♦ 4 ¿to' r TILLAMOOK, OREGON. MAY 11 »1.50 PER YEAR. “Strenuous Life.” City Hall Friday SOCOOSCCCOC«eOCCOC»COGC>3C««CQCOOOOGQtSOOQOQC>¿>&JCC«'l>9Qr and Saturday. See the snappy college farce “A Strenuous Life” City Hall. Miss Leah Cohn, of Portland, will give a concert, assisted by local tai- I ent, at the Christian Church on Tues­ day evening. For exchange, 35 acres joining Member Federal Reserve Bank. Ashland for stocked dairy ranch. Full HE KNOWS particulars in first letter. Address R. USDUTK* F.D. No. 1, Box. 76, Ashland, Ore. * OFFICERS ! The two-serials “The Girl and the Dr. Wise will work by appointment ror those who want him personally.» Game” at the Star Theatre and “Tne B. c. LAMB. President, Iron Claw” at the Gem Theatre are ou choose your doctor. Choose us growing more popular with every W. J, RIECHERS, Cashier. as^ your druggist—Tillamook Drug chapter. Seghers Wood Co, 410, 18th St, J. c. HOLDEN, Vice-Presilent. V\. D. Gladwell and family have North Portland, Oregon, wants to moved to their new home near Rose­ trade their A-i Woodyard for Tilla­ I. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier burg. mook property. * directors : King & Smith Company can supply Get your lime rock or Sulphur -- »11 with -.11 1 of r extra equipment . J you all I.!.. kinds Spray at Tillamook Feed Co. We also C. J. E dwards . I'ETER IÎEISEL. A. W. B unn . for Fords. » have the International Stock Food J Jitney Service: Auto for hire at all Remedies sold on “money back” J. c. H olden . \V. J. R iechers . B. C. L amb . hours. Phone 53J Day—154J night guarantee. Having taken charge of the auto- Lee Sly ter. * mobile department of Case's Garage, Drink butter milk and keep well. I solicit your patronage in the future Careful Attention Given to all Banking Sold at 25c. per gallon at Clyde as in the past and will guarantee sat­ Clements. * isfaction. Frank H. Devine. Business Placed in Our Hands. Protect your valuable papers from I See the best play of the year “A Should YOU be taken away from your wife and Strenuous Life, Friday and Saturday the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes. Only one Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON children do you not wish for them to be free from W \ MT > ( at the City Hall. dollar per year. Tillamook County V cl reoi ' l uni"iKNKn“keU«» I (iHave you prescriptions to be filled? Bank. REGILAKIA I.ANK a part of the income from your We 1. can fill any prescription.—Till* . Th Fairview Birthday Club will i mook Drug Co. labor or your business and let this money STAY in the meet at the home of Mrs. Luta Don- bank. Rhubarb Roots and t_..J a few 3 year aldson on the afternoon of May 17th. Judge H. H. Belt will be in Tilla­ old crowns for sale. R. B. Hays, Till- Mrs. Rhoda Easter will be the as- mook to take the bench in place of A foolish in t e?tineut. may endanger the happiness * sistant hostess. amook Oregon. Judge Bagley, in the two cases of the your family. BE CAREFUL. State of Oregon vs. the Tillamook C. E. Lockwood, of Make OUR bank YOUR bank. Bayocean, has TheHcadiight will go to press euly Hotel Company, which are to be ' purchased a fruit farm near Medford next week so as to give the office* heard May 22. Judge Bagley was dis­ We pay 4 per cent.iaterest on Sayings Deposit. ! and moved there. seekers and politicians an opportunity qualified for the bench in this case be­ For rent hotel and ____ store building to be seen and heard for the last cause he acted as council for the ho­ tel company before lie resieved hts I at Netarts.—Apply to Geo. W. Phelps time before the primary election. appointment on the bench. ___ Garibaldi, Ore. * For Sale, Cheap, lot in Brighton THE OLD RELIABLE. X Beach, Oregon, in Block 81, lot No. Mrs. Mary C. Houck, of Roseburg, , Wise & Massy, dentists, do painless 3OGOOQCC4>i«GQCG Wednesday. connect you directly with our office, the slides will show the flowers i- iblc speaker* and w want everyone Cash on hand........................................ . . 13,506.51 > come prepared to express his ideas The Tillamook Meat Co. is paying in case you wish any of our GOOD their natural colors. The lecture wi Other resources .......................... ......... 226.79 n those subjects. Some important COAL, Lamb-Scliradcr Co., Call 28V1 be giver, under the auspices of th 7c. per pound for live fat hogs up to tatters of business will come up. to : settled at this meeting, if you arc Total 225 pounds. * The justices of the peace in the sec­ Civic Improvement League. Haro! $360,606.34 Koc and Mr. Humbert will sing. iterested in ItolsicinC attle com and ond and third justice districts hold will give a violin solo, accompanic Wanted a work horse, communicate over so there will be no nominations ring your family and a basket of LIABILITIES. with W. C. Smith ¥i mile back of W. in these districts, but in districts one by Mrs. Koch on the piano. The let unch. B. Elliott's on Kilchis river. Charles Kunze, President... Capital stock paid in .............................................. $40,000.00 ind four there are vacancies and ture will be free. Tillamook Mercantile Co. quote House to rent, 4 rooms and pantry. nominations will 'be made in them. Surplus fund ...»............. ......................................... 5,400.00 Rent reasonable. Apply, 2nd Avenue The Spelling; Contest. Governor Withycombe granted a as follows; subject to market change Undivided protits, less expenses atid taxes West near First street. conditional pardon to John Theiler, without notice. paid............................................................................. 374.47 Process Barley, 75 lb. sacks .. $1.4' The folio,, ing pupils won in th" Don’t fail to see Henry B. Walthai provided he paid $100.00 to pay foi Oats per cwt. .. ............... 1.71 Due to banks and bankers .................................. 250.53 ryouts held this v. e< k; in the six reel feature “Bulah” at the detective work in the cas^ Mr. Rolled Oats, 60 lb. sks. 1.1« Nthaicm May 61I1. 1’osta) savings banks deposits........................... 670.98 Theiler paid the $100.00 on Tuesday Gem Theatre Friday night. 1.6; White Mids. 80 tt>. sks. . r 3, Herbert i’.undy, Wheel« r md was released. Individual deposits subject to check................. 206,606.72 1.3 Shorts, 80 lb. sks............ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koch announce 4, Edith Reed, Wheeler. Demand certificates of deposit............................ 4,335.19 D. F. Thompson, who is a candid- Bran, 60 lb. sacks .......... .8 a complimentary piano and violin re­ •», Hilda Steele, .\■ li . tie for county commissioner, was in 80 Certitied checks .............................. ........................ 452.03 lb Ground Oats and Barley cital to be given on May 17tli. 6, Alice Daniel, Al; i!< r. the c,iy on Saturday. He wishes it 1 2: Time anil Savings Deposits.......................... .... 82,516.45 7, Charles Lundy, Wheel r. Anna Held, the popular actress, will distinctly understood that he was not 2 1( Meal 100 lb. sks. ... ■ 8, Fred Clialker, Brighton. Bills payable for money borrowed................... 20,000.00 be seen in a Paramount feature at the the person who was instrumental in Fruit and Berry sugar sk........... 8 4' Garibaldi, May 8;h. Star Theatre Saturday and Sunday. naving the recall petition circulated. Best Creamery Butter .............. .6 Grade 3, Eva Crawford* Bay City. Total $360,606.34 Special prices on grain and mil I will pay cash for small second Grade ■ 4, Raymond Lindsay, Roil.- A violin and piano recital will be hand cook stove, state price and size. given by the pupils of Mr. and Mrs. feed in ton lots. * ¿way. • State of Oreironi County of Tillamook, SS. Best Hard Wheat flour $5.75 bbl. Address Mrs. Paterson, Tillamook. Grade 5, . Helen Eadu.