NOTICE OF DELINQUENT 19, lees tract No. 966, Sec. 21, W. M....................................... 69.76 N.E. 54 of S.W. 54, lots 6 and ,XES OF REAL PROPERTY Twp. 1 N. R. 10 West W. M. 32.3° W. G. Dwight, lots 7 and 8, Sec. 7, Sec. 12, Twp. 1 S., R. 9 TILLAMOOK COUNTY Webster Holmes Tract No. 1130 2, E. 54 of S.E. 54. S. W. 54 West W. Al.............................. EGON, FOR THE YEAR 1914. as described in tract book, of S.E. 54. Sec. 3, Twp. 3 N., Stuart X Ferguson Timber Co., J. R. Harter, lot 4, Sec 35, Twp. West W. M. . 36-30 1 S„ R. 10 West W. M........ 10. JO New ton II. I ulvi ..58 Frank A. Paul, Tract No. 516 54, W. j of is % as described in tract book, of N. 'A . i, Sei S., page 229, Sec. 21. Twp. t N. R. 8 West W. M...................... 38.28 N.W. 54 of N.W. 54, Sec 13, page 2O0, Sec. 36, Twp. I 6., R. to West W 60.50 3.80 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. N. Th< following list of real property R. 10 West W. M. ..... Twp 1 S., R. 9 West W. M. . R. 10 West W. M.................. 17.00 i T. W. K< X.t. N.E. % of 7-35 Ntuat-d in Tillamook County, State N. McMillan Guardian for W. 54 of N.E. 54, Sec. 10. Twp C. H. Clough, W. 54 of N.W. 54 Oregon & California R. R. Co. of S. W . '• .1, Net Twp. 2 s., Of Oregon, is hereby advertised for Frank Morey,, Tract No. 28 3 N„ R. 8 West W. M............ 1396 Sec. 16, I'wp. I S., R. 9. West N.54 of S.W. 54, S.E. % of S. R. to v. < st W. 92.70 as described in tract book, delinquent taxes assessed for the City of Astoria, lots 1 and 2, W. Af....................................... 5-70 Lincoln t 10, ■■ Twp. Co. N E. w. 54 , Sec. “ . 2 S„ R. . yea: 1914. I bis advertisement is au­ page 18, Sec. 21, Twp. I N., Sec. 10, Twp. 3 N.. R, 8 West Sophia Severance Est. lots 4, 5, 6 West W. Al............. 54, 1- ;-4, n SIS« !4 R. io West W. M.................... 9.82 thorized by an act embodied in chap­ W. M......................................... 6, 7, Sec. 23, Twp. 1 S., R. 9 6.65 Airs. I. A. Caulkcns, E. 54 of N. ot S.W. E. 54 of ter 301 of the General Laws of Ore­ Jack Tone Est., Tract No. 50 W. G. Dwight, N.E. 54 of S.E. West W. Al............................. IO.25 \V. 54, Sec. 30, Twp. 2 S, R. 6 54, Nee. 2 S.. R. 10 as described in tract book, 54 and lot 10, Sec. 10, S.W. 54 gon as passed by the 1913 session of James Hughy, N.W. 54 of N.W. West W. M............................. 11 West \ ■ 64.60 pags 25, Sec. 22, Twp. I N., R. of N.W. 54 and lot 1, Sec 11, the Legislative Assembly. 54, Sec. 26, Twp. . S., R. 9 ■ John B. v Robert Osborn, S.E. 54. Sec. 4, Th. taxes on the following adver­ to West W. M........................ Twp 3 N., R. 8 West W. M.. 19.24 West W. M............................. 18.70 5-7° Twp. 2 S., R. 7 West W. M.. : 54 01 N. tised list of real property became de­ H. E. Noble, Tract No. 56 as E. E. Lytle 54 Int. L. C. Stan­ Tillamook Water Co. Tract No. S„ R Nellie E. Armstrong, N. J4 of 5-75 described in tract book, page linquent October 1, 1915. »nd are 225 as described in tract book, ley 54 Int., F. S. Stanley 54 [ Oregon o S. E. 54. Sec. c, Twp. 2 S. R. subject to a penalty of 10 per cent 26, Sec. 22, Twp. I N., R. 10 page 133, Sec. 26, Twp I S., R. Int., S.W. 54 Sec. 15, Twp. 3 . I N.E. 8 West W. M.......................... and interest at the rate of 12 per cent West W. M............................. 9 West W. Al........................... 3.60 Nellie E. Armstrong, S.W. 54 8-55 • N„ R. 8 West W. Al................ 28.59 S. E. c SBer annum until the said taxes shall Jenny E. Juhrs, Tract No. 57 as Joseph Donaldson, Est., Tract Elk Ridge Timber Co. S.E. 54 R. 6 A 1 5 of N.E. 54. S.E. 54 of N.W. described in tract book, page have No. 230 as described in tract of S.W. 54 and lots 9, 10 and Oregon 54, Sec. 5, Twp, a S., R. 8 Nonce is hereby given that six 26, Sec. 22, Twp. 1 N., R. 10 book, page 135, Sec. 27, Twp 11 Sec. 18, Twp. 3 N., R. 8 N. 1 , West W. M.............................. months after the taxes charged West W. M.............................. 17.10 4.22 I S., R. 9 West W. Af.......... 103.70 Oregon X California R. R. Co. S. E. .,. West W. M............................. against the following real property Lem Parker 54 Int., N.W. 54, Dewey Orcha.d Co., Tract No. E. E. Lytle 54 Int., L. C. Stanley R. <> v. W. 54 of NW. 54. Sec 13, Twp. first became delinquent the Sheriff as Sec. 25, Twp. 1 N., R. 10 232 as described in tract book 54 Int. F. S. Stanley 54 Int., Oregon hi . 