TILLAMOOK KEÄDLIGHT. MAY 18, 1916. church. All dose favorin’ me for’ pastah please say 'aye. ( . A|gr«'*‘ deep significant silence. Hah. I said, undaunted "Silence means con­ — —o——• I sent, so I'm you pastah for anudder Have You Heard it? Mr. Whately, a light sleeper, who yeah.” does not readily go to sleep again it Michael Collins came to this coun­ disturbed, while traveling in New Food provided for the family table de­ Y ork state, was obliged to stop at a try with all his wordly possessions serves the careful thought of every house­ suburban hotel, and after much toss­ in a handkerchief. He rose from ing about succeeded in getting into a ditch-digger to contractor, amassed a wife. Do you use thought when buying sound sleep. Ill answer to loud re­ fortune, and built a magnificent home peated knocks on his door, he ner­ for hit family. The sons and daught­ baking powder? ers it appears, were much ashamed ot vously sat bolt upright in bed. their plebian father, and Collins was "What’s wanted?" he grumbled. The quality of cake, biscuits and all "Package down stairs tor you sir, ’ always kept in the rear of the house "Well, let it stay there; it can wait when they received their friends. Col­ quickiy raised flour foods depends largely lins died and was laid out in state in till morning, 1 suppose." upon the kind of baking powder used. The boy shuffled down the corridor the parlor. An old Irish woman who and after a long time the guest fell had known Collins when he was a Royal Baking Powder is made from into a sound sleep again, then an- laborer, came and asked to see the face of her dead friend. They con­ other knock came at the door. cream of tartar derived from grapes. It is “Well, what’s up now,” queried M r. ducted her to the parlor. She walked up to the coffin, took a long look, and Whatley. absolutely pure and has proved its excel­ said: 'Well, Collins, an they’ve let ye “ ’Tain’t for you that package.” into th’ parlor at last.” lence for making food of finest quality and Not What it Looked Like. 1' ------ o------ wholesomeness for generations. When Opia Read, the author, was Alton B. Parker, apropos of the fail­ editor of "lhe Arkansas Traveler,' ure of Ford’s peace mission, said, tn Royal Baking Powder contains no alum one of the best reporters on the pa­ New- York; "Ford wanted to do too; per died, and his death was greatly much. He was omnivorous generous­ nor phosphate. mourned by the editorial staff. A vis­ ly, like the selfish ominvorous farmer With a verdict of 2750 round dol­ itor to the office, on the day after the you know. A farmer at a Florida ho­ The Democracy’s Policy. lars against him in the recent liable funeral, found the editor and his staff tel said to his waiter; What s these ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. suit, brother O'Brien, of the Marsh- As a conclusive argument in behalf talking about their loss disconsolate­ here two spoons for?’ ‘De big un am held Record will have to make a 01 me administration s ship purchase ly. New York io ’ soup, has ’ said the waiter, ‘ an ’ de heart to heart talk with some of the bill, Senator Martin the other day “It has been a sad loss, friends," the delinquent subscribers. And, by the read into the senate debate the fol­ visitor said, “a sad loss indeed." He little un am fo puddin’” ’Well, take way, this verdict will open the eyes lowing, which is part of a resolution sighed and looked about the room. the little one away.’ said the farmer, ot certain newspapers as to how far adopted l y the National Democratic “And I am pleased to see,” he went ’an’ bring me another big one to re­ they can go in printing hearsay news Club of New ork favoring th<- meas­ on, “that you commemorate the mel­ place her. 1 got just as big a mouth for puddin’ as for soup, young fellow T ELAND E ERWIN, unsupported by evidence, and two ure : Backache Just ancholy event by hanging up crepe. an’ don’t you forget it.” JU other cases of this nature now in the Opie Read frowned. | “Owing to American standards of Like a Toothache I PIANO INSTRUCTION. courts of the state will be watched wages, safety at sea, the human con­ "Crepe?" he said. “Where do you Sir Robert Finley, M. P., the fa- with interest by the newspaper frater­ ditions of labor for American seamen, sec any crepe," Diploma from Chicago Musical ( Dear Mr. Editor — Sometime ago I visitor, point- mous laywer who has been speaking nity.—Umpqua \ alley News. “Over there," said i.