Vol. XXVI TILLAMOOK, OREGON. P000*“*50000®00^^ PENDENT MAN NANNE N/S MONEY Ray & Co., is paying 5 cents for sacks. J Lydid Gilmore is another nevel play next Saturday and Sunday night at the Star Theatre. Ride with Smithy. Auto trips any part of city or county. Good car. careful driver, Ira C. Smith, Both phones. Call me. Having bought the Tillamook Iron Works from A. K. Case all business from Sept. 1st will be transacted by H. Sander. » APRIL li.So PER YEAR. 6, COGGCOOSeOOGOOQOCCCOCGOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOQOOOOOOCCOGQO&Qi' ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. I have orders for a great number of calves and am n°w buying all I can get. When you have a calf for sale its money in your pocket to call me up. Am able to pay and will pay fancy Prices for Durham Bulls, Red Poll Bulls. Durham, Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. Can also use chickens.—Both Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00 Member Federal Reserve Bank I OFFICERS : A good evening’s entertaineinnt— For sale, small team, also a young guaranteed to please—the Eastern B. C. LAMB, President. mare five years old, weight about Jubilee Quartett at the city hall au­ ditorium next Monday and Tuesday W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier. 1200. Apply at L. J. Larson, at Tom Lyster ranch, South Prairie. * evenings. Reserved seat tickets at the Tillamook Drug Store—general ad­ J. c. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent. Get your lime rock or Sulphur mission 25c. Spray at Tillamook Feed Co. We also I. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier If you have any hogs to sell call us have the International Stock Food up on either phone as we are going Remedies sold on "money back” to ship a carload of hogs in the near DIRECTORS : guarantee. * future. We are also buying all kinds A. W. B cnn . E dwards . P eter H eisel . C. J. For Sale, Cheap, lot in Brighton of young calves and hides as well as Beach, Oregon, in Block 81, lot No. furs of all kinds.—Tillamook Live- W. J. R iechers . B. C. L amb . J. c. H olden . * 2, for $250.00 cash, Write Peter i Stock Co. Bell phone 8F22. Damis, P. O. Box 501, St. Helens, Frank Purdy was placed under ar­ Oregon, * rest on a complaint sworn to by See the Eastern Jubilee Quartet at Henry Plasker. The man represented Careful Attention Given to all Eanking the City Hall Auditorium, Monday himself to be an agent of the White and Tuesday evenings, April 10th and Sewing Machine Co., and was issuing & O i / r S ank / sa S aff P lace for it Business Placed in Our Hands. 11th. General admission 25c. Tickets ipurious contracts, He managed to make good, and was released on on sale at Tillamook Drug Store. Money PILED I P in the bank is the one sure protec­ Wednesday. Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Having taken charge of the auto­ tion against the storms of adversity. If sufficient patronage can be ob- mobile department of Case's Garage, No man who has a home and family should endanger I solicit your patronage in the future tained the A. F. Coats Lumber Co. *OQCOOO&9OQCOSC0O&OO4»QCOQCOOQ>OOOOGGC0OOCQO09OOQC<' OOC3 the security of his home or the comfort of his family [. as in the past and will guarantee sat­ will put in a steam heating system for the business portion of the city. isfaction. Frank H. Devine. should he be taken away from them. they are now a number of large room was a great success. Miami Farmers Want Bridge. MONEY IN 1HE BANK will best insure the com Protect your valuable papers from As buildings in this city this would be a Excellent meals were served to all the unexpected fire by renting une of great convenience as well as a reduc­ fort of a man s wife and children. As vou earn money A delegation of farmers from the in attcndence in.the dining hail of our safe deposit boxes. Only one tion in the cost of heating them. bank it regularly and make your family independent. Miami consisting of Tom Mead, the lodge, and much credit for the dollar per year. Tillamook Counts Make