Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, April 13, 1916, Image 1

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, -III
Pfít/DENT MA/y
Houses to Rent, see Watson.
Ray & Co., is paying 5 cents for
Born to the wife of Alva Williams,
on Tuesday, a son; on Saturday to
the wife of Henry Farmer, of Hebo,
a daughter.
Get your lime rock or Sulphur
Spray at Tillamook Feed Co. We also
have the International Stock Food
Remedies sold on “money back"
I have orders for a great number
of calves and am n°w buying all
I can get. When you have a calf
for sale its money in your pocket
to call me up. Am able to pay and
will pay fancy Prices for Durham
Bulls. Red Poll Bulls, Durham,
Red Polls and Holstein Heifers.
Can also use chickens.—Both
Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN.
For Sale, Cheap, lot in Brighton
Take notice! The True Blues will
Beach, Oregon, in Block 81, lot No.
2, for $250.00 cash. Writ* Peter tntertain the Old Golds at the Guild
Damis, P. O. Box 501, St. Helens, Hall, Tuesday, April 18th.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Anderson,
"Crushing the White Slave Trust" Henry Tohl, Jr. and Bert Gresham
is a feature picture at the Star Thea­ were down from Nehalem on Wed-
tre Friday only. Each and every nesday on business.
women in this community should take
Wilbur Stillwell is fixing up his
their daughters to see it.
gasoline launch, as he will take a trip
Having taken charge of the auto­ along the coast, going as far as San
mobile department of Case’s Garage, Diego in the vessel.
I solicit your patronage in the future
A report was circulated this morn­
as in the past and will guarantee sat­ ing that W. G. Dwight was married
isfaction, Frank H. Devine.
the previous evening, but on making
Protect your valuable papers from investigation we found there was no
the unexpected fire by renting one of truth in the report.
our safe deposit boxes. Only one
W. G. Dwight vs. Lewis L. Smith,
dollar per year.
Tillamook County Frank Holmes and Pearl E. Handley
i/fi ank /s a afe lace for it
is a suit filed in the circuit court to
Wanted, to trade about one acre of recover $221.15 paid by plaintiff for
Money PILEI) I P in the bank is the one sure protec­
river bottom land on the Trask river, delinquent tax certificates.
tion against the storms of adversity.
with small hou^t on it, for a small
To give those who have not had
No man who has a home and family should endanger
runabout auto. Apply at the Head­ time to register, owing to being em­
light office.
the security of his home or the comfort of his family
ployed during office hours, County
should he be taken away from them.
The Oddfellows of Tillamook are Clerk Holden will open his office on
from 7 until 10
making preparations to celebrate on . Saturday
MONEYrIN THE BANK will best insure the com­
the 26th of April, the 97th anniver- o’clock for that purpose,
fort of a man s wife and children. As you earn money
sary ol Odd Fellowship. Appropriate
The steamer Sue H. Elmore will
bank it regularly and make your family independent.
exercises are being arranged for the , make weekly trips between this city
. — _
. .
. J
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
and Portland. She was tied up last
W e have made special arrange- winter at Astoria. When she left here
We pay 4 per cent.interest on Savings Deposit.
ments with the Telephone Co., to I 1 this week she had a large cargo of
cheese, mostly for the California
connect you directly with our office, market.
1 in case you wish any of our GOOD I
George Moskos vs. A. F. Coats
COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W Driving and Boom Company is a suit
Don’t forget those busted castings. filed in the circuit court growing out
of a contract for the construction of
Can be welded for half. Goods sent a logging road, plaintiff claiming the
Ray & Co., is paying 5 cents for by parcel post and express promptly logging company is indebted to him
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, to the amount of $6,422.49.
The Eastern Jubilee Quartet gave
Fancy Plymouth Rock Eggs, for Oregon.
an excellent musical entertainment at
1 setting, for sale, 15 for $1.25. Mrs. I.
For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls, the city hall on Monday and Tuesday
* and two calves, 1 year in Spring, A. J. I
* I W. Hiner, Hemlock.
Wise and Massey, Dentists.
evenings, which proved a musical
’ Your Free Sample of Briquets is C. C. Jerseys,from dams that test treat. The quartet was composed of
Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor.
. now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co’s, 300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. H. four versatile colored entertainers,
McCormack, Tillamook, Oregon, K.
office.—Bctter C. Lamb.
Ray & Co. is paying 5c for sacks.
F. D. 1.
M IS- and the repeated encores showed how
thoroughly the audience enjoyed the
Five cents for sacks, Ray & Co.
Miss Frances Gittens. daughter of entertainment.
outfit, complete, Call or write to J. S.
Good team for sale, See Joe Don- Prime, Bay City, Oregon.
* Rev. and Mrs. Ed. Gittins, was re­
C. I. Clough has decided to erect a
* i
cently elected Queen of May at the new concrete building on the lot now
E. T. Haltom bought the 23 acres of
Get your early seed potatoes at the land owned by W. E. Gladwell in the Willamette University. She will pre­ pccupied by the Tillamook Meat Co.
ruit Palace.
side at the May Day celebration, and Conover & Condit. Mr. Leach
southwest part of town.
which will be held May 15. There will locate his meat market in the new-
Piano for rent.—Apply at the City
For sale, cheap, vine maple and were two other candidates in the field
building now being erected by the
transfer Co.
spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hanen-
Saturday and Sunday at the Star First National Bank and the grocery
1 Bring in your prescriptions, Tilla-
Theatre "Tongues of Men,” a Para­ store will be moved to the garagq
For sale or trade, a 3 inch Mitchel! mount Feature Program, featuring formerly owned by Ed. Snodgrass,
iook Drug Co.
* I
Wagon for a cow. Apply to G. G. , Constance Collier, one of the most which has been fixed up for the new
Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ Graves, near Krebs brick yard.
, beautiful actresses in the world. Miss store.
mook County Bank.
A. A. Arstill, of Cloverdale, has ; Cert Her recently came from London,
Judge George R. Bagley entered a
I The place to eat is at the “Good moved his outfit to
Hobsonville I where she was a great favorite in her decree in the case of Harriet M. Ford
where he has a road contract.
vs. Earl G. Ford, the former suing
Eats,” Ramsey Hotel.
Mrs. J. L. Youel, who has been vis- for divorce. Attorney T. B. Handley
Six choice
registered Holstein
■ Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co.,
cows for sale, also registered Hol­ 1 ¡ting at the home of her son Rev. J. was appointed referee, who took the
B'illamook Oregon.
* stein yearling bull.—F. R. Beals.
* ; E. Youel since last October, left on evidence, and it was upon these find­
| Monday for Eugene where she will ings that the judge granted a dissolu­
I Bring your sacks to Ray & Co. and
Trap nested White Leghorns, O. A. ’ visit another son. Mr. Youel accom- tion of the marriage contract. There
C. and Tancred Stock. Eggs and baby ’ panied her as far as Portland where being no children born to the union,
■et 5 cents for them.
1 he is attending the Portland Presby- all property rights were settled be­
1 Dressmaking, Mrs. Marie Wade, chicks. W. S. Coates, Tillamook.
tween the parties.
« I Dairy ranch for rent,—Two miles ' tery this week.
forner 9th and Stillwell.
from Tillamook City. For informa­
A recital was given by the Junior
Furnished rooms to rent.—Mrs. G. tion address Box 17, Tillamook, Or.*
, from Columbia county, where the pupils under the direction of Mrs.
Willett, 3rd Ave. West.
Wc jd Sawed—Call E. W. Knight I Feeney-Bramer Co. secured the con- Koch, assisted by Frances Schrode.
Morris Schnal left on Monday to on the Mutual phone, Prompt service ' tract for the erection of a steel The object of the recital was to give
risit friends on the Sound.
bridge over Rock Creek, 15 miles the little ones confidence, and to
and careful work.
north of Timber. Mr. Feeney is hob­ show the mothers the work being
Furnished four room house for
For Rent—Store Building now oc­ bling around since his return with a done by the different pupils, Those
rent. Apply to E. J. Claussen.
cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety touch of the gout in his foot.
taking part were Leonard Bales,
I Wanted 5 good milk cows—enquire store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd.
Neville Smith, Lillian Groat, Mabie
lof W. B. Honey, Gladwell Dairy.
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ be reached next week between the Harrison, James Harrison, 1 Marian
Dr. Wise will work by appointment sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ Bayocean people and the County Robison and Frances Shrode. Mrs.
Koch finished the program by play­
for those who want him personally.* merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
Court, so that work on that road can ing two of Chopins Waltzes, after
. . _ which punch and wafers were served.
i be resumed. Instead of ripraping
You choose your doctor. Choose us
See Wise and Massy, the up-to-date
as your druggist—Tillamook Drug dentists, who have located perman­ about two miles of the road with rock
In an opinion given out by the At­
it is proposed to build a bulkhead,
ently in Tillamook, Bay City and Bar there being little difference in the torney General's office, in answer to
a question from District Attorney
cost of riprapping.
The Tillamook Meat Co. is paying View.
Goyne, the Attorney General holds
Lost—An automobile crank be­
coBectmg closed last week,1 that’ Jewish people' would not be'en-
7c. per pound for live fat hogs up to
tween Tillamook and Kilchis river.— a"n Sheriff Crenshaw and his staff titled ,O recc,ve th«t regular amount
225 pounds.
Firider please leave same at this of­ ....n
will have
posted * and
J to­ of liquor, even though the liquor was
Jitney Service: Auto .'or hire at all fice.
taled up in a day or so, the Sheriff's wanted for sacramental purposes.
hours. Phone 53J Day—154J night
We use only the purest drugs ob­ office having worked long hours the The Jewish People celebrate the pass-
tainable to enter into your prescrip­ past few weeks, so as to keep up with over this month at which ceremony
Lee Slyter.
tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook the work. Most of the taxes were paid wine is used in administering the
Have you prescriptions to be filled? Drug Co.
* in half payments, the next half to be sacrament. According to the Attor­
paid by next October.
We can fill any prescription.—Tilla­
ney General those who have received
48 acre dairy farm and cheese fac­
mook Drug Co.
' their two quarts will not be able to
The Water Commission has decided
tory in Lincoln County for sale. For
Hear the Royal Trio Friday even­ particulars address Wm. Crispicn, to retain John Aschim as collector. get more to celebrate this religious
ing at the Christian Church. Admis­ Rose Lodge, Oregon.
As a matter of economy, the office of ceremony. The Attorney General al­
sion 25c. and 15c.
city recorder and collector for the so ruled that the provision in th* law
E. H. Whitney a former principal
Water Commission was amalgamated allowing 2 quarts of vineous liquor
Whose daughters feeds the beast? of this school district, is a cand.datc
<___ L.2---- but as Mr Aschim resigned as city or 24 quarts of beer in one month,
Watch for Friday night's program for county school superintendent of
recorder, this will necessitate having did not allow both, and one family
at the Star Theatre.
Multnomah county.
two persons to fill these positions can receive either the two quarts of
booze or the 24 quarts of beer, but
Rhubarb Roots and a few 3 year
For Sale, 80 acres timber land. Sec. and at an extra expense to the city.
people will not be allowed to mix
old crowns for sale. R* B. Hays, Till- 8, Tp. 3, S., -R. 10 W.,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Peterson en­ their drinks in any four week period.
amook Oregon.
County, Oregon. Make me an offer.
tertained at a dinner party on Wed­
Dr . J. G. Turner, formerly of
D. F. Thompson was in the city on
nesday evening in honor of Mrs.
Having bought the Tillamook Iron
Lowe & Turner, eye special­
Saturday. He is a candidate for Coun­
Oatfield, of Fortland, who is visiting
Works from A. K. Case all business her sister Mrs. M. E. Gruber. The ists of Portland, will be at Jenkins
ty Commissioner.
Jewelry Store Friday and Saturday,
For rent hotel and store building from Sept. 1st wiil be transacted by evening was very pleasantly spent April 21-22; at Cloverdale April 19th;
* with 500. Those present were Mr. and at Beaver, April 20th. Dr. Turner de­
at Netarts.—Apply to Geo. W. Phelps H. Sander.
Mrs. M. E. Gruber, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Garibaldi, Ore.
For sale, small team, also a young Holmes, Mrs. Ootfield, Mr. and Mrs. votes his entire time, energy and ef­
Full Blood Barred Rock eggs for maYw’-ffve years old, weight about F. Heyd and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. fort exclusively to the eye. He is a
graduate of the Northern. Illinois
setting, 50c. Apply to E. L. Stewart, r-Md.’cXpply at L. J. Larson, at Tom Peterson.
I College of Opthamology and Otology
Tillamook Oregon.
Lvs'tcr ranch. South Prairie.
County Commissioner
Fry and and has had more than 18 years of
Johnson, of Clatsop Countyj stopped HARD PRACTICAL EXPER­
in Seaside on tehir return from the IENCE, and knows his business
inspection of the new highway from thoroughly in all its branches. This is
\ .■
Hamlet to the Tillamook County line no side line. Dr. Turner gives your
that was graded last summer. They eyes a most thorough searching and
report the road in first class shape as scientific examination with the latest
a whole There are a few slides as a improved electrical instruments, and
result of the heavy snow and rain when he prescribes glasses it is with
which will have to be attended to and positive and absolute assurance that
when this is done and four bridges they are the best and only kind suit­
built the road will be ready for use. ed to your eyes, if you do not need
It is expected all this will be attend­ glasses he will tell you so frankly
ed to by July I for summer travel. No charge
ge for consultation or exam­
Graveling of the road will not be. ination. Satisfaction guaranteed. Con-
done until next year.