— the —---------- private enterprise cannqt be relied College.—Beginners receive the same 1 vigorously in the House of Commons had backache very bnd; it would ache upon to provide the ships, because ex­ ing. ............... careful training as the most advanced. just like a toothache. I tried a new on the advisability of making food A correspopdent writes to ask The perience has demonstrated that pri­ “Crepe be hanged, said Riad, Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ Spectator to "positively deny the vate capital cannot successfully com­ "That isn't crepe. That’s the office contraband as well as articles of war, I discovery of Doctor Pierce’s, called as far as Germany is concerned, was ''Anuric.” This is lor kidneys and tion. false statement that Mr. Olcott, can­ pete against the handicap of lower towel.” once in Ireland when be met an Irish backache. I soon felt relieved of all didate for re-election as Secretary of standards maintained by other mari­ All lessons given at Studio. drover with a number of cattle going backache and had no more pain, and I Slate, is a Democrat." The Spectator time nations." I Edwin Booth’s Open Theatre. hone others troublod in the same way County Representative for the never said that Mr. Olcott was a A year or more before his death along a country road. “Where are will try thia wonderful new remedy. What an extraordinary confession! Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high democrat. As the Spectator under­ Here we are plainly told that the ad­ Edwin Booth received a letter from you going?” he inquired of the son of Yours sincerely, grade pianos, player-pianos, V-ictrolos stands the controversy over .Mr. Ol­ ministration, through the passage of a prominent New York minister, in Erin. “To Waterford Fair, yer honor’ M rs . L incoln S tearns . etc. cott’s politics, the Secretary of Slaty unfair and unjust legislation like the which the reverend gentleman ex­ "Indeed? And how much do you ex­ manages the campaign of a Demo­ seaman’s act, lias made it impossible plained that he had always felt a de­ pect to get for the animals," asked N ote : It Is now asserted with con­ crat, Olwald West; spent 13000 in for American capital to own and op­ sire to witness Booth's portrayal of Sir Robert. “Sure, an’ if I get eight fidence that these painful effects due to | LJ T. BUAXil inducing Republicans to vote for him; erate American ships, and, therefore, "Hamlet," but as such an act would pounds each I shall not do badly,” uric acid In the system are entirely eradi- A A . traveled over the state and made the government must of necessity go be contrary to the doctrine of his answered Pat. "Ah, that’s a sample of gtted. A new remedy, called ’Anuric.’’ ATTORNEY-AT LAW. as been discovered by Dr. Pierce, and is speeches for him, and reaped a proper into the shipping business itself faith he asked Booth if he could not your country!” said Sir Robert. "Nqw the cause of n. drainage outward of the Complete Set of Abstract Books in but not too rich reward in receiving Having made the standard of wages arrange to have him admitted by a if you would take them to England uric acid with which it comes in contact 1 Office. the appointment to the office he so high, and having imposed such private entrance after the perform­ you would average fourteen pounds within the body. It will ward off back­ holds. Of course all this does not onerous conditions on the ship own­ ance had begun, it being his intention each. "Just so yer honor,” he retorted ache, headache, and the darting pains and ■' Taxes Paid for Non Residents. maks Mr. Olcott a Democrat. Nor a ers that competition with foreign to leave by the same door, thereby “and if yez was to take the Lakes of aches of articular or muscular rheuma­ T illamook B lock , Republican. He is the Journal's idea owned vessels is out of the question, escaping the notice of the audience. I Killarney to purgatory yez would get tism—of those diseases which are caused by too much uric acid, such a3 gout, TillamooK .... Oregon of a nonpartisan.