TILLAMOOK THE TILLAMAAK HEADLIGHT. Thcre is not the least doubt but what Germany is anxious for peace, for the reason, more than enything else, that the people of that country now realize that they have lost the large amount of commerce and busi­ ness it did before the war. Whatever may be sa’id for or against German militarism, the German people are de­ serving of a great deal of credit for the enoromu > business and commerce they built up in all parts of the world, and it is a shame that the war should put a stop to so many industries in that country. It is not out of place ‘o recall one little circumstance that oc­ curred just before the war. When the Emperor asked the financiers of that country what effect a war would have on Germany, they replied that a quick decisive war would be a good thing, but a prolonged war would bring in­ dustrial and financial ruin. The Em­ peror tried a quick ami decisive war, and he failed, it is a question wheth­ er Germany can ever regain the enor­ mous industrial business and com­ merce she enjoyed previous to the war, for the United States will not be dependent upon Germany for dyes, chemicals, etc., but they will be manu­ factured in this country, and as to trading with the countries Germany is at war with, it is safe to say that she will lose that lucerative business she enjoyed before the war. It is no wonder that the industrial life of Germany is desirous of peace, and this, we think, will be one of the main features of bringing about peace, which can't come any too soon for those who have read the accounts of this shocking and uncalled for war. Senator 1 HEADLIGHT. MAY 1171916. Hollis Makes Statement. Forest Grove, Orc., May 6, 191G. Tillamook Headlight, Tillamook. 1 My attention has just been called to an editorial in the Tillamook Hei- The German diplomat., as we cx- ald charging me with introducing the p< iltd, passed the “•* “ ” buck K"- ” back to bill creating the present judicial dis­ W ilson. i risiami trict of Tillamook and Washington Counties, and also with being an ac V» hat a lot of fuss, trouble and cx- live candidate for the appointment ot pense the taxpayers are put to every Circuit Judge for the district, prior 1st—Have had over thirteen years experience keep- two years to elect a lew persons to to and after the passage of the bill office. But we don't run our puldic and 1 wish to call the attention of the it)S records required to be kept in »in accurate and care- affairs the same way we do our pri- voters of Tillamook County to the ful manner. vale affairs. fact that the Herald’s statement is not 2nd Ant well acquainted tliruout the comity ami •’>' a presentation of the facts. past trainins I believe am qualified to give courteous E may be that the County Agricul- 1 did not introduce the bill and and satisfactory service to the public. knew nothing of such bill being pre­ turi t lias If' best of the snap shot .o the potatoe blight, man > . > pared until wellalong toward the end 3rd—Am a native Till itnooker. ■e who have blight tn of the session when Dr. Wood, Sen­ We v. i. Jth Am new in the political same, this being my i:ie coming season to ator from Washington County, in ­ their j. first attempt to secure a political office. little microscopical formed me that he was going to pre­ give tin . i 5th—Will give my best endeavors to keep expense» . ..ivy will find that the sent such a bill and asked if I would invest i^ K of the office as low as possible consistent with oood ser blight looks like a host of fleas. support it. 1 stated that I did not know of a necessity for such a district but vice. all likewise that I would talk with the Honorable Since Bro. Trombley made the false (Illi i — Have children, i l.n r ( a i wife n li V < and » « • . three ... • --- T. B. Handley, of Tillamook County, accusation that the fine Italian hand í l illainookers. and the salary of the wince will ; native ............ ......... ........... and if he favored it I would then let could be seen in an article that ap­ larselv fortheir support and education. him know what I would do Mr. Hand- peared in tin Headlight recently, it is WILL APPRECIATE YOUR VOIE. ley informed me that the people of now in order to ask him to state 1 illamook County would be opposed whose fine Italian hand is furnishing raid Advt. to such a measure and that he w is him with the articles on creating the personally opposed to it, and I then new judicial district. stated that I would not be in favor of it. No one can tell what a jury will do. Sen. Wood and Representative In a case in the justice court a jury Hare were very anxious that the bill creation of so many new offices gave the defendant a verdict and the should pass, and after being assured new tax eaters. case being appealed another jury gave that it was desired by the people of the plaintiff a verdict.Now which was