Vol. XXVI TILLAMOOK, OREGON. SOQCCCGCQCQOaQOOCCOaO Ray & Co., sacks. is paying 5 cents for Drs. W ise and Massy visited the Garibaldi pubile school on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, giving talks on the teeth and examined the pupils mouths. BANKS H/S MONS A Mrs. F. J. Welsh was brought to the city from Blaine by Dr. Boats and placed in the hospital, as she was I in a serious condition, and suffering 1 with a carbuncle. Having taken charge of the auto­ mobile department of Case's Garage, I solicit your patronage in the future as in the past and will guarantee sat­ isfaction. Frank H. Devine. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ward, of Portland, came in on a short visit to Mr. and Mrs. Koch. They were delay­ ed one day on their return on account of no trains on Monday. A11 additional 150 horsepower en- gine and trimmer have been ordered for the A. F. Coats Lumber Co’s, . saw mill in the city; also another I large donkey engine. See “The Old Homestead" at the Star Theatre Saturday and Sunday, a picture as popular as "Uncle Tom’s Cabin." One you will all appreciate, being a comedy drama. Protect your valuable papers from the unexpected fire by renting one of our safe deposit boxes, Only one dollar per year. Tillamook County Bank. B ank / s a S afe P lace for it Money PILED L P in the* bank is the one sure protec­ tion against the storms of adversity. No man who lias a home and family should endanger the security of his home or the comfort of his family should he be taken away from them. MONEY IN THE BANK will best insure the com­ fort of a man’s wife and children. As you earn money bank it regularly and make your family independent. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent.interest on Sayings Deposit. Lest you forget, Friday night is the last of the interesting picture, “The Million Dollar Mystery’’ at the Star Theatre. Don’t miss this last and best episode. Wanted, to trade about one acre of river bottom land on the Trask river, with small house on it, for a small runabout auto. Apply at the Head­ light office. * Bring your hides to Dawson’s Liv­ ery Barn, we are paying 16c. for calf hides, 12c. for beef hides; sacks from 2C. up to 4c. Old rubber and metal 5c. Frank Winer. Tillamook County Bank THE OLD RELIABLE. Tillamook Jottings. Wise and Massey, Dentists. * Houses to Rent, see Watson. * Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. ♦ Ray & Co. is paying 5c for sacks. Five cents for sacks, Ray & Co. Good team for sale. See Joe Don­ aldson. * Get your early seed potatoes at the Fruit Palace. * Piano for rent.—Apply at the City Transfer Co. * Bring in your prescriptions, mook Drug Co. Safe deposit boxes tor mook County Bank. The place to eat is at Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. Tilla­ * rent. Tilla­ * the "Good * Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co., Tillamook Oregon. * Bring your sacks to Ray & Co. and get 5 ccn.s for them. Dressmaking, Mrs. Marie Corner 9th and Stillwell. Wade, * Furnished rooms to rent.—Mrs. G. \\ illett, 3rd Ave. West. Furnished four room house rent, Apply to E. J. Claussen. Ray & Co., is paying 5 cents fcr sacks. For Sale—Three Durham cows, coming fresh soon. Apply to Jacob Tagman, Kilchis River. * For sale or trade a moving picture outfit, complete, Call or write to J. S. Prime, Bay City, Oregon. * For sale, cheap, vine maple and spruce limbs. z\pply to M. K. Hanen- kratt, 1 iliamook, Oregon. * For sale or trade, a 3 inch Mitchell Wagon for a cow’. Apply to G. G. Graves, near Krebs brick yard. Trap nested White Leghorns, O. A. C. and Tancred Stock. Eggs and baby chicks. W. S. Coates, Tillamook. Dairy ranch for rent,—Two miles frorii ¡iliamook City. For informa­ tion address Box 17, Tillamook, Or.* Wcid Sawed—Call E. W. Knight on the Mutual phone, Prompt service and careful work. * For Rent—Store Building now oc­ cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. 1 odd. See Wise and Massy, the up-to-date dentists, who have located perman­ ently in Tillamook, Bay City and Bar View. * We use only the purest drugs ob­ tainable to enter into your prescrip­ tions. Brirg them to us—Tillamook Drug Co. for Train and mail service, which was suspended on Sunday and Monday on account of the trouble on the rail­ road on account of the heavy rain storm Friday and Saturday, was re- sumed on Tuesday. Miss Ruth Holmes, who is attend­ ing the State University, and is a member of the Alpha Phi Fraternity, has been elected a delegate to the National Convention, which is to be held at Berkeley, Cal. Coming Saturday and Sunday, “The Old Homestead,” Denman Thomp­ son’s masterpiece, and without excep­ tion the greatest triumph of the American stage. A Paramount Pic- ture at the Star Theatre. “The Million Dollar Mystery” will be finished at the Star Theatre Fri- day night. Don’t miss the ending of this picture as there are some sur­ prises in store for you, which will be very interesting at the Star. We have made special arrange- ments with the Telephone Co., to connect you directly with our office, in case you wish any of our GOOD COAL, Lamb-Sclirader Co., Call 28W Don’t forget those busted castings Can be welded for half. Goods sent by parcel post and express promptly returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, Oregon. • Ride with Smithy. Auto trips any For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls, part of city or county. Good car. Dr. Wise will work by appointment careful driver, Ira C. Smith, Both and two calves, I year in Spring, A. J. C. C. Jerseys,from dams that test foT those who want him personally.* phones. Call me. 300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. H Iron Having bought the Tillamook ou choose your doctor. Choose us McCormack, Tillamook, Oregon, R as your druggist—'Tillamook Drug Works from A. K. Case all business F. D. 1. M 15 Co. * from Sept. 1st will be transacted by "What ought people to do on The Tillamook Meat Co. is paying H. Sander. * Sunday work or rest?” Is it the Sab­ 7c. per pound for live fat hogs up to bath? Why do we observe it? These John Kcldson and wife are going * and many other interesting and prac- 225 pounds. 1 to Petaluma, Cal., where they expect ical questions will be answered in the Jitney Service; Auto 'or hire at all to reside on account of Mrs. Kcld- special sermon at the Christian hours. Phone 53J Day—154J night son’s health. Church next Sunday night. __________ A meeting of the Women’s Civic Lee Slyter. If you have any hogs to sell call us Improvement Club is called for Sat­ Have you prescriptions to be filled? urday afternoon at the Presbyterian up on either phone as we are going to ship a carload of hogs in the neat We can fill any prescription.—Tilla­ Guild Hall. future. We are also buying all kinds mook Drug Co. * Mrs. Albert Byers left on Tuesday of young calves and hides as well as I Rhubarb Roots and a few 3 year for Portland where she will meet her furs of all kinds.—Tillamook Live- old crowns for sale. R. B. Hays, Till­ brother, who will join one of the Stock Co. Bell phone 8F22. amook Oregon. * Highland regiments. The County Court decided to es­ For rent hotel and store building For sale, small team, also a young tablish a free ferry at Woods and en­ at Netarts.—Apply to Geo. W. Phelps mare five years old, weight about tered into a contract with A. D. Deuel Garibaldi, Ore. * 1200. Apply at L. J. Larson, at Tom of Woods, to operate it, at a stipulat­ Lystcr ranch. South Prairie. * ed price of $175.00. This is for seven Silas W. Morton has moved from months only, and will be a great con­ Ridgefield, Wash., and will reside at Mrs. Oliva Alley, of Portland, Ore., venience during the summer months. Bay City for a while. has given a choice lot at Garibaldi Charley Vogler is fixing up a neat Eull Blood Barred Rock eggs for for a Chrictian Church, where a tem­ and attractive place in the Kelly setting, 50c. Apply to E. L. Stewart, porary building will be erected. building,where he will deal in all Tillamook Oregon. * Get your lime rock or Sulphur kinds of soft drinks, ice cream and Spray at Tillamook Feed Co. We also Fancy Plymouth Rock Eggs, for candy. He will make a specialty of setting, for sale, 15 for $1.25. Mrs. I. have the International Stock Food serving cold lunches and sea foods. W. Hiner, Hemlock. * Remedies sold on "money back” He expects to be open for business * in about a week. We arc sorry to hear that Charles guarantee. Trombley, father of Editor Trombley Justice Stanley, on the recommen­ For Sale, Cheap, lot in Brighton >s quite seriously sick. Beach, Oregon, in Block 8t, lot No. dation of District Attorney T. H. our Free Sample of Briquets is 2, for $250.00 cash. Write Peter Goyne, has dismissed the cases again­ now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co’s, Damis, P. O. Box 501, St. Helens, st Mrs. Lizzie Jackson. This was office —B Lamb. Oregon. * done on account of those who swore to the complaints not complying with the request of the district attorney to be responsible for the expense». ■! IlARIAffS VARIETY STORE, MOVE to LO O.F. BLD., □ « « Drop in and book Around ” ■ M V » M V ».................... I ~ ~ MARCH 30, Si.50 PER YEAR. 1916 SOOO&COOGCGOOOGGCCGCOeOCCCiCeOOOCOOOOMOOCOOGeGCQCiQOSV ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. I have orders for a great number of calves and am n«w buying all 1 can get. When you have a calf for sale its money in your pocket to call me up. Am able to pay and will pay fancy Prices for Durham Bulls, Red Poll Bulls, Durham, Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. Can also use chickens.—Both Phones Smith, THE CALF MAN. I I I I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK.j Capital and Surplus, $30 000.00. Member Federal Reserve Bank. OFFICERS : six months and 20 days of the present weather year there has been 101.75 B. C. LAMB, President. inches ot precipitation here. Febru­ W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier. ary 1 and 2, 7.56 inches of rain fell in 48 hours. In a protracted storm, Jan­ uary 30 to February 11, 17.78 inches J. C. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent. fell. Ihe January snowfall was lj.25 1. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier inches, a record here. Rainfall to date in Marclf is 21.54 inches, a record DIRECTORS : precipitation. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Koflti gave a A. W. B unn . P eter H eisel . C. J. E dwards . rook pafrty at their residence in this B. C. L amb . \V. J. R iechers . city to a number of friends on Mon­ J. c. M olden . day evening, when a pleasant time was participated in. Mr. and Mrs. \\ . J. Reichers won the prizes, and for the best leap year proposal by the ladies Mrs. Miller was successful and Mr. Reichers won the prize for the best leap year acceptance. The hos­ tess served a dainty lunch. John Heaston of Scholls was in town early Monday morning to take the Tillamook train. He was on his way to Cloverdale, where he expects to spend several months visiting his Swastika C*ub. son, Lewis Heaston, who is one of THE OPERETTA A SUCCESS. the dairymen of that section. John is Mrs. Thad Robison entertained the armed for a good time, for he stopped High Sch°ol Glee Club Gave a club this month, All the members be­ Splendid Entertainemnt. to get his fishing license and will ing present. have a try at the big fish which crowd lhe rooms and table were beautiful­ The new city hall was filled to its the Tillamook streams.—Hillsboro limn on Friday niglil when the Glee ly decorated with Moss and Sham­ Independent. Club of tue Tillamook High School rock, the table center piece being The members of the Clatsop county gave the musical two act opperetta especially attractive. court inspected the new road from ’Isle oi Chance,” in a most commen­ After a guessing contest the 'mem- the Hamlet road to the Tillamook dable manner, it being one of the best hers were invited to the dining rcwni, rf cc/vl/ txi *■» I ■ x*. / m ■ Ft’* county line last week with a view of amateur theatrical performances giv­ where each rsn partook of .1 delicious letting the contract for the necessary en by the high school in this city. freshments prepared by the hostess. bridges and for clearing the right of This was the first time that the After spending some little time in a way of slides that have occurred dur­ new city hall had been used for a social way the club adjourned to ing the winter. This is the road that public gathering, and the crowd there meet with Mrs. Miller in Apiil, connects with the North Fork district on Friday evening was not only dc- Son» of Veteran» Take Notice. and will be good news for the people lighted with the hall, but with the of that section who are so anxious performance as well. for an