TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MAY II, 1916. What the Editors Say. iV-” V" a day! Can >°u bcat For Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth ' To The Voters of Tillamook County. 301 of Tillamook City, Oregon, Notice of Street Assessment. Iti —Seaside Signal. Judicial District. against all the property included in At a request of a number of lar~c W. H.°H°!lis. Local Improvement District Number Ireland’s Made-imGermany Revolt. taxpayers and citizens, I hereby an­ Notice is Hereby Given, that the The fellow who is injured in a jit­ I am a candidate for nomination to nounce myself as a candidate for the Common Council of Tillamook City, 2 of Tillamook City Oregon. The names of the owners and description ney collision with a street car must The revolt in Ireland was so closely the office of Circuit Judge, of the get his damages out of the jitney confined to Dublin and so quickly Nineteenth Judicial District, compos­ office of County Commissioner on Oregon, on May 4 th 1916, assessed of the property, and the respective driver, according to a recent decision suppressed that it did not attain the ed of Tillamook and Washington the Republican ticket at the primary the cost of street improvements made amounts assessed against each lot or in the courts. So if you want to be dignity of the rebellion that the Ger­ Counties, subject to the Republican election. If nominated and elected, 1 in pursuance of Ordinance Number parcel of ground are as follows: safe, before ruling in a jitney get the mans hoped they had fomented. It primary election to be held May 19th, will do my best to give the county a Property Owner Amount of thorough business administration, financial standing of the driver.—Mt. was the uprising of a few fanatical 1916. Block Lot Addition Assessment and being a large taxpayer myself, 4 .... 15 Scott Herald. $115 61 Fenians whose hopes of a separate 1 am a resident of Forest Grove, in will look after the taxpayers’ inter­ 1’. B (. Lucas .... Thaver’s . . . ------ o------ 4 7 34.53 Huv’s .. kingdom or republic of Ireland were said V» ashingtou County, and have ests and see that the tax money is H. R. \\ oods . The Goo-Goo eyes that Colonel played on by Germany to embarrass been an attorney for thirty years, am 4 81 11 H R. Woods . . ............8 .... Hay's .......... economically expended, the taxpayeis Roosevelt ie making at the G. O. P. Great Britain. . 1 .... 25 admitted to practice in ill the courts get value for their money, and all M. H. Callahan 386 03 .... Thayer’s . . . will net get him anything. The Col­ 25 184.02 rhe revolt was doomed to in­ of this state and the Federal Courts . parts of the county get a square deal. ' J. G. Kennedy . ...N.<4 « .... Thayer’s . . . onel's reputation as a notorious phil­ evitable failure everyone, including of the United States for the district 184 02 Lizzie Hadley . . . ...S.14 4 .... 25 . Thaver’s . . . Respectfully yours, anderer is .such that his intentions to­ those who financed it. must have of Oregon. 5 128.80 Michael Werner ...N.‘4 1 .... Hay's.......... S. G. Reed. ward the party are not only nut con­ known Indeed, it could be regarded 1 have been a lifelong Republican, 5 55 21 Michael Werner ...N.JÍ 2 . Hay’s .......... sidered serious, but are hardly as a ridiculous fiasc* were it not for but in the discharge of public duties To the Voters of Tillamook County. T. J. Hariss Sr. .. ... S.J4 1 5 thought honorable. It seems that the the destruction of life and property have always held the interest or the ----- o----- S)4 2 5 57.05 T. 1. Harris Sr. .... Hay s ......... Colonel’s uivorci. from the Moose is that attended it. The great inass of people above that of party or politics, Candidate for nomination second Michael Werner 5 . 7 110 43 .... Hay’s .......... aod that the judiciary should never term, on the Republican ticket, at not final; indeed, it is probable that the Irish people were not in symp­ 5 8 257,60 Michael Werner . .. Hay's .......... not even an interlocutory decree has athy with the uprising, and all efforts be swayed by parisan influence or primary election in May, for County I. McDonnell . 