TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 9. 1016- ex-wife has children, children award­ 1 it must sell for cash only and it ed to her care, and so is unfitted should award a portion of the net from earning a living- profits to employes. There is a sharp difference between $ forcing a man to provide for Ins ■ Applying these observations to our children and forcing him to provide ( co-operative movements here in Ore­ gon, we find in them an explanation for his ex-wife. He should, of course, of some of our difficulties. Our a'so" contribute to their maintenance, an. Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, ciations try to gam favor by selling since children must have care and at cost or near cost, and usually they service, she is quite justified in tak- , is used in Royal Baking Powder because give credit to members. They do nop ing the money paid for that—so long retain sufficient margin of profit to as she renders it. But as fast as the , it is the best and most healthfill ingredient cover risks and provide for growth of children grow able to earn for them- selves such payment should cease, capital. In disposing of farm products known for the purpose. 05 liicy -i----- ------------- is capable of and »* if *«*'- the woman any , they inflame inv the growers’^ — hopes by Ltuu ■ ‘ r she could easily promising high prices, ana they at- ! high grade labor Phosphate and alum, which are de­ • . ” transact »»A w,'irLnfinn* rvflPT'il — I | ia?n more __ — 1.. in o a trade or profession tempt marketing opera- ivmpi to w ------------- n" * 11 rnviv ••• — ---- --- rived from mineral sources, are used in tions on a margin so small as usually 1 t |, an as a Ilur se-maid. .25 ‘ — . • to cover avnn n • 11 health ’.I. is entitled to dam­ ti? • be * insufficient even tlif» the Ruined some baking powders, instead of cream of most ordinary expenses. Disappoint­ ages; care and service are entitled to RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION ment of growers at prices received ■ payment; but a robust young divor­ tartar, because they are cheaper. leads to discontent and quarreling cee with a pct dog is no more en- (Strictly in Advance.) and lack of profit to the association j titled to support from a man to ............ $1.50 One Year.......... If you have been induced to use baking leads to financial disaster. The Asso­ whom she is now not married than ................................... 75 ciation is popular while hopes are from any other man to whom she is powders made from alum or phosphate, ------ o - Three Months ......................................50 The trouble with some of the peo­ I igh; and unpopular as soon as it dis­ not married______ ______ use Royal Baking Powder instead. You ple in the north part of the county is appoints. Disregard of practical business Tainted M°ney in Iowa. road THE TILLAMAAK HEADLIGHT. they have too many expensive t . will be pleased with the results and the methods by theorists who grudge a and bridge projects. Before any of The trip made by President and these are tackled we believe it to be profit is reasonable for losses and difference in the quality of the food. to the best interests of all to com­ heartbreaks among people who can Mis. Wilson has raised a serious com ill afford it. If they pursued the “ live plete the Garibaldi W heeler road first, plication in a sovereign state. A short and as it will take somewhere in the and let live” policy towards the mer­ time before the appearance of the chant, the banker and the railroad, Hurray up gentlemen and get every­ neighborhood of from $50,000 to $75,- ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO first citizen and first lady of the thing ready to spend that big sum of 000 to complete that road, it is hard they would share in the general pros­ land at DesMoines, the Sovereign perity which results whenever private New York money for road improvements. for us to figure out where the money State of Iowa had enacted a law mak­ is coming from to build a bridge at enterprise is freed from burdensome ing it a punishable offense either to I I In England they are using the best Nehalem and a road across the mud restrictions.