TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 30, 1916. DEMOCRATIC FREE TRADE. What the Leading Newspaper* About It. Say Free-Trade has sickened every true American, and then slapped a war­ I tax stamp on all the medicines. A Tariff commission of five mem- hers, each drawing $12,00 per year, would offer a fine heaven for a few "deserving Democrats.” Shall the Uuited States be a work­ ingman's paradise or a jobless man’s perdition? The answer lies in wheth­ er it shall have Free-Trade or a Pro­ tective Tariff. The State of Georgia is trying to send the biggest man in America to Congress, bqt even should he be elec­ ted and carry to Washington 600 pounds avoirdupois, when he witnes­ ses what the American voters have done to his free trade theories, he will feel distressingly small The Free-Traders have agreed to let the tariff on sugar remain. It brings in forty millions annually, and the Lord knows (yet we don’t believe He cares) that they need the money. It seems better to get the necessary sash that way—by a war tax, than by selling bonds, as was their alterna- tive in C-Icveland’s Free-Trade reg- imrs Our free trade President is said to be a man capable of changing his mind rapidly, and it must be admitted that he has demonstrated an unusual ability in this direction on the matter of the Tariff, But when the European war is over and Mr. Wilson witnes- see the incoming cargocs of foreign- made goods that will destroy Anteri- can enterprises he will yet have another think, of the policy of preparedness and in the indorsement of diplomatic notes to belligerent nations. The Demo­ cratic House is so blinded by Partis­ anship that it acts like a bunch of grammar school boys on vital ques­ tions needing statesmanship and broad patriotism. Congress ha* wasted a deal of time; the country is getting disgusted, too. Nothing of importance has been done. After a while, near the close of the session, and when forced to it, there will be a flood of ill-considered legislation, and perhaps some monu­ mental blunders. 1 hese times and the war clouds on the horizon, call for a higher grade of statesmanship than has so tar been revealed in Congress. A Suggestion. Some of Cal fornia’s represenatives in Congress, who (being Free-Trad­ ers) ought to know better, have urg­ ed President Wilson to consent to a Protective Tariff on citrus fruits. Four of them waited on the Profes­ sor and told him that the growers of California were losing money because the Italian and Sicilian were dumping their products in the United States. Of course they are, and every one of these Congressmen voted for the Tariff that enables them to do it. It said that the President promised to consider the suggestion carefully. He will pigeonhole it. Meanwhile the people of California had better consider the suggestion that the way to get Protection for California’s fruits iudustry is to elect more Pro­ tectionists to Congress. At present only three out of a delegation of elev­ en are Protectionists. ceased to exist, and for our “benevo­ lent” intermeddling in the internal af­ fairs of a sovereign people we have acquired their eternal hatred. And yet the president’s defenders continue to prate of high ideals and altruistic motives! We may yet be compelled to go to war with Mexico, and if we do we will fight it to a conclusion, but no glamor of conflict will concea the ugliness and futility of the that lead to it. WISE & MASSEY, I Denstists, \ SEE THAT SOFT UPI Have Opened Offices in the Tillamook Block, Room 205, Prices of Shoes Advance. The price on shoes is going up rap- I from all idly, according to reports f. . . . dealers. s t _ «T _ wholesale 1 . he _ s boost will be caused by sharp advances in the cost ; of raw materials, as a result of the j war. “With the manufacturer it is not a question of price so much as scarcity of raw material,” stated G. B. Spencer, a prominent wholesaler. 1 "Many have not been able to buy ■ more than half the amount they need. 1 While imports of calf skin have de- 1 creased 55 per cent, exports have in­ creased too per cent. The total ex­ port.« of leather and tanned skins in­ creased heavily last year, while ini- 1 ports of cattle hides have decreased. ! Sole-leather for women’s shoes has increased 50 per cent in cost and | m ,000,000 in 1915 as compared with of buttons. The last year of the Taft experts, after a study of the possibili­ cotics. The ingredients published on didate for the nomination for the of­ Respectfully, fice of County School Superintendent wrapper and free to the world. 1914. The exports for December in­ | administration the button factories ties, found that the cream could be C. A. Johnson. at the primary election to be held in For i.ll diseases peculiar to women, creased 30 per cent., though there along the Mississippi River were all recovered by running the whey May. Dr. Pierce ’ s Favorite Prescription is a were 1,500,000 more men in the army working. The first year after the Wil- through a regular seiitrtfugal scpcra- To the Voters of Tillamook County. Geo. B. Lamb. For nearly fifty and navy than the year before. Yet 1 son administration came into power tor. I hey gave the result of the stud­ powerful restorative. years it has banished from the lives of there are some people in this country the button manufacturers began to ies to a large Wisconsin cheese fac­ -I hereby announce myself as a tens of thousands of women the pain, To the Voters of Tillamook County. so stupid as to believe that we have I have trouble disposing of their pro­ tory and assisted in the equipment of candidate for the office of County ------ o------ worry, misery and distress caused by ■ othing to fear from competition duct anil the work began to slacken. the plant for the additional work. The irregularities and diseases of a feminine I hereby announce myself as a can­ Commissioner (North end) Tilla­ with Great Britain when the soldiers On October 3. 1 9 13. the Underwood venture was successful from the first, character. Buy it npw, in liquid or didate for the office of County Sheriff mook county on the Republican ticket return to industrial persuits of peace. bill was passed and the button Tariff and the other cheese factories of the tablet form from your druggist or send on the Republican ticket at the pri­ at the primary election to be held in May, 1916. was greatly lowered. At once began state rapidly entered the "whey but­ 50 cents or $1.00 to Doctor Pierce’s mary election to be held in May. D. F. Thompson. We need not to be clairvoyants to ' large shipments from Austria and ter” field. Now tens of thousands of Invalids' II >tel, Buffalo, N. Y., for tab­ Respectfully, sense the fact that after the war this Roumania of the shell buttons such pounds of the butter are recovered lets. Write for free book on woman’s Fred H. Minich. To The Voters of Tillamook County. country will become the dumping as arc made by the factories along annually in the single state, and the diseases. To The Voters of Tillamook County. ground for the manufactured pro­ the Mississippi. As a result all the industry has spread to all the oilier I herewith announce myself as a duct* of the great European countries button factories closed until after cheese producing sections. If you will pay the mailing charges, I announce myself as candidate for candidate for the office or County now at war. Men who guide the vast the beginning of the war in August, The whey, of course, is not rich in Doctor Pierce will send you his cloth­ Surveyor of Tillamook County, sub­ enterprises in those countries arc not >9'4- butter fat, ami large quantities are re­ bound book of over 1,000 pages, newly the office of County Surveyor on the ject to the will of the Republican somnolent, but fully awake to the ter­ It would be interesting to take a quired to produce ati appreciable revised with color plates and illustra­ I Republican ticket, trusting to my pro-- voters. If nominated and elected will rific struggle there will be in the fu­ poll of the button workers in the Mis­ amount of butter. The 1 lie whey -of of a I fessional record of fifteen years in endeavor to perform the duties im­ work ac.d ture commerci.il and industrial activ­ sissippi Valley. Will they vote the thousand pounds of milk, for instance tions. Send three dimes or stamps to I handling engineering ities, the procuring of markets and Democratic ticket this year and de- will produce but a couple pounds of Dr. Pierce, Invalids’ Hotel, Buffalo, through college preparation to re­ posed upon me with justice and im­ N. Y., and enclose this notice. commend me to the voters at the partiality. the sale ol accumulated stocks. There prive themselves ■’ of jobs after thc butter, but the department’s experts Harry P. Kerr. coming primaries. is only one thing that will frustrate war closes? proved that it pays to save even this C. E. Ward, Sandlakc. this plan to deluge this country with small proportion of butter fat, pro­ To the Republican Voters of Tilla­ LANG’S MINERAL WONDER. the products of cheap European la­ viding the plant is large enough to To The Voters of Tillamook Coitnty. mook County. Wilson and Mexico. bor—forcing our own workshops to handle as much .as 10,000 pounds of -------0------- close their doors and our unemploy­ milk per day. The "whey butter ” is of 1 hereby announce myself as w can­ I am a candidate for the Republican Senator Lodge'* arraignment of t lie ed to grow in numbers— and that is good quality, the dairy specialists For—Eczema, Rheumatism, Diar­ didate for the nomination by lite Re­ nomination for Circuit Judge on the the restoration of a Protective Tar- presidviit for the mistakes of his find, and -has become popular for ta­ publican party for the office ot Dis­ 19th Judicial District comprising rhoea, Piles, Catarrah of the Head, iff through the demand of the Amer- Mexican policy has brought forth a ble use throughout the cheese-making clamorous chorus ot proteals from Disease of the Kidneys, Inflamma­ trict Attorney, to be voted f-jr at the . Tillamook and Washington Counties icau electroratc. next regular primary election. If at the May 19th, I9j6 prtmanet. the press of his part), protests that, districts. It sells