TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 13. Uncle Silas Sayings. was one of my busy days 1 would ask ANALYSIS OF THE FARM the man in the moon about it. | CREDIT BILL. 1916. 1 rale drawn by the bonds issued. Bor- To the Voters, Nineteenth Judicial To The Voters of Tillamook County ' rowers from these banks are not re- District. | ----- o___ Cousin Clara, I was in a barber A Brief Resutne of it» Principal Fea- ■ quired to subscribe for stock. , I At a request of a number of lar~e | Uncle Bill, one of the health offi­ Three Types of Loans. I am a Democratic candidate for shop in the city a f«w days ago get- tures. cers who is engaged in the campaign ting my hair cut when a rather stout, Provision is thus made for three nomination to the office of Circuit taxpayers and citizens, I hereby an­ types or classes of loans. The co-op­ Judge, Nineteenth Judicial District if nounce myself as a candidate for the against the hoot and mouth disease dark-complexioned man drifted in, office of County Commissioner on ot live stock, told me last week of sat down in a chair and told the bar­ The rural credit bill reported by the erative loans with unlimited liability nominated and elected, I shall try to the difficulties he had encountered in ber to do anything he liked to his joint committee on Rural Credits ot should draw the lowest rate, closely do my duty and maintain my inde­ the Republican ticket at the primal y election. If nominated and elected, I persuading many farmers that their head that would change his appear­ the United States Senate and House followed by the co-operative loans pendence. will do my best to give the county a cattle anu other live slock must be ance. Several patrons looked him of Representatives is now fairly be­ with limited liability. Loans made by S. S. Johnson. thorough business administration, inoculated and that all the infected over thoroughly and whispered to fore Congress, and its framers and the joint stock banks will probably I and being a large taxpayer myself, be the highest of the three classes. I To the Voters of Tillamook County. ones must be killed. He visited a each other that it wgs William Jen­ supporters hope to push it through will look after lhe taxpayers' inter­ The Bill a Compromise. farmer recently—a Russian, who nings Bryan. He was nearly an exact in substantially its present form dur­ ests and see that the tax money is Like most, if not all, legislation, I hereby announce myself as a can- I has been in this country but a year or counterpart of the great-peace-at-any ing the present session. economically expended, the taxpayers so and could understand but little jut price. The barber did a good job of it, Proceeding upon t'.ic basis of the this act will be a compromise. Neith­ didate for nomination for the office I get value fur their money, and all our language, and, after laborouHy cut his hair short at the sides and in well known fact that there is plenty er the conservative nor the radical of County Clerk, on the Republican i parts of the county get a square d«al. explaining to him that all his live the back, and when he got out of of money now in this country, wait­ advocates of the rural credits system ticket, at the primary election to be I Respectfully yours, stuck would have to undergo a cer­ the chair he was much changed in ing long-time investments at low rate will get just what they want. The held in May, 1916. S. G. Reed. government will only assist in fur­ Respectfully, tain treatment and be quarantined, general appearance. When of interest and demanding only ab ­ asked J. C. Holden. he found that the man had serious v u* caused ’ "■ _ to _ want his appear- solute security, the committee having nishing the capital. But large latitude, what him To The Voters of Tillamook C°unty. and, it would seem, ample opportun­ Vi 'v «v "-J — *' *’ objections to anything of that kind, ance n changed so radically, he said: charge of the drafting of this meas­ ity to secure cheap capital through To the Voters of Tillamook C°unty. as he had a number of veal calves “Well I am big ajid fat and look so ure appear to have constructed a sys­ I herewith announce mysilf as a that were ready to be marketed, and much like Bryan that I am constant­ tem which will serve two worthy cooperation will be given the farmer. candidate for the office of County I am a candidate for the Republi- he also sold milk from his cows. The ly being mistaken for him, and I am purposes; First provide the capital Security there must be, and the idea can nomination for . Joint Senator for Surveyor of Tillamook County, sub­ inspector insisted and the Russian getting tired of it. People ask me needed by the farmers, on long time of the government loaning money to Tillamook, Washington, Lincoln and ject to the will of the Republican . voters. If nominated and elected will was finally forced to agree. He left why 1 don't believe in preparedness— at low rates; second, furnish an op­ farmers or any other class on terms Yamhill counties. 