Britain ’ s "insignificant little behold, a beam is in thine "#n eye? der for cash in hand the following de­ probable cost thercoj, made and thereto and especially benefitted by ceding years, nor $50 per acre on army," which has since grown to a 'I lion hypocrit, first cast out the scribed real property situate in Till­ .. City Engineer the said improvements, and within the prepared by ou of thine own eye; and then force of five million trained, equip­ such lands nor an aggregate of $5000 amook County, Oregon, to-wit: limits of the assessment district es­ of lillamook City, Oregon, and filed to any individual. If pending applica ­ ii thou see cl.ail) lo cast out the ped and eager fighters. If with her Lots two (2), three (3) and thir­ in the office of the Recorder of said ’.e out of thy brother’s eye.”—Ore- first tremenrous impact Germany tions exceed the fund at any time teen (13) of Section 31, in Town­ tablished and defined by this resolu­ Tillamook City, Oregon, on April 8th could not wholly crush those enfee-, available, preference shall be given to ship 3, North of Range 9 West of tion. 1 aw School Journal. Be it further resolved that the plans, 1916, and all of said improvements bled lads and weaponless peasants loans of not more than $2000. I Such loans shall not be made except Willamette Meridian, and the North specifications and estimates for the to be made at the expense of the > .r th* ten years ending 1915, and that insignificant little army, half of the Northeast quarter; the proposed improvements so made and property, and all thereof adjacent Or< '.in taxeaters demanded and col- what hope has she, now that her mar­ to owners who operate the lands South East quarter of the North East 1 id from the people $142,000,00(1 velous impetus is spent, to over­ mortgaged, and shall be made only quarter, and lot three (3) of sec 36 in prepared by the said City Engineer thereto and especially benefitted by said improvements, and within the < ■ de. mg the average for the ten whelm the mighty force that has been for the following purposes; (a) the Township 3 North of Range 10 West and filed as aforesaid (the estimate of limits of the assessment district es­ is. this is over one fourth of the organized against her? Germany be­ payment for lands purchased; (b) the of Willamette Meridian, and, com­ the probable cost being the sum of tablished and defined by this resolu­ .. ■ .-,<•»» valuation of the state. Ore- gan the war on her own terms; it purchase of equipment and the mak­ mencing at the meander post of the $11,916.11), be and the same are tion. "’ti t . loi all purposes, state and will probably be ended on the terms ing of improvements which, in the section line between Section 31 in hereby approved. Be it further resolved that the plans, That the boundaries of the assess­ judgment of said board, were incur- Township 3 North of Range 9 West, m . I were in the aggregate sum of of her enemies —The Spectator. the productivity of such lands and and Section 36 in Township 3 North ment district to be benefitted by said specifications and estimates for the . ; «00. The per capita taxes add to the value of the farm home in of range 10 West, and running thence improvements and assessed therefor proposed improvements so made and it 14. from Jill. 42 in 1902 to$30- Country Editor Close to Life. a degree to justify such expenditure; North on said Section line 30 rods; be, and the same are hereby establish­ prepared by the said City Engineer ■0 per capita for the vear ending and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of and (c) for the satisfaction of incum­ thence West 208 feet; thence South, ed as follows: 1 11 I. M liilc tin population increas- The country newspaper publisher Beginning at a point in the West the probable total cost of said im­ brances upon such lands which, in the iii, 29,<"•0 to 20,000 annually or more than any other man is thy one parallel with said section line, to the boundary of Block 34, Thayer's Ad­ provements as made and prepared by out ' per cent, taxes increased whose finger is on the pulse of the judgement of said board, were incur­ Nehalem river; thence following the dition to Tillamook City, 167 feet the City Engineer being the sum of red by said application for the afore ­ at nrilly 37 per cent. According to community life about him, who hears right bank of said Nehalem river North of the Southwest corner of $9,168.52,) be and the same are . o. United States census Montana the heartbeat of his neighbors, wheth­ said purposes. easterly, up said river, to the place of said block, and running thence South­ hereby approved. Nothing herein contained shall be held the per capita tax record up to er that heartbeat be in joy or in an­ beginning. That the boundaries of the assess­ easterly in a direct line to intersect a 1912, $26 89 for man, woman and guish, and who sees their tears of joy deemed to prevent any such farm Dated this Uth day of May 1916. line 195 feet North of the South side ment district to be benefitted by said owner and operator from selling or Ci.ild. The total bonded indebtedness and of laughter. H. Crenshaw. Referee. of said Block 34 