at a price a trifle tion of the Eyes, For Burns, For elected to the office, I will perfowm Geo. R. Bagley. in some cases break into incoherent less than that for ordinary creamery Cuts. Running Sores, Blood Poison, Wilson Not Interested. butter. the duties of such office laithfn Jly I want to say this before the w hole babblings of hysteria. His defenders Stomach Trouble, Asthma, and and conscientiously. To the Voters of Tillamook County. fact of affairs was changed in the would be calmer it the facts and all T. H. Goyne.. Tuberculosis. Largest Payro'l in World. practical common sense were not economics of the world by the war, I I hereby announce myself as a BILL WITHROW was not in favor of a tariff hoard, be­ arrayed against them. They have but AGENT. To the Voters of Tillamook C°un :y. candidate for County Coroner on the one argument and that is founded up ­ There arc about 61,41» locomotive cause the purpose of it then was ap- Republican ticket at the primary Tillamook, Oregon. parcntly to keep alive an unprofitable on a pretended affection fur the Mex­ engineers, 64,400 firemen, 48,000 con­ I hereby announce myself a can di­ I election to be held in May. ican people and a wholly hypocritical ductors and 136.000 other trainmen, controversy. I am not intereMed in date for Sheriff on the Republican Respectfully, the doctrines ot protection; 1 ant not interest 111 their social and political or a total of 309,800, employed on ticket, subject to your approval in the Dr. S. M. Wendt. interested in the doctrine of free welfare. Now there is a widespread railroads of the United States. Their May primaries. trade . 1 have been a college profes­ conviction tn this country that the aggregate wages in 1915 amounted to Respectfully, To the Voters of Tillamook County. sor and know why I am not, because business, the sole buaines*, ol the $387,511,508. John Aschim. there is nothing in cither doctrine.— President of the United States is to Although practically none of them To The Voters of Tillamook County- I am a candidate for the Republi- care for the welfa.e of the American worked all the time and a large por­ President Wilson nomination for ________ District _____ Attorney can ... ___ ________ o------ I lie Republicans will readily con people, and it is the general belief tion of them worked only (>art of the I wish to announce myself as a at the Primary Election to be held n.li- one half of the President's view that with that limitation of the task time, their average wages were over candidate for the office of. Joint Rep­ May 19th, 1916. ol the Tariff, that thire is "nothing is all that any man can successfully $1,250 a year, or more than $110 a I resentative for the Counties of Tilla­ William Marx. i in the doctrine of Free-Trade;" anil accomplish. Altruism is a title thing, month. '1 rain and engine men con­ mook and Yamhill at the Republican are glad that the "college professor" in an individual or in a nation, but stitute but 18 per cent of the total primaries in May. Notice of Meeting for Organization has learned that much in nhe field of I . the executive of a sovereign state is number of employe* but their wages Of Little Nestucca Drainage F. A. Rowe. false to his trust it he exercises it in equal 28 per cent of the total payroll. actual experience ~ r- District. relation to an alien people at the sac­ In 1915 the total number of employes ------ o—- To The Voters of Til'iamook County. The Issue of 191b. . rifice of the proper and rightful in- was 1,695,483 and the total payroll Notice is hereby given, that the of his ow 11. was $1.373,422,472. The average pay The issue ol 1910 is going to be I I I terests Acting on the advice» of friends I he first duty ot the President in I County Court of Tillamook County, of all railroad employes is over $800 Notice of Sheriffs Sale. from all parts of th«, county and the prosperity Not wan oulsi prosperity, Oregon, did, on the 22nd day of Mexico was the protection of Amer­ a year, with an annual average wage blood money pts>spct ivy, <»r prosper urgent request of many, I announce The undersigned. Sheriff of Tilla- myself a candidate, for nomination March, 1916, declare and decree that Sty partly based on a high tariff wall ican rights. There was also an obli­ of $1,77.5 for all engineers and $¡,533 created by the European war, but gation, founded upon the application for all conductors including all those mook County, Oregon, will on Mon- for County Clerk on the Republican the Little Nestucca Drainage Dis­ trict should be and was organized, prosperity that will be an actuality of the Monroe Doctrine, to protect who work but a portion of the time. day, the 3rd day of April, 1016, at the ticket at the primaries in May. and in pursuance of the order of said after the war is over, when there will the interests of European nations in In many instances, although they hour of to o'clock a.m. at the Court Respectfully, Court a meeting of the owners of be no shrapnel prosperity possible that country. 