TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 30, 1916. OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Graves and son Roy, Willie Hopkins, PERSIAN GULF PEARLS. citizens think it is the best day in the devoid of ordinary common sense, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hopkins. ADVERTISING RATES. l he Supreme Court, in refusing to is- 1 week to go tishing or on a picnic, or We sure had some rain and wipd, Ths Divsrs Are Practically 8lavea of Legal Advertisements. to the beaches. As the snap shot sue a mandamus, on the grounds that but I believe the most of us prefer tha Boat Mastoro. First Insertion per tine ............ $ .10 man's large congregation appears to the petitions did not contain suffi­ 'the rain of Oregon to the awful tor­ Bornbuy, noted for its pearl markets. cient names, proves the falsity of the Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 be spending Sundays in varied ways nadoes in the eastern states. \\ e read , Is not 11 pearl producer, though the and manners, we are not going to try Tinies' statement, and sustains the 1 of, Give me < Oregon, Business and Professional cards )rp> ” | Initiative petitions which will be half loaves, drumsticks of fowls, old on Professor George Haskell Collier, halem has evidently fallen into the Court and the Bayoccan people can bam lames, cold boiled potatoes, trim­ Morning worship 11 o’clock, theme the ballot are as follows: ! one of the first members of the facul ­ hands of the Socialists. Most every get to gether on some mutual plan, “The Grea Collapse.” Class meeting mings of dough made for piecrusts, “ provide for one day of rest in To business man who dabbles into the for the ty of the University of Oregon, died cracked eggs, some old codfish and completion of that road 12m. W. M.Heaston leader. 1 seven and setting apart Sunday as : a news paper business has found to his should not be delayed any longer. i 1 at Eugene, aged 89 years. Evening service 7:45, theme of day of public rest, and excepting some spoiled macaroni. sorrow that it acts as a boomerang We hope this will be done. The Bay­ Preliminary steps have been taken ' Next day 1 found a second consign­ sermon “What has Heredity to do necessary occupations and employ­ to them sooner or later, with more or ocean people are ready to go ahead ments. Proposed by the Weekly Rest by the state association of county ment, very similar, about to lie carried less financial loss. Newspapers are a and complete tlft- work for $15,000 With it.”. Good old hymns, special music, If Day League, of Portland. judges and commissioners to revise away and thrown out. 1 stopped thia good thing for business men to let under the plans that were in mind you have no stated place of worship Io piohibit compulsory vaccination the road laws of Oregon. alone. lot. sorted It out and. with the help of when the last budget meeting was you arc welcome. iand medical treatment. Initiated by. a little stock, half a dozen eggs and | An organization to be composed en- held but the disi-nterigation of the Edward Gittins, pastor. .. Lora C. Little, of Portland. Attorney S. S. Johnson has an- rock for rip-rapping will cause addi­ a’ bare that had been shot on the es­ ! tirely of attorneys and to be known Proposing law to “protect salmon nounced himself as a candidate for tional expense. tate. served a seven course dinner for , in the Columbia River and its tribu­ as the Oregon Naval Militia auxiliary School Notes. circuit judge. This is a laudable a in­ ------ 0------ , . I a family of ten that night, and the taries and baring fishing with seins, 1 will be formed at Portland. bition for any attorney to aspire to, We are going to preach a little master of the household called me up traps or fish wheel«." Initiated by i The fifth grade recently won the j Stock holders of the Willamette and no one can question Mr. John­ sermon to the faculty of the public and complimented me before the whole Clackamas County Fishermen ’ s Club.: son's ability to hold that honorable school on reciprocity, and what crit­ spelling contest between the fourth Valley Southern Railway company family on the best dinner they had To remove county scat of Jefferson I position, but lie will persist in being icism wc offer is done more along and filth grades 'The fourth however have voted an increase at »500,000 in bud for 11 year. a Democrat when he should be a Re­ the lines ol education than otherwise. won the Palmer Pennant for greatest County from Culver to Madris. Pro-I the capital stock of the company. Afterward Ills wife sent for me and publican. Hr has cast his hat into the It may be from lack of thought that improvement in penmanship. Cornelius Mowerson, a convict em­ told me that, though pleased with the wrong political arena 1 he manual training department the faculty have not appreciated the 1 he three proposed constitutional ployed at the Oregon penitentiary as dinner, she feared I had been too ex­ efforts of the press, lor little inci- has recently completed a cabinet and amendments referred to the people by a trusty teamster, escaped while em­ travagant and said that her rule wu I here does not appear much pros­ dents have occurred recently that bookcase for the English room. The beautiful piece of Italian tapes­ the Legislature are Senate joint reso­ ployed ln work outside had _ a ! foreign trade, which are registered in ! jured. 