TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, MARCH 2, 1916. % To the Voters of Tillamook County. Reply to I great deal of pleasure. His death Commissioner McKimens ADVERTISING RATES. H. W. Tohl’s Letter. was keenly felt by those who knew - o------- Legal Advertisements. I him best, for it caused sorrow all To the Editor: First Insertion per line ............. $ .to j over the county, and sorrow for the Mohler, Ore. Feb 29. <9l0- Each subsequent insertion, line. .05 bereaved relatives. As the body is In the last issue of the Headlight I consigned tolhe client city of the dead Business and ^Professional cards there was a signed communication I 00 I our hearts neuris over-whelm with y.... sorrow that was untruthful and libelous and one month........................................ 1 in losing such a good citizen who had as the people of this county arc en­ Locals per line each insertion... °l’ I endeared himself to the people. 05 titled to know the truth about their Display advertisements, an inch public officials, I will reply Frictlj ■ 50. There seems to be an endeavor on to some ut the statements made, s'lie one month...................................... the part of the Headlight to criticise ol the statements is about the slop­ All Resolutions of Condolence the council for placing a license of ping of work in road district No. 1 .05 and Lodge Notices, per line . $1000 on mar beer joints. Ibis criti- when we had $¡0,000 of unexpended Notices, lost, strayed or stolen ; cism is entirely uncalled for. 1 lie money credited to this district. I Ins ' council did the right thing when it money was appropriated for certain etc., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines ..................... •25 placed file near beer license at $1000. roads and improvements, and "■'ten Anyone who has had experience with weather conditions became so bad, the near beer joint knows that they that it was no longer possible or prof­ BATES <>F SUBSCRIPTION are always a source of annoyance. itable to continue the work, it was in Near beer lias so much the appear­ the interest of the county and the (Strictly in Advance.) ance of bier that is sometimes a contractors to stop the work until One *1 ear .......... .................................. $1.50 great temptation to serve beer in its j .......................................75 stead to confidents and friends. Wei 1 such tune as weather conditions I would permit taking up the work ....................................... 50 Three Months arc getting along nicely under pres­ again, and the money is still to the ent conditions and we think it a good I credit of road district No. I. policy in this case to let well enough Next is Foley creek bridge. This THE TILLAMAAK HEADLIGHT. alone.—Herald , | I work was outlined with the help and Our esteemed contemporary can 1 | I advice of Mr. Dunn, Dept. Co. Sur­ see farther than the point of its nose 1 veyor, and the County Court, and as and uses poor argumnt. We contend no time was to be lost, private bids that if the city can obtain a few hun­ were asked and received from com­ County Commissioner Geo. R. Mc- dred dollars from those who want to petent bridge builders, and Mr. Grout sell near beer, the city is that much was awarded the job as his bid was Kimcns had a recall on Saturday. A ahead, and it needs the money. Con­ the lowest, ami if unforseeh events young man of this city recalled one ditions are quite different now, for had not taken place, such as the rail­ of his daughters. under local option anyone could ship road tic up, and other troubles, the grades there has been a small steady growth. If the dairymen of Tillamook Coun­ in liquor, and beer, but under the bridge would have been built 011 rec­ A recent number of the Oregon ty had not lost $67,000 as a result of prohibition law it is quite different, ord time and the road supervisor, Mr. Democratic free trade, they would so there is not the possibility of near Worthington, built a temporary road Emerald published by the students of have had plenty of money to pay for beer joints running and violating the and bridge across Foley creek. That the University of Oregon, contains option. the hay they had to buy the past law as they did under local gave relief except w hen it was stormy an item to the effect tliat Beatrice Bro. Trombley will have ; to admit I have made no arbitrary announce­ Gaylord, a graduate of Tillamook winter, and a few dollars over. this. But why "place such a heavy tax ments as to any necessary improve­ Higl School, was one of a number of -------o------- on what is a wholesome temperance ments, but