Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 09, 1916, Image 6

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Tha Registration.
The registration ip to Saturday last ' I
was as follow»
"je ; 1
J 1
J* I
«¿7 I
Xc Party
Married, in Portland, on the aqel-
oi February, at the parsonage of the
First Methodist ChBreh. Attorney C.
W. Talmage, late of this city and
DanieL, ka’.e of
Portland Dr. Frank A. Loveland,
the p . *■ - per- irmed the cere - - ■
Mri Talmage is a sister of Webb
Moddwx of tht, city, and U«s J. D.
Edwards, of Portland. The many
friends of the happy couple in Tilla­
mook wish the newly weds much joy
- ■ • - :'. - ire 7 hey *1'.
will make their home at Selma. Ore.
where Mr. Talmage is located on a
homestead. They are now spending a
few day» in Tillamook rec-mag cou-
gratulationt of tfe»ir fn*- t»
At 7 o'cloek Ust Saturday- evening
at th* Lhmtian church ponooage.
Ralph E. Warren and Mi»» Ruth j
Rig*« were united tn marriage
It .
»n a quiet wedding only two ot,
three invited gueitt being prevent,
Rev Van Winkle vu officiating
miatvier. The young people are well1
known in and about Tillamook. Mr [
Warren u a brick maaon and con-1
tractor by profemon having been ;
one of the empfoye* of the new city i
ha.I. The bride i» well known by mo*t
• f the people of Tillamook where »he
ha» lived for »everal year*.
The newly-wed* w>H make their
home in Tillamook and we wish
them a very happy and successful
□ I •
Faner»! Services
Bargain Square
v V
ercus »a-nngs i:n re .¡.5 ■
■ in-i wanted. merefiaB-frsa are finding
, the Bargain Square tn t" rhe Bal-
, cony a veritable mine of trensur»s
Here are va-hered r.-.^et.:er. for
quick disposal, the. odd» and e*ds.
and raxcmpCete ranges of si» goods.
remnants and short ends <i< yard
goods, as wed as many special ffer-
tags eons'sting of mamifacturers’ Bur.
guns and closmg out specials offered
to us at great savings.
DGIXGS and insertions in nar­
row, medium and wide finishes
and shown in pretty designs with wcrl
rintshed edges Priced tor quick iel-
Ung at r.earfy kali and less
To 10c values ior .......................... sc.
To 2OC values for
To JOC values ¿or
To 45«- values for
hntlv a.4
• rre>t thock to ibe
th" ¿¡«L'" ,hi »•«««» demise of
io« the d..trt.Xd
family to erwhire
r w
Is ”
friend« «.k**4
¡..'I ¡...¡"YU “¡“"-lr ‘r
tnt< City tn lhetr
' x a.
lfir» wd bereavement.
• «WMmmammMm.
•ivra .I*!’?
» «■ of the boy»' fir«
»houkf be
«■ o< ■M.culmc
» &
u >»r^.
___ ,
M unsing
W ear
yVIunsingwear Union Suits for Ladies
At Prices Unaffected by Recent Advances.
OUGHT early last Fall at very much lower prices than are quoted
today for the same garments, our shipments of Spring and Summer
Muosingwear are being placed in stock at before-the-advance prices.
Every woman who knows the Munsingwear Garment and its distinctive
features in quality, style and fit will appreciate the opportunity of filling
her Spring and Summer Underwear Needs at the same prices obtaining
last year. Place your orders now—we cannot guarantee these prices
atrain—in fact we strongly advise buying for thc future so great will be
the difference in prices on any orders we may place hereafter.
No. 7318
Per Garment, 60c.
Out Sizes. 75c.
No. 7320.
Per Garment. 60c.
Out Sizes. 75c.
No. 7320 A.
Per Garment, 65c.
Out Sizes, 75c.
Bleached light weight
Bleached light weight
Bleached Light Weight
Cotton, Knee
Knee Length
Knee Length
Union Suit« with low
Vnion Suits with low
Lnion Suits with V
necks no sleeves, no but­
necks, no sleeves, no but*
ton«. and lixxse knees.
necks, no sleeves, short
tons and tight knees.
shell finish.
inseatns and tight knees.
Per Garment. 60c.
Per Garment. 60c.
Per Garment, 60c.
Out Sizes
Out Sizes. . 75c.
Out Sizes, . 75c.
No 7323. — Per Garment. 7Sc.- Out Sixes. 85c.
Bleached light weight Cotton, knee length I nion Suits with low necks,
short sleeves, no buttons, and tignt knees.
No 7530. Per Garment. 89c.—Out Sizes, 91.00.
Bleached light weight Cotton, Knee length Union Suits with low necks
sleeves, no buttons, and tight knees.
No. 7531 Per Garment. 89c.--Sizes 34 to 38.
Bleached light weight Cotton. Knee length Union Suits with V necks, no
sleeves, no buttons short inseams, wide knees and closed gore
No 7533.— Per Garment. 95c.—Out Sizes. 91.10.
Bleached light weight Cotton, knee length Union Suits with low necks, short
sleeves, no buttons, and tight kneed!
No. 8530 A.—Per Garment. $1.00. Out Sizes. 91.19.
Bleached light weight Cotton, knee leegth Union Suits with V necks, no
sleeves, no buttons, short inseams and tight knees
No 8518. Per Garment. 91 10. — Out Sizes. 91.35.
Bleached light weight Cotton, knee length Union Suits with low neck«
sleeves, no buttons and loose knees.
Stetson Hats.
Mallory Hats.
Elorsheim Shoe«,
Wayr.e Knit Socks,
riicrnii Silk Sock»,
Arrow Shin» and Collars.
Bergmann and Dayton Shoes.
Hart Schaffner A Marx Clothing
’ST one instance of our excep­
tional buying facilities. Xationi
ly advertised Mops for use on floofi
or furniture at prices that should pm
one in
every home in Tillamook
New Arrivals in
Dress Silks,
Waist Silks,
Belding's Satins.
OU will just love to touch the '
beautiful Shimmering Dressi
Silks, examine the pretty weaves of
W aist Silks, and value the well-
known Belding Satins now being
shown here, and we should be de-:
lighted with the opportunity of dis- ■
playing them for your viewing.
Owing to the prevailing conditions;
in the Silk Market and the steady and |
advance in prices we!
strotji’ly urge you to make yonr Silk ■
Purchases NOW. Selections are var- ■
ied and complete and the values are j
quite equal to any we have shown
hitherto. A partial list follows:
40 in. Silk Organdies ...............
36 in. Striped Tub Silks-.............. 65c.
40 in. Indra Silks ........................... 69c.'
36 in. Striped Tub Silks
*7 in. Silk Messalines ..
36 in. Candy Stripe Silks
«7 in. Black and White Striped Mes-
40 in. Pussy Willow Taffetas
Belding’s (Guaranteed Yard Wide
Satins ........................................... $i-as|
You are First
Attracted to
Wooltex Suits
and Coats by the
Charm of their
Style and Cut
In all Regular Sizes as Well as
Stouts. Shorts and Tails.
''HERE is a right Munsingwear size for vou and for every man what­
ever his stature may be. and once fitted correctly in Munsinirwear
you may rest assured that you will be comfortably clothed during
w«Aes ou^1 °f thC garmenl8’ for thc fit of C^unsingwear never
Here are a few of the styles and qualities to be found in our offerings
of Spring and Summer (»arnients :—
The Store of
Nationally Advertised
Merchandise for Men.
For Actual 50c. ¿Mops.
On Sale in the Bargain Square
Vnder the Balcony.
> >
ABLE Damasks, Kimoeia an4
Dress Crepes, Ginghams. Dre»»
Goods and Wash Goods oi all kinds
are to be found in the Yard Goods
Bargains shown in the
Square under the Balcony, Investi-
gale these opportunities for savings.
Reg. toe. Apron Ginghams__ 7G«-
Reg 12 tt Dress Ginghams . .... pc
Reg. JTK. Madras ................
Reg 2O< brrss Zephyrs .
. u'ic.
Reg *5« Plus« Crepes .
... tcc.
Reg 75« Table Damasks .
-• 5«<
To 75«- Dress Goods
.. 49«
To Sr_s£ Dress Goods .
.. 94c
To Î2.25 Dress Goods .
5‘ 49
u fc,r wh.le he
wf. TuL
You will appreciate the labor sav­
ing features of these well known
mops—no more stooping or kneeling
to dust and polish floors—no more
climbing steps or chairs to cleao
down walls or picture rails—the
same mop can bo used for all at a
minimum of exertion and with re-
suits far more satisfying than by the
old methods.
Sale of
Yard Goods.
,0 R1,'urn lheir
Regal" Mops.
Made in the triangular style these
mops will go into every corner and
crevice leaving not a single speck of
dust behind.
The funeral service» over Ike re-
main« of J. H Dun»tan took place on
Prvlay morning at thc Christian '
Lharch. conducted by thc Rev. H A. •
Van Winkle, when a large number of'
sympathizing friends and neighbor*
attended to pay their last tribute of
ravpect to the deceased, there berng
a large number of Granger» present, j
The interment was in thc Oddfellows
Thc deceased wat born at Mineral
Po»nt, Wis, on Augsit gj, tA6j and !
at the tunc of bis death was aged 52 '
year», 6 months and 6 day» He came
to Oregon in ttyOi xnd in company,;
with hi« father and mother, Mr and
Mr*. Henry Dun»un, located at Cor- •
vafii«. where they remained ne year. !
From Corvallis they moved to a farm I
near Dundee, \ amhill county, and in
1892 came to Tillamook, where he*
has since resided. He married Miss
Fannie Booker on January 22, 1894.
He wa* elected to thc office of
county surveyor of Iowa County,
In Chapeaux
Wit, at the age of 25 year» He was
a member oi the Christian Church of
For ^Milady's Wear.
this city al the time of his death, also
Iff' is just the word to use
president of the County Fair Board
He leaves a wife, father and mother >
when drier:'mg the rro-JeG
nd daughter, Mrs.
Bayes,* “
now being shown in the windows and
nd a large number of fnends, who
in the Millinery Department on the
deplore his untimely death.
Batcony. The beamy of the style
— o
The funeral services of Mrs. Julia
tendencies this year permit you to
E Henkle, who was a laughter of I » ear ju»t the particular style that be­
the late Captain Paul Schrader, tool,
comes you best, so that whether you
place on Sunday, the interment be­
prefer a small, medium. large. high or
ing in the Oddfellows' cemetery The
services were held at the home of die
; low model your choice will be in pcr-
deceased, which wu attended by a
i feet accordance with the present
large delegation from the Rebecca
1 vogue.
and Eastern Star lodge». O„ b ri<la,
Come to the store—step up to the
Otto Schrader, brother of deceased
arrived from \ enice Cal, ar>d the
Balcony—and have a few models fit­
other <mt of town relative, were Mr»
ted on
ou will not be importuned
" k Heakle, of Philomath, C»rc
to buy just now if you do not wish to
mother of the bereaved husL^jL and
•* will give us pleasure to simply
a brother C. W. Henkle of Ufcpend-,
show you the lovely creations and
ence and Frank Schrader, of lente
help you fit them on.
Mrs JnBa Hewkel.
Miss Pratt the lady in chante of
w». born near Salem. Or, Feb. 24.
the department has spent many
the dauef ter .,t t•>.».
years in Urge
aXeTmth1^ i 4U‘ ><hrj,kr Sb« r'-
*l»o in New-
houses »nd wiil he owly too g! ad to
port and A.toru, prevt
t., <nr;inf
give yew the benefit of her help »nd
£d .0
• sde expenen«.' vetkout obligating
and v>
Dec It. :,.j.
you m any way to purchase against
h mo,.heT of two children
your wishes
dlvd X T w“,“ken suddenly ,1 and
died <m Tuesday m r u
having attamed the a<f
J: y<a~
dren Tel *
40,1 ,wo th,i
Mr. Pa1»! ¿T5
" 'h'-
la.» TS>. .1.. 1" ,
VERY Carmect lorwg the Monringwear label is made under ideal
i-tn briony and is n t only perfect in every detail of manufacture, but
i’ -ulutely clean and -unitary The yarns used are free from all
foreign -u -rance- likely t irritate the -kin. are tested for strength and
produce fabrics that give unusual service, and improve in feeling
and appearance after each trip to the laundry. Most important of all —
the fit of yVfunsingwear wont wash out.
Sale of
r ‘
7® I
A Bargain
Special in
T aioaag«- Daniel.
of 9100 or over
to any' Point in
Tillamook County'.
Given vnth E'.erv
3 1
Leman - F iala ysen.
------ o
K. .chard G. Lennar, and Miss Grace
i Unisys. n were united in mar­
riage Lai: ¿a.r-fay ». -irz March 4.
at ike '.hnstian church parsonage,
8n ban. Wmk'e was the odficxalmg
«waiiter. The ceremony was pertocm-
<d 1» lie presence of caty a very few
•peeially ,rr .ted friend 1
kli«s r'mkayaon is a resident of Bay
Coy where she has a host of ineudi
Mr Le_r.uaa was formerly a citizen of
Coo* County but at the present tune
1« a gov-rnrnent employee in this
county. 1 hey will make their home
for the present tn Bay City.
Of all ¿Mail Ord era
■^■Innouncmg the ^¿Imval of
Spring Fabrics and Styles in
(o. 1897 X.—All Sizes per Garment 91.00.
Heavy fleeced Bleached Cotton, ankle length Union
Suits, with high necks
and long sleeves.
No. 6097 X. — All Sizes per Garment- 91.35.
Heavy fleeced Bleached Cotton, ankle length Union
Suits with high necks
and long sleeves.
For <495 X. All Sizes per Garment ~$1 35.
C ream White light weight Cotton, ankle length Vnion
Suits with high necks
long or short sleeves.
No 7895 X All Sizes per Garment—93.50.
Bleached light weight Silkateer., aukle length Vnion
Suits with high neeks
long or short sleeves.
No 5597 X All Sizes per Garment 95 00
A"8l,k- *nkl*
i-io"s-'“ «‘th hi«h »«k.
are next impressed by their
unfailing expression of good
taste and quiet elegance. You are
finally won to them for a]l time by
their practical advantages in excel­
lence of workmanship and material.
Ever after, you realize you have
found in Wooltex that desirable com­
bination of trustworthy style, charac­
ter. and service so frequently lacking
in ordinary garments.
VV ooltex Suits are Priced
from $25 to $35.
Wooltex Coats are Priced
from $15 to $25.
ooltex Skirts are Priced
from $5 to $10.