*1 .>1 SI '11 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 23, 1916. eighth ' The Typhoid Fly. Why We Should Intelligent Letter °n Bonding and amount to $11.837.660 only one-’ Exterminate Him. of the annual turnover of $112,000,- Hardaurfac®d Roads. —Double Gold Bond Frttd- - Sales’ of Corsets in the — Free Delivery of all Maj] 000. ------ o------ “January 1916 sales wrre $9,550,251 To the Editor: ing Stamps given with every Bargain Square (Under the Orders of $1.00 or over to Would you care to live in filth and I have read with considerable in- an increase of 2t per cent over Jan­ have it around you all the time, in atty point in Tillamook Co. Cash Purchase on Friday». Balcorty): terest the recent articles in the Head­ uary, 1915.”—Oregon Messenger. your food and in the milk? Of course —The same care and atten­ light relative to hard surface roads $1.25 Am. Lady Corsets 89c. — Full Books redeemed for iiot. But that is just what is happen- "ISLE OF CHANCE.” in Tillamook County. It has been ap­ ing daily. W hat causes it? The ty-1 $2.lee Club carries manure, sewage, chicken parks, pig too pens and various other places the last words in jaunty Coat styles for the coming season’s wear. the leading part. Solo parts are also rapidly as can be financed. I note that a number of our leading carried by Jeffry O’Donnell, John numerous to mention. Not only does See them in the window priced from $12.50 to $22.50, citizens are now behind a movement Ebinger, Zylphia Switzer, Mayma it breed in such places but it makes its home there. The fly's body is cov ­ to bond the county for the sum of La Follette, Lee Doty and others. Girls Dainty McGhee’s orchestra wiil furnish the ered with tiny hairs which catch the $420,000 to build hard surface roads filth and disease he comes in contact I am acquainted with the most of music. Dresses, these gentlemen and have great re­ Tickets arc on sale by students and with. 75c. and The fly then comes from here to spect for their judgment, but I have reserved seats are at Lamar’s Drug The New your house and immediately lights wondered whether the bonding ques­ Store. For Garments that are tion has been considered from every A complete cast of characters and on the cake or bread or swims around Worth Considerably ¿More. in the milk. Does be clean his feet? Now Here. angle as to cost and final finished a synopsis follows: Indeed he does not! Can you not see Special purchase of an entire! work relative to another method. Tht good ship Ease bears Lord line enabled us to secure these! Assuming that the county voted in What’s the Use, Lady Frivolous and then why he is a dangerous enemy? if "A ASTER will soon be upon us and wonderful values iu girls’ Wash fav»r of bonding and everything ran Simpelita, captain and sailors, Who- Is there not millions of disease bac­ -4 you have not made your Satorial Se- Dresses at these two low prices.) .smoothly, it is true as the Headlight Cares, Few-Cares, No-Car«s and I teria in the filth that clings to his When you see them you will be as­ states that it is not likely that any Should Worry, who represent typical feet and body? He is not in the least tonished at their smartness and real work would be done before 1918. characters in modern life of luxury. particular where he lights. There is a -4 lections we urge you to do so now quality when compared with the ('hoosing main roads in the county They are wrecked on the Isle of sticky substance upon his feet with prices quoted. which would be the least expensive Chance ruled over by King Greed which he collects the dirt and bac- Here you will find all that a man needs in They are prettily made of self to prepare for a hard surface we could who symbolizes lust from gold. His teria that he drops around on your clothing, furnishings or footwear in the color, striped, checked, and plaid hardly hope to pave to exceed 35 miles subjects are the Follies—A survivor table or elsewhere. Now let me tell you about his little oi road with a concrete pavement ie of a previous shipwreck on this Isle very newest and most recent designs and chambrays, ginghams, and zephyrs,! and are tastefully trimmed in either feet wide and a crushed rock shoulder is On-A-Grouch—these loss their proboscis or scraper. It is used to suggestions. matching or contrasting colors of of 4 feet on either side for the surn of ’All” to King Greed in his game ot scrape up the food so he can put it ; I Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits from the same or other fabrics. $420.000. chance—finally they are reclaimed r to into his mouth. He lights on your I Assuming that these bonds were self respect by drinking [ from the cake, the frosting is perhaps too hard ; $22.50 to $27.50. Sizes to fit ages sold and drew interest at the rate of 5 Spring of Ambition—it is then the for him to scrape up, so he secrets ' 2 to 7 years • •-• 75c Florsheim Shoes in all the latest lasts per cent per annum and that one- sails of the Good Ship Hope are a liquid out of the little proboscis, Sizes to tit ages with which to soften the food so he I twentieth of the principal was retired seen. from $5.00 to $6.50. 8 to 14 years.................. $1,33 each year, at the end of twenty years r. King Greed,of the Isle of Chance can scrape it up. In plainer words he Arrow and Monarch Shirts priced at we would have payed out the sum of "spits" on your cake. Then you come • Harold Humbert. Dresses for $420,000 in principal and $225.500 in Member of faculty and who was along; cut a piece of cake and eat it $1.25 and $1.50. House- Cleaning interest. Now let us look at the ques­ with relish, but in reality you are leading soloist of the U. of O. Glee tion from another light. It is possible eating this fly spit, and perhaps hun­ 98c. and $1.49 1 In!. New Keiser Ties in new novelty weaves to maintain our present macadam Captain of the Ship of Ease— dreds of the little microbes, which For Actual Values Up to and colors, 75c and $1.00. roads in first class condition and build John Ebinger. cause typhoid or tuberculosis. $1.25 and $2.00. the absolutely necessary new roads Again let me ask you, where has 3 Lord What’s the. Use, I.ee Doty Sport Shirts in plain and Novelty OMF.N who are planning to ' for the sum of $75,000 per year, pro­ 4- Lady Frivolous Zylphia Switzer the ilv been before he comes to par­ do their Spring House Clean­ vided we do away with the expensive, Styles, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. 5- Simpelita . ...Mayma l.aFollette take of the meal with you, either at ing now are buying these dres­ haphazard methods and put on a sys­ your table or in the pantry? Perhaps Survivors of the Good Ship Ease. tematic system of maintenance that troni his breeding place of filth and Spring Caps—including the New ses from the two selections shown 6. Who ( arcs............. Tom Coates here. really maintains. Thus leaving ap­ 7- Few Cares ............. Trevor Hare manure—perhaps—Horrors, is that Jockey Cap—$1.00 to $2.00. Dresses in neat light checks proximately $100,000 to be spent each «. No Care« ..................... Max Beals the spittoon of a consumptive about year on hard surface roads. This Phoenix Silk Sox-Black, White, and stripes trimmed with matching 9 I should Worry ...Joe F.rickson which that fly is crawling? Ah, from or contrasting colors, and dresses amount at the same rate per mile as such places as these come the flies Sailors from Good Ship Ease Grey and Palm Beach—Per Pair 50c. in dark colors trimmed with pipings assumed under the bonding method 10. On a Grouch . Ernest Crockatt to sip up the baby's milk. About one Copyright Hart Schaffner & Marx etc. are shown as well as a number would pave 81-3 miles per year. Be­ fourth of the children of the United z\ derelict on Isle of Chance. of the famous Elettric Adjustable ginning in 1917 we would have 16 2-3 11. Despair, his Shadow Jeff O’Don- States die annually, and a great por­ Dresses in a variety of colors and miles paved at the end of 1918 while tion of this is due to the fly. He is nell. (^Announcing Bargain Square patterns. under the bonding method wc would 12. First, second, third anil fourth worse than a murderer. Size selections include Dresses for have 35 miles, and at the,end of the of Offerings Do you not see why then, that the follies—Pauline Beals, Fay Hill, fourth year we would have almost as the popular 36 bust to the matronly Nell (iaylord and Gertrude Ebinger fly should be exterminated? We can­ (Under the Balcony). Spring ¿Models in size 50. much as under the bonding method. not do this unless all the people of Subjects of King Greed DISPLAYED in the bargain Now let us analyze costs. It simply Buy now and save on your Spring Chorus of Follies. the community will take an interest | Square (under the Balcony) you House Cleaning Accessories. means that by the bonding method Chorus of Shadows and improve the sanitary conditions, will always find Bargains that we will pay out in interest the sum of Spirits of Spring. by cleaning up the wastes from the “R^egal ¿Mops will save you dollars upon dollars on $220,500 for the privilege of using streets and around the private homes good new and reliable merchandise. 