TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. APRIL 6. A very good object lesson was given as to the working of the Oregon Sys­ tem in the recall agitation, and as to .IO the sovereign rule of the people wc Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 heard so much about from politicians | who wanted to get into office on the Business and Professional cards Oregon System hobby horse, when one month...................................... t.oo it was charged that the County Clerk 05 Locals per line each insertion. . and the District Attorney were the 1 individuals who defeated the will of Display advertisements, an inch ■50 the people. Those who started the re­ one month..................................... call agitation demanded that the All Resolutions of Condolence County Clerk call an illegal special 05 and Lodge Notices, per line . election, and because he refused to do I so, this is what they published. 1 hey Notices, lost, strayed or stolen are the ones who defeated the inter­ etc., minimum rate, not ex­ .25 ests of the people of the North dis­ ceeding five linea ..................... trict when they took the law- into their own hands in this matter. I he snap shot man does not believe the citizens RAI LS OF SUBSCRIPTION in th- north part of the county want­ (Strictly in Advance.) ed the County Clerk to call an illegal $1.50 One Year .............. election Far from it It is plain to see •75 that a few individuals at Nehalem Six Months .......... • 5° set themselves up to be the dear 1 hree Months .. . “peepul” under our Oregon System and they were the ones who endeav­ THE TILLAMAAK HEADLIGHT ored to force an illegal election on the county. So much for our Oregon System and the sovereign rule of the people. — ■ ■■ (J — . ■ - ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisement*. First Insertion per line ............ $ Editorial Snap Shots ft must be all fair in love and poli­ tics. As soon as Attorney Johnson announced himself as a candidate for circuit judge, lodge Holmes aspira­ tions took a slump. I more money by some one else^ | he throws up his job for the higher prize. Sometimes preachers do this. The greatest gambling joint is the stock exchange, where men are ars poor as church mice one minute and millionaires the next. 1 here are the wheat pits and other pits where men gamble in fortunes and the staff . of life. Even the marriage contract is a gamble, for often people marry for money and young women become old men’s darlings with the expectation of getting the old fellows dough . And we have known churches to give jack knives to boys to keep them in the Sunday School, as well as other bribes. For fear we may be stealing some of the thunder out of the preacher's sermon for next Sunday, if this is to he his line of thought, we will give way to the Rev gen'leman to argue from his view point, hut we are going to stick to our contention that the preachers and the goody, goodv folks who play rook for prizes and those who play whist or too, for prizes, look all alike to the snap shot man. CURLS COMING INTO FASHION ONCE AGAIN. 1916. WISE & MASSEY, Denstists, Have Opened Offices in the Tillamook Block, Room 205, Our Bridge Work up to.date, and we guarantee it in every way. By our pain­ less method we can grind the teeth and lit the crowns with­ out nain. Rooms 205 and 210. Phone Main 5. Office hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Daily Except Sundays. Other times by appointment. Also offices in Bay City, Phone 213. Bar View Hotel and Te*it City, Phone 32F5. It is safe to say that Tillamook County will expend the next few Flowers in the Hair is to Be Another 1 Jv„._ half ___ _ a million dollars in hard years Style Which Will Be Revived sulfating the main road through the By N^w Type of Millinery. county, f rom present indications this I ------ o- money will be expended on cement 'I he way to keep taxation higher is pavement. Now, suppose the cement A tendril of Camilla’s hair. to keep on agitating for new roads. pavement should do the same as it is Caressed her neck in manner rare I he County Court is up against it at doing in other towns, go to pieces I begged of her the shining strand I this term, for there are several road under heavy travel, there would be, And stroked it with a tender hand. petitions to be acted upon. ami rightly too, considerable com­ I Then when perverse she said me nay ----- o------ 1 snipped that golden curl away; plaint. The snap shot man is fully We know all good Republicans are aware of the fight that is going on I But when Camiilia saw it there 1 for the anxious to go to the polls between the advocates of different 1 he lovely curl she used to wear, purpose of swatting the Democratic I. materials, who cannot say one good Her pouting lips began to twitch, re- free trade party, but we want to called me a lawyer I’d knock him J ELAND B. ERWIN, word for one another, but for all that, “I here now, ’ she sobbed, “you’ve A Demand for Higher Wages. mind the voters that registration for a careful investigation should con- spoiled my switch." down.” the primary election will close on the , lince anyone of the merits and de- PIANO INSTRUCTION. “Why, sir,” said the judge, point­ ------ o------ Railroad trainmen—less one fifth of 18th of April. I merits of the different materials. The Diploma from Chicago Musical New York, March 31.—Little allur­ the army of railroad employes—have ing to one of the counsel, “that gen­ tleman is a lawyer and I, too, am a ' snap shot man is not satisfied with College.