TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 30, 1916. What the Editors Say. I. N. Day as a means of the gaining ! Nothing else could have been ex­ Summons. of spectacular political favor by the 1 pected or had. Mr. Roy was not prop­ ----- o------ ambitious Oswald in his grandstand erly qualified. To put a contractor in In the Circuit Court of the State Not a few men believe it more pro­ play as a defender and protector of charge of work that requires the Oregon, for Tillamook County. Virginie Roy Marleau, Yvonne fitable to rent than to own farms. the "deer peepul's" interests. Oh, yes highest engineering ability is to bid They will have a different opinion Oswald has an irrigation ax to grind for failure and waste.—Spokesman Gervais, Fernando Gervais, Zelia it the grindstone can be operat­ Review. Primeau Caron and TheophiN when the rate of interest conies down and, ed by a state-bond power, at the ex­ Caron, her husband, Ernestine as it surely will when the proposed pense of the public and posterity,— Berthelet and J. F. SOCIALISTS LOSE VOICE. Primeau state rural credits gets into full op­ well, Little Oswald did not suffer Berthelet, her husband, James J. eration.—Woodburn Independent. any visible pangs or qualms of con­ Party in Oregon has No Power To Polan, Mary Polan Dore and J. ——oI—— Make Nominations. A. Dore, her husband. Now we receive the glad tidings science when he signed the majority : Plaintiffs that a specialist in vetch raising has report of the resolutions’ committee, : which proposed to do that very thing Salem, Or., .March 27—To nominate vs. been appointed for Oregon farmers. and which was an 1. N. Day-Portland candidates for state offices the So­ Valentine Roy Desrochers and This specialist craze is rapidly grow­ bankers’ frameup, pure and simple. cialist party can no longer be consid­ G. Desrochers, her husband, Po- ing into a frenzy. Funny part is, we And he fought like a trojan for it too. ered as a political party in Oregon, mela Roy Kavanagh and John don’t always know what doctor we —Oregon Messenger. Attorney General Brown today ad­ Doc Kavanagh, her husband, are taking our medicine from. Still, vised Secretary of State Olcott. .Marie Le Febvre Faubert and we do need one more—a specialist in The failure of the Socialists to cast John Doe Faubert, her husband, T°o Many Paroles. debt raising.—Yamhill Record. 5 per cent of the total vote for Rep­ Louis Primeau and Jane Doe The public will agree with Judge resentative in Congress at the last Primeau, his wife, Hormisdas Liquor men no longer pretend that general election, as required by the Roy and Jane Doe Roy, his wife prohibition does not decrease produc­ Morrow, who declares that the ha,bit statute, has led to this condition. Joseph Roy and Jane Doe Roy, of the judiciary in paroling prisoners tion of stimulants. The Brewer’s Re­ The abstract of votes cast at the his wife, Lamentia Roy Daouts has brought the laws into contempt view admits that the production of last general election also discloses, and J. B. Daouts her husband, beer was 5,283,338 bcrrels less in 1915 and discouraged the wrongdoer in his the Attorney-General points out, that Romeo Gervais, Gilberte Gervais, evil practices. Before the youthful than in 1914, and it was 3,812,158 bar­ the Socialists cannot be deemed a Rene Gervais, Eugene Roy, rels less in 1914 than in 1913. Pro­ criminal, and urging him to violate political party within 'he statutory Victor Roy and Yvonne Roy, the law, is the knowledge that in the hibition does not entirely prohibit, definition for the purpose of nomi ­ Defendants but it is gaining in the war on alco­ event that he cannot escape a not too nating members for Congress except To Valentine Roy Desrochers and vigilant police force, he will be tried in the first district. This district was hol.—Oregonian. before a judge soft equally in heart the only one where the Socialist vote G. Desrochers, her husband, Poniela ------o------ and head, who will suspend whatever for representative was more than the Roy Kavanagh and John Doe Kavan­ Every newspaper has its typograph­ Febvre sentence the jury may impose. To the required 5 per cent of the total vote. agh, her husband, Marie ' Le ~ ical troubles, and the large dailies are Faubert and John Doe Faubert her indeterminate and suspended senten ­ no exception. The Oregonian last The status of the Socialist party is husband, Louis Primeau and Jane week had a nnxup of two stories that ces and parols Judge Morrow attrib­ the different counties and other elec- Doe Primeau, his wife, Hormisdas utes much of the crime that effects torial districts depends upon the rec­ Roy and Jane Doe Roy, his wife, caused a Chines woman to swallow Portland. ord of votes cast by that party in the Joseph Roy and Jane Doe Roy, his the Seattle board of education and an Judge Morrow was incited in this respective counties and districts, and wife, Lamentia Roy Daouts and J. B. exchange remarked that "if the Seat­ tle board is anything like the Port­ unusual language by the efforts of a the computation will have to be made Daouts, her husband, Romeo Gervais, counsel to gain for client, who was sepaiatcly in each case. land board the "chink” lady must Gilberte Gervais, Rene Gervais, Undei the law, it is pointed out that Eugene have suffered terrible from indiges­ convicted of violating the prohibition Roy, Victor Roy and law, the benefit of a suspended sen ­ the Soiii ’ .-.ts may form a ne v j:uty tion.”—Sheridan Sun. Yvonne Roy, defendants. tence. The prisoner had had a fair wherever it has ceased to exist In the name of the state of Oregon: trial — two, in fact, as he had taken an through a petition signed by 5 per 'You and each of you are hereby re­ The Journal goes into ecstacies of appeal from the verdict of the district cent of the electors in the state, dis­ quired to appear and answer the com­ delight in describing what fine roads I we could build out here in Oregon court, which sentenced him to pay a trict, county or precinct where it is plaint filed against you in the above fine of $250 and spend 60 days in jail. desired that the party be organized. when Chamberlain gets us that 40 entitled suit on or before the expira­ per cent proposed in land bill. Very In Judge Morrow’s court, the man tion of six weeks from the date of the was again convicted. fine. Very fine. Now let Chamberlain, first publication of this summons, Eradicating Squirrels. If there is any criminal who should with the assistance of the Journal, re­ and if you fail so to appear and ans­ move that little joker from the bill not be permitted to taste the joys of How to poison one class of animals wer, for want thereof plaintiffs will parole, it is the lawbreaker who puts and tie that money down to the roads which it is desirable to be rid of with­ apply to said court for the relief de­ in reality. The Journal will look after temptation in the way of men who out injuring others has been a prob­ manded in the complaint herein. The are struggling hard to keep sober. this, of course.—Banks Herald. Judge .Morrow is to be commended lem to persons working for the erad­ relief demanded is, that a decree of I ication of pests in all parts of the partition be entered in this cause, to­ There is a law in Wisconsin against for refusing to show leniency to the country. It has just been shown by gether with an order appointing one bootlegger, whose punishment may gossiping and malicious talk about the Public Health Service, which has or more referees to sell the real one’s neighbors and friends. There is deter others from following his bad been co-operating with the health property in the complaint described, example. — The Spectator. a fine attached to the penalty and a authorities of the State of California and to apply the proceeds to the pay­ 30 days jail sentence regardless of the for the destruction of the plaguebear­ ment of the costs and expenses of the fine. A law like the Wisconsin act Highwaymanlike Attitude of Unions. ing ground squirrels, that the suscep­ suit, and to divide the remainder of enforced in Seaside would put at least tibility of these and other living the proceeds among the plaintiffs and If the railroad unions are able to things to given poisons differs re­ defendants in the following propor- one or two of the prominent citizens tions, that is to say: in jail for most of their natural life. enforce their demands for a yearly markably. To plaintiff Virginie Roy Marleau We’er for the election of a man to increase of one hundred million dol­ When the work was started fear represent Clatsop county in the legis­ lars in wages, that enormous sum will was expressed by some people that one-fifth. I To the plaintiffs Yvonne Gervais, lature that will endeavor to have such have to come out of the pockets of quail might be killed by eating the the public. The public pays the bills. poisoned barley, which is the chief Fernando Gervais, and the defend- a law passed.—Seaside Signal.' Through regulation, which always weapon employed against the rodents ants Romeo Gervais, Gilbert Gervais Congressman Borland of Missouri meant reduction, the Interstate Com­ Tests were made, and it was found and Rene Gervais, each one-one- I has introduced a bill providing that merce Commission so greatly reduced that, while strychnine sulphate will hundredth part. To the defendants Valentine Roy the day’s work of clerks in the de­ rates that the transportation com­ kill the squirrels when only small partment of the government shall panies could do little more than pay quantities are taken, the apparently Desrochers, Pomela Roy Kavanagh, consist of eight hours instead of sev- operating expenses and two miles out less robust quail can swallow relative­ Marie Le Febvre Faubert, Hormis­ seven as at present. He says that four of every five miles of railroad in the ly large quantities of the poisoned das Roy, Joseph Roy and Lamentia Roy Daouts, each one-twentieth. million dollars a year could be saved country were forced into the hands of grain without suffering ill effects. To the plaintiffs Zelia Primeau by this change. It is said that "a big receivers. Whether or not these reductions, fight” will be made on the proposi­ Notice of Appointment of Adminis­ Caron and Ernestine Primeau Bcr- thelet, and the defendant Louis Pri- tion.But think of the hardship this almost confiscatory in their severity, trator. meau, each one-fifteenth. measure would work on the poor w.re wise, need not be discussed now To the defendants Eugene Roy, clerks. Next thing they will be cut The point is, the excuse for them was Notice is hereby given to all whom out of their holiday on Saturdays. that they were made for the supposed it may concern, that the County Victor Roy and Yvonne Roy, each And their yearly vacation with full benefit of the public. As, because of Court of the State of Oregon, for the one-sixtieth. To the plaintiffs James J. Polan the reduction in rates, it will now be County of Tillamook, has appointed pay.—Newberg Enterprise. impossible for the railroads to meet the undersigned, Charles Edwin Don­ and Mary Polan Dore, each one- And now just as a few industries in the unions’ demands for a hundred aldson, as administrator of the Estate tenth. The said parties being as alleged by Oregon are getting their heads above million dollars a year increase in of Amanda L. Donaldson, deceased, water, the Industrial Welfare Com­ wages, the burden necessarily must and all persons having claims against the complaint the owners of the said said estate, are required to present real property in said proportions, i mission desides to shorten hours for fall on the public. with the proper and the other parties to the cause, be­ The hundred million dollars a year them, together women employed in factories from 54 to 48 per week and rise wages from increase which the railroad unions vouchers, to said administrator, at ing alleged to be respectively the $8.25 to $8.64. Can you blame an in­ are demanding is equal to 25 per cent the office of his Attorney, John husbands and wives as indicated of vestor for being slow to start an in­ raise. The number of men involved is Leland Henderson, in Tillamook City the respective plaintiffs and defend­ Oregon, within six (6) months from ants, and to have inchoate interests dustry in Oregon, where such uncer­ 309,000. In 1914 the men received the date of this notice. as such husbands and wives only in tainties exist? Present ruling were es­ $229,000,000 in wages; in 1914, the Dated February 24th, 1916. said real property. tablished about one year ago now the number of employes had increased 21 » Charles Edwin Dodaldson, That as part of the expenses an at­ commission decides to change them. per cent and the wages had increased Administrator of the Es­ torney’s fee of $250.00 be allowed to To say the least, it is discouraging, 69 per cent, or to a total of $387,510,- tate of Amanda L. Don­ the plaintiffs for the prosecution of and its a wonder we have the few­ 000. The unions demand that a hun­ aldson, deceased. the suit. payrolls we do in the state.—Willa­ dred million dollars a year be added The lands prayed to be partition­ to that immense sum. mina Times. IN TILLAMOOK. ed in this suit are situate in Tilla­ They say they will not arbitrate the Q-------■” The pursuit of Villa through the demand, and declare that if they do Statements of McMinnville Citizens mook County, Oiegon, and are de­ scribed as follows: , wild and desolate sections of north­ not get what they ask, they will call Are Always of Interest to Our Lots 2, 3, and 13 of Section 31, in ern Mexico is going to be no easy a strike that will tie up every railroad Readers. Township 3, North of Range 9 West task. One writer likens it to the and destroy every industry in the To many of our readers the streets chase of a bunch of rabbits through country. The railroad unions have as­ of McMinnville are almost as famil­ of Willamette Meridian. The North half of the North East sumed