TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 9, 1916. CALF HIDES WANTED. for A short time GRANT THAYER WILL PAY 17 CENTS calf HIDES. Burbank Day. I The birthday of Luther Burbank was celebrated March 7 in the schools with special exercises and studies of the great flowcr-magaciau’s life and work A letter written by him to the schools of Oregon was read. Warren Foland, Orah Philips and Leroy Johnson. Seventh grade—1st prize, Evelyn Hoag; 3rd prizes, Laura Dodge and Arthur Travis. Eighth grade—1st prize, Margaret Baker; 2nd prize, Frank F.pplett; 3rd prizes. Katherine McGee, Bob Myers, Joe Schnal, Ivan Knight and James Knudson.__________ dependent upon us while the belliger­ ent nations are devoting all their time and energies to destruction. WISE & MASSEY, Denstists, TRADING STAMP TAX BY STATES IS LEGAL. ■ ------o------ Federal Supreme Court, in Seattle Case, Sustains Washington Legislation. Birth. Washington, March 6.—The Su­ preme Court today held constitution­ Born, to the wife of E. W. Makins- al the Washington and Florida trad­ ter, 1 hursday morning, a nine pound ing stamp law. ______ Italian Tapestry Presented to High girl. By holding that the states have the School. power to impose taxes, large or small Harmony. on trade coupons, redeemable in pre­ A beautiful and expensive piece of miums, the Supreme Court today put Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Graves and the legality of premium advertising, Italian tapestry was presented recent­ ly to the high school by Mrs. DeLil­ children, Roy and Frieda visited at by which it is estimated $125,000,000 lies. The tapestry represents a scene the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mix worth of merchandise is sold annual­ in Milan, showing particularly the on Sunday, of South Prairie got ly, within the scope of state laws. The widespread practice of giving famous Milan Cathedral. As soon as caught in the storm and remained coupons with cigars, cigarettes and the boys in the Manual Training de­ over night returning on Monday. Our young students taken German tobacco, or premium slips or trading partment can make a frame to sup­ port the tapestry it will be hung in under our German teacher E. Krebs, 1 stamps with other merchandise, was are progressing nicely. [ thus held to be entirely under the the assembly room. G. G. Graves was a Tillamook call­ ! control of the states. er on Tuesday. The court upheld the constitutional- Presbyterian Church. Masters Roy Graves and Marion j ity of the laws in Florida and Wash­ and VVillie Hopkins and Miss Lottie ington imposing such taxes and dis- “God: What limits His Power in Hopkins, attended the High School [ missed the appeal of F. S. Pitney of is the pastor’s subject lecture held Friday evening at Tilla­ Seattle, Wash., convicted for violat­ Human Life for the morning sermon at 11, and mook. ing the Washington trading stamp “Will the Old Book Stand?” will be An oyster supper was given on : in that he, as manager and agent of the question to be discussed in the Wednesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. I the United Cigar Stores Company, in avening service at 7:30. There will be Herman Hopkins. Those present , connection with the sale to a custo­ something in the service for every- were Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Hopkins, mer gave a trading stamp or coupon. The attack on the laws contended one who is awake and alive to the Willie, Lillie, Chester, Charley and conditions of personal duty today, Inez Hopkins, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. j that the statutes were an unconstitu- and for all who are not there will at Graves, Roy Graves and Miss Frieda 1 tional discrimination against a legiti- least be a modest suggestion and in­ Rogers, Marion Hopkins, Miss Ada I mate method of advertising and with spiration. All who are free to attend I rue, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hopkins. | in the protection of freedom of con­ tract contained in the Federal Con- are cordially invited. A good time is reported. i stitution. j The court, however, held it was for A Series of Pre-Easter Sermons. REMEMBER. ■ the Legislatures to pass upon the i public policy involved in the ques­ Which will be delivered at the If you are in the market for a and to adopt such regulation Presbyterian Church by the minister piano or player piano this Spring I tions thereof as they may choose. The on Sunday mornings as follows: can save you money. court, furthermore, held