OUR bank YOl'R bank. Jonas Olson lost control of his auto Tony Baire and Jas. E. Hatch waited success of these are due to ilr. C. I. Bank. * Saturday, and the machine drove in­ on the County Court Thursday, with Clough and Capl. John Groat, who We pay 4 per cent.interest on Savings Deposit. Wanted, to trade about one acre oi to the Coast Power Co.’s office in the a petition for a bridge across the had charge. They certainly know bov river bottom land on the Trask river Masonic Building, breaking the plate Miami. The court seemed favorable to “do things,” and we suggest . . a with small house on it, for a small jlass window and smashing up the and the delegation seemed pleased side line they may engage in the res­ runabout auto. Apply at the Head­ machine some. It seems Mr. Olson with the County Court for their cour­ taurant business light office. * THE OLD RELIABLE instead of shutting off the gasoline teous treatment. There are ten chil­ Bring your hides to Dawson's Liv­ when he found he was headed in a dren of school age on Moss Creek Womens’ Civic Improvement Club alone that have no way to get to Calls f°r Bulbs. ery Barn, we are paying 16c. for calf wrong direction, did the opposite. school and this county can' ,‘t afford hides, 12c. for beef hides; sacks from A telephone message on Monday to in ignor- children grow up let its 2c. up to 4c. Old rubber and metal 5c. stated that Wm. G. Tait, late presi­ Tillamook should be the Dahlia City Frank Winer. * Houses to Rent, see Watson. dent of the First National Bank, was ance. of the Pacific Coast, as our climate • the father of a daughter. Mrs. Tait is is admirably suited to the culture of your tickets early—don't miss Notice. Ray & Co., is paying 5 cents fcr the Get Eastern i this plant. Our dahlias took the fit st Jubilee Quartet at the with her folks, at Kansas City, Mo., sacks. city hal lauditorium on next Monday but Mr. Tait is still in Portland, and After this date, March 30, 1916, we prize for exhibition outside of Port­ Fancy Plymouth Rock Eggs, for and Tuesday evenings. Reserved seat it is reported that that city is hardly the undersigned, physicians and sur- land at the National Dahlia Show ♦ Wise and Massey, Dentists. setting, for sale, 15 for $1.25. Mrs. I. | tickets on sale at the Tillamook Drug large enough to hold him since he geons, members of and forming The given in that city last tall. Though received the news. * Store. General admission 25c. Tillamook County Medical Society, our growers had made 11» effort to Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. ♦ W. Hiner, Hemlock. Your Free Sample of Briquets is j A telephone message on Monday The Shakespeare Club held its have agreed to send statements of ac­ raise prize blos»oins for exhibiting, won the silver cup which has Ray & Co. is paying 5c fur sacks. now ready at Lamb-Schrader C o ’ l morning from Garibaldi stated that monthly meeting on Friday after­ count every thirty days to all our pa­ they I an areoplane crossed over the bay noon at the home of Mrs. F. C. Baker trons and hope that all will endeavor been received and is soon to be for­ office.—B etterc. Lamb. Five cents for sacks, Ray & Co. when another profitable and pleasant to pay same promptly or call and ar­ mally presented to the city. For Sale—Three Durham cows, that morning going north. It was low afternoon The Womens’ Civic Improvement Good team for sale, See Joe Don­ coming was participated in, the range for payment. down when crossing, but shot out of fresh soon. Apply to Jacob To the poor will be given every Club has chosen the dahlia as its club aldson. * hostess serving a dainty lunch, The * sight as the weather was hazy. Tagman, Kilchis River. guests were Mesdames I. C. Smith consideration, but the fellows who flower and as the club is very «nxious Get vour early seed potatoes at the The High School Tennis Club will E. T. Haltom, Everett Hall and B. D. never pay, especially these who go to aid in beautifying the city, it wish­ For sale or trade a moving picture Fruit Palace. from one physician to another with­ es to urge every one to plant dahlias. outfit, complete, Call or write to J. S. give a ripping, roaring vaudeville Lamar. Bulbs planted ia your parkings and out paying their bills will be dealt Piano for rent.