atn unalterably opposed students w-ho received especially high ( The recall petition has been 1 drink? which contains a little more than to spending money on any road pro­ grades in the last term’s work in col- . the names required. The petition con- , ject when not needed, but it is. and lege. While reading the news items a always has been my aim to keep all tains 364 names, but should have 79J- A patriotic program was given at '1 hat, we take it is the end of the re­ week or so ago that L. A. Fernsworth the roads in repair and in good con­ the High School Auditorium last “ Scott, of the Banks Herald, and A. E call. Call out the Nehalem band and dition, and this winter has been a Friday night by the school in con- limes, hard one on roads and bridges, in junction with the G. A. R. and W. R. i of the Forest Grove News have it play the “Dead march.” wwe candidates for the state legis- this road district especially when it C. The program was as follows: T. W. Lyster has withdrawn from laWir, the editor of the Headlight re­ comes to damage done. ¡st grade, Song, Abraham Lincoln, the Sheriffalty race. It may be that ceived a message stating that it was The rock crusher on Coal Creek (th grade, song, George Washington. State thought advisable to pass the he has exhausted his “political hot was moved because all the rock it 5th grade, song. An old English song. air" or does not like the idea of hold­ Senator around amongst the four was profitable to quarry was exhaust­ Ramona Haltorn, Cordellia Oatfield counties, and that it was desired that ing down a job in which some fool ed, on account of the great amount Willie Campbell, Bennie Howell, fellow with a gun is liable to plug the honor be conferred on Tillamook of dirt and waste material on top of, Accompanied on harp by Nora the officer with lead, lorn is taking County this time. There was this re­ and surrounding the ledge, and in­ Laddasau. wise precautions in protecting his quest at the bottom: "Why don’t you stead of running the crusher only 6th grade, Flag drill, Flag of Free­ hide. J make the race for your county?” We two days as stated, it was run about dom. believe the State Legislature will be -------°------ 15 days until all the rock that was 7th grade, Song, In the Good Old U. To satisfy the Kaiser, who is striv-l materially strengthened by having a needed was crushed, and our appro­ S. A., Retta Goodspeed. ing to become the military ¿¡'••«•»"••I dictator j number of live, new spaper men,, for priation available exhausted. Sth grade, Essay, Abraham Lincoln’s of the world, another carnival of if anyone is closely connected with Then the statement about the rock Early Life, Robert Switzer. wholesale murder took place in Lu- I ' the people and know their needs and crushing plant at Blodgett shows Recitation, Oh Captain, My Captain, rope a few days ago, when men by burdens it is the county editor. One profound ignorance, as was to be ex­ Marie Remer. hundreds of thousands were ordered thing is certainly needed, and that is pected from such a source. The right High School, song, I.ee Doty. into the jaws of death and hell fire. ' something should be done to stop the to use this rock had been acquired Recitation, Barbara Fritchie Ila Hart The world is now horrified now that annual increase of taxation, for it long before 1 became County Com­ Short address, Life of Washington, I is getting burdensome in some coun­ militiarism is on the war path. missioner, and when it was determin­ Harold Humbert. ties, brought about, in some measure, ed to hard surface certain roads Address, Mr. C. E. Reynolds, Com- The snap shot man will go over the by our new fangled Oregon System. around Tillamook City and macadam­ mander G. A. R. different roads in the north part of We wish the above gentlemen suc­ ize others within reasonable hauling Friday afternoon patriotic pro­ the county in the near future and cess in their efforts, and we hope distance from the railroad in road grams were given in each of the make a personal investigation where they will become bright and shining district No. I, and there being no grades. A patriotic program was also the road money is to be expended. lights in the State Legislature. The other rock available, that was of as held in the high school at which the Should wc find that any section of editor of the Headlight would like to good quality, the County then pur­ following numbers were given: the road district is not getting a see the honor fali on Tillamook square deal with the large amount of County in the choice of State Sena- chased a rock crushing plant, that on Washington Quotations .... Seniors. money that is to be expended in that . tor. It is deserving of it and should the advice of the County Engineer S°l°............................................. Lee Doty. district, we won’t be backward in say- I 1 have it once in a while, for Tilla- was deemed ample to crush all the Selection ..................................... Chorus. ing so. I inok has no state senator or represen­ rock needed. Piano Solo ......... Constance Hoskins. Then the statement published in the Lincoln Quotations ................. juniors -------o------- tative if its own. But as to the editor Nehalem Times that 1 had given or ­ It will be remembered that pre- pre Musical number. Members 8th grade making the race, that is a cat of an­ vious to the last presidential election other color, for lie has no political ders to refuse work to anyone who Review of Perfect Tribute... Mayme had signed the recall petition, is also Bro. ’1 rombley, the Demog atic free bee buzzying in his bonnet of any La Follett. trade rooster, was one of the flip character, but is i 1 hearty accord of false. The supervisor had orders to Debate, "Resolved that Washington employ everyone possible in the flop politicians who advocated the having a Tillamook man become the was of greater service to his coun­ neighborhood of where the work was election of Senator LaFollctte. We joint Senator. try than Lincoln.” being done. One condition was that want to call our respected Bro's, at­ 1 , —0— Affirmative, Nelson Powers, Mil- all persons would be required to do, <1 tention to the fact that the senator \\ c want 1 illamook dairymen to an honest day’s work. The persons dred Scvcarnce, Negative Margaret has again cast his hat into the ring stick this little item of news in their La Follett, Athyl Sumerlin. and this is another opportune time minds, and when anybody talks Dem­ who have been prominent in the re­ for Bro. 'I rombley 1o do the flopping ocratic free trade to them, then pro- call agitation, and who have signed their names to these false statements act again. I ducc it to prove that Tillamook Great Britain Pays the Price. I dairymen were “stung" and beat out printed in the Headlight and Tinies, W e believe that no time should be of $<>7.500 last year. This is a fact, do not pay a cent of road tax, and sonic, not any tax at all, as 1 found lost in getting roasl work started as Great Britain is fighting for peace and not "hot air.” Here it is in con­ out by examination of the records in at any price. In doing this she is pay­ soon as possible, arid as soon as each vincing facts and figures: If Tilla- the Assessor ’ s office, and if they had road district has expended its propor­ , mook cheese had sold last year for ing a price for restoration of peace tion, thin scliut down tight and keep the same amount of money it did the control of the taxpayer’s money or unparalleled and even unapproached control of the office of County Com ­ the lid on. Last year the Countv previous year, the amount would tn the history of war. In the voting ( ourt was lax in getting started with have been $688.003 -’3. a loss to Tilla­ missioner, they would likely make a of an additional credit of $2,100,000,- record long to be remembered r^ad work, but tieing all new men on mook dairy men of $<»7,500, for last ■Joo, with Premier Asquith assured 1 will admit 1 have made mistakes, members would only serve to carry the job they were a little too cautious year’s product sold for $620.503.23. and slow in getting started. This and no one regrets them more than I on the war until the end of May it is I hat is what Democratic free trade year there is nothing to prevent the did to Tillamook dairymen last year do, and am willing to acknowledge possible to see the hard set of the toad work irom being put through as them, and niy aim has been, and al­ bulldog's jaws on and is liable Io “sting” them harder the proposition ways will be, ns long as I am in this that, when the price soon as weather conditions permit. iiu the future. This ought to convince of peace is war, dairymen who soted for Senators office, to do all in my power to pre­ the price must be paid. The 1 price I he snap shot man will insist that vent waste or needless expense, and Great Britain is paying, o 1 Chamberlain and Lane, who voted to Pnytng, or, rather candidates for county commissioner llat place dairy products on the free list, to expend the public money as I the price she must - continue —....... «c to pay pledge thmselves to expend $100,000 t|lat (|lt.v would my own hard earned money, long after the w, ends, almost stag- of the road fund every year for liard- ..... . ...cy are now paying dearly for and 1 will let the good people of gers belief. tluir folly. I illamook dairymen are sui lacing tlje highway through the I he total of credits voted since the now shy $67,500 on account of jhe Tillamook County, who have honor- county and cut out all new and costly Senators votes for free trade. If tliat ed me and trusted me, decide whether W.ir began, including the $2,100000- n’k'-1* Ffojccts until this is complete. they appreciate niv conduct as an of­ >00 voted yesterday, is $10,410,000.0^0 1 his is the roiwfqiolicy the snap shot amount of county money was lost ficial or not. Before the war began, the total through mismanagement, or was be­ mm belli .