Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 18, 1916, Image 7

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1st—Have bad over thirteen years experience keeu-
ing records required to be kept in an accurate and care
ful manner.
2nd—Am well acquainted tbruout the county and by
past training I believe am qualified to give courteous
and satisfactory service to the public.
3rd—Am a native Tillatuooker.
4th —Am new in the pol.tical game, this being my
first attempt to secure a political office.
5th—Will give my best endeavors to keep expenses
of the office as low as possible consistent with good ser
6th—Have a wife and three children, all likewise
native Tillamookers, and the salary of the office will go
largely fortheir support aud education.
. . . _
Paid Advt.
Notice of
Intention to Improve and West of Block 42, of Thayer’s of Lot 3, in Block. 17, of Thayer’s
Streets in Tillamook City, Oregon. Addition, extended to the West line Addition; running thence South along
of Block 12, of A. A. Miller's Addi­ the center of Blocks 17, 18, 19, 20,
tion to Tillamook; on the East by the and 21, of 'Thayer’s Addition, to the
Notice is hereby given, to all whom
West line of Miller's Addition; on Southwest corner of Lot 6, in said
it may concern, that the Common
the W est by the East line of Lot Block 21; running thence East along
Council ot Tillamook City, Oregon,
3, in Block 42, Thayer’s Addition the South side of Eighth Street to the
deem it expedient to improve the
Southeast corner of Lot 7, in Block
streets hereinafter described, and did, and on the North by the South line ol 40, Traycr’s Addition, and running
on the 1st day of May, 191o, adopt a Lots 3 and 4, of said Block 42 of
North along the center of
Resolution and Notice therefor, which Thayer’s Addition, as the same ac­ chence
Blocks 40, 39, 36, 35 and. 32, Thay­
said Resolution and Notice is in tually exists. All in Tillamook City, er’s Addition to tiie place of begin­
words letters and ligures as follows,
Be it further resolved that the City ning.
That said assessment district shall
Resolution and Notice of Intention to Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­
ed to cause this resolution and notice be and is hereby designated as “Lo­
Improve Certain Street in Tilla­
to be published for three consecutive cal Improvement District No. 4,” and
mook City, Oregon.
the city official the property and all thereof included
Be it Resolved, That tiie Common publications in
within said Local Improvement Dis­
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, newspaper, and that the City Engi­ trict No. 4 is the following:
deem it expedient, and Hereby de­ neer be, and he is hereby directed to
in Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook
clares its intention to improve the cause to be conspicuoulsy posted at City, Oregon, the following:
following street in said city, to-wit:
Lots 3,
" 4,
’ 5,
' and 6, Block 17;
Eighth Street, from the r.ast line of plated improvements a copy of this
Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 18;
Resolution and Notice, within three
Stillwell Avenue East to the West
Lots 34" 5, and 6, Block 19;
days from the date from the first pub­
line of Block 10 in A. A. Miller’s Ad­ lication of such notice. The said pub­
Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 20;
dition to the town of Tillamook, lished Resolution, and the posted
Lots 3, 4, 5, and 0, Block 21 ;
(now Tillamook City), except the in­ Resolution and Notice, to also con­
Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 32;
tersection of Eighth Street with Sec­ tain all of the matters with reference
Lots 1 2 7, and 8, Block 35;
ond Avenue East, already paved, in to said proposed improvements that
Lots 1’ 2 7, and 8, Block 36 ;
the following manner.
Lots 1' , 2 , 7, and 8, Block 39 ;
are required by the charter and ordi­
By establishing the grade of said nances, and resolutions of Tillamook
Lots.l, 2, 7, , and 8, Block 40.
Be it further resolved, that the City
City, Oregon, and all persons ton-
By grading said street to the proper cerned are notified to govern then - Recorder be, and he is hereby in-
structcd to cause this resolution and
selves accordingly.