—The Spectator. a guinea a drop for them.” To this Booth replied: asthma, sciatica, renal calculus. "An­ I the administration propolis to buy Both Phones. uric” prolongs life because old people usu­ ) “Reverend Sir: Yours received. In ' the craft that private capital cannot With "baby beef” selling in yards at operate at a profit, and run them as a reply would say there is no door in ally suffer from hardening and thickening I A certain lawyer who was a can­ of walls of the arteries, due to the ex­ $9.15 a hundred, the value of high govern inent-own e plexed. After a tew moments' retlec- J wo Sunday legislation bills are liter o' »I the ‘ constitutional tax amend- into office on the Republican band tion, lie said: i being initiated to repeal the antiquat­ wagon and conclude with a reference I T illamook B lock , incut which will be ubmitted to the "M ell, I naturally would feel a little ed Oregon Sunday law, but one pro­ to the oath taken by these candidates people next fall, the inaiti feature of when they tegistcrcd. delicacy on that score, more espec- poses a more drastic law. Oregon. Tillamook, which is to restrict increases in tax­ n"-' <’s h»ve io give a reason It is what is known of the One-Day ation to not 11 ore than attract votes unless people hap­ Cheer up! Get to work COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW. Grocers Association. young Detroit man He was dressed pen to remember that unexpected de­ F ish B rand 1 he women of Oregon are initiat­ T illamook B lock . in a tight fitting suit of the latest lects have usually developed in re­ Tillamook - - . - Oregon J cut, and his whole custume was a ing a bill to abolish compulsory vac- Iorm tn. .-ures from the same source. dream of sartoral refinement. And cina'ion and medical treatment, mak­ ROOM NO. 261. H would be hard to find a person he iva* plainly embarrassed as he en­ ing it optional. who would not cheerfully join in a tered the editor’s office "I was in­ movement to keep down high taxes w. C. HAWK, tensely shocked to read a notice in Getting right down to facts, no one How’s This ? your paper of my engagement," he wants to pay a cent more taxes than offer O ku Hvxi.ssn D ollass Riwsan began. "I can not tell you how shock- or We he is obliged to and it is a safe guess any case at Catarrh that cena.rt be cured String, easy fitting, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ed I was I was positively chagrined by »tall « Catarrh Cure. that any proposed increase would be 5 passenger Overland, Rebuilt light, and water Mv fiancee was chagrined; we were overwhelmingly voted down, no mat­ and painted like new .... ■ • $450 00 F J CHBXEY * CO.. Teledo. u proof. ebsotutefy. all chagrined. How much for fifty ter how badly it was needed This Oregon Bay City ’"V’«',«ned have known F J Reflex EJfn stop One Ford Body, 1913 ... .. I 25.00 copies of the paper’”. w ould do no particular harm in most water from run­ The Rev.Joshua Jenkins, an old col­ him perfectly honorable la all bu«loe«a cases, even if it did occasionally em transactions and rinanclabr able to carry One Ford Body, 1914 ... ning in at the front. .. 35.00 ored person in Lousiana. found it ne­ out any obligations made by hie Arm. harass public business. But where Yellow or Obw khaki. cessary at the end of hts his year to ? me ent! would the slate, county or city be in NATIONAL B4XK OF COMMERCE. Until July 1st will give extra easy FnXeetor Hat. TS cents an emergency? ‘Jer ,o ‘’l* .»«»ntion of terms on New For Cars. •Sah cha tao l.aantn.'.W V £■«• •» taken internally VETERINARY. his congregation, which. I he noted, . Supp'i’e it was the fate of Wash­ had a rather defiant lack of interest, ington county to have a large Humber A.J.TOWER CO. ,aT the «eaten Testimonials «ent -«»«per bottle lold hy all Both Phones. «■y____ BOSTON -nredern,” he said, ” ....J ..x. 1 he fight will be city if he can receive no evidence of liaid for t... U-...1LCI ol office holders, indebtedness to return for its loan employes, . .w ... encialies nov. hold­ and with the chance that if referred ing posm ...» c.. uiitercnt boards and the increase would be voted down? For these reasons it might be well commissions is so large that their vote alone in must cases decide an; lor Friend Os ,o include a section in move tend.ng to reduce llicir num­ the Lili which provides for emergen­ cies or Oregon is likely to be tied up ber. 1 lus is one ot the greatest dang ers arising Hum the ever increasing in a verv hard knot someday.—Hills­ boro Independent. office tiolu class.— Millamina limes. Laugh and Grow Fat. Study Food Values T." Have Your House Wiring Done by Coast power Co. DONS RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES New Home Users are Quality Choosers A Rainy Day Need Not Be Dull Reflex Slicker $3.00 Automobiles Good Values in Used Cars See ROSENBERG At Tillamook Garage.