—Oregon Voter. give or to accept a tip anywhere brands of Irish and Scotch whiskey • flats, and a bridge across Nehalem within its jurisdiction. While in the I in the manufacture of munitions of 1 harbor from Dean’s Point. It is safe I Isthmus Canal Situation. capital of the state both the president war. Wouldn’t that jar you? to say that these two projects would ------ o — me atieuu- and his wife tiped some of the attend­ ’ ------ o------- cost somewhere near $150,00, if not Gen. Goethals has asked the ants serving them there. To one ---- of | The Germans seem to be successful more. When that part of the county House Appropriation Committee for the women at the hotel, an Irish lass raiding some parts of England with develops it may be necessary to make $19,300,000 for work necessary to put Zeppelins, killing women and chil­ these two improvements, but our pol­ the Panama canal in running order. named Peggy O’Connor, Mrs. Wil­ dren, obtaining the notoriety of being icy is to get one expensive road pro­ and, additionally, $8,250,000 for its son gave as a pourboir a $5 gold coin. Miss O’Connor, threatened with the ject out of the way first before tack­ fortification. He also recommends called "baby killers.” ling another, and that is the reason the erection of a projectile factory in offended majesty of the law of the > Say, Bro. Trombley, what about why we should like to sec an effort the zone to insure the supply at all state of which she is a citizen, tosses ' that $67,000 slump in cheese receipts made to complete the Garibaldi- times of munitions. In regard to the her head in the confident assurance j for Tillamook County last year? 1 he Wheeler road as soon as possible. resumption of traffic through the that the wife of the president having at coffee Democratic free trade party is res­ We do not want to ‘‘knock’’ any road canal lie said that this is a matter de­ been her accomplice in the law’s vio- 1 ponsible for this reduction. or bridge improvement that may be pending on the slipping of earth into lation, and the chief magistrate of 45c ------ o------ contemplated in the north end of the the waterway, the quantity to be re­ the country having himself voilated To con­ COFFEE the Iowa law by giving a man ser ­ county, for when the time is ripe for moved amounting to about 9,000,000 Now is the time to dig up—your vince you 45c taxes. Those who consider taxation them to be built they should by all cubic yards. The mass is in motion, vant a quarter of a dollar, there is by trial that it ? small likelihood that she will be pros- j means be constructed. But in all can ­ and the dredges arc about to clear unusually high should dig up more Oregon System, and that will put dor, does the population and indus­ the channel at a rate of 1,000,000 yds. ecuted. Should any discrimination be 1 F3jis better than trial enterprises of Nehalem city ? other coffees, e a month. There is nothing sensation­ made iu the case against the horny- j taxes again on the jump. justify the expenditure of an ex­ al in this state of affairs, unless the handed son and daughter of toil, and : to induce you to make ------ o------ Tillamook City is not taking hold ceedingly large sum of money for an present inability of our warships to in favor of the other law breakers in the test, we reduce the SEND Oh of tlie newest religion, for we haven’t expensive draw bridge across Neha­ move quickly between the two oceans the case, the bold yeomanry of Iowa price during FOLGER TELEPHONE lem harbor? It will be a detriment to would growl in thunder tones. can be so regarded. The possibilities heard of any converts to New WEEK, IPKCIAL It is that which is making a per- atovuia TIN Thought. But wait awhile, for there shipping to have a bridge there when of danger in this respect are a timely FRICK .RIC< ? ORDE! will be persons fall all over them­ that barber becomes, as it surely will, object of national study. They were plexing difficulty for the Iowa au- . .35 .45 1 LB. selves to take up something that is a big shipping port for lumber. When much in the public mind when the thorities. The chief offenders are be- j ___ j ______ 1 ___ ___ *. the Garibaldi-Wheeler road is finish ­ .65 2 “ .85 canal was only a project, and seemed yond their jurisdiction, and may not new in religion. ed, then it will be time to ask the a long way off, so far distant, indeed, be extradited and brought back, for .75 2H " 1.00 RO State Engineer's department to that few Americans dreamed it could various and sufficient reasons. And 1.5Q The Herald says "All Democrats 2.00 5 are requested to register as soon as over the situation and decide where be an accomplished fact by the year they cannot proceed against the two possible so that they may sign the the bridges should be located, for 1916. In energy of construction the they have in hand. A ceremonious nominating petition of President Wil­ this is, in our estimation, largely a canal is a great engineering monu­ order has accordingly been issued TILLAMOOK FEED CO son.” Surely Tillamook people have matter for engineers to decide. If the ment. In its financial management by that the recipients of the tips will be had enough of Democratic free trade, people, of Nehalem would agree to this country it is one of the historical permitted to keep them, but only on for $67,000 drop in the cheese receipts this it would soon put a stop to the wonders of the world. No other na- condition that they will not only keep last year was some slump. Yet for all strife so prevalent for many years tion could have built it without at them but keep on keeping them. They that Bro. Trombley is still on the over road work in that part of the least double the existing charges. iiiumit' iijniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii must not spend as current coin of the county. Anyway, we hope these few By an agreeable coincidence at this realm or exchange for any commo­ Democratic band wagon. passing remarks will set our friends moment the Senate has ratified the dity. ----- o------ Owing to the severe winter and the in the north part of the county to dis­ treaty by which, for a payment of It may be that a Daniel came to judg cussing this matter in a friendly $3,000,000 to Nicaragua this country continued stormy weather, the feed spirit, for we believe they will agree acquires for all time the concession ment in this solution of the difficulty. situation is costing the dairymen con­ It is possible that Peggy O’Connor siderable money they had not figur­ with us eventually and sec the wis­ to construct an interoceanic water­ may keep her gold piece. Such is the dom of locating roads and bridges, way by way of Lake Nicaragua, ed on. This, surely, will broaden the where practical engineers deem best whose adaptability for this purpose nature of woman. But the court minds of those who have been oppos­ for them to be located. Nehalem has a has been well known for centuries. should maintain a close surveillance MONEY RIGHT ed to the improvement of Hoquarton of the porter who got the quarter IN YOUR HANDS Slough, for had there been a line of bright future, for in a few years it The House will doubtless consent to from the president. will become one of the largest lum­ the appropriation without delay. It is steamers running between here and bering centers of Oregon, and those is what an insurance policy does for San Francisco the dairymen would who are broad minded, willing to a reasonable sum, and is free from People think it is awful for a man you 'when a, fire comes along. No one not be paying the high price for hay give and take, and head and should­ the blackmail schemes that were in can afford to be without the protec­ they arc today. Considering that it is ers above little local bickerings, who evidence when the United States took like Billy Sunday to make $100,000 a up the Panama enterprise seriously. year helping to save souls for eterni­ only a question of expending a com­ will help to bring this about. tion of a fire insurance policy. Should 1 A secod American canal in Nicaragua ty; but it is all right for Charlie paratively small amount of money to a fire occur, which is always liable to i will not be too much for future com- Chaplin to make $175,000 a year mak­ make this improvement, those who - At all events, it will place the ing a fool of himself.—Albany Dem­ happen, you will be reimbursed it arc dependent upon hay and feed be­ Why the Creameries . Seek to Com- merec opportunity where it should be, and ocrat. bine. once for your loss. Let us give you ing shipped in, would be greatly ben­ j that is in American hands. Yet there are many who would efited by this iinprovcemnt. In fact, this protection by writing you a pol­ The Monroe doctrine has some prefer to follow Charlie Chaplin to “Weak country creameries are be­ it would be a big saving in freight powerful enemies in Europe, and fu­ heaven rather than Billy Sunday.— icy to-day. charges to have a line of steamers or ing crowded to the wall by a system ture developments there are beyontj lumber schooners plying between that is slowly but surely sapping the the range of prediction. Disquieting Oregonian. life bleed of every creamery in the rumors about the Nicaragua this port and California ports. route When horses become much scarcer ----- o state that does not have access to a will now come to an end. horse shows will arouse curiosity KClli "wai mainci where . IL The snap shot man has been asked local market it LULL can uispust dispose ui of rather than enthusiasm. whether he is going to publish the t..- I enough of its products regularly to Shameful Money. llamas of those who ship in liquors. the retailer at a price that will enable Hitch your wagon to a star, but if Decidedly not. It is not our habit to it to pay for the butter fat purchased. she is a high salaried actress she may poke our nose into people’s private In order to remedy this situation an WRITE VS. divorce you if you are not exemplary. PHONE US. CALL ON US- (By Charlotte Perkins Gilman.) business as to what they shall cat attempt is being made by the country I This does not refer to tainted mon ­ It is hard to forgive the man who and drink. Anyway, we do not like creameries to co-operate in the pro­ that part of the prohibition law which duction and marketing of their pro­ ey, in the accepted sense, but to mon­ at dinner changes the topic of con­ j ey which, though honestly earned, versation just before your chance to makes it imperative that a public rec­ ducts.” This is the statement made by the ' one ought to he ashamed to take. tell the pertinent anecdote. ord be kept of the names and the liquor shipped iu, for whenever the State Dairy and Food Commissioner, Money taken as a bribe is shameful Why have chafing dishes in the flat SOOGOO®®®®®°®®8e,9e®®O|0©Of»BOOOOG©e>.W.’