TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. • MAY 18,191°. A Vote for T. B- HANDLEY Is a Vote for TILLAMOOK COUNTY ? I $ Ballot No 50 X T. B. HANDLEY VOTE FOR T. B. HANDLEY, Republican Candidate for State Senator, 24th District, Comprising Lincoln, Tillamook, Washington and Yamhill Counties. (Paid Adv.) «Qi'. « For Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth To the Voters of Tillamook County. Judicial District. I am a candidate for the Republi­ W. H. H°llis. can nomination for District Attorney I am a candidate for nomination to at tiie Primary Election to be held the office of Circuit Judge, of the May 19th, 1916. Nineteenth Judicial District, compos­ William Marx. ed of Tillamook and Washington Counties, subject to the Republican To the Voters of Tillamook County, primary election to be held May 19th, 1916. j 1 herewith announce myself as a 1 am a resident of Forest Grove, in candidate to succeed myself as county said Washington County, and have surveyor. If nominated and elected 1 been an attorney for thirty years, am will continue to enforce the same admitted to practice in all the courts policies practiced by my office in the of this state and the Federal Courts past, that of conducting it strictly on of the United States for the district an Engineering basis, efficiently and of Oregon. 1 economically. I have been a lifelong Republican, , Respectfully, but in the discharge of public duties , R. L. Shreve. . have always held the interest or the people above that of party or politics, ! To The Voters of Tillamook C°unty. a.-d that the judiciary should never I I herewith announce mys< If as a be swayed by parisan influence or | candidate for the office of County party prejudice. I have ever constantly stood for Surveyor of Tillamook Conn *y, sul - _______ tlie Republican rigid economy in the expendnture of jcct to the will of t' the peoples' money. The burden of, voters. If nominated and elected will taxation is increasing out of all pro- | endeavor to perform the duties im­ portion to the benefits received, in­ I posed upon me with justice and im­ creased wealth or ability to pay. If partiality. Harry P. Kerr. nominated and elected I will adminis- for the busines sof the Court of this district justly, promptly, and with To the Voters of Tillamook C°unty. o----- the least possible expense to the tax­ I hereby announce myself a candi­ payers. Less litigation; less expense; less date for Sheriff on the Republican delay and more justice shall be my ticket, subject to your approval in the May primaries. Respectfully, Your support is rccspcctfully solici- 1 John Aschim. ’ W. H. Hollis. To The Voters of Tillamook County. To the Voters, Nineteenth Judicial At a request of a number of lar-c District. taxpayers and citizens, I hereby an­ nounce myself as a candidate for the I am a Democratic candidate for office of County Commissioner on nomination to the office ___ of __ Circuit ______ the Republican ticket at the primary Judge, Nineteenth Judicial District if election. If nominated and elected, I nominated and elected, I shall try to will do my best to give the county a do my duty and maintain my inde­ thorough business administration, pendence. and being a large taxpayer myself, S. S. Johnson. will look after the taxpayers' inter­ ests and see that the tax money is To the Voters of Tillamook County. economically expended, the taxpayers get value for their money, and all I hereby announce myself as a can­ parts of the county get a square deal. Respectfully yours, didate for nomination for the office of County L lerk, on the Republican S. G. Reed, ticket, at the primary election to be To the Voters of Tillamook County. May, iptb. Respectfully, Candidate for nomination second J. C. Holden. term, on the Republican ticket, at Voters of Tillamook C°unty. primary election in May, for County Assessor. Respectfully, a candidate for the Republi- C. A. Johnson. nomination for Joint Senator for Tillamook, Washington, Lincoln and To The Voters of Tillamook County. Yamhill counties, .. T. B. Handley . Acting on the advice of friends To The Voters of Tillamook County from all parts of the county and the urgent request of many, 1 announce 1 hereby announce myself as a can­ myself a candidate for nomination didate lor the office of County Com­ for County Clerk on the Republican missioner of I illainook County on ticket at the primaries in May. Respectfully, the Democratic ticket at the primary Erwin Harrison. eleclion on May 19. 191O. Geo. R. McKimens. For County Treasurer. To the Voters of Tillamook County. FOR JOINT SENATOR. T. B. Handley. Selling Endorses book for Senate. Michel- Portland, Ore. April, 5, lOlfi. Hoti. Francis L. Michelbook, McMinnville, Oregon. My Dear Mr. Michelbook: It having come to my knowledge that you arc a candidate for the Str te Senate I take great pleasure in saying that at the last session of the Legislature you were one of the de­ termined, active men who assisted iti I the shaping of conservative and cco- nomical legislation. While we have not always agreed it is a pleasure for me to say that you always had the courage of your con­ victions and were at all times looking out for the interest of the people who elected you. The people of your dis­ trict would certainly honor them­ selves in honoring you. Sincerely yours, Ben Selling. Speaker of the House, 28th Legisla­ tive asseinplv. (Paid Advt.) 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Coun ty I hereby announce myself as r. can­ lie.