By rolling the roadway thereof;
All persons concerned are hereby notice to be published for three con­
By laying on said street a concrete further notified that the first publi­ secutive publications in the city offi­
roadway 24 feet in width and 6 cation of this notice is made on the cial newspaper, and that the City En­
inches in thickness;
2nd day of May, 1916, and that ob­ gineer be, and he is hereby directed to
By constructing along each side of jections and remonstrances to the cause to be conspicuously posted at
said roadway a concrete curb;
proposed improvements may be filed each end of the line of the contem
By building concrete catch basins with the undersigned, City Recorder, plated improvements a copy of this
and laying drain pipe, together with within 20 days from said date.
Resolution and Notice, within three
inlets and making provisions for the
Done by order of the Common days from the date from the first pub­
necessary surface drainage of said Council of Tillamook City as set lication of such notice. The said pub­
street, with all the appurtenances forth in said resolution and notice.
lished Resolution, and the posted
thereto, and
Resolution and Notice, to also con­
Dated this May 2nd, 1916.
By laying and constructing con-
tain ail of the matters with reference
Ira C. Smith,
Crete headers.
City Recorder of Tillamook City, to said proposed improvements that
are required by the charter and ordi­
All of the said improvements to be
nances, and resolutions of Tillamook
made in accordance with the charter,
Intention to Improve City, Oregon, and all persons con­
resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ Notice of
Streets in Tillamook City, Oregon. cerned are notified to govern them­
mook City, Oregon, and in accord­
selves accordingly.
ance with the plans and specifications
All persons concerned arc hereby
Notice is hereby given, to all whom
and the estimates ot work therefor,
and the probable cost thereof, made it may concern, that the Common further notified that the first publi­
and prepared by the City Engineer Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, cation of this notice is made on the
of Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed deem it expedient to improve the 2nd day of May, 1916, and that ob­
in the office of the Recorder of said streets hereinafter described, and did, jections and remonstrances to the
Tillamook City, Oregon, on May 1st, i 1 on the 1st day of May, 1916, adopt a proposed improvements may be filed
1916, and all of said improvements ‘ Resolution and Notice therefor, which with th- undersigned. City Recorder,
to be made at the expense of the said Resolution and Notice is in within 20 days of said date.
Done bv order of the Common
property, and all thereof adjacent words letters and figures as follows,
Council of Tillamook City as set
thereto and especially benefitted by to-wit:
said improvements, and within the Resolution and Notice of Intention to forth in said resolution and notice.
Dated this May 2nd, 1916.
Improve Certain streets in Tilla­
limits of the assessment district es­
Ira C. Smith,
mook City, Oregon.
tablished and defined by this resolu­
Be it Resolved, That the Common City Recorder of Tillamook City,
Be it further resolved that the plans, ' Council of Tillamook City, Oregon,
specifications and estimates for the deems it expedient, and hereby de­
Intention to Improve
proposed improvements so made and clares its intention to improve the Notice of
Streets in Tillamook City, Oregon.
prepared by the said City Engineer following streets in said city, to-wit:
Fifth revenue East, from the South
and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of
Notice is hereby given, to all whom
the probable total cost of said im­ side of Third Street to the North side
provements as made and prepared by of Eighth Street, omitting intersec­ it may concern, that the Common
• <"'ty Engineer being the sum of tion already paved at Fourth Street, Council of Tillamook City, Oregon,
$11,480.93), be and the same are ■ and intersection at Fifth Street, in the deem it expedient to improve the
streets hereinafter described, and did,
following manner.
hereby approved.
By establishing the grade of said on the 2nd day of May, 1916, adopt a
That the boundaries of the assess­
Resolution and Notice therefor, which
ment district to be benefited by said I 1 streets;
By grading said streets to the proper said Resolution and Notice is in
improvements and assessed therefor
words letters and figures as follows,
be, and the same are hereby establish­ ’ sub-grade;
By rolling the roadway thereof;
ed as follows:
By laying on said streel a concrete Resolution and Notice of Intention to
Beginning at the Southwest corner
Improve Certain Street in Tilla­
of Lot 4, in Block 3, of R. R. Hay’s i j roadway -4 feet in width and 6
mook City, Oregon.