26 1 368.03 .... ’Thaver’s . party prejudice. Assessor. been entered. Until that misalliance to inlist their active or moral support 26 4 368.03 Sam Tomlinson .... Thayer’s .. . I have ever constantly stood for Respectfully, 2 has been wholly dissolved, a-id the in it failed utterly. Nor did the Ger­ 1 147 20 F. M. W iley .. . . .... Drew’s ........ rigid economy in the expenditure of C. A. Johnson. memory of the shameful partnership man-made revolt have the sanction or 2 147 20 F. M. Wiley ... . .............. 7 .... Drew’s ........ the peoples ’ money. The burden of has been forgotten, it will be a waste assistance of the real leaders of Irish 2 8 147 20 May F. Drew . . . . Drew’s ........ taxation is increasing out of all pro ­ To The Voters of Tillamo°k County. of time and money for the Colonel to thought and sentiment. Indeed, the 2 147 20 .9 M. Smith .......... .. Drew's portion to the benefits received, in ­ 11 rile notes and send flowers to the men who are representative of the 10 2 147 20 W. Smith ........ .... D tcw ’ s ........ creased wealth or ability to pay. If Acting on the advice of friends (j. O. P.—The Spectator. I widly different and apparently irre­ 4 129 85 .... Drew’s ........ and the H. W. Drew . . . .......... 6 concilable element in Ireland, Red- nominated and elected I will adminis- from all parts of the county ‘ 4 129 85 H. W . Drew ... . ... 7 .... Drew’s ........ 1 announce urgent request of many, . r V» e busines sof the Court of this As long’as $30,000,000 is spent an­ mond and Carson, bitterly denounced I 4 129 85 .... 8 May F Drew Drew’s ........ nually for chewing gum in this coun­ the uprising, urged their adherents to district justly, promptly, and with myself a candidate for nondnation May F. Drew 9 4 129 85 .... Drew’s ........ least possible expense to the tax­ for County Clerk on the Republican try, times cannot be very hard. Of all take no part in it, and to quell it gave the ticket at the primaries in May. the useless practice indulged in by the government all the aid in their payers: Tillamook County: Tract. ond Avenue East with the Respectfully, Less litigation; less expense; less the people of the United States, that power. Beginning at a point 30 feet South side of Eleventh Street Erwin Harrison. delay and more justice shall be my of chewing gum takes precedence. It 1 The Dublin revolt was managed aim. West and 135 feet North of in Tillamook City, and run- docs not have even the quality of from Germany. Its Irish leader, Sir For County Treasurer. the Southeast corner of the Ed- ning thence East 71'1 feet; Your support is reespectfully solici- causing enough harm to arouse t any . Roger Casement, found asylum there, ted. rick Thomas D. L. C., in sec­ thence South 9S feet; thence opposition. “Why is chewing gum?" procured their arms and money for I hereby announce myself as a r tion 30, Township 1 South, West to the Fast side of Sec­ W. H. Hollis. is one of the questions that even the its prosecution, and with a shipload candidate for the office of Coun ty . Range 9 West, W. M., run­ ond Avenue East; thence three wise men of the east cannot of munitions of war sailed from that To the Treasurer of Tillamook County, sub­ ning thence North 56.87 feet; North to the place of bigin­ Voters, Nineteenth Judicial answer. It has yet to furnish any ex­ country under convey of a German ject to the will of the Republican vot­ thence West 105 feet; thence ning............................................. $276.03 District. cuse for being. It is negative in every submarine. The vigila'nce of the Brit­ ers at the ty 16 primary election. South 56.87 feet; thence East Jackson Powell- Tract. Respectfully, sense, and yet the American public ish patrol service prevented the land­ 105 feet, to the place of begin­ Beginning at a point on the I am a Democratic candidate for spends $30,000,000 annually for it, ing of the arms, secured the arrest of B. L. Beals. ning ....................................... $173.53 East side of Second Avenue nomination to the office of Circuit we are told.