Washington County and the opposi­ Rutherford Chosen for Second Terra. right and which was wrong.' Justice tion from T illamook County, being is a funny thing, anyway, and who from Tillamook to W. R. Rutherford was last night re­ practically withdrawn, and finding knows which of these litigants really elected as superintendent of schools that I was powerless to prevent it, my obtained justice. at a meeting of the members of the The snap shot man will make an ef­ opposition was withdrawn, and not­ Eugene school board. Mr Rutherford The Tillamook Herald, a democrat­ fort to gather the election returns, for withstanding it was defeated in the ic newspaper, has butted in as usual the information of the people of the Senate it was afterwards reconsider­ was elected for a two year term. VIA The action was unanimous on the in Republican politics with the pur­ county, and we ask the co-operation ed and then passed by a very sm ill members of the board, majority. part of the pose ot causing strife between the of election boards and others so as to I was not a candidate for the np- Without any hesitancy the various i.indidatcs for circuit judge, taking expedite obtaining the figures from i 1 ¡••des in favor o. one and oppo-ed <•> each precinct as quickly as possible. pointment of Circuit Judge of this members declared they wished to r>- the other, notwithstanding there i- a 1’artial returns w ill be very acceptable district after the passage of the bill, tain Mr. Rutherford in his present On Sale Daily : June 1st to Sept. 30th, 1910 democratic aspirant in the fi.'l I. I he and they should be phoned in to this nor before, and could not be because capacity ami allow him to continue office. But the most essential thing is of a constitutional provision which the constructive work he has started snap shot man has avoided all per Stopovers allowed. of Eugene administration sonalitics in the primary ■ I < tion, the complete returns from each pre­ disqualifies any member of the Senate in the Return Limit : 90 days from date of sale not to or House from being appointed to schools. and is willing to leave it to the Re­ cinct, and we will respectfully ask Mr. Rutherford's salary will be the publicans of the county wli > they • ach election board to phone, send any office created while he is a mem­ exceed Oct. 31. 1916. same as previously for the first ye; r, want for their candidates, and it is or mail the returns with as little delay ber. during his term of office. 'I he Tillamook Herald, a Democrat­ but no amount was named by the altogether out of place for a demo­ a- possible to the Headlight office. ic paper, in its desire to meddle with cratic newspaper to undertake to be­ We would, however, prefer them sent board for the second year of Mr. smirch the characters and good rep­ in by phone, as well as sent to this the politics of the Republican party­ Rutherford’s administration. in its direct primaries, takes the lib ­ utations of any of the republicans office by the person who brings in The board feels particularly fortun- the ballot boxes the next day. This erty of advising Republicans how to ate in being able to secure Mr. Ruth­ who arc aspiring to office. i an be readily done by taking one of vote and is throwing dust, thereby- erford's services for the next two Some persons wonder why it costs the sample ballots of each party and hoping his statements, which are not years.” said former Judge E. O. so much money to run the courts, writing the total number of votes each in accordance with the facts, will Potter, a member of the Eugene There was a case in the circuit court aspirant receives. By doing this it cause me to lose some votes and niv schpol board this morning, “We have enroute Attractions that is only one out of many that will obviate much delay ami enable opponent to gain them, and thus les­ watched his work for the last year crop up from time to time, It was a the people of the county to obtain sen my majority in Tillamook Coun- and heartily endorse his plans and we SEE case where the Southern Pacific was accurate information as to the result •y wish to retain him in his present ca­ Shasta Springs — Mt. Lassen Mt. Shasta sued for damages on account of an ol the election. In previous years we , .1 trust the Republican voters of pacity. He is, in our opinion, one of not be mis­ Los Angeles - Yosemite Valley San Francisco accident, \V. York being killed on the have asked one person in each pre­ I illamook County will the few men who have strength of Southern California Beaches Panama California Exposition railroad. There was nothing whatever cinct to do this for us, sending stamp­ led by the Democratic press which character and yet is not antagonistic to prove that the railroad was re­ ed envelopes, but in a number of seeks to advise them how to vote. to those who oppose him. He is clear ­ sponsible for the accident, but from cases they have not done so. and in Itwould seem to be tin-necessary to ly in love with his work ami has what we can learn the railroad was several cases, where the election was remind them that following the advice willing to give the widow 1500.00 or close, have had to wait until the of democrats in political matters has judgment in school affairs much above the ordinary.