at a point 109 feet improvements and assessed therefor leasing lands subject to such incum­ of Oregon has gone up from $7.95) It is these things that bring him East of the West line of said Block be, and the same are hereby establish­ per capita in 1890 to $71.00 per cap­ close to the life ot those about him, I brances; but if he shall thus lease 34; thence East alQng said line in ed as follows: Sheriff’s Sale of Real Property. ita in 1913, flic total bonded debt at that give him a better understanding such lands or sell them to any person Beginning at the intersection of the said Block 34 and the center line of tiic close of 1916 was $63,595,825 of men and give him the knowledge not filling the conditions and purpos­ Notice is hereby given that by Blocks 3 and 4 of A. A. Miller’s Ad­ center of the West line of Block 7 of with an annual interest charge of $2,- and the ability to help solve the prob­ es provided for herein, or shall other- virtue of an execution issued out ot dition to Tillamook, and Blocks 4, 5, Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook (now 786,853. The above are some of the lems that confront the community, be | w.ise violate his said contract, said . _ ­ the Circuit Court, of the State of Ore­ and 6, of Park Addition to Tillamook Tillamook City) with the East lien of statements of facts and statistics these problems matters for the indi­ board is authorized to and shall re gon, for Tillamook County, and to City to the boundary line of said Till­ Second Avenue East, and running .nought out at the State Taxpayers vidual or for his neighbors generally. quire the payment of said loan at any me directed on the 3rd day of May, amook City; thence South along the thence East to the center of said time upon six months ’ notice, and Convention held at Portland.—Willa­ If the publisher or editor of the said note or contract shall contain a 1916, upon judgment and decree duly East Boundary line of Tillamook City Block 7; thence North to the North mina Times. great metropolitan paper would know clause providing therefor. rendered, entered of record and dock­ to the center line North and South of line of said Block 7; thence East how the day of the country publisher eted in and by said Court on the 30th Block 7, Park Addition aforesaid; along the North line of said Block Every applicant for a farm loan shall The flax industry, which has been is passed, according to the words day of December, 1915, in a certain thence West along said center line, 7, and of Block 8, in said Addition, state clearly in his application the laid waste in Europe by present con­ from the Oakley (Kan.) Graphic: suit then in said court pending, through blocks 7, 8, and 9, of s.-.id to the center of the North line of said ditions, bids fair to be transplanted Illis newspaper business is a great purpose for which loan is desired, and wherein J. Baumgartner was plaintitt Park Addition, and Blocks 5 and 6 Block 8; thence South to the center upon its approval by the board, this to the northwest states and when it game. Just in the midst of an obitu­ and Martha Psetak; M. T. Moisan of A. A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla­ of said Block 8; thence East along is once firmly established will be a ary of a dear friend, and when hot statement shall be deemed a part of and Josephine Moisan, his wife; C. C. mook, and Block 37 of Thayer’s Ad­ the center line of Blocks 8, 18 and 35 great wealth producer. It has been tears threaten to flow down and blot the contract under which the loan is Royal and Mrs. C. C. Royal, his dition to the West line of said Block of Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook demonstrated that Oregon soil and out the words you write, there breaks granted. The board shall also require wile, were defendants, in favor of 37; thence North to the place of be­ City to the East line of said Block climate arc well adapted to the cul­ through the oltice door the radiant from each applicant a sworn state­ plaintiff and against defendants. And ginning. 35; thence South to the center line of ture of flax, and while Marion county face ot the daddy of a new boy. Tears ment upon blanks furnished by the by which execution 1 am commanded Thayer’s Addition; That said assessment district shall Block 36 in is now the leader, Lane county will and joy minglcu in the same breath board covering his farm operations to sell the property in said execution be and is hereby designated as "Lo­ thence West, following ...o the — center . in lhe near future be a close second, and the giving and taking away of lite for at least one year previous to the mentioned, and hereinafter described, cal Improvement District No. 5,” and line of Blocks "6, 19, 10 and 9, >n date of his loan application, and a a- plans are made to plant 150 acres arc recorded on the same page. I similar unsworn statement at the end to pay the sum due the plaintiff of the property and all thereof included Thayer’s various Additions to Tilla­ there this season. W ith the produc­ Before you have finished the obitu­ $6o0.00 with interest thereon from within said Local Improvement Dis­ mook City, Oregon, to the East