Addition to Tillamook City, and run- . inches in thickness;
Be it Resolved, That the Common
By constructing along each side of
ning thence East along the center 1
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon,
Blocks 3 and 4 in said Hay’s | , said roadway a concrete curb;
Addition, and Blocks 15, 16, 22, 43 I By building concrete catch basins deems it expedient, and hereby de­
- r with clares its intention to improve the
and 42 of Thayer’s Addition, and and laying drain pipe, together
continuing East to the West side of inlets and making provisions for the following street in Tillamook City,
Block 12, in A A. Miller’s Addition accessary surface drainage of said Oregon, to-wit;
hit th Street, from the center of
to the town of Tillamook (now Tilla­ streets, with all the appurtenances
Sixth Avenue East, Easterly and East
mook Ci’.y), and running thence thereto, and
By laying and constructing con- to the East boundary of Tillamook
al°nK the West side of said
City, in the following manner:
“jller’s Addition to a point in line Crete headers.
By establishing the grade of said
All of the said improvements to be
with the center line running East and
'vest of Block 41 in Thayer’s Addi­ made in accordance with the charier, streets;
By grading said streets to the proper
tion to Tillamook City, and running resolutions and ordinances of J illa-
L, nce West along the center line ot mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ sub-grade;
By rolling the roadway thereof;
Blocks 41, 40, 21, 14 and 13 of ance with the plans and specifications
By laying on said street a concrete
Ihayers Addition, and Blocks 1 and and the estimates of work therefor,
of R, R. Hay’s Addition, to the and the probable cost thereof, made roadway, 30 feet in width, 6 inches
Northwest corner of Lot 5 in Block and prepared by the City Engineer in thickness at the sides and 7 inches
J of said Hay’s Addition, and run- of Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed in thickness at the center.
By constructing along each side of
"ing thence South along the East side in the office of the Recorder of said
said roadway a concrete curb;
°! Stillwell Avenue to the place of be- | Tillamook City, Oregon, on May 1st,
By constructing concrete headers
1916, and all of said improvements
By building concrete catch basins
That said assessment district shall j to be made at the expense of the
_o- property, and all thereof adjacent and laying drain pipe, together with
“etand is hereby designated as “Lo-
nd thereto and especially benefitted by inlets and making provisions for the
c?‘ Iniprovement District No. 3,” ai.d
necessary surface drainage of said
ihe property and all thereof included said improvements, and within the street, with all the appurtenances
*ohin said Local Improvement Dis- I limits of the assessment district es­ thereto, and
tablished and defined by this resolu­
n.ct *'°- 8 is the following:
By laying and constructing a sewer
ln R. R. Hay’s Addition to Tilla­ tion.
Be it further resolved that the plans, along said street from the flush tank
specifications and estimates for the near the West side of Park Street
5, 6, 7, and 8 in BlocU;
proposed improvements so made and East to a point 30 feet West of the
5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 2;
prepared by the said City Engineer East boundary of Tillamook City.
1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 3;
All of the said improvement» to be
and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of
I. 2, 3, and 4, in Block 4;
made in accordance with the charter,
in Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook the probable total cost of said im- resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­
provements as made and prepared bv
the City Engineer being the sum of mook City, Oregon, and in accord­
and 4,
¡n DlUkK
Block * 13; ,
-- - 3 -HU
-, III
j Lot» r ®, « 6. - 7, »„a - - 8, - ¡n --
- - 14;
$6,487, 12), be ar.d
the same are ance with th« plans, specifications
and the estimates of work therefor,
hereby approved.