— Eugene Guard. more. It seems she refused this and official count to obtain the correct always lead to disaster. Yours trulv, precincts. The i an attorney persuaded her to bring figures from some Ogden Route— ‘The route of Limited».” , W. H. Hollis. Headlight will give out the result of suit for $20,000. She lost her case HEAR WITHOUT EARS. Sunset Route—“ Through Storyland.” (The editor was desirous of avoid ­ the money the railroad would have the count as it proceeds, and if elec­ El Paso Route - “The route of the lowest altitudes.” ing all personalities and controversies given her, and the taxpayers have to tion hoards of the precincts in the Police and Detectives Are Using Lip Call on local agent for further information or write. pay the extra cost of keeping the city will permit our representatives between Republican aspirants pre­ Reading in Place of the Dic­ court in session that much longer, be­ to obtain the figures several times vious to the primary election next tagraph. John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon, cause an attorney gave a poor woma.i during the count it will not only be week, for, as usual, the Headlight will Thousands of deaf people are today support the winning candidates. i bad advice. We referred last week to appreciated by the editor but by the throwing away all hearing devices trivial cases being appealed from one public as well. Please see to it that Since, however, the Herald, a «lerno- and enjoying all conversation. This cratic newspaper, has butted in and court to another by the activities of the Headlight receives the figures method is easily and quickly acquired advise republicans through our system. Absolutely the certain attorneys, who urge and drum from your precinct as quicklv as pos­ undertaken to how to vote and discussed the matter only thing of its kind in the country. up such cases and promise the liti- sibly, and in closing we will make of creating a new judicial district, Mr (Jut proposition is entirely original. gants that it won’t cost them any- another appeal to the election boards Hollis has a perfect right to be heard. Cost is trifling. See what New Inter­ thing, but the cost falls on the over- to assist us in this matter. law lie has saved the people thou­ For I he Headlight criticised the action of national Encyclopaedia says on Lip burdened taxpayers and this is one PUBLIC SERVICE COMMIS­ sands of dollars and safeguarded the the legislature at the time and we are Reading. Hundreds of people with reason why it costs so much money SIONER. public.”—The Times, Brownsville. *1."’*• THE PRICE FOR I not going to discuss it again, other normal hearing are taking up Lio and time to run courts of justice. Western District. (Paid Adv.) ‘ PER CENT MILK. than to say, that as far as Tillamook reading for the many additional ben­ ! County was concerned the new ju­ efits gained. \ ou can understand Whenever one starts out to defeat Patruns of Condenser Now Receive dicial district was not needed as Speaker Selling Endorses Michel- what the actors are saying just as far a candidate because he has been in Judge H. H. Belt had just been elect- away as you can sec them. The eye book for Senate. Cents Per Hundred Advance oftice for a number of years, and ed by the people and openly stated understands beyond the range of Over One Y«ar Ago. I makes that kind of argument, it al­ that he had plenty of time to attend hearing. Send no money, but mention — ■ o—— Portland, Ore. April, 5, 1916. ways acts as a boomerang. Several ot to the business. In the face of these this paper and state whether or not Ilillsboro Independent.) Hon. Francis L. Michelbook, the republican aspirants have filled Beginning May 1 dairymen ship­ facts, it is absurd for anyone in this you are deaf. All particulars will be McMinnville, Oregon. public office lor a number of years, ping milk to the Hilslboro condenser county to endeavor to justify the act­ sent you absolutely free and with no My Dear Mr. Michelbook: and under the primary election law win- paid $1.55 per hundred for 4 ion of those who concocted the expense to you. Address, School of It having come to my knowledge they have a perfect right to announce per ct nt milk, which is nut only the scheme, especially as the bill had Lip Language, Kansas City, Missouri that you are a candidate for the themselves as candidates. Il is free highest price paid at ibis season of been defeated in the senate, and so as State Senate 