line tion of flax fibre in large quantities ary the breezy advance man for a of each year while he remains a debt­ the 24th day of February, 1914, at trict No. 5 is the following: of Second Avenue East; thence there will follow linen factories, comedy show pops in and asks you or to the state. In Thayer's Addition to Tillamook North along said East line to place of the rate of ten per cent per annum Such loans shall be repaid with in- which will give employment to an to write a scream tor his Forty Fat until paid, and tor the further sum of City, Oregon, the following: beginning. increased population, which will Froliscom Fairies and how joyous stallinents on the amortization plan, 176.00 attorney’s fees, and the furth­ All that part of Block 34 lying That said assessment district shall such installments being fixed at such mean belter times for al I classes.— they are. Before you have done with South of a line running from a point be and is hereby designated asJ'Lo- a sum as will cover the interest rate er sum of *51.15 costs and disburse­ I.cbanonu Express. tiie kind words of your departed and will liquidate the debt in a period ments. Said mortgaged premises are in the West line of said Block, 167 cal Improvement District No. «,” and It is to be hoped that the Express triend, the joy over the new baby and feet North of the Southwest corner of the property and all thereof included described as follows, to-wit: is a true prophet, but foreign-born finished the showman's ad. a fellow to be agreed on between said board The Southeast quarter of the North­ said Block, and running thence South within said Local Improvement Dis­ and the applicant, such period to be citizens of Washington county who sneaks in to ask you to suppress the east quarter and Lot one of Section easterly to intersect a line 105 feet trict No. 6, is the following: arc familiar with methods pursued in story of the fight that he was mixed not less than 10 nor more than 36 6 in Township 4 South, Range 7, North of the South side of said Block In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook the flax industry in Europe are du­ up in. 1 hen, alter putting all the lace years, any debtor may liquidate any West of Willamette Meridian, in Till­ at a point 100 feet East of the West City, Oregon, the following^ bious. Fred Schmonburg, who is well and triminings on the bride's wedding part of his indeptedness in amounts amook County, Oregon, containing line of said Block, and running Lots 2, ?, and4, «xuua, in ,1, Block 7; posted on cultivation and treatment gown, dressing the groom in conven­ of $50 or multiple thereof upon any 80.44 acres . thence East to the East side of said Lots 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Bloc* <•; of flax in Germany, says that labor tional black and starting them off amortization payment date. I will, on Saturday the 10th day of Block 34; and Lots 1, 2 3, and 4 in Lots 1, and 2, in Block 9; The rate of interest on loans shall conditions alone would make inipos- with congratulations and best wishes, Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 19; June, 1916, at the hour of 10 o’clock Block 37. be 5 per cent per annum; but in case I • ible reproduction of the industry in you turn again to the tear side of life In A. A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla­ Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block J®; a.m. on said day, at the front door of < 'n gon as carried on in that country. and write, "But the stately ship moves the disposal of its bonds nets the the County Court House in Tilla­ mook, now Tillamook City: ’ 3 3, ’ and 19; Lots 1, 1, ’ 2 2, and 4 «’ in Block Block 1 “; state at a rate of over 4 per cent per C areful and frequent weeding is nec- on to heaven under the hill, and, oh, Lots 12 to 22 inclusive in block 3; Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8,^ Block 35; and mook County, Oregon, sell at public annum, the board mav charge a rate e--ary during the growth, he says, or for the touch of a vanished hand and Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 4; Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 3«. of interest not to exceed bv more auction to the highest bidder, for cash the flax will be ruined, and in Ger­ the sound of a voice that is still!” Lots 1 to 11 inclusive in Block 5; Be it further resolved, that the City . in hand, on the day of sale, all of the than 1 per cent the rate which the I many exceedingly cheap labor is Then comes a lull, and the old type­ state must pay for the funds thus ob­ right, title, interest and estate which and, Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ available for the purpose. Children writer is content to record the com­ Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 6. the said defendant, Martha Psetak, ______ , ed to cause this resolution and notice and old men and women do the work, monplace facts, knowing that just tained from the disposal of its said had in and to said premises on the In Park Addition to Tillamook City: to be published for three consecutive bonds. The board, however, shall re ­ often entirely families working as