I1.50 PER YEAR. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. MAY 25. Judge H. H. Belt came in on Sat­ urday to hold circuit court. Mrs Albert Plank and Miss Alegra Mason are visiting in Seattle, Wash. Lost—A bunch of keys between i Hobsonville and Tillamook. Finder please leave at this office. In the election of Grand Lodge of­ ficers of the I. O. O. F. at Roseburg, Member Federal Reserve Bank S. A. Brodhead was elected sentinel. H l KNOWS Sheriff Crenshaw and wife left on Friday for portland, on their way to WS DUTT OFFICERS : For Sale, 80 acres timber land, Sec. the Oddfellows convention at Rose­ 8, Tp. 3, S., R. 10 W., Tillamook burg. B. C. LAME, President. County, Oregon. Make me an offer. Attorney R. R. Duniwav came in on J. K. Eshelman, Altoona, Iowa. * Sunday, being the attorney in the W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier. Having bought the Tillamook Iron hotel case tried in the circuit court on J. C. H O L DEN, V ice -Prese I ent. Works Irom A. K. Case all business Monday. Mayor S. A. Brodhead and wife from Sept. 1st will be transacted by I. E. KELDSON, -Assistant Cashier H. Sander. * left on Sunday for Roseburg, where the mayor will attend tne annual directors : James Goyne and wife of Pennsyl­ meeting of the Oddfellows. vania are visiting nis brother Attor­ A. W. B unn . I’ etek H eisel . C. J. E dwards . the case of J. L. Henderson vs. ney i. H. Goyne. It is 30 years since TiiLuiiooK rlotci cu, was trim !>«.- they met. W. J. R techeks . B. C. I.AMB. J. C. H olden . lure juuge is. n. tacit cuts week, it George Monson, of South Dakota, was over me receivership, the judge brothel of Oscar Monson who was. look me case under aav.sement. killed last week at the Burton logging F. B. McKinley sold the E. P. camp came in to settle up his broth­ Muis place near Blame to Lyrou Careful Attention Given to all Banking er’s affairs. x'roizmun, ui Geyserville, Cai., u be­ For exchange, 35 acres joining ing a cam sale tor the ’d acres, air. Eusiness Placed in Our Hands. Ashland for stocked dairy ranch. Full liotzman is an experienced dairy- Should YOU be taken away frotn your'wife and particulars in first letter. Address R. ljaan anu will make a valuable uuui- Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. children.nd , sermon will be on the subject “June sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ week from Chicago where he had gone I splendid county. Dr. Wise "'ill work by appointment merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * on account of the serious illness of1 Judge G. R. Lagley, in a letter to Mrs. R. C. Beebe, ofSedro Woolley, Roses and Brides, or. Beauty, Love for those who want him personally.* and marriage.” This will be the clos­ brother, who died three days after he the cuicor, wishes us to thank the Wash. people ot Tillamook Count/ for the ing sermon of the May series. Many Wanted: I wish to buy or hire a . For Rent—Store Building now oc­ arrived there. cupied by B. D. Lama ’ - as a variety .laticring vote they gave him last Price Change. young people should hear this discus­ Durham bull. E. R. Garner, Hemlock. Get your lime rock or Sulphur store After Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd. week. 1 ne judge also appreciated the sion of almost vital subject. An invi­ Spray at Tillamook Feed Co. We also R I.. Wade is in from Portland Following are net cash prices, tation is extended to all. See Wise and Massy, the up-to-date have the International Stock Food policy of the Headlight, for he said; lqoking over his property in this city. dentists, who have located perman­ Remedies sold on "money back” "This is to assure you that 1 appre­ when charged usual prevailing price. ciate the fact that you consistently, Berry or fruit sugar .................. : 48.49 To the Voters of Tillamook. You choose your doctor. Choose us ently in Tillamook, Bay City and Bar guarantee. * 1.90 from the beginning, kept out of the W heat per cwt............................. •• your druggist—Tillamook Drug View. * .90 To the Editor: I wish to tak* this Co. * For Sale, Cheap, lot in Brighton primary fight, except the answer Bran 69 tbs.................................... VVc use only the purest drugs ob­ Beach, Oregon, in Block 81, lot No. made to the Herald, which was, of Shorts, 80 tbs............................... 1.30 opportunity of expressing my hearty King & Smith Company can supply tainable to enter into your prescrip­ course, perfectly proper for you to Process Barley, 75 tbs............... 1.40 appreciation for the very generous you with all kinds of extra equipment tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook 2, for $250.00 cash, Write Peter make, as your convictions, no doubt, Oats, cwt........... ......................... ;. 