1 endeavor to perform the duties im­ the officer to attend to the work, and people I have never seen before—and portunity for the safe investment of which would not be safe, or not ac- T. B. Handley . I posed upon me with justice an J im- a few minutes later the officer's as­ when 1 tell them I do, they ask me the money referred to, much of cepted by individuals or other in- terests, is not generally shared, As partiality. sistant came and told him that the why 1 preach against it, when I tell which is comparatively small individ­ this bill is drawn, security for the To The Voters of Tillamook County Harry P. K err. Russian had hidden all the chickens them 1 am not Bryan, they apologize ual amounts, and must be accumulat­ I bond holder would also seem to and was carrying his beehives out in­ with a snicker and a smile. 1 decided ed by some intermediary agency be­ I hereby announce myself as a can ­ nean security for the borrower. Un­ to a field and hiding them behind a that 1 would be getting sued for dam­ fore it can be available to the bor­ der the conservative plan of making didate for the office of County Com­ To the Republican Voter» of Tilla- mook County. hay stack. The officer went after the ages for assault and battery if it kept rower. The second result is of course loans specified, the probability of any missioner of Tillamook County on incidental to the accomplishment of fellow and asked him why he had up much longer, so 1 I conclude.' lhe Democratic ticket at the primary concluded to loss which would inconvenience any 1 I am a candidate for the Republican election on May 10, 1916. hidden his chickens and bees and have my appearance changed. I I won- the first. nomination for Circuit Judge v. the Those who wish to study the pro­ borrower, even under the limited where he had put them. At first the der if my wife will recognize me Geo. R. McKimens. liability plan, would be remote. iqth Judicial District comprising posed act in detail should send for fellow was obuurate, but the inspec- when I get back home.” I Tillamook and Washington Counties The bill as it now stands should be Notice to Votera. House Document No. 494. A brief tor finally located them and assured I at the May loth, 101& primaries. and doubtless will be amennded and resume of its principal features only corrected in minor respects, but fun­ him that there was nothing wrong, i Geo. R. Bagley. Labor Cost on Farms. can be given here: I hereby announce myself as a can­ | again asked him why he had hidden damentally it is presumed to repre­ didate (or the office of County Sheriff General Plan. them. "Well” replied the farmer, in To the Voters of Tillamook County. There seems much reason for fear­ Government supervision is provided sent the majority opinion. The gen­ at the Democratic primaries to be broken English, “you won’t let me cral plan as now outlined may be too eral sell the milk or the calves, so I ing a greater scarcity of farm labor to be exercised by a Federal Farm cumbersome and unnecessarily ex- held on May 19, 1916. 1 I hereby announce myself a< a N. J. Myers. thought may be you might want to in the West and Southwest this year Loan Board of five members, ap­ pensive, but such defects should be | candidate for County Coroner on the stick that needle in the bees and the than in any previous year for a long pointed by the president and paid out asily corrected. To The Voters of Tillam°ok County. Republican ticket at the primary chickens and would stop me from sel­ time. In fact, such a scarcity is al­ of the general treasury. The govern­ election to be held in May. ready beginning to be felt by the ment will subscribe whatever capital ling the honey and eggs, so 1 hid Respectfully, I hereby announce that I am a can­ What An Irish Man Means By farmers in some sections who arc al ­ is needed for putting the system in them. In Russia, when the govern­ Dr. S. M. Wendt. didate for the nomination for the of­ “ Machree. ” ready trying to secure men for the operation, after the public has had ment officers come to your larm to fice of County School Superintendent see what you have got, what you dont spring plowing. Should conditions three months time in which to sub­ The Springfield Republican recent­ at the primarv election to be held in continue as they now are, a great scribe the same. Provision is made T. HOI Iti hide from them you are sure to lose, ly printed the following lines, no May. and I thought it might be the same scarcity of labor during the harvest­ for the return of the government’s mention being made of the author: Geo. B. Lamb. ing season may be confidently looked subscriptions