around the corner and each waiting Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 4; 24th day of February, 1914, and also publications in the City official news­ 't a- daylight lasts, twitch as is the his turn, stand Joy, Grief, Sorrow, quire each applicant to pay an initial all the right, title aud interest of all Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 5; paper and that the City Engi­ charge of 1 per cent of the loan case with foreign born market gard­ Mirth, Sarcasm, Wit and Laughter. Lots 5, 6, and7, in Block 6; neer be, and he is hereby directed to «ranted w*th a tn'n>I"um charge of persons claiming under said defend­ ener- in some parts of this country. Lots 2, 3, and 4, in Block 7; Small wonder, then, that the news­ cause to be conspicuously posted at ant, Martha Psetak, subsequent to ' ' cheap labor could not be secur­ paper man brings to his business a »10 to cover the cost of appraisal said 24th day of February, 1914. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 8, and each end of the line of the contem­ Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, i n Block 9. ed in Oregon. if indeed labor at any devotion that is not found in any oth­ and examination of title. , plated improvements a copy of this All surplus earning accruing from That I will sell first the following de­ •e th it would accept that kind of er walk of life.—Ex. Be it further resolved, that the City Resolution and Notice, within three the operation of such system of farm scribed portion of said premises: 1 k, if it w.. secured cost of pro­ The Southeast quarter of the North­ Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ days from the date of the first pub­ credits, after paving interest from duction would render competition east quarter and Lot one of Section ed to cause this resolution and notice lication of such notice. The said pub­ Puzzled. aforesaid bonds and all operating and to be published for three consecutive lished Resolution and notice, and the \ ith 1 uropt impossible except pos- ——-o-—• | other expenses, shall be placed in the 6 in Township 4, South of Range 7, ' Is under war conditions like the "I’ve got a letter from my son out state treasury and become part of the West of the Willamette Meridian, publications in the city official news­ posted Resolution and Notice, to pre sent.—1 ndependent. paper and that the City Engi­ West " I fund to be known as the farm credit State of Oregon, containing 80.44 neer be, and he is hereby directed to also ccntain all the matters with ref­ erence to said proposed improvements acres, situated and being in the Coun­ "What is Tom doing bow ?” I reserve fund. Said farm credit reserve ty of Tillamook. State of Oregon, cause to be conspicuously posted at that are required by the charter and "That's what I can’t make out. He fund shall be invested in Oregon The Talk o» Teaae. c" Jn.d the line of the contem­ ordinances, and resolutions of Tilla­ says he is engaged in the destruction Farm Credit bonds, and the interest save and except ten acres off the plated improvements a copy of this mook City, Oregon, and all person» “ Germany repudiates responsibility of weeds. Now, that may mean he's accruing from these bonds shall be North side of said Lot one. govern Resolution and Notice, within three '{nuance of deb-meh of blood smoking a good many cigars or that added to said reserve fund. Said re­ That if the said premises last de­ days from the date from the first pub­ concerned are notified to scribed do not sell for a themselves accordingly. . .mil ..'iruali." of slaughter; 'he «.»>» he is trying to induce some widow to serve fund shall be irreducible except sum to pay the amounts due sufficient plaintiff' lication of such notice. The said pub- All persons concerned are hereby • j, has twice proposed peace. We make a second venture, or it may when used to .protect the state from then 1 will, at the said time and place, hsned Resolution and Notice, and the firjt publi- further notified that the firtt publi ­ arc given to understand that Von- mean that he is doing farm work.” loss incurred in the administration of immediately sell the balance of said posted Resolution and Notice, to also cation of this notice is made on the Pitlirr Ilollwcg’s vague allusions I the system of farm credit herein pro- mortgaged premises, to-wit: contain all of the matters with refer­ 12tb day of May, 1916, and that ob Unuiual Caiarity. ii> the Reichstag to a cersion of hos- Ivided for. Ten acres off the North side of Lot ence to said proposed improvements jections and remonstrances to the li'itics and the Kaiser's no less am­ The legislative assembly shall pro­ One in Section 6, Township 4, South that are required by the charter and A tadv who had Jost received an in­ vide in such detail as it shall deem of Range 7. West of Willamette Mer­ ordinances and resolutions of Tilla- proposed improvements mav be ide® biguous reference to the same sub­ ject in the latest note to this country teresting bit of news said to her lit- advisable for the adequate carrying idian. in Tillamook County, Oregon. Or«8on!„»nd all persons with the undersigned. City Recorder, c