Mr. Reed is well qualified for the | ployed for a 1 large section of the ' PRECOCIOUS PAINTERS. ADVERTISING RATES. * . • ... 1 J make .. 1.^ r. an AvZ'r'Hont kinrtnil’i'et position and -J would excellent I Northwest. Legal Advertisement». lhe combination of these two great Some Famous Pictures That Wero commissioner, wdio would look after First Insertion per line ............ $ .10 the county's aliairs in a thorough factors, specializing in the matter ol Produced by Mere Boye..- Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 business manner. His engineering getting the employer and the em­ Slr David Wilkie was probably the ployee together, will be effective of ability would be a great assistance to Business and Professional cards much economy and its operating el­ most popular painter of his time aud vou read the label to know whether Do you one month...................................... 1.00 the board ol County Commissioners. liciency is obvious. It is the prime ob­ one of the most deservedly so. and his The county needs business men like Locals per line each insertion... pictures today are almost all Lu the OS an ject ol these offices to promote your baking powder is made from cream Mr. Reed to look after its affairs, and Display advertisements, an inch especially the economical manner in «■quitable and economic distribution great national collection» or In the pos­ of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum session of the king. He was extreme ­ one month..................................... •5° which the taxpayer's money should ol available Ibaor forces and affords be expended, and being a large tax­ all employers the opportunity lo se­ ly precocious nnd might be said to All Resolutions of Condolence or phosphate ? 01 those cure quickly an«i without cost elii- bare been born with a palette in his and Lodge Notices, per line . 05 payer himself, is not one who would spend money extrava­ cient help from a responsible and hand. Notices, lost, strayed or stolen i ’ Royal Baking Powder is made from Wilkie painted his famous nnd very gantly or wastefully. He is not com­ permanently established source. etc., minimum rate, not ex­ 1 lie matter of supplying help to characteristic picture. "Pltlessie Fair.' mitted to cither one of the pro- cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and ceeding five lines ..................... ■25 posed road or bridge projects that employers remote from llic establish­ when he was a mere lad. It was a ed labor markets will be a strong fea ­ are being agitated in the north part adds to the food only wholesome qualities. lo-al scene which he knew well, and I of the county, it being his opinion ture. Particular attention will also be the HO figures which it eontaius were RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION given the matter of serving farmers, all sketched from his father's parish­ mat this is an engineer’s problem. (Strictly in Advance.) Other baking powders contain alum or ranchers, orchardists, stockmen, can- ioners. for Wilkie was a "son of the On« Year .... $1.50 An effort is being made by the uers, logging camps, lumber mills manse.” As his father would have phosphate, both of mineral origin, and Six Months . •75 Commercial < lub ol Buhl, Idaho, to and manufacturers, throughout Ore­ been very angry to think bis boy was gon and a large portion of Southern used as substitutes for cream of tartar boost the cheese industry of that state Three Months •50 doing sueb 11 wrong thing as to ridi­ where altalia is abundant and cheap. Washington. because of their cheapness. It will not be the purpose of these cule his dear flock. David to use Gus Kunze tile principal speaker, who THE TILLAMAAK HEADLIGHT. advocated the promotion of the in­ vmployment offices to supply all the bis models quite "uubeknowu" to them dustry, paid '1 lllamook County a jobs with men from Portland, but —In fact, during service. The young Never sacrifice quality and healthful­ r«.ther the labor situation in tach artist got them all ’ under the book- compliment when he said; ness for low price. Editorial Snap Shots. I "1 lllamook became the greatest community will be investigated to bonril" and transferred them to can­ dairy, cream, and cheese producing the end ot making an equitable and vas at his leisure. ----- o------ • Everybody knows that Millais was They are all doing it—raising the section in the northwest, it not in the economic distribution of the workers ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. United States, not because it is a bet- involved. price of everything. an "infant prodigy." Did lie not win I . ter dairy country than Buhl, but be­ lhe services rendered by the com­ tlie gold medal of the Royal academy New York “Swat the fly!" Well, what about cause the farmers had to milk cows bined employment bureaus will be when lie was nine? free to all who wish to avail them ­ swatting a worse nuisance—the free or walk out of 1 illamook. Buhl is a At South Kensington hangs a glow­ greater dairy country