that the bus­ March 12—"What Limits his Pow­ Being at no expense in selling, iness was not within the interstate er in Human Life?” saves you a large commission always commerce protection of the Constitu­ March 19—Sin: What is it, and trade by a salaried salesman. The tion. Who Should It Concern?” Premium advertising has been held V\ iley B. Allen Co. line embraces the March 26—“The Atonement: Why following well known and standard legal in Alabama, California. Colo­ Should Men Accept it?” rado, Georgia, Maryland, Nebraska, pianos. April 2—"Regeneration: Is it Es­ Mason & Hamlin, Ludwig, Milton, Missouri, Rhode Island and New sential. or Optional?” ________________ Cable, Kingsbury, Harrington and I York. April 0—“justification: Whose Act others.. Is It, and On What Terms?” You receive an iron clad guarantee OREGON STAMP TAX AFFECT­ ED. April 16—“Satisfaction: When Is with these pianos. “Your Money’s the Soul Perfect in Holiness?” • Worth or Your Money Back” is the guarantee of the Wiley B. Allen Co. Law Held Unconstitutional May Be Put in Force Again. Club and Industrial Work Begun. When buying a piano take no chances with one of uncertain quality “The effect of this decision will The industrial club work and school and durability. It doesn’t pay. be to uphold our law plac­ gardening work is under way for the These pianos may be purchased of probably year. Last week Mr. Harrington of me on easy terms. Second-hand ing a tax on trading stamps, coupons similar trade-attracting devices," the State Supt. Office talked to our pianos and talking machines taken in and said F. H. Whitfield, attorney for the pupils of all the grades above the 2nd on exchange. Retail Grocers’ Association, in recent and Friday evening he gave an illus­ Yours for business, litigation in this state on the subject. trated lecture, showing the work LELAND B. ERWIN. The Oregon act was declared uncon­ which was done all over the state Representative for Tillamook County stitutional by the Federal Court last last year by boys and girls in the in­ year. f dustrial club work. This week the “This case will probably now be ap­ Notice to Contractors. clubs are being organized in each of pealed to the Supreme Court from the grades and their projects selected. Sealed proposals, addressed to the the recent decision of Judge Wolver­ The first room to organize and select 'County Clerk of Tillamook County, ton and Bean and if the Supreme its officers was the 3rd grade. Leon­ Oregon, for furnishing all necessary Court holds similarly in the case of ard Bales was elected president; labor and materials required for the the Oregon law, the effect will be to Edith Chaphe, vice president; Karl construction of four wooden bridges, place the ban on trading stamps and Wolfe, secretary; James Petty, treas­ along the Tillamook-Yamhill joint similar lures to the shopper. urer. Most of the boys in this class road, will be received at the court “The Oregon law is not identical selected vegetable gardening and the house in Tillamook County, Oregon, with those of Washington and Flori­ girls sewing, although a good many­ up to the hour of 8:30 o'clock a.m. da, but it is somewhat alike in that girls will have flower gardens, and Tuesday the 14th day of March, 1916, all three measures propose to place a will participate in the garden and and at said time and place, publicly tax on stamps and coupons of this character. If we get a like ruling in home beautification contest, which opened and read. Proposals may be submitted for respect to the Oregon law, it will put will be undertaken again this year. each bridge separately or for the an end to the trading stamp and trade coupon in this state if the law is up­ four as a whole. Pupils Improve in Spelling. Each proposal shall be accompani­ held by public sentiment.” Mr. Whitfield assisted Attorney- ed by a certified check for no less The second county spelling contest than 5 per cent of the total amount General Brown in presenting the case was held Friday afternoon. The re­ thereof, as a guarantee that if award­ of the Retail Grocers in Federal sults in the Tillamook schools were ed the contract, the bidder will enter court. The state organization of gro­ considerably better than in the pre­ into a contract and furnish therewith cers has made a hard fight on the vious contest, which took place short a satisfactory bond, that the work trading stamp and fake devices. ly after the mid-year promotion. De­ will be completed in accordance with spite the fact that in the local schools the terms and conditions thereof. of Ohio, City Teledo.f the lower half of each room has A copy of the plans and specifica­ State Lucas County. I studied only half the words in the tions may be seen at the office of Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is contest, the number receiving one the County Clerk, of either Tilla­ senior partner of the firm of K. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of To­ hundred was more than double in the mook or Yamhill Counties. ledo. County and State aforesaid, and The County Court of Tillamook that said firm will pay the sum of ONE grades. Both the 5th and 6th grades HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every had six perfect papers. There were and Yamhill Counties reserve the case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the two in the 8th and several in the 3rd. right to reject any or all bids, or to use Of HALL S CATARRH CUKE. A large number of these and other accept the bid which may be deemed FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in grades missed only one word. In the best for said counties. my presence, this 6th day of December, J. C. Holden, County Clerk, high school nineteen had perfect pa­ A.D. 1886. Tillamook County. [Seal] A. W. GLEASON, pers, thirteen missed only one word, Notary Public. C. B. Wilson, County Clerk, and thirty-two had ninety or better. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally Yamhill County. The perfect papers were divided and acts directly upon the blood and mu­ cous surfaces of the system. Send for testi­ among the classes as follows: Four First publication, Feb. 24th, 1916. monials. free. form the Freshman class; four from Last publication, March, 9th, 1916. F J. CHENEY & CO., Teledo, O. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. the Sophmor.e class; four from the Business After the War. fake Hall’s Family Pills for constipation. junior class; seven from the senior class and post graduate students. Herr Sydow, the German minister Eleven of the perfect papers were of commerce, has a clearer vision written by girls and 8 by boys. HAWK, than some of his compatriots who have been talking of a customs union Garden Prize Winners are Announced with Austria- Hungary, based on sen­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. He has told the Prussian diet The committee in charge of the timent. that Germany will need a world mar ­ garden and home beautification con­ for its industry and commerce Bay City - - • • - Oregon test engaged in by the children of the ket when the great war ends, and that it grade school last summer has an­ would be folly to be hampered by nounced the names of the boys and commercial agreements based on mil­ girls, who won the prizes in this itary alliances now. This is generally contest, offered by the Women’s true, but peculiarly so in the case of Civic Improvement Club. The num­ Germany, for some of that country’s ber of 3rd prizes was extended be­ best customers in the past are on the cause a considerable number of boys other side of the present struggle. and girls worked very industriously Even under the most favorable condi­ through the summer on their gardens tions, it will be difficult to regain and many exhibited products as the lost trade in Russia, for exarq^le. county fair. The prizes offered were American capitalists are looking into trees and shrubs, strawberry plants, the situation in Russia now, planning ! garden sets, and tools, from which to supply needs Germany formerly 1 tho^e winning prizes made their se­ filled. The once famous label “Made ' lection. in Germany ” will for a long time j Under the leadership of Mr. San­ make no appeal to sentiment in coun­ ders and their own class teachers tries of the entente and among their ! nearly every grade above the 2nd is individual sympathizers in neujral already planting a garden for this countries. This will be overcome in year. Some have already planted seed time, but if, in addition to the natural | for very early vegetables. The list of hostility, Germany should discrimin- . prize winners from the different ate in favor of its present ally, it ■ would find the restoration of its great grades is as follows: 4th grade, 1st prize, Jimmie W'at- commerce very difficult. The fact that Germany and Austria- son; 2nd prize, Alpha Olson; 3rd Sidney E. Henderson, Pres., prizes, John Sander, Robert Camp­ Hungary are looking to the condi­ Surveyor. bell, Willie Campbell, Hazel Mor­ tions of business after the war should John Leland Henderson, Sec­ gan, Schuyler Fletcher. Pearl Ross. impress the people of the United retary Treas., Attoiney-at- Evelyn Stillwell, Nora Laddasaw and States with the wisdom of also tak­ ing forethought. There is room for Law, Notrary Public. Ernest Dodge. Honorable mention, Lorraine King. debate as to just what the effect of the ending of the great war will have. Beriiice Dicky. 6th grade—1st prizes, Harry Fletch­ We know the aftermath of the Cri­ er and Charles Fletcher; 3rd prizes. mean war, which, owing to a free Kenneth Murphy, Ogdon Moulton, trade tariff, brought widespread dis­ Law, Abstracta, Real Estate, Rex Bailey, James Campbell and Wil aster in the United States. This may Surveying, Insurance. happen again, if we are not prepared bur Kirk. Both Phones. $th grade—1st prize, Roy Olson; to do whatever may be necessary for . and prize. Hazel Chase; 3rd prizes. our own protection. Meanwhile, we' TILLAMOOK - - OREGbM. Errold Haltom, Allene Pangborn, should be expanding our commerce with countries that are of necessity Sarette DeLillies, Edith Fletcher, Have Your House Wiring Done by If you are having trouble with your plates staying in place, we can stop it by using this patent suc­ tion. Free advice about all kinds of dental work. Painless extraction Free when plates or bridge work is or­ dered. I I And will conduct a chain of dental offices in Tillamook County and also manage the Bar View Hotel and Tent City. J ELAND B. ERWIN, PIANO INSTRUCTION. Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. p T BOALS, M.D., Blue and White Printed Linoleum, per square yard, 45c. 9x12 Rugs - - from $18.00 to $25.00 Large Arm Rockers - - - - $2.50 Leatherette Seat Rockers- - - $5.50 Morris Chairs - - from $10.00 to $16.50 FURNITURE AMMER ,1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Surgeon S. P. Co. (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Tillamook .... Oregor, Sunny Southern California ■^yEBSTER HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW COMMERCIAL BUILDING, FIRST STREET, TILLAMOOK, OREGON rp H. GOYNE, THERE and BACK SÖ5.OO ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , Tillamook Oregon. J-^R. JACK OLSEN, DENTIST. (I. O. O. F Bldg.) Tillamook - Oregon J I CO. Masonic Building, next door to Post Office. T. BUI XM ATTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract Booka in Office. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. vm •? Six mouths round trip tickets on sale from principal Northwest cities to Los Angeles, Pasadena, Orange Empire, Long Beach and Santa Barbara. Stopover al­ lowed at all points enroute. Panama California exposition open nil the year at San Diego. Exhibits from all principal countries in the world. See Southern California by electric cars ot the Pacific Electric Railway. “Orange Empire,’’ ” Balloon Route,” ” Old Mis­ sions.” ‘ Triangle,” anti “ Mt. Lowe” trolly trips. pR- ELMER ALLEN Ask your local agent or tvrite (Successor to Dr. Sharp), John M. Scott. General Passenger, PortlanJ. Oregon. DENTIST. Southern Pacific. Commercia! Building, Tillamook QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, - - Oregon. J OHN LELAND HENDERSON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT-LAW. T illamook B lock , Tillamook • . - - Oregon ROOM NO. 261. O. I. C. SWINE DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES. Tillamook Title and Abstract co. Have Opened Offices in the Tillamook Block, Room 205, I Star t the Ne w Year__ Righ t! By Trading at Mason's THE, Gemnne Bargain Store I Have a Clean, Up-To-Date Stock of DRY GOODS. Ladies’ Gent.’s Fashionable Boots Q'J Shoes. Cannot be Surpassed for Comfert and Wear. Dress Goods and Underwear. i Carry a Complete Line of First Class GROCERIES, ETC., And You will Save Money in Your Grocer^ Bill by Trading this Year with I have some choice fall boars and gilts that am making a special low price to make room for my spring pigs. Can supply you with spring pigs of either sex Uli- I related. JOE DONALDSON R. F. D. No. 1, Tillamook H. MASON & CO, (^Masonic Building. Substitution of the rail on the back of the car seat for straps in a street car may save laundry bills. One need- not be so particular about the state of his cuffs when they are not exhibited to the whole car. The first shall be last 1 t.'d the last shall be first—in getting l 6,il of an elevator. Why the stage is not rea listic: Only one person talks at a ti»ie I in a play. That's not life. I