1 he president deliber­ work neither as long or as hard, the House door in Tillamook City, Gre­ Erwin Harrison. land situate in said district is hereby ..it .... _ _ and this countr) will meet tiie inten- ately set aside tKc fulfillment of both monthly pay check of conductors and gon, sell at public auction to the of these duties, lie took the unpre­ engineers is larger in amount than highest bidder for cash in hand, . tue the To the Voters of Tillamook County. called for the purpose of electing a silicd competition of She world. following described real property sit ­ board of three supervisors for said ------ o And the only way to obtain this cedented position that the govern­ that of the more experienced railroad ment of the independent nation with oflecials who directly supervise their uate in Tillamook County, Oregon, I hereby announce myself as a can­ district. Said meeting will be held on sort of prosperity is to enforce a Re­ and over work and is responsible both to the to-wit: didate for nomination for the office of Monday the 3rd day of April, 1916, at publican tariff, whidi will prevent which we were at peace, Lots thirteen (t.t) and fourteen I which we had no right of authority railroad company and the public for County Sheriff, on the Republican the Court House in Tillamook C’ty, our industries from "being swamped whatever, should be thrown down be­ the safe and efficient operation of (14) of Section two (2) in Township ticket. If nominated and elected I Tillamook County, Oregon at the with the competition of cheap labor two (a) South of Range nine (9) (o) shall endeavor to enforce the law witfc hour of one o'clock p.m in Europe and Asia. -At the present cause its head happened to be person­ trains. West, W M. ally obnoxious Whether the presi­ J. C. Holden. The total annual payroll of the rail­ our international competitor* arc too For the purpose of satisfying a efficiency, and economy. County Clerk for Tilla­ busy to pay any attention to industry,. dent was sincere in his expressed roads of the I nited States for labor judgment rendered in decree of fore­ Respectfully t wish to uplift the Mexican people is r but »her the war is over our market* mook County, Oregon. W. L. Campbell. of J. H. L.IH3VH Ellison aiiu and _ _ __ ' beside the question. His duty lay alone, which consumes nearly one closure in ease will be the richest in the world, in­ half of the total earnings of the rail­ Ellen Ellison plaintiffs vs. George _________ of viting exploitations from all wdcs. with his own people whose lives and roads. is twice larger than the total \' Vandersee t . and May \ Vandersee, multi 3VV, de- 1 To The Voter* ■—■ ■— O Tillamook County. State of Ohio. City Teledo.f f----- * • • * __ _»« t - and if there is nothin f more protect­ whose property he sacrificed for an pav c for Lucas County. i all farm . labor and is now­ fendants. in the Circuit Court of Till-1 1 hereby announce myself as a Fraak J. Cheney makes oath that he i® ing them than the present Democrat­ idea that, whether it was based upon said to be the largest payroll, amook Countv. Oregon. ' Democratic candidate for the. office senior partner of the firm of F. J. Ch«*ney altruism or spleen, was in its appli­ the highest average wages, of wit h ic Tariff—God help us|! Said sale made iii in |Ftif pursuance - ----- me. or lice _ -- will __ _ be ...««■« 9uant. of . Cm«*» fc Co.. busines« in the City of To- any of _« an execution ------- cation a usurpation of authority and single industry in the world. and order of sale is­ subi£?“tn,3ii. Sch.°o1 Superintendent Irdo County and State aforesaid. 1 ■■ ■ >Q*.mu » a violation of trust. Nor did he in any that said fim will psy the sum of ON» sued in pursuance of the decree in ’hc primary election to be Republican* to the Reacae PVMDWD DOLLARS for each and every held in May, ,91i. said cause There is a conipleti *,cedlap»e of tbe| 1 particular benefit the Mexican peo- • fc'»e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the For Sale. ------------------------- H. M. Cross. i »e of HALLS CATARRH CURB. Dated this March 2nd, 1916 Democratic administration at Wash­ trie. On the contrary, he destroyed a — — o-... — f FRANK J. CRKNFY H Crenshaw. ington. The Democn tic Congress government that was established and Fine opening for brick Hver To the Voters of Tillamook County. S worn tn before me and ■ «nbscribed and Sheriff of Tillamook backs up and opposes, '.’»’resident W il that promised to be effective and concrete man. Water Front lot. presence. ,thH 6th day ¿of December. build ­ County, Oregon. 1*SA. son »• frequently these days that the stable, and the chaos that resulted ings, brick and concrete block forms, I hereby announce myself as a can­ A.D. Rlaal) A. W. GLEASON. whole outfit would he b elpless unless I greatly augmented the misery and •vervthing with which to work didate for nomination for the office Notary Public Piano for Sale. the Republicans eante to the rescue, suffering oi the Mexicans American Business good. Only plant in FalfCatarrh Cure is taken internal’* of County Clerk, on the Republicin North interests in Mexico have been des ­ and art ’ directly upon the and dn It i* to rm the repeal