Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, February 25, 1916, Image 12

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Christian Church.
There were more than 200 in Sun-
School ___
last ____
Lord’s Day and
every one took hold in earnest. Our
school has increased every Sunday
for two months. We expect to go on
to still greater things not only in the
Sunday School but also in our church
services which have been attended
by extraordinary crowds the last two
Sundays. The special music furnished
by C hester McGhee and Mrs. Myers,
and the solo by Harold Humbert
were well worth every ones lime.
Hear them again next Sunday.
Next Sunday morning: Chorus
singing, communion service, vocal
solo by Mr. Humbert and sermon
subject, "The Seven Helpers."
Next Sunday evening: Chorus sing­
ing, orchestra music, male quartette
(by special request) and vocal solo.
Sermon subject: “The lost coin, the
lost sheep and the lost boy." Public
Those Who Pay the Most for their Clothes are not Alaway
the best Dressed. Our aim is to give the best~--but in
Quality as well as in style—at the lowest possible cost.
Announces the Foretaste
Mrs. Parkhurst.
Mrs. Parkhurst again has satisfied
the careful guardians of our national ,
purity who watch at the sea gatesand |
scan the suspected alien that our ini-
pecability will not be measurably
distressed or injured by her tempor­
ary presence within the confines of
these shrinking and apprehensive
states. Thus twice in about two years
our immigration officials have decid­
ed that the British suffragist leader
is not, after all, a complete exposition
of moral turpitude, that she will not
burn the White house or corrupt our
youth, and that she may enter and
stay a while. If time enough be given
in each case it will be found that our
official processes are wonderfully in­
telligent—but don't crowd the gentle­
men. Give them air and time.
----- o
Patented Process is Responsible for
its International Popularity.
Smokers so much appreciate
flavor and coolness and aroma
Prince Albert pipe and cigarette
bacco that they often marvel t__
this one brand could be so different
from all others.
The answer to this question is to be
found on the reverse side of every
Prince Albert package where you will
read: "Process Patented July 30tb,
IQ07. I hat tells the whole story.
Prince Albert is made by a patented
process that cuts out the bite and
parch .which makes the tobacco so
mighty agreeable and satisfying to
men of every taste of every civilized
nation on the globe.
Smokers should realize that this
patented process cost three years’
continuous work and study and a
fortune in money to perfect. But the
result has proven to be worth all
that was expended upon it, because it
has set free men who believed they
could never enjoy a pipe or a makin's
Pi nice Albert makes it possible for
every man to smoke a pipe or to roll
his own Cigarette. And, no matter
how tender the tongue, Prince Albert
cannot bite or parch. That is cut out
by the patented process, leaving for
the smoker only the jovs of the frag­
rant tobacco.
„ 'lls a
'bat since Prince Albert
arrived, just about six years ago, it
"as made three men smoke pipes
where one smoked a pipe before!
Piano for Sale.
l or sale, a Hollctt \ Davis piano
m good condition. Inquire of T. ”
Johnson, 1 illainook, Ore,
’Illi Beauty and quality of
the new silks for Spring
and Summer 11)16, we are
sure, will be so irresistible
that you will want, not one,
but many lengths for your
coming season's wardrobe.
Stripes in plain and fancy
effects are prominently in
vogue and our showings in­
clude some of the prettiest
combinations one could
A partial list follows:-
Silk Organdies ............
Tub Silk Waistings
Indra Silks......................
Flortd Silk Crepes ... •
Striped Tub Silks............
Tub Silk Waistings
Striped Tub Silks ........... $1.00
Check and I’laid Silk
Waistings.................... $1.50
Per Yard.
Rah! Rah!! Hats.
25 Models
from which to Choose
Your New Spring
39c. and 75c.
American Lady
CMAKT and up to date
O Hats for the little men
in such fashionable styles
as Black and White Checks,
Fancy Plaids, Scotcfi Mix­
tures in various colors, etc.
Bring the boys along aud
see their eyes dance when
they see them,
, ,
Have Your
Wiring Done by
Coast power Co
• i
$1.00 to $3.50.
Silk Caps,
Play Day
75c. and $1.00.