1 take great pleasure in for all to do so, ami if the voters want the year, but the highest price paid in to obtain a reconsideration of the I ranz Abt, the song-writer, long saying that at the last session of the to retain a good olficcr in the posit­ the history ot the industry in the bill, a former resident of W ashington since passed to the beyond, was a Legislature you were one of the de­ ion he Illis, no one should set up the county. comity, who was in the Senate, was surprising gourmand. "A goose," ho­ termined, active men who assisted in loulish |dca that the official has been I lie price is 30 cents higher than TBportuned to change his vote, which used to say, "is a very pretty ’ bird, in oftice long enough. It will lie re­ paid at the corresponding period he did, and the bill was reconsidered but it has one great fault; it is a lit­ membered that this was the political last year and means the distribution and passed by one vote. It is no long­ tle too much for one, and much too slogan pul up to defeat Siu rill Cren­ into the channels of business of that er a sevret in this county, that A. G. little for two." Coming out of a res­ shaw two years ago. It «lid not work, additional amount for every ICO tbs. Beals was active in having the new taurant one day. looking supremely for the majority of voters prefer a of milk. Not only that, but demand is district created, and that is the reason happy, HerrKappclmeister’, said a mail who lias made good. In business constantly increasing an«l the no doubt, that the Heral.l has so friend to him. “von seem to have con affairs, when we have competent em­ densci is accepting all milk «....„., offered strenuously favored the new district, dined well.” "Yes. 1 had a fair dinner- ployes, we don't want to "lire" them by dairymen along established routes. and is now endeavoring to create per­ it was turkey." "And was ,hcrc a there a because they have tilled the position I he expense of additional routes sonal strife between the two repub­ good company around the board”’ for a number of years. Rut then, pol­ «iocs not warrant establishing lican aspirants. — Ed.) “ Yes, good — but small; just many two, in- itics ar«- different. I lie taxpayers have new ones at present, but if demanil deed, the turkey and myself to pav for breaking new men in every continues it is expected that such c»-< What the Headlight Said. lew years, and the “outs" want to tablishmcnt will follow. FRED G. BUCHTEL. jump into the shoes of the "ills". It I lie revival of the condensed milk News item taken from the Head Republican Candidate. is a beautiful game of chance this of­ business is attributed to general re­ tice seeking business, and we arc glad vival in other industries. The depres­ light, Feb. 25, 1915; What the Press Says. we li.n «n't any office seeking mic­ sion of the lumber business alone cut Senator Wood won his fight in the “Under State Treasurer Thomas B. robes bothering us, olf a large demand, but with the re­ Senate for the establishment of the Kay Mr. Buchtel is in charge of the ----- -o— opening of mills ami camps this de­ Fifteenth Judicial district, to be com­ state weights and measures depart­ the shaping of conservative and eco­ I illamook t ounty has a good pros- mand has renewed, an«! the same is posed of Washington and Tillamook ment, and his record there is full nomical legislation. put of being represented at the Nat­ true of every business which is re­ Counties, Senator Perkins, who voted VV hile we have not always agreed guaranty that he will faithfully fulfill - against the bill created the district ional Republican L onvention, winch wing the promises contained in his plat- ■ it is a pleasure for me to say that you when it was defeated Tuesday, said Spinking of tile high price paid to- is to nominate a president ami vice- form. Mr. Buchtel is the son of Joe always had the courage of your con­ president. Mr. Russell Hawkins is day b red Schomburg compared it he had been under a misapprehension Buchtel, pioneer photographer and I victions and were at all times looking and asked that the matter be recon­ I with that paid in Tillamook County, one ot the aspirant* who is desirous fire chief of Portland.”—Morning I out for the interest of the people who ol being elected as a delegate to rep­ where he was locate«! in 1895. Busi­ sidered. 1he motion was carried and Enterprise, Oregon City. elected you. The people of your dis­ Senator Wood again urged the pas- resent Oregon, ami we hope Repub­ ness had slumped to such aq extent 'kY' ,S “ y.oun8 man out for the trict would certainly honor them­ sage of the measure. that but 6 cents per pound was netted licans of I illamook County w ill give republican nomination that bv train- selves in honoring you. Snap shot taken from the Headlight him their loyal support, l«»i lie is one for butterfat and his profit from $5 ing and ability has the necessary Sincerely yours, Feb. 25, cows was something less than >1.50 of our resident citizens, quahf.cat.ons for a commissioner * « _ 1 he snip Ben Selling. per hea«l per month. shirt man cordially urges every Re­ I his man is Fred G Buchtel and'his Speaker of the House, 28th Legisla­ The snap shot man believes it was publican to vote for Mr. L_..Li..