2 S., R. 8 West W. Al.............. 5-iJ required by law will ilssue Certificates West W. M.............................. 18.30 page 136, Sec. 27, 28, 33, 34, NE. 54, Sec. 22, N.W. Sec 22 N.E. Oregon X California R. R. Co. of Delinquency against the said prop­ Lem Parker 54 Int., S. 54 of N. Twp. I S., R. 9 West W. Al.. 100.00 Twp. 3 N„ R 8 West W. Al.. 72.37 . S.E. E. 54 of S.W. 54, S. 54 of S. E. erty for delinquent taxes. The said E. 54, Sec 25, Twp. 1 N., R. Ethelda Ogg, Tract No. 1064 as E. E. Lytle 54 Int. L. C. Stanley 0 West 54. Sec. 21, Twp. 2 S., R. 8 9 Certificates of Delinquency will bear 10 West W. M. ..................... described in tract book, page 3.15 54 Int. F. S. Stanley 54 Int., West W. M. ........................ 6.80 I Oregon intei cst at the rate of 15 per cent per Ruth Homes, Tract No .66 as 173A, Sec. 29, Twp. 1 S., R. SW. ■>, E. 54 °f S.E. 54 Sec. 23, W. Alex McNair, S.E. 54, Sec. 22, annum until the Certificates are re- described in tract book, page 9 West W. Al........................... 54 of S.W. 54, Sec. 24, Twp 3 3 S., R Twp. 2 S., R. 8 West W. Al.. 73-10 7-50 deejued. 33, Sec. 27, Twp. 1 N., R. 10 I Oregon N„ R. 8 West W. M................ 5946 M. W. Harrison, Tract No. 314 Oregon X California R. R. Co. Any time after the expiration of West W. M............................. 23-75 William J. Womelsdorf, S.E. 54 as described in tract book, N.E. 5 . X. '. 1 W. 54 of W. 54, Sec. 27, Twp. three years from the first date of de­ T. B. Potter Realty Co, lot 1, page 161, Sec 30, Twp. 1 S., R. Sec. 2, Twp. 3 N., R. 9 West. 2 S„ R. 8 West W. M.............. 20.90 ; s.E. linquency of any tax included in a and that part of lot 2 not 9 West W. M.......................... 16.36 W. AL ................................... I 7 W es 4’3 Gust Holm, N.E. 54 of S.W. 54 Certificate of Delinquency the holder platted, Sec. 29, Twp. 1 N., R, J. R. Eldridge, a strip of land w. S. E. Hovet, N.E. 54 of S.W; N. 54 of S.E. ;- 4 , S.W. 54 of of such Certificate may cause sum­ 10 West W. M........................ 43-70 56 ft. in width off the entire E 54, E 54 of N.W. 54 Sec. 4 S.E. 54. Sec. 28, Twp 2 S., R. 8 mons to be served on the owner of T. B. Potter Realty Co Tract west side of Tract No. 319, 1,3 Twp. 3 N., R. 9 West W. M. 45-45 West AV. Al ............................... 5-70 Bthefpropcrty described in the certifi­ No. 72 as described in tract Sec. 30, Twp 1 S., R. 9 West I Chas. Al Cunniiq Ida Condit, N.E. 54 of N.W. 54 B. O. Snuffer, S. 54 of N.W. 54 cate, notifying the owner that he will book, page 37, Sec. 29 and 32, W. Al........................................ N.E. 5.t, Nee. 8, 8.26 W. 54 of N. E. 54, N. E. 54 of N. 54 of S. W. 54. Sec. 29. T p apph to the Circuit Court of the Tract No. 827 as described M. W. Harrison, Tract in N.W. 1 7 West W. AL N.E. 54, Sec. 7, Twp. 3 N., R. 8.00 2 S., R. 8 West W. Al ............. 380 county in which such property is sit­ in tract book, page 38, Sec. 31 54, North of Trask river. Sec. Oregon X v . iinnni.. R. R. Co., 9. West W. M........................ 28.56 Oregon X California R. R. Co. uated for a decree foreclosing the lien Twp. 1 N„ R. 10 West and 31, Twp. t S., R. 9 West W. Clarence E. Broughton, S. E. 54 ■ N.E. Jt, N.W'. 4, S.W. 54 and N.E. 54, E. % of N. W. 54, S. against the property mentioned in Sec. 6, 1 S.„ R. 10 West. All Al................................................ 10.25 S.E. l.i, Sec. 9. 1 wp. 3 S., R. 7 of N.W. 54. Sec 11, Twp-3 N. W. 54 of N.W. 54. S.W. 54, S. such Certificate. that part of lots 2 and 3 not Jefferson Ogg, Tract No. 1063 West W. Al .......................... 5X00 4-36 R. 9 West W. M..................... E. 54. Sec. 33, Twp. 2 S., R. 8 Myrtle Lilley, N. W. 54, Sec. 5, platted. Sec. 31, Twp. I N., R. as described in tract book, Elk Ridge Timber Co., S. E. ’4 Oregon X California R. R. Co., 34.00 West W. Al ............................... Twp. 1 N„ R. 5 West W. M. $46.35 to West, W. M. N.N............... 216.60 page 170C, Sec 32, Twp. 1 S., N.E. ’1, N.W'. ‘..S.W. 54 and of S.E. 54. Sec. 22, Twp. 3 N., Alary Johnsin, S. 54 of S.W'. 