—Itemizer. Casement, and made of what Ger­ Judge, Nineteenth Judicial District if Tillamo°k Creamery: .Tract East 98 feet South of the To the Voters of Tillamook County. many had tried to make a rebellion Bcgining at a point 30 feet South side of Eleventh Street ----- o------ As usual the democratic and near more than a riot. Germany is giving nominated and elected, I shall try to West and 30 feet North of the in Tillamook City; i running my duty and maintain mv inde­ I hereby announce myself as a democratic papers of Oregon arc her many activities a very wide field do thence East 71 \\ feet; ; thence pendence. candidate for the office of County Southeast corner of the Ed- bringing their influence to bear in the which may be the reason why she has South 179.8 feet; thence S. S. Johnson. Commissioner (North end) Till’, rick Thomas D. L. C., in Sec­ coming primary election in favor of not accomplished a great deal in the West to the East side of Sec- mook county ou the Republican ticket tion 30, Township 1.South, Ben Olcott, the democratic candidate last eighteen or twenty months.—The tliencc ond Avenue East; To the Voters of Tillamook County. at the primary election to be held in Range 9 West W. M., and run­ for secretary of state who is again en­ •Spectator. ning thence North 105 feet; North to the place of begin- —_____ _ _______ May, 1916. deavoring to secure the republican I thence West 181)4 feet; ning.................................... .......... $507.43 D. F. Thompson. I hereby announce myself as a can­ nomination. Of course ;hev all favor SIMPLICITY AND SMARTNESS thence South 105 feet; thence Wm. F. Wollitz: Tract. Ben and think it a dirty, political MARK THE SUMMER STYLES. didate for nomination for the office of County Clerk, on the Republican To the Voters of Tillamook County. East 181)4 feet to the place Beginning at a point on the game that the republicans do not with of beginning .......................... $891.55 South boundary line of Tilla­ a unanimous voice endorse the shifty Tailored Suits, Natty Tub Skirts and ticket, at the primary election to be R. F. Zachman: Tract held in May, 1916. I hereby announce myself as a mook City, 30 feet East of the politician. There is but one real re­ i Knock-About Coats are Much in Beginning at a point on the Respectfully, candidate for County Coroner on the Range line between ranges 9 publican candidate and lliis is C. B. Republican ticket at the primary­ South boundary line of Tilla­ J. C. Holden. and 10 West, W. M.. anil run­ Vogue for Summer. Moores who is making the weight of mook City, 30 feet West of election to be held in May. ning thence North 163.74 feet his influence felt in the campaign Respectfully, the East line of Section 25, to the South side of Twelfth which just started.—Lebanon Criter­ The summer girl will be smartly To the Voters of Tillamook C°unty. Dr. S. M. Wendt. in Township 1 South, Range Street; thence East along the ion. dressed this season. 10 West W. M. being on the J ttm a candidate for the Republi- side of Twelfth South Her clothes will show a care free To The Voters of Tillamook County. West side of First Ave. East, nomination for Joint Senator for Street to the East side of Sec- The issue of bonds in time of peace jauntiness that is the acme of style. Tillamook, Washington, Lincoln and and running thence North Avenue East; tlienc- ond I hereby.announce myself as a can­ For town wear the smartly tailored Yamhill counties. for the purpose of paying govern- North along the East side i f didate for the nomination by the Re­ 193.74 feet to the North line mental expenses is purely a demo- suits with riding habit flare, in check­ T. B. Handley . of Lot 12 of said Section 25: Second Avenue East 113)4 publican party for the office ot Dis­ cratic procedure, Cleveland did it; ed worsted or light weight woolens thence West 52 feet; thence feet; thence East 71)4 feet; and now Wilson will do it. The army of plain colors are said by fashion To The Voters of Tillamook County trict Attorney, to be voted for at the South of the South boundary thence South 185 feet; thence If next regular primary election. K bill which has just passed the senate authorities