Lots ®. «, 7, and 8, in Block 21;
That the boundaries of the assess­ and probable cost thereof, made
Lots s. 6, 7, and 8, in Block 40.
and prepared by the City Engineer
«, 7 and 8, in Block 41;
improvements and assessed therefor of Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed
Lots 1 and 2, Block 15;
be. and the same are hereby establish­ f in the office of the Recorder of said
Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4, Block 16;
Tillamook City, Oregon, on April 8th
ed as follows:
Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4, Block 22;
Beginning at the Northeast comer 1916, and all of said improvement;
2, -,
3, «nu
and ■■,
4, in
in »awn
Block 43;
-, -,
of Lot 2, in Block 32, Thayer’s Addi- to be made at the expense of th-
Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4. in Block 42.
property, and all thereof adjacent
And tract of land bounded on the < t'on to
-- Tillamook
---—r .. City;
, running 1
by the center line running East I thence West to the Northwest corner | thereto and especially benefitted by
said improvements, and within the in the office of the Recorder of said thence West 208 feet; thence South,
limits of the assessment district es­ Tillamook City, Oregon, on April Sih parallel with said section line, to the
tablished and defined by this resolu­ 1916, and all of said improvements Nehalem river; thence following the
to be made at the expense of the right bank of said Nehalem river
Be it further resolved that the plans, property, and all thereof adjacent easterly, up said river, to the place of
specifications and estimates for the thereto and especially benefited by beginning.
proposed improvements so made and said improvements, and wit'uin tue
Dated this 11th day of May, 1916.
prepared by the said City Engineer limits of the assessment district es­
H. Crenshaw. Referee.
and tiled as aforesaid (the estimate of tablished and defined by this resolu­
the probable cost being the sum of tion.
311,916.11), be and the same arc
Be it further resolved that the plans,
Sheriff’s Sale of Real Property.
hereby approved.
specifications and estimates for the
That the boundaries of the assess­ proposed improvements so made and
Notice is hereby given that by
ment district to be benefitted by said prepared by the said City Engineer virtue of an execution issued out oi
improvements and assessed therefor and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of I the Circuit Court, of the State of Ore­
be, and the same are hereby establish­ the probable total cost of said im­ gon, for Tillamook County, and to
ed as follows:
provements as made and prepared by . me directed on the 3td day of May,
Beginning at a point in the West the City Engineer being the- sum of ■ 1916, upon judgment and decree du,7
boundary of Block 34, Thayer's Ad­ $9.168.52,) be and the same are rendered, entered of record and dock-
dition to Tillamook City, 167 feet hereby approved.
! eted in and by said Court on the 30th
North of the Southwest corner of
That the boundaries of the assess­ day of December, 1915, in a certain
said block, and running thence South­ ment district to be benefitted by said ! suit then in said court pending,
easterly in a direct line to intersect a improvements and assessed therefor wherein J. Baumgartner was plaintiif
line 195 feet North of the South side be. and the same are hereby establish­ and Martha Psetak; M. T. Moisau
of said Block 34 at a point 100 feet ed as follows:
and Josephine Moisan, his wife, C. C.
East of the West line of said Block
Beginning at the intersection of the Royal and Mrs. C. C. Royal, his
34; thence East along said line in center of the West line of Block 7 of wile, were defendants, in favor of
said Block 34 and the center line of Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook (now plaintiff and against defendants. And
Blocks 3 and 4 of A. A. Miller’s Ad­ Tillamook City) willy.the East lien of l>y which execution I am commanded
dition to Tillamook, and Blocks 4, 5, Second Avenue East, and running to sell the property in said execution
and 6, of Park Addition to Tillamook thence East to the center of said mentioned, and hereinafter described,
City to the boundary line of said Till­ Block 7; thence North to the North 1 to pay the sum due the plaintiff of
amook City; thence South along the line of said Block 7; thence East $61*6.00 with interest thereon from
East Boundary line of Tillamook City along the North line of said Block the 24th day of February, 1914, at
to the center line North and South of 7, and of Block 8, in said Addition, the rate of ten per cent per annum
Block 7, Park Addition aforesaid; to the center of the North line of said until paid, and tor the further sum of
thence West along said center line, I Block 8; thence South tb the center 4Z5.UO attorney's fees, and the furth­
through blocks 7, 8, and 9, of said I of said Block 8; thence East along er sum of $51.15 costs and disburse­
Park Addition, and Blocks 5 and 6 the center line of Blocks 8, 18 and 35 ments. Said mortgaged premises are
of A". A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla­ of Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook described as follows, to-wit:
mook, and Block 37 of Thayer’s Ad­ City to the East line of said Block
1 be Southeast quarter of the North­
dition to the West line of said Block 35; thence South to the center line of east quarter and Lot one of Section
'1 hayer’s Addition; 6 in Township 4 South, Range 7,
37; thence North to the place of be­
thence West, following the center West of Willamette Meridian, in Till­
19, 10 and 9, in
That said assessment district shall
amook County, Oregon, containing
be and is hereby designated as “Lo­ Thayer’s various Additions to Tilla­ 80,44 acres .
cal Improvement District No. 5,” and mook City, Oregon, to the East line
1 will, on Saturday the 10th day of
East; thence June, 1916, at the hour of 10 o'clock
the property and all thereof included • f Second Avenue
within said Local Improvement Dis­ North along said East line to place of a.m. on said day, at the front door of
trict No. 5 is the following:
the County Court House in Tilla­
That said assessment district shall I mook County, Oregon, sell at public
in Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook
be and is hereby designated as “Lo- '
City, Oregon, the following:
auction to the highest bidder, for cash
All that part of Block 34 lying cal Improvement District No. 6,” and 1
in hand, on the day of sale, all of the
South of a line running from a point the property and all thereof included right, title, interest and estate which
in the West line of said Block, 167 within said Local Improvement Dis-
the said defendant, Martha Psetak,
■ the
feet North of the Southwest corner of trict No. * 6t is
had in and to said premises on the
In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook 24th day of February,
said Block, and running thence South
1914, and also
easterly to intersect a line 105 feet City, Oregon, the following:
all the right, title and interest of all
Lot-, 2, I' , and-l, in Block 7;
North of the South side of said Block
persons claiming under said defend­
at a point 100 feet East of the West
Lots 1 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8, Block <
I ant, Martha Psetak, subsequent to
line of said
Block, and running
Lots 1, and 2, in Block 9;
said 24th day of February, 1914.
2, 3, and 4, in Block 10;
thence East to the East side of said
i That 1 will sell first the following de­
Block 34; and Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4 in
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 18;
scribed portion of said premises:
Block 37.
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 19;
The Southeast quarter of the North­
6, 7, and 8, in Block 35; and
In A. A. Miller’s Addition to Tilla­
Lots 5, ...
east quarter and Lot one of Section
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 36.
mook, now Tillamook City:
6 in Township 4, South of Range 7,
Be it further resolved, that the City
Lots 12 to 22 inclusive in block 3;
the Willamette ............
Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ West of ......................
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 4;
State of Oregon, containing 80.44
Lots 1 to 11 inclusive in Block 5; ed to cause this resolution and notice acres, situated and being in the Conn-
to be published for three consecutive ty of
Tillamook, State of Oregon,
publications in the City official news­ save and
Lots 1, , 2, , 3 , ( and 4, .. in Block fi.
except ten
off the
In Park Addition to Tillamook City: paper and that
the City
Engi­ North side of said Lot acres
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 4;
neer be, and he is hereby directed to
That if the said premises last de­
Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 5;
cause to be conspicuously posted at
scribed do not sell for
a sufficient
each etui of the line of the contem­
Lots 5,
" 6, and7, in Block 6;
plated improvements a copy of this sum to pay the amounts due plaintiff,
Lots 2, 3, and 4, in Block 7;
then I will, at the said time and place,
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 8, and Resolution and Notice, within three
Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 9.
days from the date of the first pub­ immediately sell the balance of said
mortgaged premises, to-wit:
Be it further resolved, that the City lication of such notice. The said pub­
Ten acres off the North side of Lot
Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ lished Resolution and notice, and the One in Section 6, Township 4, South
ed to cause this resolution and notice posted Resolution and Notice, to
to be published for three consecutive also ccntain all the matters with ref­ of Range 7, West of Willamette Mer­
publications in the city official news­ erence to said proposed improvements idian, in Tillamook County, Oregon.
Said sales will be made subject to
paper and
that the City Engi­ that are required by the charter and
neer be, and he is hereby directed to ordinances, and resolutions of Tilla­ redemption in the manner provided
cause to be conspicuously posted at mook City, Oregon, and al] posons by law and as provided in said judg­
each end of the line of the contem­ concerned are notified to govern ment and decree.
Dated this the 6th day of May, 191G.
plated improvements a copy of this themselves accordingly.
II. Crenshaw.
Resolution and Notice, within three
All persons concerned arc hereby
days from the date from the first pub­ further notified that the first publi­ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon.
lication of such notice. The said pub cation of this notice is made on the
lished Resolution and Notice, and the 12th day of May, 1916, and that ob
Notice to Contractors.
posted Resolution and Notice, to also ¡ections and remonstrances to the
contain all of the matters with refer­ proposed improvements mav be filed
ence to said proposed improvements with the undersigned. City Recorder, | Notice is hereby given, that the
I County Court ol Tillamook County,
that are required by the charter and within 20 days,from said dat :.
1 Oregon, will receive Lids for the con­
ordinances and resolutions of Tilla­
Lone by order of the Common struction of a 100-fcet covered v.ood
mook City, Oregon, and all persons Council of Tillamook City as set
bridge, across the Big Ncsiucca
concerned arc notified to govern forth in said resolution and notice.
I river, on the Blaine County Road,
themselves accordingly.
Dated this May 2nd, 1916.
located in the S.W. % of Section 26,
All persons concerned arc hereby
Ira C. Smith,
further notified that the first publi City Recorder of Tillamook City, , Township 3 South, Range 9 West, <.i
■ the Willamette Meridian, the same
cation of this notice is made on the
being bridge No. 5, on said road.
2th day of May, 1916, and that ob-
Bids arc to be tiled not Inter than
jcctions and remonstrances to the
Notice of Referee’s Sale.
1 Saturday, the 20th day of May, 1916,
proposed improvements may be filed
at 10 o’clock a.m. in the office ef t)
with the undersigned, City Recorder,
County Clerk, and must be accom­
within 20 days from said date.
In the Circuit Court of the State of panied by .1 certified check equal l<>
Done by order of the Common Oregon, tor 1 tllatnook County.
5 per cent of the amount of the bid,
Council of Tillamook Citv as set Virginie Koy. Marclau, Y voiin-
I and made payable to the Count)
forth in said resolution and notice.
Gervais, Fernando Gervais, Zel-
1 Clerk of Tillamook County.
Dated this May 2nd, 1916.
ta Primcau Caron and Tlteo-
Plans and specifications for the
Ira C. Smith,
phil Caron her husband, Ernes­
bridge may be seen on file at the of-
City Recorder of Tillamook City, tine Primeau Berthelct and .1.
ficc of the County Clerk, nti
F. Berthelct her husband, James
charge of $1.00 will |><- nrule
J. Polan, Mary Polan Dore and
those taken from the office • of
Notice of
Intention to Improve J. A. Dore her husband,
County Clerk, which ur 01. t 1 wii
Streets in Tillamook City, Oregon.
remitted to the successful binder.
