West W. M............................... 36-30 NOTICE OF DELINQUENT J. R. Harter, lot 4, Sec 35, Twp. N.F, 54 of S.W. 54, lots 6 and W. Nf........................................... 69.76 19, less tract No. 966, Sec. 21, 1 S, R. 10 West W. Nf........ 10.20 Newton H. Culver, N.54 of S.W. | 7, Sec. 12, Twp. 1 S., R. 9 TAXES OF REAL PROPERTY Twp. 1 N. R. 10 West W. M. 32-30 W. G. Dwight, lots 7 and 8, Sec. 5», G. j of S.E. G, S.E. 54 West W. M......... ............... IN TILLAMOOK COUNTY Webster Holmes Tract No. 1150 ..58 Frank A. l’aul, Tract No. 516 2, E. 54 of S.E. 54. S. W. 54 of N.W. ¡4, Sec. 29. 1 wp. 2 S., Stuart A Ferguson Timber Co., as described in tract book, of S.E. 54, Sec. 3, Twp. 3 N., OREGON, FOR THE YEAR 1914. as described in tract book, R. 10 West W. M........ ........... 00.50 page 260, Sec. 36, Twp. 1 S, R. 8 West W. M..................... 38.28 N.W'. 54 of N.W. 54. Sec 13, page 229, Sec. 21, Twp. I N. R. 10 West W. Nf.................. 17-00 T. W. Russ, N.c.. >4, N.E. 54 of 3.80 Northern Pacific R. R. Co. N. Twp 1 S„ R. 9 West W. M. . 7-35 R. 10 West W. M. ................. The following list of real property of S.W. 4, Sec. 31, Twp. 2 S., C. H. Clough, W. 54 of N.W. ’4 Oregon A California R. R. Co. W. 54 of N.E. 54, Sec. to. Twp situated in Tillamook County, State N. McMillan Guardian for R. 10 \> est »>. m..................... 92.70 Sec. 16, Twp. 1 S., R. 9. West 3 N„ R. 8 West W. M............ 13.96 '4 of S. Frank Nlorey,, Tract No. 28 N. J4 of S.W. 54, S.E. “ of Oregon, is hereby advertised for Lincoln invest.,i of S.E. 54, S.W. 54 of S. E. Hovet, N.E. 54 of S.W. E. of N.W. 54, Sec. 8, Twp. of such Certificate may cause sum­ 56 ft. in width off the entire 10 West W. M........................ 43-70 S.F, '.4, Sec. 28, Twp 2 S„ R. 8 54, E 54 of N.W. 54 Sec. 4 3 - S„ R. 7 West W. M mons to be served on the owner of T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract west side of Tract No. 319, • 50-40 West W. N1............................... 5-70 Twp. 3 N„ R. 9 West W. M. 45-45 Chas. M. Cunningham, S. 54 of the property described in the certifi­ Sec. 30, Twp 1 S., R. 9 West No. 72 as described in tract B. O. Snuffer, S. 54 of N.W. 54 Ida Condit, N.E. 54 of N.W. 54 N.E. ‘ 4, Sec. 8, Twp. 3 S., W. M........................................ cate, notifying the owner that he will 8.26 book, page 37, Sec. 29 and 32, N. 54 of S. W. J4, Sec. 29. T p W. 54 of N. E. 54, N. E. 54 of t 7 West W. M...................... 8.00 apply to the Circuit Court of the M. W. Harrison, Tract in N.W. Tract No. 827 as described 2 S., R. 8 West W. Nf. ...... 3-80 N.E. 54, Sec. 7, Twp. 3 N., R. Oregon A California R. R. Co., county in which such property is sit­ 54, North of Trask river, Sec. in tract book, page 38, Sec. 31 Oregon A California R. R. Co. 9. West W. M........................ 28.56 N.E. 54, N.W. >4, S.W. 54 and uated for a decree foreclosing the lien 31, Twp. 1 S., R. 9 West W. Twp. 1 N„ R. 10 West and Clarence E. Broughton, S. E. 54 N.E. 54, E. 54 of N. W. 54. S. S.E. '4, Sec. 9, Twp. 3 S., R. 7 M............................................... 10.25 against the property mentioned in Sec. 6, 1 S.„ R. 10 West. All W. 54 of N.W. 54, S.W. 54, S. of N.W. 54, Sec 11, Twp. 3 N. West W. M............................. 52-00 such Certificate. that part of lots 2 and 3 not E. G, Sec. 33, Twp. 2 S., R. 8 4.36 Jefferson Ogg, Tract No. 1063 R. 9 West NV. M..................... Myrtle Lilley, N. W. 54, Sec. 5, as described in tract book, platted, Sec. 31, Twp. I N., R. Elk Ridge Timber Co., S. E. 54 West W. N1............................... 