—Apply at the City Prime, Bay City, Oregon. * show at the Gem Theatre in a few Coming “ Avenging Conscience, ” weeks. The club is going to have a with accordingly and their names re­ yards will be a joy to yourselves, Transfer Co. * The story is a terrible picturization of For sale, cheap, vine maple and cement tennis court and is giving this your townspeople and the visitors ported to the society for reference. the power of conscience, it illustrates Signed: Tillamook County Medical during the summer. The people of • Brin" in your prescriptions, Tilla­ spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hancn- sho wto get the spondulex. the workings of a diseased mind. Il kratt, Tillamook, Oregon. * Tillamook have been severely criticis- mook Drug Co. * A sure cure for the blues—the East­ shows that mind flitted from heaven Society. edj and justly so, for lack of civic R. T. Boals. For sale or trade, a 3 inch Mitchell ern Jubilee Quartett at the city hall Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ Wagon for a cow. Apply to G. G. to hell. The clash between intellec­ pride. Let us no longer deserve such S. M. Wendt , auditorium next Monday and Tues ­ tuality and natural emotions results criticism but wake up, get to work mook County Bank. * Graves, near Krebs brick yard. I. . L. Hoy, day evenings. Reserved seat tickets in a hypothetical series of dramatic and plant dahlias or anything else J. E. Shearer, on sale at Tillamook Drug Store. The place to eat is at the “Good Six choice registered Holstein incidents. The cast speaks for the that will help beautify our city. W. C. Hawk. cows for sale, also registered Hol­ General admission 25c. acting. Gem Theatre. Some bulbs have been offered th« Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * stein yearling bull.—F. R. Beals. * club for distribution but we want all Hear these jubilee jubers jube—the Married on Monday at the Chris­ Death °f Mrs. Ida B. Fleckinger. Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co., we can get. If you have any to donate Have you registered? The poll Eastern Jubilee Quartet at the city tian Church parsonage, the Rev. H. for this purpose, please notify a mem­ hall auditorium on next Monday and A. Van Winkle performing the Tillamook Oregon. books close on April 18, which makes Tuesday Mrs. Ida B. Fleckinger, daughter of evenings—Reserved seat ceremony, Carroll F. Smith and Ida Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Goyne, died in ber of the City Beautiful Committee Bring your sacks to Ray & Co. and only another ten days to do so. tickets at the Tillamook Drug store. Hadley. The bride is a resident of Portland on Thursday, March 30th, or send them to Mrs. F. R. Beals, Trap nested Whits: Leghorns, O. A. General admission 25c. get 5 cents for them. Tillamook and the groom is an em­ and the remains were brought to this corner of 3rd Street and Sixth Ave., and Tancred Stock, Eggs and baby of the S. P. at Bar ~ View city. J he cause of death was tubercu­ East, by April 16th. Dressmaking, Mrs. Marie Wade, C. Lewis L. Smith vs. W. G. Dwight, ployee chicks. W. S. Coates, Tillamook. They will be distributed among * where they will make their home. Corner 9th and Stillwell. appellant, appealed from Tillamook The best wishes of their friends go losis. The funeral services was at the those who ask for them fir»t and last episode Don ’ t fail to see the of M. E. Church, conducted by the pas ­ G. "The Million Dollar Mystery,” at County to the Supreme Court, suit to with them to their new home. Furnished rooms to rent.