18 1-3 miles of hardsurface road 2 Christian Church. such as garbage and rubbish piles For Hardwood Floors Here are shown the special p — pur- years sooner than by this method. and manure heap«, and above all swat Linoleum or chases we are able to make from By the latter method all the main You are invited to hear the special the lirst as well as the last flies you time to time as well as those lines roads in the county could be paved program at the Christian Church next see, for the first flies killed saves Furniture, of merchandise which becoming in ten years under the present rate of Sunday night beginning at 7:45 p.m. millions. 39c. b.r.°!£en.'n s‘ze ranKcs or fabrics of taxation and at the end • leave no 1. Orchestra music. Beatrice Harris, all kinds which have become re- bonded debt hanging over the people. Including Handle. __ 2. Specials by Junior and Adult Student of Biology. duced in yardage are priced for I am in favor of hard surface* roads, choruses. ABOR saving mops that can be quick selling. and believe it good business to build 3. Vocal duet by Humbert and Van used on waxed or hardwood The above article is one of many them rapidly, but under the present Winkle, accompanied by the guitar. floors with the same excellent! similar ones, written by the biology Serpentine and county bonding laws the amount that 4. Solo by Prof. Humbert. "Only class of the High School. This class results as when used on fine furni-l Plisse Crepes, lillamook County would be allowed Waiting." ture. No more stooping or climbing is making a thorough stutv of the to bond for is not adequate for the 15c. 5. The second sermon in the great sanitary conditions of community life with one of these remarkably lowI purpose. If all the pavement that ■’cries: "Making a Will.” priced Mops in the house. At the --lillamook in particular,—learning For Actual Values to 25c. could possibly be built for 20,000 We will be pleased to have you what should be done to imp ove the price there should be one in every was laid in one direction from Tilla­ ircsent. OVELY designs for Kimonos sanitary conditions of our city, there­ home in Tillamook. mook City it is doubtful whctlicr it or Morning Dresses. Shown in by improving public health as well as grounds of white, pink, laven­ reach the county tine, and to Notice of Meeting lor Organization beautifying the city. Members of the Sale of Of Little Nestucca Drainage build in that manner would be g rossly der, pade blue, tan, navy blue etc. class have been studying the habits ’ and ’ All fast colors. unjust to people living on the other District. and dangers of the typhoid fly, and side of I ill.imook City. will soon make a survey of the town 32 inch Notice is hereby given, that the Yours trufv, in order to determine where we must Dress Zephyrs ______________ L S. .Miller. County Court of lillamook County, strike tn rid our city of the fly. They Jregon, did, on the 22nd day of «ill work in connection with the 12\c. Mail Order House Cut* ta Million •larch, 19tn, declare and decree that Women's Civic League. For Actual Values to $1.6? Dollar Melon. • he Little Nestucca Drainage Dis­ For Actual Values to 20c. trict should be and was organized, LEACHED Union Suits in Clean looking and good looking Just one of the several big mail Harmony. nd in pursuance of the order ot said nice soft weave and made V|th Dress Zephyrs in stripes, checks and order or.ki house* home* of the middle wse,, lr Court a meeting of the owners of drop seats and in sizes tilfit w«est re plaids for Milady’s Morning Dresses allze a net profit of nearly $12,^000 land situate in said district is hereby Mrs. Nellie Kerry and son Lloyd of or dresses for the girls. Of fine even ages 4 to 16 years. One of their- Upon Its business contributed from called for the purpose of electing a Forest Grove, are visiting her broth­ weaves and color combinations in a numerable Bargains to be foumFin all over the country. >oard of three supervisors for said The Bargain Square under the Bal­ ! great variety of choice. How much of tins enorrntgjs profit lixtrict. Said meeting will be held on er Wm. Owens. cony. Herman Hopkins is clearing off the do you »oppose do the citizen, ot donday the 3rd dav of April, 1916, at timber from the hill on the back of Manon and Polk eounF.es contribute? he Court House tn Tillamook City, his place. 1 he high price of milk ri.'.?1 t i: fro’" ,he- fh»' Tillamook County, Oregon at the For Women Garments makes Herman think more pasture, th., identical mad r,I(ll.r w lour of one o'clock p.m. more grass, mure milk and he SHrely early Uxxi t ,r p oMaRe for di,|rj. Looking— J. C. Holden, is a hustler. ng 1 * catalog , wjthin the parcel County Clerk for Tilla­ There was preaching held iu the M zone r.i ’t*"*1’11 expense of ’ long illness The funeral wa« held Jonnie Zerflueh, of Pleasant Valley, BE spring season is on, and women • esterday ami the body wa* hid at attended the meeting held here Sat­ and original style are embodied in ernnie f' count>’ ,,r municipal gov I are busy choosing their new’ apparel ’■st in the I O. O. F. cemetery. Ser­ urday evening. „lrt • i> nght that the Oregon every model bearing this name. ies were held at the residence and .¡ant«, who pa\ heavy taxes and Mr. and Mrs. E. Krebs visited at the in all seriousness. Of course you will Your new Spring model—whether rtlmte generously toward every Rev D. L. Shrodc, of Tillamook paid home of Mr. Herman Hopkins on choose Wooltex" there’s so much style, ivement which has for its purpose 1 touching tribute to the memory of Sunday. it be a Derby or Soft Felt—is here ie mutual benefit of the producer, lie deceased, the choir of the Bay so much quality and such lasting appear- Mr. and Mr*. John Mix and chil­ ready for you to put on. ie taxpayer and the consumer, "ity Union church sang at the home dren visited at the home of Mr. and ance in every garment that it’s the logical should be robbed of this patronage is welul as at the grave A large num- Mrs D. P. Hopkins oti Sunday. Choose from such fashionable col­ when they tzr. choice for the woman who knows what can give better and more >er of friend« attended the funeral ors as Smoke, mid or light Greys, Alex \\ alkcr is having his place •'I ’ j jh *•» probably the largest one satisfactory service for the ...J money? correct and above all economical. plowed and sowed to oats. He has al ­ icld in Bay City in some And, bear in .......... mind. time. Fif- Navy Blue or Black. they are always here to make cvery transaction good een automobiles carried friend* to so done quite a lot of grubbing and U ooltex Suit* are priced from clearing, which improves the look of Mallory Hats .............. $3.00 and entirely satisfactory if the good« he cemetery. $35- his place a great deal. Mr Ferguson came here from Pen- > on purclu«e are not what you want Mallory Hats, isylvani* about four years ago and AV ooltex Coats arc priced from $15 Some of our school children are , wo,r” of '« «« »hat. instead of $25. falling off, the butines* of thi* par­ ’as been in ill health for a long time greatly interested in putting in some Cravenetted $3.50 ticular mail order house increased at He was about 57 year* of age. He i* garden or raising poultry for the New White Coats at price* $12.50 by widotv and hi« dan Fair, which is a good idea and should per cent in January njtfi, over the $42.50. thter Dora «nd son Merle of be encouraged by the parents, as it is this corresponding month of fast year itv —Bay ( it y Examiner. Afternoon and Street Dresses at prices The following report of the Sear», a great help to the children and learns them to do for themselves and Roebuck A Company, of Chicago from $13.50 to $25. In Memoriam. do their best. one of the biggest mail otder houses ---- 0---- Easter Millinery—Special showings. f our beloved sister we have lost a Schlappi, which they say is progress­ "On the gross tales totaling $tl2- faithful friend; ing nicely. Mr. Schlappi is having ^■1.727 during 1915, Sears Roeluck A Resolved that a« a token of our quite a lot of tiling put in on his Ford Autq For Sale Cheap. To the Voters of Tillamook County. • ampiny, made a net profit of ill.- «steem and as a tribute to her mem­ place this spring by the Krebs Bros., ------ o------ too 187 ory these resolutions be placed on managers of the Tillamook Brick and Good second hand Ford Auf 1 he Investment in buildings, real 'he lodge books and .1 cop» sent , to Tile Co. I ’m a candidate for the Republi- 5 Registered Holstein cow* comi vv-n ’’I4 ,nodcl' *or sale for e«tatc, factories and branch hows«» »« her husband and to the local papers Mrs. John Evans and Mrs. Dios Attorney »»ill lake a good young horse for $2«. «00,547 . , nommation -, , —- for District z-tuuinw Committee, Mrs. Rotts, fresh soon from a 33 lb* bull: I 7e Dix are on the sick list at time of this ofii,cea,mtn’’ A,>Pl3r ,hi Hea<1,’Kht îl *** Primary Election to be held ling heifer, and »yearling bull*.—J1 Merchandise and supplies on hand Jackson and E. J. Claussen. writing. NEW WHITE COATS Received This Week ß fl) ’ Dress Up ! Men Wash $1.33. Spring Styles Are A I The First Showing L L Childs ¿Misses Union Suits, 98c. I I B Who Prefer that Stay Good Wooltex Suits and Coats, f r i May 19th. 1916. William Marx. Fasstn, Taft. Oregon.