9» TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY 11,'1916. Notice of Intention to Improve Street* in Tillamook City, Oregon. 2nd day of May, 1916, and that ob- ,cctions and remonstrances to the proposed improvements may be filed with the undersigned. City Recorder, within 20 days from said date. Done by order ot the Common Council of Tillamook City as set -orth in said resolution and notice. Dated this May 2nd, 1916. Ira C. Smith, City Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon.________________ posted Resolution and Notice, to alsc contain all of the matters with refer­ ence to said proposed improvements that are required by the charter am. ordinances and resolutions of Tilla­ mook Cjty, Oregon, and all persons concerned are notified to govern themselves accordingly. All persons concerned are licrebj further notified that the first pubh cation of this notice is made on th, 2nd day of May, 1916, and that ob jections and remonstrances to thi proposed improvements may be filec with the undersigned. City Recorder, within 20 days from said date. Done by order of the Cominoi Council of Tillamook City as sei forth in said resolution and notice. Dated this May 2nd, 1916. Ira C. Smith, City Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE ! ! I actions and remonstrances to the roposed improvements may be filed am the undersigned, City Recorder, vithin 26 days from said date. Done by order of the Common .ouncil of Tillamook City as se orth in said resolution and notice, elated this May 2nd, 1916. Ira C. Smith, City Recorder of Tillamook City, Oregon.___________ _____ Notice is hereby given, to all whom it may concern, that the Common Council of lillamook City, Oregon, deem it expedient to improve tin streets hereinafter described, and did, on the 1st day of May, 1916, adopt a Resolution and Notice therefor, which said Resolution and Notice is in words letters and ngures as follows, Notice of Intention to Improve to-wit: Streets in Tillamook City, Oregon. Notice of Intention to Improve Resolution and Notice of Intention to bcreets in Tillamook City, Oregon. Improve Certain Street in Tilla­ Notice is hereby given, to all whom mook City, Oregon. .t may concern, that the Common Notice is hereby given, to all whom Be it Resolved, 1 hat the Common Council of lillamook City, Oregon, Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, t may concern, that the Common leem it expedient to improve the .ouncil of 'lillamook City, Oregon, deem it expedient, and hereby de­ streets hereinafter described, and did, item it expedient to improve the clares its intention to improve the on the 1st day of May, 1916, adopt a ■trccts hereinafter described, and did, following street in said city, to-wit: Resolution and Notice therefor, w hich in the 2nd day of May, 1916, adopt a Eighth Street, from the East line ol said Resolution and Notice is in Stillwell Avenue East to the West Resolution and Notice therefor, which words letters and figures as follows, line of Block lb in A. A. Miller’s Ad­ >aid Resolution and Notice is in Notice of Intention to Improve .o-wit: dition to the town of Tillamook, words letters and figures as follows, Resolution and Notice of Intention to Street* in Tillamook City, Oregon. (now lillamook City), except the in­ to-wit: Improve Certain streets in Tilla­ tersection of Eighth Street with Sec­ Resolution and Notice of Intention to mook City, Oregon. Notice is hereby given, to all whom Improve Certain Street in Tilla­ ond Avenue East, already paved, in Be it Resolved, That the Common it may concern, that the Common mook City, Oregon. the following manner. Be it Resolved, That the Common Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, By establishing the grade of said Council of lillamook J Vti/, City, wiiguu, Oregon, deem it expedient to improve the deems it expedient, and hereby de­ street; streets hereinafter described, and did, clares its intention to improve the By grading said street to the proper deems it expedient, and hereby de- on the 2nd day of May, 1916, adopt a .oilowing streets in said city, to-wit: dares its intention to improve the sub-grade; Fifth Avenue East, from the South following street in Tillamook City, Resolution and Notice therefor, which By roiling the roadway thereof; said Resolution and Notice is in >ide of Third Street to the North side By laying on said street a concrete Oregon, to-wit: Tilth Street, from the center of words letters and figures as follows, jf Eighth Street, omitting intersec­ roadway, 24 feet in width and 6 tion already paved at Eourth Street, Sixth Avenue East, Easterly and East to-wit: inches in thickness; Resolution and Notice of Intention to mil intersection at Filth Street, in the By constructing along each side of lo the East boundary of Tillamook Improve Certain streets in Tilla­ tollowing manner. City, in the following manner: said roadway a concrete curb; mook City, Oregon. By establishing