than Tillamook selves of them. No charge will be ex­ ing and masterly canvas entitled "Pi­ tsadc Democratic party, acted from employer or employee. | but here it a farmer hears of some zarro Seizing the Inca of Peru.” now Applications front employers for ft will be seen by one of the one getting one hundred and fifty many boys of fifteen know anything > nopsla <>r the Annunl Statement o' church notices that the subject of the dollars an acre raising wheat and help and from those seeking employ- of Pizarro or the Incas even if they T. BO ALS, M.D., THE AMERICAN CREDIT-INDEMNITY CO. sermon is: "Making a A ill.'' Wonder clover, he is liable to quit the dairy ment arc invited. happen to know the whereabouts of I New York, I.. _ In the state ut of New what kind of a will the Democratic cow. But if a person will stay witii ' >rk. on tile 31st day of Decenih» Peru? Yet Millais was only that ago It May Be War. SICIAN AND SURGEON. 11'15. made to the insurance comm?».' free trade party will make before it is the dairy cow he will win out in the when he not only knew these things, state of Ore xon. pur. killed off once more next November.' end.” Snrsreon S. P. Co. au ant to law: Gen. Ci arranza’s manifesto to the but could realize them in splendid I Cheap feed is one of the essential Capital. (I. O. O. F. Bldg ), power In paint and get his picture on Amount of capital paid We don't see any earthly use of features in dairying, especially green Mexican people is quite likely a polit­ up ...................................................... J 350.000.04 the line at the academy, and be was ical dotument, designed to strength ­ Tillamook .... Oregon. compelling candidates to circulate feed, which Tillamook can boast of Income. Net p r e m i ums received petitions, f he qualification that we and which have helped to make the I en his hold upon the people; but it only nineteen when be painted otie of during the year.....................| 640,617.64 would insist upon is that a person be cheese industry a success in this i may be that he is entirely in earnest bis supreme masterpieces, judged by Inter est, dividends and a resilient a certain number of years county, It has been a surprise to us and would really have opposed Amer­ some to be the greatest thing be ever T^^EBSTER HOLMES, rents received during the year .................................. 60,604.46 and a taxpayer on a certain amount that where alfalfa can be produced so ican entry into Mexico by force of did, "Lorenzo and Isabella.” which Is Income from other sources ATTORNEY-AT-LAW had not arms, if reciprocal rights cheaply and abundantly that those one of the treasures of the Walker of property. received during year.... 2.704.91 section have not made more progress been granted. '1 here seems to have Art Gallery of Liverpool. COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Total income ......................... $ 703,327.0« Judge Webster Holmes is wonder- in the dairying business. It is true been no sufficient reason to deny his < Holman Hunt was only twenty when DiftburKementN. ot the * FIRST STREET, ing whether he can land the nonnna- that Tillamook has a decided advan­ demands, especially in view­ he painted bis famous “Eve of St Ag- | Losses paid during year, including adjustment tion for circuit judge on the prohibi­ tage over other sections on account fact that there is little likelihood of nes" and still little more than a boy TILLAMOOK, - OREGON expenses, etc............................ $ 485,070.51 tion ticket. '1 he snap shot man thinks of green feed, but now that the dairy­ any Mexican bandits or revolutionists when he painted his remarkable pic-, Dividends paid during the year on capital stock... he was too late getting on the water men are paying $20.00 a ton for nay crossing the boarder to escape from ture which he called "Behold 1 Stand I 7.000.00 Commissions and salaries wagon, »0 wc sentence him to six this gives the alfalfa districts an ad­ the Carranzistas, for they would cer­ at the Door and Knock." but which is rp H. GOYNE, paid during the year... 225,549.11 vantage, which raise three crops a tainly find it warmer on this side months on probation. Tixes, licenses and fees paid during the year... than the other; and of the further known to the world today as “The i year. 21,061.21 /amount of all other ex­ Light of the World." a replica of which ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. fact that such an arrangement would Why wouldn’t it be a good idea, as penditures ............................... 47,561.11 Í Office : O pposite C ourt H ouse , Clutrge-off furniture and The story is told that a conference tend to salve the pride of the Mexi- ( can be seen in St Paul’s cathedral. the Women’s Civic Improvement .lectures since organiza ­ can people and help to hold the mat- I Rossetti painted his lovely picture, of Methodist ministers in Iowa, pre ­ League will endeavor to make T'illa- i tion ............................................... 45.5I4.<| i ter down to the present punitive pur- “Girlhood of Mary Virgin," when be Tillamook < iiook the dahlia city the coming sided over by Bishop Ames, some Oregon. 1 I pose or the expedition. It should be was twenty and his famous "Ecee An- T<*tal expenditures.......... | 832.389.32 summer, to beautify the churches anil years age, a member who posed as a Assets. the church services on Sundays with converted burglar, or reformed gam­ borne in mind, however, that the tern- ( cilla Domini" the year following. Value of real estate owned (market value) .................. None handsome flowers? There is splendid bler, or something equally reprehen­ per of the Mexican people is a very j I.andseer was amazingly precocious. JACK OLSEN, Value of stocks and bonds hormony in divine truth and beauti­ sible in his past, began to give testi­ uncertain and Unstable thing. It has, ' He exhibited his first academy picture owned (market value) . $1,105,133.00 ful flowers, and this should be one mony as to his many misdeeds, He to begin with, the punctilious pride when he was fifteen.—Exchange. Loans on mortgages and DENTIST. collateral, etc., prem­ feature in the beautifying of the city. was interrupted by the bishop, who that finds expression in Carranza’s ium notes ............................... (I. O. O. F. Bldp.) silenced him by saying: "Brother, if I grandiloquent phrases. It has a hat- Cash in banks and on hand 39.478.71 Judging by Appearances. Ibis is taxpaying time. We want to were as bad as you have been and as red for America and Americans tliat Premiums in course of Tillamook - Oregon, The tired father of a restless boy collection written since ask the taxpayers whether the polit­ good as you evidently think you are has been steadly nourished by the September 30, 1915............ orated as follows, not speaking to the Nom ical “reformers" and the 4 >regon Sys­ now, I would say precious little about meddling policy of the present ad- Interest and rents due boy directly, but doing It in his pres ­ J-J T. BUtu and accrued .......................... 13.0209« tem have reduced taxation? Not iny wickedness and let others testify ministration. And when pride and X X . much., I lie Oregon System was made to my goodness.” There are others hatred combine in a mercurial race ence: Total assets ........................... >1,196,650.91 | ATTORNEY-AT-EAW. a hobby horse for office seekers to beside the bishop who think that the an explosion is likely to ensue. More­ i I "How true It is that It Is never safe Less special deposits in any state ................................. 5.270.W get into office, and to make it tropical place for converted gamblers is not in over, there is the quiet reasonable be­ « to judge by appearances!” Complete Set of Abstract Books in for the taxpayers. Talk about suckers the pulpit, if they arc to pose merely lief that w ar against an invader w ould I “Yes." replied the boy's mother, see­ Total assets admitted in Office. Oregon .................................. $J..191,S«5.9S | well, didn’t the dear people get a as converted gamblers.—Oregonian. unite all the opposing factions of the ing that It was her cue and answering I.lahHItlvN. Taxes Faitl for Non-Residents. with another version of the cliche, “ ap ­ political jag on when they listened to republic in a patriotic struggle for The snap shot man has often won­ Gross claims for losses political "reformer»" ami . bit at the dered why persons, when called upon what they will no doubt sincerely be- pearances are often awfully decep­ unpaid .........................................$ 3O4.912.SI T illamook B lock , Amount of unearned pre­ < Ircgon-System? The “.reform" comes to "testify" at religious meetings, lievc to be their very existence. I tive" Tillamook - Oregon miums on all outstand­ by way of an increase in taxation. So that even with the granting of “And so are Inanimate objects." con­ 310,412.11 start in to give a vivid account of the , bo ing risks ..................... '........... Botli Phon es. Due for commission and wrong deeds they have committed, Carranza s demands for reciprocal tinued the paterfamilias with marked 2.08679 brokerage ............................... I We wonder when Bro. Trombley, when young persons arc present. border relations, there cart be no as- emphasis. __ r .... “You ... would ___ _____ _____ think, _ for ln- 23,056.91 All other liabilities............... --------------- the Democratic free trade stand pat They certainly need “swatting", and surance that our entry into Mexico ’ stance. If you judged by appearances, J~)R ELMER ALLEN Total liabilities.................. $ 610,488.57 ter, is going to bring about a reduc­ we thoroughly agree with this good will not lead to war with the Mexican that the heavy pair of school shoes I Total premiums in force tion of lhe high cost of living. This bishop in the sentiment lie expressed nation, a war that will call to arms bought for .lames the other day was I December 31, 1915............. $ 600,617-47 (Successor to Dr. Sharp), jBUdiness in Oregon for the Year. was the sop he was offering the peo­ on this subject. If ministers of the much larger forces than we have had I going to last for more than three Gross premiums received ple of this county at the Iasi presi­ gospel would do the same as the bish­ in the field for fifty years, that will weeks, wouldn't you? And you would during the year ................. 3 1,485W DENTIST. dential election, but lhe cost of living op did when they hear men “testify" involve the expenditure of large sums rremiums returned during the year ..................... ........... is still on the increase. Pemdventure in church to their own wickedness, of money and continue through many never think that the fragile looking Commercial Building, Tillamock Losses paid during year. 971.31 llr«i. I rombley has not been saying meanness ami cusseducss it would, months. And yet we cannot do less arithmetic I bought him at the begin­ Losses incurred during th5 year............................................... »71.11 his political prayers very fervently, certainly, prevent wrong impressions than we are doing and propose to do. ning of the term would bld fair to last 7HE AMERICAN CREnti-1NDE» and if he has they don't appear to be being instilled in the minds of the 1 he Mexican question must be set­ forever. Rut look at 'em!"—Cleveland NlTY COMPANY OF NEW IORL QR. L. L. HOY, By T J. LOFTUS. Asst. Six. answered. Why is it, Bro. T rombley. younger gencratdion, for it is natural tled, and, now that we have been Plain Dealer. Str.tutory resident general agent »»• that this Democratic plank don’t for young people to contend that if a compelled to put our hand to it, it uttornev for service: PHYSICIAN AND SITRGEON A Carlyle Retort. measure up to the political promises church member did such wicked must be thoroughly settled. W hat­ v E N. WHEELER. Portland. Or. An empty beaded duke once said to made by that party? ever the attitude of the Mexican peo ­ things there is no harm in their doing lynop.l. of the Annoal State«««* •* T illamook B lock , the same. Maybe we are a little ple and whatever the consequences Thomas Carlyle at a dinner: “ The British people, sir, can afford Palatine Insurance Co.,LH Wouldn't that jar you. No matter sceptical, but when we bear of per­ may be we must go after Villa and 1 Tillamook, Oregon. The oi London, England, on the 31»t dtf how* many names there on a recall sons boasting and testifying as to his men and get them. If a stable and to laugh at theories." ci December. 1915, made to the in’»r Carlyle, scowling, replied: ,\ petition, few or many, some of our the wickedness they have committed dependable government existed in J OHN LELAND H ENDERSON, ance commissioner -of the start “The French nobility of a hundred citizens contend that the County and claim to be so holy and saintly, Mexico, with th« power to take and Oregon, pursuant to law: Capital. l lerk should call an election. Rats. we cannot help thinking that this is a oondingly to punish these rnurauders, years ago thought that they could af­ Amount of capital paid ATTORNEY , No»' we could respect its sovereignty and ford to laugh nt theorists too. But a Every sensible person in Tillamook curious combination. up ...................... .•• •"........... Income. hold it to direct accountability. But man came and wrote a book called AND will commend County Clerk Holden ▼ Net premiums received there is no such government and we The Social Contract’ This man was for the sensible course lie has adopt­ during the year................. .1 »2,035,Iff* Co V NSELLOR - AT-L A tv. Interest. dividends and ed in saving the taxpayers the cost of Of Interest to the Unemployed and must take the matter into our own Jean Jacques Rousseau, and his book T illamook B lock , rents received during ,,.,,.0 Employer hands. «■ special election. It looks to as that was a theory and nothing but a theory. the year ................................... ii«.« ■ i Tillamook - . . - Oretron ■9 lew individuals are endeavoring to Jncomo from other sources .«mi The nobles could laugh at his theory, ROOM NO. 261. received during year... »-'"’J make a "goat" out of the County but tbelr skins went to bind the sec­ An item of considerable interest to Changed Military Ideas. T. but weftre inclined to think that falls short. Verdun, as it stood at the mon language about B. C. 200. r.«ans on mortgages and etc. war is made a prcl ex to r use getting men and women into the beginning of the war, and a ring of ollateral, etc............ tJ0.HU1 „ in banks and on hand he price ot most everything that can channel of industry where they arc sixteen large forts, and many smaller Rars Attainment. PrKL ums in course of and to - secure them ones, armed with heavy cannon, used be raised, or, in othei w otds, it is .1 most needed, ............... ...f ‘ 402.«U»| collk tlon ''Tu‘t'?.slncb “What makes you think Mlns Tril- c- HAWK, general graft system to Meece peo­ w •rk for which they are best suited. iber 3Ô. 1915 in connection with revolving steel Septew due Another matter worthy of note in cupolas covered w ith a cap of harden­ ler has such a marvelous musical edu- and rents ple to pay more. This I, gOlllg ,o IXU*1 Interest and ace> ued................ is the ed iron and steel, supposed to be cation?" paralyte the printing business In this connection is that thi , .......................... »3,KM*1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. first practical combination "She actually knows how to pro- ever at- proof against an enemy's projectiles. point of dlusti ttion, sonic of the bon«! Total as««% Less special ^deposits In tmpers have ,Marl) doubled in pric.- tempted between the employment Farlv events in the war showed the nottnee correctly the names of all the any state ................... -—“ branch of the Federal ....... w ,„ and inks b.n0 likewise taken a jump. Government folly of depending on fixed fortresses classical selections she plays."—Wash­ Bay City Oreg-oa Total assets adnK'tcd ln.3 id.IlF One round t 1 blue ink u««l to ind any other public employment of­ of the old engineering school. So the ington Star. Oregon < ost us One d.«llar now cost, Lt 00 fice. Results of the work are to come ' rench removed the big guns from ■ml 1 a liable to go to Blact job under the close security of the offi­ the Verdun forts and planted them at Authoritative. Gross claims for los* - 197,731’ E. REEDY. D.V M., ’’Does yonr wife ever go through J unpaid ......................... A '* used to cost ua from $i.»> to cials at Washington, and may be the points in the field, where thev com­ Amount of unearned PJ basis (or a combination of these in ­ »-•00 a pound has lumped to $s Oo a manded approaches at long distances, your pockets while you are asleep?” miums on alt outstand’ iajl.4^1 pound Every week there is an ad­ terests throughout the United States. and occupied locations not definitely ing risks .................. • • • *4 "No, she does It openly. Maintains VETERINARY. Due for commission ana I he Government employment ser- known to an attacking army. So far flrmly her right of search and seizure.” vance in the price of newspaper, nnd V1 brokerage ice is a national affair with branches in the battles at Verdun there is no —Kansas City Journal. nobrnlv appears to know how high Both Phones. All other liabilities... a . • in every important city in the United record of the capture of heavy French this will go the next few months. Total llrtbilttles. exch*- Tillamook , Orejaron States. 1 hrough an interchange of in­ guns, and that they have done much stve of capital .stock. ■»- I Not Mis Business. SC Reed hag filed with the formation between these, numerous execution against massed attacks is Total premiums in *orce,3x>I.«*M “Conductor, this man Is stepping on December 11. ISIS • f««» offices correct data concerning labor certain. ‘ ounty Clerk a notice that he will h. Huslness la Oregon for I “"’d «he lady passenger. [)R- GEORGE J. PETERSEN Total * fa.c " « ,®i.c°*w’r f-°””>1i»»ioner condition» in any locality is always Insurance written Thus is discredited as a stroke the "I hare nothing to do with the traffic available. during the year •. ■ •••j ’ 4 * 1 on the Republican ticket at the pri fortresses constructed _____ ; w * ith .......... many ..... W-pss premiums recelvea tUt’J Portland, being the largest citv in years of labor and supposed to be im­ regulations, madam." was the reply.- m*ry election, and he hast invokesl DENTIST, during the year - lookers Statesman. the section mentioned, is the natural the new law in .loing i0. Hy paving 1$ premiums returned our pregnable. Verdun is 140 miles from » fee of $jooo, which go«» Into the labor market to which ail classes of "arts. Its strength now is in its geo­ ins the year ................... Successor to Dr. Perkin« Losses paid «fairing y*« r -: Very Careful. y ’Ta”"7’ h* a ean- laborers and trained workers flock graphical advantages, not in the steel 3U*1 Losses Incutwed durms TILLAMOOK, ^OREGON. netíu J»*» not have to circulate when seeking employment. cli«l turrets Trenehes have taken the Tota* Amount of The. Public I- niplovment Bureau, place of masonery. and the storming ■bout the training of his family, lou t th« e?‘ Un ‘ ”*'• » hrt,rr * " ance outstanding In Ore- móñeí 7 rt""1' »“i i» ««Ids maintained and operated bv the City of one point in a line reaching hun­ M. b*‘ ,rt*’ ,o «P T i I e " PALATtNE iNSURAN' Ctl ,n ««*• w«y he should bare Q arl haberlach , Mvhe ,und« »"d helps of Portland ranks as one of the most dreds of miles is in no sense decisive. LTD. .. o "u-t- "f •" '"’portant labor exchanges on the gone.—I*ui k. By A H. J KHALI* I S "rmy ’’ an.l able Statutory resident general attorney - at -1 . aw . Uom .h?. ‘be local elec- Pacific (oast, and has previous to to onerate ?" in an extended field, it is h this would give the county S hoo its alliance with the Federal office in effective shape without attorney foir rkhv R** been a clearing house for the unem- fixed fortifications of the regard to T illamook B e ock Wilcox Bids . Pofti old type. Worth Careful Thought Tillamook Oreg un