1.70 support which my campaign for the Damis, P. O. Box 501, St. Helens, for Fords. * Drug Co. Roiled Oats 60s .......................... 1.05 nomination of County Cle'K received * Oregon. * so dictated.” I Ool Meal, cwt ............................ 2 10 in the recent primaries. J. F. Stranahan returned to the Mrs. Everett Hall and son will The following teachers have been Olympic, Snow Drift and White Don’t forget those busted castings. While I was not successful I sincer­ city, having been in the east for sev­ leave on Friday to visit friends and selected for the coming school year: I River flour sk............................. 1.40 ely appreciate the activity and sub­ eral months. relatives in Portland and Forest Can be welded for half. Goods sent 1st grade—Mrs. Clara Burge. .60 Best chcamery butter ................ stantial support of my many friends. by parcel post and express promptly 2nd grade—Mrs. Frankie Wiley. Jitney Service: Auto for hire at all Grove. .50 Best dairy butter........................ 1 regret exceedingly the develop­ Mrs. Ada Dutcher who has been returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, 3rd grade—Miss Retta Smith. hours. Phone 53J Day— 154J night 125 tbs. Hide and Hay Salt un­ ment of so many rival factions and 4th grade — Miss Stella Goync. spending the winter at the home of Oregon. • .75 til June 1st for.......................... the antagonistic feeling displayed as Lee Slyter. * her daughter Mrs. M. A. Schultz, left 5th grade—Miss Beatrice Chaney. 5 tbs. best Caracol coffee .. . 1.00 a consequencet of their activity, to­ The County Court let a contract to 6th grade — Mrs. J. H. Dunstan. this morning for Seattle. .15 The A. F. Coats Lumber Co. closed Pearl oil in bulk.......................... ward the closing days of the cam­ Mallory, Hass and Blum for the 7th grade—Miss Clara Pruehs. down for a few days on Monday to 3 Pkgs. Velvet, Tuxedo or Prince paign; and I can truthfully state that For rent, 6 room house all modern, bridge across the big Nestucca River, 8th grade — Miss May Wynn. Albert Tobacco for........................ 25 1 would rather be unindorsed and de­ make repairs. close in to business center at corner near the Hughey place, the bid with Jacobs school—Miss Myrtle Wallin. Potatoes, per cwt........... .............. 1.50 feated as a consequence than become For Rent—Resturant with complete of Stillwell Ave and 4th Street. In­ cover was $$1 192 and without cover High school—Mrs. Bertha Hanson, Tillamook Mercantile Company. a party to some of the bitter antag­ * $842. fixtures. Address Happy Camp, Ne- quire of M. R. Hanenkratt. History, Teacher training; Miss onisms and untrue insinuations which *»rts, Oregon. * Mrs. R. C. Beebe, aunt of Mrs E. T. For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls. Lucia Macklin, mathematics, etc.; have developed as a result of the School Year Draws to a Close. , Hive you prescriptions to be filled’ Haltcm, who has been visiting here, and two calves, I year in Spring, A. J. Miss Hazel McKown, music and Ger­ methods resorted to. •>e can fill any prescription.—Tilla left on Thursday morning for her C. C. Jerseys,from dams that test man; Mr. Fren Hardistrv, English; Respectfully, home in Sedro Woolley, Wash. school year, 300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. H. Miss Pauline MacElvain, Commercial Today closes the «>ook Drug Co. * J. C. Holden. Mr. D. E. Reed, Manuel Training; ' Thursday and Friday evening comes 48 acre dairy farm and cheese fac ­ McCormack Tillamook, Oregon, R. Tillamook City, May 25. Miss Blanch Barrett is in the City tory in Lincoln County for sale. For Mr. Geo. F. Sanders, science. Domes­ the high school class night and the F. D. 1. M 15. •fom Dallas, being Judge Belt’s particulars address W m. Crispien, tic Science Dept, to be filled. To Exchange. commencement program. In the W. G. Johnson and C. R. Wright of court reporter. grade school there will be few clos­ Rose Lodge, Oregon. * the U. S. Engineer's department, Cloyd O. Dawson, of Tillamook, C- C. Smith had the misfortune to Residence, San Diego, good income Memorial sermon will be preached came in to make a survey of the will graduate with the class of T6, at ing programs. Some of the classes are 8ct a piece of nail in his eye, which bv Rev. Youel, Sunday. May 28, at 11 slough and the cost of improving the the University of Oregon this year. planning picnics or parties. The tea­ also sixtv acre farm Yuma Valley for have been busy with tests and stock ranch near cost.—Address P.O. u causing some trouble. a.m. in the Presbyterian church. All same. It will take two or three weeks Mr. Dawson will receive his Bachelor chers reports. Superintendent Onthank has Box 7 Gadsden. Ariz. Mrs. Carl Prince and son Jesse, of are cordially invited. W. R. C. mem­ to do the work. of Arts degree in the department of been giving special tests i". spelling, *l*m. mother and brother of Mrs. bers are requested to meet at K. P. A large delegation of business men Political Science, though he will come , language, and arithmetic to determine weo. \\ inslow, are in on a visit. hall at 10 30 a.m. I started out Tuesday morning to boost back after graduation for three years . the progress made tn the fundament­ Ornamental fire Places I the Tillamook Commercial Club, and in the School of Law, as he is prepar­ als of these to determine the progress Built of Brick or Stone. I with a long rope they roped in most ing himself for the law practice. Mr. made during the year. Progress had A11 Fire Places absolutely I every business man they tackled. Dawson made his letter in Versity been shown in every grade and in a debate in both his junior and Senior number of cases standard perform­ I This will be kept up until a large guaranteed not to smoke years and representated the Universi­ ances have been greatly exceeded. In membership is obtained. or money refunded. ty as Peace Orator this year. He is the Courtis Standard Arithmetic Mrs. G. F. Sanders was hostess for president of the University Young Test which were given last fall and Brick Work of all kinds the Priscilla club the first meeting in Men’s Christian Association and was again this spring to determine the done on short notice. May.. Dainty refreshments were serv­ on the cabinet last year. During his progress made in the year, efficiency We make specialty of ed at the dining table each guest find­ junior fear he was on the staff of the has been increased greatly. One girt, rep'iriug smoking Fire ing her place by a most unique place Oregana, the University of Oregon Letha Carr broke all known records Plates. card. Thefinvited visitors were Mrs. rear book. Dawson is a member of in one division at this test by solving • ( K.W. Onthank, Mrs. C. Dunn and Tau Kappa Alpha and Friars, and correctly in six minutes problems Miss Mabie Goyne. honorary Fraternity. Mr Dawson is . which a trained adult is not expected pledged to membership in the Sigfna ! to do in eight minutes. Others made V ! Station at Chi Fraternity and lives at the Sigma splendid showing although none has TILLAMOOK.. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. I have orders for a great number of calves and am now buying all I can get. When you have a calf for sale its money in your pocket to call me up. Am able to pay and will pay fancy Prices for Durham Bulls, Red Poll Bulls, Durham, Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. Can aUo use chickens.—Both Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN. THE PRUDENT MAN PROTECTS HIS FAMILY WITH A BANK ACCOUNT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00 Tillamook County Bank Tillamook Jottings. the Back Page LAMAR’S variety store , MOVE to I.OO.F. BLD., Drop in and book Rnound-*’ -! □ QSafeH ) S£X ElcctricStorc. Chi House. , 1 a* good as hers. 9 I