1 We believe that there is still some itzens,' I 1>CI ................... “* two i«o ' t)r.eR°n- State Engineer Lewis hss directed market for cauls among sailors, Tho the article that accused the County man, with other enterprizing citizens, ‘a,,f,'''ancei i^or -v«' about Clerk .iu4 District Attorney of "de­ devised plans to bring this I.L 2,e' the repeal of .tv sec- ­ ■ rough survey of a proposed state retain their belief In the efficacy of the about. ............ ___ 1 "eek* * but '* were unable to keep up the . 'S,°/ 22t . I’rof, I article 2, of the constitution road through McMinnville, up Yamhill membranes as a protection agalnit feating the interests of the people of With the aid of the press, alter a good record for the whole month. The to- I ,lot.1 the north district when they took the many hard fights and attempts to I tai registration in the high school for which reads: "No negro, Chinaman ' ■hipwreck and drowning. Notices of law into their own hand».” Oh, no, thwart the efforts of those who ad-' this year has been 131. Last year the or mulatto shall have the right of . river and across the mountains to Til- "Cauls For Sale Within" were to te lamook. suffrage. Jim appears to represent himself as located total was - 120 . and the year before too . I'lllll ’5 «Illi . ------- ----- --- better »VIIUUI school UUIIlllll( buildings and q.. ■een recently in window« in the riels- A rich strike of gold ore at the Ity of tlie docks of both London turf the people of Nehalem, and it was better educational advantages for the I , registration for the grades that individual who endeavored to I young people of this city, the snap and high school together this year so Counties to g«t 30, State 20 Percent.1 Champion mine in the Bohemia dis- Liverpool, but It is some time slf'* force an illegal election at the tax­ shot man can look back with a great far is 480. Three hundred fifty-four trict near Cottage Grove has been we have noticed an advertisement of * payers' nmst — be - • that Jim deal ... of F pride at inr the 1 transformation Ii". expense. , v 1 It ------ ,iuc rti ransiormauon pupils were in average daily attend­ Washington, March 28.—As the made. The quartz assays about »2500 catil for sale in the daily press. It tnif is r "7 -■ b ’ zh-L... it up at Nehalem and bossing the that have taken place. During all of, ance last month. Oregon 81 California land grant bill 1 per ton. be remarked that the sale of cauls,!0 whole show and the people well. ' this time the snap shot man encour-! was finally agreed by the House O. A. C. won second place in the far front Itelug n very ancient custom, If hot air will accomplish he ».oh. . 1------ anything | aged the faculty and the high school! Some More Moss fr^m Wooes. committee on public lands today, the northwestern wrestling championship is a comparatively modern innovatics- to ------ be quite saint sure atm Msful and a pupils to give publicity to the activ- 1 . e ought . , O"“" • land grant counties will get 30 per leading character in the “North dis­ ities of the school and gave them all ' During the rainy weather the Wel­ by defeating Washington state college The witchcraft of the middle ages de­ orth dis- trict. clared against the caul retaining •»? I cent of the net receipts from the tini-i the free space they desired for their fare Club meets regular at our gener­ her and land sales, the state of Ore­ I three bouts to two, in a meet held at virtue whatever If parted with by glff ' O— -■ ■ entertainments and other social al store, to discuss everybody’s busi- gon will get 20 per cent for its school Corvallis. One of our exchanges had this to or sale to any but a member of tl* events. \\ e are sorry to say that some nes but their own. fund, 40 per cent will go to the gen­ State Engineer Lewis is trying to child s kindred.—London I ,he’c few k''»lly remarks from an obscure condition ought ■>•* A few more old batches in the out in the ......... cold, .. ................... ........... the committee by a state roads. ...... will set lenient in Hu« matter, i„ fa4:,, a grea, them ■ to be made too ensy nor a thing I00 to thinking, for it is largely due neighborhood, girl* of marriageable vote of seven to nine having decided Baker county Spanish War Veter- deal more than any other paper in age will please* 1 write — <■ - * to ----- - Jeff " Bays for reject section 7 and other portions «ns are anxious to join the United much of course. If rare merit be t,a 'hr co'">’iy is doing, and mote than to the influence of the press that such information. a large amount of money is being ' ° A* new .1rI1.r.'.nÄOn. .t.,leS1e.C?ntra<:.ts States trooP* ln their Invasion of Mex- rarest or all things ft ought to P°* Vt could really afforrl to do We They do say that G. W. Shaver has _________ was added under lrn used for educational purposes in this through some sort of probation. T* A new provision 'lo"O SO thinking it a ben­ Thore are about 100 veteraas city W e hope it is, as we said before, turned out to be a full fledged farmer, which homesteaders taking t cutover temple of honor ought to be seated efit to the public atid would lw e. r and stilt raising. - J- ,a"d It ’ t.:!! t. be reHevedörthe th° C0Unty' Water is very high, u.‘ .. paZeni , ap­ due to lack of thought, that the Pres* IL'11'"*' J1“' * ' “b n«L frotm ir hat is not being appreciated as it should, I D D. T. $2 50 an acre, and need only com-' Mrs Anna Booth- found guilty by a an eminence. If it be ttpen i Edmunds is starting a branch of $250 happened last work, ,t is mm 1 being virtue let It be remembered, too. t but we will bring this little sermon nL».e-ir°W'n’ h'S S°n Erne,t is £,y ’,he rciuirements of the iury of killing her husband, William virtue is never tried but by some ,,U r ,0 ,nak<‘ th< finan­ will be instrumental in educating the* from Garibaldi, where they have agreed ’ the kl'tun ” completed - i’'1] ,B8t’ was »entenced to life imprison­ upon was ’ biiT 'acuity along the lines of reciprocity cial ends meet ” ment at McMinnville. been working for Mr. Beals, they ex­ , last night by the sub-committee and the golden rules. Tangled Up In Boston. pert to start work on Jeff Fleck’s Hank -Ever In Boston. Bill? ™ j Arie Van Vielt, ex-mana; ting direc­ Representative Ferris introduced in barn as no« 1 ' to Ray Chv is soon as the weather permits. the House today the bill on which the tor of the horticultural exhi bit of Hol­ Yep. "Mr. Raker will not have to Hunk-Get tangled up ,n-’ now a blessmg to Nehalem. S I. Cot come to District No. t to commend committee has agreed, and as soon as land at the Panama exposlti an. has re­ Bill—A little 1 stole a pup fr0® on ha, hit the trail and left the conn- those who did the "swatting." He Printed this bill will be referred to the moved to Ashland, where be will en- front porch, run two miles witl* Harmony. 1 T riddance to a bag vf can commend the district attorney ------ o- Attorney-General, Secretary or of ti the (age tn the nuraery business. ■ nd stopped to rest right on de « I and b*d rubbish, for these were and the county clerk who are to Herman Hopkins and wife spent Interior and Secretary of Agricultu ..are '!'! enstics He posed a« editor blame. Theyare the ones who de­ Sunday with Mr«. Hopkins parents lor comment and suggestions. Five hundred acres of burned-over front porch I stole him from-— delpbla Bulletin. ] It is the Bay p ity Examiner, and owing I feated ths interests of the people of Mr. Graves. expected iney they will nov now propose mountain land in Linn county will be *r and Mrs. G. G. viraves. | not '-M'vkicu most ev cry business man there, he the north district, whin they took lhe Gospel Cars, managed bv Dr. n’a|Tiil changes of policy. but PUI the the ------------- '' the — government forest replanted by to Nehalem, where, no: the law into their own hands in A Spanking Team. J ■ tontgomery and Rev. Nortliup, have committee before reporting the bill •ervice this summer, . VWotfc will be­ doubt In« crj.fit was good for a time, this matter Perhaps Mr Baker can "Now. Tommy, tills little story * moved from Harmony ,k- ‘ House H ...... . ii to navc n"Vfd irora to ’ South ,o ,k< wants have ,, the t is safe to say he didn't square up ap- gin as soon as the snow In the moun­ The rich man had a spanking ** tell why. The people of District No. three *■* department elor^'he left. He was one of those : I have not finished. They will keep Frame, commencing meetings there Pr? • va* of 'he - ••■•*•*■ p*-< i uicnts. tains melts. I Now. what's a 'spanking team?' J evening Sunday evening. v I ,a it ----- was the general opinion of the »nrylielped start the recall on Com ! on "swatting" until they have an Sttnday With the acquisition of 1100 feet of “I kuuw My pa and ma's 0B* J lhere was a surprise given on little con.rn.ttee that th» bill ¡, privi|ered miy'ioner WcKimens The snap shot' opportunity to put this question up Florence Krebj, Thursday, in honor m character, but if the Speaker holds frontage on Young's bay. tlse J. A. Mc­ Baltimore American. '"J'n has seen a good many persons to the voter* of Tillamook County of her sixth birthday. Those present otherwise a special rule will br asked Eachern company, of Seattle and As­ •iz.e Cotton who have come t I Tills- Mr Baker's commendation would '••nook and after shooting off their 1 be right in line with his own views were Inez Hopkins, Frieda Rogers. • o expedit its consideration in the toria. has completed final details that I Aatronomy Varaus Art- F.mma Krebs, Hellen Krebs. Florence House. hot alt snd'ng at South ment and the principal mat er is la VSed Baring succeeded docs not pt**" Prairie «ill be brick aud stone. 1 I I I pkvv I I «