34.00 Oregon A California R. R. Co., N.E. 5'4, N.w. 54. S.W. 54 and Twp. 1 N., R. 5 West W. Nl. $46.35 page 170C, Sec 32, Twp. 1 S., 10 West, W. M. N.N............. 216.60 Mary Johnsin, S. J4 of S.W. ‘4 of S.E. 54, Sec. 22, Twp. 3 N., S.E. 54, Sec. 11, Twp. 3 S., R. R. 9 West W. M.................... S. W. Cooper, WJ4 of S. W. 54 J. W. Haskins, N.E. 54 of N.E. 5-95 Sec. 1, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West R. 9 West W. M..................... 13-29 7 W est W. M........................... 71-40 Nirs. A. J. Casey, S.W. 54 of N. Sec. 15, Twp, 1 N. R. 6 West J4, Sec. 34. Twp. 1 N., R. 10 Elk Ridge Timber Co., S. W. 54 W. M.......................................... 25-5° Oregon A California R. R. Co., W. 54 of N.W. 54. Sec. 36, W. M........................................ 99.90 D. A. Story, S.E. 54 of S.E. 54, West W. M............................. 12.60 Sec 23, Twp. 3 N., R. 9 West N.E. ;4, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and 3.60 Twp. 1 S., R. 9 West W. M.. Inez Shearer, EJ4 of S.W. 54 Carl Abrams, Tract No. 872 as Sep. 3, 1 wp. 2 S., R. 9 West. W. M....................................... 43-89 S.E. 54, Sec. 13, fwp. 3 S., R. C. H. Clough, lot 2, Sec. 36, N54 of S.E. 54, Sec. 9, 1 N. R. described in tract book, page Geo. Ludtke, lot 6, south of W. N1.................................... ... 6.80 7 West W. M........................... 22.10 3.60 Leonard A. McCormack, W. 54 Twp. 1 S„ R. 9 West W. Nf.. 7 West, W. M......................... 23-75 47, Sec. 34, Twp. 1 N., R. 10 county road and S.E. 54 of S. 7.26 Oregon A California R. R. Co., W. L. Ricfenberg Tract No. 367 William L. Ricfenberg, S.W. 54 West W. M.............. ....... of N.E. 54 North of Trask riv­ W. 54, lots 7 and 8 less tract N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and as described in tract book, of N.E. 54, Sec. 18, 1 N. R. 9 M. E. Rhodes, Tract No. 76 as No. 128, and timber on lot 5 er, Sec. 5, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 S.E. 54. Sec. 15, Twp. 3 S., R. 3-62 page 187, less tract sold, Sec. described in tract book, jage West W. Nl............................. Sec. 31, Twp. 3 N., R. 9 West W est W. M............................... 85.00 7 West W. M............................... 23.80 3, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West W. Northern Pacific R. R. Co. Lot 41, less tracts 87 and 1089, Sec. J. W. Bell, S.W. 54 of S.E. 54 W. M.............................. 5513 Oregon A California R. R. Co., M.............................................. 4, Sec. 18, Twp, 1 N. R. 9 9-53 34, T. 1 N., R. 10 West W. M. 27.23 Nels Nelson 54 Int. S. E. % Sec. 5, Twp. 2 S, R. 9 West N.E. 54, N.W. 54. S.W. 54 ana 6.30 La. Heacock, Tract No. 133° W. D. Wood, Tract No. 1009 as West, W. M. Sec. 2, Twp. 3 N., R. 10 W est W. Nl.................................... • - • 17.00 S.E. 54, Sec. 17, Twp. 3 S., R. described in tract book, page as described in tract Upok, C. W. Hopkins, SS of S. E. 54, Albert Darby, Thact No. 1275 40.58 W. M............................... 7 West W. M........................... 26.00 190B, Sec. 3 Twp. I S., R. 10 Sec. 18, Twp. I N. R. 9 West page 48A, Sec. 34, Twp. 1 N„ as described in tract book, O. J. Boe, N.E. 54, Sec. 2, Twp. Oregon A California R. R. Co., 10.65 West, W. M............................. 4-54 W. M............ R 10 Wect W. M. •■ •• ••> 2.73 page 278, Sec. 6, Twp. 2 S., R. 3 N., R. 10 West W. M......... 9156 N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract C. W. Hopkins, N% of N.E. % C. H. Clough, NE. of N.W. 54 J. W. Scott, S. 54 of N. E. 54 9 West W. Nf......................... • 8500 S.E. 54, Sec. 19, Twp. 3 S., R. No. 1014 as described in tract Sec. 19, Twp. I N. R. 9 West Sec. 36, Twp. 1 N„ R 10 54, N. S S.E. 54, Sec. 5, Twp. G. B. Lamb, E. 54 of S.W. 54. 4.20 7 West W. M........ ................... 