EADLIGHT, MAY 25. 1916. TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 25. list Church. GREY SAYS WRONG MUST BE RIGHT at io a.in., To the Voters of iÎTillamook County to children 11 o'clock, eting 12 tn. » 'I lional service 1er. ., theme of ■ace of God' Ir place af k> attend any 1, that the ok County, td bids fur id to be cut , and de- i basement I June, 8th, fct.cl at that ,» ? on either Fir Slab berves the I bids. |r of May, X. I ■ -> pity Clerk. ■ s IS. 1 will be fan church [he pastor, rill be at- lief Corps, kill be held w morning ft the pro- ■ •’S Audience. r,” Aud- G. A. R. I. Gittins. im Corps, le Govne. Iss” Miss SM I Vetraria [tee small e Howell .riddusaw Johnson. [McGhee ' ..Willie 1 1 tddusaw. in." Clay A. R. C. Spanish .. Meth- K* ■ Johnson [udience. ■ ion of £ id Alkn pination in the icond to his was I charge. Is made bn com­ bs that aipnovc- Bn, who ■e year lire are I dental Bit op. r iention. Bumbe: ■ in a I still a I with < II y de­ ll ' Be h arc 1 (.111-- ■ pcr‘ ■b ■oí the Bam 1 B these Bi ei' L " i.fc VIA On Sale Daily : June 1st to Sept. 30th, 1918 Stopovers allowed. Return Limit : 90 days from date of sale not to exceed Oct. 31. 1916. “ To start right is to end right” THE SHASTA ROUTE is the right way to start All B B't- of : in int at I SEE Mt. Shasta — Shasta Spritips — Mt. Lassen San Francisco — Los Angeles — Yosemite Valley Southern California Beaches Panama California Exposition LIMITED TRAINS on all Southern Pacific routes. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES. I irity ; I* *«n Kurd > > u. f .} Hieve fine*» o. wily, pou. «i •rut w all The New Home Sewing Machine Company, San Francisco, Cal. To those„who wish to get a better KODAK this season, we have made arrangements whereby we can take in a few good old style machines in4 trade on new ones. Have Your Kodak Cleaning and Repairing. Oregon. House Wiring Done by C. I. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist, DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES. I Automobiles Good Values in Used Cars 5 passenger Overland, Rebuilt • nd painted like new ... $450.00 One Ford Body, 1913 .... » 25.00- One Ford Body, 1914 .......... 25.00 Until July 1st will give extra easy terms on New For Cars. nd. »ok »in. [the H hen Plates or Bridge Work is Ordered. KING laites not your FREE PAINLESS EXTRACTING □ $ $ For Sale by FOR SALE BY little filine; r $ NEW PEPJ ECHON O]L CpOK-5ïOV£ en route Attractions Ogden Route— The route of’ Limited».” Sunset Route—” Through Storyland.” El Paso Route—“The route of the lowest altitudes.’’ Callon local agent for further information or write. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. - Wi have Dental Offices in Tillamook. Bay City. D ar Viezv ,,eu> and Bar Cloverdale, and are equipped to do all kinds of Denml ork as good as it can be done anywhere. Put yourself in HER place Principal Eastern Cities Bi t. In ■e ■ Special Rates WHAT WOMEN OF OUR NATIVE STATE SAY. Tillaœook, $ i from Tillamook to New Home Users are Quality Choosers Bar View Tent City. Í $ “Oregon Flower,'’ a Hard Wheat Patent. “Yamhill Family Blend,” Hard & Valley Wheat. “Morning Star,” Select Valley Wheat. mente. I gave I j ¡ them the ‘ Golden I'll Medical Discov- 111' ery ’ for tonsilitis, ?^Bore throat, bad coughs and grip, / ' and it always l/cured them. I // also gave them the ‘ pi o o o n ” f Pleasant Pellets ’ for sick headache, biliousness and constipation. I am glad to recom­ mend them.”—M rs . CiWE D ean , 11 N. Lawrence Street. $ What we Cannot Guarantee, We Do Not Do. ^YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY, I After Grip— S Tillamook, Oregon. | Winter Colds —Bad Blood Eugene, Oregon.—"In raising my family I have al- ways found that . I could depend on illllW'St i hr. Pierce’s rein- Will be Ki and owners of B i Pledges MASSEY, DENTISTS, Erwin Harrison Yott are pale, thin, weak—with little vitality. Your liver is sluggish and the bad blood causes your stomach muscles to lose their elasticity and become flabby and weak — then indigestion. Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis­ covery, purely vegetable and fiee from alcohol or narcotics, is the great and powerful blood purifier of to-day. Ex­ tracted from American forest herbs and roots. Contains no alcohol. In­ gredients printed on wrapper. Take it as directed and it will search out impure and poisonous ma’ter throughout the system and eliminate it through the natural channels. All dealers in medicines can supply Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery in liquid or tablet form, or send ten cents in one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., for trial package of tablets. Briton Says Hon. Sir Edward Grey, K. G, M Secretary of state of Foreign .cilaB talking with the writer at lunchB in the statesman's London home, B April 1U, said substantial thlis: I 'V ■'Prussian tyranny over WestB w <•: Europe, including these islands, J people will not stand. The pled J » I & given by Mr. Asquith as regards B restoration of Belgium and Sib< (1 DR H. M MASSEY DR. W. A. WISE shall be kept. We' have signed a pal Is a College Graduate in ie the snme^Dr. Wise who Dentistry, registered in Ore­ to make peace only in concert w il practiced dentistry in Tilla- gon, and has had several our allies. This pact, 1 need not -J mook County a few years years experience, and has ago, aud will be pleased to come to Tillamook County wc shall honor strictly and to the eta again wait on those who to make it his future home. desire his professional ser­ Free c.urope is vesire. 1 vice. ‘‘What we ana uur allies are light ing tor is a free Lurope. Vve wad rsurupe tree not omy num me nouJ nation ot one nationality Dy anotliel nut lroiu hectoring aipiomacy and uJ II peril ot war; tree iroin the cunslaii rattling ot me sword m me scaOirari and iruiu me perpetual tam ui sninin] armor and war lords. Dr. m A i .7 guarantees all his work and can be consulted at "in fact," added Sir Edward n Dr. Wise has had thirty year, experience in plate work any time. Cull Call us by Telephone. and guaa.ntee. what lie »ays. flccttv«ly4 "we tccl that we are ligu ■ ing tor equal rights, tor law, jubiicl c»v Hizauoq and peace, anu tor ^37 mrougnoui the world, as against □rule lorce which Knows no restrain]! » aud no mercy.' to intervinv Sir Edward Grey, om A hardly need say, is a unique privilege o and nonor. tins came to me ain many months ot battling with the nnJI \ SEE THAT SOTT LIPI memorial prejudice oi the britista public man oi high responsibility! OUR BRIDGE WORK has FLATES WITH FLEXIBLE SUCTION— been brought to the highest against the journalist as a journalist. I The very best and latest in modern dentistry. state of perfection. The Grey Never Interviewee Before. No more falling plates. If you are haring teeth on this bridge are in­ plate tronble get Dr. Wise's advice as to terchangeable at will with­ It is a fact, 1 believe, that Sir Ed-I what should be done and the cost of doi il blue chimneys do Bist is better than negative and that pro­ tellect and emotion; he makes scarce- ' i away* with all Risulti motion of a constructive Christian ly the slightest gesture. . >■ smoke and smell. program would be more effectual Prussian Kule declared Intolerable. i Ì1M »t... Ust In 1,2, 3, and 4-burner than attempted or neglected enforce­ “What do you mean by the destruc­ ili Piasi sizes, with or without ment of specific prohibitions.. Others tion of Prussian militarism?" 1 asked. Oil ovens. Also cabinet >1 argue that the enumeration of certain 5*^ K 'C "What Prussia proposes as wc un­ models with Fireless "worldly amusements” leaves the im­ derstand her," replied Sir Edward, is Litfl cooking oven. pression that others, new'y devised Prussian supremacy. She proposes a STANDARDOIL or overlooked in the catalogue, are Europe modeled and ruled by Prus­ : ifl proper. Their theory is more accept­ sia. Bhe is to dispose of the liberties '.11>M COMPANY (California) able to the General Conference than of her neighbors and of us all. I ' ‘'-M is indicated by various votes. Probab­ "vVe say that life on these terms is n JWÎ.