through later sales of way here. ATTORN KY-AT LAW. for. stock, but the government will retain Pray come and interpret the Gaelic To the Voters of Tillamook County. for me, Complete Set of Abstract Books tn The prime condition out of which control of the entire system perma ­ Sister Sue, you know that, old as I ----- o----- And tell what an Irishman means by Offlce. I am, 1 pride myself on my ability as a this siauation grows is one created nently. hereby announce myself as a can- “Machree.” The country will be divided into ! didate for the office of County Sheriff runner. Well, I am quite sure that 1 by the war in Europe. And the agri­ Tuxee Paid for Non Resident«. What an Irishman means by Machree ■ on the Republican ticket at the pri­ can outrun any man in my neighbor­ cultural industry is not,and will not twelve districts, with a federal land T illamook B lock , ’Tis the white of the day, be, the only one affected. Railway bank in each. These banks must have mary election to be held in May. hood with but one exception—an And the warmth of the sun. Tillamook .... Oregon Respectfully, Italian, who has been working for me lines are now more than 10,000 men a capital of at least $500,000 which The ripple of waters that laughingly forms the nucleus of the system. It is short of the number they could easi ­ Fred H. Minich. Both Phones. several months. He is rather slow run; ly employ. They cannot get the men this capital stock which the govern ­ when it come to ordinary wdrk, but The sweet bloom of youth, To The Voter» of Tillamook County. of the laboring class they most need ment takes, if the public does not. under proper conditions he is faster And the harvest of years; These banks will make the loans to T. BOALS, M.D., than lightening.. With his wife and for use in construction and repair The gold of all smiles, and the salt oi I hereby announce myself as a can­ baby he occupies one of my tennant work, because that class of workers, farmers, through local associations, all tears. didate for the nomination by the Re ­ houses across the creek and recently practically all unnaturalized foreign­ and after accumulating mortgages to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ’Tis the thrill of the hand, publican party for the office ot Dis­ 1 ascertained that he is very fond of ers, has been greatly diminished in the amount of at least $50,000 will is­ And the light of the eye, trict Attorney, to be voted for at the numbers. Many of these men have sue bonds of various denominations, Surgeon S. P. Co. chicken. One night, not long ago, our The glow of the cheek, and the lips’ next regular primary election. If colored house woman come into the been called back to their native land which may be purchased by anyone (1. O. O. F. Bklg ) parting cry; elected to the office, I will perform | desiring to invest, or by banks wish­ kitchen very much excited and said: and forced to take up arms. ’Tis father, ’tis mother, the duties of such office laithfully Tillamook .... Oregon. ing to use them as security for public Jomes J. Barrett, assistant state la ­ "A tall dark complected man is back ’Tis brother or wife. and conscientiously. bor commission of Missouri, is quot­ deposits. From the proceeds of these ob de hen house, a-squinten at dem The music of women's, the wine of T. H. Goyne. ed as saying that “Farmers this year bond sales more loans will be made. chickens.” Picking up a revolver from man’s life. will be forced to pay from $5 to $6 a The Local Associations. the drawer of my reading table. I To the Voters of Tillamook County. '^yEBSTER HOLMES, ’ Tis all that he lives for, Ten or more farmers, desiring to day for men to harvest their crops. , went quietly to the back of the house ’ Tis all that he lives for, Farm labor is done almost exclusive- borrow not less than $20,000 (not less ATTORNEY-AT LAW and opened the door. At once 1 rec­ by native laborers, but these have than $200 nor more than $10,000 each I hereby announce myself a candi­ And hopes for above; ognized the man who was just climb­ been attracted to factories and shops date for Sheriff on the Republican 'Tis an Irishman ’ s heart making vocal COMMERCIAL BUILDING, may unite and form a national farm ing over the fence and I started after ticket, subject to your approval in the his love; in the wave of prosperity that has ldan association. Loans may be ob­ FIRST STREET. him. He saw me and went back over envelopedthe country. Corporations tained for productive purposes only, May primaries. ’Tis the whole of creation, the fence at a single leap. 1 fired a operating large plants have made Respectfully, One isle in the sea; or to buy a home or pay existing in­ TILLAMOOK, - OREGONj shot into the air and at the sound of John Aschim. vacancies more attractive by increase debtedness constructed for one of And that’s what an Irishman means the gun the chicken fancier got down in wages.” The artificial conditions these purposes. No loan can exceed by “Machree!” to leg work in real earnest, going are working to increase the drift Irishman means by To The Voters of Tillamook County. rp H. GOYNE, 50 per cent of the appraised value of What an ----- o over tall fences at a single leap with­ fromfarm to city. After the war ends, the land. The borrower must engage "Machree!” I wish to announce myself as a out even nudging the top timbers. At there will be hard and trying prob­ in the cultivation of the land mort­ candidate for the office of Joint Rep­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the end of half a mile he was so far lems of readjustment in the United gaged. Hughes Sentiment Grows. resentative for the Counties of Tilla­ ahead of me that I gave up the chase. States as well as the countries which i Appraisal of lands offered on se­ mook and Yamhill at the Republican Office: O fcobitk COURT JI ousk , The next morning when he came to are now trying to fight the war. Be­ curity is made by the loan committee The growing and spreading senti­ primaries in May. work he squared himself with me by fore such a readjustment is liable to of the local association and approv­ Tillamook - < fregón. • F. A. Rowe. acknowledging his wrongdoing and be reached, however, the farmer must ed by the directors. This appraisal is ment for the nomination of Justice Hughes foY president is one of the promised not to repeat it. Did you face a problem of his own. growing referred to the appraiser of the land most remarkable political phenomena To the Voters of Tillamook County. ever run faster than last night?1 I out of conditions imposed on hi in bank of the federal district. The ap­ m a generation. Without one word of J2)k 'JACK OLSEN, asked him. “Only once,” he replied while the war continues. plication is then finally passed upon encouragement from him and without I am a candidate for the Republi­ with a grin, “and that time I had the by the bank directors. an organized propaganda, the Hughes can nomination for District Attorney DENTIST. chickens.” Each borrower is required to sub­ sentiment waxes in every section. at the Primary Election to be held Not One of the Elect. scribe and pay for stock in his asso­ The Literary Digest recently con­ May 19th, 1916. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Cousin Tom, according to this al- ciation to the amount of 5 per cent of William Marx. manac, the weather this month will 1 A Chicago publisher registered at the face of the loan. The association, ducted a poll of the Republican editors of the country, which showed Tilltimook . Oregon be “variable,” with snow on the 17th, I 1 the Hotel Cecil in London recently, in turn, invests this amount in stock To the Voters of Tillamook County. an overwhelming sentiment for ----- o----- 18th, and 19th, followed by clear and and was assigned to a room next to in the Federal Land Bank. Hughes. The Nation polled its read­ cold. Now, I would like to know the top floor. The following morning I hereby announce myself as a can­ Loans may be made for periods not ers in nearly all the states, with the ,. When there when the w'eather was not "variable”. he rang for a bellboy. didate for nomination for the office of IJR. GEORGE J. PETERSEN exceeding thirty-six years, lhe rate same general result. A poll of the was no response to the second call These weather calculations are often County Sheriff, on the Republican will be 'ne rate the bonds draw, plus made at random, but once and a while he lifted the telephone receiver and not exceeding I per cent, which is al­ recent Republican State Convention ticket. If nominated and elected I of Kansas revealed that more than DENTIST, waited in vain for "Are you there? ” they come out all right. Some years shall endeavor to enforce the law with lowed the district banks tor operating ago a friend of mine published an al­ Failing to establish any communica­ expenses and profits. The farmers ot half of the 853 delegates were for efficiency, and economy. Successor to Dr. Perkins manac. When he sent the manuscript tion with the office he dressed and the bill contemplate that the bonds Hughes, while only 77 were for Col. Respectfully to the printer the compositor saw started to register indignation. The will be readily saleable at 4 per cent, Roosevelt, long a favorite in the W. L. Campbell. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. that he had failed to predict what elevator wasn't running. He began to which would not appear unreasonable Sunflower State. The Boston Trans­ cript has polled the Repubilcan mem­ To The Voters of Tillamook County. sort of weather there would be on the walk down. On the fourth floor he considering their character, This rate, Sth day of August. When told of the met a housemaid and asked in strong plus the 1 per cent allowed the banks, bers of the Massachusetts Legislature finding that 75 of the 140 questioned I hereby announce myself as a ^ARL HABKRLACH, omission, the publisher said: “Put language what was the matter with would make 5 per cent the farmer were for Hughes. It should be borne Democratic candidate for the office ir: a heavy hail storm,” Readers of hotel. would pay. In addition he must pay in mind that the governor and both of County School Superintendent ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the almanac ridiculed the prediction I “Well, sir.you see, ’:r,” came the not less than 1 per cent annually on United State senators in Massachus­ subject and it became a topic of conversation answer, "the Zeppelins were report­ the •*— principal —'— of his loan, on , t]le etts have been "mentioned” for the held in to the primary election to be T illamook B rock May, 1916. in the country stores. Friends of the ed, and we were all ordered to the amortization plan. One per cent an­ nomination and all three had friends. H. M. Cross. publisher backed his faith in the pre- . cellar for safety.” nually for thirty six years Vf*are nova ♦ k pays the There was also some strong Roose­ Tillamook ... Oregon "---------1” After which the guest diction by offering to bet that it was loan in full. The I per cent allowed velt members, chosen under a fusion To the Voters of Tillamook County. right. The day came and was warm said: “Well, I’m on the next to the the banks will probably be largely re­ arrangement, but only 23 signified and sultry until about 4 o'clock in the top floor, and I wasn’t warned.” duced in practice. The bonds are lim­ their preference for the Colonel. In Candidate for nomination second ELMER ALI.EN afternoon, when a storm came up i “No, sir,"was the bland reply, "but ited to 5 per cent. hundreds of county and many con- term, on the Republican ticket, at you see, sir. you don ’ t come under which brought the worst hail storm I Two Forms of Liability. ' primary election in May, for County gressional conventions the mention (Successor to Dr. Sharp), ever known in that section and which the employers’ liability act, sir.” The farmers, through their local of the name of Hughes has brought Assessor. did a great deal of damage. Of course associations, may assume either lim­ tremendous applause. Respectfully, DENTIST. the publisher’s almanac found ready­ Southern Pacific Issues .New Illus- ited or unlimited liability. The limit­ C. A. Johnson. The movement is generally spon- sales and people generally pinned trated Folder. I ed class arc liable for all the loans taneous. There have been other Commercial Building, Tillamook their faith to its weather prognisti- made to the extent of their capital "spontaneous” movements that were To The Voter» of Tillamook County. cations. Some years later I asked the A beautifully illustrated folder stock, and as much more, or 10 per carefully fostered by political walking Acting on the advice of friends publisher how he came to know there "Four Gateways to the Pacific Coast” cent of their own loan. The unlimit­ delegates. But the Hughes sentiment was going to be a hail storm, and he has just been issued by the passenger ed are liable for all the loans made, is among the people. There are some from all parts of the county and the QR. L. L. HOY, urgent request of many, I announce replied that he didn’t know anything department of the Southern Pacific. without limit. strong political influences opposing for nomination PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON about it, but thought it was as good This folder gives a general descrip­ I Every federal land bank guarantee» Hughes, with more or less frankness myself a candidate __ a guess as any of the others, and no tion of the Southern Pacific routes the payment of every bond and cou­ as to motive. There arc several po­ for County Clerk on the Republican T illamook B lock , one was more surprised than himself to the Pacific Coast through Portland pon issued by every other federal litical somnambulists and comniloqu- ticket at the primaries in May. Respectfully, land bank. The plan in this respect ists who are busy in the primaries, when the hailstorm came, but it kelp- ; Ogden, ElPaso, and New Orleans Erwin Harrison. Tillamook, - - Oregon. A prominent feature of this folder is somewhat similar to the bank but it is a matter of common know­ I ed his business alright. Jenkins was talking weather to me today, as he is a two color map with illustrated in­ guarantee system. ledge that if Justice Hughes signified To the Voters of Tillamook County. Security of the Bonds. nearly always does when we meet, serts which show at a glance the a willingness to accept the nomina­ Every farm land