- wrong for the state legislature to Haw kin» tive asscmply. he s^rvm" ‘° the.hi.«her of pub­ next week, ami m «loing so it will give [create a judicial district of Washing- Harmony. (Paid Advt.) mistake" TT"S”T "i!! not the lounty some prestige in having a Xn k ~Lebanon Cntcrian, Leb- I ton and Tillamook counties, and that --------- favored son as dchgate to the Nation '• wa» an unnecessary expense upon Mr ami Mrs John Cox, of Beaver, Bids Wanted. al Republican Lonvt tition. One thing He is now a candidate for railroad yisiteil at the Grave* home there or the taxpayer*. In fact, as far as Tilla about Mr Hawkins, he is a protec­ commissioner, and we hope he r«I- it»ui last week before departing mook county was concerned, there Bids will be received by the school tionist and oppose«! to free trade, on the expectations for he is for then new home at Ashton, Wash, was no demand or nee«l of this chiftige which is something that vitally con k^drL°\fOCr •"*» ‘hat ?, ttl’’ baurd of Dist. No. 54 for the painting on I hursday where Mr . Cox wili A few years ago two judges did the Ol all school buildings inside and out- business of Manon, Linn, Yamhill, cry imlustry ami investment . JESSE EDWARDS. ant 'office"" Y neC<1 ,hat in,POrt- ; : stde and the bidder to furnish the in I illamook County. Some of our ten«! hook in a logging camp at that I k * u*,,lain‘’°I‘ counties, ami Candidate to M - ’.72^'p'1r 'Oregon Merchants H place. •Merchants material. ”and8 citizens may disagree with us, but Joint Senator of 24th District, Cerner'. Mrs Otto Krebs was examinee for .hY had Pil,n‘/ cf ,eisure "me At • he board reserves the right to re- should the w.ii ceas,- and the inc "Mr. Buchtel i 115 _______________ ■ I;. «.I, .. .. ...... H H, | promotion'and th^’eTT* °f °fficiaI Jtct any and all bids. The bids to be trade policy oí the Democratic party .............. '"•'.'«h.n. ¿»1«".'-., Thirty five years a resident tax payer . might well ralivtaV0* ,hc opened May 30. continue, it will cause one of the of Oregon, sen mg fifth t.r™ -- ....’1 1 duho ..." . " ral,Y ,o his Address Mrs. Katie F. Wilks, clerk, worst hard times and financial stag ■ ...................... .... J R of the eitv of Newbeig. Barnesdale, Ore. nations that the country ever encount­ the week s end at the home of Frank "Fe.'i ,.rcg”n Stateaman. Salem Served In the capacity of presi lent I ered No one wants to see this, but legislature to join Tillamook with rred (». Buchtel * • ini Owens, of Cloverdale. anti member of various business ln. i nounced ns?/" today an- now is the time to elect men to office Washington county for a new judicial A London bank in consequence of Krebs Bros received a large order • ’ "Pt-or for i?'r 1 m an*’ if district If there had been any demand who arc in favor of protecting the iu- h organizations. * farmer’s failure had to finance a f>»r brick on Friday At the rate brick Have had a wide range of business ex- | Peoplethc «"»« of dustnes ot this county the dairy in­ or necessity for such a move from ?rec *arm’ and last spring the man *'*«• are moving out here of late tin. Eugene. K°" Gran*' Bulk- dustry, the timber inteiests. the lum this county it would have been differ perience. ney had put in charge of it wired >o the Krebs bov. will have to enlarge , ,f « ’ '« ’ ted will give mv best services her industry, the fishing industry, etc ent but there was not. This will re­ ‘pndon manager of the bank: llietr factory and pnt on an extra lieve Judge Belt of part of the work eufnXXnt,r*,ffi*‘!'’ley strict law So give Russell llawkms a vote next ' 7* —K-’»» w »nr WUTK | l imbing begins next month: If crew. I his show s that people know he waft elected to perform. We hope I week ami help along the good work .» ’ Tn r Y ’ Y ’ *} We hope tallT^ W Service will reduce drought continues will result in total where to find the beat tile and brick the bill will be referred to die the people. pc.pl, i Hts number on the ballot is 1!» •neu- loss.” to be had in 1 illamook county. taxes. W vuki appreciate your support I Roseberg. ’• ~ who we are sure, are opposed to the ’ , Postpone lambing till further or- (Paid Adv.) ‘ “ThrOUgh strict enforcement <‘ers, wired back the London man* I »ger. Editorial Snap Shots ERWIN HARRISON COUNTY CLERK. FOR Special Rates Principal Eastern Cities “ To start right is to end right” THE SHASTA ROUTE is the right zvay to start LIMITED TRAINS on all Southern Pacific routes. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES.