Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, March 09, 1916, Image 1

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No. 39.
»1.50 PER YEAR.
I have orders for a great number
of calves and am n®w buying all
I can get. When you have a calf
for sale its money in your pocket
to call me up. Am able to pay and
will pay fancy Prices for Durham
Bulls, Red Poll Bulls, Durham,
Red Polls and Holstein Heifers.
Can also use chickens.—Both
Phones.Smith, THE CALF MAN.
Swastika Club.
----- o------
The club was entertained by Mrs. J.
C. Holden for the February meeting.
The decorations brought to mind the
fact that George Washington’s birth­
day was near. The games also weie
of the nature to carry out the Wash­
ington celebration. Mrs. Haberlach
carrying off the honors in one and
Member Federal Reserve Bank.
Mrs. Haltom was the fortunate one
in the other.
A short business meeting was held
the fore part of the afternoon. The
following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: Pres., Mrs. Hal­
tom; Vice president, Mrs. Botts;
B. C. LAMB, Presidetit.
Secy., Mrs. Koch.
W. J. RIECHERS, Cnshier.
A number of guests joined in with
the members in spending a very
pleasant afternoon, followed by a de­
J. C. HOLDEN, Vice-Presdent.
licious lunch served by the hostess.
1. E. KELDSON, Assistant Cashier
The club adjourned to meet with
Mrs. Robison for the next meeting.
Rosenberg Bros, are pulling down
the building that was erected by R.
Lamb near the mill office and will
erect a warehouse there.
John Dubois who is interested in
the Wheeler Lumber Co., and a large
body of timber in the North part of
the county, was in the city on Satur­
day and Sunday.
Having bought the Tillamook Iron
Aftemo°n Party.
----- o-------
Works from A. K. Case all business
A delightful party was given on
from Sept. 1st will be transacted by
Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. C. W.
H. Sander.
Miller and Mrs. W. J. Reichers at the
The Star Theatre has certainly home of Mrs. Miller. The decorations
made a hit by running Paramount were exceedingly tasty and appro­
Pictures, for, without a doubt, the priate, green being the prevailing
two pictures just shown are about ! colors, as the hostesses had St. Pat-
the best ever displayed in Tillamook. i rick’s day in mind when they arrang-
I cd the decorations, the Shamrock and
A car load of Overland
autos I snakes being the leading features.
The game played was 500 while
No mail «-ail hide money and keep OTHERS
mediately and another car load or­ others amused themselves by sewing.
ri'U have
from knowing it. There is always something in
Two vocal solos were nicely given
his actions that “gives him away.”
are now handling those autos in this by Mrs. Fred Poorman, Mrs. Koch
ar Waists
Our strong vaultswill keep your money safe.
-i »factory
The County Court accepted the bid
The honors fell to Msr. Baton and
Besides this. MEN of known financial RE-
; of A. A. Arstiil for the W. S. Cone Mrs. Burton in cards and to Mrs.
SPONSIBILITY are behind otir bank.
road, the lowest bid being $2,034. As ' Bales and Mrs. Sanders in sewing.
(ford fre-
i there was only one bid for crushed I The hostesses served one of the
Make OUR bank YOUR bank.
rock and the Squires road these bids daintiest lunches ever served in Till­
ve your
were rejected.
We pay 4 per cent interest on Sayings Deposit.
»uch fre-
The invited guests were Mesdamcs
' For sale, two 2 year yearling bulls,
and two calves, I year in Spring, A. J. Aiderman, Haltom, Clough, Baker,
C. C. Jerseys,from dams that test Poorman, Groat, Bales, W illett, Rob­
d most
300 to 400 pounds butter fat—T. II. ison, Hayes, Holden, McNair, Bacon,
I McCormack, Tillamook, Oregon, R. Lamb, Leonard, Reedy Condit, Koch,
F. D. 1.
M 15. ’ Edwards, Burton, R. Jones, A. Plank,
| Franklin, Olson, Lee, Byers, Youel,
Attorney T. B. Handley left for [ Sanders, Onthank,
Portland on Tuesday, on account of Schultz, C. Schultz, O. A. Schultz and
his —
he I Ada Dutcher.
.1.» illness of l.L
.I.-.. Z".
— '._ 1.2
Am overstocked and must sell six the
Jersey yearling
heifers. Phone * receive word in Portland that she
was no better he will immediately go
Good Sires Necessary.
E. R. Garner, Hemlock, Ore.
to San Francisco.
Attorney J. L. Henderson left on
Sheriff Crenshaw and his deputies (Editorial Hoard’s Dairymen, Feb.
ise and Massey, Dentists,
Tuesday for Hpod River, where he
■Loney I
are in the midst of tax collecting, and 11, 1916.)
has a case in the circuit court.
ouses to Rent, see Watson,
The day is past when any progress­
one feature of this year’s taxes is
For sale or trade, a 3 inch Mitchell that a larger proportion of taxpayers ive dairymen is keeping a sire merely
Wagon for a cow. Apply to G. G. are only paying half their taxes. It is that his herd may continue to give
milk. The sire is the logical begin­
Graves, near Krebs brick yard.
new less than a month for taxes to ning and source of herd improvement
Films developed 10c. per roll.—C. I.
Dairy ranch for rent,—Two miles be paid.
VMpugh Co.
and for that reason we cannot afford
from Tillamook City. For informa­
Chas. F. Pankow vs. Harry Willson to have a poor one.
Ket your early seed potatoes at the tion address Box 17, Tillamook, Or.*
With a good registered sire and
Rollie W. Watson and Ray B. Walls
Ffuit Palace.
Wc ad Sawed—Call E. W. Knight is a suit filed in the circuit court, be­ high grade heifers of the same breed,
gViano for rent.—Apply at the City on the Mutual phone, Prompt service ing a labor lien for certain work per­ a man can reasonably expect to im­
Transfer Co.
and careful work.
* formed for Harry Willson, amount­ i prove his herd, but with a grade or
ing to the sum of $55.25, the two lat­ I scrub sire such improvement is impos­
For Rent—Store Building now oc­ ter defendants being surities.
Get free Kodak instructions at C. I.
sible because there is no source from
cupied by B. D. Lamar as a variety
Clough Co.’s.
Next Saturday evening at the Star which better qualities may be brought
store after Feb., 1st.—P. W. Todd.
Bring in your prescriptions, Tilla-
Theatre there will be a great attrac­ in.Take the advice of Hoard’s Dairy­
M. A. Sargent vs. Robert Romero tion for those who patronize this
mopk Drug Co.
(I lines!
man, the greatest authority on dairy­
is a suit filed in the circuit court to
used oil
Safe deposit boxes tor rent. Tilla- recover $225.00 on a promissory note. popular place of amusement, which ing in the United States, and discard
•d [irr' ^^B*k County Bank.
that scrub bull. Lay the foundation
Try those 25c dinners at the Ram­ Saturday will be a feature play, en­ for a herd of cows that will increase
place to eat is at the "Good sey "Good Eats.” M. A. Olson for­ titled "Mr. Grex of Monte Qarlo,” your profits fifty per cent by purch­
from the novel by E. Phillips Oppen­ asing one of those pure bred register­
mt si
” Ramsey Hotel.
merly of the Spanish Kitchen.
ed, Holstein bulls from F. R. Beals.
on Sunday, to the wife of
Are you going to build a fireplace?
Dr. W. A. Wise, who was a resident Tabulated pedigree and certificate of
I or
Pankow, a son.
Does your fireplace smoke? See of Tillamook County 25 years ago, health with each animal.
has again located a dental office in
Sacks wanted—Lamb Schrader Co., Ralph Warren the fire place man
* rooms 205 and 10 the Tillamook Bld. For Circuit Judge of the Nineteenth
about it.
Judicial District.
We use only the purest drugs ob- over Haltom’s store. Dr. H. M. Mas­
ipes, ai
You choose your doctor. Choose us tainable to enter into your prescrip­ sey, who has been with Dr. Wise in
W. H. Hollis.
as hour druggist—Tillamook Drug tions. Bring them to us—Tillamook Portland for a number of years is
associated with both in the Bar View
I am a candidate for nomination to
Drug Co.
Resort and in the dental business.
the office of Circuit Judge, of the
j^rrv L. Willson has filed a bank-
Ride with Smithy. Auto trips any
11a rol
Nineteenth Judicial District, compos­
MKy petition in the U. S. District part of city or county. Good car.
ed of Tillamook and Washington
■ome ir
careful driver, Ira C. Smith, Both
number of business men and citizens, Counties, subject to the Republican
>f Lav
The Tillamook Meat Co. is paying phones. Call me.
in regard to the county commissioner­ primary election to be held May 19th,
id etc
Mrs. Rosa Donahue left for her __
r for the North part of the county, 1916.
7E fer pound for live fat hogs up to
1 am a resident of Forest Grove, in
home at Newberg on Monday, after and being assured of their support,
visiting at the home of her daughter, the will become a candidate at the said Washington County, and have
■ primary election. When interrogated been an attorney for thirty years, am
ey Service; Auto 'or hire at all Mrs. Geo. Sanders.
admitted to practice in all the courts
Phone 53J Day—154J night
Attorney H. T. Botts left on Sun­ 1 as to the different bridge proposals of this state and the Federal Courts
day on a professional trip to Portland in the north end of the county, Mr. of the United States for the district
and Salem, having the toll road case Reed appears to have made it clear of Oregon.
that this is a matter for engineers to
e you prescriptions to be filled? in the Supreme Court on Tuesday.
I have been a lifelong Republican,
decide, not this faction or that fac­
n fill any prescription.—Tiila-
Bring your hides to Dawson's Liv­ tion or this town or that town. When but in the discharge t>f public duties
Drug Co.
ery Barn, we are paying 16c. for calf the time was ripe to make these im­ have always held the interest of the
cy Plymouth Rock Eggs, for hides, 12c. for beef hides; sacks from provements, which was not at present people above that of party or politics,
, con­
, for sale, 15 for $1.25. Mrs. I. 2c. up to 4c. Old rubber and metal 5c. he was willing to leave that to the and that the judiciary should never
her. Hemlock.
* Frank Winer.
discretion of the State Highway En- be swayed by parisan influence
party prejudice.
gineers. ________________
Patterson now has her first
Having taken charge of the auto­
I have ever constantly stood
|>g of Spring Millinery ready mobile
department of Case's Garage,
rigid economy in the expendnture of
Attorneys in Law Suit.
^■pur inspection.
1 solicit your patronage in the future
the peoples’ money. The burden of
Free Sample of Briquets is as in the past and will guarantee sat­
taxation is increasing out of all pro­
ady at Lamb-Schrader
‘ r Co’s. isfaction, Frank H. Devine.
portion to the benefits received, in­
B '»«r C. Lamb.
Protect your valuable papers from Hadley, deceased, is a suit filed in the creased wealth or ability to pay. If
Sale—Three Durham cows, the unexpected fire by renting one of circuit court, in which the plaintiff nominated and elected I will adminis-
fresh soon. Apply to Jacob our safe deposit boxes. Only one demands judgment against the de­ for the busines sof the Court of this
• dollar per year.
n, Kilchis River.
Tillamook County fendant for $25,000. The complaint al­ district justly, promptly, and with
leges that C. B. Hadley died intestate the least possible expense to the tax- j
sale or trade a moving picture
month of December, 1911, payers.
omplete. Call or write to J. S.
Wanted, to trade about one acre of thjt C. the
Less litigation; less expense; less
Talmage was appointed
Bay City, Oregon.
* river bottom land on the Trask river,
delay and more justice shall be my |
S. Morgan vs. H. E. Carr and with small house on it, for a small count has ever been filed. That on the aim.
Your support is reespectfully solici-
arr is a suit filed in the circuit runabout auto. Apply at the Head­ 24th of February, 1912, defendant and
light office.
recover $225.00.
Otelia Hadley, acting for and on be­ ted.
W H, Hollis.
For Sale—Tug Chas M. Greiner, 4 half of the estate, contracted and pro­
le, cheap, vine maple and
limbs. Apply to M. R. Hanen- years pld, length 80 feet, beam 19 ft. cured the services of plaintiff to in­ To the Voters of Tillamook C°unty.
illamook, Oregon.
* draft 8 ft., 350 horse power. Now ii stitute certain matters of litigation
Portland Harbor. For price and full and prosecute the same to a final
I am a candidate for the Republi-
of the friends of Attorney particulars address G. W. Evans, termination. Plaintiff claims that he
can nomination for Joint Senator for
Winslow are wanting him to McMinnville, Oregon.
* fully performed and defended each of Tillamook,
Washington, Lincoln and
district attorney.
said matters, which extended over
If you have any hogs to sell call us
Yamhill counties.
forget those busted castings, up on either phone as we are going four years, and involved the prepara­
-r n tr__ 11-..
tion of a most complicated and vol­
welded for half. Goods sent to ship a carload of hogs in the near uminous record, as well as the argu­
Auction Sale.
el post and express promptly future. We are also buying all kinds ments for and against a large number
. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, of young calves and hides as well as of motions and long and vexatious
furs of all kinds.—Tillamook Live- trials, and many appeals. That the I At Allen Page’s store, Saturday,
Stock Co. Bell phone 8F22.
• reasonable value of said services is March 18th, at 130p.n1 I will offer
and was the sum of $25,000, and each at public auction my stock of goods
of said parties promised and agreed as I am going to move into the store
to pay plaintiff that amount of money building opposite A. A. Pennington’s.
1 ** W**—
out of the estate of C. B. Hadley.
Card of Thanks.
That no part of this amount has been
paid, and plaintiff’s claim was refused
We wish to express our deep grati­
and rejected, therefore he asks the
tude for the many acts of kindness
court for a judgment of $25,000.
and sympathy bestowed upon us on
account of our sad loss in the death
Bottom Land for Sale.
of our beloved husband and son.
■ --o-------
Mrs. J. H. Dunstan.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Dunstan.
For sale, Wilson River Bottom
U Land,
I Land,
both both
high high
and and
low low
Ap- Ap-
—ply to Paul Erickson, Maple Leaf
A man is as old as he looks, but he
precinct, Tillamook.
never thinks so.
Tillamook County Bank
« r
MOVE to 1.0 O.F. BLD.,
Drop in and book Around ”
Capital and Surplus, $30.000.00
B onn .
C. J. E dwards .
P eter H eisel .
A. W.
J. c. H olden .
W. J. R iechers .
B. C. L amb .
Careful Attention Given to all Banking
Business Placed in Our Hands.
Fairview Literary Society.
Vote of Condolence
The Fairview Literary Society will
give the following program Saturday
Song, Audience.
Recitation, Pear Hughey.
Solo, Barney Hanson.
Recitation, Loleta Johnson.
Duet, Johnson Brothers.
Pantomime, by the primary room.
Duet, M. Mills and E. Crawford.
Recitation, Clark Embum.
Song, Fairview girls.
Recitation, L. S. Johnson,
News Papers, By Editors.
Solo, Miss M. Clark.
Dialogue, "Innocents Abroad.”
Recitation, Oran Leach.
Solo, Jeff O’Donell.
Solo, Miss Mabie Goyne.
Dialogue, ‘Intertaining Sisters Beau.
Solo, Mr. Howard Humbert.
Remarks, Prof. Karl Onthank.
Pantomime, "Wanted a Wife.”
You are cordially invited to attend.
Whereas, we are again reminf^zl
that our lives are of uncertain dura­
tion, when we are called to pause
and bow our heads in silence, as we
contemplate the death of our fellow
citizen, J. H. Dunstan; and
Whereas, the community has lost a
valued friend, an earnest worker and
an excellent citizen, whose removal
from our midst leaves a vancancy
that will be deeply realized by the
whole of Tillamook County, there­
fore be it
Resolved, that the Women’s Civic
Improvement club tender to the be­
reaved family its heartfelt sympathy
in this hour of sorrow, and be it
Resolved, that these resolutions be
placed on the records of the club, a
copy sent to the bereaved family and
that it be published.
Women's Civic Improvement
Club, By Committee.
Notice to Creditors.
------ o------
To Morning Star Rebecca Lodge
No. 52, Tillamook Oregon.
We your committee on memorials,
beg leave to submit the following:
Whereas the silent Messenger has
again entered our order and this time
His shadow has fallen on our beloved
sister, Julia Henkle, and she has gone
to that home where no traveler re­
She was an earnest faithful member
and will be greatly missed from our
fraternal family..
Be it resolved, that we the members
of the Morning Star Rebecca Lodge,
No. 52, extend our loving sympathy
to the home whose circle has been
Be it further resolved that the
charter of the lodge be draped in
mounring for thirty days; a copy of
these resolutions sent to the home
and to each of the papers for publi-
Fraternally submitted:
May E.
Maddux, May Monk and May Frisby.
---- o—
In the District Court of the United
States, for the District of Oregon.
In the matter of Harry L. Willson
No. 3678 in Bankruptcy.
Notice is hereby given that on the
28th day of February A.D. 1916,
Harry L. Willson of Tillamook City
Oregon, the bankrupt above named,
was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and
that the first meeting of his creditors j
will be held in my offices, rooms 830- |
831 Northwestern Bank Building,
Portland, Oregon, on the 17th day of
March, 1916, at 10:30 a.m., at which
time said creditors may attend, prove 1
their claims, appoint a trustee, ex- '
amine the bankrupt, and transact
such other business as may properly i
come before said meeting.
Claims must be presented in form
required by the Bankruptcy Act, and
sworn to.
The schedule filed discloses no
Dated March 6, 1916.
Perhaps the blackest insult to the
A. M. Cannon,
equine tribe is to stable a horse in a
Referee in Bankruptcy, garage.