— Mrs. ' to plant and faithfully care tor, Rev. Ed. Gittins, and the inter­ promise quiet title, opinion bv Justice Bean, for the same. The call is made espea- Willett, 3rd Ave. West. the Star Theatre Friday night. ment was in the 1. U. O. F. cemetery. On Friday evening April 14 the judgment of former Circuit Judge ially for dahlias but anything in the Furnished four room house for Royal Trio will appear in concert­ Deceased was born on June 5, 1872, line of shrubs, plants vines, est., that Dairy ranch for rent,—Two miles Holmes for plaintiff modified. « rent, Apply to E. J. Claussen. at Henry Clay, Northumberland the Christian will help beautify will be gladiv ac­ from Tillamook City. For informa­ We have made special arrange- entertainment at Pa. and was married to cepted and given out by the commit­ Born on the 22nd of March to the tion address Box 17, Tillamook, Or.* ments with tlie Telephone Co., to Church. J. Alphus Boyd, the reader, County, Michael H. Fleckinger on May 2nd, is a man of immense physical frame. tee. wife of Wm Robitsch, a daughter. I Wc jd Sawed—Call E. W. Knight I connect you directly with our office, He is noted for delightful comedy 1911, at Heppner, Oregon, and at the Bird L. Beals. on the Mutual phone, Prompt service time of her death was aged 43 Dr. Wise will work by appointment years, and intense dramatic readings. Chairmin City Beautiful Com. in case you wish any of our GOOD and careful work. * for those wno want him personally.* Madge Pearl Humbert, pianist, makes 9 months and 25 days. She leaves The City Beautiful Committee of the For Rent—Store Building now oc­ COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Cail 28W her instrument fairly speak. Harold beside her husband her aged father Civic Club is composed of the follow­ ' For sale, White Star and Burbank mother, six brothers and three ing members Mrs. F. R Beals, Mrs. seed potatoes. See Harris, the jeweler cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety Don’t forget those busted castings. F. Humbert baritone, who is at pres­ and ent English instructor in the local sisters, W. J. Goyne, Chester V„ T. K. W. Onthank, Mrs. G. B. I.amb, store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. ~ Todd. Can be welded for half. Goods sent You choose your doctor. Choose us High School, is already known to H., and C. H. Goyne, Tillamook, Ore­ Mrs. W. J. Hill, Mrs. J F Ferry, Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ by parcel post and express promptly Tillamook gon, J. S. Goyne, Hazleton, Pa., and Mrs. M. E. Gruber and Mrs. Fred as your druggist—Tillamook Drug music lovers. Co. * H. M. Goyne, Bridgeport, Pa., Frank Davidson. sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, The entire cast of "The Birth of a Goyne, Ancorage, Alaska, Mrs. Wil­ * The County Court is in session this merly of the Spanish Kitchen. Oregon. * Nation” will be found in "Avenging bur Singley, Hazelton, Pa., Mrs. J. week, this being the April term of See Wise and Massy, the up-to-date For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls, Conscience,” with the addition of M. Smith and Miss Edith Goyne, the court. 1 dentists, who have located perman­ and two calves, 1 year in Spring, A. J. Blanch Sweet. The octet of most Tillamook, Oregon. She joined the Episcopal church The Tillamook Meat Co. is paying ently in Tillamook, Bay City and Bar C. C. Jerseys,from dams that test notable stars are: Blanche Sweet, Mae Marsh, Robert Harron, Jose­ when a girl, but later united with the 7c. per pound for live fat hogs up to ( View. 300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. H. phine Crowell, Henry B. Walthall, Baptist church, and has ever since 225 pounds. * Lost—An automobile crank be­ McCormack, Tillamook, Oregon, R. Ralph Lewis, George Siegman, lived a very consistent Christian life M «5- Spottiswoode Aitken. tween Tillamook and Kilchis river.