Tillamook County Bank
Tillamook Jottings.
Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00
Member Federal Reserve Bank
B. C. LAMB, President.
W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier.
J. C. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent.
I. E. KELDSON, A.H3Í8tant Cashier
C. J. E dwards .
P eter H eisejl .
A. W. B unn .
J. c. H olden .
W. J. R iechers .
B. C. L amb .
Careful Attention Given to all Ranking
Business Placed in Our Hands.
A young girl wishes a position to
do house work, good cook, apply at
this office.
The Star Theatre engaged two
- -
gentlemen from Portland ■ to furnish
special music Wednesday night but
they very suddenly disappeared.
Registration Closes Tuesday.
------ o►—
The registration
County will close on Tuesday next,
and those who want to get their
names on the polling books and vote
at the primary election on the 19th
of May, must register by the 18th.
The registration thus far, is below
that of two years ago, and unless the
registration is more brisk the next
few days it will be below that of 1914.
Up till last Saturday the registration
was as follows:
Republican ............ ......... 1395
Democrat............... .......... 357
Prohibition, ........... ........
Progressive .......... ..........
Independent ........ ..........
Socialist .................
No-Party ............... ........
1 I
race between Tillamook and Bay < ity
between the Bay City High School
boys and the Freshmen boss of the
T*llamook High School. Each team
vs >11 endeavor to deliver first 1 • the
Mayor of Bay City, a message from
Mayor Brodhead of Tillamook. Each
team will have seven runners, each of
whom will run a p- rtion of the- dis­
tance in relay.
Clean-Up Day.
• Mayor Brodhead has announced
May 22nd to May 29th for a general
clean up of the city. These are the
dates that are set for a spring clean­
ing throughout v>r<*gon, and Tilla­
mook City needs it as bad as most
other parts of the state. This means
also the repainting of old buildings.
The Women's Civic Improvement
League will take an active part in the
clean-up campaign, which is one
method of beautifying the city. There
are still a large number of old fences
that should be torn out and old rot­
ton sidewalks that should be replaced.
It is expected that Tillamook City
will make rapid strides from now on
in divic improvements, although it is
somewhat backward in that respect
to other live and prosperous towns
there is no reason why a decided ad­
Another Opportunity to Register.
vance cannot be made to beautify the
To give those who are employed city this year.
during the day and have no time to
register during office hours, County Dr. De Busk to Speak Saturday night
Clerk Holden will open his offic?
next Saturday evening at seven and
Dr. De Busk, of the University of
remain open until io o’clock so as to
accommodate those who have been Oregon Extension Service will speak
unable to register for the above cause. Saturday night at the City Hall. Dr.
Next Tuesday is the last day to regis­ De Busk will be remembered by all
who heard him at the County insti­
ter for the primary election.
tute last fall, as ope who spoke with
unusual interest ahd intelligence on
County Principal’s Club to Meet.
some popular sides of Physology and
Education Hi« «object has r.ol been
The Tillamook County Principal’s announced for this lecture but it can
Club will meet at Bay City Saturday, be counted upon to be both interest,
April 15. An interesting and valuable ing and valuable. Dr. De t’-’sk comes
program is being arranged which under the auspices of the Parent
everyone is invited to attend. The Teachers’ Association. It is expected
speaker of the day will be Dr. Dc- that the association will hold a short
Busk, an extension lecturer of the i business meeting lust before or just
University of Oregon. A number of I I after the lecture. This lecture is en­
local men will speak and musical en­ tirely free. Everyone is invited to at­
tertainment will be provided
by tend. Dr. De Busk is the first Ex-
Messrs. Humbert and Boyd. Another i tension Lecturer to como to Tilla-
feature of the day will be the relay ' mook this year.
Drop in and book Around ” Ï
A Wired Home
is within the reach of all
No matter how small and inexpensive your home, you c?n
give yourself all the conveniences and comfort» of tne most
costly residence» at surprisingly small cctst. You can wire a
single room if you wish—your living room for the conveniente
of electric light, your kitchen for the use of labor saving house
hold helps, or any room you may designate. The charge depends
absolutely upon now much you wish done.
There are thousands of low-priced three- and four-room
cottages in thi» country wired for electricity—Electric light
cost» but one-tenth what it did twenty-five year» ago—Need jron
deny yourself this greatest of all comforts?
A jí us for a firict n jronr
Opposite First National Bank