TILLAMOOK, OREGON. Ray & Co., is paying 5 cents ler sacks. Piano for rent. —Apply at the City Transfer Co. • H/S MONEY For sale, small team, also a young mare five years old, weight about 1200. Apply at L. J. Larson, at Tom Lyster ranch, South Prairie. * O. A. Schultz left for Portland this morning, where he will meet Mrs. Schultz, who is returning home after a visit with friends in Aberdeen. Don’t fail to see Dunstan Farnum featuring in the "Virginian” at the Star Theatre next Saturday and Sun­ day. A play full of life from start to finish. POCfiTT BOOKS LFAK B ank /SA S. ' afe P lace for it Money PILED L P in the bank is the one sure protec­ tion against the storms of adversity. Neman who has a home and family should endanger the security of his home or the comfort of his family should he be taken awav from them. MONEY IN THE BANK will best insure the com­ fort of a mail’s wife and children. As you earn money bank it regularly and make your family independent. Make OUR bank YOUR bank. We pay 4 per cent.interest on Sayings Deposit. Tillamook County Bank THE OLD RELIABLE. OCCQOCCCOOOeCCOGCOOGGCGOCGGCGO Tillamook Jottings. Fancy Plymouth Rock Eggs, for setting, for sale, 15 for $1.25. Mrs. I. W. Hiner, Hemlock. * * Wise and Massey, Dentists. * Houses to Rent, see Watson. Dr. C. W. Miller, chriopractor. Ray & Co. is paying 5c for sacks. Miss Patterson now has her first showing of Spring Millinery ready tor your inspection. * Your Free Sample of Briquets is now ready at Lamb-Schrader Co’s. office.—B Ater (j. Lamb. For Sale—Three Durham cows, coming fresh soon. Apply to Jacob ♦ Good team for sale, See Joe Don­ fagnian, Kilchis River. aldson. * Chas McKillip and John Fleck There was a rain and wind storm were in from the South part of the county on Saturday. on Tuesday. For sale or trade a moving picture Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I. outfit, complete, Call or write to J. S. Clough Co. * Prime, Bay City, Oregon. * Get your early seed potatoes at the For sale, cheap, vine maple and Fruit Palace. * spruce limbs. Apply to M. R. Hanen- Get free Kodak instructions at C. I aratt, Tillamook, Oregon. * Clough Co.'s. * Lloyd Edwards is home for a short Bring in your prescriptions, Tilla­ vacation from Newberg, where he is mook Drug Co. * attending the Pacific College. E T. Haltom is in Portland this Virginia Roy Marleau et al vs. week on business. Valentir. : Roy Desrochers et al is a Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla­ partition suit filed in the circuit. Five cents for sacks, Ray & Co. mook County Bank. The place to eat is at Eats,” Ramsey Hotel. * the "Good * For sale or trade, a 3 inch Mitchell Wagon for a cow. Apply to G. G. Graves, near Krebs brick yard. Trap nested White Leghorns, O. A. Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co., C. and Tancred Stock. Eggs and baby chicks. W. S. Coates, Tillamook. Tillamook Oregon. Dairy ranch for rent,—Two miles Bring your sacks to Ray & Co. and from 1 illamook City. For informa­ get 5 cents for them. tion address Box 17, Tillamook, Or.* Born, to the wife of M. D. Ackley, Wc id Sawed—Call E. W. Knight on Saturday, a daughter. >n the Mutual phone, Prompt service Dressmaking, Mrs. Marie Wade, and cartful work. Corner 9th and Stillwell. * R. L. Sabin vs. Emil G. Kardcll is a Furnished four room house for suit filed in the circuit court to re- cover $177.59, $22.64 and $59,93- rent, Apply to E. J. Claussen. * Ed. Cary and wife left for their home at Lafayette, Orc, on Monday. You choose your doctor. Choose us as your druggist—Tillamook Drug Co. * The infant child of Herman Haus- worth died on Monday from whaap- ing cough. The Tillamook Meat Co. is paying 7c. per pound for live fat hogs up to 225 pounds. Jitney Service: Auto .'or hire at all hours. Phone 53J Day—154J night * Lee Slyter. Miss Areta Everson left on Monday for Shasta, Cal., where she will visit her brother. Have you prescriptions to be filled? We can fill any prescription.—Tilla­ mook Drug Co. * For Sale, 5 room cottage, modern, for cash $775—Address Box 145, Til lamook, Oregon. * Rhubarb Roots and a few 3 year old crowns for sale. R. B. Hays, Till amook Oregon. * Full Blood Barred Rock eggs foi 50c. Apply to E. L. Stewart, 1 illamook Oregon. I For Rent—Store Building now oc- cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd. Mrs. F. L. Dielschneider, of Port­ land, who has been visiting at the left Sunday for her home in Irving­ ton. For Sale, 40 acres of land nearly all bottom land. Terms or part trade. Apply to Mrs. Morgan at the Watch « lower. For rent, A’atch Tower building, unfurnished or unfurnished apart- inents. Mrs. Morgan. Watch lower * Building. We use only the purest drugs ob­ tainable to enter into your prescrip­ tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook Drug Co. * The students of the public school nave been in a fly swatting campaign. They will have a bonfire of the f lies ?n Friday. Ride with Smithy. Auto trips any ,>art of city or county. Good car. .areful driver, Ira C. Smith, Both ihones, Call me. Having bought the Tillamook Iron .Yorks from A. K. Case all business rom Sept. 1st will be transacted by .i. Sander. • UflMflR’S VARIETY STORE, MOVE to LO O.F. BLD., "Drop in a nd book Around ” J "À wW ..feo:? .■?■ 'x V- |i.$o PER YEAR. l»l(> ATTENTION DAIRYMEN. I have orders for a great number of calves and am n«w buying all 1 can get. When you have a calf for sale its money in your pocket to call me up. Am able to pay and will pay fancy Prices for Durham Bulls, Red Poll Bulls, Durham, Red Polls and Holstein Heifers. Can also use chickens.—Both Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN. Ray & Co., sacks. is paying 5 cents .. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital and Surplus, $30,000.00 Member Federal Reserve Bank. OFFICI» : for There will be a pruning, top-work­ ing and grafting demonstration at tnc old orchard on the Fair Grounds Having taken charge of the auto­ next Monday, March 27 at 1:30 p in. mobile department 01 Case’» Garage, AU who are interested in the care oi 1 solicit yOur patronage in the luture an old orchard or in rejuvinating the as in the past and will guarantee »at­ old orchard arc invited to come. I he traction. rrank H. Devine. work will be in charge of the County Protect your valuable paper* from Agriculturist and Prof. Sanders of the unexpected fire by renting one of the high school. our safe deposit boxes, Only one S. J. Cotton was arrasted on a dollar per year. Tillamook County charged of collecting money for sub­ Bank. scriptions for the Journal and not The plate glass window on the accounting for the same. His trial South side of W. A. William’s har- was set for Monday at one o'clock, ness store, was broken by the storm but that morning he took the train on Tuesday, this being the third time for Portland, but was brought back, i he Justice bound him over to the i that this happened. grand jury but ~ District Attorney A. F. Coats, of the A. F. Coats Goyne has given him an opportunity Lumber Co., of this city, came in on to straighten the matter out and by Saturday and left on Monday, and it paying the costs. has been decided to make further Married on Wednesday afternoon, improvements in the sawmill. at the parsonage of the Christian Wanted, to trade about one acre of church, by the Rev. H. A. VanWinkle river bottom land on the Trask river, James M. Baker and Ostie 1. Hedge, with small house on it, for a small runabout auto. Apply at the Head­ a few relatives witnessed th; cere- inony. The groom is a resident of the light office. * South part of the county and road Attorney T. B. Handley returned supervisor of road district No. 1, from California on Saturday, where where he has many friends. The bride he had gone on account of the illness came from Multnomah County and is of his mother whose condition is a young lady who is highly respected. quite serious. They have the best wishes from their Bring your hides to Dawson's Liv­ many friends for their future hap­ ery Barn, we are paying 16c. for calf piness. hides, 12c. for beef hides; sacks from County Surveyor R. L. Shreve and 2c. up to 4c. (Jid rubber and metal 5c. his deputy C. A. Dunn, left on Mon­ Frank Winer. day to make a preliminary survey of The new building that is to be the Little Nestucca road, there being erected by the First National Bank an attempt to have this road declar­ is to be a two story building. The wet ed part of the highway through the weather of the past two weeks have county. It benefits a large number of settlers in that part of the county, delayed building operations. but its roughly estimated that it will The Supreme Court has refused a cost $100,000 more than the Three rehearing in the case of Hadley vs. River road when it is constructed anil Hadley. This is a case where Oak hard surfaced. The State Engineers Nolan sued Clark Hadley for $25,000 are going over such route, and which attorney’s fees, the case being decid­ route they recommend, no doubt this ed against him.__ wilt eventually become part of the Mayor Brodhead appointed Attor­ highway. neys H.T. Botts and Webster Holmes Frank Hadley, Della Carver, Addie and Fred C. Baker to represent Tilla­ Laughlin, May Johnson, Wirt Sap­ mook at the Patriotic Preparedness pington, Effie Jensen and Harry Convention to be held at Spokane on Sappington vs. F. L. Sappington is a March 27, 28. suit filed in the circuit court in which W e have made special arrange- plaintiffs pray that the trust be ter­ inents with tlie Telephone Co., to minated and ended, and that the de­ fendant be enjoined from making any connect you directly with our office, further sales, conveyances or dispo­ in case you wish any of our GOOD sition of any portion of Rose City COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co., Call 28W Beach held by him as trustee; that R. B. Driscoll, plaintiff in error, vs. defendant be required to render a Tillamook County, is a writ of review statement and account of all portions from the justice court to the circuit of the lots sold, so that the court may court. This is a case wherein Driscoll determine the amount due plaintiffs, did stenographer work in the and in the event of the defendant failing to make such accounting, justice court amounting to $5.00. plaintiffs recover $¡0,000 and the un­ Don't forget those busted castings. divided thirteen twenty-firsts of Rose Can be welded for half. Goods sent City Beach. by parcel post and express promptly Becoming effective on April 1st returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, from Portland, Beaverton, Hillsboro and intermediate points to Tillamook Oregon. * special round trip fares on the same For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls, oasis as were in effect last spring, and two calves, I year in Spring, A. J. will go into effect on that date, viz: C. C. Jerseys,from dams that test Barview .............. 300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. H. Batterson ............ McCormack, Tillamook, Oregon, R. Bay City ............ F. D. 1. M 15. Brighton .............. G. H. Fullenweider, deputy Oregon Garibaldi ............ Dairy and Food Commissioner, came Hobsonville ........ to Tillamook this week, a complaint Idaville I.............. having been made that veal was be­ Lake Lytle .......... 5-20 ing shipped from Tillamook to Port­ Miami .................. land which had been killed too Manhattan Beach 4 75 Mohler ................ young. 435 Ocean Lake Park 495 If you have any hogs to sell call us Rockaway ............ 4 90 up on either phone as we are going Salmonberry .... 365 to ship a carload of hogs in the near Salt Air .............. 490 future. We are also buying all kinds Tillamook ............ 6.00 of young calves and hides as well as 4 60 furs of all kinds.—Tillamook Live- Wheeler .............. Stock Co. Bell phone 8F22. * City Sues Giebish 4 Joplin. "The Cheat,” another Paramount picture, is the sensational feature at ------ o------ - the Star Theatre next Wednesday Tillamook City vs. A. Giebish, F. and Thursday, featuring Fannie Joplin and Aetna Accident and Lia- Ward. Watch the Oregonian for it ( bility Co., is a suit filed in the circuit as it is being played at the Pickford , court. The complaint alleges that the Theatre in Portland this week. plaintiff entered into a contract with “The Girl and the Game,” surely I the Warren Construction Co. for the made a hit last Monday and Tuesday construction of a sewer system and nights at the Star as it was shown to I that the company sublet the contract, a crowded house of well pleased that on December 13, 1912, defend- the sewer, ....... people, who are anxious to see the ' ants partially completed next chapter so full ot thrill», next but had not completed the same in the following particulars, towit: That Monday and Tuesday. the trenches dug for the sewer had The next chapter of "The Girl and not been entirely filled, and the street the Game” begins the interesting plot and grounds through which the sewer of this wonderful railroad story. 1'his had been constructed had not been picture is sure to please you as it gets restored to as good condition as the more interesting and more exciting same were in when the sewer con­ in every chapter. Shown at the Star struction was commenced. This work Theatre every Monday and Tuesday. should have been completed before For the information of our readers, June 15, ¡9>3, and the defendant some of whom have confused two gave a bond of $2,00000 with the persons, we wish to state that D. F. Aetna Accident & Liability Co. The Thompson, who is a candidate for defendants refused and neglected to County Commissioned, is not the comply with the terms of the agree­ gentleman who was mentioned in the ment and complete the work it post­ recall petition, whose name is J. W. ing the city $94.88 to do so. which the city now seeks to recover. Thompson. B. C. LAMB, President. W. J. RIECHERS, Cashier. J. C. HOLDEN, Vice-Fresdent. I. E. KELDSON, Assistant (. DIRECTORS : C. J. E dwards . P eter H eiskl . A. W. B unn . J. C. H olden . W, J. R iechers . B. C. L amb . Careful Attention Given to all Eankirg Business Placed in Our Hands Odd Fellows Bld. TILLAMOOK, OREGON «00000000000000000000300©00©0«©e0000i 00000000000000090000009C CALF HIDES WANTED. Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., Surveyor. FOR A SHORT TIME GRANT THAYER WILL PAY 17 CENTS FOR CALF HIDES. John Leland Henderson. Sec­ retary Treii»., Attoi ney-nt- I.aw, Notrary Public. Auction Sale on Saturday. Tillamook Title and Abstract co. There will be another auction sale at Allen Page's store next Saturday afternoon, March 25th, at 1130 p.m. of useful household furniture and other effects too numerous to men­ tion. If you want bargains attend this sale next Saturday, as 1 am going to move into the store building opposite A. A. Pennington’s. ____ Allen Page. Law, Abstract«, Real Estate, Surveying, Insurance. Doth Phones. TILLAMOOK The Registration. 1,244 Pleasant Aftem°on Party. ■ o-------- Wednesday was the date of a very pleasant puny tbat was held at the Home of .sirs. Botts, with Mrs. Botts and Mrs. Hays as joint hostesses, as­ sisted by Misses Celia Drew and Blanch Stark. Rook and tancy work were enjoyed by those present. Mrs. Callahan and Mrs. John Lamar receiving the hon- ors. Yellow and White were the colors used in score cards, decorations and luncheon and daffodils the flowers featured. ' The invited guests included Mes- dames Ammer, Byers, Baker, Bales, i Bacon, Burge, Burton, Buell, Cren­ shaw, Clough, Callahan, Campbell, Dunn, Everson, Edwards, Poland, Groat, Holden, Hunt, Haberlacb, Hall, Hill, Haltom, Harrison, Holmes Jones, Koch, J. Lamar, B. C. Lamb, B. D. Lamar, Leonard, Lee, Myers, Morrison, Mason, Miller, Onthank, Robison, Reicher», Smith, Sanders, O. A. Schultz, Max Schultz, Carl Schultz, VanWinkle, Willett, Wins low, Williams and Youel. OREGON. RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK, ORE. Have Your House Wiring Done by Coast power Co. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES Early Pioneer Resident Dies at Home of Daughter in Dallas. William Harvey Robertson, father of E. L. Robertson, who resides on the Wilson river, passed awr.y on Wednesday of last week at the home of his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown, at Dallas, was buried in the I. O. O. F. seme- tery there on Friday afternoon. Mr. Robertson, a resident of Polk County since 1865, had been living with his relatives in Dallas for several years. He was born near Jacksonville, ill., December 6, 1838, and in November 11, i860, he was married to Miss Mary Dudly, five years after he inov- ed to Iowa. The young couple started to Oregon by team in the spring of 1865 and arrived in Polk county in the fall of '.he same year. They set­ tled near Airlic, where they prosper­ ed for a number of years. The couple left their property in Airlie about three years ago and since then have made their home in Dallas. Eleven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Robertson and nine of these as well as Mrs. Robertson, survive to mourn the departure of father and husband. The living children are Mrs. C. H Barbcrow, of Napa, Cal., J. E. Robertson, of Bridgeport, Mrs. W. N. O’Kelloy, of Rickreall, Mrs. J. B. Tanner, of Portland, Mrs. W. A. Brown of Dallas, Mrs. J. H. Flower, of Salem, W. A. Robertson, of Myrtle Point, E. L. Robertson, of Tillamook and T. J. Robertson, of Salem. Mr Robertson was 77 years of age at the time of hi« death. A large gathering of friends and relatives attended the funeral services on Friday. - Ornamental Fire Placet Built of Brick or Stone. All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money refunded. Brick Work of all kinds done on short notice. We make specialty of repairing smoking Fire Places. Republican ............ .............. 897 Democratic ............ ................. 227 Prohibition ............ ............ «4 Progressive ............ ............ 5 Independent .......... .............. 42 Socialist .................. ................... 45 No party ................ .............. 4 Total ...................... .......... - C ream S eparator I -has the marvelous “Vortespoon’* on« piece skimming de­ vice. | , 1 Gets All The Cream can be cleaned In 3 minute«. A Issdar tor 20 year*. Ask ter Catalog No 1 I II I State Senator W. H. Hollis, of Notic«. Forest Grove, came in on Saturday I and left the next morning, for the 1 Piano for Sale. purpose of having his petition circu- Notice is hereby given that all non- lated. He is a candidate for Cirenf’ patrons of the Mutual Telephone Co. Judge on the Republican ticket and I - will be charged — for ............ the use of saij For tale, a Hollett & Davis piano, |l--w- - ----------------- ---------------------- appears confident that he is going to 'company’s lines is or ghosts. phones. in good condition. Inquire of T. P. land the nomination. ■ MARCH 23, I S. A. Brodhead, Sec. I Johnson, Tillamook, Ore. »... "’’Í “I g *-' .«a iw sgF ■'«**■*