to be the proper garments of Tillamook City; thence West to a point 101 '/i feet contains a provision for the expendi­ For country clubs and summer re­ I hereby announce myself as a can­ elected to the office, I will peri orn East to the place of begin­ ture of fifteen million dollars for the sorts, tub skirts and simple blouses didate for the office of County Com­ the duties of such office t-a it b fully ning............................................. $267.31 East of the Range line afore­ said; thence South to the establishment of water-power for the with Knock-About coats or sport missioner of Tillamook County on and conscientiously. A. G. Beals: Tract. r. 11. Goy ne. South boundary of Tillamook manufacture of nitrates to be used in coast in striking colors will be very the Democratic ticket at the primary Beginning.at a point on the City; thence West to the place the production of munitions and for popular. election on May 19, 1916. Notice to Voters. South boundary line of Tilla ­ of beginning............................. $936.99 fertilizers. The money is to be pro­ But whether at home or on vacation Geo. R. McKimens. mook City, 82 feet West of Said assessments have been entered cured by the issuance and sale of that trips, the tailored suit will prove the I hereby announce myself as a can- Range line between in the lien docket of Tillamook City, sum in canal bonds. The canal, It will most necessary garment to most To the Voters of Tillamook County. didate for the office of County Sheriff the Ranges 9 and lOWest, W. M. Oregon, and are now payable. Prop­ be remembered, was constructed at a women. at the Democratic primaries to be and running thence North erty owners have 30 days from date cost running into the hundreds of mil­ For that reason we picture one of I hereby announce myself as a can­ held on May 19, 1916. 193.74 feet of the North line of this notice within which to apply lions and was paid for, largely, out of the smart new models that has al­ didate for the office of County Sheriff N. J. Myers. of Lot 12 of Section 25, to the undersigned City Recorder of the current receipts of the treasury ready gained popularity. This style is on the Republican ticket at the pri­ as provided in the wise revenue laws shown in both plain and checked ma­ mary election to be held in May. Tillamook City to pay said assess­ To The Voters of Tillamook County. Township 1 South, Range 10 West W. M., thence West 53 for which the republican party stood terials. ment in installments in accordance Respectfully, I hereby announce that I am a can­ feet; thence South 193.74 feet suonsor. In effect, we republicans with the provisions of the charter of Fred H. Minich. There is nothing fussy about this to the South boundary line of didate for the nomination for the of­ built the canal out of the small model. Its fashionable beauty is seen Tillamook City. Tillamook City; thence to the fice of County School Superintendent change in the nation’s purse. But the in the graceful trim fitting lines, and To the Voters of Tillamook Coonty. ... Dated this May 5th, 1916. ----------- ■------------- l . at the primary election to be held j in place of beginning................... $132.30 ------o-— -■ democrats, to find fifteen million, its general high class tailored appear­ fra C. Smith, .. Sam Tomlinson: Tract. have to issue bonds. A bond issue wm ance. I hereby announce myself as a can­ May. of Tillamook City. City Recorder Beginning at the intersect­ Gco. B. Lamb. . confidently predicted as one of the It is a model becoming to almost didate for the office of County Com­ Oregon. ion of the East side of Sec- certain results of a democratic ad­ any type of figure and suitable for missioner on the Republican ticket, ministration—and sure enough, it is : every occasion. The suit illustrated is at the primary election, May 19, 1916, Citation. subject to the will of the neople. to occur. It is the happening of the one of the new Wooltex Models. Notice to Contractors. Notice to Contractors. expected.