54 R S. V Cooper, W54 of S. W. % J. W. Haskins, N.E. J4 of N.E. R. 9 West W. M.................... R. 9 West W. Al..................... 13-29 S.E. Sec. 11, I'wp. t S., R. 5-95 Sec. 1, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West Twp, 1 N. R. 6 West Sec. 15, T 54, Sec. 34. Twp. Twp. 1 N„ R. 10 Airs. A. J. Casey, S.W. 54 of N. J4, 7 W est W . Al........................... 71.40 Elk Ridge Timber Co., S. W. 54 W . Al.......................................... 25.50 99.90 12.60 W M. .. West W. M. ... W. 54 of N.W. 54, Sec. Sec 23, Twp. 3 N., R. 9 West 36» Oregon X t'aluornia R. R. Co., D. A. Story, S.E. 54 of S.E. 54. Inez Shearer, E*4 of S.W. 54 Carl Abrams, Tract No. 872 as Twp. 1 S., R. 9 West W. . Al.. 3-6 o W. M....................................... 43-89 N E. '.i, N. A . i, S.W. 54 and Sec. 3, 1 wp. 2 S., R. 9 West. N'4 of S.E. 54, Sec. 9, 1 N. R. described in tract book, page C. H. Clough, lot 2, Sec. 36, Geo. Ludtke, lot 6, south of S.E. ‘4, sec. 13, I'wp. 3 S., R. W. M.......................................... 6.80 y West, W. Al......................... 23-75 1 R. 10 Twp. 1 S., R. 9 West W. M.. 47, Sec. 34. Twp. I N., 3-6 o Leonard A. AlcCormack, W. 54 7 West W. Al........................... 22.10 county road and S.E. 54 of S. 7.26 William L. Riefenberg, S.W. 54 W. L. Riefenberg Tract No. 367 West AV. Al.................. Oregon X California R. R. Co., W. 54. lots 7 and 8 less trqct of N.E. 54 North of Trask riv­ vf N.h See. 18, t N. R. 9 Al. E. Rhodes, Tract No. 76 as as described in tract book, No. 128, and timber on lot 5 N.E. 54, N.W. S.W’. 54 and er, Sec. 5, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 3-62 ’ West ............................. described in tract book, jage page 187, less tract sold, Sec. S.E. Et, Sec. 15, i'wp. 3 S., R. Sec. 31, Twp. 3 N., R. 9 West W est W. Al............................... 85.00 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. Lot 41, less tracts 87 and 1089, Sec. 3, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West W. 7 West W. Al............................. 23.80 W. Al....................................... 55-13 J. W. Bell, S.W. 54 of S.E. 54 4, Sec. 18, Twp, 1 N. R. 9 34, T. 1 N., R. to West W. M. 27-23 Nels Nelson J4 Inta S. E. 54 M.............................................. Oregon X California R. R. Co., 9 53 Sec. 5, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 W est 6.30 1 L. S. Heacock, Tract No. 1330 West, W. Al. W. D. Wood, Tract No. 1009 as N.E. 54, N.W. 1S.W. 54 and Sec. 2, Twp. 3 N., K. 10 West W. Al.......................................... 17.00 C. W. Hopkins, S/a of S. E. 54, as described in tract b°°*, described in tract book, page S.E. 54, Sec. 17, t wp. 3 S., R. W. Al........................................ 40.58 Albert Darby, Thact No. 1275 Sec. 18, Twp. I N. R. 9 West 190B, Sec. 3 Twp. 1 S., R. 10 page 48A, Sec. 34, 1 WP- 1 •'•• 7 West W. Al............................ 26.00 O. J. Boe, N.E. 54. Sec. 2, Twp. as described in tract book, 10.65 W Al............ West, W. M.............................. 4-54 R 10 Wect W. M. ■■■■■■■■■. 2-73 Oregon X California R. R. Co., 3 N., R. 10 West W. M......... 91-56 page 278, Sec. 6, Twp. 2 S., R. C. V . Hopkins, N 54 of N.E. 54 C. H. Clough, NE. of N.W. 54 T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract N.E. 54. N.W . 54, S.W. 54 and J. W. Scott, S. 54 of N. E. 54 9 West W. Al............................ 85.00 taSen. 19, Twp. i N R. 9 West Sec. 36, Twp. 1 N., R 10 No. 1014 as described in tract S.E. 54, Sec. 19, I'wp. 3 S., R. 54, N. 54 S.E. 54, Sec. 5, Twp. G. B. Lamb, E. 54 of S.W. 54. 4.20 7-85 w. M........................ book, page 190F, and all that West W. Al.................. . ......... 7 West W. Al........ ..................... 24.00 3 N., R. 10 West W. M.......... 17-34 less 10 acres on west side, See. Arthur O. G. Wagner, N.E. 54 Sarah E. Petteys, Tract No. 101 part, of lot 5 not platted, Sec. O. A. Graham, E. 54 of W. 54. Jas. S. Gray, lot I, Sec 12, Twp. 9, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West W. of N.E. 54, Sec 20, Twp. 1 N. as described in tract 6°ok, 7, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West W. Sec. 20, Twp. 3 S., R. 7 West 1.10 3 N., R. 10 West W. Af. .... 15-30 M ................................................ 3.80 R. 9 West, W. A!..................... page 55, Sec. 36, Twp. 1 N., R. M............................................... 18.70 G. B. Lamb, W. 54 of S. E. 54, W. M..................... t 12.00 Paul Dowling, Tract No. 1113 10.50 C. H Maginnis, S. 54 of N.E. 54 10 West W. Al.......... • • ■ • R. H. Spencer, 1-3 Int. Tract I Oregon & California R. R. Co., as described in tract book, less 20 acres, Sec. 9, Twp. 2 S., N 54 of S.E. 54, Sec. 22, Twp. Eastern Investment Co. Ltd. No. 1015 as described in tract ; N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. ‘4 and page 78B, Sec. 14, Twp. 3 N., R. 9 West W’. Al. ... 1 IN. R. 9 West, W. Al............ 33-63 Timber on S.W. 54, ^ec- 3«-> book, page 190F, Sec. 7, Twp. S.E. 54, Sec. 21, Twp. 3 S., R. 2.11 R. 10 West W. Al.................. W. R. Owens, S. 54 of N.E. 54, J. P Alaginnis, S.E. 54 of N. W. Twp. 2 N„ R. 5 West W. M.. 57-57 W. W. Jacobs, Tract No. 137 as I S„ R. to \\ est W. Al.......... I 7 West W. Al............................. 32.00 1.14 Sec. 9, Twp. 2 S. R ” 9 West y4. N. E. 54 Of S. W. 54 and Elk Ridge Timber Co. S.W. 54 T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract described in tract book, page 8.50 , I Vernon and Cunningham, W. 54 W. Al.................... ; W 54 of S. E. 54. Sec. 25. Sec. 2, S. 54 of S. W. 54 and No. 1254 as described in tract of S.W. 54. N.E. 54 of S.W. 84, Sec. 23, Twp. 3 N., R. 10 Hugh Johnson, N.E 54 of N.E. Twp. 1 N„ R. 9 West, W. M. 37-05 N.W. 54 of S.W. 54. Sec. 3. book, page 190E, Sec. 7, Twp. 54, N.W. 54 of S.E. 54, Sec. 22 2.11 West W. M............................... 54 of N.W. 54, Sec. 11, N.W. rmond L. Osborne, W. 54 of Twp 2 N„ R. 9 West......... . • 205.73 P. H. Crim, Tract No. 144 as de­ 1 S., R. to West W. M.......... Twp. 3 S., R. 7 West W. M. .. 6.80 3-40 54, Sec. 12, Twp. 2 S„ R. 9 Elk Ridge Timber Co., N.E. 54 R. H. Spencer, 1-3 Int. Tract J 1. E. 54 and N. E. 54 of N. scribed in tract book, page 16.50 , I Oregon & California R. R. Co., West W. M......... E. 54. Sec. 26, Twp. 1 N. R. 9 of N.W. 54, Sec. 10, Twp. 2 N. No. 1016 as described in tract N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 5i and 86, Sec. 23, Twp 3 N., R. 10 Alary Johnson, N.E. 54 of N.W. 9.00 7.60 West, W. M............................ R. 9 West W. M...................... book, page 190F, Sec. 8, Twp. S.E. 54, Sec. 23, Twp. 3 S., R. 2.11 West W. Al............................. 54, Sec. 12, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 Claude Thayer, S. 54 of N. W. Edward F. Robson, N.W. 54 of 1 S„ R. 10 West W. Al.......... 510 P. D. Newell, Tract No. 151 as West W. M............................... 6.8d 11 7 West W. M........................... 20.40 J4. Sec 36, Twp. 1 N. R. 9. S. E. 54, Sec. ¡6, Twp 2 N., R. J. A. Smith, Tract No. 381 and I Oregon X California R. R. Co., described in tract book, page C. H. Alaginnis, S.W. 54, Sec. West, W. M............................. 5-85 4-75 9 West W. Al.......................... 382 as described in tract book , N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and 89, Sec. 23, Twp. 3 N., R. 10 14, Twp. 2 S. R. 9. West W.Al. 25-50 Foster S. Fisher and Homer D. E. D. Hawk, NE. 54 of N.E. 54 page 195, Sec. 12, Twp. I S., SE. 54, Sec. 25, Twp. 3 S.. R. West W. M............................. 1.06 Ladd C. Quick, Tract No. 844 Angell, N. 54 of N.W. 54. Sec. Sec. 18, Twp 2 N., R. 9 West R. 10 AVest W. Al...................... 7 West W. M........................... 20.40 E. D. Barrett, S.W. 54 of N. as described in tract book, Twp. 1 N., R. 9 West, W. 3-75 W. Al......................................... C. H. Clough, N.W. 54 of S.E. I Oregon X California R. R. Co., W. 54, Sec. 33, Twp. 3 N.„ R. page 286, Sec. 15, Twp. 2 S., R 9-55 H. T. Crane, E. 54 of N.W. 54, 54, N.E. 54 of S.W. >4, W. 54 N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and 10 West W. M........................ 14.94 9 West W. M. . ................... «76.50 D. Alartiny and Tillamook Sec. 31, Twp. 2 N„ R. 9 West of N.W. 54, Sec. 16, Twp. 1 S., S.E. 54, Sec 27, Twp. 3 S., R. Oregon X California R. R. Co. Kasper Schlappi Est., Tract No 15.20 County Bank, N. E. 54, Sec. W. M......................................... R. to'West W. M.................... 33-00 I 7 West W. A1........................... 22.10 N.E. 54, Sec. 19, S.E. 54 of N. 563 as described in tract book, 36, S. E. 54, Sec. 36, Twp. 1 N. F. W. Crane, lots 1 and 2, Sec Lem Parker 54 Int, S.W. 54 I Oregon X California R. R. Co., W. % Sec. 19 S.W. 54 Sec. 19 page 287, Sec. 16, Twp. 2 S4 SR. 9 West W. M..................... 57.00 31, Twp. 2 N., R. 9 West W. Sec. 17, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and S. E. 54. Sec. 19, Twp. 1 S., R. R. 9 West W. M ........................ 1.70 1520 C. V. Stoker, W. 54 of S. E. 54 Al............................................... W. M................................. 13 60 John C. Alarolf Est., Tract No. S.E. >4, Sec. 29, Twp. 3 S., R. 6 West W. M ........................... 82.95 S. E. of S. E. 54. Sec. 2, Twp. Nehalem Harbor Co., S.E. 54 of T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract 7 West W. M............................. 20.40 Oregon X California R. R. Co. 1077 as described in tract book, N.E. 54 and S.W. % of - -- — 1 N., R. 10 West, AV. M.......... 64.60 N.E. No. 1256 and 1255 as described I Oregon X California R. R. Co., S. 54 of S.W. 54, Sec. 23, Twp. page 288, Sec. 16, Twp. 2 S., R. Jam es Langley, Tr. Tract No. 54 and lot 3, less platted and in tract book, page 210A, Sec. N.E. 54, N.W. 54. S.W. 54 and 1 S„ R. 7 West W. Al............ 18.90 9 West W'. M ............................ 12.3J 5 as described in tract book, all tideland F. X A. on lot 3 t8, Twp. 1. S., R. 10 West S.E. 54, Sec. 31, Twp. 3 S. R. Oregon X California R. R. Co. T. H. Goyne, tract in tract No. i fpage 5, Sec. 2, Twp. 1 N., R. less right of way and tracts W. Af.......................................... 5-10 7 West W. M............................ 20.40 N.E. 54. S.E. 54 of N.W. 54 567, Sec. 18, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 10 West, W. M........................ 6.65 1101, 973 and 104, Sec 2, Twp. 2 T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract andN. 54 of S.E. 54. Sec. 25, West W. M............................... 510 I Oregon X California R. R. Co., The Tillamook Bay Co., Tract N., R. 10 West W. M. ...... 55-00 No. 1020 as described in tract N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and Twp. I S., R. 7 West W. Al.. 34-65 W. I.yst, S.W. 54 of N.E. 54 J. , No. 1294 as described in tract Nehalem Bay Land Co., tide­ book, page 211, Tract No. 1021 S.E. 54, Sec. 33, Twp. 3 S., R. ■ Oregon X California R. R. Co. Sec. 18, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West ■wpook, page 10A less tract lands F. X A. on blocks No. 2, as described in tract book, 7 West W, M, ........................ 20.40 N.E. 54. S.E. 54. Sec 27, Twp. 1360 W. M ......................................... No. 7, Sec. s, Twp. 1 N., R. to 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 16, ¡8, 20,, See. page 211 Sec. 18, Twp. 1 S., R. Oregon X California R. R. Co., 1 S„ R. 7 West. W. M .......... Eunice E. Hollopeted, W. 54 of K-JWest W. M............................. 4-30 8., Twp 2 N., R. 10 West W. 10 West W. Al........................ 10.20 N.E. 54. N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and Oregon X California R. R. Co. S. W. 54. Sec. 27, Twp. 2 S., R Annie M. Berry, Tract No. 1253 AL .......................................... 2.99 W. X E. Holmes, Tract No. 723 S.E. 54, Sec. 35, Twp. 3 S., R. S. 54 of S.W. 54. Sec. 31, Twp. 23.80 9 West W. M ............................. Bs described in tract book, Marion Edee, tidelands, abut­ as described in tract book, 7 West W. M............................. 20.40 19.20 1 S„ R. 7 West W. M. ...... Nancy R. Simmons, N.W. 54 of page 10A, Sec. 5, Twp. I N., ting on lots 15, 16, block 22, page 236, less tray No. 1162, J. C. Ainsworth, W. 54 of N.W. Oregon X California R. R. Co. N.E. 54, Sec. 28, Twp. 2 S., R. R. 10 West, W. M.................. lot 9, block J., lots F X E 430 Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 •Z 54, S.F.. 54 of N.W. 54. Sec. lot 3, Sec. 1, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 6.80 9 West W. M ............................. ■in Rocks Land Co., Tract block 28, lots D and C, block West W. M........................... 18.30 Eunice Hollopetcr, N.E. 54 of 36, Twp. 3 S., R. 7 West W. M. 340 West W. M ............................. 3-51 No. 1128 as described in tract 30, lot 6. Block 34, Sec. 8, Edna S. Lamb, Tract No. 461 W. G. Dwight, N.E. % of N.W. John Alaginis, lot 4, Sec. 4, Twp S.E. 54 and tract No. 571. Sec. nook, page 10A, Sec. 5, Twp. Twp. 2 N„ R. 10 West W. M. as described in tract book, 54, Sec. 36, Twp. 3 S., R. 7 I S„ R. 8 West W. M ............ 