The County Court reserves
Notice is hereby given, to all whom
Valentine Roy Desrochers and
right to reject ..ny and all bids
it may concern, that the Common G. Desrochers her husband, f’o-
Dated this 4th day of May, 1916
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, inclia Rov Kavanagh and John
J. C. Holden, County Clerk.
deem it expedient to improve the Doe Kavanagh, her husband,
By Kathleen M:>’t Dcruty.
streets hereinafter described, and did, Marie LeFebvrc Faubcrt and
on the 2nd day of May, 1916, adopt a John Doc Faubcrt her husband,
Resolution and Notice therefor, which Louis Primeau and Jane Doc
said Resolution and Notice is in Primcau his wife, Hormisdas
Statements of McMinnville Citizens
words letters and figures as follows, Roy and Jane Doc Roy his wife
Are Always or Interest to Our
Joseph Roy and Jane Doe Roy
Resolution and Notice of Intention to his wife, Lainentia Roy Daouts
To many of our readers the streets
Improve Certain streets in TiHa-
and J. B. Daouts' her husband,
moolc City, Oregon.
i of McMinnville are almost as famil­
Romeo Gervais, Gilbertc Ger­
Be it Resolved, That the Common vais, Rene Gervais, Eugene Roy
iar as those of our own town, and v,e
Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, Victor Roy and Yvonne Roy,
arc naturally interested to read of
deems it expedient, and hereby de­
happening there. 1 lie following re­
clares its intention to improve the
Notice is hereby given, that by vir- port from a well-known and respect­
following streets in said city, to-wit:
tue of a decree of partition and order ed resident will be helpful to numbers
Fifth Street, from the East line of of sale entered in the above entitled of
' men and women of Tillamook.
Second Avenue East, East to the cause on the 3rd day of May, 1916,
Mrs. J. O. Kogers, 6oj Grant Street,
center of Sixth Avenue East, and and of an execution issued in pursu­ McMinnville, Ore., says: “1 suffered
Third Avenue East, from the South ance thereof and to the undersigned ' intensely from backaclu s and head­
line to Fourth Street to the North directed, commanding sale to be made ' aches. Sometimes the attacks listed
line of Fifth Street, in the following of the real property hereinafter des­ for a week J couldn’t move without
pains in my back and hips.
cribed for the purpose of making par- having
By establishing the grades of said
Sometimes when the headaches came
I had to go to bed. I didn’t know
the parties of said cause, the under- on,
By grading said streets to the prop­
the trouble was caused by my kidnevs
er sub grade;
ninth day of June, 1916, at the hour but since I have been so greatly re­
By rolling the roadway thereof;
lieved by Doan’s Kidney Fills, I
By laying on said streets a concrete of 10 o'clock a hi . at tkc court hou
know what caused the trouble. '1 hey
roadway, 30 feet in width, 6 inches
not only regulated the acti< n of my
in thickness at the sides and 7 inches
kidneys, but relieved the headaches
in thickness in the center.
and backaches. “(Statement given
By constructing along each side of scribed real property situate in Till- , 1 Aug. 48 1907.)
said roadway a concrete curb;
Over five years later, Mrs. Rogers
Lots two (21. three Z3) and thir­
By building concrete catch basins
said: “I think as highly of Doan's
and laying drain pipe, together with
Kidney Pills now as 1 did when I
inlets and making provisions for the shin 3, North of Range 9 West of recommended them several years ago
necessary surface drainage of said Willarnefte Meridian, and the North Kidney trouble hasn't bothered me
streets with all the appurtenances ’■alf of the Northeast quarter; the for a long time.”
South East ouarter of the North Fvt
thereto, and
Price toe. at all dealers Don't
and constructing con oiiartcr and lot three (3) of «er 36 in «imply ask for a kidney remedy—get
By laying
Tov--’«l’in 3 North of Range 10 Writ
Crete headers,
Doans Kidney Pills—the same that
All of the said improvements to be of Willamette Meridian, and, roni- Mrs Rogers has twice publicly rcc-
ini i ommended. Foster
and specifications and the estimate ••ciion lie* Between Section
Tops , Buffalo, N. Y.
of the work
therefor, and the
ard Seetlo" "6 in Town shin 3 Nor'h I
probable cost thereof, made
The place to eat is at the "Good
and ................................
running thence
prepared by
City Engineer of range
„ 10 West,
of Tillamook City, Oregon, aud filed North on said Section line 10 rods;
Ramsey Hotel.