the grade of said By establishing the grade of said By building concrete catch basins Be it Resolved, That the Common streets; and laying drain pipe, together with streets; By grading said streets tc the proper By grading said streets to the proper Council of Tillamook City, Oregon, inlets and making provisions for tin deems it expedient, and hereby de­ sub-grade; necessary surface drainage of said >ub-grade; clares its intention to improve the By rolling the roadway thereof; By rolling the roadway thereof; street, with all the appurtenances By laying on said street a concrete By laying on said street a concrete following streets in said city, to-wit: thereto, and Fifth Street, from the East line oi roadway 24 feet in width and 6 railway, 30 feet in width, 6 inches By laying and constructing con in thickness at the sides and 7 inches Second Avenue East, East to thi nches in thickness; Crete headers. center of Sixth Avenue East, and By constructing along each side of All of the said improvements to be in thickness at the center. By constructing along each side of Third Avenue East, from the South said roadway a concrete curb; made in accordance with the charter, line to Fourth Street to the North By building concrete catch basins resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ said roadway a concrete curb; line of Fifth Street, in the following and laying drain pipe, together with By constructing concrete headers mook City, Oregon, and in accord­ nlets and making provisions for the By building concrete catch basins manner. ance with the plans and specifications By establishing the grades of said necessary surface drainage of said end laying drain pipe, together with and the estimates ot work therefor, streets; streets, with all the appurtenances and the probable cost thereof, made .nlets and making provisions for the By grading said streets to the prop­ thereto, and necessary surface drainage of said and prepared by the City Engineci er sub grade; By laying and constructing con- of Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed street, with all the appurtenances By rolling the roadway thereof; crete headers, thereto, and in the office of the Recorder of said By laying on said streets a concrete All of the said improvements to be By laying and constructing a sewer 'Tillamook City, Oregon, on May 1st, roadway, 39 feet in width. 6 inches nade in accordance with the charter, ilong said street from the flush tank 1916, and all of said improvements in thickness at the sides and 7 inches resolutions and ordinances of Tilla- to be made at the expense of the near the West side ot Park Street in thickness in the center. nook City, Oregon, and in i accord- East to a point 30 feet West of the property, ami all thereof adjacent By constructing along each side of nice with the plans and specifications East boundary of 'Tillamook City. thereto and especially benefitted by .nd the estimates of work therefor, All ol the said improvements to be said roadway a concrete curb; said improvements, and within the By building concrete catch basins ind the probable cost thereof, made made in accordance with the charter, limits of the assessment district es­ and laying drain pipe, together with ind prepared by the City Engineer tablished and defined by this resolu­ resolutions and ordinances of Tilla­ inlets and making provisions for thi of Tillamook City, Oregon, and filed mook City, Oregon, and in accord- tion. necessary surface drainage of said in the office of the Recorder of said Be it further resolved that the plans, ■nice with the plans, specifications streets with all the appurtenances Tillamook City, Oregon, on May 1st, md the estimates of work therefor, specifications and estimates for the thereto, and 1916, and all of said improvements proposed improvements so made and and probable cost thereof, made By laying and constructing con- o be made at the expense of the md prepared by the City Engineer prepared by the said City Engineer crete headers, property, and all thereof adjacent anil filed as aforsaid (the estimate of of I illamook City, Oregon, and filed All of the said improvements to be thereto and especially bencfilted by the probable total cost of said im­ in the oilice of the Recorder of said made in accordance with the plans said improvements, and within the provements as made and prepared by lillamook City, Oregon, on April 8th and specifications and the estimate limits of the assessment district es­ the City Engineer being the sum of 1916, and all of said improvements of the work therefor, and the tablished and defined by this resolu­ 81 1,480.93), be and the same are to be made at the expense of the probable cost thereof, made and tion. property, and all thereof adjacent hereby approved. prepared by the City Engineer Be it further resolved that the plans, That the boundaries of the assess­ thereto and especially benefitted by of l illamook City, Oregon, and