«0®«,&9®c®o000e< prohibition law is voted on again this J. I). Mickle, who explained the pur­ money; money stolen, by whatever gone out of fashion? It is because is one feature that will help to defeat pose of the co-operative association process, is shamclul money, money young couples ventured as near star­ it. 1 here is nothing to prevent any­ as follows: “The improvement of the accepted tor a criminal act, or for vation as they dared? one seeing the names of those who product of every creamery in the or­ work one has not done, is shameful Rhubarb pie is not at this time a ship in liquor and publish the names ganization; the standardization of the money, money claimed for ‘‘breach of it they so desire, as no doubt some butter of all creameries in the organi­ promise to marry" is shameful mon­ harbinger of spring. It is only an in­ dication of how far toward the trop­ rabid prohibitionist will do, but the zation, to be standard in color, flavor ey, and alimony is shameful money. snap »hot man has no desire to get texture, moisture, etc.; the selling of It is vicious to make a living by the ics the truck farmer has emigrated. iettc» the poke nose class, for we all butter, whether locally or other­ sale of illicit love. It is ignominous don t want people to poke their noses wise, under one brand, namely the to make a living by legitimate love, into our private affairs and we have brand of the association; the estab­ to be ‘‘supported" merely because one no inclination to poke our nose into lishment of a central sales agenev is a wife. Ornamental Fire Places w hich will handle anil control the sale their private affairs. But what degree of ignominy is Built of Brick or Stone. of the entire output of all creameries that in which an ex-wife will take All Fire Places absolutely Standpatter!" Quite a number oft m the association, reserving to each money from a man she no longer our friends and political opponents 1 creamery its own local trade as far as . loves, legally or illegally, and to guaranteed not to smoke had a good deal of fun at the snap j possible; the selling of all butter , women who no longer renders any or money refunded. shot man s expense a few years ago passing through this agency as as­ service whatever? Should not any Brick Work of all kinds when they dubbed him a standpatter. ' sociation product; assistance to the women with the rudiments of a sense done on short notice. Now it is our turn to have a little dairymen in their efforts to produce of humor, with any decent pride pre­ fun at their expense and “come a better grade of cream; to obtain a fer td work for her living, at any task We make specialty of Lae Good Judgment in Buying back at them. The snap shot man more satisfactory market for surplus whatever, to being reluctantly fed repairing smoking Fire was a standpatter because the Repub­ butter of all creameries in the asso- and clothed by an ex-husband? Places. lican party gave protection to the ciation.” The women who detend this prac­ dairy industry. As a result of Dem­ tice do so on two grounds—first, that ocratic free trade, the dairymen of Co-Operative St°res. they arc incapable of earning a living I illainook County lost $67.000 last that ‘ the ex-husband has has N O. Nelson, of Edwardsville. 111., and, ‘n,,> second, .that J’c ex-husband year. This wouldn't have happened if till amook . ore . the Republican party remained in is the foremost authority in America ,SO. ,,n,Urcd ,hei" ,hal ‘hey are unfit- power, so it wasn’t the standpatters on the co-operative plan of produc-1 c first ground is pathetic, huinil-| who contributed to this loss that is tion and merchandising, according to ’ • now making the dairymen of this Outlook Magazine. Read what he has I ,at,nf and fa,sc- A.n> woman who was worth her keep in doing her own I county look up and take notice. Oh. to say as to cause of failure and housework for someone else for pay. no, for every standpatter was a pro- ! success: tectionist and in favor of protecting “In the ’7o’s the Grange movement If the ex-wife really wishes to admit the dairymen’s interests. Strange to ' ran largely on co-operative stores. It that she has not the capacity of an If I FAIL to CURE «y CANCER «TUMOR I tmt relate, that in the last state election' was a protest against supposed exor­ ordinary housemaid she deserves to before It POISONS ta? ikta w attuta to BONE only 1184 citizens in Tillamook bitant prices and rigid terms of mer­ be placed in an institution as a pub­ lic charge, being either feeble mind­ Without Knits ir Pain county voted for the Republican can­ chants.” didate for U. S. Senator who was in I The Grange stores “sold on credit; ed or feeble-bodied—or both. She | No PAT Until CURED GUARANTEE favor of protection, while 1090 voted I they sold at cost; they limited the does not mean that she cannot live WRITTEN No X Ray or other for the Democratic free trade can- ' membership to a class. Any of these as well or as easily by working as she swindle. An Island plant makes theeure didate for U. S. Senator. In glancing motives was obstructive; combined, can on shameful money. TUMOR. LUMP or over the figures of two vears ago, in they made success impossible.” But suppose the ex husband really Any SORE on the lip, lace the dairying districts, we find that Of the co-operative stores started was a villian anil a beast. Suppose the I or body lone is Fairview cast 61 votes for the free f... , in the United States the last 40 or 50 ex-wife is broken in body and mind— CANCER! it never pains until last stage trade party and 61 for the protection years, probably not over I per cent then she has no claim? I TO-PAM BOOK sent candidate, South Prairie, 47 for free are “fully established and prosper­ She has. indeed—a claim for dam- FREE. 10,00 testi- montais. Vr ne n W trade and 47 for protection; Beaver, ous.” ages. Damages not alimony. 33 for protection, 69 for free trade, For success he says, a co-operative Some women come out of matri­ Bhune. 18 for protection and 4,1 for association must be open to all com­ free trade; Carnahan, for protec­ ers on equal terms; it must give at mony—if they live to escape at all__ tion and 26 for free trade; Cloverdale least half dividends to non-members; as one might come out of a railroad in every 7 dieso! ™ncer-U.fi. report Cl for protection., 43 for free trade; it must give an equal vote to every accident, and the men ought to come I One woman * 10 long À musí must ule die ------- nn<• ion« « Little Nestucca, It for protection and member regardless of his stock hold­ under the “employers’ liability act.” £"»>r enrct »t hall pire if cancer i> y»t email 37 for free trade; Maple Leaf, $1 for ing; it mast start with cash capital; But such damages, award as a punish- I offence are quite j protection and 39 for free trade; it must sell goods at a profit, prefera­ mi".‘ ,or a vfry Neskowin, 5 for protection and 46 for bly at regular retail market prices; a different matter from “alimony” | One other claim remains—that the KINOLY MAIL THtS »»MMCANCER ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ............ Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and Professional cards one month...................................... Locals per line each insertion... Display advertisements, an inch one month..................................... All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line . Notices, lost, strayed or stolen etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines.................... free trade; Nehalem, 77 for protec- | tion and 13 for free trade; Sandlake, I lb for protection, 11 for free trade, Union, 30 for protection and 15 for free trade; Trask, 14 tor protection I and ,jo for free trade; Hebo, 20 for I protection, 42 for free traedc; rol- I cy, 29 for protection and 35 f°r free trade; Bay, 55 for protection and 70 for free trade. Those who voter for I Senator Chamberlain have nothing I to complain about because there was I a slump of $67,000 in the dairymen s ■checks' last year, * for they -------- only '■ '*■ ob- tained what they voted for—free trade and a reduction in their receipts, I It is those who opposed the Demo­ cratic ftee trade candidates who are financially injured, for, like the snap shot man, they were standpatters far Republican protection of the dairying business, No one, however, it now calling the snap shot man a standpatter. There is a Real Difference umiriuv Editorial Snap Shots I SAVE 10c A POUND MARCH 6 to li FOLGER’S “ ™ I FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE ! ! ! ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man viiviv TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TIIVLAMOOK, ORE YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY, Tillamook, Oregon. Made in Oregon Fioui “Oregon Flower,1 ’ a Hard Wheat Patent. “Yamhill Family Blend,” Hard Valley WhS^ “Morning Star,” Select Valley Wheat. Hardware and Sporting Goods. Ammunition, I WILL GIVE $1000 Quick Meal Ranges, Building Material, Wall Paper, Du Pont Blasting Any LUMP» WOMAN'S BREAST Supplies. ¡j cancer KING & SMITH CO., RALPH E. WARREN, ja ‘ w- issasi TILLAMOOK, OREGON-