the attitude of the highway ­ a vast brush lot. This comparison is iar as those of our own town, and we not an exaggeration, although it fails man. Will the American public yield are naturally interested to read of quarter; the South East quarter of to suggest one vital difference. Unlike to their demands,—The Spectator. happening there. The following re­ I the North East quarter, and lot 3 of rabbits, which must depend entirely port from a well-known and respect­ Section 36, in Township 3, North of Range 10, West of Willamette Meri­ on speed and cunning for escape from The Folly of Politics in State High­ ed resident will be helpful to numbers dian, and | of men and women of Tillamook. pursuers, Villa’s bandits will be able way Department. Commencing at the meander post Mrs. J. O. Rogers, 603 Grant Street, to strike back if cornered. And while ------o----- McMinnville, Ore., says: ‘‘I suffered on the Section line between Section the ultimate advantage will naturally Samuel Hill, while at North Yaki­ intensely from backaches and head­ 31 in Township 3, North of Range 9 rest with the hunters, the latter them­ West, and Section 36 in Township 3 selves will face a certain amount of ma on March 18, publicly uttered aches. Sometimes the attacks lasted North of Range to West, and running painful truths about the mismanage ­ for a week. 1 couldn ’ t move without to danger and therefore will have thence North on said Section line 30 proceed with a good deal of ment of the state highway depart­ having pains in my back and hips. rods; thence West 208 feet; thence ment during the administration of Sometimes when the headache* came wariness and caution.—Observer. Governor Lister. Mr. Hill said that— on, I had to go to bed. I didn't know South, parallel with said section line, "When Governor Lister went into the trouble was caused by my kidneys to the Nehalem River; thence follow­ Nearly every candidate who in his platform advocates "fewer laws” tries office he said that "he wanted busi­ but since 1 have been so greatly re­ ing the right bank of said Nehalem River Easterly, up said river, to the to get more laws enacted. Like the ness men about him, proposed to lieved by Doan’s Kidney Pills, I place of beginning. what caused the trouble. They | word “economy” as bandied by dem­ give the people a business adminis­ know not only regulated the action of my | This summons is published in the agogic candidates, the slogan sounds tration and had no use for engi­ fine to voters, but as a rule those neers.” He picked a Spokane con­ kidneys, but relieved the headaches Tillamook Headlight by order of the and backaches. "(Statement given Honorable A. M. Hare, County Judge who talk it loudest are least able to tractor for highway commissioner, Aug. 28 >907.) of Tillamook County, Oregon, said ' carry out economy in laws pi public kept him three years. The other day Over five years later, Mrs. Rogers order being dated the 22nd dav of expense, and usually are the very he (Lister) put him (Roy) out and said: "I think as highly of Doan’s March, 1916, requiring publication 1 legislators who vote for a multiplic­ has gone back to engineers. But in Kidney Pills new as I did when I hereof to be made once a week for 1 ity of new laws which cause increased the meantime the people's money recommended th» m several years ago six successive weeks, and the first ! public expenditure. Voters beware of has been wasted.” The state administration that pro­ Kidney trouble hasn't bothered me publication of this Summons is made 1 the “Economy” demagogue and the for a long time.” on the 23 day of March, 1916. “fewer laws” spell-binder. The kind poses to be a business administra­ Price 50c. at all dealers. Don’t H T. Botts, of men deeded are men who are short tion should and must put politics out simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Attorney for Plaintiffs. of consideration. Governor Lister has on promises, but whose previous rec­ Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that ord in affairs shows their ability to failed to do so. It is acknowledged Mrs. Rogers has twice publicly rec- Some News B°y. • make good by helping make better, that his appointment Mr. Roy as ommended. Foster Milburp Co., simpler laws that will not cause extra highway commissioner was a politi­ Props., Buffalo, N. Y. A women with a rapid-fire inter- cal appointment. The appointment of public expense.