ECAUSE of their popu­
larity last summer we
anticipate an exceptionally
large demand for these com­
fortable, light and withal
good wearing stylish Caps,
in Black and White Checks.
Plaids and Fancies. All
sizes in stock.
Any one of these
Per Yard.
FAST Color Cloth It
children’s wear thi
comes 32 inches in widtt
Checks, stripes and sd
colors in all the most pleat
ing shades are offered II
your choosing.
All Sizes
Lasts and ¿JWlodels in
For ¿ÿVIilady’s
Spring Wear
At Prices from
Whoarethe Wirthmor (¡iris?
1 hey are the girls and women whose Waists
you always admire because of their neatness of
tit and tailoring—because their designing is differ­
ent and because styles are exclusive. Wirthmor
Waists are the kind for which you would be will­
ing to pay at least half as much again.
Wirthmor Waists come packed in individual
sanitary tissue envelopes, They are always fresh
and an 1 clean and spotless. Never Crush. Never
Buy one (at lenst) of these New Wirthmor
25c. and 50c >•
ming season on Saturd
February 26th with J
Mabel Pratt in charge.
For 12 years Miss pJ
was with Bradshaw Bros J
largest wholesale MillicerJ
the country, and for J
years tilled important U
tions in the large cities of J
Miss Pratt is perfectly rJ
versant with the prevaiiij
styles, having spent
considerable time preparid
for her season here in Tilt,
We cordially invite yonJ
step up on the Balcony aJ
view the models represent»
the season’s latest and twJ
up to date features, Youwi
not be importuned to hoi
and any help and adviceyJ
may desire in Millinery mt,
ters will be gladly given.
The New Wool tex Suits are priced from $25 up.
The New Wooltex Coats are priced from $15 up.
?For Women,
Brick Work of all kinds
done on short notice.
We make specialty of
repairing smoking Fire
S a turdayl, February J
TT is with great pleasuiyl
1 announce the OpeninJ
r Millinery Dept. fnr‘J
By an inspection of these new Wool­
tex Models you will gain an intimate
acquaintance with the correct styles
for the coming season.
Come to the store and view our
showings at your leisure we know
you will be glad to sec the first pre­
sentation of the new modes, and it
will give us pleasure to show the gar­
ments to you even though you do not
buy just now.
Wayne Knit Stockings
Ornamental Eire Placet
Built af Brich or Stone.
All Hre Placet absolutely
guaranteed n >t to smoke
or money refunded.
Millinery £)eJ
Wooltex Suits and Coats
Jack and Jill
in the
MIE popularity of this
. Cloth last summer en­
couraged us to increase our
purchases for this season’s
trade. Jack and Jill Cloths
come 27 inches in width
and are shown in Checks,
stripes and self colors.
<pH18 early showing of authentic
Spring Styles is an important
event to every woman who takes
pride in her personal appearance and
desires to become acquainted with the
new vogue.
That our first showing of Spring
garments might include the most au­
thoritative styles we have arranged
this remarkably attractive collec­
tion of
50c. to $1.50
of the
of tho Charm
Beauty of the New Spring Fashions
New Silks
from the
La Porte Woolen Mills.
Priced from
Editorial Hoard's Dairyman, Febn.
The day is past when any progress­
ive dairyman is keeping a sire merely
that his herd will continue to give
milk, the sire is the logical begin­
ning and source of herd improvement
and for that reason we cannot afford
to have a poor one.
With a good registered sire and
high grade heifers of the same breed,
a man can reasonably expect to im­
prove his herd, but with a grade or
scrub sire such improvement is im­
possible because there is no source
troni which better qualities may be
brought in.
Take the advice of Hoard's Dairy- j
mail, the greatest authority on dairy­
ing in the United States, and discard
that scrub bull. Lay the foundation
for a herd of cows that will increase
your profits fifty per cent by purchas­
ing one of those pure bred, register­
ed, Holstein bulls from I . R. Beals.
Tabulated pedigree and certificate of ;
health with each animal.
S in all other lines of
merchandise, Hosiery
is being very seriously
affected by the dye situation
and we have been notified
that in the near future it will
lie impossible to continue
giving our guarantee of color
ns heretofore,
Our present
stock is complete in every
line and we t-
“~- every one
to till all needs now.
