Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, May 18, 1916, Image 3

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Modern ^Vest Coast Bungalows being Built in
Pleasing Exterior Appearance.
"Fool Hem.”
“When no place is provided for the
hens to icon, and they peich on thr
narucss in the buggy shed or in the
naoie we have heard the expression:
"Those fool hens are always in ihi
way." Again the hens that are lift to
scratch lor themselves, and scratch
where scratching is good—in the
barnyard, where the pigs and cattle
are being fed—are oltcu accused of
being "fool hens that eat their hi ads
off.” But a literary scribbler, writing
of agricultural terms, has a unique
definition of the word: “Fool hen—
a very tame bird, used for food when
We asked a reporter for a dairy
paper why the reports of the poultry
shows were so frevilous and unsatis­
"Well" she answered “I was assign­
ed the poultry show, and since I
know’ nothing at all of chickens, 1
simply had to make it funny or it
would not have been placed.”
We poultry breeders need to im­
press the writing public with the fact
that the poultry business is one of the
big industries of the United States—
an industry which should be investi­
gated, and treated with the respect
that becomes a mortgage-lifting busi­
A Binding Scrap of Paper.
Very Convenient Arrangements.
These plans and picture represent a very pleasing type of the most modern, conveni­
ently arranged and cheaper homes now being built for small families. The exterior
impresses one very favorably at first glance The interior arrangement, as shown in
the plans are very convenient and along the most modern ideas in this class of build­
ing. The rooms are five in number, all large and well lighted. The living room anil
dining room are connected with an open arch ; there is an entrance hall with a built-in
hinged seat; two bed rooms, with large clothes closets for each ; bath room, screen
porch. The kitchen has an open pantry corner, which many appreciate more than the
usual cabinet kitchen. This is finished in every detail to facilitate and accommodate
the work of the kitchen. There is an extra large buffet, which furnishes ample room
for fine china, linen, etc. There is a large daylight basement 26x26ft., wood-lift, com­
plete plumbing and lighting. ROLLIE W. WATSON, Tillamook, real estate and in­
surance man, is now completing a bungalow of this design on a lot in Maple (»rove
Addition, three blocks west of the City Hall. The plans and specifications are those of
the E. W. Stillwell & Co., of 410 Henne Bld , Los Angeles, Cal., designers and archi­
tects, of “Representative California Homes,’’ “West Coast Bungalows" and "Little
Bungalows." Anyone contemplating building should write them for the above pub­
lications, whirl) are worth many times the price of 11.00.
Prince Albert gives
smokers such
delight, because
— its flavor is so different and so
delightfully good;
it can’t bite your tongue;
it can’t parch your throat;
you can smoke it as long and
as hard as you like without any
comeback but real tobacco hap­
piness !
On the reverse side of every Prince
Albert package you will read :
„ JULY 30 th , 1907"
That means to you a lot of tobacco en­
joyment. Prince Albert has always been
sold without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to give quality I
kRiiO A lbert
f/te national joy smoke
'OU’LL find a cheery howdy-do on tap no
matter how much of a stranger you are in the
neck of the woods you drop mt a. For, Prince
Albert is right there — at the first place you
that sells tobacco! The toppy red
bag sells for a nickel and the tidy red
tin fora dime; then there's the hand­
some pound and half-pound tin
humidors and the pound
crystal-glass humidor with
sponge-moi stener top
that keeps the to­
bacco in such
bang-tip trim
in goodness and
in pipe satisfaction
is all we or its enthusi­
astic friends ever claimed
for it!
It answers every smoke desire you
or any other man ever had! It is SO
cool and fragrant and appealing to
smokeappetite that you will get chummy with
it in a mighty short time !
Winsro«---- i
does MTondim tongue
. ...
Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say
so on the national joy smoke?
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C.