loan bond will be tion the air would be filled with the and his guess is that we will be pret­ many scenic attractions of the West­ I herewith announce myself as a secured as follows: ty sure to have even weather during ern states, and fittingly bearing out noise of the explosion of boomlets. candidate to succeed myself as county 1. By the capital, reserves and No matter what the result of the first surveyor. If nominated and elected 1 February, from the fact that the the Southern Pacific’s new slogan, ATTORNEY changes of the moon are about equal­ i "All the Pacific Coast is a show earnings of the land bank which is­ ballots under the weird primary laws, will continue to enforce the same sues it, and of the eleven other banks. when the Chicago convention gets policies practiced by my office in ti e ly divided between a.m. and p.m. ' place.” AND 2. By the collective security of ail Representation is given Oregon and Then he rolled his eyes skyward, down to real business, the delegates past, that of conducting it strictly on COUNSELLOR A II.AW. twisted his nose downward and learn­ Washington with eight pages of text the mortgages in the division. will be found for Hughes. As for the an Engineering basis, efficiently and Every mortgage back of the bonds T illamook B ixxk . economically. edly proclaimed that the moon came and illustrations. Views of Seattle, justice himself, he should remember in in Perigee; will be in Abogee on Tacoma, and Portland are show-n, to­ will be secured by: Tillamook - . Oregon. Respectfully, what John Hay said, when offered I 1. The personal undertaking of the the 13th and get back in Perigee on gether with many of the scenic points ROOM NO. 201. ___________ R. L. Shreve. . the state portfolio when he was the last of the month. Just for the fun of interest, such as Mount Rainier, borrower. weary and broken in health: "I accept For County Treasurer. 2. The mortgaged land, worth at of it I pretended to be puzzelcd and Tacoma, Mount-Hood, Rogue River, it because it is an office that one can least twice the amount of the loan, asked what he meant by juggling the Crater Lake and the Siskiyous. C. IIAWK, hardly refuse. ” I hereby announce — myself 3. By the capital, reserves and , . as __ a The new folder is printed in orange moon around in that way, and you candidate for the office of County earnings of the local association in- and black. Its whole arrangement and ought to have heard him snort. TILLAMOOK PEOPLE T reasurcr of Tillamook County, sub­ “What do I mean by Perigee and design should make a strong appeal dorsing the loan. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. GET INSTANT ACTION ject to the will of the Republican vot­ 4. By the individual liability of the I to the tourist, and should result in Apogee?” he asked, commiscratingly. ers at the 1916 primary election. members of the ' ___ __________ local association beneficial results to the Pacific North ' vVhy, I thought that every intelli­ Those who have used it in Tilla­ Buy City Oregon Respectfully, gent person knew their meaning. west. The publication is to be given (limited or unlimited). mook are astonished at the instant B. L. Beal«, The bonds will be exempt for tax ­ wide distribution throughout the East. action of simple buckthorn bark, When the moon is in Perigee it is _ _ Copies can be obtained by addressing ation. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka To the Voter* of Tillamook County. nearest the earth, while in Apogee Joint Stock Banks. Because it acts on both upper and the point of the planet is most dis- j Mr. John M. Scott, General Passen- E. REEDY, D.V M., Provision is also made for the or ­ lower bowel, one spoon fui Adler-Fka I hereby announce myself as a tasit from the earth.” But what has ’ scr Agent, Southern Pacific, Portland ganization of joint stock lard banks, relieves almost any case constipation, candidate for the office of County that to do with the weather?" I in- Oregon. privately owned, but with govern­ sour stomach or gas. It removes such Commissioner (North end) Tilla­ quired, and he hegan what promised VETERINARY. Some two years of workings of the ment supervision. These banks wi.l surprising foul matter that a few mook county on the Republican tick'd to be a long and exceedingly confus­ Both Phone«. ing explanation of the infl-ience of present Tariff law seems to hive con­ not be limited as to interest charge», doses often relieve or prevent Spp'-r - at the primary election to be held in treatment helps I May, 1916. Luna upon the earth's atmosphere, vinced the President that something except that it must not amount to dicitis. A short Tillamook - more than I per cent in excess of the chronic stomach trouble. J. 8. Lamar, < fregou D. F. Thompson. but I stopped him by saying that it more is needed than we have. J I 4