—Astorian. W. B. Harris. In the County Court of the State of Tub Skirts. Oregon, for Tillamook County, Notice is hereby given, that the Sealed bids will lie received by the Tub skirts of pure white or black To the Voters of Tillamook County. The Oregon direct primary law is In the matter of the estate of Har- County Court of Tillamook County, I County Court of Tillamook and Yam­ and white and other colors in awning being discussed quite freely in many vey N. Cottle, Deceased. Oregon, will receive bids for the con­ hill counties, Oregon, at the office of I herewith announce myselt as a To Addie Cottle, Bertha G. Cottle, struction of a 100-feet covered wood J. C. Holden, County Clerk of Tilla­ quarters this spring, and in much .of stripes, and simple sport skirts will permit women to dress smartly with candidate to succeed myself as county this discussion there is convert insin­ Reamond Cottle, Harold W. Cottle, bridge, across the Big Nestucca mook County, at Tillamook City, surveyor, if nominated and elected I Isabel K. Cottle, Fred B. Cottle and river, on the Blaine County Road, Oregon, until 3:30 o’clock p.m., uation that the law ought to be re­ the least effort. To complete the costume a Knock- will continue to enforce the same Harry B. Cottle, greeting. pealed. Desire for repeal, of course, is located in the S.W. % of Section 26, Monday, May 15th, 1916, for crush­ In the name of the State of Oregon. Township 3 South, Range 9 West, of ing rock and rocking the joint road in predicted on the assumption of return About coat of wool or silk jersey will policies practiced by my office in the be worn. Many of these coats are in past, that of conducting it strictly on You are hereby required to appear the Willamette Meridian, the same said counties, known as the Sour to the old convention system of mak­ an Engineering basis, efficiently and j in the County Court of the State of being bridge No. 5, on said road. ing nominations for public office. The striking color combination. Grass cut off. The estimated amount economically. Skirts to be fashionable and good I Oregon, for the County of Tillamook, primary system undoubtedly has Bids are to be filed not later than of rock to be crushed, the name of the Respectfully, at the court room thereof, at Tilla­ Saturday, the 20th day of May, 1916, quarries to be worked and the speci­ many faults. From the cold and dis­ looking must be made of excellent ma- R. L. Shrevo. . mook City, in the County of Tilla­ at 10 o'clock a.m. in the office of the fications for crushing said rock and passionate standpoint of ultimate re­ i terial and carefully tailored. They .. mook, on Wednesday, the 17th day sults it is less efficient than the old To The Voters of Tillamook C°unty. of May, 1916, at 10 o’clock in the County Clerk, and must be accom­ doing said work may be seen at the method, for many of those who are panied by a certified check equal to offices of either, J. C. Holden. County forenoon of that day, then and there best fitted to serve the public do not I herewith announce myself as a to show cause, if any there be, why 6 per cent of the amount of the bid, ■ Clerk of Tillamook County, or Chas. take part in primary elections. Run­ candidate for the office of County said Court should not make an order and made payable to the County B. Wilton, County Clerk, of Yamhill ning for office has become an expen­ County. Clerk of Tillamook County. Surveyor of Tillamook County, sub­ prayed for in the petition of H. T. All bids must give the price propos­ sive and nerve-racking process, for a Plans and specifications for the ject to the will of the Republican as Botts, Administrator with the will campaign has to be extended over voters. If nominated and elected will annexed of Harry Win^ite Cottle, I bridge may be seen on file at the of- ed both in writing and in figures and nearly a year's time. This discourages endeavor to perform the duties im- deceased, authorizing, licensing . and ficc of the County Clerk, and a must be signed by the bidder with his many good men who might otherwise posed upon me with justice and im- directing the administrator to sell at charge of $1.00 will be made for I address. be candidates. It is also more expen­ those taken from the