TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. MARCH 16. 1916- What the Editors Say. The nomination of Roosevelt on the republican ticket would mean the re­ election of Wilson. If he has any oth­ er use for the republican party other than as a means to satisfy personal ambition, now is the time for Teddy to show it.—Cottage Grove Sentinel. One of the newspapers suggests that every man who asks a return to the legislature should run on his vol mg record in the last session, and that his vole on all the bills of im­ portance be published. And why isn’t mis a fine idea?—Benton County Courier. Over two tons of catalogues from an eastern mail order house were re­ ceived in Bend last week, and an aver­ age of ?2oo is sent through the post- oifice every day for the purchase of their wares—and still there are mer­ chants in this town who say it does­ n't pay to advertise!—Bend Press. Let death visit a home, and the sur­ I the White House, giving place to some man who will have received the vivors discover warm hearts in souls united support of the anti-democratic they had always thought frigid. I.et majority which undoubtedly exists in fire whip out a family’s dwelling and it is at once the recipient of favors it this country and who will thus re­ store majority rule ia national affairs. had never believed possible. But why In the year which remains to him in do we wait for misfortune to over­ the presidency, Woodrow Wilson has take our acquaintances before we con­ an opportunity to undo much of the sider them? Oftentimes there arc evil which his administration has al­ sorrow ful and oppressed hearts in our ready done to the country— and he midst of which we do not know. Kind words and smiles, will often equally has the opportunity to add to lhe distress he has thus far brought strike in one of these places and the upon us. No one can foretell the presi­ comfort it gives is much.—News Re­ dent’s choice in the next fateful porter. twelve months. I here are those who If you pay your bills, how do you affect to see in his recently changed pay them—with cash or by check’ attitude toward the question of nat­ The questoin is suggested by an ad­ ional defense, toward the question ol a tariff commission, toward the prob­ vertisement which the Lumbermens lem of supplying the treasury with National Bank printed in the Journal the other night. Part of the adver­ sufficient revenue, toward all of the tisement is as follows: "You make a problems concerning which lie has wise decision when you conclude to reversed himself—there are those, we pay your bills by check. A bank ac­ repeat, who think that Mr. Wilson is count instill' economy, promotes in­ now remorseful for his previous con­ duct and that he is seeking such dustry, inspires thrift.” That is good measure of atonement as the short sense, which should appeal to the man whose financial transactions are time at his disposal will permit. confined to payments for household Astorian. necessaries as well as to the other And now Peary’s claim of having I he Frankfurter Zcilung, a repre- reached the north pole has been prov­ ' I ... — r, ( permits it- en a fake, and all the maps and charts 1 | s< illative German papi of “North American Polar Region,’ I self to indulge in a jingostic dream made by the government by Ins re­ I when it malo s itself responsible for the following: ports, have been withdrawn and can "With the fall of England, Russia celed. Shades of the lamented Dr. ' and France will automatically col­ Cook! Have we no American explor­ er who is above faking?—Bend Press. lapse like the orange of a body whose I lieart has been bored through, I hen, Coos County is figuring on holding also, America will remain isolated a Republican County Convention to I and must for her part accept any con nominate candidates fo the State I ditions which we impose, because in senate ami house of represenatives. I lhe peace treaties with our European I foes we can, among other things, al­ The nominees of the convention would be voted upon at the primaries, so demand the handing over of all and would have behind them what­ I large battleships and submarines, I whereby our fleet would become sev­ ever strength there was in the con- vvution. The whole State will watch en times the strength of the Anieri- I can Navy. Then American would be with interest the devclopement of simultaneously compelled to surren­ this move.—Oregon Voter. der, and as a matter of course would The burden of our taxes is caused not only be compelled to give up all by the explosive appropriations made lhe interned German liners, but also by the legislature. 1-or years rebel pay all the war expenditures of the has been expected from that body, I Germanic powers and their allies.” The picture of Uncle Sam as a but taxes increase as the years go by and it has become a burden. 1 he high large, fat person, his pockets bulging salaries paid the officials, the numer­ with money, exactly fills the imagin­ ous and unnecessary conimisions, the ation of some of our foreign friends. great army of idle clerks 011 the pay But it is looking a long way ahead to ri ll, should receive promp* attention. begin arrangements for the indemni­ A wholesale ert of at least twenty- ty the Unite I States is to pay anyone *ivc per cent should be made. —St. after the war.—Oregonian. Helens Mist. Refering to the subject of boxing State Treasurer Thps. B. Kay is bouts at Newberg in which the athlet­ not in favor of a constitutional ic association and some of the church­ amendment covering the irrigation es had a quasi relation, the Graphic of and drainage bonds and state rural last week says that the church people credits. He is against the state back­ have not had supervision of the ing irrigation and drainage bonds, games of boxing and wrestling, and states that there is in popular demand they have an idea that the‘‘club needs for rural credits and thinks a rural a helping hand to get away from credits proposition should not be us­ some of the things it is taking on, if ed to boost the others. In this lie is it is to perform the service for young eminently correct. The conference I men that was intended when it was should propose two constitutional organized.” The Telephone Register amendments. —Woodburn Independ­ remarks in relation to the Newberg episode was not intended as a criti­ ent. cism, but rather an expression of sur­ Wouldn’t you like to be an inde­ prise at the innovation, as reported pendent railroad engineer drawing a on the part of the church. There arc salary of $1700 to $3000 a year, or a many pulpiteers and evangelists who stand quite ready to adopt what some fireman cashing checks running be­ tween $to to $1500; or a conductor, term the “livery of the devil” in with $1500 to $.’000 dead sure? And church work, believing that it could if you were, would you be reaching be made effectual in winning the for a 25 per cent raise, forgetting the hearts and efforts of the young, and ultimate producer who must pay the thus be glorilicd. Of course there is a limit, and the practice would need advance by selling more, or at a high er figure or at a jess cost to himself, rare supervision. It hasn't been a in either case putting the burden on gteat while since the violin was an instrument of the devil in the minds the laborer who is the real target for all fluctuations in value. Anil when oi old time worshipers, but now it is quite in place in the church, and is we have realized this to be a fact, what is the value of variation in wage really the most effective instrument m speaking to the heart,—Telephone or price,—Ml. Ssott Herald. Register. ----- o----- I fellow who buys houses and parcels of real estate. But the bank account does more than instill economy, pro­ mote industry, and inspire thrift in the man who owns it. ft prevents him from being robbed, because it dis­ courages dishonesty in others. There are 00 chances in a hundred that a check payment will not be tampered with, and there aren’t as many chances that a cash payment will not go astray. The check safeguards the man who pays it. the firm who receiv­ es it, and the weaklings through whose hands it must pass from the time it is made out until it returns marked “paid” as an enduring and indisputable receipt to the drawer. A cash payment runs many risks; it does not always reach the person for whom it is intended; it sometimes proves a temptation which weakness cannot resist. You do not have to be a millionaire to start a commercial ac­ count. The banks of Portland will accept checking accounts of modest and modern size. Bv paying votir bills by check you will not only insure yourself against dishonesty but mav keep temptation out of the way of others.—The Spectator. Electric Transmission biles. f°r • M v,..s"V'L'h*'rut ”n kin‘l. To The Voters of Tillamook County. GETS ALL THE CREAM 1 herewith announce mys< If as a __ .... , oi County candidate for the (jfiicp Surveyor of Tillamook Coiin'.v, sul - ject to the will of the Republican voters. If nominated and elected will endeavor to perform the duties im- ... justice • — posed ._____________ upon me with and | jm. partiality. Harry P. Kerr. ^“VORTESPOON’ To the Republican Voters of Tilla­ mook County. ------- o------- I am a candidate for the Republican nomination for Circuit Judge on the 19th Judicial District comprising lillamook and Washington Counties at the May 19th, 1916 primaries. Geo. R. Bagley. To the Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Coroner on the Republican ticket at the primary election to be held in May. Respectfully, Dr. S. M. Wendt. To the Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for Sheriff on the Republican ticket, subject to your approval in the May primaries. Respectfully, John Aschim. To The Voters of Tillamo°k County. I wish to announce myself as a candidate for the office of Joint Rep­ resentative for the Counties of Tilla­ mook and Yamhill at the Republican primaries in May. F. A. Rowe. Automo­ The very latest advance in automo­ bile design is the electric• transmis­ sion system. J his system was first patented by Entz a tew years ago and the patents were taken over by the General Electric Company very re­ cently. With the electric transmission sys- tem, the engine flywheel, clutch ped- al, gears, starting and lighting ap- paratue, etc., are eliminated, Tlie transmission unit consists of a gen- erator, the field of which is bolted to the engine crank shaft, and a motor whose armature . is attached to the same shaft to which the armature of the generator is fastened and whose field is stationary. There is no mech­ anical connection between the rear axel and the gasoline engine, but the torque of the engine is transmitted to the driving axel electrically and the car is operated through what is in effect a slipping clutch. Instead, how­ ever, of wasting in resistance the energy generated by the slip the pow­ er is utilized at intermediate speeds to drove the motor. The armatures arc identical and both are fastened to a hollow shaft which is attached to the propeller shaft. Change in speeds IS accomplished by gradually decreas­ ing the motor-field excitation and fin­ ally short-circuting the generator brushes at high speed. I lie car is operated by a six-cylin­ der Buda engine, which is started by the generator operating as a mot­ or and taking energy from the bat- tery. Attached to the steering wheel IS a controller lever, when this lever Is turned to the changing position, energy is taken from the generator to change the battery. On the first car motion the field windings of the generator are connected through re­ sistance, the control lever being plac­ id in the first position. In the second position the generator field is s|H,rt arcutted. In the third position resis­ tance is switched into the field coils of the motor, thereby throwing a greater load on the generator, which 1» equivalent to lighting the magnetic gnj. on the armature. In the fourth position more resistance is put into he motor field. In successive posi­ tions resistance is added until the alUhi en r ,Kh ’P"'* drive Rrnerated is ,,tilize<1 to' drive the armature. When the car is running the electric trans.mss.on transmission acts as a brake a, the lever is turned I to the neutral position. 1 he time has arrived again when It seems that from the test paving th» editor's waste basket is filled each evening as a result of sorting out the laid on the l.iunton road the taxpay­ ers will not be able to judge of the daily accumulation of mail from poli ticians and would-be office holders, merits of the material used for road Monday we received a lengthy an- surfacing. For one cause or another, nounceiuent from a candidate for repairs have been made on nearly ali Slate office marked “released’’ for a the “test” work, and the pleasure we of learning certain date, which intimates that had promised ourselves the said candidate expected us to just wliat sort ol paving was cheap­ publish it. There was no letter en­ est and best has been denied us. Con­ closed and we take it (or granted ditions on the l.iunton road were not that this service was expected free. the most favorable for the test. The We arc not running a publicity bu­ nature of the vehicle travel there is reau lor politicians, The securing of altogether different from that on any a public office is a personal ambition other road leading in or out of the with most men and we can see no city. I lie great amount of oil traffic reason why they should not pay their borne in 20-ton trucks that travel is or jo miles an hour, subjected thè own expenses. Itimizcr. paving materials to a strain that tli. v Oregon may suffer from business wa.ul.l not be called on to bear on any depression, lack of ships to carry her Other highway in the state, and made products to the world’s markets and it necessary to make repairs before lack of cars to carry them to the • he ime allotted to the test had ex­ »hips. She may have U’Rcn lying pired It ,s said that the failure of the awake nights framing new laws and paving to “stand up” under the bur systems, or Joe l eal going to or com­ dens imposed on it was due ratlu r to ing from Washington in a futile en­ errors of judgment in laying the foundations than to inferior quality of deavor to keep the old common wealth afloat. She may be burdened matinal Considering the fact that with forest reserves, and handicapped tile taxpayers thought the paving with land grant troubles. She may was laid to give them a needed object To the Votersjnf Tillamook County. quarrel with herself over terminal anil lesson in the value of road material, preferential rates. She may in fact it is unfortunate that official obser­ I 0 have a Pandora’s box of special trou­ vations of the test were not made at bles; but as we gaze through the win­ frequent intervals since the surfacing can dows and note what the weather was done. However, the public will . . , , • ” “i’ll Linco,n clerk is doing to us, our heart purrs expect an early report from the coun­ » amhill counties. a gentle song of thanksgiving that ty commissioners on the condition of i 1' Handley our special brand of climate is ours n,r test paving on the I inntoi: roa l To The Voter. of Tillzmook County alone, and on top of this we have — lhe Spectator. that < olumbia highway.—W eston Leader. l he habit of cultivating a sincere »mile and of speaking kind words is The statement was made by editor worth striving for. Survey men ami Merease in his paper last week that women among our own acquaintan­ election on May pr,marr County Judge Dodson thought that ce, and w hen you decide on the man . the county could save money bv put­ or women whom you like best, you’ll Geo. R (cKimen<. ting in a printing plant and issuing find that they are tho.se who »mile »peak kindly-person, TILLAMOOK ASTONISHED BY a newspaper containing all county always and printing free to the taxpayers. The whose friends are numbered by the SIMPLE MIXTURE. proposition was so at variance with acquamtanc«. he Or she may have the Ti I , NST°?N !r^ ,rf ’Monished at true economy, and so unheard of as . . ...i » ut un xi a practice that seriously making pub­ sickening to thinking men and huck- wo- •horn bark glveerZ lic such an idea is a reflection on the wen. sound judgment of the judge. The Tl.-re i Mm"ch '.r,”h in -h* sis'e- •n Adlerika. ONE SPOON moves such surprising foul matter it statement was made in jest, more to ' ment that: heres so inj. h ( „.„t see the effect on Meresse, than for! the worst of .>■ ns, us, and ami so so much m had in rc .eve, almost \ ny CASE S any other purpose. He did not recog­ • he best of us, that it behc » j ?’ Moniach or gas Becans. Because nize the joke A wonderfully convinc­ .ff... to .ail •al;;;; “th?;;':?v.*, "~ Adlerika acts on BOTH lower and ing showing could be made of the fol I hat fellow was right. No one is lipper bowek a few doses often relieve iy of such a movement on the part of wholly bad. No one is hopelessly ment h'L* apP,nd!ci“» A »hort treat­ ment helps chronic ____ 1.1- Lri or, —or . ’ . ü."1' , « ** - y i'nv "ew»paper --------...... or man 1 *tr°uchy ronic lnp or sympathy is needed.1 other, from writing similar one». To the Voters of Tillamook County. -------o-------- I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner (North end) .J’" ■nook county on the Republican ticket st the primary election to be held tn May, 1916. . D. F. Thompson. To The Voters of Tillamook County. ------- o------- Acting on the advice of friends from all parts of the county and the urgent request of many, 1 announce myself a candidate for nomination for County Clerk on the Republican ticket at the primaries in May. Respectfully, Erwin Harrison. (fad ■ 3 fate The wonderful “Vortespoon,” the one-piece £ Solid Nickel Silver akimrr.ing device— 1 smooth, unbreakable — never wear» out. * Many ''Nationals" now in daily use after 20 years of service. Sold with an unlimited Guarantee P ortland S eed C -U^PO RTLA N D, ORE Doift Throw Away Your Prescription By taking it where it ihay not be accu­ rately filled—where part of the ingredients used may be so old as to have lost their freshness, strength and purity. Get the full value of your doctor’s ser­ vices by bringing your prescription to us —where you know it will receive all the exact care and honest attention that our pride of reputation —backed by experi­ ence, training and the most complete, modern, carefully-selected, thoroughly- tested and well-kept stock of prescription drugs—can possibly give it. C. I. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist, Tillamook, Ore. To the Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for nomination for the office of County Sheriff, on the Republican ticket. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to enforce the law with efficiency, and economy. Respectfully W. L. Campbell. To The Voters of TiBamook County. -------o------- I hereby announce myself as a Democratic candidate for the office of County School Superintendent subject to the primary election to be held in May, 1916. H. M. Cross. To the Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for nomination for the office of County Clerk, on the Republican ticket, at the primary election to be held in May, 1916. Respectfully, J. C. Holden. To We are Still Selling SUGAR 'CURED HAMS at 20c. per pound Special Brand Bacon, 19c. lb. Fancy Breakfast, 26c. per lb. Bacon Backs, 18c. the Voters of Tillamook County. I herewith announce ____ _____ myself as a candidate to succeed myself as county surveyor. If nominated and elected I will continue to enforce the same policies practiced by my office in the past, that of conducting it strictly on an Engineering basis, efficiently and economically. Respectfully, R. L. Shreve. . Full Line of SANITARY Fresh East ern Oysters‘ Bulk Pickles, For County Treasurer. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Jrcasurcr of lillamook County, sub­ ject to the will of the Republican vot­ ers at the 1916 primary election. Respectfully, B. L. Beals. FIRE ! FIRE ! Î FIRE ! ! ! MONEY RIGHT IN YOUR HANDS To the Voters of Tillamook County. —. - , Q- .. ■ , « Candidate for nomination second term, on the Republican ticket, at election in May, for County I primary . ............................... Assessor. Respectfully, C. A. Johnson. is what an insurance policy does for you when a fire conies along. No one can afford to be without the protec­ tion of a fire insurance policy. Should a fire occur, which is always liable to happen, you will be reimbursed st once for your loss. Let us give yo» this protection by writing you a pol" To The Voters of Tillam°ok County. I hereby announce that I am a can­ didate for the nomination for The of­ fice of County School Superintendent at the primary election to be held in May. Geo. B. Lamb. To the Voters of Tillamook County. 1 hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for the office of County Sheriff on the Republican ticket at the pri­ mary election to be held in May. Respectfully, Fred H. Minich. To The Voters of Tillamook County. I announce myself as candidate for the office _______________ z Surveyor „„ of County on the Republican ticket, trusting to my pro­ fessional record of fifteen years in handling engineering work and through college preparation to re- commend me to the voters at the coming primaries. C. E. Ward, Sandlake. To The Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself as a can­ didate for the nomination bv I he Re­ publican party for the office ot Dis­ trict Attorney, to be voted far at the next regular primary election. If elected to the office, 1 will perform the duties of such office faithfully an