— F. D. 1. Interest accru­ and was loved and esteemed by all R. L. Wade was in the city on Tues­ Finder please leave same at this of­ Marriage licenses were issued to es especially to "Avenging Conscien­ who knew her. day looking after his business inter- fice. Carroll T. Smith and Ida Hadley, of ce,” from the fact that it is the most ests here. R M. A. Initiations. We use only the purest drug* ob­ Tillamook; John Hargert and Mabie costly picture ever exhibited in Jitney Service: Auto .'or hire at all tainable to enter into your prescrip­ Sook, of Cornelius, Ore.; Harley G. Tillamook, Moreover Mr. Griffith This has been a great week among hours. Phone 53J Day—154 J night tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook Witt and Dora E. Furguson, of Bay asserts it is a greater picture than the "Birth of a Nation,” and is the su­ local Masons, a class of nineteen be­ Lee Slyter. Drug Co. * City. preme achievement. Watch for the ing prepared for the degrees and in­ F. L. Buell, while driving his new date at the Gem Theatre. struction in the sublime mysteries of Don’t miss the big Paramount There will be preacring at the Ma­ Overland home on Saturday, was Royal Arch Masonry, Grand High feature at the Star Theatre Saturday ple Leaf school horse next Sunday, paying too close attention to the foot both morning and evening, by Rev. Priest of Portland, Clyde Evans, is in and Sunday. Divorce Suit. appliances, and the machine butted Aug. Olson. charge and ably conducts thr work, into a telephone pole, but a few dol ­ Have you prescriptions to be filled? showing his fitness for the office he We can fill any prescription.—Tilla­ W. E. Easom and wife left on Tues­ lars covered the damages. holds. Harriett M. Ford has filed divorce day for Milk River, Alberta, Canada, mook Drug Co. * Other companion* who are assist­ where they will reside on a farm they If a man plays "500” for a "jack­ I proceedings against her husband, Rhubarb Roots and a few 3 year purchased there. pot,” and a woman plays "500” for a Earl G. Ford, who were married in ing are John Koiloch, of Portland; old crowns for sale. R. B. Hays, Till­ ” and the man has violated Marion County on May 7th, 1908. The Dr. H. L. Toney, High Priest, of Mc­ That much talked of serial “The "tea-pot, amook Oregon. * the state law, what has the woman | complaint alleges that the plaintiff Minnville ami It. L. Miller, of Mc- If you have not the comforts of Girl and the Game” is running at the done? Hear Van Winkle next Sunday has supported herself and on many Minnville. The work of all these com- electricity you arc doing without f or rent hot-l and store building Star Theatre every Monday and night at the Christian Church on:i occasions made contributions toward panions is of a high and pleasing the greatest of modern aids to at Netarts.—Apply to Geo. W. Phelps Tuesday nights. "How about Popular Amusements?" the support of 'he defendant, and has nature, and all local Masons certain- housekeeping. Garibaldi, Ore. * given bim money earned by plaintiffs ly appreciated their efforts. Something absolutely new in the Electric light is inexpensive, safe Plantation melodies, coon shouts, own efforts, which money he has I I Following are those who took the and beautiful. FI< tri. ho-st i.- Id Full Blood Barred Rock eggs for I way of a sermon on "Popular Amuse­ degree: Cooper Jennings, J. W. Jen- frequently squandered in dissipation popular and classical music — the **,t*nS. 5oc. Apply to E. L. Stewart, ments” at the Christian Church next appliances cost little to run and Eastern Jubilee Quartett at the city and riotous living. That defendant nings, T R Elliott. J. W. Gilbert, save hours of time and lahor Tillamook Oregon. * Snndav night. hall auditorium next Monday and occasionally became intoxicated, and Erwin Harrison, J. II. Holgate, Elmer it does not cost 'Finch Tuesday evenings. Reserved •eat on such occasions would call plaintiff I Hall. Dr. S. M. Wendt, E. J. Schilling to Remember your house for <’ tticity tickets on sale at the Tillamook Drug vulgar and profane names. Plaintiff Ira C ‘Smith, E. G. Munson, Karl W. and wire it can be done without mu«’, also alleges that she provided money, Onthank, T. R. Cardiff. ~ Prank Hvd'-, Store. General admission 25c. irt or disturbance of your h use­ at the request of defendant, who de­ E. E. Koch, F. C. Robinson, C. B. For many weeks “Avenging Con- \ cided to go to the State of California Stanley, Frank A. Rowe and Morris hold. A telephone will bring our wiring man—his estimate* will