office of the | Each bid must be accompanied by partiality. private sale all of the following de­ County Clerk, which amount will be cash, bidders bond, or certified check, sive, as taxpayers are learning to Harry P. Kerr. scribed real property, situate in Till ­ for an amount equal to at least five their cost. It provides for payment remitted to the successful bidder. from the public purse of a large list To the Voters of Tillamook County. amook County, State of Oregon, to- The County Court reserves the per cent of the amount of the said bid. wit: I Should the successful bidder to whom ot expenses that were formerly borne right to reject any and all bids. Lots I, 8, 9, and IO of Block 5 in the the contract is awarded fail to exe­ Dated this 4th day of May, 1916. oy private contributions, and as a re­ I hereby announce myself as a can­ town of Bay City, Lots 3, 4, 5, and 6, cute the same within ten days from sult election bills are running up to a J. C. Holden, County Clerk. didate for nomination for the office of Block 1, and K interest in Lo* 2, the date of mailing notice that the high total. The entire cost of the pri­ By Kathleen Mills, Deputy. County Sheriff, on the Republican Block 6, Cone & Company’s Addition contract is ready for signature, such mary election is added to the taxes, ticket. If nominated and elected I to Bay City. One-half interest in Lots I cash, bond or certified check shall be and this amounts to a material in­ Notice to Contractors. shall endeavor to enforce the law with 15 and 16, Block 55, and all of Lots j ■ forfeited to the above named counties. crease.—Oregon Register. efficiency, and economy. 13 to 16 in Block 57, Pacific Addition I ------ o------ Scaled proposals addressed to the 1 All other cash, bonds, and certified Respectfully to Bay City, all situate in Tillamook County Court of Tillamook County, checks will be returned to the unsuc­ W. L. Camfibell. W henever a boy leaves his school Cou tity, Oregon. cessful bidders who submitted the at Lovelock, Nev., the superintend- For the purpose of paying charges, Oregon, and indorsed proposals to same. To the Voters of Tillamook C°unty. expenses and claims still unsatisfied complete the Bayocean County Road, c"l sends him a letter, that in part A corporate surety bond will be re­ from Station 69 plus 52.8 to Station tk1 v "Are you going to be one of against said estate. quired for the faithful performance I hereby announce myself a candi­ he headless army? It’s in the major Witness the Honorable A. M. Hare 296 plus 08.8, in accordance with the of the contract in a sum equal to one- date for Sheriff on the Republican Judge of the County Court of the plans and specifications thereof, on "and spends its time in making di­ ticket, subject to your approval in the State of Oregon, for the County of file in the office of the County Clerk, half of the total amount of the bid. rections and a daily pittance from the I The right is reserved to reject any May primaries. eading and ruling minority whose Tillamook, with the seal of said Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, will be or all bids or to accept the bid or Respectfully. leads, fixed on their own shoulders, affixed, this the 6th day of April, A. received by the County Court of said bids deemed best for the Counties. _ John Aschim. County at its office in the court house ' " the thinking and planning that D., J9t<>. at Tillamook City, Oregon until the i ' County Court of Tillamook County. J. C. Holden. carry the world along. The majority A. M Hare, fudge, Frank L. Ow-ens, To The Voters of Tillamo°k County. County Clerk. hour of 10 o’clock a m., on the 15th and Geo R. McKimens, County Com- raw pay for the work they can get (Seal) ------o----- day of May, 1916, and that time pub ­ « ut of their muscles and can hope for : missioners. I wish to announce myself as a licly opened and read. ACT QUICKLY. it? /uture, the minority use 1 I candidate for the office of Joint Rep­ I County Court of Yamhill County, Each bid shall be accompanied by a ”ir physical capacity as a supple- I _ at the resentative for the Counties of Tilla­ Deluty Has Be.:n Dangerous in Tilla- certified check made payable to the f. B. Dodson. County Judge; Wm. r *.? ’J’f’r mental capacity and ( ex- must be especially trim fitting mook and Yamhill at the Republican and W. S. Allan, County 'The walst and over ^e hips, and have a primaries County Clerk, for an amount equal to Gunning !i;<,,|.a »»'mgs of their futures. 