-yes to be to the best inter­ Yours Respy. wealth of the United Kingdom of est of th .• people living in the county, ing Spent wastefully, every dairyman Geo. R. McKimens. Great Britain and Ireland was esti­ and the large timber interests, for it in the county would be "beefing” like ------- o------ mated at $80,000,000.000. The war is business economy to save as soon blazes and calling indignation meet­ (The editor must disagree with Mr. iietit, as far as now contracted, is ings with the object of recalling the as possible the large amount of tax county officials. As the Oregon Sena­ McKimens when he claims that Mr more than 12,Q per cent of the total money- that is now going out for tors voted for Democratic free trade, 1 ohl’s letter is libelous, when, as a wealth of the nation. But the new maintenance charges. We want to matter of fact, it was discussing pub­ war debt falls far short of represent- know where candidates for county which has deprived the dairymen of lic aftairs at Nehalem over which l itlamook County of $67,500, why 'R ¡>11 of the national debt of Great commissioner stand on this road pol­ wouliln t it be a good idea for the agi­ there is a controversy, and for that Britain. Before the war that debt was icy so that we can advise the voters reason people have a perfect right to tators who live in the neighborhood •'ITro*'mately $3.500.000.000. That who to vote for. 31 low ¡"‘«esj of Fairview start petitions for the re­ the columns of the newspapers to ex­ rates -------o— — press their grievances. They may not call of the Oregon Senators? Or will atis from 2 to 2'.2 per cent. But the I bis is a fair question to ask: How, liltamook dairymen, who have been be right, but the truth will eventually new loans have been and can be float­ when and where have the Ore­ “stung" the above amount, go to the come out. It is the easiest thing in ed only at much higher rates. The gon System saved taxpayers money? polls next November and vote to get the world to accuse a person of this one being floated in this country is at As the advocates of the system made "stung’* a little more. ^u»t to show and that, but it is another thing to rhCnt |C ln,ercst and Sinking loud promises of reduced taxation, prove it. Mr. McKimens has now fund fund charges the country must earn- that they like to see their milk check/ shown where Mr. 1’ohl erred and was we all know that instead of a reduc­ materially reduced every month, talking through his hat in some of mL? Ke."rrat,,,n or more will be th7 tion in taxation, taxes have been go­ the things he mentioned in his let- b7rsous ,ax b,,rdin evcr ing skyward and the funny part of ter.) the whole business is that the people Notic* of Sheriff's Sale. Unhed K'iniiCRinninR °f ,h‘ War the haven't as much to say about taxa­ at an a,m If °"' Y” adl"inistered tion as they used to. Levying bodies School Notes. at an annual expenditure of $917.920- The undersigned, Sheriff of Till«- have been added and when it comes 000. -os government was being run to slate, county and school taxes, the mook County, Oregon, will on Mon- The report of the last school month before the war. expenditure was keen- laws are so fixed that officials have day, the 3rd day of April, 1916, at the XP’nVehh rCVCnUf °"e °bRb>« to make certain levies and the only hour of 10 o’clock a m. at the Court shows a total attendence of 7415.x. Teh average daiiy uty in such an emergency will be * j _ i ._ attendence was place the taxpayers have a voice in House door in Tillamook City, Ore- economy* Fx"rcs- .. the I he average daily attendance was drastic surgical the matter is in the road matters. The gon, sell at public auction to cences and parasite, musj cu{ Rff hand, ...........the U|. Utts low percentage of attendance Oregon System places the direct tax­ b'Kbest , bidder for cash - in — and out of the body politic 'sinecure ■ payer at the mercy of those who pay following described real property sit- is due mainly to the large number of XtV?*^ 1 ¿SSE no direct tax, scares capital from the uate in 1 illamook County, Oregon, absences in the primary grades in the to-wit: last tew weeks, caused by a severe "ipid out. Even then, taxes must be state and creates class legislation. Lots thirteen (13) increased, and is if as i, likeN- (ij) and and fourteen epidemic of cough, many cases of sreatly ,, ....... ..nU (l a, main- (14) of Section two (j) in Township which resembled the wooping- they rieh* are made to fall ™ in'v on the The untimely death of J. H. Duns­ two (2) South of " Range nine (9) cough 1 he high school enrollment so rich they may lead to the tan, under distressing circumstances, West, \\ . M breaking up of great landed estates, tar this year has reached 130 The ’• greatly deplored by the people of The war ; For the purpose of satisfying a number belonging in school this last itself stil| undecisive Tillamook County, for he had. in of anv- judgment rendered in decree of fore- month was 118 and the number of thing. But at the end we recent years, taken an active part in may see Grange and County Fair work. Bod­ vn'UrVV.’ ca,tf of .’ ” Ellison and a1'.r.r;‘Rr ,la,1’r »‘tendance was 114 that it was decisive of many things. in ailment had, no doubt, tomething Ellen Ellison plaintiffs vs. George I his is eight more than were in at- Vandersee and May \ andersee. de­ attcndance at this time last year. to do with his mental collapse, yet it fendants, in the Circuit Court of Till­ A report made recentlv to the state proves the old adage “In the midst For Sale. amook (. ountv. Oregon. of life we arc in death " The deceased Said sale will be made in pursuance superintendent shows that there arc of the lift attending high school at worked hard and faithfully to make Fine opening for brick laver and of an execution and order of sale is­ the present time, 44 coming from out the County Fair a success, and he sued m pursuance of the decree in rron, h aLfr Fro ?! toe, Io*’ fm»M- side of district No. Q. Eight of these £ncrR‘* succeeded in doing so. as well as to said cause. mgs. brick and concrete block to »rom Dist. No. |- 16 from No .rromote harmony amongst the citi - orms, Dated this March and. iqt6. everything with which to **"»■ Ve *on ,h< respect and adniira to; 4 from Dist. No. 2. s from Out »’«’•"«• m good. Only plant in work. H Crenshaw, M^oinis fellow citizens in this Ao. 57 and 4 from Idaho. The High North end of county. Easy terms. Sheriff of Tillamook jSchoo H^^BflM|^4MAicd to liun School has nearly doubled in atten- Poor lL£iu’^ Address County, Oregon. 1 dance t •“ »he last three years. In the 1 Neha- lem Drug Co., N*h*lcm, q . Editorial Snap Shots. LANG’S MINERAL WO ndej I hereby announce myself as a For—Eczema, Rheumatism Du candidate’ for the office of County rhoea, Piles, Catarrah of the Had Commissioner (North end) Tilla­ Disease of the Kidneys, Inflamu,. mook county on the Republican ticket tion of the Eyes, For Burns, F0I at the primary election to be held in | Cuts, Running Sores, Blood Po^, May, 1910. D. F. Thompson. Stomach Trouble, Asthma, Tuberculosis. To The Voters of Tillamook C°unty. BILL WITHROW AGENt I herewith announce mysdf as a Tillamook, Oregon. candidate for the office of County ty, sul - Surveyor of 1 illamook CoutVy, For Sale. „ the will of ___ ject- to the Republican 1’ If ............ nominated voters. .. 12 _L_ and elected will „ 5 Registered Holstein cows comu » endeavor to perform the duties int- fresh soon from a 33 lbs bull; i vt^ posed upon me with justice and im ling heifer, and 2 yearling bulli-lJ partiality. Fassin, Taft. Oregon. Harry P. Kerr. FIRE ! FIRE ! ! FIRE ! ! ! MONEY RIGHT Absolutely Pure Marie fi om Créant ofTarfar NO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE IN YOUR HANDS is what an insurance policy does for you when a fire comes along. Noat( can afford to be without the protec­ tion of a fire insurance policy. Should a fire occur, which is always liable to happen, you will be reimbursed n once for your loss. Let us give this protection by writing you a pol. icy to-day. ROLLIE W. WATSON, “ The Insurance Man » PHONE rs. CALL ON US. WRITE US, TODD HOTEL BUILDING, TILLAMOOK, ORE, YAMHILL MILLING COMPANY, Tillamook, Oregon. Made in Oregon Flour. CD “Oregon Flower/’ a Hard Wheat Patent. “Yamhill Family Blend,” Hard & Valley Wheat. “Morning Star,” Select Valley Wheat. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------- —----------------------------------- - ----------------------------------- flLiEX. MeNfllR & CO. GENERAL HARDŒ1MRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. ■