filed specifications and estimates for the said improvements, and within the ment district to be benefited by said in the office of the Recorder of said proposed improvements so made and improvements and assessed therefor limns ol the assessment district es­ Tillamook City, Oregon, on April 8th prepared by the said City Engineer be, and the same are hereby establish­ tablished and defined by this resolu­ 1916, and all of said improvements and filed as aforsaid (the estimate of tion. ed as follows: to be made at the expense of the the probable total cost of said im­ Be it further resolved that the plans, Beginning at the Southwest corner property, and all thereof adjacent provements as made and nrepared by of Lot 4, in Block 3, of R. R. Hay’s spccilications and estimates for the thereto and especially benefitted by the City Engineer being the sum of Addition to l illamook City, and run­ proposed improvements so made and said improvements, and within the $6,487, 12), be and the same are ning thence East along the center prepared by the said City Engineer limits of th» assessment district es­ hereby approved. line of Blocks 3 and 4 in said Hay’s and filed as aforesaid (the estimate of tablished and defined by this resolu­ That the boundaries of the assess­ Addition, and Blocks 15, 16, 22, 43 the probable cost being the sum of tion. ment district to be benefitted by said and 4 2 oí Thayer’s Addition, and $11,916.11), be and the same arc Be it further resolved that the plans, improvements and assessed thcrefar continuing East to the West side of Hereby approved. specifications and estimates for the That the boundaries of the assess­ proposed improvements so made and be, and the same are hereby establish­ Block 12, in A A. Miller’s Addition ed as follows: to the town of Tillamook (now Tilla­ ment district to be benefitted by said prepared by the said City Engineer Beginning at the Northeast corner mook City), and running thence improvements and assessed therefor and filed as aforsaid (the estimate oi of Lot 2, in Block 32, Thayer's Addi­ North along the West side of said be, and the same arc hereby establish- j j the probable total cost of said itn- tion to lillamook City; running I provements as made and prepared by Miller's Addition to a point in line cd as follows: Beginning at a point in the West the City Engineer being the sum of thence West to the Northwest corner with the center line running East and of Lot 3, in Block 17, of Thayer’s West of Block 41 in Thayer’s Addi­ | boundary of Block 34, Thayer’s Ad­ 89,168.62,) be and the same are Addition; running thence South along dition to Tillamook City, 167 f feet hereby approved. tion to Tillamook City, and running the center of Blocks 17, 18, 19, 20, thence West along the center line ol North of the Southwest corner of i That the boundaries of the assess­ and 21, of Thayer’s Addition, to the Blocks 41, 4(1, 21, 14 and 13 of said block, and running thence South­ ment district to be benefitted by said Southwest corner of Lot 6, in said Thayer's Addition, and Blocks 1 and easterly in a direct line to intersect a improvements and assessed therefor Block 21; running thence East along 2 oí R. R. Hay's Addition, to the line 195 feet North of the South side be. and the same are hereby establish­ the South side of Eighth Street to the Northwest corner of Lot 5 in Block of saij Block 34 at a point 199 feet ed as follows: Southeast corner of Lot 7, in Block 2, of said Hay’s Addition, and run­ East of the West line of said Block I Beginning at the intersection of the 40, Trayer’s Addition, and running 34; thence East along said line in ning thence South along the East side center of the West line of Block 7 of ihctice North along the center cf of Stillwell Avenue to the place of be­ said Block 34 and the center line of Thayer's Addition to Tillamook (now Blocks 4 0, 39, 36, 35 and 32, Thay­ Blocks 3 and 4 of A. A Miller's Ad ­ ginning. Tillamook City) with the East lien of er's Addition to the place of begin­ That said assessment district shall dition to l illamook, and Blocks 4, 6, Second Avenue East, and running ning. I and 6, of Park Addition to Tillamook be and is hereby designated as "Lo­ thence East to the center of said 1 hat said assessment district shall cal Improvement District No 3," anil City to the boundary line of said 'Till­ Block 7; thence North to the North be aud is hereby designated as "Lo­ amook City; thence South along the the property and all thereof included line of said Block 7; thence East cal Improvement District No. 4,” and within said Local Improvement Dis­ East Boundary line of Tillamook City along the North line of said Block the property and all thereof included to the center line North and South of 7, and of Block 8, in said Addition, trict No. 3 is the following: Block 7, Park Addition aforesaid; to the center of the North line of said within said Local Improvement Dis­ In R. R. ............................... Hay’s Addition to Tilla trict No. 4 is the following: thence V) est along said center line, Block 8; thence South to the center mook: In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook through blocks 7, 8, and 9, of sr.id of said Block 8; thence East along Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 1; Oregon, the following: Park Addition, and Blocks 5 and 6 .the center line of Blocks 8, 18 and 35 City, Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 in Block 2; Lots * 3, 4, ' 5, ' and - 6, - -- Block 17; of A. A. Miller’s Addition ,o to . Tilla- . ’ of Thayer's Addition to Tillamook imaiuwii Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 3; Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 18; inook, and Block 37 of Thayer ’ s Ad- ’ City loW bYstiime ¿f said ""Block Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 4; Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 19; In Thayer's Addition to Tillamook < mon to the West line of said Block 35; thence South to the center line of Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 20; thence North to the place ot be- Block t ** City: 36 in Thayer's Addition; Lots 3 4, 5, and 6, Block 21; «inning. I thence Lots 3 and 4, in Block 13; thence West, following the center Lots 1, 2, 7, and 8, Block 32- 1 hat said assessment district shall line of Blocks 36, 19, 10 and 9, in Lots 5, 6, 7, ami 8, in Block 14; Lots 1 2, 7. and «. Block 35; be and is hereby designated as "Lo­ Thayer's various Additions to Tilla­ Lots 5, 4». 7, and 8, in Block 21; Lots 1 2. 7, and 8, Block 32; cal Improvement District No. 5," and mook City, Oregon, to the East line Luts 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 40. Lots 1 2. 7, and 8, Block 39; the property and all thereof included of Second Avenue Lots 5, 6, 7 and *. in Block 41; East; thence Lots 1 2, 7, and 8, Block 40. within said Local Improvement Dis­ North along said East line to place of Lots 1 and 2, Block 15; Be it further resolved, ______ , ___ that ___ the City trict No. 5 is the following: Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 16; I beginning. Recorder be, and he is hereby in- In Thayer ’ s Addition to Tillamook 1, 2, 3, and 4. Block 22; Lots j That said assessment district shall structcd to cause this resolution and City, Oregon, the following: Loti 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 4 3; be and is hereby designated as "Lo­ notice to be published for three con- All that part of Block 34 lying 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 4 2. Lots cal Improvement District No. 6,” and secutive publications in the city offi­ South of a line running from a point And tract of land bounded on the the property and all thereof included cial newspaper, and that the City En­ in the West line of said Block, 167 South by the center line running East within said Local Improvement Dis­ gineer be, and he is hereby directed to and West of Block 4 2, of Thayer’s feet North of the Southwest corner of trict No. •, is the following: cause to be conspicuously posted at said Block, and running thence South Addition, extended to the West line I In Thayer’s Addition to Tillamook each end of the line of the contem­ easterly to intersect a line I"' 105 feet City, Oregon, the following: of Block 12, of A. A. Miller's Addi­ plated improvements a copy of this id Block Loti 1.1, and*, in Block 7; tion to Tillamook; on the East by the North of the South side of said Resolution and Notice, within three at a point 100 feet East of the West West line of Miller's Addition; on Lots 1, 2, 5. 6, 7, and 8, Block days from the date from the first pub­ line of said Block, and running the West by the Fast line of Lot Lots 1, and 2, in Block 2; lication of such notice. The said pub­ 3, in Block 4 2, Thayer’s Addition thence East to the East side of said Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 10; lished Resolution, and the posted Block 34; and Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4 in and on the North by the South line of 5, 6, and ", 8, ill in Block l.OtS -, -, 7, •, iriu linn x 18; Resolution and Notice, to also con­ I Block 37. Lots 3 and 4, of said Block 4 2 of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 19; tain all of the matters with reference In A. A. Miller ’ s Addition to Tilla ­ Thayer's Addition, as the same ac­ Lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, in Block 35; and to said proposed improvements that I Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 36 tually exists. All in lillamook City, mook, now Tillamook City: are required by the charter and ordi­ 2; Lots 12 to 22 inclusive in block Oregon. Be it further resolved, that the City nances, and resolutions of Tillamook Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, in Block 4; Be it further resolved that the City Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ City, Oregon, and all persons con­ Lots 1 to 11 inclusive in Block «; ed to cause this resolution and notice cerned are notified to govern them­ Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ ed to cause this resolution and notice and. to be published for three consecutive selves accordingly. Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, in Block 6. i__ . to be published for three consecutive publications in the City official news- All persons concerned are hereby hereby In Tark Addition to Tillamook City: ,...... paper and publications in the citv official __2 that .’—l the City F.ngi- further notified that the first publi­ Lots 5 * 8. * 7 ’ — * in **•--•- and J 8, Block * 4; newspaper, and that the < ity Engi­ neer be. snd he is hereby directed t< cation of this notice is made on the - and •, in Block 6; Lots 5 6 . 1, neer bi. and he is hereby directed to cause to be conspicuously posted at 2nd day of May, 19 Iff. and that ob­ Lots 5 8, aud7, in Block 6; cause to be conspicuoulsv posted at each end of the line of the contem jections and remonstrances to the Lots 1, 3, and 4, in Block 7- each end of the line of the contem­ i’e . plated improvements a copy of this proposed improvements mav be filed Lots I. 2, 3, and ♦, in Block •'>0' Rc*«lution and Notice, within three with, the undersigned. City Recorder, plated improvements a copy of this Lots ». * * and ' ♦. " in ‘ Block •. 2. 3, Resolution and Notice, within three dayi from the date of the first pub­ within -0 days of said date. Be it further resolved, _______ . that the City lication of such notice. The said nub days from the date from the first pub­ Done by order of the Common lication of such notice. The said pub­ Recorder be and he is hereby instruct­ fished Resolution and notice, and the Connci! of Tillamook City as set lished Resolution, and the posted ed to cause this resolution and notice posted Resolution snd Notice, to forth in said resolution a«d notice. Resolution and Notice, to atso con­ to be published for three consecutive also contain all the matters with ref Dated this May 2nd, 1916 tain all of the matters with reference publications in the city official news­ erence to said proposed improvements Ira C. Smith, that the City Engi­ that are required by the charter and City Recorder of Tillamook City, to said proposed improvements that paper and »re required bv the charter and ordi- neer he, and he is hereby directed to ordinances, and resolutions of Tilla­ Oregon. nances, and resolutions of Tillamook cause to be conspicuously posted at mook City. Oregon, and all person« persons ion- each end of the line of the contem- concerned ar* notified to govern For Sa!e.*Dairy Ranch. idstril Improvements a copy of thi« themselves accordingly. nvern then 49 acre dairy ranch, ’ ‘ .___ _ bolt o-n land, Resolution and Notice, within three All persons concerned are hereb' , cleared, one mile from ¡llamocl- days from the date from the first pub­ further notified that the first here! ___ , publi ____ i Creaw.ery To be sold at a bargain. iurthvr notified that the fir publi­ lication of such notice The said pub cation of this notice •« made "t on ,i.^ the : Will keep 18 cows, Enquire cation of this notice is made on the lished Resolution and Notice, and the 2nd day of May, Illi, and that oh- ; Headlight office. —./■ — AS A PROTECTION FOR YOUR INVESTMENT you should caver it with a fire insur- ancy policy in a good company. Then fire should happen to you, ycu be able to start anew without dc- for the companies we represent all losses promptly. See us to­ day. To-morrow may be just one day too late. ROLLIE W. WATSON. The Insurance Man.” 4ft PHONE US. CALL ON I S- WRITE US. TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE. SGCCC.1 a YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY, Tillamook, Oregon. I XIA VI vs < Al* v • “Oregon Flower,’’a Hard Wheat Patent. _ “Yamhill Family Blend," Hard & Valley Wheat, g “Morning Star,” Select Valley Wheat, fibEX. JVIcNfllR & CO GENERAL HñRDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere It’s the uhiform unva­ ry ing heat cf a good oil stove, and the perfect control, that keeps the juices in—that pre­ serves the savory goodness of the meat —and gives that even brownness all over —ac’eaner.coclor kitchen, and less fuel expenso All the convenience of gas. Cooks everything any wood or coal range will cook, but Heeps j>our kitchen coal. Tha leng blue chim­ neys do away with all smoke and smell. In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes, ovens separate. Also cabinet models with Fireless Cooking Ov­ ens. Ask your dealer today. Et Risalti Use Pearl STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CalUoroia! Tillamook KING & SMITH T° those who wish to get a better KODAK this season, we have made arrangements whereby we can take ’»> a few good old style machines trade on new ones. Kodak Cleaning and Repairing c. I- CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist