t ri V » X TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 9, 1916. Í I To the Voters of Tillamook County. A. E. Rittenhouse SHOTS AT FREE TRADE. W. E. Walker ... I hereby announce myself as a The County Court allowed the fol­ A. Gummings .... Culled from the Leading Newspapers candidate for the office of County lowing bills; Charley Romtch . of the Country. Commissioner (North end) I ilia- Ed lansicy .......... Miscellaneous Bills. Thos B. Kay, fire protection $139.16 Oren Balicrson . In China they take the money out mook county on the Republican ticket Commercial Stables livery ... 5-50 trank Rankin ... of the treasury by force. Here, the at the primary election to be held in 'i illamook Herald, printing .. 320.75 Whitney Rankin . Democrats force it out by the tariff May, 1916. D. F. Thompson. Tillamook Headlight, printing 34500 M. A. Mellon........ legislation. City Transfer Co........................ ------ o------ 1.99 van Davidson ... Coast Power Co. ...................... 35.29 1 ony l.aglen . . Congress will put Democracy to the To The Voters of Tillamook C°unty. Pacific Tel and l ei Co............ test on the tariff question. It is revise 27-4* R. t. Myers . . . I herewith announce myself as a a. D. 1 uompsun T. E. Epplett, board of pris­ the tariff upward, a bond issue, an­ candidate lor the office of County oners ......................................... other war tax, or go broke. 785 Euili Ross ........ Surveyor of Tillamook Coun’y, sub­ Bushong & Co, printing ... 97-50 Robert Aidred .......................... Frank lleyd K Co. work .... 12.00 Ullman auuii ............................ A change of mind as to the tariff ject to the will of the Republican 26.60 C. K. Allen ................................ Bushong at Co. blanks .......... commission is by no means the same voters. If nominated and elected will 7.00 J. Muruuck ................................. P. W. 1 odd, stamps ................. thing as a change of mind concerning endeavor to perform the duties im­ Remington Typewriter Co. .. the tariff, and that is what America is posed upon me with justice and im- 3 50 riUg. auiuiinieyer .................... Glass a. f’rudhomrne, mils. ... 239 21 Jack L.eklie ............................... partiality. most in need of. Harry P. Kerr. 6.00 w. F. Crane .............................. ------ 0------ J illamook Water Commission I 1 illamook Garage ................... A tariff that permits the workers in 350 K. t. myers ............................. factories, mills, shops, etc., of the To the Republican Voters of Tilla- Gounty Poor. Koscoe vainer ......................... East to buy the products of the fields mook County. Wm. Hartzell ........................... E. G. Anderson, for W. R. Gillam ....................................... $ 20.00 W ill Bbles ................................... and farms of the West and South will ------ o------ 4.00 bring the kind of prospeity that H. H. Myers, for Jos Angello I am a candidate for the Republican auu 'J uisukct No. 3. counts. D. S. Boy akin fur Jos Angello nomination for Circuit Judge on the 2.45 W. J. Himes et al .................... 19th Judicial District comprising D. S. Boyakin, for Jos Angelo 503 t'acmc lei and lei. Co ........ 2.03 I. B. Potter Realty Co............ Berns Bros, for Mrs. Collins . The President has changed his Tillamook and Washington Counties 2.03 E. J. Wood ............................... Berns Bros, for Mrs. Day .. mind on the subject of a permanent at the May 19th, 1916 primaries. Geo. R. Bagley. Mollie W. Watson, for Mrs. Geo. W lit ........ 4....................... tariff commiasion. There are other 7.00 M. J. O Donnell ....................... Helgcrson ............................... matters calling even more urgently To the Voters of Tillamook County. Tillamook Meat Co, for Mrs. J. Delsman ................................. for a rearrangement of his mental Collins ..................................... i.SS C. E. Pearson ............................. furniture. I hereby announce myself as a 300 Joe Mapus ................................. H. 11. Myers, for Joe Angello Mrs. P. E. Jewell, for Frank £.. W. Stanley ........................... The Payne-Aldrich tariff brought candidate for County Coroner on the 30.00 W. B. Alderman ....................... Marey ....................................... prosperity, and a large number of re­ Republican ticket at the primary 10.00 M. J. (J’Dounell rip rapping. H. Mason & Co. for E. Baker publican leaders, finding it necessary election to be held in May. Respectfully, H. Mason & Co. for Mrs. Harts- A. t. Holden ............................. to have something to talk about, Dr. S. M. Wendt. 6.00 Ben Darby ................................. w«ll ............................... ............ found fault with it. They made it ap­ H. Mason & Co, for Mrs. Guy Vaugun ............................... pear a hideous thing—and now they To the Voters ef Tillamook C°unty. Simonson ............................... want another just like it. 565 C. W. Henklc ........................... W. Johnson ............................... L. S. Hushbeck, for Capt. :—0— I hereby announce myselt myself a candi candi- ­ jo 00 Loll Frank Blaser ........................... While beating our swords into date for Sheriff on the Republican J. B. Delsman ........................... plow shears is now advocated to ticket, subject to your approval in the H. L. I’rovoost, for J. E. 10.00 A. Mix .......... .............................. Sawyer ..................................... transform American industrial plants May primaries. Tillamook Feed Co. for Mrs. J. J. Ihrapp ............................... into owlhunts and storage houses Respectfully, for unproductive American-made , Collins ..................................... 3 25 J. r. McKinney ......................... John Aschim. Tillamook Feed Co, for F. W. L,. Darby ..................................... goods is just what our free trade j friends offer us. How do you like the i To The Voters of Tillamo°k County. Berger ..................................... 24-95 1. J. Wallow ............................. Tillamook Feed Co. for Mrs. Alvin Blum ................................. prospect ? 16.85 I John Blum ................................. ------ o------ Helgcrson ............................... I wish to announce myself as a R. H. Cady, for Angello........ 2.25 rlenry Simmons ....................... Now that Fiance reports that her candidate for the office of Joint Rep­ R. H. Cady, for Mrs. Gervais. 22.97 E. E. Walker ............................. export trade to the United States has resentative for the Counties of Tilla­ Mrs. Marie Kamm, for Indian bred Bluin ................................. reached two billion francs during the mook and Yamhill at the Republican Louise ..................................... 22.75 A. Reynolds ............................. past year of bloodshed, what may we primaries in May. Geo. W’. Phelps, for W. Dowd F. A. Rowe. 5-95 Alvin illuni . expect when peace gives her markets Geo. W. Phelps, for Ben Pent Walker a free hand to grab our American To The Voters of Tillamook County. 1.90 John Proctor Johnson ................................... markets under President Wilson’s Conover & Condit, for Mrs. 1. H. Moore welcome open harbors of free trade. | Acting on the advice of friends Collins ..................................... 10.35 Hope Al oore Conover & Condit, for Wm. Albert Olds .............................. President Wilson completely revers­ from all parts of the county and the Quick ....................................... 8.65 B. E. Turner ........................... ed himself and is now advocating a urgent request, of many, 1 announce Circuit Court. H. S. Parson ............................ '‘Tariff commission” He attempts to myself a candidate for nomination L. S. Hushbeck, meals .......... $ 3*5 W. Rush ..................................... justify his change of mind on the for County Clerk on the Republican 8.00 W. B. Smith ............................. Ira C. Smith, auto hire .......... ground of changed conditions, We ticket at the primaries in May. Respectfully, Chas. E. Runyon, official court Henry Staftord ........................ really look for the president to be Erwin Harrison. reporter ..................................... 30.00 James Stafford ......................... advocating a protective tariff before E. T. Epplett, bailiff .............. 27.00 B. Door ..................................... . this congress adjourns. To the Voters of Tillamook County. Smith Elliott, bailiff ............... 15.00 W. Ryan .................... ................ ------ o — ■ T. H. Goyne, rent and phone 24.00 P. J. Sharp ............................... In our enthuiasm over war orders, I hereby announce myself as a can­ J. J. Longcor, secret service. 105.00 H. V. Berg ................................. let us not over look the fact that the Justice Court. W. B. Sutton ............................. railroads of this country paid wages didate for nomination for the office of Myrtle O. Mills, stenog.......... $ 6.50 Homer Wilks ........................... the past ten years aggregating over County Sheriff, on the Republican E. W. Stanley, drawing jury. 3.00 L. C. Wilks ............................... $11,000,000,000, and more miles of ticket. If nominated and elected I Ira C. Smith, do ....................... 300 Lester Rush ............................. railway went into the hands of re­ shall endeavor to enforce the law with G. B. Lamb, do ....................... 3.00 R. Martin ................................... ceivers under the last year of free i efficiency, and economy. Justice, Constable and Witness Respectfully C. Dye ......................................... trade than at any period of the coun­ fees in Von Rotz, Chase and W'. L. Campbell. N. J. Dye ................................... try’s history. Worrall cases ......................... 119.95 Olcat I it lie ............................. To The Voters of Tillamook County. E. W. Stanley ........................... If Congress would "restore the tar­ • 75 Eil. LeFraiice ........................... Surveyor’s Office iff on the 75 per cent of conimidities Frank Dye ................................. R. L. Shreve ........ ............ on the free list under the Underwood I I hereby announce myself as a $ 8.15 Q. Pangborn ............................. Devine's Garage . ............. Wilson tariff law, that act would fill i Democratic candidate for the office 24 79 Frank Dye ................................. C. A. Dunn........................... up a great leakage in the national of County School Superintendent 4-45 W. Darby ................................... Swinder Blue Print Co. . treasury, and be appreciated by the subject to the primary election to be 50Ò George Wilks ........................... R. L. Shreve ..................... 86.25 E. Goodspeed ............................. Democratic sugar planters of Lous- held in May, 1916. H. M. Cross. C. A. Dunn ......................... 118.13 W. Kush ..................................... iana and the farmers of the country, W. E. Anderson ........ 46.88 — Frazer ..I............................. for their troubles are enlarged by To the Voters of Tillamook County. A. H. GulstrOm ............... reason of being on the free list. Road District No. 3. 3 <5<> Geo. Beatly ....................... 6.25 E. F. Carter ............................... 42.00 I I hereby announce myself as a cans Salaries. If you are an honest man and will Hollctt A Welsh ....................... 27.00 J. C. Holden ..................... E. F. Carter ............................... 672.25 contrast the industrial conditions un- didate for nomination for the office Kathleen Mills ............... Jenck Bros ................................. 180.00 der the four years of any free trade of County Clerk, on the Republican Vida A. Millis ............... Robert Lockwood ................... 2.00 term, like the Wilson tariff, with a ticket, at the primary election to be H. Crenshaw ..................... Is. <■. Anderson ......................... 1.70 similar period under protective tariff, held in May, 1916. Respectfully, W. i Campbell . J. M. Baker ............................... 60.00 like the Dingley or Payne tariff era,, J. C. Holden. O. G. Swenson .. Kild Pierson ’ ' 936 for instance, you will have a very af­ E. I. Webb ........ Nels Haglund 1.25 fective answer to give any free trade To the Voters of Tillamook County. B. L. Beals ........ W m. O ...... ’Connell .. 1.35 friend who tells you this country is in W. S. Huel ........... Roy Woods .......... 500 no need of the restoration of protec­ I herewith announce myself as a Marv I White . tive duties. E. G. Anderson -«•50I candidate to succeed myself as county A M. Hare........... l.yle Craven ... 1.25 I ------ o------ surveyor. If nominated and elected 1 Frank Owens ........... ........................... ... 2.50 Just Turn Back and See. Chas Baker .... will continue to enforce the same Geo. R. McKimens ............ Albert Clark 7.50 You who don't believe that the policies practiced by my office in the Dr. S. M. Wendt .................... Fred Lyster 8.75 ' tariff has nothing to do with the pro- past, that of conducting it strictly on (-. A. Johnson John Fleck .... 20.00 gress of this country, just turn back Engineering basis, efficiently and « n. Minis ......L’.' Martin Jenck .. 10.00 to Cleveland’s administration and see an economically. T. E. Epplett ...................... ' Joe Jenck ........ . 20.00 how the Wilson bill put this country Respectfully, J. C. Bewley ............................. .. Pete Jenck ..... 10.00 on the bum, and established the bread R. L. Shreve. . j ,. F F. Jones ....................... . . . . . R. Miles ............ 500 lines and soup houses. Then follow Road District No. 1. Ernest Edmunds 2.50 the McKinley administration and the For County Treasurer. F. p. Hobson ........................... $ Lois Craver . . . „ 5-00 __ high tariff for sixteen years; then A. F. Coats Lmbr. Co............... Chas Murphy . . 8.75 ' come to the present administration I hereby announce myself as a A. F. Coats ............... ........ Co............... Lmbr. Lee Lyster ........ 3.75 J with its low tariff, the closing of fac- Ernest Crown . R. Lyster .......... 3.75 tories, three million workingmen on candidate for the office of County Frank Mitchell ........... ’ Gene Hester ............ 3.75 the bum or tramp; this was the con- 1 reasurer of 1 illamook County, sub­ Albert Sheldon Fritz Drebert ........... 1.25 dition of the first seven months ____ ... of ject to the will of the Republican vot­ Manuel Crumlauff J. W. Hester ........ . 5.00 the present low tariff administration, ers at the 1916 primary election. y QQ * 'its* — *.1 or _ __ would 11 George Johnson ........... Respectfully, C. C. Murphy ........ and I would k-, have «, continued, Walter Morgan ..... B. L. Beals. Geo. Shaver ............. have been worse if the war in Europe «•55 Walter Rambo ......... Fred Lyster ........... 1.50 had not broken out. Then look at the To the Voters of Tillamook County. Thomas Fuller ...... ^ A. Bauer .................... 8.75 income tax, and last but not least, Andrew Zuercher ... W. D. Winters . ... in the treasury. r------ deficiency ------ -- ... UCUOUIJ, 12.50 the great Candidate for nomination second •Martin Ripley F. C. Affolter .......... ■2.50 • ' \\ ho ever know or herd of such con- term, on the Republican ticket, at Clark Smith " Editions when we were under a high W. R. Affolter........ >3 43 primary election in May, for County France Buckler tariff’ It never existed. L. F. Affolter .......... *3-43 Assessor. -Mat Johnson, ...... John Afloiter ........... 17.18 Respectfully, Albert Smith ............. ' ' U. Taggart .............. We All Kn°w What Causes it. 1.50 Hiram Crane ........ ’ - • • • C. A. Johnson. N. Affolter ................ 12.50 W e have mentioned it once, but for Howard (.'nine .. , ’ 6.87 Affolter Bros ........ .. the sake of saying it twice, we will To The Voters of Tillamook County. «035 Frank Crane . . . 6.87 K. E. Welsh .............. «5 37 say it again; there is no use for the A. F. Crane 4 37 Art Measor .............. I» I hereby announce that I am a can­ 93 administration papers to keep on George Benson „ 20.00 Max Kcne ................. 10.00 blowing about business being good. didate for the nomination for the of­ John l.ang'ey 5.00 We know it, we all know it, but take fice of County School Superintendent 33 75 Therm Coulson .... Fred Pa^r ” 10.00 Chester Hollctt .. . . 9.05 this careful from yours truly, we all at the primary election to be held in C. V. e ‘ • •• ............ 20.00 U. S. Edwards ........ 22. SO know what causes it. There is no use May. 21.00 Harrold Brandt .... ,y. Klein . ................ «25 for you to tell us that it is caused bv Geo. B. Lamb. 23 50 the I nderwood tariff law; we know W. Tohl ....................... >375 Ulyssis Edwards . . 16.25 H. A. Brandt ............ 5.00 that has no more to do with it than To the Voters of Tillamook County. Oscar Klein ..................... - ---- o------ «7 50 the Mikado of Japan has Most every George Bash .. ............... «375 Lester Edw ards .. . . G. W. Ramsay ......................... I hereby announce myself as a can­ IO25 thinking man knows what is coming Herman lubbet.iiig . 21.87 W. 1 I. Gilmore ........................... .46 to us when war is over without a pro­ didate for the office of County Sheriff I. B. Kinney . ................ E. C. Bryson ................. 1094 H. J . Tohl ................................. 8 43 tective tariff, but thanks be unto God on the Republican ticket at the pri­ 231 85 Alva Learned ........................... Nehalem Saw Mill ... SOO it will not be long until we have a mary election to be held in May. 20 77 J. E. Cockran ............................. Tohl & Anderson .... Respectfully, •9 35 chance to elect a congress that will 16.60 A. J. . Clark ................................. B. Batzner .. ............. ___ Fred H. Minich. «437 enact or re-enact, a tariff law that 92.00 John 1 Cox ................................... E A. Worthington . . 16 87 will keep from our shores the flood Ayer ............................ For 17 80 Forrest R. B Kennedy ............ 19.87 ot foreign made goods that the most 3900 A. E. Myers .............. ................ Bert Comstock ........... 12 37 radical free trader admits that will Don McKimens .......... langs mineral wonder . «SJ® F. L. Martin ............ . .............. «1.25 come. 20.00 H. Scherzinger.............. Roscoe Barber ............. ------ o------ 5 94 10.60 Chas. Johnson .......................... Ernest Kebbe .......... .. Why Not Do It, 594 For—Eczema. Rheumatism, Diar­ Lew Kennedy ............ 34 00 P. F. Myers 12.13 With great good sense the Phila- rhoea. Piles. Catarrah of the Head. 42.80 Fred Scherzinger .................... Albert Miller ............... 12.13 delphiaH _________w_, Public Ledger asks: Disease of the Kidneys. Inflamma­ Geo Balmer ................. it 25 Bert Smith .......................... . 7.50 But why wait for a commission to too Dan Fletcher .............. .............. Roy Smith ................ ... 3 12 settle the dye problem? Every prac- tion of the Eyes, For Bums, For 6 25 J. Lewallen ................................ Felix Kebbe ................... 10.50 heal manufacturer knows what to do Cuts, Running Sores. Blood Poison, 16.84 Fred Lewallen ........................ Elmer Easoni ............... 7.50 in this dye business. Why not do it? Stomach Trouble. Asthma, and it 25 Luscious Lane ........................... J II Deacon ................. 7.50 Why not, indeed? And if it comes Tuberculosis. 11.50 Claud Lewallen ...................... Wed Kebbe .................. 10.00 to that, why wait for a commission 50.00 C M. l ane Charley Easoni .......... .......................... 1500 to settle any part of the tariff prob­ BILL WITHROW AGENT. Guy 1 oerpabel ............ 4 Ros* Chilcott ............................ 7 50 lems. Protection for the establish­ Tillamook. Oregon. Charley Easoni .......... 1375 I. P Pearson ........................... ment and maintenance of the dye in ­ Btveriv Daniel .......... 2. SO Jay Davis ................................ dustry is an absolute necessity as sm .W • rren Easom .......... Miscellaneous Roads. plain as day. But just as plain is the ■»■aorgr Knight ............ 22 00 Alex McNair Co........................ 71 28 necessity for the re-enactment of a We have made special arrange- m^sl Zaddaeh 25.00 I H Rceher et al .................... 43-75 protective tariff to support the indus­ ments with the Telephone ’I oni lison Co., to 15.64 Southern Pacific Co, spur tries we all ready have Then why office, track and bunkers ... ........ 69862 wait for a commission? Whv not re­ connect you directly with our office. 3 75 I>: 26.90 Edward- X l.azcll .................. 1000 store a protective tariff first and in case you wish any of our GOOD 6.25 Sani Mc\ cy ............................. 25000 take up the commission afterwards? COAL, Lamb-Schrader Co, Call 28 W Bill» Allowed by County Court. 1 It I (I I J 1 2 1 I Don’t Throw Away Your Prescription By taking it where it may not be accu­ rately filled—where part of the ingredients used may be so old as to have lost their freshness, strength and purity. Get the full value of your doctor’s ser­ vices by bringing your prescription to us —where you know it will receive all the exact care and honest attention that our pride of reputation—backed by experi­ ence, training and the most complete, modern, carefully-selected, thoroughly- tested and well-kept stock of prescription drugs—can possibly give it. c. I. CLOUGH, Reliable Druggist, Tillamook, Ore X We are Still Selling SUGAR CURED HAMS at 20c. per pound Special Brand Bacon, 19c. lb. Fancy Breakfast, 26c. per lb Bacon Backs, 18c SANITARY Fresh East Bulk Pickles. MARKET ern Oysters Full Line of ALEX. MeNAIR & CO GENERAL HARDUJARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere.