TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 16, 1916- ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ............. Earh subsequent insertion, line. Business and Professional cards one month......................................... Locals per line each insertion. . Display advertisements, an inch one month. ................................... All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line . Notices, lost, strayed or stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines ..................... Inches of Rain in Six Months. legger be pardoned, which was done. ------ .0------ W’c are not advising Judge Holmes The rainfall in Tillamook County to desert his political party, but for the past six months amounted to should he do so and become a lull 90 inches, or a little under eight feet fledged Prohibitionist, all the dear from the 6th of September to the 6th sisters and brothers will be ready to kiss and hug him and fall all over of March. _ ________________ themselves to vote for him. The Registration. $ Get This $1.80 (fri Kettle—For Only «DA»" I Republican There is no disputing the fact that a Democratic large proportion ot the people ot Prohibitionist 1 illamook county are in favor of, and Progressive •05 some enthusiastic, over the proposi­ Independent tion of hard surfacing the main Socialist . ■ • ■ thoroughfare through the entire No parly it is county, and they contend that ■25 good business judgment to do so. 1 he Total question, however, is how to raise RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION sufficient money to carry out till» Presbyterian Church. important improvement, for it will be (Strictly in Advance.) an improvement of a far reaching "Sin: What Is It, and Who Does it One Year .............................................. $1 character, and beneficial ’o all pans Concern?” will be the subject of the Six Months ..................................... of the county. Il is well known that rond B»z in a of r pre-Easter scr- Sl’CuiJU « series -- Three Months ..............................• the Headlight advocated tal.mg $'Oo- iiiuiis to be delivered next Sunday at 000 of the road fund every year lor u; "All on the Alter” is the thought hard surfacing, while others contend for the evening address at 7:30. Can THE TILI.AMAAK HEADLIGHT. that the county should be bonded, as men do business according to Bible i our plan is too slow, as it would tafe standards? What is the Christian probably ten years before the project conception of the Ministry of money. would be completed. Some of our Two or three Sunday evenings will (Note Adjustable Bail.) , leading citizens have enlarged upon be used for the study of these ques­ 1 our suggestion and make the propo­ tions which are interesting people Wc understand that is has been de­ sition to bond the county for cided to drop the recall against 000, and with the addition o: $joo,- everywhere, and are the foregleams of a new7 day of revival in religion. Commissioner McKimens. Ibis 1 000 annually from the road fund, in shows good judgment and we want to about five years Tillamook County All are cordially invited. commend those who were instrumen­ would have a hard surfaced highway Christian Church. tal in swatting it. from Clatsop to Yamhill county lines. The snap shot man is >vili 14 tj con­ Did you ever read in the Bible City taxes arc five mills more than cede that those who favor i c iding they were last year, and our city have gained a poult here, for, really, , about anyone going to sleep in council threw away the opportunity when it comes to the .-••'it ja.’siton ol , j church? Do you know what happen­ tv make a little money for the city a hard surface I highway through trie . ed to him? Did you ever hear about the disease when H placed the near beer license countv, there » not nvtch Jitfcieiice | Clip the Coupon —get at the ridiculously high figure of of opinion,, the difference b.n ig in I known as, “sleeping sickness.'” Come matter of detail—such as bonding or next Sunday night and hear about the $1000. your Kettle today for only -------o------- extending the time over a number of "foolish five.” What about this, Bro. Trombley? j years for constructing this highway. | These points will be discussed in The four-quart Windsor Kettle— The Democratic Free Trade party Another thing that must be admitted, the first sermon of the Seven Sunday which regularly sells for »1.80—is placed milk, cream, fish and lumber there is an unusually strong scn.li- I j Series at the Christian Church next offered for a limited time at the on the free list. All home industries incut m the south part of the county Sunday night. Sermon subject: “Go­ special price so you can see for ing to sleep in Church. ” Harold Hum ­ for hard surfacing and bonding. , which have to compete with foreign yourself, if you do not already I know* the difference between cheap labor. Say, Bro., what did it do while in the north it is not so strong, bert will sing a solo entitled "Shad­ “Weai’-Ever” Coupon ows. ” A beauttful song by a fine sing ­ "Wear-Ever” and other kinds of and although the snap shot man has, to the lumber industry of this county We will accept this coupon and $1.07 in payment aluminum and enameled utensils. er. Special by McGhee ’ s orchestra — opposed bonding the county there is | for one "Wear-Ever” four-quart Windsor Kettle, and to the big saw mill at Wheeler? which sells regularly for $1.80, provided you pre­ no doubt but wha> a bo id iss ic would , this is always appreciated. Services Get the kettle at the special price, sent the coupon in person at store on or before begin promptly at 7 : 45- that the: March 21, 1916, and write on the coupon your on or before March 21, 1916, and Why, sure, the Democratic party carry, provided, however, address ----- and date name, ------------ ------ of - . purchase. Only one you W|lll understand why so many placed milk and cream on the free list taxpayers knew where the money is ; kettle is to be sold to a customer. Cotton To Be Arrested. women prefer “Wear-Ever” to other the object of which was to reduce to be expended and that each section ’ cooking- wares. the cost of living, and Bro. Trombley of the county gets a fair share of the; I HADI MARK is w here trouble is j S. J. Cotton is to be arrested on was one of those who advocated this money. Here _ of obtaining _ money under at the last election. And yet he has liable to come. In the first place, the a charge Fill out the coupon— the gall to say that free trade hasn’t county can only be bonded for $420,- false pretences. It seems that Cotton bring it to us today! injured financially, the dairvmen of 000, hardly half enough to pay for obtained a number of subscriptions the work, and in the second place for the Portland Journal, but failed to the county. there is no established route for the 1 turn over the money. One glaring highway through the county. For feat »e in the matter is that Cotton It is estimated that the dairymen illustration. Should the highway be. had a number of Journal receipts have paid $30,000 for hay the past established on the Garibaldi-Wheeler printed, unknown to the office, which three months in this vicinity, which, had Hoquarton Slough been improv­ , road or up the Miami? or should the he signed when receiving money for ed, and a line of lumber schooners 1 road be established by wav of Clov­ subscriptions. The grand jury, it is running between this city and Cali­ erdale and the Little Nestucca or on reported, took the matter up and gave fornia ports, it would have been a the present road from Hebo to the , him time to straighten it out, but as Port of Bay City Wins in Mandamus Proceedings. saving of at least $io,uoo to $12,000 to county line? These are two questions he has failed to do so, those who paid which should be settled as soon as , him money have sworn out a com­ the dairymen. possible and although we arc not ad­ plaint against hint. The, Supreme Court has handed vocating either, this should be left to Cotton was one of those who was down its decision in the mandamus The Oregonian makes a good hit engineers to decide, or, for that mat­ I most active in the recall of Com- procrzvdings brought by the Port of when it says: “The State Veterinar­ ter, the County Court. Should the missioner McKimens, having circu- Bay City against C. A. Johnson, as­ ian wants a "boss doctor" in each highway be established on the Gari­ lated the petitions. • sessor, and H. Crenshaw, sheriff, to count), and as it is mere matter of baldi-Wheeler and the Cloverdale- coanpel the officers to change the tax creating a new office it should be Little Nestucca routes, it will require Social in Honor of St. Patrick. levy for the port in accordance with done. In the years to come the farm­ over $100,000 to be expended on the new levy which was made after er’s life will be one great iridescent these roads, for there is heavy con­ 1 he Ladies’ Guild will give another the assessor had extended the first dream in which lie will be doctored, struction work to be done on both one of their attractive socials at the levy on the tax rolls, the court hold­ inspected, supervised and county- before they could be hard surfaced, Presbyterian Guild Hall Friday even­ ing that the second levy was valid agented to his heart's content and all which is another large item of ex­ ing. 1 lie following program will be and should be substituted on the rolls he will have to do is to pay taxes.” pense not provided for by the peti­ presented beginning promptly at (j for the levy first made. tioners. o’clock. The Port of Bay City at its regular If President Wilson had had the The petitions that are being circu­ Vocol Solo.......... Mrs. Fred P00rma.11 meeting made a levy of 3% mills, and backbone ami moral courage three lated to bond the county eiglls for a Irish Story........... Prof. Geo. Sanders later revoked that levy and made a years ago, there would be no Mexican hard surfaced highway from Clatsop Reading ........................ Mrs. Stranahan new levy of 3JO1 mills. The assessor crisis today. Hut he didn't, but fell county to Yamhill county lines. Here \ ocal Solo ...Prof. Harold Humbert refused to recognize the last levy and back on his patient waiting policy, we must call attention to a question "Pigs”, peanuts, and punch will ap­ the mandamus suit was brought to and now the United States has to that may cause litigation, for having pear through the evening, and each compel him to make the change. The start out and do today what it should started out to do certain work with person present will be pleased to par­ action of the Supreme Court makes it have done three years ago. Probably only about half enough money, ticipate in the play, performance, and necessary for the sheriff to make the we are a little too radical in our ideas how would the courts construe this plain "eats.” change on all the tax rolls within the but the United States should annex nart of the petition? It is true that The price at the portal will be just Mexico, is our way of civilizing the the law requires the County Court to one dime, ten cents, payment to be Port district. people of that country. designate where the money is to be made with pennies if preferred. The Fair Board Meets. ■xpended. but the petitions pray for a poor and pretty ones are particularly hard surfaced road from one county being planned for. You will please Work on the Bayocean road was At a ltieeting of the Tillamook 'inc to another and does not provide come and learn that “Pigs is Pigs.” closed down on account of the rock, County Fair Board held on Saturday, where the entire amount of money is which is being used for riprapping, the I ith, the following resolution *0 come from to finish the work.. Andurs-McGhee. disintegrating. This was brought was duly adopted: The petitioners do not propose to ------- o — about more rapidly by the severe Resolved,, that the Fair Board very invoke the bonding law until next Mr. Roy E. Andrus and Miss R uby I frosts of last winter. This is going to November This means that nothing McGhee, both residents of this com­ keenly feel the loss of their esteemed entail some additional expense. It, President J. H. Dunstan. He was a howcicr, show s that the taxpayers at can be done this year or next year, munity, were united in marriage at wise counselor and an efficient direc­ for it is safe to say that, should it 7 30 1 ucsdgy evening, March 14, by the budget meeting made a mistake be decided to bond the countv. the Rev. J. E. Youel, pastor of th>e Pres­ tor. when they voted that if the road That the community has lost a matter will be taken through the byterian church, at his residence The could not be completed for $15,000, courts, which will take at least a bride is a very well known -anil’pop­ leader that was actuated by a sincere the money should be expended on •welve month before a decision can ular young women of Tillamook, desire to advance the upbuilding and hard surfacing It was a most unfair, best interests of all parts of the b obtained from the Supreme court having spent most of her life here unjust and selfish resolution. Here is county and one who gave a close at­ The only movement of the carriage is back and For several years she h AS been a an additional expense that the county trust worthy sales lady at Haltom’s. tention and whole hearted service in forth on its closely adjusted ball bearing runways— did not foresee nor ------------- those who had A Negative Victory. I he groom has been a resident of every such undertaking. offered t to complete ___ the road for and this does not take place while the print is being He had a high sense of honor in all lillantook the past year, his home $15,000. Would it he -------- - .. -2 f_L fair to deprive his dealings with his fellow' man, was formerly being at Roseberg. Ore made. There is no lifting of the carriage. The action of the House of Repre­ Bayocean road of the money on ac- •t friend to the needy, a father to the sentatives in tabling the McLemore Alter the ceremony the party went count of this. fatherless. resolution warning Americans from at once to Miami, w here the groom is This is one reason why L. C. Smith & Bros, type­ 1 hat the Fair Board hereby ex­ rrmed belligerent ships is a victory engaged with the Miami Quarry Co writing is free from blurs and every letter in the right My, what with the decrease in the tor the president, for constitutional nil? h ’ lk'C *' lcas‘- "’ey will press their sympathy to Mrs. Duns­ size of milk checks and hay at T _ tan and to his aged parents, and $20 place. methods of preccdure, and, in a way, e .0 • !°nU at that P’a«- but That these resolutions be entered a ton, those who bought high priced lor the American people. It is not, lloPe to reside permanently in Tilla­ laud with little money, arc having an on the Secretary's book and a copy mook 1 he he st wishes y - However, the sort of action that of many be presented to Mrs. Dunstan and object lesson that must convince Ask for Demonstration nends go with the young should have been, or should be, taken people in one given to the county papers for them that they bit off too much, who oy an American Congress. It is, like their united lives. publication. are now up against heavy interest that of the Senate, a negative pro­ 1 barges and high taxation, to say ceeding that amounts merely to a de­ I.. M. Kraner, Pres. Protem. To EMahlish Tillamook Highway. nothing of the feed question and the clination to act in opposition to the W. S. Buel, School Supt. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co. »lump in the size of the milk checks Erwin Harrison, Secretary. president’s policy in this particular HighwayEr'1y rf’,rfsen'i'‘K 'he State Manitoba has gone "dry.” There is Hom« Oific« I.d Factory. SYRACUSE. N. Y. The secretary was also instructed matter. It is neither an expression of ■''g'«ay toll,nilS!i,on this difference in the law of that to communicate with the people and approval nor of disapproval of that Wednesd-ay to ronf„ with (hc province and the Oregon law Under policy. There is nothing in it to re­ the agricultural and horticultural regard?'*.' ‘"’hil1 Coi"".v Courts i’.for *' going to be dissention ir, Wash­ States. as there is a ington county which Democrats are Good second hand Ford Automo-1 o.rJ>nK ,r ntiment i «»><■ South p.-irt of always watching out for We wxmld , " 1 Clark, editor of the Indepen­ the co.. ,nt""cn‘ dn;rihne,>,‘?.”‘?N-.h the hitrfiwa- bile, iQt4 model, for sale for $3>o , r • ì nigjiwav Will take a good young horse for ’uggiM that the judge ride the pro- dence Enterprise, has filed his declar- e I ittlc Nestucca and through nihition hobby horse for a ¡linv, II part payment. Apply at the Headlight ition with the Cretan of „ate as a .erdalc which reminds us of a bootlegger he ’.nd,date for slate office. ___ * representative sent to jail and would not .1 sent t ■ His slogan ,s "that he will Notice to Voter*. ’ T his pardon, but the bootlecger, Artichoke Seed For Sale. • . ■ ••• HIT lor the enactment of laws of a "freVki.k " ■ -.i 1 hereby announce mvself a« policy became converged and 'can- nr —’■* 1 * to vote prohibition ----- ■yomiscd in the Artichoke seed for sale, Call or <£L,hr of County Sb atlun that has a tendency to hanwer .. u ¡-‘ the Democratic primes u t «ri fi phone Ralph W elsh, Blaine, Ore. * future, when the prohibition!.!« in- industries and keep capital front in t • be poriuned the governor that the boot- vesting m Oregon.” "** held on May to, iQîft Piano for rent —Apply at the N. ] My ep s. Transfer Co. .50 Without Grease and Without Water A Delicious Pot Roast From the “Wear-Ever” Aluminum Editorial Snap Shots. Windsor Kettle Place the kettle empty over a low flame. In the heated kettle, sear the roast on all sides; then turn the fire down to a mere flicker. When half done turn the meat over. Thus cheaper cuts of meat may be made as palatable as more expensive cuts. The ‘Wear-Ever” Windsor Kettle may be used for many purposes every day in the year. KING & SMITH CO Printing Point Does Not Bob Up and Down In an L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter the point on the paper which is to receive the type impression is stationary at the instant the type hits. The carriage does not bob up and down when the shift is made to v rite capitals. Why? Because the type is shifted—not the carriage. 305 j 0 k st., Portland, Ore Œ L AUEX. MefiAIR & CO r 1 GENERAL HARDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.