Pleasant Valley Wins. _____
Everybody will be pleased to learn
that this school district has secured
The Blaine team played a hard
They do say the postmaster and his Mrs. Taggart to teach the coming
game of ball with the Cubs at Pleas­
ife were badly scared May night term.
ant Valley last Sunday, the Cubs
*tng to some of the young people
Bids Wanted.
winning by a score of 1 3to 7. Wolfe
lacing a tick tack on their door.
and Crimmins were the star players
Me, heap Big Chief, Dick.
They do say that Bert can outrun board of Dist. No. 5* for the painting for the Cpbs, while King made a good ,
tty one in this end of the county of all school buildings inside and out­ showing for Blaine.
tpecially when he is being chased side and the bidder to furnish the
The batteries: Blaine, Hollctt and
'ith a hatchet.
King; Cubs Shultzen and Crimmens.
ith the free ferry, free
The board reserve* the right to re­ ”Pleasant Valley is scheduled to
ounds, wood and water, McPhillips ject
any and all bids. The bids to be battle with the Fairview Giants nexV'
mp is looking for a large amount opened May
Sunday at Pleasant Valley The Fair­
"iy 30.
campers this season.
IGitie F. Wilks, ciedt. view Giants are coming strong and
W ork commences on the county
a good game is assured.
Earnesdale, Ore.
•ad this week.
More Moss From Woods.
In contemplating the remote
sibinty ot a state ot war between mis
country and Germany tiie most dis­
turbing thought has been Itiat it
could not be war at its best or even
war at its worst, Necessarily there
lould be little or no actual warfare
ettner on land or sea. What some
have feared is that Americans resi-
dent in Germany, or Germans resi-
dent in America, might be subject to
such indignities and such losses of
property as Germans in London had
to bear not long after the beginning
of the war in Europe. It is interesting
to know that this possibility is espec­
ially provided for by a treaty conclud­
ed by us with Prussia in 18 2«, and
still in force, by which each govern­
ment in bound to protect the citizens
of the other anywhere in its territory
in time of war between them. The
language of the document is so clear
and specific on the point as to make
it plain that both countries were anx­
ious to leave no doubt of sincerity.
The United States was encouraging
German immigration to this country,
and the Prussian government was
anxious to guarantee the safety of the
immigrants and, it is possible, to re­
tain their allegiance to itself. Such
motives operated toward the adopt­
ion of an extraordinary diplomatic
paper in which “It is declared that
neither the pretense that war dis­
solves all treaties, nor any other pre­
tense whatever, shall be considered
as annulling or suspending this article
but, on the contrary, that the state of
war is precisely that for which it is
provided and during which it is to be
as sacredly observed as the most
acknowledged article in the law of
nature and nations.”
Candidate for County Commissioner
A Vote for Mr. Fe?d is a Vote for a
Business, Practical and Economical
Administration of County Affairs
sidcration of the question of recog­ ing about is how the annihil.itiouist
nition. What Mr. Wilson did was io can reconcile Ins theory in such a
repudiate the policy of his predeccs- I case as this. Only a mind almost dis-
sor in this as in all things, and create eased, it might he said, can it seem
a situation making the adjustment ot ' possible that a life
til so consecrate as
American rights impossible.”
this foreshortened and shadowed one
T herein is a challenge which will go can end at :!.e end of little more than
unanswered. Mr. Knox was speaking I a decade cf .-.o rifice and suffering
from the records of a time all oi No! Somew! re, somehow,
which he saw and much of which he mother” will have another chance.
was. Thus refreshed, the public mind j
will rcadly recall that, so far from
National Kuril Credit SyM*m.
pi casing the claim by the T aft ad- ,
ministration as preliminary and es- 1 The passage of a rural credit bill
sential to recognition, Mr. W ilson an-I by the Senate, with an overwhelming
nounced, very soon after his maugu- 1 vote, means that system will be es­
ration, that “under no circumstances tablished by this Congress if the lead­
which may arise” would the provis- j ers ate in earnest. The Senate bill
ional government in Mexico re rec- 1 could be put through th. House un­
ognizeil. The ex-secretary has now der a special rule, at any time There
shown, by the citation of dates in are so lii.my amendments accepted
their chronological order, that the in committee of the whole as to, makv
provisional government with which it hazardous to comment on ti c Lol
Mr. Taft had been negotiating for until it is read in its revised form, hut
Rural Credit Tricksters.
specific guarantees was a constitut­ its smallest provisions insure mat l e
The United States Department of ional government under Mexico law; bonds based on long-term farm tnort-
Agriculture ha« recently received let­ that Huerta, even if an assassin, was f.iges will be regarded as gilt-edged
ters from a number of farmers who in no sense a usurper; that lie suc­ securities at home and abroad. The
have subscribed for stock in rural ceeded in the office not Madero but capital, surplus and undivided prof
credit companies which appear to Lascurtiin, followed Madero’s resig­ its of the land banks will be exempt-
nation February IS, and Huertas ed from all ’1 taxation, federal, state and
have no real cooperative features.
In some of these letters the com­ own appointment to succeed I.ascnr- municipal It is likely that all the
" •
capita! will I b furnished by the treas-
of ' ' foreign
plaint is made that the agents selling ain as minister
the stock make misrepresentations as next in the line of presidential suc- ury. 'J here will be (licit strict Federal
to when loans may be obtained by cession under Mexican law. < )u l.as- supervision i as to title and appraite-
to _____
insure __________
subscribers and that the companies curains rcsignation. February 19, ment of lai nd as _
later disclaim responsibility for the Huerta was chosen provisional pre. i- I and the securities are treated in such
statements made by the agents. In a dent bv the ■ Mexican Congress, then a manner as practically to place the
W ithhokling recognition credit of th. nation behind them.
number of instances farmers seem to in session. Withholding
have gained the idea from the agent under such circumstances was in con­ Whatcyi r criticism the bill may pro­
that they would be able to secure travention of ail our previous conli- voke will he directed at its paternal­
istic feature». ?<oliody will question
loans within a relatively short time, nental policy .
the marketability of these securities.
and express disappointment on real;
If the Senate bill has been as care­
izing that they must wait for an in­
“Little Mother.”
fully drawn as its friend« say, there
definite period for the promised loan
will I e no necessity for much expense
and go on making payments just the
same on the stock which they have I One need never di jpanr of hunurii’. • J i.i selling the bonds. It will not be
for once in every mimai wmicHpruvi
necessary to send out agents to
4.-recd to take.
Where farmers are confronted with usch woruiy a eonunuing cun.iaeacv. "boost” securities, any more than it
a proposition of this character, they ai me newspaper snows u» mucii <»i is necessary to employ agents to con­
should first read the prospectus and tne saemy siuc ot nte, hiuch ot n«»ru vince investors how good government
the contract very carefully and make ncss, oi selnshness, oi bruiainy and bonds arc. Ihi. means that tli< rate
sure that they know exactly what callousness to the suticntig oi otiKia of interest will be much lower than if
these mean, especially the contract. it also shows the Uuud ^aruaritana the maintenance of sales agents were
If the contract is so worded that its many roads to travel tor the doing ot necessary. No state system can suc­
meaning is not clear after a careful good. And it makes dearer tor cur cessful!) compete with a federal sys­
reading this in itself should be reason seeing how many Good Samaritans tem in this respect.
I he article of the treaty so strong­
enough for extra caution. The agent’s there really arc m the world wncii
explanation of the contract is not a sucn an appealing case a> mat ot lit­ ly emphasized stipulates that, in the
event of war, merchants of either
part of the contract, nor is his prom­
country residing in the other shall
ise that the company will do things lic notice in ttie public prints.