ŒJJ ly a majority of the delegates wish intolerable. This also is what France, £ the clause had never been originally Italy , and Russia say. \\ e are not adopted. But they cannot eliminate it only fightinu Prussia s attempt to do < .pfl without putting the church in t' e in .his ‘instance to all Europe what < '.iM false attitude of approving the amuse­ she did to non-Prussian Germany, la n(fl ments now forbidden. Every news­ but wc arc fighting the German idea t wofl paper headline on the controversy of the wholesomeness—almost desir­ onal warns them of this danger. We do ability—of even recurrent war. Prus­ w i I il not call to mind a more striking illus­ sia under Bismarck deliberately and the | HuJ tration of how embarrasing one leg­ admittedly made three wars. islative body may be to all its succes­ servi Britain Wants Settled Peace. sors. _______________ "We want settled peace throughout leadl /— Europe which will be a guaranty theyl Beaver. against aggressive war. Germany > candì ■ AS A PROTECTION FOR puitosophy is that settled peace spells • absul YOUR INVESTMENT F. B. McKinley, me real estate deal- disintegration, degeneracy and the , leadl cr w-> »luwing tallo tu -nr. riunegan sacrifice ot tne heroic qualities in the sentii you should cover it with a fire insur- ui rortlanu. human character. Buch philosophy, it issuel Í < ancy policy in a good company. Then art. nebo is white with snow again, it is to survive as a practical force oc rat] c.. r. Aults lias soia his lanu tu means eternal apprehension and un­ .in thl if a fire should happen to you, you Byron Brotzinan, Mcixinicy made tuc rest. ft means ever increasing arma­ be able to start anew without de- will aval lor him. ments. it means arresting the devel­ lay, for the companies we represent the contract for the new bridge opments of mankind along lines of pay all losses promptly. See us to­ at tne rtugney place lias been let iu culture and humanity. “We are fighting this idea. We do day. To-morrow may be just one day uloveraaie parties. i.. M Airs. Creecy, ot Beaver, is very low. not believe in war as the preferable too late. method of settling disputes between She. had a stroke oi paralysis. fr. B. McKinley made a trip to Til­ nations, When nations cannot see eye ■ to eye; when they quarrel; when lamook Monday. 1 >■ W. A. Bays nas rented his hotel to there is b threat ot war, we believe Fred Uilberi who will take charge to­ that the controversy should be settled ' 'fl day. Mr. Bays is fixing up some tents by methods other than those of war. . >■ “Such other methods are always to live in tor the summer. rB can get your hunting and fish­ successful when there is good will lo l.r H RHONE US. CALL ON US. WRITE US. | ing Y ou licenses from F.B. McKinley, at 2nd no aggressive spirit. We believe ■! ■ in negotiation. We have faith in in­ Beaver. todd hotel B If you want to sell your farm list it ternational conferences. We proposed B ! with McKinley, he can sell it if any a conference before this war broke B out. We urged Germany to agree to a one can. • a “Then I requested Germany to se­ While moving a building of R E. r. ■ Wilson's the false work gave way and lect some form of mediation—some iB method of her own for a peaceful the building went into Beaver creek, lo ■ I it was taken out several hundred feet settlement. She would not come for­ ■ • ■ I below. Some of the men working on ward with any such suggestion. Then al.le lB i the building went in with it. A good the Emperor of Russia proposed to J Germany to send the dispute to the i. ..,r .■ ducking was all they got. * George Kostic's sister has been to tribunal at The Hague. There was no t<> tb. tB see her father at Blaine, who has been response. ’ a very sick.' illg Ilici Case of Submiaai°n Or War. Eddie Cfeecy, who has been falling "Our proposal of a conference was m< li;:ii>l timber for the Jenck sawmill has been rejected by Germany, Russia, France phdge I called hoiie to the bedside of his sick and Italy all accepted it. Our propos­ tion tol mother. al that Germany suggest some means has