Black, ribbed lop, No. 900. -A real heavy indes­
tructible hose that is giving
real out size Stocking for
Women. Sizes
to nr
Shown in Black only and
10. Price per pair
sizes S| to 10. Price nr
No. IJ9& - Gauze Lisle Stock­
per pair
ing* f<»r Women in sizes S|
to 10 ' mu) in colors b!:u k
ings in a real outsize. A
white ami Taupe, nr
tine superior quality in
Price per pair.......... Z3C.
black only and sizes r a
No. 3M.
Slightly heaver
S! to 10. Price per pair dvC.
Stocking than No. ¡BW ami No. 7D2. Fine superior Silk
shown in white and black
Lisle Hose in colors white
only and sizes NJ to nr
black and sizes 8) rn
10. Price per pair ZOC.
to 10. Price per pair OvC.
i our own particular Corset Model
will be readily chosen from our
new and complete selection of
American Lady Corsets for the
coming season’s wear that have
been designed and finished to pro­
duce the new silhouette goes with­
out saying and you can safely
choose an American Lady as an ab­
solutely correct foundation for your
new Spring Gowns and Suits.
l ive only of the models now in
stock have been chosen for descrip­
tion which for want of space must
necessarily be brief.
i . — 2....
No., 140
Smart little Corset for
girlish figures, medium high bust,
medium length hips and back, light
weight in both boning and mater­
ial, 2 pair hose supporters, 1 hook
below clasp.
Price per pair
$3.50 to $5.00
Now on Display.
NE OF the most fashionable models included
in our New Spring styles in Queen Quality-
Shoes for Ladies is a “ Soap Kid” called the
4 4
This is an exceptionally up-to-date
style and is a most comfortable fitting last. The
graceful linesand stylish features of this shoe are
recommending it to the careful dressers of this
city. Ask to see it next time yon are in the store.
Theie are also shown models in Patent, Vici
Kid, Gunmetal, Patent with Cloth Tops, and
Gunmetal with Cloth Tops, the heels being
shown in Cuban and Lou'se Cuban styles.
Your own individual style is here and no mat­
ter what size or width you wear a perfect fitting
is assured.
Let us give you a fitting, even
though you do not want to buy now, you will
be interested in the style and fit of these new
Spring Models in Queen Quality Shoes.
No. "6—Designed especially for
medium figures, medium in height
and length, back shows a good
straight line, front has special grad­
uated clasp, flexible at top, firm at
tnc bottom, which strengthens the
corset and flattens the abdomen.
Made of Coutil and finished with
ial, 2 pair hose supporters, I hook
hose supporters
a « «jp
Showing of
¿JMen's New Spring Shirts,
Price per pair........
No. 260—A front lace model de­
signed for average figures. Medium
nigh bust, medium length hip, me­
dium weight boning, elastic insert
in back at bottom of corset, tongue
under lacers, 2 pair hose support-
rrS, 3 hooks below clasp, 4>1 nr
Price per pair..........
N-' 272—Medium figures some­
what well developed will find this
a very desirable model. Bust is
medium, slightly higher in back, hip
medium and free, boning medium
but firm over abdomen, and there
are two pair of hose supporters
and, one hook below clasp, fl
$1.00, $1.25, $1.50.
OT ANY too soon Men ! to don your spring t*«’*
and this showing of New Styles in Shirts would be’
good beginning. Included in the Btvles offered the1*
are Arrow and Monarch Shirts in plain white a”“
cream, and light grounds with plain and novelty stripe»,*
well as novelty striped Crepes in the fashionable Sp*”1
Shirts with short sleeves and soft broad lay down collart
with open neck.
The Arrow and Monarch Shirts are shown with l*1^
laundered and French Cuffs and in all sizes from H
Come in and look them over, yon will want otte at I**’
when you see how smart they are.
Price per pair.............. $1.4 0
—l"ow bust front lace
model for average figures. Bon­
ing medium weight, hip free rub­
ber insert in back at bottom, tong­
ue under laces, j hooks below clasp
and j pair hose supporters fQ ("A
Price per pnir^.....
The Store of
Nationally Advertís^