7 TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT MARCH 23. 1016. r ■ THE LAND GRANT CASE. ------- o ■ ■ Some Interesting Particulars Given By the President of the Southern Pacific. r those gastronomical experts who have partaken of their wadding cake under free trade. Just a suggestion of the way this industry has aided American “pros­ perity” under our present administra­ tion, our Chinese consuls report that American factories employing Amer­ ican labor and using domestic eggs have removed from Boston, Topeka, Kansas and other points to China. As all this has not lowered the price of eggs here, what in the name of liu- I manity is the reason for such a free Company under the grant by $868,- 461.00. It embraces the service be­ tween Portland and Roseville Junc­ tion, 664 miles. “From the experience of the past we may be certain that the company will be called upon to furnish the government free transportation of the value of $75,000 per annum, and this is a perpetual obligation. Now, if we could sell every acre of this land at present unsold, viz., 2,400,000 acres, at the price of $2.50 per acre, this would yield $6,000,000 which would be used up in eighty yeais by the free I I transportation w hich we are bound ' *..... ’ to furnish the government, leaving ______ the company thereafter —for all time to the —to furnish transportation t government without compensation. Has Right to Sell. "The company therefore insists up­ on its legal rights as the owner of these lands to dispose of the timber thereon, and any further adjustment of this matter with the government, considering all the facts, would not deny to the company this right, a right which in a similar transaction between private individuals would not be questioned for a moment. “But there is a considerable quan­ tity of this land, at least 400,000 acres which cannot be sold at any price, hence IICIIVV the 1.1 lx. amount - that __ could be real- ized by sales would be something like $3,ooo,o»o or $4,000,000 at tbe utmost, from which expenses of ad- ministration and taxes must be dc- ■ In view of the wide spread interest taken in the Oregon and California y land grant situation, President \\ il­ ium Sproule of the Southern Pacific Company has issued the following ex­ planation of the railroad' company's position in the matter: Court Settles Title. trade law? — ___ “The United States Supreme Court j held that the company is the owner Fallacy of Free Trade. the national The announced purpose of the of the lands under the grant, with ab­ solute title, subject only to the re­ Democrats to repeal the free sugar joy smoke clause of the tariff schedule adopted striction that when it chooses to sell y by them is a confession that their these lands it shall sell them only to *> tariff policy is wrong. At least, it is actual settlers in parcels not exceed­ an admission that a mistake was ing 160 acres, and at a price not ex­ la the real ♦ * made, which must be corrected if ceeding $2.50 an acre. It reversed ■■■■■■ fi • tobacco for their party is to retain the allegiance judge Wolverton, who had held that jimmy pipes because the company had sold these of some of the states which compose that hitherto solid Gibraltar of Dem­ lands with the timber thereon in and makin’s larger parcels than 160 acres, and to ocracy, the Solid South. cigarettes The Democrat» were warned of the persons not actual settlers, and at ' Copyright mt folly of adopting a free trade schedule ■y' prices exceeding $2.50 an acre, the V/r R. ». Reynold« but to be consistent with their party company forfeited its title to all the z Tobacco Co. doctrine, long established and prom ­ land unsold. inently urged in every political cam­ “After receiving the grant the paign, they were compelled to disre­ company offered the lands for sale gard sensible advice. Now, however, in accordance with these restrictions, after three years of experiment, it is and in early times sold substantially found that the parly must back up or all of the lands that were suitable for lose the votes of its staunchest friends settlement, at prices not exceeding And this backdown may be consider­ $2.50 an acre. But as the remaining ed as only Jhe beginning of a policy lands were of a character not suitable or repudiation of party dogmas which ________________ for actual settlement, being timber ducted. experience is demonstrating as im­ lar.ds in the mountains, it could not DEMOCRATIC FREE TRADE. practicable and harmful. Indeed, had dispose of such lands by selling to actual settlers only, no such settle­ What the Leading Newspaper» Say not the European war came about, the harmfulness of the free trade sys­ ment being practical. About It. you ever tried for Prince tem would have been demonstrated "Therefore the company did make It is as much as the government’s different, a fine flavor, so and sale of timber lands in larger tracts duty to protect a man’s means of sup­ more completely than it has been. As than 160 acres to persons other than port as it is to protect his national it is, the loss in revenues has serious­ ’ smoke joy I The patented ly handicapped the legitimate and actual settlers, and at prices exceed­ honor. And that is what a Protective — out ing $2.50 an acre. It was these sales tariff has always successfully accom­ necessary operations of the govern­ that were made the foundation of a ment. And this preachment is for men plished. And, with the fall of the free trade claim on the part of the government hobby together with other pipe dream that the company itad forfeited its j the right All be said that the sooner Senator Ham Lewis’ tariff com- title to all the lands unsold, which ' mission measure, with its possibilities of Democracy which are being dis­ lay nickel or a dime for a of Prince pelled, the end of the party of the claim was rejected by the United I of tariff schedules fresh every hour, Albert, the sooner you ll make a ll States Supreme Court. I may look superlatively good to his “pee-pull” will come. a lot your peace of and Can Sell Timber. icAwent roBAcco ' fellows in the United States Con­ War and Wheat. “In view of the decision of the gress just because it is so looney. Pay Prines Albert all over tongue 1 the civilized world! Toppyred Supreme Court, the company insists j ------ o-------- bags, Sc; tidv red tins, 10c ; 0« th« r«vme «id« of thia tidy rad The sharp decline in the price of that, being the owner of these timber The European war has now been Get the idea smoking you pound and half-pound tin tin you will read : ** Preceta Patented lands, and under no obligation to sell 1 going on long enough eo be of no fur­ wheat features, on boards of trade in humidors—and—that classy July JUlh. 1907 ” which ha. ..da comeback— ’ P. crystal-glass pound humidor them, and in fact it being impossible ther use as an excuse for the Demo­ the United States Tuesday, probably three men .moke pipe, where on« with sponge-moistener top smoked before I to sell them under the restrictions of crats to hide their lack of revenue. reflects an actual condition in the R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Win.ton-S.lem, N. C. that keeps the tobacco in each fine shape — always ! the grant, it has the right of any : No, it isn't the war that is causing market. Speculators in margins are other owner to dispose of the timber the shortage in revenue, it's the free not always, or very often, trustworthy on these lands, just as it would dis­ dumping grounds that is doing the guides as to the course of prices. In this case, in fact, they are not leaders pose of any other crop produced on | mischief. but followers. Everybody studying the land at the same time admitting The State Auditor of Free-Trade the ( influences likely to affect the that when it comes to sell the land itself it must do so under the terms of Virginia (whence came our free trade prices of wheat, has realized, since overwhelming defeat of the lurks that the ; the grant. The cutting of the timber fostering president) declares I the Russians at Erzcrum, that that from these lands is in fact a step to­ when John Barleycorn takes his de- by ward making them fit for settlement, canter and decamps from the old do­ event must, in the course of a short so that they may be disposed of un­ minion in November that state will time, have a bearish effect on the der the terms of the grant. have a $500,000 hole in its treasury. price of wheal reserves in this coun­ “But the government contends that Why not supply the threatened de­ try. 1 here is no reason why a decline the Company shall not be allowed to ficit with a suitable slice of Wilson’s should set in at this time, however, | I nor is it likely that cash prices will realize more than $2.50 an acre for free trade "prosperity?” \ set THAT sort MPI be at once materially reduced. A drop any of these lands, even though they This tariff commission proposition may, however, be confidently expect­ may be worth many times that amount because of the timber thereon suggests to many only a Democratic ed at an early date. There are several