24.00 book, page 190F, and all that W. M........................... „ t 7.85 less 10 acres on west side, Sec. 3 N., R. 10 West W. M.......... 17-34 O. A. Graham, E. 54 of W. 54. part of lot 5 not platted, Sec. Arthur O. G. Wagner, N.E. 54 Sarah E. Petteys, 1 rjict No. 101 Jas. S. Gray, lot 1, See 12, Twp. 9, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West W. Sec. 20, Twp. 3 S., R. 7 West 7, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West W. of N.E. 54, Sec. 20, Twp. 1 N. as described in tract 1.10 15-30 3 N., R. 10 West W. M......... ........................................... W. M...................... ................. 12.00 3-8 o M.............................................. 18.70 G. B. Lamb, W. 54 of S. E. 54, page 55, Sec. 36, Twp. 1 N., R. R. 9 West, W. Nl..................... Paul Dowling, Tract No. 11 13 10.50 Oregon A California R. R. Co., R. H. Spencer, 1-3 Int. Tract C. H. Nlaginnis, S. 54 of N.E. 54 10 West W. Al.......... less 20 acres, Sec. 9, Twp. 2 S., as described in tract book, N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. !4 and No. 1015 as described in tract Eastern Investment Co. Ltd. N. 54 of S.E. 54, Sec. 22, Twp. 47.15 page 78B, Sec. 14, Twp. 3 N., R. 9 West W. M. ... S.E. 54, Sec. 21, Twp. 3 S., R. Timber on S.W. 54, Sec. 31., 1 N. R. 9 West, W. M............ 33-63 2.11 . book, page 190F, Sec. 7, Twp. R. 10 West W. M.................. W. R. Owens, S. 54 of N.E. 54, 7 West W. M............................... 32.00 1.14 1 S„ R. 10 West W. M.......... J. P. Nlaginnis, S.E. J4 of N. W. Twp. 2 N„ R. 5 West W. M.. 57-57 W. W. Jacobs, Tract No. 137 as Sec. 9, Twp. 2'S. R. 9 West T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract Elk Ridge Timber Co. S.W. 54 8.50 Vernon and Cunningham, W. '/$ 54, N. E. 54 of S. W. 54 and described in tract book, page W. M................... .... of S.W. 54, N.E. 54 of S.W. No. 1254 as described in tract Sec. 2, S. 54 °f S. W. 54 and W. 54 of S. E. 54, Sec. 25. Hugh Johnson, N.E. 54 of N.E. 84, Sec. 23, Twp. 3 N., R. 10 54, N.W. 54 of S.E. 54, Sec. 22 book, page 190E, Sec. 7, Twp. N.W. 54 of S.W. 54, Sec. 3. Twp. 1 N., R. 9 West, W. M. 37-05 2.11 54, Sec. 11, N.W. 54 of N.W. West W. M ............................... Twp. 3 S., R. 7 West W. M. .. 6.80 1 S., R. 10 West W. M.......... Twp 2 N„ R. 9 West .■■■■■ ■ ■ ■ 205.73 P. H. Crim, Tract No. 144 as de­ Raymond L. Osborne, W. 54 of 3-4° 54, Sec. 12, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 R. H. Spencer, 1-3 Int. Tract Elk Ridge Timber Co., N.E. -/t N. E. 54 and N. E. 54 of N. West W. M............................... 16.50 Oregon & California R. R. Co., scribed in tract book, page N.E. 54, N.W. 54. S.W. 54 and No. 1016 as described in tract of N.W. 54, Sec. 10, Twp. 2 N. E. 54, Sec. 26, Twp. 1 N. R. 9 Mary nson, N.E. 54 of N.W. 86, Sec. 23, Twp 3 N., R. 10 S.E. 54, Sec. 23, Twp. 3 S., R. 7.60 book, page 190F, Sec. 8, Twp. R. 9 West W. M................. ■ • 9.00 West, W. M........................... 54, 12, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West W. M............................. 7 West W. M........................... 20.40 I S., R. 10 West W. Nl.......... Claude Thayer, S. 54 of N. W. Edward F. Robson, N.W. 54 of 5-10 West W. M............................... 6.80 Oregon P. D. Newell, Tract No. 151 as & California R. R. Co., J. A. Smith, Tract No. 381 and S. E. 54, Sec. 16, Twp 2 N., R. 54, Sec 36, Twp. 1 N. R. 9. C. H. Maginnis, S.W. 54, Sec. described in tract book, page N.E 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and 5-85 382 as described in tract book West, W. M............................. 9 West W. M......................... 4-75 14, Twp. 2 S. R. 9- West W.M. 25.50 89, Sec. 23, Twp. 