->, B. Ci; E. E. Koch at the Christian Church . Erwin Harrison, Cashier of the above-named bank, do Best Hard Wheat flour $1.50 sack Grade 6, Hazel Bodie, Bay City. Try those 25c dinners at the Ram- Wednesday evening, May 17th, al Our Cupid Brand of Flour is a re­ - ctnnlv swear that the above statement is true to the best of Grade 7, Jennie McCItw, Buy < ( ity. i 8:15. Programs may be had from th, sev “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for pupils, Mrs. Koch and at the Grade 8, Margaret Hamilton, Bay 1 Tilla- peater. ' Knowledge and belief. — Erwin Harrison, Cashier. mcrly of the Spanish Kitchen. ♦ Half ground salt for hay and hide City. ¡nook Drug Store. Subscribed and worn to before me this lltb day of May, 1916. 65c. cwt. during the balance of thi‘ Tillamook, May 9lh. For Rent—Store Building now oc­ Gladys B. Edmunds vs. Howard R. month. *. C. A. McGhee, Notary Public. Grade 3, Edith Chaphe, Tiiiamook. cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety filed in the Edmunds is a divorce suit Best dairy butter 50c. square. •'commission expires Sept. 28tli, 1916. Grade 4, Arden Pangborn, Tiila- parties were circuit court. These mook. correct—Attest : M. W. Harrison, Carl Haberlacb, Tbad store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd. married in San Francisco on March Grade 5, Madge de Ford, Tillamook •«nion, Di A. G. Beals has gone to the hot Yellow Fir Mill Destroyed. Grade 6, Christina Olson, Wilson springs in Eastern Oregon and Mrs. ,30 1916, and the grounds for dissolv­ ■ O'— ing the marriage contract is set out Beals left Tuesday to join him there. Fire wiped out the Yellow Fir mil! River. * in the complaint is desertion. Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co., Grade 7. Ollie Miner, Trask River. on Monday morning. The fire origi See Wise and Missy, the up-to-date Grade 8, Doris Sumerlin, Tillamook. Attorney T. B. Handley is taking a Tillamook Oregon. dentists, who have located perman­ trip to the adjoining counties in the nated in the engine roont and in ; Fawcett Creek, May 10. comparatively short time the whol< Grade 3, Viola Johnson, South There was a heavy frost this ently in Tillamook, Bay City and Bar interest of his candidacy for State building was in flames and complct View. * (Thursday) morning. Senator. He has been promised strong ely destroyed. The mill was owned Prairie. * Ind Massey, Dentists. Grade 4, Horner Buhl, Plenant We use only the purest drugs ob­ support in Washington and Lincoln by Frank Long, sen, and the loss is For all kinds of auto accessories Hon»w to Rent, see Watson. Valley. tainable to enter into your presenp- counties, as it was thought that Tilla­ $15,000, with no insurance. see King & Smith Co. Grade 5, Marie Myer .Fawcett tions. Bring them to us— Tillamook mook county should have the honor of ' (Ke cast in "A Strenuous Livfe.” Creek Dressmaking, Mrs. Marie 'Wade, Drug Co. having the joint senator this lime. Circuit Court StiU in Session. Grade 6, Orval Johnson, South ■ C. \\ Miller, chriopractor. * Corner 9th and Stillwell. o------ The Aienz Construction Co. sub­ The city library is closed unti Prairie. Furnished rooms to rent. — Mrs. G. The May term of the circuit cour th< let their contract for the hard sur ­ Saturday night owing to moving ^ise will return about May 10, Grade 7. . Beatrice Blackburn, ____ w____ Pleas- Willett, 3rd Ave. West. library-to the new quarters in the facing of the road north of the city to is still in session and it will be th« ant Valley. end of the week before Judge G. I! States auto tires at King & Feldschau and Jackson. This is the Grade 8. Lillie Hopkins, Harmony. Tickets at Lamar’s for “A Stren- city hall. Co.’ * piece of road that should have been Bagley is through with jury cases, a: uous Life.” Don’t miss it. 48 acre dairy farm and cheese fac­ hard surfaced last year, but owing to some of the cases took longer that Thrift. S«May P,ay C',y ha,,‘ Fritlay an * Wise 4 Massy, dentists. Do not do tory in Lincoln County for sale. For the laicness of the season it was anticipated. The cases decided sige particulars address Wm. Crispien, what they cannot guarantee. thought advisable to delay the work our last issue are: “I’ve got to" take exercise and quit Rose Lodge, Oregon. *ook"fj.n y,°ur Prescr>ptions, Tilla- Johanna York, vs Southern Paciii« eating so much," said the young man until this year. wug t_o. • I Benefit of Junior class annual City Company. Damages. Non-suit grant The lovely little actress Marguerite vho calculates closely. The Swastika Club was entertained I Hall Friday and Saturday. Snow in “Rosemary” Metro pictures st the home of Mrs. C. W. Miller. ed oti motion of defendant. "Worried about your health?” boxes tor rent. Tilla- Ford Extras—King & Smith have at the Gem Theatre Saturday an«' A E. Hcldcn and Ethel Holden, vs "No. I’m getting so stent rrv rocm- The afternoon was spent in a social County Bank. * A. F. Coats Lumber Co, a corpora added a line of auto accts ncs. Sunday. way ar.d a musical game in which tion, and Coats Driving and Boon nate’s evening clothes won't fit me.” Wise and Massy examine the teetk L«' o*e* ,0 cat ’* a* ,he “Good Charles Wells has returned iron Mrs..Ha1tom was awarded with the Company, a corporation. Damage. give advice and estimates, FREE. Ashland where he went to sec his ?o> prize. The hostess served delicious Verdict in favor of plaintiff for $585 ' «einscy Hotel. •. Ornamental Fire Placet Ike Wells, who is now better an< refreshments, after which the club ad­ Empire Cream Separator Company journed to meet with Mrs. Harrison vs. Rudolph Zwicfel. Action for mon Built of Briclt or Stone working in a logging camp. in May. All Fire Placet absolute ly ev. Verdict in favor of plaintiff fo. For Sala, 80 acres timber land, Sec. S. G. Reed was in the citv on Sat­ »346.7». guaranteed not to smoke 8, Tp. 3, S, R- 10 W- Tillamook Anna Ebbeson vs. Christian Erdt. County. Oregon. Make me an offer urday from Neh-kah-nie, coming in or money refunded. J. K. Eshelman, Altoona, Iowa. • by auto. Mr. Reed is a candidate for md Jacob Uicklaus. Action for mon Brick Work ot all kinds county commissioner on the Republi­ -v. Verdict in favor of plaintiff for Having bought the Tillamook Iron can ticket.He is quite popular in this $164.36 and $35.00 attorney’s fee*. done on short notice. We make specialty of Works from A. K. Case all business section of the country and will poll a Geo. Moskos. vs. A. F. Coats Driv repririug ¿making Fire from Sept 1st will be transacted by large vote, as he is well qualified fo: ing and Boom C«i.. a corporation Places. H. Sander. * the position, on account of his ability Action for money. Trial to-day. is a basinets man and his engineer Tom Ismay, vs. George R Ridg Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Dwight return­ ing experience. He promises the peo- way et al. Foreclosure of mortgage ed from their honeymoon trip or nle a business and economical ad- Order of confirmation. Snndav, and are receiving congrat­ ’nisistraticn and he will make an Dryden R. Baker vs. Daisy Baker. TILLAMOOK. OHL. ideal coaunisktoaer if elected. Divorce. Deer«« granted. ulations of their friends. ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. I have orders for a great number oi calvqs and am n°w buying all I can get. When you have a calf tor sale its money in your pocket 10 call me up. Am able to pay and V will pay fancy Prices for Durham Po11 Bulls' Durham, Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. Lan also use chickens.—Both Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN. THE PRUDENT MAN PROTECTS H/5 family WITH A BANK ACCOUNT THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00 Tillamook County Bank On the Back Page TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK, Jottings. ; kAMRR’S VARIETY STORE, MOVE to 1.0 O.F. BLD., ‘D^op in and book Aroand ” 5 □ RALPH E. WARREN,