—Beginners receive the same What’s the use of having a sewer concrete, and although we hope we ing, wholly feminine, fascinatingly authorized the leaders of their four lawyer.” frivolous curls are coming in again. brotherhoods to demand a new wage system and then allow a lot of dirty, are wrong in our surmises, it will not careful training as the most advanced. “ No, no, ” replied the fellow; “ no, io bob their wee fat sausage scale on ail the railroads of the Unit­ stinking cesspools to remain at the surprise us ninth that this county is 1 my lord. You are a judge, I know, Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ lengths in front of a pair of pink ed States. back of private homes? Most of us going to have a whole lot of trouble but I’m sure you are no lawyer.” ears, to top in a bewildering cluster tion. This is the first nation wide rail- i thought the sewer system was put in and expense thrown upon it in the fu­ All lessons given at Studio. to rid the city of these germ breeding ture, for should the cement pavement ot tiny corkscrews the crown of a road wage movement in this country. , It has often been asserted that one places. The fly nuisance cannot be prove a failure, what a hard predica­ dainty young head, or to nestle in While all men in train service have Irishman was the equal of six other County Representative for the successfully combated when t these ment it would leave the county in. one sinuous tendril in that delectable joined in the concerted demand, the nationalties, when it came to a mixed Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high hollow between a dimpled shoulder Higher wages asked would be receiv­ row, but the feat of the lone German, grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos places are allowed to remain. I 1 Before any more money is expended and a rounded throat. ed by the trciglit and yard men, who who single handed captured a British etc. I 1 on concrete roads in this county the Yes, they are coming in, hut it is With every thing used in the matter should be more thoroughly in­ safe to predict that the most of them outnumber the passenger men four to steamer and compelled more than SO duction of a newspaper going men to do his bidding, will wrest the vestigated. Every taxpayer should be will easily come out again. Curls such one. T. BO ALS, M.D., ward, a good many newspaper The essential features of the de­ laurels from the sons of Erin.—Ump­ vitally interested in this matter for as these arc easier pinned in than craniums and are scratching their when it tonics to expending half a grown 111 at the whimseys of the mands are that wages shall be calcu­ qua Valley News. wonder what is best to do. It will million dollars the next fiw years in lated on the basis ot eight hours for PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. mode. certainly have the effect of placing hardsurfacing loo miles instead of ten hours for the county roads, no They are sure to be haled with de ­ Miss Barrett Completes Task. Surgeon S. P. Co. more newspapers on a cash basis. chances should be taken in spending same distance; and that over time But to overcome the loss which now that laige amount on material that light by all the purveyors of human shall be paid for at one and a half (I. O. O. F. Bklg ) A transcript of the evidence in the confront newspaper men. they will will prove a failure in a few years. hair who have suffered two learn times the new higher hourly rate. years from the penchant for pealed case of the State of Oregon vs. Wil ­ Tillamook .... Oregon have to do the same as other business The snap shot man wants to impress The increased pay that would be re­ men arc doing, and that is to raise this upon the County Court and the coiffures au naturelie, with no false ceived by these employes under this liam Branson was completed early hair allowed. this week by Miss Blanche Barrett, the rates in advertising and subscrip­ taxpayers, so as to be sure that the schedule is estimated at from $75,- To be sure hair is still to be worn court reporter in Judge Belt’s depart­ ■^^EBSTER HOLMES, tions. taxpayers' money is not going to be pealed and slicked back from the 000,000 to $100,000,000. ment of the circuit court. The trans­ ------ o------ This is not a demand for an eight wasted on material that is not of an "Thai’s what they all say”— Bro. enduring nature. The snap shot man feminine brow, but the softening in­ hour day as the eight-hour day is cript is one of the largest ever pro­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Trombley fell all over himself in giv­ is a booster for a hard surface high­ fluence of an occasional stray curl or known in other occupations—eight duced in connection with Yamhill two is a concession to the frills and COMMERCIAL BUILDING, county court work and covers 550 ing the district attorney all the taffy way through the county, but not for hours’ j,ay for eight hours’ w ork. pages of typewriting on legal cap pa­ in the recall agitation, notwithstand­ hard surfaced roads that will not ruffles and hoops and bonnets of the The men in passenger service who FIRST STREET, per. Miss Barrett spent many hours ing the district attorney's office stand heavy travel, which they will be present old fashioned fashions. l’aiticularly are the bonnets re­ earn very high wages working four, at her huge task and looks forward TILLAMOOK, admit that it was the