7..^ in May. Commissioners. m< >ok. 5 per cent of the amount of the bid, marked flare. Skirts will be worn from I 'raining, another anotner name .---- ■ — ... -- --- Do the right «ring at the right time F. A. Rowe. f, • C ” training, »or education. In youth now you de- s,x ,o f,*ht ,nchis from the «round Ac* quickly itt time of danger. | which shall be forfeited to the county > To the Republican Votera of Tilla­ e, you* will be classed later on. and 1 some even shorter. In time of kidney danger Doan s . in case the bidder shall fail, neglect j How’s This? One of the interesting points about mook County. Kidney l iJIs are evidence of then i or refuse for a period of five days ' We offer O kr HvNimxD D oll «*« R iwor ',s measure, if possible, the dollars after which the award is made to en ­ worth. • _ . _ I ' Tc.e"»s va>ue of going to school. In the tub skirt is the extensive variety or «ny case of Catarrh that cannot be cured It. M. Ste Vens, farmer. Fourth St. ter into a contract and file a bond by Hall-« Catarrh Cure. I am a candidate for the Republican rna- ""ed Sta,cs »» a whole, taking of materials ranging from fiine piques satisfactory to the court as required the and to fancy honeycomb cloths Forest Grove, Of say»: '« ’ h,r, , k nomination for Circuit Jurlge on the r ,n l,,ons a« they come, the unedu- P. J. CHKXHY Kt CO., Teledo. O. 19th Judicial District comprising there is nothing better than Doans by law. We. the iinitereljrne'l have known P. J. «1 ,nan cannot hope for more than new striped tennis cloth. The bid is to cover all clearing, t’hener will be While the summer skirt for the ln«t 15 yenra, anil believe Kidney Pills for relies mg backache | Tillamook and Washington Counties • a da.v for 300 working days, or and grading and the con- him pcrfsetly ' honorable w_______ „____ _____ „ ____ ___ ___ ... .._*/? In all buaineaa and kidney tr> ruble. J have used them | grubbing " a year. We’ll give him the gen- spick and span in its trim fit. the at the May 19th, 1916 primaries. struction of a bulkhead 5,510 feet in ««»"•"ctl.ui. nn.l finunclally able to carry and they have also been taken to Geo. R. Bagley. , out nnt obligation« made by hl« firm. r< "» allowance of forty working Knock-About coat will have an air of others in niy Jsoma with very good length in accordance with the plans NATÎOXAL BlXk OF COMMRWCB. 'cars, with a total income of $18 000. dash and jauntiness quite in contrast. Toledo, O. Knock-About To the Voten of Tillamook County. 1 results. I advise all ic-’dney. sufferers and specifications on file. IL._ a*e the law estimate of $1.000 per However, the best flail*« f'atHrrh Cffrr I« taken internally, I The County Court reserves the I to try Doan's Kidney Pi.'ls.' ( ear for the* educated man. In forty coats are very carefully tailored to act ing directly upon the bloca I an<1 marnile Price 50c. at all dealers. Don t right to reject any and all bids. I am a candidate for th? Republi­ •nrface« of the fiywtrm. Testimonial« «ent ear\he gets $22.000 more than the fit well about the neck and shoulders. Dated this the 26th day of April, free Price 7.5 cent« per bottle, fold by all can nomination for District Attorney stn.ply ask for a kidney remedy — f*» The 1916 summer girl or matron ntrained man The average diffcr- r»ruggi«t«. Kid«e:.- J nils—the same that: 1916. Dean’« Kidney nce in education is less than 2.200 will have a winsome air of rare free at the Primare Election to be held | ¡Doon 1 Take Hall*« Family Pilla for co i»t:pati >a • J. C. Holden, County Clerk. ; : L-. Mr Stevens had. 1 < ster -Milbum Co., ,kc average return during smartness that surely is entirely May iptb, 1910. Last Publication May 12, 1916. _ William Marx. | Drops., Buffalo, Y. ■ '‘etime for each day in school is American in its character. I