TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 30. 1916. 'ARM MANAGEMENT demonstr a tions . Statistics of Dairy Farms in Tillamook County. I I I I I I business with the average of all fifty-seven farm* $22,422 00 3,149.00 32400 55-00 20.00 JU 454-00 34 109 63 23 17 17 Table II.—Relation of Number ofCo ;s to Labor Income. Range in No. of Cows. A veruge No. of lows. No. of Farms. 20 40 Less than 29 cows. 29 or more cows. . A ver age Receipts per Cow. 4 10 in labor income seems to be a var­ farms. Below is a table bringing out of the receipts per cow on labor per Cow to Labor Income. No. of Farms. $62 74 90 Less than $70 pen cow, $71 to $80 per cow .. . $81 or over per cow. . $274 524 31 20 A second reason for the variation iation in the quality of cows kept on the this factor. This table shows the effects income. Table in.—Relation of Receipts Range in Receipts per Cow. No. making Labor Labor incomes Income. over|7uu. No. making Labor Labor Incomes Income. over |7UU. o 5 9 17 22 ¡8 It is not enough however, that your cows be heavy producers. They must produce economically. The following table shows the importance of getting a high return on the feed fed. Table IV.—Relation of Stock Receipts per $100 Worth of Feed Fed to Labor income. Runge in Returns. $130 or less.. $1 ji to $104. $105 or more. Average Return un |iuu Feed. $113 *43 181 Labor Income. No. of l'urius. $122 337 953 18 21 18 No. making Labor incuuics over>7uu. o 3 il .. The farmer with a small herd of high producing cows stands a much bet­ ter chance of making a good profit than does the man with a large herd of poor cows, t he next two tables show that the large herds with cows better than the average made a labor income is somewhat near four times the labor income of the large herd with cows producing less than the average cow and twenty-tive times as much as the small herd of poor cows, the small herd of high producing cows made nearly three times as large a labor income as the large herd ot low producing cows, and eighteen times as much as the small herd of low producing cows. In which class do you fall? Table V.—Relation of Number and Quality of Cows to Labor Income. (A) Cows producing better than $76 per head. Range in No. of Cows. 30 01 more cows........ i-ess t.'ian 30 cows . . . Average No oi Cows. 3» ‘9 Labor income, No. of Furnia. •3 ‘3 No. .making Labor lucoines uverp'uo. $846 5z° 7 4 $215 32 3 u (B) Cows producing less than $70 per head. 26 or more cows. . Less than 20 cows 39 aO 15 10 v rp1 H. OREGON - GO Y NE. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Oregon. Tillamook jack ° lshn ’ DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon GEORGE QR. J. PETERSEN DENTIST, JOE DONALDSON. 4- F.R.D. No. 1, Tillamook OREGON. ^ARL HABERLACH, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. T illamook B eock Oregon Tillamook ELMER I —has the marvelous “Vortespoon” one piece skimming de­ vice. ALLEN (Successor to Or. Sharp), DENTIST. Commercia! Building. Tillauio. k Gets Aii The Cream —can be cleaned in 3 minutes. A leader for 20 years. Ask for Catalog No QR. L. L. HGY, Bi PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Oregon. Tillamook, POPTLflNO V J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, Three farmers made labor incomes over $700 with cows poorer than average, $70 or better per head, me cnances ot making a good labor income with poor cows are very light. now much return per acre is necessary to make a good labor income? Should the average tanner strive for me highest possible return per acre? After studying these records it would seem that a good return per acre is necessary Uimake a good labor income, the larmers with low returns per acre did not make good labor incomes, but neither did those farmers with the highest return per acre make good labor incomes. Most of the high labor incomes were made on those larms securing from $35 to $60 return per Notice of Completion of Street Im­ time as the consideration thereof may be continued to. provement. acre. The following table shows the relation oi returns per acre to labor Dated this March 20th. 1916. income. John Aschirn, Citv Recorder Table VI.—Relation of Returns per Acre to Labor Income. Notice is hereby given that the Cit’y of Tillamook City, Oregon. Engineer ot Tillamook City, Oregon, No. making Average Labor Labor incomes Range of Returns Ktiurii» No. of has filled his certificate of completio n, HEAR WITHOUT EARS. Income, overfZuu. per Acre. per Acre. Farms. and his approval of the work of the ’.m- provment of the following deser'.bed 90 ............... 2 $35 or Less. 15 ............... $ $ 9° $30 . streets, to-wit: All that portion of Police and Detectives Are Using Lip >30 to $54.. 28 ............... 570 ............... 8 Reading in Place °f the Dic­ 45 Second Avenue EaH, extending from 5J8 ........ 4_______ the north lide of Ninth Street South to $55 or Over 14 ............... 53* tagraph. 05 ------ o—.. the South end of Second Avenue East. With land values as high as they are in this area it would seem that it is Also that street sometimes described Thousands of deaf people are today necessary to get a fairly large return per acre in order to make a fair prom. as Twelfth Street, which connects throwing away all • hcsmng devices However, when the returns per acre get up much above >64 the expenses the south end of Second. Ave- and enjoying all conversation. This necessary to secure such a return is apt to take all the added income and may nue East with the South end method is easily and quickly acquired reduce tne profits besides. 3 he farmer s net returns per acre must be above of Stillwell Avenue, from the through our system. Absolutely the 125-00. West side of Second Avenue East! only thing of its kind in the country. 1 he discussion this far has shown that the size of the farm, the number West 211.5 feet to the West side of the f ^lur proposition is entirely original of cow’s, the receipts per cow, the returns per $100 worth of feed, the number street running South elong the range Cost is trifling. See what New Inter !---- ' ” Encyclopaedia says on Lip and quality of cows and the return per acre are all factors which have great line between Iwp. 1 South Range 9 — national influence lfi the success of the dairyman. Which of these factors arc the most West, and Twp. 1 South, Range 10 Reading. Hundreds of people with important? A study of the foregoing tables shows that receipts per cow and West, W. M.. and that certain street, normal hearing are taking up Lip returns p