reasons for this. and that therefore the company has aim to send the Tariff question, if not the right to dispose of the timber possible, to the next Congress. By The fall of Erzcrum was such a growing upon these lands. It is that time, the calculation is, the war crushing disaster for the Turkish strange indeed that the government I will be over and a general ta-'i • re­ arms that that government can hence should now maintain that the com­ vision necessary, not onlv in this forth offer but a feeble and ineffec­ pany has no right to the timber upon country but in the countries now at tive resistance to the Russian ad­ these lands, because for many years war. And if Europe goes in for pro­ vance on Constantinople. Sonic more before coal was used as fuel it used tection—and nothing could be likelier or less authoritative advices persist this timber as fuel, without question; —Protection, indeed, is already both in saying that Turkey already seeks and the right to do this is clear, be­ strong in both Germany and France, to make a separate peace with the entente • allies. ____ 2 In __ all “ r probability these cause the Act of Congress granted ! shall not we? stories are true, but it is not neces­ the lands “to secure safe and speedy The administration is now said to sary to believe them in order to un­ transportation of mails, troops, mu­ nitions of war, and public stores, be looking favorably upon a Federal derstand that the road for the ship­ to the over the line of said railroad.” Of , inheridance tax, providing same will ment of Russian wheat down course such object could not be ac- ( not conflict with inheritance tax laws Bosphorus and out through the Dar­ complishcd without fuel to produce ' which are in force in some of the danelles will soon be open. When it states. The money is needed for nat­ is, the flood of Russian grain will motive power. “And further, this provision of the ional defense, so the report states, rapidly reduce prices in Liverpool, law implies that the road shall be but we suspect that the low tariff has and. consequently, at all of the pri­ mary markets in this country. How maintained and certainly the use of much to do with the growing desire this timber for ties and lumber to be for increased taxation. The govern­ far the reduction will go it is impos- is in- used in the construction and main- i ' ment lost an immense amount of rev­ ■ sible to say, but some reduction tenance of the road seem to be a mat- i I enue when it put the low Underwood ' evitable. Everything indicates that the Teu- Tariff law into effect, and this short­ ter beyond doubt. both “Further, the government, in the age must be made up. It would seem tonic allies are abandoning coni- Turkey and Bulgaria to make a that most people would favor a high ­ third section of the Act, expressly t tremendous ______ 2__ _ assault, or granted thze Company the right to er tariff and less taxation, and there­ bined and i western take timber from the Government by make the foreign manufacturer series of assaults, along the I line of battle. Austria as well as Ger­ help foot the bills, in addition to pro ­ sections of land adjacent to the line man troops arc participating in the of road, and under section to it allow­ tecting our own industries. A low Lots thirteen (13) and fourteen tariff thus far has not helped the high attack on Verdun, which is being Notice of Appointment of Adminis­ ed the taking of timber from lands (14) of Section two (2) in Township made without a weakening of the ACT QUICKLY. excepting from the grant by reason co»t of living to a noticeable degree. trator. two (2) South of Range nine (9) German line at any point in Belgium of being mineral. In view of this ex­ or in France. Otherwise, wc must a»- Delay Has Been Dangerous in Tilla­ West, W. M. No Tariff on Dye». Notice is hereby given to all whom press grant, to take timber from For the purpose of satisfying a sumc, the British in Flanders and the mook. Apparently the administration has it may concern, that the County lands owned by the government and Do the right thing at the right time. Court of the Slate of Oregon, for the judgment rendered in decree of fore­ French in Champagne would launch 1 decided not to support House Bill not included in the grant, upon what I closure in case of J. II. Ellison and Act quickly in time of danger. an offensive movement against the County of Tillamook, has appointed pretext can the government deny the j. < No. 702, which provides for a tariff In time of kidney danger Doan's the undersigned, Charles Edwin Don­ Ellen Ellison plaintiffs vs. George weakened point. The conclusion must , on dyes and dyestuffs in order to pro- Vandersee and May Vand“e»C.e, de­ company the right to take timber I be that the Teutonic allies are moving Kidney Pills are evidence of their aldson, as administrator of the Estate fendants, in the Circuit Court 01 I'-.T from the lands granted to the com­ ti ct American manufacturers and en­ of Amanda L. Donaldson, deceased, men from the Balkans, and from worth. courage them to increase their pres- pany? R. M Stevens, farmer, Fourth St. amook County. Oregon. I enf plants so as to make this country many points in southeastern Europe, Forest Grove, Or. says: “I think and all persons having claims against Said sale will be made in pursuance Purpose Was to Aid. required to.present •aid estate, are •--» • - -. — ...„I to take part in Western hostilities. independent of foreign supply. This of an execution and order of sale is­ there is nothing better than Doan's • "The facts show that the position of with the proper Russia ’ s road to Constantinople is Kidney Pills for relieving backache them, together the government, if carried'out, would inference is deduced from Secretary .................. -, at sued in pursuance of the decree in now probably open for all but such and kidney trouble. 1 have used them vouchers, to said administrator, the office of his Attorney, j John said cause. force upon the company a large fi­ 1 Redfield's statement on the subject opposition as the defeat and demor­ and they have also been taken to Dated this March 2nd, 1916. nancial loss, in other words, while in a bulletin just issued. He admits alized Turk can offer. These facts others in my home with very good Leland Henderson, in Tillamook City H. Crenshaw, this grant was one to aid the u con­ the shortage in present supply, but Oregon, within six (6) months from arc very likely to affect prices in the results. I advise all kidney sufferers Sheriff of Tillamook struction of the railroad, it would instead of recommending protection the date of this notice. near future. County, Oregon. to try Doan’s Kidney Pills.” turn out to be, if the position of the / his wtole mind is turned toward »e- Dated February 24th, 1916. Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't means Curing the ’ ‘ * law — — «-:_u passage of ' a which Charles Edwin Dodaldton, government is correct, the No Swivel-Chair Control. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Administrator of the Es­ only of producing a deficit for the will make it illegal to import dyes or Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that dyestuffs sold here at a lower price tate of Amanda L. Don­ LANG’S MINERAL WONDER. num » 11 V . — j - grantee, and this appears from the ; Maj. Gen. Funstan does not believe Mr. Stevens had Foster-Milburn Co., fig- I tha tn in Germany. i aldson, deceaseil. following facts, stating in round 1 in giving or taking swivel-chair or ­ Props., Buffalo, N. Y. will come as a surprise to the —— o I This T tire»: country, for it had assumed from ders. He announces that Brig. Gen. Expenses to the company of ail- j APPENDICITIS Pershing will have general orders, HOW HEAR WITHOUT EARS. For—Eczema, Rheumatism, Diar­ CAN BE PREVENTED. ministering this grant. $t.372,orxxoo certain remarks that the Democrats but that he will be authorized to ad­ rhoea, Pile», Catarrah of the Head, ------ o- - ■ in this instence would abandon their It has paid taxes on these lands ag- .......... - , Tillamook people should know that Disease of the Kidneys, Inflamma­ _______ ._ principles amla£ree ‘ • to a opt such details as the situation may Police and Detectives Are Using Lip gregating. S2.7tR.000 00. Making total _ free trade a few doses of simple buckthorn bark, Reading in Place of the Dic­ , proposal which has everything to rec- seem to require in his pursuit of Vil­ tion of the Eyes, For Burns, For expense and taxes, $4,130,000.00 glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlcr-i ka, tagraph. . ommend it. The proposed law of Sec­ la and his army. Gen. Funston's an­ Cuts, Running Sores, Blood Poison, The company's total cash receipts often relieve or prevent appendicitis. retary Redfield is a makeshift and nouncement, based on his historical Stomach Trouble, Asthma, and from all sources tinder this grant, in­ Thousands of deaf people are today 1 This simple mixture removes such and his personal observations, may cluding sales of lands amount to, would not meet the situation. be regarded as a hint to Washington throwing away all bearing devices surprising foul matter that ONE Tuberculosis. $5.345.000.00. I that interference with his general and enjoying all conversation. I his SPOONPUL relieves almost ANY Effect of Low Tariff on Egg. AGENT. This leaves the company a net rev­ plans will be unwise. It is the busi­ method is easily and quickly acquired CASE constipation, sour stomach or BILL WITHROW Just as an appetizing reminder to ness of Washington to designate of­ through our system. Absolutely the gas. A short treatment helps chronic enue from past transactions of $1,- Tillamook, Oregon. 3i 5.000.00. t those dear free trade friends who en­ ficers of proven military ability and vnly thing of its kind in the country. stomach trouble. Adlcr-i-ka has eas­ The lands of this grant heretofore joy eating their eggs scrambled these political sagacity, for the latter qual­ Our proposition is entirely original. iest and most thorough action of any­ brisk March mornings, we would in­ ification is indispcnsible in dealing Cost is trifling See what New Inter­ thing we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, drug­ •old aggregate 804.637.75. ________________ Which have yielded the rmmpanv I form them that "prepared", frozen with a situation like that on the Rio national Encyclopaedia says on Lip gist. therefore an average net revenue for or evaporated eggs are now coming Grande, but after they are chosen Reading. Hundreds of people with Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. into this country in bulk since the they should be unhampered by the normal hearing are taking up Lip the lands sold per acre of $r 51. ------ o - - free trade tariff cut the duty on these views of armchair strategists remote reading for the many additional ben­ Free Service to Govern men’. The undersigned. Sheriff of Tilla- efits gained. You can understand uncertain foreign products from 5 I from the scene of operations and I “And further, this grant required I M on- per cent under a protective tariff to 2 I basing conclusions on inadequate in­ what the actors are saying just as far mook County, Oregon, will on ♦he company to carry free for the per away as you can sec them. The eye day, the 3rd day of April, tQlb, at the cent under free trade. During the I formation. The main business of understands beyond the range of hour of 10 o'clock a m. at the Court United States Government it» mails, troops, munitions of war and public free trade fiscal year 1914 we import­ Washington is promptly to furnish hearing. Send no money, but mention House door in Tillamook City, .Ore- ed 3.400.000 pounds of these myster ­ I the supplies Funstan requests. »tores over this railroad without ”1’, sell at public auction .. to the gon, this paper and state whether or not 1 v limit as to time. The value_ I highest bidder for cash in hand, the for this ious mixtures of hen fruit, estimating you are deaf All particulars will be Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ free transportation at reg-jlar rates It real eggs to a pound. Fggs pre­ sent you absolutely free and with no 1 following described real property »it- which has been furnished the gov- pared in this manner are used princi­ sey "Good Eats." M A. Olson for­ expense to you Address, School of , uate in Tillamook County, Oregon, pally by the bakers in making cakes, ernment equals $2.084x6' 00 which merly of the Spanish Kitchen. * Lip Language, Kansas City, Missouri. I to-wit: • amount exceeds the recej pts of the which ought to be pleasing news to RT T" Get a Fresh Start! For men who got away to a false start on a pipe or home-made cigarettes Prince Albert has a word or two for what ails their smokeappetites I to smoke, Albert is so such cool and cheerful friendly, you ll get a new idea of process fixes that and cuts bite and parch! little also who think they're on track. to is you out a supply ’ discovery that’ be worth to mind Forget I I of without a all that s want A.! WISE & MASSEY, Denstists, Have Opened Offices in the Tillamook Block, Room 205, If you arc having trouble with your plates staying in place, we can stop it by using this patent suc­ Rooms 205 and 210. Phone Main 5. tion. Office hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free ad vice about Daily Except Sundays. all kinds of dental work. Other times by appointment. Painless Also offices in Bay City, Phone 213. Free when Bar View Hotel and Tent City, bridge wc Phone 32F5. dered. EAT VIERECK’S BREAD, TILLAMOOK BAKERY [ At All Grocers <- » • 'ti hi 4 t