1.90 20.40 28, Twp. 2 S, R. 9 West W. M. 6.02 N. McMiillan, W. 54 of N.E. 54. 1 N„ R. 10 West, W. M.......... page 233, Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S. West W. A1............................... 1.70 John Maginnis, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, James Christensen, N. 54 of S. »in Rocks Land Co. Tract less R. R. right of way Sec. 20 R. 10 West W. Af.................... 26.85 . I Oregon X California R. R. Co., Sec. 5, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 West W. 54, and to acres off the No. 1356 as described in tract Twp. 2 N., R. 10 West W'. M. 123.75 S. U of S.E 54. S.W. 54. See. W.Al......................................... 47-50 Andrew Christensen, Tract No. north end of S.W. 54 of S.W. b'.ok, page 10C, less tract sold N. McAlillan, Tract No. 115 as 1263 as described in tract book >, Twp. 3 S„ R 8 West W. M. 12000 John Maginnis, lots I, 11, ¡3, 14, 54, Sec. 33, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 Sec 6, Twp. I N., R. 10 West described in tract book, page 67, page 238D, Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S., Robert Osborn, N. 54 of S.E. 54, 20, Sec. 5, Twp. I S„ R. 8 20.40 West W. M ............................... |W. M......................................... N. 54 of S.E. 54, less R. R. 3-77 R. 10 West W. Al.................. N.E. 54. N.W. 54, Sec. I. Twp. West W. M. ........................... 206.1 4 «3 Norman Christensen, S.W. 54 of T. Buttler. Tract No. 965 as de- right of way, Sec. 20, Twp. 2 E. M. Hopfield, Tract No. 1026 3 S., R. 8 West W. M ......... 166.00 Florence B. Alaginnis, lots 13, S.W. 54 less 10 acres off north HMcribed in tract book, page 9, N„ R. 10 West W. M........... 92.25 as described in tract book, I Oregon X Californio R. R. Co., 14, Sec. 4, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 end. Sec. 33, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 gSec. 6. Twp. i N. R. 10 West Josie Barber 54 Int., Samuel page 236A, less tract No 1125 N. E. 54, N. W. 54, S. W. «C West W. M ............................. 6.08 1360 W est W. M ............................... 1.62 Barber 54 Int., N. 54 of N. 54 Sec 25, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West S.E 54, Sec. 3, Twp. 3 S„ ~ R. Stuart X Ferguson Trust Co, F. D. Stalford, N. 54 of N.W. 54 Ifaiy N. Fowler, Tract No. of S.E. 54 of S.E. 54. and N. 54 w. m . .■.¿7 8 West, W. M. .4. 4. .4.-44 276.00 2.07 lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, Sec. 6, Twp. Sec. 34, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West BB29 as described in tract book, of S.E. 54, Sec. 22, N.W. 54 T. E, Fitzgerald, Tract No. 909 1 S., R 8 West W. M............ 54-68 W. M. . ...................................... 11.90 Oregon X Californio R R. Co., |J|page 10, Sec. 6, Twp. I N., R. of S.W. 54, Sec. 23, Twp. 2 N. as described i~ ---- ’ book, in * tract X. E. 54, N. W. 54, S. W. 54, Thomas Coates, 54 Int. S. 54 of i. 10 West. W. M........................ R. 10 West W. M.................. 29-73 John Alaginnis, lots 17, 18, 19, 3-77 page 243, Sec. 2 ¡5, Twp. I S. S E. 54 Sec. 9 '1 wp. 3 S., R. 8 20, Sec 6, Twp. I S., R. 8 S.W. 54, W. % of S.E. 54. Sec. R. G. AfcMullcn, Tract No. 833 Presbytery of Portland, Tract R. 10 W'est W. M .................... West W. M............................... 52.70 West W. Al............................. 10-45 5-16 1, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West W. M. 18.00 ■ as described in tract book. No. 1293 as described in tract Florence Stillwell, Tract No. W. S. Walton, N. 54 of N.W. Ella T. Edmunson, N. 54 of S.E. James Tone Est. S.E. 54 of S. Bpage 10. Sec. 6, Twp. 1 N., R. book, page 69, Sec. 32, Twp. 2 1129 as described in tract book, i 54. N.W 54 of N.E. 54. Sec. 54, S.E. 54 of S.E. 54. N.E. 54 W. 54, Sec. 3, Twp. 2 S., R. 110 West W. M......................... N„ R. 10 West. W. M............ 4-30 3-77 page 236C, Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S. 10, 3 S., R. 8 West W. Al... 19.80 of S.W. 54. Sec. 6, Twp. 1 S., ¡0 West W. M........................... 6.80 Th- Tillamook Bay Co. N.W. H. T. Crane. E.54 of S.E. 54. E. R. 10 West W. M .................. Oregon X California R. R. Co., R. 8 West W. M.................... 8-55 James W'ilson 54 Int. Tract No. 4-13 Clark Cook Co. 54 Int. G. S. ■ 54 of N.W. 54, less part plat- '/i of W. 54 of S.E. 54 and S. N E ' J, X W. 54, S.W. 54 and Geo. T. Kiehm, N.W. 54 of N.E. Smith 54 Int. lot 4, Sec. 5, ■ ted, Sec. 8, Twp I N., R. 10 E. 54 of N.E. 54, less 2 acres 486 as deserribed in tract S.E. 54, Sec. 11, Twp. 3 S., R. 54, Sec. 9, Twp. 1 S.