3 N., R. 10 SE. 54, Sec. 25, Twp. 3 S„ R. page 195, Sec. 12, Twp. 1 S., Foster S. Fisher and Homer D. E. D. Hawk, NE. 54 of N.E. 54 Ladd C. Quick, Tract No. 844 1.06 West W. M............................. 7 West W. M........................... 20.40 R. 10 West W. M..................... 17,10 Sec. 18, Twp 2 N., R. 9 W est Angell, N. '/> of N.W. 54. Sec. as described in tract book, E. D. Barrett, S.W. 54 of N. Oregon & California R. R. Co., C. H. Clough, N.W. 54 of S.E. 3-75 36, Twp. 1 N„ R. 9 West, W. W. M...................................... . page 286, Sec. 15, Twp. 2 S., R W. 54, Sec. 33, Twp. 3 N.„ R. N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 »nd 54. N.F.. 54 Of S.W. 54. W. 54 M.................................. ............ 9-55 H. T. Crane, E. 54 of N.W. 54, 9 West W. M........................... 76.50 10 West W. M........................ 14.94 S.E. 54, Sec 27, Twp. 3 S., R. of N.W. 54, Sec. 16, Twp. 1 S., D. Nlartiny and Tillamook Sec. 31, Twp. 2 N„ R. 9 West Kasper Schlappi Est., Tract No Oregon & California R. R. Co. 7 West W. Nf........................... 22.10 R. 10 West W. M................... 33-00 County Bank, N. E. 54, Sec. W. M........................................ 15-20 563 as described in tract book, N.E. 54, Sec. 19, S.E. 54 of N. Oregon & California R. R. Co., Lem Parker 54 Int, S.W. 54 F. W. Crane, lots I and 2, Sec 36, S. E. 54. Sec. 36, Twp. 1 N. page 287, Sec. 16, Twp. 2 S4 W. 54 Sec. 19 S.W. J4 Sec. 19 N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and Sec. 17, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 W«st 31, Twp. 2 N„ R. 9 West W. R. 9 West W. M..................... 57-00 R. 9 West W. M....................... 1.70 S. E. 54, Sec. 19, Twp. 1 S., R. S.E. 54, Sec. 29, Twp. 3 S., R. W. M........................................ 1360 John C. Marolf Est., Tract No. C. V. Stoker, W. 54 of S. E. 54 .. ............................................... 15-20 6 West W. M........................... 82.95 7 West W. N1............................. 20.40 T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract Nehalem Harbor Co., S.E. 54 of 5. E. of S. E. 54. Sec. 2, Twp. 1077 as described in tract book, Oregon & California R. R. Co. Oregon Nt California R. R. Co., No. 1256 and 1255 as described N.E. 54 and S.W. 54 of N.E. 1 N„ R. 10 West, W. M.......... 64.60 page 288, Sec. 16, Twp. 2 S., R. S. /» of S.W. J4, Sec. 23, Twp. N.E. 54, N.W’. 54, S.W. 54 and in tract book, page 210A, Sec. 54 and lot 3, less platted and James Langley, Tr. Tract No. 9 West W. M......................... .. I2.3J 1 S., R. 7 West W. M............ 18.90 S.E. 54. Sec. 31, Twp. 3 S. R. 18, Twp. 1. S„ R. 10 West all tideland F. A A. on lot 3 5 as described in tract book, T. H. Goyne, tract in tract No. Oregon & California R. R. Co. 7 West W. Nl. ......................... 20.40 W. Nf.......................................... 5-10 less right of way and tracts page 5, Sec. 2, Twp. I N., R. 567, Sec. 18, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 N.E. 54, S.E. 54 of N.W. 54 T. B. Potter Realty Co. Tract 6.65 1101, 973 and 104, Sec 2, Twp. 2 10 West, W. Nl....................... West W. M............................... 5-10 Oregon & California R. R. Co., andN. 54 of S.E. 54, Sec. 25, N.E. ' N.W. S.W. 54 and No. 1020 as described in tract N., R. 10 West W. M. ...... 55-00 The Tillamook Bay Co., Tract J. W. I.yst, S.W. 54 of N.E. 54 Twp. 1 S., R. 7 West W. M.. 34-65 S.E. 54, Sec. 33, Twp. 3 S„ R. book, page 211, Tract No. 1021 Nehalem Bay Land Co., tide­ No. 1294 as described in tract Sec. 18, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West Oregon & California R. R. Co. 7 West W. M........................... 20.40 as described in tract book, lands F. A A. on blocks No. 2, book, page 10A less tract W. M. ..................................... 13 60 N.E. 54, S.E. 54, Sec 27, Twp. Oregon & California R. R. Co., page 211 Sec. 18, Twp. 1 S., R. 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 16, 18, 20,, Sec. No. 7, Sec. 5, Twp. 1 N , R. 10 Eunice E. Hollopeted, W. 54 of 1 S„ R. 7 West. W. M.......... 6447 N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and 10 West W. Nl........................ 10.20 8., Twp 2 N., R. 10 West W. 430 West W. M............................. S. W. 54, Sec. 27, Twp. 2 S., R Oregon & California' R. R. Co. S.E. 54, Sec. 35, Twp. 3 S., R. W. A E. Holmes, Tract No. 723 2.99 Annie M. Berry, Tract No. 1253 M.................... ......................... 9 West W. M............................. 23.80 S. 54 of S.W. 54, Sec. 31, Twp. 7 West W. Nf............................. 20.40 Marion Edee, tidelands, abut­ as described in tract book, as described in tract book, Nancy R. Simmons, N.W. 54 of 19.20 1 S„ R. 7 West W. M ............ J. C. Ainsworth, W. 54 of N.W. ting on lots 15, 16, block 22, page 236, less tract No. 1162, page 10A, Sec. 5, Twp. I N., N.E. 54, Sec. 28, Twp. 2 S., R. Oregon A California R. R. Co. 54, S.E. 54 of N.W. 54. Sec. lot 9, block J., lots F A E Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 R. 10 West, W. M.................. 4-30 9 West W. -M............................. 6.80 lot 3, Sec. 1, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 36, Twp 3 S„ R 7 West W. M. 340 block 28, lots D and C, block West W. M........................... 18.30 Eunice Hollopcter, N.E. 54 of Twin Rocks Land Co., Tract West W. M ............................. 351 Edna S. Lamb, Tract No. 461 W. G Dwight, N.E. 54 of N.W. 30, lot 6. Block 34, Sec. 8, No. 1128 as described in tract S.E. 54 and tract No. 571. Sec. Maginis, lot 4, Sec. 4, Twp 54. Sec. 36, Twp. 3 S., R. 7 Twp. 2 N., R. 10 West W. M. 2.49 I John as described in tract book, book, page 10A, Sec. 5, Twp. 28, Twp. 2 S,. R. 9 West W. M. 20.40 1.90 1 S., R. 8 West W. M ............ West W. M. ........................... 1.70 6.02 N. McMiillan, W. 54 of N.E. 54, page 233, Sec. 25, Twp. I S. 1 N„ R. 10 West, W. M.......... James Christensen, N. 54 of S. John Maginnis, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, Oregon & California R. R. Co., less R. R. right of way Sec. 20 R. 10 West W. M.................... 26.85 Twin Rotks Land Co. Tract W. 54, and 10 acres off the Sec. 5, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 West S. 54 of S.E. 54, S.W. 54, Sec. Twp. 2 N„ R. 10 West W. M. 123.75 No. 1356 as described in tract north end of S.W. 54 of S.W. W.M......................................... 47-50 Andrew Christensen, Tract No. 1, Twp. 3 S„ R. 8 West W. M. 120.00 N. McMillan, Tract No. 115 as 1263 as described in tract book book, page 10C, less tract sold 54, Sec. 33, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 John Nlaginnis, lots I, 11, 13, 14, described in tract book, page 67, page 238D, Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S., Sec. 6, Twp. 1 N., R. io West West W. M............................... 20.40 Robert Osborn, N. 54 of S.E. 54, 20, Sec. 5, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 N.E 54, N.W. 54. Sec. 1, Twp. N. 54 of S.E. 54, less R. R. R. 10 West W. M.................. W. M........................................ 3-77 4 13 Norman Christensen, S.W. 54 of West W. M.......... .................. 206.1 3 S., R. 8 West W. M. ........ 166.00 right of way, Sec. 20, Twp. 2 T. Buttler, Tract No. 965 as de­ E. M. Hopficld, Tract No. 1026 S.W. 54 less 10 acres off north Florence B. Nlaginnis, lots 13, Oregon & Californio R. R. Co., N„ R. 10 West W. M........... 92.25 scribed in tract book, page 9, as described in tract book, end. Sec. 33, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 14, Sec. 4, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 N. E. 54, N. W 54. S. W. 54, Sec. 6, Twp. 1 N. R. 10 West page 236A, less tract No 1125 J osie Barber 54 Int., Samuel West W. M............................... 6.08 West W. M............................. S.E. J4, Sec. 3, Twp. 3 S., R. 1.62 Barber 54 Int., N. 54 of N. 54 Sec 25, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West W. M........................................ F. D. Stalford, N. 54 of N.W. 54 Stuart & Ferguson Trust Co, 8 West, W. M. . .4. .4 .4. .44 276.00 of S.E. 54 of S.E. 54. and N. 54 W. M........................................ Mary N. Fowler, Tract No. 2.07 Sec. 34, Twp. 2 S., R. 9 West lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, Sec. 6, Twp. Oregon & Californio R. R. Co., of S.E. 54, Sec. 22, N.W. 54 829 as described in tract book, T. E. Fitzgerald, Tract No. 909 1 1.90 54.68 W. M .......................................... 1 S., R. 8 West W. M............ N. E. 54, N. W. 54. S. W. 54, of S.W. 54, Sec. 23, Twp. 2 N. page 10, Sec. 6, Twp. 1 N., R. as described in tract book, Thomas Coates, 54 Int. S. 54 of John Nlaginnis, lots 17, 18, 19, S.E. 54Sec. 9 Twp. 3 S., R. 8 R. 10 West W. M.................. 29 73 page 243, Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S. 10 West. W. M....................... 3-77 S.W. 54, W. 54 of S.E. 54, Sec. 20, Sec 6, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 West W. M............................... 52.70 Presbytery of Portland, Tract R. 10 West W. M .................... R. G. McMullen, Tract No. 833 516 1, Twp. 2 S , R. 9 West W M. 18.00 West W. M............................. 10.45 W. S. Walton, N. 54 of N.W. No. 1293 as described in tract as described in tract book, Florence Stillwell, Tract No. James Tone Est. S.E. 54 of S. Ella T. Edrnunson, N. 54 of S.E. book, page 69, Sec. 32, Twp. 2 54, N.W. 54 of N.E. 54, Sec. page 10, Sec. 6, Twp. 1 N., R. 1129 as described in tract book, W. 54, Sec. 3, Twp. 2 S., R. 54, S.E. 54 of S.E. 54, N.E. 54 io, 3 S., R. 8. West W. M... 19.80 N„ R. 10 West. W. M............ 4.30 page 236C, Sec. 25, Twp. I S. 10 West W. M......................... 3-77 10 West W. M........................... 6.80 Oregon of S.W. 54, Sec. 6, Twp. 1 S., Xt California R. R. Co., H. T. Crane, E.54 of S.E. 54, E. R. 10 West W. M.................. The Tillamook Bay Co. N.W. 4 13 Clark Cook Co. 54 Int. G. S. R. 8 West W. M .................... 8-55 N.E 54, N.W. 54, S.W. 54 and 54 of W. 54 of S.E. 54 and S. James Wilson % Int. Tract No. 54 of N.W. 54, less part plat­ Smith 54 Int. lot 4, Sec. 5, Geo. T. Kiehm, N.W. 54 of N.E. S.E. 54, Sec. ii. Twp. 3 S., R. E. 54 of N.E. 54, less 2 acres ted, Sec. 8. Twp 1 N., R. 10 486 as deserribed in tract Twp. 2 S , R. 10 West W. M .13.60 54. Sec. 9, Twp. 1 S.„ R. 8 8 West W. M. ................... 254^1 of school district. Sec. 35, book, page 240, Tract No. 915 West W. M............................. 1935 Winncfred Johnson, N. 54 of N. 300 West W. M............................. Oregon & California R. R. Co., Twp. 2 N., R. 10 West W. M 76.00 Anna Hans Lesund, S. 54 of S. E. 54 as described in tract book, E. 54, Sec. 5, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 F. Paquet, S.E. 54 of N.E. Sarah J. McMillan, N. 54 of N. N E. 54. N.w. 54, S.W. 54 and page 246, Sec 26, Twp. 1 S., S. E. 54 of S.W. 54. Sec. 10. West W. M............................... 1530 54, Sec. 12, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 S.E. 54, Sec. 13, Twp. 3 S., R. E. 54 and S. E. 54 of N.E. 54, R. 10 West W. M.................. Twp. 1 N„ R. 10 West W. M. 8.88 6.15 A. H. Wilson, N. 54 of N.W. 54 500 West W. M ............................. 8 West W. NL ........................... 64.00 See. 36, Twp. 2 N., R. 10 West C. V. Stoker. N.E. M of N.E. The Gauld Co., W54 of S.E. 54 Sec. 5, and tidelands F A A on W. S. Walton, E. 54 of S.W. Oregon & California R. R. Co., W. M....................................... 3420 of SW.. 54, less 1 acre, Sec. 27, 54. Sec. 11, Twp. 1 N., R. 10 lot 6, Sec. 6, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 54, Sec. 19, Twp, 1 S., R. 8 S. 54 of N.E. 54, N.W. 54, S. 3.80 C. E. DeLashmutt, S.E. 54, Sec. Twp 1 S., R. 10 West W Nf West W. M............................. 40 80 5-10 West W. M ............................... West W. M ............................. 8.58 W 54„ S.E. 54. Sec. at Twp. 3,Twp.3N.,R. 1« West W. Elizabeth Sha, S.W. 54 of S.W. Sarah E. Hatch. S.W. 54 of S. S. S. Phelps, lot 6 less part plat ­ Oregon A California R. R. Co. 3 S„ R. 8 West W Nf.............. 30.00 16.36 54, Sec. 27, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 E. 54. Sec. 13, Twp. 1 N., R. 10 ted, Sec. 6, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 W. 54 of W. 54, Sec. 23, Twp. Oregon A California R. R. Co., West W. M............................ West W. M............................. 315 J. Garbide, S.E. 54 of S.W.’54. 9.10 1 S„ R. 8 West W. M............ 5320 West W. M................................ S-io N.E. 54, N.W. 54. S.W. 54 and Sec. 3, Twp. 3 N„ R. 6 West D. J. Hadley, Tract No. 492, Hans Lesund, N.E. 54 of N.E. M E. Griner, Tract No. 577 as Oregon A California R. R. Co. S.E. 54. Sec. 23, Twp. 3 »., R. W. M........................................ as described in tract book, 1.31 54. Sec. is. Twp. 1 N. R. 10 described in tract book, pal?*" W. 54 of N.E. 54, N.W. 54 of 8 West W. M. . . ....................... 24.00 3.62 R F. Cox, N.E. 54 of N.W. 54, page 247, Sec. 31, Twp, 1 S. West W. M............................. 309, Sec. 8, Twp. 2 S„ R. 10 S. E. 54, S.W. 54 of S..W 54. Oregon & California R. R. Co., N.E. 54 of S.E. «4, Sec. 8, R. 10 West W. M.................. 1530 Ralph Ackley. Tract No. 1087 West W. M............................... 340 Sec. 25, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 West N.E 54, N.w. 54, S.W. 54 and Twp. 3 N„ R. 6 West W. M. 3984 C. E. Hadley, Tract No. 493 as as described in tract book, Marie House. S.E. 54 Sec. 10, W. M. ..................................... 2945 S.E. 54, Sec. 25, Twp. 3 S., R. A. Mohne, N.E. 54. Sec. 9, Twp. described in tract book, page page uA, Sec. 17. less tract 4560 Twp. 2 S , R. 10 West W. M Oregon & California R. R. Co. 8 West W M. ........................... 20.40 3 N„ R. 6 West, W.M......... 19.62 247, Tract No. 494, as describ- sold S*c. it , Twp. 1 N., R. 10 Thomas Contes 54 Int.. N. 54 of S.W. 54 of N.E. '4, SE. 54 Oregon A California K R. Co., ed in tract book. page 247, 5 70 J. Garbide, N. 54 of N.E. 54 West NV M .......................... N.W 54, W. 54 of N.E. 54, of N.W. 54, E. y, of S W 54. N.E. 54, N.w. 54, S.W. K and and N.E. 54 of N.W. 54, Sec. Sec. 31, Twp 1 S., R 10 West T. R. Potter Realty Co. Lot 2 Sec 12, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 West W. 54 of S.E. 54. Sec. 27, Twp. S.E. 54, Sec. 27, Twp. 3 S., R. 10, Twp. 3 N.. R 6 West W. W M....................................... 30.60 Sec 20. Twp. 1 N., R. 10 West 19.80 W. M .......................................... 1 S., R. 8 West W. M ............ 1354 Serentha S. Phelps, lot 4, Sec. 8 West W. M ........................ 20.40 M............................................... 23.98 W. M ..................................... 1330 Oscar Monson, 10 acres of west Hans C. Hanson, S.W. 54 of S. W. M Ray >4 Int, S.E 54 of Western Timber Co. N.W. 54 Mrs I t H^ndfev, Tract No. 31, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 West W. side of N.W. 54 of N.W. 54 W'. 54, Sec. 28, Twp. 1 S., R. S.W. 54. S.W. 54 of S.E. 54, of N.E. 54. Sec. 13, Twp. 3 N., 17 as described in tract book, M.............................................. 27.20 Sec. 13, Twp. 2 S., R. 10 West 8 West W. M........................... Sec. 31, Twp. 3 S., R. 8 West R. 6 West W. M.................... 31-6; pag- te. Sec. 20. Twp. 1 N., R. D. J. Hadley, Tract No. 1363 as W. M ........................................ 2.70 Hans C. Hanson, S. 54 of S.E. W. M......................................... 5.10 10 W-«t NV. M .................... ’5 96 The Summit Timber Co., S. 54 described in tract book, page Fred Hargeaves, E. 54 of N.W. 54, Sec. 29. Twp. 1 S., R. 8 Oregon A California R. R. Co., of S.W. 54 , N. 54 of S W. 54. Sidnev Stritb Est. Tract No. 18 2-0, Sec. 31, Twp. 1 S., R. 10 54, Sec. 13, Twp 2 S., R. 10 West W. M............................. 703 N.E. 54. N.w 54 S.W. 54 and S of N.W. 54. South of R. as described in tract book, West W M......... 8 50 West W. M............................... 10 80 Chester A. Shaw, S.W. 54 of S. S.F, 54, Sec 33, Twp. 3 S„ R. R A N Co. R R , Sec. 28. pa—« »' *tec. Twp. I N . R. Ralph Ackley, S.W. y. of N.w. H. B. and W. H. Johnson, N.E. E. 54. Sec. 30, Twp. 1 S., R. 8 8 West W M...................... 23.80 Twp. 3 N . R. 6 West W M 202.?6 !0 tVe.f w M......................... 798 54. Sec. 32, Twp I S., R. ¡0 54 of S.F.. 54, Sec. 13, Twp. 2 West W. M............................. Oregon A California R R. Co., E. E. Lytle 54 Int., L. C. Stan­ Rob-’»* *'?mitt’«rs and Walter West W. M ........ 6.80 S„ R 10 W'est W. M ............. 720 Hans C. Hanson, N.W. 54 of N. N F 54. N.W. 54. S.W. ?4 and ley 54 I”L and F S. Stanley Ridet.--t—fc 'rr»rt No. 22 a* Winnifred Johnson, SS of s e . Oscar Monson N.F. 54 of N F. E. 54, Sec. 32, Twp 1 $., R 8 S.E 54, Sec. 35. Twp. 3 S., R. 54 Int. in E. 54 of S.E. 54 Sec. de’e-'^'d in tear’ book, page 54. Sec. 32, Twp. I S. R. to 54. Ser 14. Twp, 2 S., R. 10 West W. M............................. 9 54 8 West W U .......................... 2040 20, Twp. 3 N, R. 7 West W. t6 v ’/ of N W ’4. Sec. Weil W. M .......................... 17.00 We«t W. M ............................... 9 on G. L. Brown. N. 54 of S W 54 ,, Twr T N R IO West W. M............................................... ir.st Harrv W Gooch. S.E. '4 of N. Jessie L. Sherlock, lots 3, 4. 6, Lincoln Investment Co. S.E. 54 E. 54. NF.. 54 of S F.. «4, Sec. Sec. 36, Twp. 3 S., ~ R. ' 8 West M ................. 3» 92 E. E. Lytle 54 Int- L. C. Stan­ Sec. 34. Twp. t S., R. 10 West of S W K. Sec 20, Twp 2 S., 8, Twp. 1 S., R. 9 West W M. W M ..................... ley '4 Int.. F S. Stanley 54 Ann' n Pannet Tract Nr>. 25 • 340 W M 76' P to We« t W V t XJ T? W — y U- Gooch S W of V 7 40 E. M. N-Hon, ” a« d «e-3 »4 In tr->et book, Int. N. ’-4 of N.F. 54, Sec 29, |Jcu ie L. Sherlœk. lot 2, See. 34 C. W Brown. S.W. 54 See. 27, n . w y t of s. w y t , W. 54. .............................. 54. See. 36. Twp 3 S„ R. 8 Twp 3 N R. 7 W«st W M 12.54 par •• s»e 2* Twp. I N, Twp f S, R. to West W. M Twp 2 ' , P 10 West W M 2C.2O Sec 0. Twp. t S, R. 9 West. p I” „ W-st. W M «I 40 Jame« E M .toney Trttsfee V . J. W H-«t;-,.(V '/.fcr t< 3-74 34* Tr-» / pt # ’’ •/ W. M. James Chritu• , 1. ’ . I air' J X V,«-:- - Te-e, No. Jf as '< ef S.E «»4, S W. M «•< S.E. '• ’ I See 34. Twr. t S., R. IO W ’ est of N T N F M of N W S*c. I |nt». t p « ,. c tuart A F t - usou Titnb'r Co., M Sec » Twp 3 N . F « West <. Twp, d»«e ’ in •—>e, book, p'^e ' W M......................... 34 00 54. Sec jo , T wp. 2 S., R. 10 1 S, R 9 W*st \\ ‘ y ........... »7 20