TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, FEBRUARY1 20, 1916 i ' To the Republican Voters of Tilla­ I dealing with a genuinely infant J,*-..*...-- If 1 Jn 1 money in that district should be ex­ mook County. dustry — not with a finely established pended and for the best interests oi ——o------ one. the people living there. The snap I am a candidate for the Republican shot man believes that if our sugges­ ----- ~ „ nomination for Circuit Judge on c:: the tion is followed an amicable agree Letter on the Recall Giving Reasons mu. h Judkiol judicial District comprising c~ ment can be arrived at, for, after all, j Tillamook and W ashington Counties for Doing so. there is not sufficient grounds to at the May 19th, 101O primaries. j justify a recall election, for it will be Geo. R. Bagley. FOLGER’S «SS? COFFEE To the Editor oi the Headlight: — found, when the facts are known 1 regret very much that you should To the Voters of Tillamook County. about some of the charges brought against Mr. McKimens, they cannot have been misinformed as to the COFFEE To con­ I hereby announce myself as a be substantiated. It would not be a [reason of the recall of ^County Cotn- vince you bad idea to have several disinterested 1 inissioner G. R. McKimens as is in­ candidate for County Coroner on the QUALITY by tiial that it citizens accompany the court to act dicated in your last issue. 1 he Ne­ Republican ticket at the primary is better than in an advisory capacity. The snap halem \ alley residents, who are election to be held in May. Respectfully, shot man is anxious to see the road backing the recall, want the voters Other coffees, a Ito induce you tc Dr S. M. Wendt. work in the county started as soon as of the county to fully understand possible, and the money that is to be ) tiiat this is not a factional light, but, the test, we reduce the SEND 0» expended in road district No. 1 this on the other hand, it is the first tune To Ths Voters of Tillamook C°unty. price durirg FOLGER TELEPHONE RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION year should be expended to the best ) 111 the history ot the valley that they WEEK. I herewith announce myself as a advantage. Our advice to the people have been united. They arc not dis- (Strictly in Advance.) is to get together in a give and take satisfied as to where the money has candidate for the office or County ORDII One Year .... $1.50 spirit, and if they will do that the ’ been spent, but because it has not Surveyor of Tillamook County, sul- TODAÏ Six Months .. ■75 matters in dispute can be settled been spent when appropriated. ject to the will of the Republican The three reasons given for the tc- voters. If nominated and elected will 1.00 Three Months •50 amicably._________________ call are not the only ones the people endeavor to perform the duties im­ 1.50 2.00 have, as will be seen before this posed upon me with justice and im­ Timidity and Conscription. THE TILLAMAAK HEADLIGHT. campaign is over. The reasons are: partiality. "He has proven himself to be in­ Harry P. Kerr. Evidently the timidity shown by TILLAMOOK FEED CO the British advocates of conscription competent to conduct the affairs of was the chief contributing cause of the office of County Commissioner.’’ Editorial Snap Shots. For County Treasurer. the weakness of that cause in Grca at I Last summer, when the roads need- n. ■ ed repair and the residents of the If the movies pourtray scenes of Britain. When the measure ot com­ i valley needed work, the road work I hereby . announce myself as a ¡mirngniiininnimirtin pulsory military service on a modifi ­ I was suddenly stopped because 'there candidate for the office of County all real life, there must be some kissing ed scale was boldly pushed for pas ­ Treasurer of Tillamook County, sub ­ going on m the world. sage in Parliament the opposition is no more money" and, at that very ject to the will of the Republican vot­ soon dwindled to insignificant pro­ I time, there was $10,000 of the money ers at the 1916 primary election. Censor Preparedness. If the recall election is persisted in To the Voters of Tillamook County. portions. It is absured that the coun­ 'appropriated for road district No. I Respectfully, it will end in a farce, and the horse ' in the county treasury which was not B. L. Beals. laugh will be on the Nehalem people. try in the plight of Great Britain at 'and never has been spent in this dis­ The experience of the European I hereby announce myself as a can­ the present time should hesitate to I trict. didate for nomination for the office belligerents point the wisdom oi The daily train and mail service on compel every citizen to do his part I He moved the rock crusher on the To The Voters of Tillamook County, of County Clerk, on the Republican Gen. Hugh Scott’s advice that some the railroad, which was resumed this for the common defense. Neither North Fork from a big ledge of rock, I ticket, at the primary election to be form of censorship be devised as part sense week, was welcomed by the people of democracy nor good common of our preparedness program. Only, announce myself as a held in May, 1916. I wish _____ to _ _____ , support of the at a big expense, to a small ledge can be rallied to the . . the county. in the case of this country, the devict Respectfully, opponents of conscription in such which is more expensive to operate candidate for the office of Joint Rep­ and only operated it two days. should be a bureau of censors. We do resentative for the Counties of Tilla­ J. C. Holden. The editors of Washington County circumstances. He bought and located a rock mook and Yamhill at the Republican not need to go abroad for evidence is forming a local organization. That crusher below Brighton on lhe rail­ primaries in May. To the Voters of Tillamook County. of the need of such an arrangement' Segregation of Vice. is a good move, and we wish them Within-the past few weeks the mui-| road and more than three miles from F. A. Rowe. success, for it will be a financial ben­ any county road at an expense we Candidate for nomination second zling of Rear Admiral Fiske, who« I Billy Sunday is advocating segre­ cannot state now and it has proven To the Voters of Tillamook County. efit to every publisher in that county. term, on the Republican ticket, at expert knowledge of naval affairs I gated vice districts. 1 hat won t do. If of no benefit to Road District No. I. primary election in May, fof County his opinons particularly valuable, I he goes into that 1 ’ business his evan- i - These are a part of the proofs for Bro. Trombley don’t like his own 1.. furnishes an example of the way i>- 1 I hereby- announce myself as a can­ Assessor. czelism will soon tumble. Oh, yes; a .. medicine. He was one of those who gelisrn reason No. 1. formation might be withheld in case I Respectfully, didate for nomination for the office of I fell all over himself in advocating person may make a strong argument I “He has failed to spend the money of war. C. A. Johnson. for the Oregon System. Now that a for it, but arguments for wrong, ' appropriated for the various road County Sheriff, on the Republican recall election is proposed, he is op­ it makes no difference how over­ districts in a judicious manner and ticket. If nominated and elected I To the Voters of Tillamook County. Notice to Contractors. posed to it, notwithstanding that whelming they are, don’t prove any­ conducted the road work in an in- shall endeavor to enforce the law with efficiency, and economy. these that signed the recall petitions thing. There are many arguments in competent manner.” I herewith announce myself as a Respectfully Sealed proposals, addressed to the I ware perfectly within their rights of the world that you are ready to slap j The roads of the entire Nehalem candidate to succeed myself as county W. L. Campbell. in the face as soon as they turn up, Valley and, in fact, the entire North County Clerk of Tillamook County, I invoking the recall election. surveyor. If nominated and elected I and this is one of them. Legalized ) district testify to this; even the mon- ■ - o------ will continue to enforce the same Oregon, for furnishing all necessiryf prostitution has its strong support­ To The Voters of TiPamook County. policies practiced by my office in the labor and materials required for the | With the exception of making a ers but 011c doesn’t care to argue it . ey spent on his own road. past, that of conducting it strictly on construction of four wooden bridge!, few dollars when a fellow has noth­ to his sons and daughters or to up­ I The Foley Creek bridge has been I hereby announce myself as a an Engineering basis, efficiently and along the Tillamook-Yamhill joint ing to do, under our new tangled I hold it at their dinner table. The idea 1 out nearly two months, when it could road, will be received at the counl system the taxpayers can be made to is not near as strong as it used to be have been replaced within two weeks Democratic candidate for the office economically. house in Tillamook County, Oregon, Respectfully, foot the bills for a recall election. i and in a few years it will disappear ' The East Foley creek bridge has of County School Superintendent ______ R. L. Shreve. . up to the hour of 8:30 o’clock an. •The next state legislature should pass altogether in spite of Billy’s advocacy i ’ been out the same time and could subject to the primary election to be Tuesday the 14th day of March, ioiL a law to saddle the expense of a re­ If vice reigns, let it not be in the have been replaced in two days at the held in May, 1916. H. M. Cross. To The Voters of Tillamook County. and at said time and place, publicly call election upon those who started , smiles, but in the shadows of society. most. opened and read. “He has arbitrarily announced that it. Proposals may be submitted for he would not make certain road im­ To the Voters of Tillamook County. I hereby announce myself as a can­ How We Finance Canada. each bridge separately or for the provements if the money was appro­ lu theory there is no difference be­ didate for the office of Sheriff on the four as a whole. priated at the Tax Payers’ Meeting tween rook, whist, 500 and other I hereby announce myself as a It is interesting to learn from the , . when such road is the most heavily candidate for the office of County Republican ticket at the primary Each proposal shall be accompani­ games, but it costs 50c. for a pack of leading financial organ of Canada (traveled in the North District and Commissioner (North end) Tilla­ election to be held in May, and if ed by a certified check for no les rook cards and 10c. for a pack of the other kind, so we suplióse the person that Our Lady of the Snows no long- 1 greatly need of repair.” mook County at the primary election nominated and elected will do my than 5 per cent of the total amount thereof, as a guarantee that if award) who thinks it a sin to play with the er looks to London, but to this coun­ ! • Those attending the Tax Payers’ to be held in May 1916. best to enforce all laws with strict ed the contract, the bidder will enter) toe. kind, pays the extra 40c. to cover try, as her banking center. This, of Meeting know of his attitude when D. F. Thompson. economy. into a contract and furnish therewith up what is considered sinful. Strange, course, is due to the war, blit it seems an appropriation of $2,000 W’as asked T. W. Lyster. a satisfactory bond, that the wort isn't it, that some people object to doubtful if there will ever be a rever­ for the Nehalem-Beach road, travel­ So far we sion to the older order, To The Voters of Tillam°ok County. will be completed in accordance will ed by thousands each year, and the cards because some people gamble To the Voters of Tillamook C°unty. the terms and conditions thereof. with thepi. If that was good logic, have purchased over $200,000,000 people of the North District know Canada. It is worth of securities from I hereby announce myself as a can ­ A copy of the plans and specifica­ . how badly that road needs repair. they would also object to handling I hereby announce myself a candi­ tions may be seen at the office of, Dominion and state bonds I The people of the Nehalem Valley didate for the office of County Sheriff money because the gamblers play for not only _________ which have been disposed of, but the ‘ date for Sheriff on the Republican on the Republican ticket at the pri ­ are sorry to be forced to bother the the County Clerk, of either Tilh- money. But, how horrible! The gam­ ticket, subject to your approval in the mook or Yamhill Counties, Canadians have been selling other' I voters of the second and third dis- mary election to be held in May. blers are now using rook cards. securities which they held to raise , May primaries. Respectfully, ■-z . ................... —| tricts, but more than 75 per cent of The County Court of Tillamook Respectfully, Fred H. Minich. have ... signed petitions asking „ amount of ! them ...... and Yamhill Counties reserve the It seems to be definitely decided to money. Moreover, l a ' large John Aschim. Canadian securities heretofore held ■ f or ( he rfCa || t recall of Mr. McKimens. right to reject any or all bids, or to have a recall election, thereby forc­ ing road districts Nos. 2 and 3 to in London has been 1 marketed here. | There is an appropriation of $70,000 To the Voters of Tillamook County. accept the bid which may be deemed The steady drain from London of 1 for our roads this year and we desire take part in an election in which the best for said counties. Notice. people are not interested. That point securities of all kinds continues and 1 that money spent in a proper manner I hereby announce that I am a can­ J. C. Holden, County Clerk all are absorbed promptly. Never be ­ I Last year, when money was in the didate for the nomination for the of­ being settled we are now in good hu­ Tillamook County, Notice is hereby given that all non­ has fore in the history of America (county treasury for our roads, the fice of County School Superintendent patrons of the Mutual Telephone Co., C. B. Wilson, County Clerk mor lo get into the scrap, and advise so to buy this country been able work was suspended and men forced at the primary election to be held in will be charged for the use of said il»hi it be made a political fight. J. Yamhill County. W. Thompson is a Socialist, who is much , and there is no lack of the to pasture their horses on the moun­ May. First publication, Feb. 24th, 1916. 1 company's lines or phones. supply in money. mentioned in the recall petition; Geo. tain and themselves leave the county Geo. B. Lamb. Last publication, March, 9th, 1916. S. A. Brodhead, Sec. to work. These are the conditions R. McKiniens is a Democrat; give all that have forced the people of the parties a square deal a Republican Paderewski's Plea for Poland. valley to unite, for the first time in should be run to balance the parties. A good strong Republican, in our After having striven hard to secure its history, in this call for a com- judgment, would, under the »circum­ relief for his suffering fellow-country petant man in the office of County Copyrl;!-.! ion R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. stances, be supported by the people men, Poland’s greatest pianist ex­ Commissioner. of the county. All we ask is for you to investigate presses disappointment that the gen­ eral American public has not res­ conditions for yourself and give the We wonder how Bro. Trombley the ponded to his prayer. He explains the residents of the Nehalem Valcy a Democratic free trade rooster, is go­ partial differences, however, when he I square deal, which we know you will ing to explain the reason of the aver­ savs that Belgium aroused America's when you fully understand the reason age price of cheese tailing to 13.79 sympathy because it was the war's for this united effort. You will then cents last year? In 1913 it was 15.45 first great horror, and thus Poland's know there is no factional fight here cents and in 1914 it was 15.38 Cents. tragedy came too late. To some de­ in this recall petition. H. W. Tohl. When the dairymen of Tillamook gree the public mind has become ac­ ------ o— ■ County go to the polls next Novem­ customed to tales of suffering. Never­ ber it won’t be to vote for free trade theless, as Padercwiski says, the The editor is still of the opinion TOBACCO IS E .eMftEÓí Democrats, for their milk checks the blight of war has fallen more heavily , t that those who started the recall past year have thoroughly convinced upon Poland than upon any other petition were ill advised; that not suf- fOR SMOKF’.o URGER THÈ them that there is something radical­ land. The suffering of Belgium was ficient grounds have been established ly wrong with the Democratic admin­ great, but that in Poland is infinitely , to warrant the recall of Mr. McKim- PR0CE5r UNCOVERED IN istration I here may be a few instan­ greater. The situation is one that ens; and that the taxpayers of the ces where the Democratic party suc­ out to appeal to the generosity of county should not be taxed with a re­ MAKIS' j EXPERIMENTS TO ceeded in reducing the cost of living, Americans. This is no time to close ' call election on account of the differ­ and this appears to be one of them, the heart to a cry for relief because ence of opinion of a number of per­ PROimiiHE MOST. DE­ and at the expense of the dairymen of of having responded to earlier ap­ sons living in the north part of the this county. peals. _________________ county. It is the easiest matter in the LI altrrUL AND WHOLE- world to trump up a number of ac­ For the information of Republican I It Only Needs assured Protection cusations, but to substantiate them is 5 0ME FOR CIG- candidates the snap shot man will another matter. It is the judgment of strictly adhere to the policy he has the editor that before any recall pe ­ The majority party in Congress will RETr always followed in the primary elec­ make a grevious mistake if it permits titions were circulated the Nehalem -¿"/’.'S" tions by giving every candidate a its aversion to the protective tariff people should have appealed to the PROCESS PATENTED fair deal and not allow one disres­ principle to check the development County Court if the road money in pectful word to be published about of the dyestuff industry in this coun­ road district No. t is being, as is al­ JULY 30 LH190 7. them. When the Republicans of the try. It took the war to bring forcibly leged, not spent to the best advan­ County have made their choice of home to us our dependence on Ger­ tage, for Judge Hare and Commis­ candidates, then the snap shot man many for dyes, and the crippling of sioner Owens have as much right to eykuv S.W0MPAMY. will endeavor to elect the Republican many of our industries as a result of be consulted as Commissioner Mc­ ticket from top to bottom. \Ve are the present shortage show s the neces­ Kiniens, and we may add further, W inston S alem . N.C.U.S.A. well aware that if the influence of the sity of taking steps to guarantee a should have been appealed to in this Headlight was used in behalf of any supply of home-made colors. matter. It is not too late to do so. In one candidate, it would be unfair to 1 be idea that the secret of dye­ fact, we believe it to be the duty of other candidates, but we would be making is one of Germany's exclusive the County Court to make a thorough strictly within our rights as a news­ possessions has been exploded. Ger­ investigation of the accusations and paper if we cared to advise the peo­ man enterprise developed a. British it any of them can be substantiated ple to vote a» we indicated. But we invention until the Kaiser's empire it is tar easier to remedy them than do not intend doing so, for the Head­ controlled the world's markets. Yan­ to call an election. The editor will light has stood by the choice of the kee ingenuity lias discovered the wav come back at our correspondent Republican voters in past elections to make this country independent of by giving him a little fatherly advice and will do so in the future. anv other nation tor its dies, and that the socialist candidate named in o—— Yankee enterprise is ready to break the recall petition will be beaten to a 1 he snap shot man is desirous that Germany's monopoly of the frazzcl. And should the recall elec- ’ some amicable understanding can be supply provided it gets .Lz world lion develop into a political fight, the the national joy smoke some cn- reached to avoid a recall election, couragement. The only republican candidate will come out eneourage- which we are not in sympathy with nient it needs is the Listen: • • that 0,1 GT- But take the editor’s advice, Men who have stowed away gentle old jimmy ■>"d opposed to We are going to once American capital assurance pipes invests in d\”e and call off the recall election and ekenne th« sliapa make a suggestion to those who want for years, have brought them back to - color r'Toscd in the Hill bill of eoa V*" V*V WW’ that would ptft an rift ua in iPA'P* MMinl). F«*y ternn ubar. .b ’ tlllslli.in l"'titlOrf »A to I,. hold Of n»Tt » .< ;oj sajc Addrea whsre the n>| oi ,|(C W(mWL Thu - bins* ah-- »$jVh ofuitry i* k | u Drug pthalcan,. f)f. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ............ $ .10 Each subsequent insertion, line. ■05 Business and Professional cards one month...................................... 1.00 Locals per line each insertion... 05 Display advertisements, an inch one month.....................................«•> .5° All Resolutions of Condolence and Lodge Notices, per line . •05 Notices, lost, strayed or stolen •te., minimum rate, not ex­ ceeding five lines .................... •25 SAVE 10c A POUND MARCH 6 to 11 I i 1 J 1 ( « I J Why Prince Albert meets men’s tastes all over the world! RJ.R , DOES NOT BITE THE TONGUE The patented process makes Prince Albert so good in a pipe or rolled into a cigarette that its popularity is now uni­ versal! It satisfies all smoke desires! This patented process, which also removes bite and parch, is controlled by us. No other tobacco can be like F ringe A lbert ,L