„ R. 8 Twp. 2 S., R. 10 West W. M. 13 60 ■ West W. M............................. «9-35 of school district, Sec. 35, book, page 240, Tract No. 915 8 West W M.......................... 254» * West W. Al............................. 3.00 Winncfred Johnson, N. 54 of N. Sans Lcsund, S. 54 of S. E. 54 Twp. 2 N„ R 10 West W. M 76.00 as described in tract book, Oregon X California R. R. Co., Anna F. Paquet, S.E. 54 of N.E. I< 54, Sec. s, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 - S.E. 54 of S.W. 54, Sec. 10. Sarah J. McMillan, N. 54 of N. page 246, Sec. 26, Twp. 1 S„ N.I 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and 54. Sec. 12, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 West W. M............................... *5-30 Twp. 1 N„ R to West W. M. 8.88 E. 54 and S. E. % of N.E. 54, R. 10 West W. M ................ S.E. 54, Sec. 13, Twp. 3 S., R. 6.15 A. H. Wilson, N. % of N.W. 54 West W. Al............................. 500 V. Stoker. N.E. 54 of N.E. Sec. 36, Twp. 2 N., R. 10 West The Gauld Co., W54 of S.É. 54 8 West W. M............................. 64.00 Sec. 5, and tidelands F X A on W. M....................................... 3420 W. S. Walton, E. 54 of S.W. |54. Sec. it, Twp. 1 N., R. 10 of SW.. 54, less 1 acre. Sec. 27 Oregon X California R R Co., 54, Sec. 19, Twp, 1 S., R. 8 lot 6, Sec. 6, Twp. 2 S., R. to 380 C. E. DeLashmutt, S.E. 54, Sec. West W M............................. Twp 1 S„ R. 10 West W M. 5.10 S. 54 of N.E. 54. N W. 54. S. West W. M............................. 8.58 West W. M............................... 40.80 3, Twp. 3 N., R. 1® West W. larah E Hatch, S.W. 54 of S. Elizabeth Sha, S.W. 54 of S W W. 54,. S.E. 54, Sec 21 Twp. S. S. Phelps, lot 6 less part plat ­ M................................................ 16.36 Oregon X California R R. Co. E E. 54. Sec. 13, Twp. 1 N., R. 10 54, Sec. 27, Twp. 1 S„ ~ R. 10 3 S„ R. 8 West W Af.............. 30.00 W. J4 of W. 54, Sec. 23, Twp. ted, Sec. 6, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 ■ West W M............................. 3-15 J. Garbide, S.E. 54 of S.W. 54. West W. M............................ 9.10 1 S„ R. 8 West W. M............ 53 20 5-10 Oregon X California R. R. Co., West W. M ................................. Sec. 3, Twp. 3 N., R. 6 West "Hans Lesund. N.E. 54 of N.E. D. J. Hadley, Tract No. 492, 492, N.E. 54, N.W. 54. S.W. 54 and Oregon X California R. R. Co. M. E. Griner, Tract No. 577 as W. M......................................... ■ 54. See. 15. Twp. t N. R. 10 «•3« as described in tract book, book’ S.E. 54, Sec. 23, Twp. 3 S„ R. W. 54 of N.E. 54, N W. 54 of described in tract book, page 362 R. F. Cox, N.E. 54 of N.W. 54. ■ West W. M.............................. Page 247, Sec. 31, Twp, 1 S. 8 West W. Af............................. 24.00 S. E. 54, S.W. 54 of S. W 54, 309, Sec. 8, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 N.E. % of S.E. 54. Sec. 8, tRalph Ackley. Tract No. 1087 R. 10 West W. Af.................. 1530 Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S„ R., 8 West West W. M............................... 3-40 Oregon X California R R. Co., Twp. 3 N„ R. 6 West W. M. 3984 | as described in tract book, N E 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and W. M ..................... .............. 29 45 C. E. Hadley, Tract No. 493 as Marie House, S.F.. 54 Sec. 10, A. Afohne, N.E. 54. Sec. 9, Twp. ■ page 14A, Sec. 17, less tract described in tract book, page S.E. 54, Sec. 25, Twp. 3 S., R. Twp. 2 S., R. 10 West W. M.. 4560 3 N., R. 6 West, W. M......... 19.62 Oregon X California R. R. Co. [ sold. Sec. 17, Twp. 1 N_ R. 10 247, Tract No. 494, as describ­ 8 West W. .M........................... .. 20.40 S.W. 54 of N.E. 54. S.E. 54 Thomas Coates 54 Int.. N. 54 of I West W. M............................. 5-70 J. Garbide, N. 54 of N.E. 54 ed in tract book, page 247 Oregon X California R. R Co., of N.W' 54, E. >4 of S.W. 54, N.W 54, W. 54 of N.E. 54, and N.E. % of N.W. 54, Sec. ■T B. Potter Realty Co. Lot 2 N.E. 54, N W. 54. S.W. 54 and W. 54 of S.E. 54. Sec. 27, Twp. Sec. 12, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 West wC m ' T wp ’ S” R ,O W e , t 10, Twp. 3 N„ R 6 W'est W. I Sec. 20, Twp. 1 N.. R. 10 West S.E. J4, Sec. 27, Twp. 3 S., R. 30.60 1 S„ R 8 W’est W'. M............ «2 54 W. M ....................................... 19.80 I W. M........................................ «330 M................................................ 23-98 8 West W. M............................ 20.40 Serentha S. Phelps, lot 4^ Sec. Hans C. Hanson, S.W. 54 of S. Oscar Monson, 10 acres of west Western Timber Co. N.W. 54 Bdrs. I. I. Handley. Tract No. W M Ray »4 Int , S F 54 of 3«, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West W. W 54. Sec. 28, Twp. 1 S., R. side of N.W. 54 of N.W. 54 of N.E. 54. Sec. 13, Twp. 3 N„ I 17 as described in tract book, S.W. 54. S.W. 54 Of S.E. 54, 27.20 8 West W' M........................... 1.80 ; .M...................... . Sec. 13, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 West R. 6 West W. M.................... 31.65 j page 15, Sec. 20. Twp. I N., R, Sec. 31, Twp. 3 S., R. 8 West D. J. Hadley. Tract No. 1363 as W. M. Hans C. Hanson, S. 54 of S.E. 2.70 The Summit Timber Co., S. 54 T5 06 ' to West W. M........................ 1 described in tract book, page W. M.......................................... 5.10 54. Sec. 29. Twp. 1 S., R. 8 Fred Hargeaves, E. 54 of N.W. of S.W. 54 , N. 54 of S W. 54. Sidnev Smith Est. Tract No. 18 Oregon X California R. R. Co., 250, Sec. 31, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West W. M ................. : .......... 54, Sec. 13, Twp 2 S., R. 10 703 S % of N.W. 54. South of R. as described in tract book, N F. 54, N.W. 54. S.W. 54 and West W M. .... 8.50 Chester A. Shaw, S.W. 54 of S. West W M............................... 10.80 R X N Co. R R., Sec. 28, page is. Sec. 20. Twp. 1 N.. R. S.E. 54, Sec 33, Twp. 3 S., R. Ralph Ackley, S.W. 54 of N.W. E. 54, Sec. 30, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 H B. and W H. Johnson, N.E. Twp 3 N . R 6 West W'. M 202.56 10 West W. M.......................... 798 8 West W M........................ 23.8« 54. Sec. 32, Twp 1 S., R. 10 West W. M ............................. 54 of S.E. 54, Sec. 13, Twp. 2 2.85, F-. E. Lytle 54 Int , L. C. Stan­ Robert Carruthers and Walter Oregon X California R. R. Co., West W. M............................. 6.80 Hans C. Hanson, N.W. 54 of N. S., R. 10 West W M ................ 720 ley 54 Int. and F. S. Stanley Ridehalgh, Tract No. 22 as NF 54. NW >4, S W. 54 and Winnifred Johnson, S54 of S.F.. E. 54, Sec. 3a, Twp. 1 S, R. 8 Oscar Monson, N.E. 54 of N.F.. 54 Int. in E 54 of S.E. 54 Sec. described in tract book page S.E. 54, Sec. 35. Twp. 3 S., R. 54, Sec. 32. Twp. r S. R. 10 West W. M ............................. 54, Sec 14, Twp, 2 S., R. 1® 20. Twp. 3 N., R. 7 West W. 954 16. N W. 54 of N.W ’4.' Sec. 8 West W M............................. 2»4O West W M............................. I7.OO Harry W. Gooch, S.E 54 of N. West W M ............... 9 00 M................................................ ti.5« 2U Twp 1 N„ R 10 West W. G. L Brown, N. 54 of S.W. 54 Jessie L. Sherlock, lots 3, 4, 6, E. 54. NE 54 of S E. 54. See. Lincoln Investment Co. S.E. 54 31.92 E. E. Lytle 54 Int. L. C. Stan­ Sec ^6. Twp. 3 S , R. 8 West 8, Twp. 1 S., R. 9 West W. M, 760 of S.W. 54. See. 20, Twp 2 S, w° m ” T wp 1 S’’ R' 10 W e , t Anna F. Paquet. Tract No. 25 ley 54 Int., F S. Stanley 54 7.6' Harry W. Gooch, S.W. 54 of N. R to West W M .......... Int. N. 54 of N E 54. Sec 29. as described in tract book, • 7 40 E. M. Nelson, W. 54 of N É. • 3-40 Jessie L. Sherlock, lot 2, Sec. 34 W. M, N W. 54 of S. W 54, C. W Brown, S.W. 54 See. 27, Twp. 3 N . R. 7 West W M 12. 54 page 17. Sec 2t.. Twp. i N Twp t S. R 10 West W M Sec. 0, Twp. 1 S., R. 9 West. 3-74 Twp 2 S , R 10 West W M . 25 20 R io West W M.......... II.40 James F. Maloney. Trustee, N. 3-4* W. M................................... . Lincoln Investment Co, N 54 7.60 J. W Haskins. N. 54 of S.E 54 54 of S.E. 54. S W. 54 of S.E. N MrMilbn Tract No. St as James Christensen, lots’4 and s ¿L TwP- » S . R. to West Stuart * Ferguson Timber Co., of N F„ 54. N E 54 of N W d“»eribed in ’••act book page 54. Sec. 2 Twp 3 N., R. 8 West See. » lots I, 8 Sec. t T wb 1V. Ni.......... 34 00 54. Sec. 29 Twp. 2 S., R. 10 1 S„ R. 9 West W M ........ . >7.10