1 he* child an I a -year old girl, was have nine months time in which to
not specified in the contract by any
means sure to be recognized by the called ‘■little mother'' by everybody in close up their affairs arid depart, and
Hayti. 1 his endearing name was hers that, as to all others, whose occu­
Farmers ought, first, to find out because, aitcr the death ot her moth­ pations are for the common subsis­
what provision has been made for the er a tew months ago, she became a tence and benefit of mankind, they
protection of the interests of sub­ little mother ot her younger brother shall be allowed to continue their em­
scribers, either through responsible and sister, and house Keeper for her ployments and not be molested in
government supervision over the ac­ father, a workingman in poor circum­ goods or person and that, if it be
tivities of the company or in any stances and unable to hire help. A necessary to commandeer their P’"p-
other way, and if they are in doubt week ago while she was preparing the erty they shall be reimbursed.
they should consult competent ad­ family supper, the child’s clothe*
Fairview Giants Win.
visers with regard to the responsibil­ caught fire and she was badly burned,
ity of the company before paying bhe was brought to St.Louis for hos­
over or agreeing to pay over their pital treatment, but science was of no
Pleasant Valley........
own good money. Always, in the mat­ avail to save so precious a life. I he
Fairview Giant» ........
ter of subscription to stock in any father was unable to buy a grave
Wilson River ............
kind of company, they should exer- in a cemetery, or a coffin, much less
to take thr little d ead body back to be
Blaine ..........................
cise caution.
buried by her mother’» side. "Little
The Fairview Giants
mother" was about to be buried in j game of ball with the
ilion River
Plain Pacta About Mexico.
pauper’s grave in Potter’s Field, when J iger, on the Tillain ->k ground«
... . o-----
through newspaper reports, her piti­ Sunday, the Giant» tak it the game
The country is indebted to former ful case was made known. 1 he r<- by a »core of JI to ID, winning
Secretary of State Knox for a clear sponce was instant and generous. Un­ game in the Iasi inning, while in the
and conscious statement of facts and dertakers offered seivicc and goods seventh and eighth thr »cu«e stood
dates relating to the few weeks, in gratis. Checks were sent, and there 10 to 10. Lucas did some heavy stick
the early part of 1913, when the were cash remittance, in unsigned work making two and three base hits
Madero Government in Mexico was letters. Men refu.ing to give tlmr off G ' . .. and A illia.n», Jefferies wa»
being overthrown and the provisional name, valkcd into newspaper ofliccs al > there with the v iilow niiking a
government of Hureta inaugurated. and left generous contributions there. ' hi' every time up.
These statement were made in refu­ People of means offered horn's to the I Bat. :r s, Ernbttm, Luca* and Erick­
tation of the recent assertion that Mr two remaining children. ' Little moth- son; ( ross, Williams and Beisel.
Wilson, coming into office March 4 er" will have d<v nt buri. I in a gravc
in that year, found the Mexican prob­ all her own, and it
e titan will err
lem left on his hands by his predeces­ likely that it will
of her Cubs, at
sor, Mr. Taft. Mr. Knox, who then dead mother, v.bicl
waa secretary of state in the Taft cab­ be, for i wc
tre is I
To ESchan,'’.
inet, said, speaking at a Grant Day where th
banquet in Pittsburg, that "What Mr. like b ',t to Ur.
:«, San Diego, good income
A somber pictur. this, draped v ith
Wilson inherited from Mr. Taft was
Xi V inr '. tm Yuma Valley fci
an outstanding unanswered diplomatic srt rnnv black do rd» that it rj.uld not
’ «i ’ I <” h m.ar c >st —Addrris PO.
request to the provisional govern­ he painted in wot rd, but for the it »bt
G«' dsden. Ariz.
from the warm,
ment at Mexico City for definite as- breaking through
«uranees of the security of American
en and women,
i he place to cal »• at the “Good
•ights and the adjustment of Ameri­ That is son-thin
worth tliinVng
’S,” Rarnsey Hotel.
can claims, as a preliminary to con- about Another thing worth think-