—Oregon Voter. James Allen to succeed Mr. Roy is an rogatory apparatus aproached a new* --------- O' boy on the S. P. & S. train out of The truth of this old saw was never equivalent to confession by Governor MANY IN TILLAMOOK TRY SIMPLE MIXTURE Portland during the numerous slides, more convincingly illustrated than Lister that political appointments to Many Tillamook people are sur ­ during the recent Rural Credits, Irri­ technical positions are costly blund­ prised at the QUICK action of sim­ a few days ago and asked excitedly: "Say when is the train due at the gation and Drainage conference in ers, costly to the taxpayers and cost­ ple buckthorn bark,glycerine, etc., a* deep is the dirt on the track? How this city. The ink of the Port Ian I ly to the appointer. mixed in Adler-i-ka. Thi* simple rem ­ deep is the dirt on the track? Hoy Mr. Allen has fitness for the posi­ Journal's highly inflammatory editor­ edy act* on BOTH upper and lower ials, written by Oswald West, during tion. He has been chief engineer of bowel, removing such surprising foul do you sell your bananas?” The vender of fruit and literature, ’a,t legislative session, and in state roads up to the time of his pres­ matter that ONE SPOONFUL re­ •nch Senitor I. N. Day, of Portland, ent promotion. But Mr. Roy had no lieve* almost ANY CASE constipa­ who wa* something of a poet, ans­ ■Kkepeatedly referred to as "the such qualifications. The Lister admin­ tion, »our stomach or gas. A few wered: "Nine o'clock On time. Knee deep. Aovfc hoof’ and other pet appella- istration could not have helped know­ doses often relieve 6r prevent appen­ tifts. is hardly dry. Yet, during the ing that a contractor lacks compe­ dicitis. A short treatment helps chro­ Three for a dime.” epnference, Oswald and Isaac were as tence for business management of nic stomach trouble. The INSTAMI, loving and chummy as two brothers state roads. During the three years of easy action of Adler-i-ka is astonish­ Notice. feeding out of the same trough. I. V Mr. Roy’s occupancy of the highway ing. J. S, Lamar, Druggist. Day working to tack the promotion commissionership considerable con­ Notice is hereby given that all non­ interests’ irrigation scheme onto the struction of slate roads was done, Try those 25c dinners at the Ram patrons of the Mutual Teleph •nt Co., I will be charred for the use of s»«J rural credits kite is an entirely dif­ but on almost every hand rose charg­ ferent I. N. Day, in the eyes and es of extravagance and mismanage- sey “Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for company's lines or phones. merly of the Spanish Kitchen. • opinio« of the "boy governor" to the ment. S. A. Brodhead, Sec. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE ! ! I AS A PROTECTION FOR YOUR INVESTMENT you should cover it with a fire insur- ancy policy in a good company. Then if a fire should happen to you, you will be able to start anew without de­ lay, for the companies we represent pay all losses promptly. Sec us to­ day. To morrow may be just one day too late. ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man.” CALL ON VS. PHONE US. TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE- I To those who wish to get a better KODAK this season, we have made arrangements whereby we can take in a few good old style machines in trade on new ones. i Kodak Cleaning and Repairing. C. I. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist, YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY, Tillamook, Oregon. Made in Oregon Floui * “Oregon Flower/’ a Hard Wheat Patent. “Yamhill Family Blend,” Hard & Valley Wheat. “Morning Star,” Select Valley Wheat. Blue and White Printed Linoleum, per square yard, 45c. 9x12 Rugs from $18.00 to $25.00 Large Arm Rockers $2.50 Leatherette Seat Rockers- $5.50 Morris Chairs - from $10.00 to $16.50 AMMER FURNITURE CO Masonic Building, next door to Post Office. AbEX. JWcNAIR & CO =3 GENERAL HARDWARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. GCOcoaocoooaoaooGcceooi Sidney E. Henderuon, Pres., Surveyor. John Leland Henderson, Sec­ retary Treaa., Attomey-nt- I.aw, Notrary Public, Let ’er Rain! , If you ’ve a man’s work to do, weat Tower’s Fish Brand Tillamook Title and Abstract co. Reflex Slicker $3.00 i Law, Abstract«, R»al Estate, Surveying, Insurance. Doth Phon en. TILLAMOOK - • OREGON. The coet that keeps out all the rain. Re­ flex Edges stop every drop from running in at the front Protector Hat, 75 cents Have Your Sellefsction < SierentMd Sand for f> r< catalog '\CJWE7?'y , . ■ AJ.TOWER CO. House Wiring Done by I WRITE VS. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES BOST I ON Or nom huiit <> All Fir < guaran or min Uriel done d We repair! Places. ’ < ntol Fire Plate. I Urick or Stone. i placet absolutely i/eed not to smoke <-y refunded. Work of all kinds n short notice, make specialty of xg smoking Fire RALPH. E. WARREN, TIL) AMJOL ORE.