county clerk who subject to in this county, we cannot - OREGON five and six hours a day well know was llie first to look the matter up enthuse oil that subject until we are sponsible for the recurrence of curls lhat the brotherhoods arc not asking with pleasure to the completion of and the Shepherdess poke of Wat ­ the transcript of the evidence pre ­ and advise those who had filed the positively satisfied that the taxpay­ for an eight-hour work day. The petition, that they did not have suf­ ers’ money is not to be fooled away teau shape is mother to the Niniche seniority men in freight service, who sented in the trial of Mrs. Booth, rp h . GOYNE, coiffure which consists simply in ficient names. This is another instan­ on roads that have not the lasting are earning very high wages on elev­ which will be approximately the same ce of how narrow Bro. Trombley is qualities, for we do not want any one drawing the hair hack sniothlv from en, twelve, and thirteen hour runs, size as that resulting from the Bran­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. the face into a cluster of soft puffs at son trial.—Observer. in his views., for it is plain he wanted to "come back" at us in the future would bitterly oppose and effort of Io slober all over the district attor­ and taunt us thould the cement pave­ the crown of the head with a few the brotherhoods or of the railroads ^-Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , clustering ringlets escaping at the ney. to limit them to an eight hour work T. BU A Ta ment prove a failure. We may add nap of the neck. Oregon. I further, that no contract should Tillamook be Just to make it even more piquant day and thus reduce their wages more A A To every person who is thoroughly let for hardsurfacing roads unless a nearly to the level of that paid work­ a narrow black velvet ribbon is tied ATTORN EY-AT LAW. familiar with the great white plague ten year guarantee is given, which is I around the cluster of puffs on the ers in other industries. it is conceded that when persons are a protection to the taxpayers. It head’s pinnacle. A workday of fixed length, whether Complete Set of Abstract Books in in the last stages of consumption, seems to us lhat if anyone will make Office. Another popular high head dress of four or eight or twelve hours, is that it is only a question of time when an investigation, taking in all the a la 1830 has the hair waved and part­ clearly impossible in railroad train Taxes Paid for Non-Residents. DENTIST. they will tall victims to that dread towns between here and Ashland, ed in front with three short curls over service. The length of a day’s service T illamook IP. ock , disease Under these circumstances, they can obtain valuable information each car and a soft fan like puft for a depends upon the speed of trains and (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) we think it is .ihsurcd for any so call­ and facts from individual citizens, top knot. - . . Oregon the length of runs. Some employes Tillamook - ed religious denomination to hold That is a trip the County , Court _____ Both Phones. A low head dress with two fat work a short time every day and earn Tillamook - Oregon out .my hopes ot their recc'-ery.. It is should make before any more money sausage curls to bob over cither ear high wages; others are on duty long­ true that a drowning man will grab at is expended on cement roads. We are has the rest of the hair drawn er hours, with many days off, and al­ a straw with the hope of saving Ins publishing a few facts in this connec­ smoothly back into a tinv bun. so earn high wages. The location of life, and this appears to be what some tion on another page w hich makes in­ £)R. GEORGE J. PETERSEN Flowers in the hair is to be another terminals, the character of traffic, persons are doing when they grab at teresting reading and should set the reviving clinging vine fashion. Ami the demands of shippers, and many Christian Si u nee with the hope of taxpayers thinking before they jump the roses of June will be borne to other factors make and standard DENTIST, being Hired, when there is no known headlong into something where there blush forninst an equally rosy ear length of workday in all kinds of cure for persons who arc in the last are serious doubts of the wisdom of while garlands of the smaller flowers train service a physical impossibility. Successor to Dr. Perkins stages of the gri.it white plague l hat their plans. 1 he demand of the trainmen is will crown the Lilys, I’ansvs and has been fully demonstrated right lrankly one for higher wages for ser­ Myrtles of the human family. ^OREGON. TILLAMOOK, In-re in Tillamook. I he bands that bind will still con­ vice which they are now paid far One of our local preachers asks — •—o——- above the average enjoyed by work ­ tinue on the job anil the brow’ in the < >nc of the most commendable cn- this question: form of a picot edged ribbon or black ers in other occupations. 0ARL HABERLACH, ‘‘If a man plays 500 for a jack-pot, velvet with a little love knot behind. terptises undertaken in this city is I tin cl (mt ot the Women’s Civic Im­ and a woman plays 500 for a tea pot, I rulv this mad preference for love, His Unyielding Attitude. provement l eague to beautify the and the man has violated the state knots and love knots argurs a certain ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. city. Il is true we have lagged (ar be­ law, what has the women done?” variety and piquancy for the breach A man ha, goiter to be firm wid hind other cities in this respect; hut, T illamook B eock I he snap shot man will attempt to ot promise cases of the near future. there is no reason why we should do answer this question, for it seems to 1 o lengthen the monotony of the women it he ’spects to be de head of Tillamook ... Oregon his own household!" stated Brother so any longer. We want to add a be so easy. Here it is: eternal love letters with a love kHot some choice fall word of encouragement to th$ | "They are in the same class with of rose ribbon or a tendril of bur­ Clank, a skimpy little hornet of a League , as well a, ask the citizen, the preachers and the goody, goody nished hair surely ought to influence man. Dey s all alike, sah! \ ou gotter boars and gilts that am to unite and put forth every effort to citizens who play rook, and they are all Jailed jurors for the new hair be firm, or dry'll ride yo’ a-bug-hunt- R. ELMER ALLEN in wid der notions. 1 udder day, me beautify the city the coming summer all tarred with the same brush.” making a special low price modes as well as their merchants and mull wife don had a little 'spute with flowers. Some little improve and ribbon clerks. (Successor to Dr. Sharp), Probably this is a pretty hard crack bout a po tion o de Scriptures, and to make room for my spring iiii-nt was made last year, but it fell she not only lost de ahgvniunt but pigs. Can supply short of what should have been ac- to make, but when it comes to de­ you with DENTIST. complished. Now- that the l.eague is fining card playing, we cannot see To The Voters of Tillamook County. picked up a skillet and slapped me down wid it. I riz in mah dignitude spring pigs of either sex un­ commercial Building, Tillamock making another effort, we feel sure it the logic of placing the ban on one will meet with hearty response from kind of cards and not on another At a request of a number of lar-c and div headfo'most under the bet, elated. I the citizens, for Tillamook City can kind, when the theory' of the games taxpayers and citizens. I hereby an­ and de whack she gimme on muh are identically the same. It is a de- be made as attractive and pretty as nounce mjself as a candidate for the posterity smacked me so fur dat muh batcable question whether those who ]2)R- L. L. HOY, other progressive cities All that is F.K.D. No. I, Tillamook office ot County Commissioner on head popped ag'in de wall at de back I necessary is a little energy and de­ play cards for prizes are gambling in the Republican ticket at the primary side. Dat was dcs, as a good a thing PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON termination. with the spirit of civic the strict sense of the term. There election. If nominated and elected I a, 1 wanted, sah. uh-kase by de time pride predominating in this effort to are quite a number of view points. will do my best to give the county a she had got me by de britches legs Some persons won't play with sonic T illamook B lock , make I illamook the dahlia city. administration, and was uh-pullm’ like a yoke o’ cards because gamblers play with thorough business Sidney E. Henderson, Pre». steers. I done har mah claws soaked them, but after all it is not the cards and being a large taxpayer myself, into a crack in de flo’ and was in de Oregon. Surveyor. Tillamook, Quite frequently business men want that is at stake, but the money To he will look after the taxpavers' inter­ the snap shot man to do them a favor consistent, they should also object to ests and see that the tax money is finest kind o shape to frusticate her John Leland Henderson. Sec ­ or boost for this and the other thing. having any thing to do with money. economically expended, the taxpayers deavors. retary Trea»., Attotney-at- ou,'n yo’ coward!” We arc generally glad to do so. es­ We contend that card playing is on a get valu- for their money, and all I. Coi?s Law, Notrary Public. OHN LELAND HENDERSON, pecially when it is a good | thing for par with all other games of amuse parts of the county get a square «leal. she yelled. Cotne on out twill I bust yo wide open wid di, skillet’’ the city or county am1 will help buii- went, such as chess, pool, billiards, . ...... _..d Respectfully yours, ?!“klun1’' Mv’ '• dcss >'ke dat. ness interests. We think business etc, and when played for amusement ATTORNEY S. G. Reed. Maddum, yo kin pul lat me and men should more fully appreciate and recreation docs no one any harm; I AND whack me (well yo’ get, plumb white what the Press is doing for the de in fact, when men’s minds are wrap- . in de face, but: yo’ Icain’t break muh COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. Law. Abstract«. Real Estate, Sons of Veterans Organise. velopment of the cit and countv, I u* ped up with the busy rush and tur- j manly ,plrlt Dinged if I’ll come out.” somehow there arr business men who moil of business, a little relaxation T illamook B lock , Surveying, Insurance. And I didn t. necder! Aw vo' got- do not do so. For instance, ive have and diversion are good things. Rut A tamp ot Sons of Veterans v.*s; Tillamook - . . - Oregon Both Phone». was given most of our work to one busi­ we don’t want to preach a sermon, organized here Iasi Saturday after­ ‘er be firm wid ’em. ,ah; linn a, a ROOM NO. 261. TILLAMOOK - • ORF GON. ness concern in this city for a num« for if we di O. I. C. SWINE JOE DONALDSON. n Tillamook Title and Abstract co. I Tillamook, Ot »gon. (Tillamook • - Orrgou