(surer of lillantook County, sub-' didate tor the oilice of Countv Sheriff act to the will of the Republican vot- on the Republican ticket at the pri is at the 191O primary election. mail election to be held in May. Respectfully, Respectfully, B. L. Beals. Fred H. Minich. To the Voters of Tillamook County. To the Voters of Tillamook County ------o ■ ■ 1 hereby announce myself as a I hereby announce myself as a can candidate for the office of County didalc lor the office of County Com Commissioner (North end) Till.i- missioncr on the Republican ticket, nook county on the Republican ticket al the primary election, May 19, 1916, it thr primary election to be held in subject to the will of the people. May, 1916. W. B Harris. D. F. Thompson. To The Voters of Tillamo°k County I am a candidate for the Republican nomination for Circuit Judge on the lotii Judicial District comprising Tillamook and Washington Counties at the May 19th, 1910 primaries. Geo. R. Bagley. To the Voters of Tillamook County ....... o—- ’ hereby .innounce myself as a can­ didate for nomination for the office ci County Sheriff, on the Republican ticket. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to enforce the law with efficiency, and economy. Respectfully W. I- Campbell. I hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for the nomination bv the Re­ publican party for the office ot Dis­ trict Attorney, to be voted for at the next regular primary election. If elected to the office. I will perform the duties of such office laithfully ard conscientiously. 1. II. Govne. To The Voters of Tillamook County. ----- o------ 1 hereby announce that I am a can­ didate for the nomination for the of­ fice of Counts School Superintendent at the primary election to be held in Geo. B. Lamb. JESSE EDWARDS. Newberg. Or». Republican Candidate Io Joint Senator of 24th District. Compris Ing Washington, Yamhill. Tillamook and Lincoln Counties. Thirty-five years a resident tax payer of Oregon, serving fifth term ss mayor of the city of Newberg. Served in the capacity of presilent and member of various business, in­ dustrial and educational organizations. Have had a wide range of business ex­ perience. If elected will give my best services to the interests of all parts of the dis­ trict and state. Honest b fficient Service will reduce tasw WcuM appreciate your support. (Paid Adv.) I ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man.” CALL CALL ON ON US. US. PHONE US. WRITE Ft TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE. FRED G. BUCHTEL. Republican Candidate. What the Press Says. "Under State Treasurer Ihomas B. Kay Mr. Buchtel is in charge of the | state weights and measures depart-1 incut, and his record there is full guaranty that he will faithfully fulfill I the promises contained in his plat­ | form. Mr. Buchtel is the son of Joe Buchtel, pioneer photographer and [ fire chief of Portland.”—Morning Enterprise, Oregon City. "There is a young man out for the republican nomination that by train­ ing and ability has the necessary qualifications for a commissioner.* * i bis man is Fred G. Buchtel and his promotion to the higher office of pub­ lic service commissioner will not be a mistake,”—Lebanon Criterian, Leb­ anon. “He is now a candidate for railroad commissioner, and we hope he real­ izes on the expectations for he is square on four sides, and that is the kond of a boy wc need in that import­ ant office.”—Oregon Merchants Magazine, Portland. "Mr. Buchtel is deserving of official promotion, and the electors of the district might well rally to his can­ didacy, and nominate and elect him." — Daily Oregon Statesman, Salem. “Fred G. Buchtel * * today an­ nounced his platform and it merits support, for it represents the cause of the people."—Oregon Grange Bulle­ tin, Eugene. “Economy, efficiency and strict law- enforcement constitutes his record as head of the state weights and mea >- ures department.”—Evening News, Roscberg. "Through strict enforcement of the iaw he has saved the people 5 thou­ sands of dollars and safeguarded the public."—The Times, Brownsville. (Paid Adv.) HEAR WITHOUT EARS of Tilla­ To The Voters of Tillamook Countv. ——o—- I 1 hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for the office of County Sheriff "* the **“ Democratic r‘"........... • at primaries to be held on May 19, 1916. ____________ N. J- Myers. To the Voters of Tillamook County. YOUR INVESTMENT over it with a fire in»| ancy policy in a good company. Thai fire should happen to you, yot ] be able to start anew without Is for the companies we represeni all losses promptly. See us tod day. To-morrow may be just one day I too late. I Notice to Voters. I wish to announce myself as a 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of Joint Rep candidate for County Coroner on the rcsentative tor the Counties of Till.i Republican ticket at the primary mook and Yamhill at the Republican election to be held in May. primaries in May. Respectfully. F. A. Rowe. Dr S. M. Wendt. To the Republican Voters mook County. AS A PROTECTION FOR Have representde you in the House of Representatives at the last two sessions, having served on several of the most important cotiimittees, took an active part in the passage of m-ich wholesome and constructive legislation and have faithfully looked after the best interests of my dis­ trict. I believe in results not promises and my legislative record is my plat­ form and I stand on it. I believe in Republican principles and majority rule and therefor until such time as the people change the present pro­ hibition law. I will oppose any at­ tempt by the Legislature to change or modify that law, unless such change is for better enforcement. Tillamook county has not been rep­ resented in the senate for 22 yeais and it is our turn. If nominated and elected I will give my best efforts for best interests of my district partic­ ularly and Oregon generally. Sincerely, T. B. Handley. (Paid Adv.) Speaker FIRE ! FIRE I ! FIRE ! ! Tor PUBLIC SERVICE COMMIS­ SIONER. Western District. Police and Detectives Are Using Lip Reading in Place of the Dic­ tagraph. 1 housa.ids of dcat people arc today throwing away all hearing devices and enjoying all conversation. This method is easily and quickly acquired through our system. Absolutely the only thing of its kind in the cour’ry Our proposition is entirely original tost is trifling. See what New Inter­ national Encyclopaedia savs on Lip Reading. Hundreds of people with normal hearing are taking up Lip reading for the many additional ben- uh,\ '°U can un