outlet in the Seaside-Astoria A great deal of praise is due Miss . All those who have signed up, and direction. Several thousand dollars Hazel McKown, musical director; all others who wish to go into the are to be spent on road improvement Miss Lucia Macklin, dancing and drill Sons of Veterans Camp are request­ in the North Fork district this season director, and Miss Pauline McElvain, ed to be on hand, Saturday, April 1st, and work will commence up there dramatic director, for the success 1916, at one o’clock p.m., at G. A. R. just as soon as weather conditions that attended the performance, and hall over Gem Theatre at Tillamook, permit.—Wheeler Reporter. they are to be commended for the ex­ Oregon. One o’clock means oae o’clock, so cellent manner in which everything were carried out, the play, going be on hand and on time, as the appli­ Death of Herbert Cooper through without a break, which cation blank has to be returned and -- o------- all names not mustered will have tu Herbert Cooper was born in Tilla­ showed that they had taken a great be erased. Will the drum corps be mook County, Oregon, June 9, 1887, deal of pains training the performers kind enough to come out and help the died near Olympia. Wash, March 11, in their respective parts. Those who look part in the play are boys along? 1916, aged 28 years, 9 months and 2 By order of C. E. Reynolds. also deserving of a word of commen­ days. Organizer. He was a member of the first 12 dation. Harold Humbert carried the grade graduating class of fill unook part of King Greed well, as did John of Chance'* to be Repeated High School. He was also a graduate I'.binger, captain of the Ship Ease. Friday Night. from Washington University, after Lee Doty made an excellent Lord which he was teacher in the Y. M. C. \\ hat’s the Use, and his quaint re­ The success of the High School marks caused considerable laughter. A. of Portland. Operetta, "lhe Isle of Chance," lest He was married in 1909 to Miss Miss Zylphia Switzer, as Lady Frivo­ Helen Shaver, of Tacoma, Wash. Be­ lous, and Miss May ma La Follette the Friday night demands a repetition. So in order to give you people who sides his wife he leaves a son Donald, leading lady characters in the play, did not see it another chance, to say did remarkably well, the solos by the six years old, father and mother, Mr nothing of those shu wanrtu see it and Mrs. W. H. Cooper, now of St latter being encoured. The sailors a second time, another presentation Helens, Oregon, and one sister, Mrs. from the Good Ship Ease were Tom will be given Friday evening, March t aotes, Trevor Hare, Max Beals and E. H. Whitney, of Portland, Orc. 31, at the city hall. He was of a quiet unassuming dis­ Joe Erickson and they put some life 1 iliamook never realized it had tn position and greatly loved by his in the performance, They certainly many pretty girls until it saw that 'riends and associates, who will truly acted their parts well as jolly tars, chorus of Follies. Did you see the • nourn his untimely death, and will Ernest Crockatt carried a difficult imposing King in his vari« gated cos­ On-a-Grouch, with Jeff deeply sympathize with his dear ones part as 1 ’’Donnell as the shadow, both doing tume, and hear his mighty voice.? in their sad loss. How all the ladies love the Jolly well. 1 wo of the most pleasing features Sailor Buys in their "Hornpipe.” If Christian Church. «f lhe operetta were the choruses and you ever felt blue and down hearted, the drills given by the Follies in their you can sympathize with Mr. On-a- A very large crowd was present picturesque costumes. The hearty Grouch, and the gloomy Shado.es. last Sunday night to listen to our applause they received showed how Surely, the sturdy ( aptain smacks of special services, and the interest i.> highly the audience appreciated the salt sea. continually growing. Hear the follow choruses and the drills. Il was a jolly Well you c^in sec all the good things ing questions answered next Sunday bunch of young ladies, and they put a at once. Oil ’ yei, we for;’ >t I.oid night. great deal of zest into their parts. What’s-thc-Use. He is a nu< blnoj- When was the Sabbath changed to Those who composed the chorus of cd Englishman with his monocle anrl the first day of the week or was it Shadows and the1 Spirits of Spring bored drawl. An«!, Oh joy, Dcrpdr, ver changed? If it was changed who were Misses Nellie Gaylord, Gertrude our Jeff O'Douiiell, is oing to uig ■ lid it, if not why do we keep the first Ebinger, Pauline Beals, Fav Hill, Fay some specials. Isn't it worth the tick­ «lay? Is it the "mark of beast?” “What Harris, Beulah Rogers, Lucile Rowe, et? tad people ought to do on Sunday?” Margaret Coates, Margaret La Fol work or rest? lettc, Mabie Goyne, Bernice Nelson ELAM) H. KRU IN, We promise those present an inter­ Irma Sumerlin, Kitty O'Donnell and esting time next Sunday night. Hazel O'Donnell. PIANO INSTRUCTION. Prof. Humbert will speak at the The McGhee orchestra furnished Diploma from Chicago Musical morning service on a vital subject. the music, and this added to lhe College.— Beginners receive thr >ie We are glad to give the citizens of pleasure of the evening. Tillamook this opportunity to hear careful training as the most advanced. one of our educators who is already Between the acts Miss Kitty O’Don Terms:—$4.00 per months Ins'ruc- so well known by the public. "I come ncll, who was one of the Follie», ap­ tion. to thee” is the name of his solo for peared between the curtain«, and All lessons given at Studio. the evening service. sang an appropriate ditty to a 1.umber County Representative for the of young men who occupied the front seat. It brought forth an encore, and Wiley B. Allen Co.s' line of high Haugen-Miner. grade pianos, playcr-pianus, Victrolos was as follows: etc. Oh, you Hank Heisel, A wedding ceremony was perform­ Oh, you mut Leach; ed last Sunday afternoon, at the home What you came for we all know, of Mr*. Alice Tone, South of Tilla­ You said “Just to see the show.” mook, which united in marriage Ole But that’s what they all say. A. Haugen and Miss Sarah Esther Now all of you bald heads, Miner, both of Tillamook County. Are all just the same; The young folks stood underneath a That you are not 'leaf beautiful arch during the ceremony We all know; Ji you have not the comforts of which was performed by Rev. Van Yet why did you choose the very electricity you are doing without Winkle, pastor of the Christian front row’ the greatest of modern aids to Church. housekeeping. Trust me, the Follies know. Among the number Electric light is inexpensive, safe Mr. and Mrs. T Haugen, Mr. and Prof Onthank. principal ,------ r_. of the and beautiful. Electric household Mrs. B. Miner, Mrs. Alice Tone, Esther Paul, Celestie Haugen, Oiic school, thanked the city council and appliances cost little to run and Miner, Anna Haugen, Peter Haupgen contractor Heyd for the use of the save hours of time and labor. Remember it does not cost much T. J. Wallen and A. M. Myers. A hall, and in doing so. appreciated the very fine wedding dinned was served large attendance. He made the an­ to wire your house for electricity by Mrs. Tone which was enjoyed by nouncement that the operetta would and it can be clone without muss, be repeated on Friday evening, which dirt or disturbance of your house­ ail pre»ent.. The newly weds will make their will give those who did not attend hold A telephone will bring our the performance last Friday an op- wiring man—Miis estimates will home in Tillamook county. portunity of doing so. place you undtr no obligation. Careful Attention Given to all Bankirg Eusiness Placed in Our Hands. Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. The heavy rains last Friday and Saturday caused the rivers to over­ flow and the whole of the Trask and Wilson river bottom lands were inundated early Sunday morning. Long about eight o’clock it was at it* Ford Auto For Sale Cheap. highest point, when it began to grad­ For Sale. ------ o ■ ually recede. It caused soein incon- Good second hand Ford Automo­ ) venience.for stock had to be kept u;> bile. 1914 model, for sale for $350. ■ Registered Holstein cows coming and fed. Will take a good young horse for fresh soon from a 33 lbs bull: I year- nf I ps«» payment. Apply at the t He. lli ' • '»ng heifer, ard 2 vearling bulls.—Jess 1 Fassin, Taft. Oregon. In office. Tillamook is believed to be one the wettest places in the world Wire Your House This Spring. The Electric Store, G. F. CHAPHE, Mgr.. Across from I.O.O.F. Bld